Cast iron cookware and its preparation before first use. How and why to season cast iron pans Using a cast iron pan

Cast iron cookware is in particular demand among buyers due to its reliability and environmental friendliness. But even such durable products need special care. To extend the life of the pan before the first use must be subjected to a number of treatments. This will prevent corrosion, which can lead to damage to dishes, simplify the cooking process, because the food will not stick thanks to the natural non-stick coating.

Preparatory stage

Before the first use, the pan must be washed and cleaned. The fact is that during production, a sealant is applied to the dishes to prevent rust. If you immediately start cooking, the food will absorb harmful substances, as a result of which people may experience health problems in the form of allergic reactions and even poisoning. Therefore, you first need to get rid of the factory protective film.

To do this, wash the pan in hot water. If desired, you can add a little dishwashing detergent or laundry soap, but this is not necessary, since after further procedures the surface will be completely disinfected anyway. If there are traces of rust, it is recommended to remove them with a sponge or a metal scraper. After washing, the product must be wiped dry and dried, then you can start calcining.

Cast iron cookware must only be washed by hand: the dishwasher cannot be used. After washing, the product must be wiped dry, as drops of water can cause corrosion.


A cast iron skillet needs to be seasoned before first use. Such a prescription can be seen on the labels and packaging of the product. The fact is that the material has a porous structure, so the pores must be completely filled with oil. Under the influence of high temperature, it will turn into non-stick coating. If done correctly, after each use, the food will not stick to the surface.

You can burn a cast-iron pan and prepare it for use at home with the help of salt and vegetable oil. The oil should be exclusively refined (preferably olive oil) and odorless. You can ignite in one of the following ways.

Method 1. On the stove

Ignition with salt allows you to remove the factory grease

This preparation takes place in two stages. At the first stage, you need to fill the bottom of the pan with a thick layer of coarse salt and put it on the stove at maximum heat. The salt must be stirred until it becomes Brown. Since this substance is a natural absorbent, it absorbs factory grease. On average, the procedure takes 30 minutes. After that, the salt should be poured out, let the pan cool a little, wash it under hot running water (without using detergents), dry it, wipe it inside with a cloth soaked in vegetable oil.

At the second stage, the dishes need to be filled vegetable oil, put on the burner over medium heat and ignite for 20 minutes. Pour out the oil, let the pan cool, then wash it and wipe it dry with a kitchen towel.

If there is no time for long processing, you can skip the first stage and immediately proceed to the second, but increase the calcination time to half an hour.

Method 2. On the stove and in the oven

This method is quite extreme, but it brings the best result, creating a reliable protective film. If there are doubts about the quality of the product, it is better to stop at the first option, since in this case the dishes will repeatedly be subjected to sudden temperature changes. Before proceeding with processing, you need to unscrew plastic handles, If there are any.

Since a lot of smoke will be emitted during the procedure, it is advisable to turn on the hood, open the windows and take care of personal means protection. It is recommended to wear a respirator to avoid inhaling smoke and gloves to avoid burns.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. 1. Put an empty dry frying pan on a large fire, but not the maximum one.
  2. 2. When the metal becomes gray color, and the smoke will disappear - turn off the fire.
  3. 3. Pour cold water into another container and pour it into a hot dish.
  4. 4. Pour out the water, wipe the surface dry.
  5. 5. Pour a thick layer of salt on the bottom, put the pan on maximum heat. Stir until the salt turns brown.
  6. 6. After half an hour, discard the salt, remove the pan from the stove, rinse cold water remove residual moisture paper towel or a piece of cloth.
  7. 7. Put the dishes on low heat for a few minutes to dry them.
  8. 8. Remove from the stove, grease the entire surface outside and inside (including the lid) with vegetable oil. It must be applied with a sponge, in large quantities.
  9. 9. Turn the pan upside down and put in the oven for 3 hours. You need to ignite at a temperature of 180 degrees. Since oil residues can drip down, the bottom of the oven can be lined with foil.

Before cooking food in a cast iron pan for the first time, it is advisable to subject it to such a treatment. This will harden the material and significantly increase the life of the product. If at some stage serious cracks have formed on the product, this indicates a low quality of the product, since cast iron cookware is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature.

