How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: improvised means and industrial repellers. How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony, windowsill and roof

If you have an unglazed balcony, don't be surprised if birds take a liking to it. In the conditions of the city, pigeons most often become unexpected “neighbors”. They slowly walk along the parapet, cooing and even making nests, touching with all their appearance. However, this neighborhood has a number of consequences. So that they do not take you by surprise, find out in advance how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony.

So, pigeons have chosen your balcony. What is wrong here and what will you encounter?

  • Noise. First, it's cooing. It will touch exactly until you start waking up under it earlier than the scheduled time. Secondly, unpleasant sounds from scratching the roof and slopes of bird claws.
  • Damage to the mounting foam and insulation. If after repair open balcony these materials remained in the zone of access of birds, they will peck them out. But polyurethane foam something fixes, insulates, right?
  • Dirt. You will constantly find feathers, waste products of birds and everything that they have time to pick with their beaks. In addition, pigeon feces can damage some surfaces due to the caustic uric acid they contain.
  • Diseases. Pigeons are carriers of far from the most harmless diseases for humans, such as histoplasmosis, ornithosis.
  • Inability to take seedlings to the balcony or houseplants. Birds can break them, trample them, mistaking them for street vegetation.

Balcony soiled with bird feces does not decorate the facade of the house

If the birds have chosen your balcony, keep in mind that the neighbors are also unlikely to like it for the above reasons. If you do not take action in time, you will not only suffer significantly from the birds, but also ruin your relationship with people living nearby.

How to chase pigeons off a balcony

When choosing the option of scaring away pigeons from a loggia or balcony, be guided by common sense and the principle of humanity. Do not feed the birds while trying to drive them away. However, poisoning them so that they die and then become poisoned prey for homeless cats should also not be done. There are many other solutions to the problem.

The biggest mistake is feeding and taming for fun

Scare away pigeons with noise and stuffed animals

Pigeons are afraid of noise predatory representatives feathered, as well as glare surfaces. This is what you should be guided by.

Create noise will help:

  • Loud music. The variant is doubtful. Requires good relations with neighbors, control of flying pigeons. If they are not, why once again wind the nerves of others?
  • Cans. Hanging along the length of the parapet and filled with something thundering - pebbles, peas, beads. The disadvantage of the solution is the same as with music. Noise is relevant only in the presence of birds. The rest of the time, it's up to you to listen to the rumble.
  • Plastic bags. Experienced fighters with pigeons are advised to cut them into “noodles” and hang them on the loggia. They scare the birds not only with noise, but also serve as a visible obstacle to them.

As for glare surfaces, the classic solution is CDs suspended around the perimeter of the balcony. It is almost certain that you or your friends will have unnecessary copies.

You can also find reflective adhesive tape on sale. It has a metallic surface and rustles in the wind when hung up.

Foil for baking cut into strips with rustling and glitter will scare away birds

By analogy with the garden, you can use a scarecrow. Ideally, it should be a bird of prey, sometimes ordinary soft toys of medium size are used. To enhance the effect, replace their eyes with shiny buttons. Seeing the “sharp eye of a predator”, pigeons can change their flight path and ignore your home.

Such a cute toy may well become a thunderstorm for local pigeons.

Uncomfortable conditions for birds on the balcony

If there are products on the balcony, available places for landing, nesting - this comfortable conditions for pigeons. So, in order to drive them away, it is necessary to act from the opposite - to do open space uncomfortable for life. For this you can:

  • Cover the furniture and the floor with a thick film. This is usually used by summer residents to create mini-greenhouses.
  • Remove all food and water from the loggia so that the birds have nothing to profit from.
  • Close or remove all cabinets, shelves, boxes, other secluded places where pigeons can make a nest.
  • Make the parapet unsuitable for landing. Pigeons are held on it with their tenacious paws. But if you lubricate potential landing sites vegetable oil, petroleum jelly, or other greasy substance, they will slip and not be able to stay there.
  • Lay boards along the parapet and in other places beloved by birds with nails stuffed on them with the tip up.
  • Sprinkle bread with spices as bait. Suitable hot pepper, mustard powder. They can also be scattered along the parapet. The pungent smell and specific taste will do their job, the birds will not want to return to such a treat.