The demand for good old cast-iron cookware has not changed much in our high-tech time. This is due to its practicality and the excellent quality of the dishes prepared in it.

A cast iron pan has a number of advantages over its "sisters", which have state-of-the-art non-stick coatings.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Cast iron is one of the oldest alloys used by people to make cookware. It does not contain unnecessary chemical impurities and is non-toxic when heated;
  2. It does not conduct heat well, but retains it well. Therefore, before cooking, the pan must be properly ignited. But when it is already hot, the heat is given to the products evenly, thanks to which they do not lose juices, do not burn and acquire a unique taste. Cast iron products are ideal for cooking dishes that require long languishing;
  3. Cast iron is not afraid of overheating and is suitable for all types of stoves and ovens. It is durable and does not deform. Cookware from it serves for decades, easily restores its original appearance and non-stick properties;
  4. The surface of this alloy is not afraid of mechanical damage: when stirring dishes, you can use any tools. It is also neutral to food acids of products;
  5. The more and more often you cook in such a dish, the better its frying properties;
  6. The cast-iron grill pan with a ribbed bottom allows you to cook almost without fat.

The disadvantages include significant weight, the ability to rust, the requirement for special, albeit simple, care. It is impossible to store food in it and you need to create conditions for the prevention of rust, which will be discussed a little later. And in order to feel less weight of cast iron, choose products with a comfortable handle. Even when falling, the cast iron can easily crack, so you need to be more careful with this.

How to use the pros and overcome the cons of a cast iron skillet?

How to heat a cast iron skillet

Cast iron utensils are sold in technical lubrication to maintain their presentation and to avoid corrosion. Therefore, before the first use, it should be washed with a detergent, pour salt on the bottom of the pan and ignite on the stove or in the oven. In one hour. Then remove the salt, rinse the pan and wipe.

Before first use, the cast iron pan should be coated with a layer of grease to create a natural non-stick coating that will also protect it from rust. To do this, grease the hot surface with vegetable oil with a brush, you can even outside.

Put the pan on the fire and simmer for 60 minutes or more. Cast iron has a porous structure, fat will fill the pores, and, having dried, forms a film. Experienced users recommend lubricating with solid animal fats with lard, lard, etc. to create a denser and smoother non-stick surface. After this treatment, you need to wash the pan only by hand, in hot water, avoiding aggressive detergents if possible.

After washing, the surface should be wiped and dried, preferably by heating on the stove. It is best to store cast iron utensils in a well-ventilated place, you can in the oven. So it rusts less.

What to do if a cast iron skillet burns?

The more often you use cast iron cookware, the better its surface works. Dishes are crispy and nothing burns.

Sticky food should be soaked in water and removed with a sponge. In extreme cases, you can use a solution of laundry soap. If you had to use a strong detergent or a metal scraper, you will have to repeat the application of the non-stick layer as described above.

What to do if a cast iron skillet starts to rust?

The appearance of traces of corrosion on the surface of cast iron cookware also signals that it is time to renew the non-stick layer. First, remove the rust with a sponge (in difficult cases, you can use sandpaper). Ignite the pan as before the first use and saturate it with fat in the same way.

In order to have to wash off the non-stick coating less often, get several pans: separately for making pancakes, separately for frying meat and fish, separately for vegetables and scrambled eggs.

How to clean your favorite cast-iron skillet from years of soot?

In many families, kitchen utensils that have been eaten for generations are associated with precious memories of ancestors, family celebrations and the taste of traditional favorite foods. Often the dishes are inherited with traces of "work experience". And it happens that not so old, but often used frying pan still does not reach the hands to wash. But it is not so difficult for her to give a new life.

Clean the cast iron years of soot can be done in several ways:

  1. calcined in the oven for 4-6 hours or with gas burner to the point where the soot will easily fall off at the touch of a knife;
  2. mechanically acting on the burnt layer with a metal brush, a drill with metal nozzle or grinder;
  3. with the use of chemical solutions that soften the hardened fat "fur coat".

It will be best if you find the opportunity to carry out these procedures in the open air, not in the apartment.

Since all of them are accompanied by very unpleasant phenomena. In the first method, acrid and, of course, unhealthy smoke is emitted for a rather long time. At the second - in different sides dry particles of soot scatter uncontrollably, which fall into all the cracks and cavities (including the eyes and nose). With the third, you will also have to boil chemical solutions, which is fraught with caustic fumes.

In any case, even outdoors, do not neglect protective equipment: work with gloves, a respirator and goggles.

Now a little about the composition of the chemical solution for softening soot. This solution can also be used for more delicate dishes, but not with a Teflon coating - for cups, plates, knives, spoons, forks, pans, etc.

So, you will need:

  • a regular piece of laundry soap;
  • 200 ml of stationery silicate glue;
  • 500 g of soda.

  1. rub the soap on a grater and pour it into a bucket of water, in which the pan will be soaked;
  2. add glue and soda there;
  3. heat the mixture, stirring until the soap is completely dissolved;
  4. immerse the dishes in the solution;
  5. bring to a boil and “cook” over low heat for about 3 hours, periodically adding water.

If you decide to do these procedures in the apartment, do not forget to turn on the hood and open all the windows.

Cast iron cookware has been used by people since time immemorial. Cauldrons, frying pans and cast-iron pots have firmly entered the everyday life of peoples different countries. Cast iron pans are used for modern kitchens. They are indispensable when it is required to maintain the set temperature for cooking food for a long time. The low thermal conductivity of cast iron creates uniform heating throughout the entire volume of the product and is able to maintain a high temperature for a long time after removal from the stove. On the cast iron skillet it is so easy to achieve a unique crispy crust when frying and not to lose the shape of the products when stewing.

Cast iron cookware is good because it is suitable for use on a variety of heat sources.. You can cook on and electric stoves, on the surface and in the oven. Suitable for induction and glass ceramic heating elements.

Features of the use and calcination of cast iron cookware

Cast iron pans and stewpans come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They cook almost any food. Crockery has Benefits and undeniable dignity:

  • Strength and durability. The surface is difficult to damage even with a very sharp object. Modern cast iron cookware does not split or deform when it hits the floor. Lasts for decades with proper care.
  • Thermal deformation resistance. Withstands prolonged exposure to high temperatures without losing shape.
  • High quality cooked food. The material ensures the safety of valuable substances and the complete absence of the possibility of the transfer of harmful materials from the surface of the dishes into products.

However, cast iron cookware has a number of features to be taken into account when using. These include:

  • Big weight. Keep in mind that cast iron cookware is very heavy.
  • Inability to store cooked food in cast iron cookware. Cast iron utensils absorb odors very quickly and are difficult to get rid of.
  • Moisture resistance. New cast iron can rust quickly if not wiped down after washing. Only dry wiped dishes are sent for storage. It is better if, in addition, calcined and lubricated with oil.
  • Cannot be washed in dishwasher. Prolonged exposure to an environment with excess moisture can lead to rust formation.
  • It is necessary to bake before the first use and after each intensive cleaning or washing with detergents.

Ignition with salt and vegetable oil is mandatory before first use.. Salt helps to remove all types of industrial contaminants from the surface of cast iron during heat treatment. Baking with oil creates a strong film on the surface of the cookware, which prevents rust and prevents food from sticking and burning during cooking.

How to heat a cast iron skillet

There are many recommendations for preparing cast iron cookware. Manufacturers of dishes indicate that it must be calcined, but they miss the details. How to heat a cast iron skillet? Video various ways calcinations can be viewed on the Internet. It is calcined both on the stove and in the oven. It is often recommended to pour dishes large quantity oils. Sometimes they are limited to calcination with salt and oil, and the pan is only lubricated. Every housewife should learn how to properly bake cast-iron pans so that they serve for a long time and delight with delicious and beautiful dishes. The method of calcination depends on several factors.:

  • The presence of a handle. If pans or stewpans have removable handles or handles made of cast iron, then they can be calcined in the oven. Frying pans with wooden and glass-ceramic handles are calcined only on the stove.
  • Dishes condition. The first roasting of a new pan is different from roasting an old and rusty one. Properly heating a cast iron pan before first use is very important for its further use. Periodic calcination during operation has its own characteristics.
  • State exhaust ventilation, stoves and ovens. It must be remembered that the oil will smoke when calcined until it completely burns out. Ignition with oil generously poured into the pan will not please many. Knowing how to properly season a cast iron skillet will help you avoid the hassle of ventilating and cleaning your kitchen.