Pigeons cannot land on slippery surfaces

Pigeons are quite arrogant and unpretentious, so it is possible that you will have to choose for yourself several ways to solve the problem and use them at the same time.

What can you find in a pigeon fighting store

In order not to waste your time on homemade repellers, use ready-made solutions from shops. What to search?

Anti-stick spikes

According to their principle of action, anti-stick spikes are similar to boards with stuffed nails and serve as a significant obstacle to birds. They diverge into different sides, forming the letter V. Due to their flexibility, the spikes do not harm the pigeons, but do not allow them to land on a protected surface.

You can attach anti-stick spikes almost everywhere. The main condition for this is the radius or width of the base is at least 10 cm. You can even cover them with curved surfaces. For fixing use screws, screws, glue. The base under the spikes is flexible, durable polycarbonate.

Anti-stick spikes are not afraid of exposure to moisture, UV rays, temperature changes, so they will last more than one season. At the same time, their price does not exceed a couple of hundred rubles.

Installation of spikes on outdoor unit air conditioner

Ultrasonic Bird Repellers

These devices are presented in a wide range and price range. The latter directly depends on the power of the product, its radius of action, the presence additional features. The simplest household repellers will cost 2-5 thousand rubles, representatives of the middle class - 5-10 thousand rubles. More expensive models it is not advisable to purchase for use on a balcony or loggia.

The principle of operation of such devices is simple: they emit ultrasound that people, cats, and dogs cannot hear. However, it is heard by small and medium-sized birds, which it frightens. Almost all models are equipped with a motion sensor with a given range. As soon as the bird enters it, the device starts emitting an ultrasonic signal.

ultrasonic bird repeller

When the motion sensor is triggered, some repellers act on pigeons not only with ultrasound, but also with a light signal. To do this, they are equipped with LED lamps.

Compact models can be placed on a flat hard surface, hung by the handle. You can choose repellers that run on mains or batteries.

Bioacoustic repellers

Bioacoustic devices work similarly to ultrasonic ones. However, instead of noise of a certain frequency, they make sounds that imitate screams. birds of prey or alarm cries of relatives. You don't have to worry about your own nervous system, most models provide for volume control, selection of the operating mode. In one of the modes, sounds are emitted continuously, and in the other - only when the proximity sensor is triggered.

Bioacoustic repeller model

The price of a bioacoustic repeller depends on the range, the sensitivity of the motion sensor, the number of speakers that can be deployed in different directions. In this case, the efficiency of the device increases significantly.

Such a repeller can work from a battery or mains. It should only be used under a canopy that protects against external influences. It is especially important to protect the device from moisture.

What to do if pigeons made a nest on the balcony

What to do if you are a little late with all the deterrents, and the pigeons managed to make a nest? Here you need to act decisively. You see a nest - immediately throw it away. Be prepared for the birds to try again and again. Do not give up. Remove the nest using any affordable way drive out its inhabitants.

If eggs have already appeared in the nest, you can change them for pieces of chalk or white pebbles. This is not a very humane, but effective way to demonstrate to pigeons the inappropriateness of nesting with you. Their instinct will work: they can’t breed here, they need to look for a more suitable place for this.

Nest with pigeon eggs

It will take a lot of time and patience to drive the pigeons out of the balcony. But the ability to safely take flowers there, walk on a clean floor, store what your heart desires is worth it. And remember: if you are tired of fighting, you can always just glaze the balcony.

Video examples of successful problem solving

Homemade repellers:

Landing strips:

Stuffed crow:

Many people feed birds in warm and cold seasons. Birds become bolder and begin to attack the windows of apartments. How to get rid of pigeons on the windowsill, the owners want to know, to whom they cause a lot of trouble.

1 Simple bird control methods

Sitting on window sills and balconies, pigeons stain them with their droppings. However, they can spread various infections. Therefore, it is better that the birds eat in a specially designated place in the yard. How to drive pigeons away from windows without harming them needs to be figured out. There are several simple, but at the same time effective ways. Ornithologists claim that these, at first glance, very arrogant animals are actually quite shy. They are afraid of loud and sharp sounds, predators, as well as objects with a brilliant color. So, for example, you can hang some bright or shiny object outside the window, which will also rustle. It can be New Year's garlands, fluff made from multi-colored plastic bags or something like that.

Getting rid of pigeons on the balcony

An ordinary soft toy can scare away pigeons. However, she should sew on large shiny eyes or buttons instead of eyes. Birds may be frightened by large luminous eyes, mistaking a toy for a predator. To solve the problem, old CDs also become useful. They are hung outside the window (it is desirable that there are a lot of them), the shiny side should be turned to the pigeons. A window sill covered with shiny foil, even if it attracts the attention of birds, will not cause a desire to sit on it. To enhance the effect of the foil, you can make a fringe.

The question "how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony" worries not only mothers who are worried that their babies do not become infected with birds. Discomfort and irritation are delivered by birds to people with sensitive sleep, and to allergy sufferers, and cat owners. Each of them is trying to find for himself optimal solution Problems. Some, for example, pull threads in several rows over the entire width of the window sill and fix them in this position. Such a device will cause inconvenience to pigeons, and they will stop landing on window sills.

For creating various devices to scare away you need to use your imagination. Pigeons will be inconvenienced and stretched mesh, which has sufficiently wide cells. Due to the fact that the landing will be a difficult process, they will move to another place after a while. This method, although laborious, usually gives the desired result.

Means for scaring away pigeons from the balcony

So that feathered guests do not bother, you need to know how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony. To this end, ornithologists recommend attaching a stuffed animal of some kind of bird of prey, such as a hawk, to the visor. You can also use speakers whose loud sound scares away uninvited guests. However, it is worth remembering that not all neighbors will like this method, since it is quite noisy.

An excellent option to keep pigeons away from the balcony is a special ultrasonic repeller. It can be purchased at the market or in a store. The action of the repeller consists in high-frequency radiation, intolerable to birds. At the same time, ultrasonic radiation does not affect human health in any way. The loud noise made by hanging empty tin cans will keep feathered guests away from the balcony for a long time.

For an uncomfortable landing of pigeons, the window sill or visor on the balcony should be lubricated with some kind of oil or petroleum jelly. Since birds cannot stand pungent odors, you can sprinkle all kinds of pungent spices on the windowsill. Periodically, they must be replaced with fresh ones in view of the fact that odors disappear.

If you need to get rid of the invasion of birds, then feeding them is strictly prohibited. If they find at least some leftover food, they will become frequent visitors to window sills. Close cooperation with neighbors will help prevent this. By joining forces and making your balconies unattractive to birds, you can get rid of them once and for all. Particular attention should be paid to the railing, because if it is uncomfortable to sit on them, then the pigeons will stop flying to this place.

2 Radical measures

If getting rid of pigeons in more humane ways does not work, and they continue to cause a lot of trouble, then you can resort to drastic measures.

Wire to scare away pigeonsOne of the options you can choose a trap for birds. Anyone can make it at home. To do this, we construct a loop from a dense thread, pour grains into the center and place it at low tide. When the dove lands in the center, tighten the thread with a sharp movement of the hand. The captured pigeon must be released through another window so that its friends do not see how it returns to freedom. These traps can also be purchased at pet stores. There is an assumption that this method is one of the most effective.

More cruel methods include pulling a fishing line or sharp wire across the width of the visor, which will injure the paws of the birds. They will hurt and forever scare away the pigeons from the windowsill with nails driven up with the tip.

Bird scaring wire

Pigeons - very smart birds, so if there is some food or water on the balcony, they will become frequent guests of this room. Therefore, it is necessary to remove any means of food from the unglazed balcony, then the birds will stop flying, since this will not make sense.

It is also worth noting that turtledoves often look for balconies to equip their nests. How to scare away pigeons from the balcony in this case? First, use the above recommendations. And secondly, remove all furniture and objects on which one could equip a nest. However, it is not always possible to follow the laying of eggs, and the owners no longer find an empty nest, but with testicles. Here you can resort to a cruel, but very effective method: pick up pigeon eggs, and put similar objects in their place. Such a substitution will not go unnoticed, and the pigeons will leave the balcony room.