Ignition before first use

In order for cast iron cookware to serve for many years, it must be properly prepared.. Every housewife should know how to ignite a cast-iron pan before the first use and how to care for it in the future.

Walkthrough, which will help to properly ignite the cast-iron pan in the oven and on the stove:

  1. Clean new dishes from grease and wash with a hard washcloth and detergent.
  2. Put the pan on the fire and ignite until a gray color appears. The procedure takes from 8 to 15 minutes depending on the heating method.
  3. Cool slightly and rinse first with hot and then cool running water.
  4. Immediately after washing, heat until completely dry and pour a layer of coarse salt on the bottom.
  5. Ignite for 10-15 minutes until intense crackling of the salt appears.
  6. Turn off the heat, let it cool slightly, pour and discard the salt.
  7. Rinse in running water, wipe and dry on fire for 3-4 minutes until moisture is completely removed.
  8. Cool slightly and brush all over. work surface layer of vegetable oil.
  9. Place the pan in the oven or put on the stove and bake for 15-20 minutes until the oil has completely evaporated.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 twice.
  11. Cool and store or use immediately for cooking.

How to ignite a cast-iron pan so that the smell of burnt oil is minimal? To do this, the work surface is lubricated with a thin layer of oil and the pan is placed upside down.

Baking an old frying pan

Sometimes it happens that your favorite pan has been stored for a long time without use, exposed to moisture and rusted. Feel free to ignite. The longer the better. It is necessary to ignite until the rust deposits are completely burned. The most resistant places can be cleaned with a hard metal washcloth and then ignited again. Grease another hot frying pan with vegetable oil and let cool. The pores of the old pan were already filled with oil soot, so to create a strong surface film, it is enough to coat the inner surface just once.

Ignition during operation

After cooking, the cast-iron pan is washed hot water with sponge. Detergents are not used, so as not to damage the non-stick oil film. If the food is partially stuck, the pan is soaked in a solution of baking soda or dry mustard. It won't damage the protection.

Frying pans that are used to prepare the same type of dishes are not washed. Remove food residues with a sponge, wipe the working surface of the pan, stewpan or cast iron with a dry rag and ignite for 3–8 minutes at maximum heat.

After washing, it is advisable to ignite any cast-iron product until moisture is completely removed. After soaking and intensive cleaning, the dishes must be calcined and smeared, still hot, with a thin layer of oil.

Food cooked in cast-iron cookware has the unique taste of dishes from a Russian oven. Subject to the rules of care, such dishes are passed down from generation to generation. Often, young housewives are puzzled by the inscription on the label of cast-iron utensils "ignite before first use." How and why to do it?

Why bake cast iron cookware

Cast iron cookware differs in its characteristics from other utensils. To maintain quality, cast iron pans need to be seasoned before use because:

Reliable durable cast iron cookware will take its rightful place in your kitchen

Methods for calcining a cast iron pan before first use

There is different ways roasting cast iron cookware.

Calcination on a plate with salt

For calcining cast iron, you can use unrefined oil, as well as goose or pork fat. The result will be the same, but be prepared for a strong unpleasant odor. In this case, calcination should be carried out in a well-ventilated area.

Ignition over an open fire

Be careful and careful when handling open fire! To avoid burns, take calcined dishes only with oven mitts or dense material folded in several layers!

How to just heat a pan in the oven

Products calcined in an oven or on an open fire should not have plastic or wooden elements.

How to ignite a cast-iron pan with only vegetable oil

The use of vegetable oil during calcination prevents further corrosion of cast iron.

Olive oil is not suitable for calcining cast iron cookware, because it begins to quickly smoke and emit bad smell.

Caring for an old cast iron skillet

If cast iron cookware is not properly cared for, it may be necessary to bake it again to “bring it to its senses”. Basically, the procedure is the same. Difference - a frying pan with a strong layer of soot is preferably placed in an open flame of a fire until it burns out completely.

If oil is not used when cooking in a cast-iron pan, then over time, created by calcination protective film is erased, and food particles stick to the surface of the dishes. In this case, we calcine the pan for 20 minutes with salt to remove particles from the surface. Then bake for 20 minutes with vegetable oil to form a protective film on the surface.