3 A few words as a conclusion

There are known facts when pigeons, remembering the face of the offender, deliberately returned to their former habitat, thus, as if trying to take revenge. Extreme care should be taken in their extermination when there are children in the house. In no case should they see cruelty to animals, because this can negatively affect the unformed psyche of the baby.

So, there are many ways to scare away feathered guests from the windows of your apartment. You can also try various options and choose the one that suits you best. Poisons and other cruel measures should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when more humane ones do not help, and the harm caused by birds is great enough.

The presence of pigeons on the balcony of an apartment building can be a problem for both the owners of the apartment and their neighbors. Many residents of high-rise buildings are thinking about how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony. Below are some tips on this topic.

In order to effectively combat the presence of “messengers of peace” on your balconies, you should find out why this place is so attractive for birds?

  • The balconies of city apartments seem to be made for pigeons.
  • Wide window sills provide an ideal perch that is easy to take off from and easy to land on.
  • The habit of storing various rubbish on balconies allows birds to easily find a nesting place.
  • What does not fit in the refrigerator will go to feathered food.
  • Balconies, as a rule, are well protected from wind and precipitation.

All in all, best place in the city than the balcony of a residential building from the point of view of a pigeon, not to be found. Another thing is that the people living in it are of the opposite opinion, and how to scare away the pigeons from the balcony worries every tenant to a greater or lesser extent.

How to get rid

In order to get rid of the neighborhood of birds, if you don’t like stomping on the windowsill, cooing at odd hours, the hassle of wings and droppings that accompany pigeons everywhere, you will have to try hard. It is not easy to drive birds away from the place they like. Birds will defend it with might and main. And your right to a balcony territory will have to be proved in various ways.

scare away

It is not often possible to meet a brave dove, so scaring away is one of the most effective methods to get rid of unwanted neighborhood feathered. In order for scaring to really make pigeons leave you alone, you need to know what the birds are afraid of.

Despite the ostentatious impudence, pigeons are wary of sharp and loud sounds, shiny, moving things, moisture, and predators.

Foil finely cut into strips, or CDs assembled in the form of blinds, will surely scare away the birds. Several small mirrors located around the perimeter of the loggia and letting in sun glare will serve the same purpose.

It is unlikely that you will be able to acquire a predator on the balcony, but a stuffed crow or a domestic cat will make the pigeons think about whether it is worth sitting on your balcony. By the way, transistor speakers placed on the windows through which music plays can also serve as an excellent scarecrow, but this is not for everybody. Ultrasound also has a deterrent effect on any animals. For a radio amateur, it doesn’t cost anything to assemble a device with your own hands that will scare the birds and will not interfere with your neighbors. In general, any irritating factors, rarely found in nature, scare the birds and they will forget the way to your balcony.

Creating discomfort

A clean loggia without traces of food waste is unlikely to tempt the birds, and if you periodically lubricate the balcony railings with oil or petroleum jelly, then the pigeons will soon stop flying to you. Stretched fishing line, wire or mesh can make it difficult for pigeons to land on the loggia.

Pigeons will not like a small amount of spices sprinkled on the windowsill. Clogged in places chosen by birds, you can drive in a few nails or place barbed wire. Having pricked a couple of times, the pigeons will look for a more hospitable haven. Available in the market and pet stores various devices which are not to the liking of the birds. They look more aesthetic than homemade ones. It is important to know that feeding birds in winter will have to be abandoned.

Pigeons are unlikely to bypass the feeders with the remnants of food. It is possible to effectively resist the invasion of birds only in cooperation with neighbors. If nearby balconies are unattractive to birds, then they will not encroach on your territory. Pigeons are interested not so much in the balcony as in its railing. Birds are not able to ignore such a convenient observation platform. Having made it impossible to take off and land on them with the help of piercing, sliding and adhesive devices, you will surely get rid of the visits of birds.