Video: how to clean a cast-iron skillet on the stove with salt

Cast iron cookware can only be washed warm water(not hot). Do not use detergents, degreasers or abrasive sponges.

If there is rust on cast iron

If cast iron cookware is not dried after washing, it begins to rust. we will use an abrasive - in a simple case, a sponge for dishes is enough, in a complex case we use sandpaper. We wash the dishes with a cleaning agent, dry them.

Since we used abrasives and detergents, the non-stick layer of the cookware has been removed. To bring the pan to a usable condition, you need to ignite it. Pour into the pan sunflower oil and bake it over medium heat for 20 minutes.

The abrasive will help in removing traces of rust from cast iron cookware.

Instead of fire, you can use the oven, as we described above.

Surface cast iron product must be covered with oil at all times. With time protective layer will increase and food will not stick to the surface.

Cast iron cookware is the most durable and requires some maintenance. Easy-to-use methods of calcination will help both prepare a new cast-iron pan for use, and restore the protective layer on old dishes.

The cast iron skillet is required element the kitchen of any hostess who, above all, pays attention to durability and high quality kitchen utensils. With the help of such dishes you can cook extremely tasty stews and fried dishes. True, buying new item kitchen utensils, you need to know exactly how to ignite a cast-iron pan so that the thing pleases its mistress for as long as possible.

Why roast a pan?

At the first experience of using such dishes, the information that you need to ignite cast iron pans looks rather strange and causes confusion for many housewives. But Russian-made cast-iron pans, like similar dishes brought from another country, need to be ignited, and it’s very easy to do. Even a beginner can easily cope with such a process, having understood the main nuances.

But you should not refuse the procedure, because it is very important for the further high-quality cooking.

What are the tasks of calcination?

Ignition must be carried out to perform the following tasks:

  • Preparing the pan for use There is a certain production procedure that every factory follows with trepidation. And it lies in the fact that new dishes (especially cast iron ones) are covered with a special protective lubricant, which serves to protect the utensils, but at the same time has a rather unpleasant smell. Improper roasting and the lack of such as a result will affect the quality of the food that will be cooked in this dish.
  • Checking the quality of newly purchased dishes. It happens that a new cast-iron frying pan becomes covered with cracks when ignited, or various kinds of deformations begin to appear. Only low-quality dishes behave this way, which can immediately be safely taken to the store where they were purchased. The return argument is a manufacturing defect. In 100% of cases, a seller who values ​​his reputation will either exchange the dishes or return the money.
  • Creation of a protective layer. Provided that they are used right ways calcination, a protective layer appears on the surface of a brand new cast-iron pan. Since cast iron is a porous material, food remains can easily get into its microscopic pores, which begin to decompose over time. In this regard, an unpleasant odor begins to appear, food begins to stick during cooking, and sometimes rust can even appear on the surface. Therefore, additional protection does not hurt at all.

The main methods of calcining a pan

Information on how to ignite a cast-iron pan is passed down from generation to generation through the female line in many Russian families. And the knowledge that was used at the very beginning of the 20th century is more relevant than ever today.

There are many different and effective methods but the most popular are:

  • salt,
  • butter.

Each of these methods for correct use will show an excellent result, guarantees long work of dishes and high-quality cooking. Provided that the purchased utensils meet all the requirements in this area.

Ignition with salt

Our ancestors knew how to ignite a frying pan with salt. Such a product as salt has been known for a long time, therefore, it was used not only in nutrition several centuries ago. That is why the process is simple, and even an inexperienced hostess can cope with it.

For work, you will need rock salt, which you can easily buy at any store. It needs to be poured into the bottom of the pan. The thickness of the salt layer is approximately 1 centimeter. The bottom must be completely closed. It is worth sending the pan to the fire and wait until the salt warms up well. It is this state rock salt allows it to perfectly absorb foreign substances, relieving dishes from an unpleasant odor.

Before calcining a cast-iron pan on the stove using salt, you need to be prepared for the kitchen to be filled enough unpleasant odors. However, this process is natural and, unfortunately, it cannot be avoided. The calcination time ranges from 10-20 minutes. Important factors that affect time:

  • fire intensity,
  • pan size.