The proximity of the roof and the attic makes bird visits to the loggias of the inhabitants of the upper floors the most frequent and intrusive. The described methods can help to minimize their consequences.

Deprivation of nesting sites

Watching pigeon pairs is a pleasant and soothing experience if it is not in your own home. Once the pigeons build a nest on your balcony, it will be difficult to drive them away. In these cases, it is necessary either to get rid of the nesting site, or to replace the pigeon eggs with fake ones, from which chicks will never appear. It can be expected that, having not found their clutch, the birds will go looking for more safe place for your home.

Getting rid of unnecessary things old furniture, cardboard boxes, you will practically deprive the birds of the material for building nests. There aren't many of them in the city. Things with which it is a pity to part, it is advisable to cover plastic wrap, pigeons do not tolerate it.

Having found a pigeon masonry, you need to destroy it without regret, otherwise the neighborhood of birds and their droppings will become commonplace on your balcony.

If you are moderately persistent and ruin pigeon nests over and over again, then you can finally get rid of the birds.

Move to the dovecote

For those who like to keep birds in urban conditions, it can be advised to organize a small and comfortable dovecote in the courtyard of the house. Here "ornithologists" can feed the birds, build their nests and admire the pigeons without compromising the cleanliness of their own balconies. And the birds will be safe and comfortable. It is easier to care for birds that have their own home than for wild ones that nest anywhere.

Pigeons will certainly prefer a properly and lovingly arranged room, the presence of constant food, protection from rain, wind and predators to a dubious neighborhood on a balcony with quarrelsome residents.

Video “How to drive pigeons away from the balcony”

This video talks about a simple and effective way to protect the balcony from pigeons.

Pigeons are used to living next to people, getting food from them. City birds are not at all shy, often settling very close to a person, up to a balcony, window sill or roof. How to get rid of pigeons and why should you do it? The reason lies not only in the "autographs" that the birds leave behind. We offer to learn about the dangers of pigeons and how to scare them away.

Why you need to get rid of pigeons

Why get rid of pigeons on the windowsill? These cute birds live next to a person, calmly coo to themselves, and do not require special maintenance. However, harmless creatures only seem so. The main harm to humans is pigeon droppings.

If you love birds, feed them, try to carefully handle crap surfaces so as not to pick up an infection. But even if the birds do not bother you, be prepared to meet the bewilderment of your neighbors. Suitable for breeding pigeons country houses and dachas, not urban high-rise buildings. Birds, quite obviously, will shit on neighboring balconies.

Pigeon fighting is built on scaring away, creating adverse conditions. Do not worry about the birds that you will drive away from their homes. Pigeons take root everywhere, they will easily find a new home for themselves.

Ways to deal with pigeons on the balcony

If the birds periodically fly onto the balcony, it is enough just to scare them away. Pigeons are afraid of sharp sounds, moving objects, sun glare. Get a pet (cat, dog): such a cohabitant is unlikely to please the birds.

How to evict birds from a balcony:

  1. The simplest remedy is to install a mosquito net and do not open windows without it. The trap will protect against insects and birds. Unfortunately, the mesh will not save you from the iron window sill.
  2. Foil. Buy it at the store and cut into strips. Hang them around the entire perimeter of the balcony or windowsill. The foil will rustle and glare, this will help repel pigeons.
  3. Old CDs. Look in your pantry for old CDs and DVDs, or buy new ones, they're inexpensive. Place with outer and inside balcony. You can build something similar to a New Year's garland, there are master classes on the Internet that will help you assemble from floppy disks beautiful jewelry. The glare will scare the birds and decorate the balcony.
  4. Drive away the feathered sound. If the birds have settled on the balcony, bring the radio to it and turn it on at full power. The pigeons will immediately fly away. Heavy music also acts as a deterrent. But be prepared for claims from neighbors.
  5. Let the cat out on the balcony. If the animal is active enough, it will let the pigeons know who is the boss in the house. But even without an attempt on life, the birds will sense a potential predator and leave the balcony. Important point: if the apartment is high, there is a risk that the animal will play and accidentally fall out of the window. Put a mesh that cannot be knocked out from the inside, when buying, check that the fibers are strong and not afraid of claws.
  6. Arrange water procedures for the winged freeloaders: a couple of powerful jets from a hose will forever discourage them from settling on the balcony.
  7. Deceive the birds by scattering millet with cayenne (hot) pepper or dry mustard on the windowsill. Pigeons are in for a big disappointment, and they will no longer honor your balcony with their presence.
  8. Which is logical, if you do not want to see the birds at the horse - do not place or remove the feeders and water containers. Let the birds know that this is not a canteen.
  9. You can sprinkle spices on the places where the pigeons sit.
  10. Remove furniture and other items so as not to provoke birds to nest on the balcony.
  11. Collect some tin cans and hang them along the balcony. From the wind, the containers will hit each other and make unpleasant sounds. It is clear that such noise will not please the ears of homeowners and their neighbors.
  12. A scarecrow is a good old way to drive away birds not only from a balcony, but also from fields where crops grow. Make your own scarecrow. Take a soft toy with glass eyes and fix it on the balcony. The eyes will shine, imitating the look of a predator. Alternatively, buy a fake stuffed crow. Pigeons are not friends with these birds and will not settle nearby. A stuffed bird of prey (hawk, owl) is also suitable. One condition: the scarecrow must be more than 0.5 m in height, otherwise the pigeons will not perceive it as a threat.
  13. Install an automatic air freshener with a strong scent, such as citrus. Birds will forget the way to such a place.
  14. To prevent birds from settling on roofs and penetrating into the attic, install a weather vane that will make noise and shine, thereby scaring them.

Advice! Compassionate people can move the feeders to the yard, hang them on trees and continue to feed the birds in more suitable place. By the way, give pigeons seeds, millet, barley, barley, boiled peas or lentils as food. Suitable cereal food for parrots.

What to do so that pigeons do not sit on the windowsill

How to scare away pigeons from the windowsill? We offer a number of simple ways:

  1. Coat the window sill with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. Pigeons will be uncomfortable landing on slippery surfaces.
  2. Paint the windowsill with silver paint. It will shine in the sun and scare away birds.
  3. Cover a window sill with shiny baking foil.
  4. For the next method, stock up on fishing line. Stretch several pieces at a height of 5 cm from the level of the window sill and fix. This is one of the most effective methods: Feathered creatures simply won't be able to sit down.
  5. Naphthalene balls placed on the windowsill will scare away the birds with an unpleasant odor.

Radical Methods

Although pigeons cause some disturbance, in general they are peaceful and calm creatures. In no case should you go to extremes, that is, catch and kill them. Cruelty to a living being cannot be justified in any way. If annoying birds do not want to leave the balcony or attic, you can take these measures:

  1. A pigeon repeller is a special device similar to a radio receiver. It makes unpleasant sounds for birds, and they are forced to leave their homes. Other types of birds will not fly to the balcony: thrushes, sparrows, starlings, crows. Repellers are expensive, but effective method fight.
  2. Bioacoustic repeller imitates the calls of birds of prey.
  3. Observe where the pigeons like to sit, and put boards with nails there. An alternative is studded tapes, which are sold in hardware stores.
  4. If you start the situation and find nests with eggs, replace them with similar items. Suitable pieces of chalk, smooth light pebbles. In a few days the deception will be revealed and the birds will fly away. You can just destroy the nest.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that pigeons are observant birds. They may notice some effort on your part and learn how to get around obstacles. Therefore, it is recommended to fight pigeons with several methods at once, so that they do not have a single chance. Block their access to the room, do not feed, install various repellers. Be prepared that the birds will not leave the balcony or window sill immediately, be patient.


To prevent pigeons from returning or never settling on the balcony at all, follow these tips:

  1. Do not litter the balcony so that the birds do not see it as a potential nesting site. Remove old boxes, things, furniture in time.
  2. Do not leave food and water for pets on the balcony.
  3. Plants that spend the summer outdoors can attract birds. If you notice an increased interest of pigeons in seeds, eliminate the food source.
  4. Do not feed them even occasionally, so that a habit does not develop. Birds are attached to places where there is food.
  5. Glaze the balcony, install mosquito net. To prevent birds from entering the attic, cover ventilation windows gratings.