The color of the salt will help determine whether the calcination process is complete or not. When changing it, you need to turn off the fire and leave the pan with salt on the stove. After a certain time, as soon as the salt begins to cool, you need to throw away the contents, and wipe the surface thoroughly with vegetable oil. Next, you need to reheat the pan by turning on small fire.

Baking a frying pan with oil

There are many rules on how to ignite a cast-iron pan before the first use, but only some of them are especially popular among our compatriots. Oil in this case is very effective.

Initially, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the brand new dishes and wipe them dry. The next step is to add vegetable oil. Approximate amount - so that the entire surface is covered with a dense layer of liquid. Once the procedure is completed, the oil should be poured out. Wipe the pan with a dry, soft cloth.

Calcination on the stove

The question of whether it is possible to calcinate a pan on a stove worries many housewives. Experts say with confidence that this is one of the most effective ways. And at the same time, it does not matter at all which stove (electric or gas) you have installed, because any one can be heated to maximum power.

The calcination process involves the following steps:

  1. Cast iron cookware is sent to the stove at maximum heat. Heat the pan until the bottom and sides begin to lighten. The message that the pan is fully heated will be a dark gray color. Then you can be sure that she got rid of the protective layer that was applied during production.
  2. Another hot frying pan needs to be moved under the stream cold water, thanks to which the cast iron cools immediately. Thanks to this simple move, you can achieve additional hardening of dishes.
  3. Put the pan back on the stove again. It should still remain wet, especially since when heated, the water will evaporate very quickly.

For maximum efficiency, this type of calcination is combined with calcination using rock soda. All experienced housewives know how to ignite a cast-iron pan using this product. One has only to add that the procedure is carried out on moderate heat, and the salt is poured in an even layer covering the entire surface. After the salt turns yellow, it must be thrown away, and the pan should be sent under water again.

This step in calcination was the last, after it it is only necessary to lay the dishes on soft towels that will absorb all the moisture. You can also send the pan to a small fire, where it can be dried.

Rinsing hot cast iron with cold water is a very simple way to not only temper the cookware, but also to check its quality. If at any stage of the process cracks, chips or other damage appear, this means that the pan is unusable and must be returned to the seller.

Baking a frying pan in the oven

How to ignite a cast iron skillet in the oven? As easy as pie! Moreover, this method is preferred by most experienced housewives who value time and try to do everything at minimal cost.

First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse the dishes using the usual detergents. After that, it is necessary to wipe the entire pan dry. It is recommended to use a soft cloth soaked in any vegetable oil for this. It is in this form, covered with a thin layer of oil for additional protection, that the pan, upside down, is sent to the oven, which was preheated to 180 degrees. After an hour, the oven must simply be turned off and left in this state for a certain time (until the cast-iron cookware has completely cooled). Once the pan has cooled down, it is ready to use.

And although this method takes more time, labor costs are still less. And it is incredibly convenient for busy housewives. How to ignite a cast-iron pan in this way is easy to understand. BUT quality work will help to get high-quality dishes that will become indispensable assistant in the kitchen. By the way, the oven will be a good helper if the question arises of how to ignite a cast-iron grill pan.

Preparing unenamelled dishes

Before properly igniting a cast-iron pan, it should be prepared for this process. There are preparation methods that are similar for all types of calcination. Before the first use and calcination, the dishes should be thoroughly washed using any detergent.

Caring for non-enamelled cast iron cookware

It is not recommended to leave food in the cast iron pan for storage. Neither Russian-made cast-iron frying pans, nor a similar foreign-made product are suitable for this. Dishes should be washed immediately after cooking. By the way, experienced housewives do not use abrasive detergents so as not to spoil the dishes. Needs to be washed by hand Dishwasher can also adversely affect the quality of the pan.

Which way to choose?

The choice of this or that method directly depends on the hostess. Only she can focus on what is more convenient for her. The presented methods will help to obtain a good protective layer on the surface of the cast-iron cookware, as well as at the same time relieve the pan of the production film.

The real problem is food sticking to the cookware during cooking. In most cases, it is possible to get rid of this problem precisely thanks to the high-quality calcination of the pan. Housewives also note that washing such dishes is much easier.