Don't wait for the pigeons to nest on your balcony, start fighting them right away. The sooner you start scaring them off, the easier and cheaper it will cost you. Enlist the support of family members and neighbors. In order for the birds to definitely leave the house, no one should feel sorry for them and secretly feed them.

Pigeons, who have chosen attics, balconies and window sills, bring many problems: from constant noise to the threat of diseases, since these birds are carriers of infectious diseases. By attracting pigeons with food and enjoying close contact with birds, people add another problem to themselves - the difficulty of getting rid of them. About effective ways daring birds away from home structures will be discussed in the article.

Pigeons on the balcony: effective ways to get rid of

Self-feeding of birds can turn into a nuisance: there are more and more pigeons every day, and the balcony is dirtier. You should never feed pigeons from terraces, loggias, feed them in your own attic - do it in a park or in a forest.

In the fight against pigeons, the main thing is not to hesitate

Getting Started with Birds

When embarking on the path of fighting birds that have occupied balconies and attics, you must remember that you have two ways. The first is the use of improvised means and folk methods. The second is in the use of special devices and devices to scare away birds. We recommend starting with simple steps and if they are not enough, you will be helped by radical methods of struggle.

Before you start scaring pigeons from balconies, roofs, window sills and attics, make sure that access to food and water is completely closed to them. Otherwise, any method used will not be effective. Birds are based where they are fed.

When trying to get rid of noisy birds, remember:

DIY bird scarers

There are many ways to scare away pigeons in simple ways. To begin with, it is worth studying the psychology of pigeons. They are afraid of everything shiny, and especially if the shine is combined with rustling.

To make it more difficult for the birds to hold onto the iron window sill with their paws, apply glue or adhesive tape over its entire surface - the birds will not have the opportunity to gain a foothold

Birds cannot stand loud bangs and noise, slamming doors, loud voices and whistles. Pigeons will definitely fly away from the constant impact of a laser pointer. Another method is to douse the birds with water. All of the above methods of scaring away pigeons from their homes have one major drawback - this will have to be done constantly. It is unlikely that you want to regularly scream loudly, scaring the neighbors, douse the birds several times a day with children's water pistols, and also shine on them laser pointer. Therefore, we present to your attention ways that will regularly scare birds without the constant presence of a person:

In many cases, one of the listed methods is enough to completely get rid of pigeons.

Special devices for scaring away pigeons

If the remedies described above did not help, and the birds are still frequent guests of your residential buildings, then more serious means will be used. Repellers are different - you can choose to your taste and wallet.

Pigeons are afraid of danger: if a cat is constantly sitting near a window or on a loggia, then they are afraid to fly closer

Ultrasonic devices

Ultrasonic devices emit signals that are inaudible to human ears, but completely intolerable to birds. As a bonus, the devices help to scare away small rodents, which is important in the country.

On sale there are various appliances emitting ultrasound. There are also modern models, which are triggered when the bird just flies up to the house. Devices of this kind cost about 2 thousand rubles.

Bioacoustic devices

The principle of operation of bioacoustic devices is similar to the operation of ultrasonic devices, only these devices emit a sound similar to the cries of birds of prey - eagles, falcons, hawks. Pigeons will become wary of flying close to the source of such signals. Their cost is slightly higher than ultrasonic devices - from 3 thousand rubles.

There are devices that imitate the sound of a shot - thunder guns. They do not harm the birds, they only scare them away.

Bioacoustic repeller emits a sound similar to the cries of falcons, eagles and hawks

Laser devices

The laser apparatus is capable of producing a beam that acts directly on an approaching threat. The beam from the device slides in the room, no special settings need to be made - the principle of operation is quite simple. The light effect helps to get rid of birds and is especially effective when used on balconies and loggias.

Video: how to scare away pigeons from a balcony

How pigeons are poisoned if other methods do not help

Poisoning pigeons is completely inhumane. But if these birds attacked you in such a way that it is impossible to get rid of them by any of the above methods, then radical means are used.


Insecticide that affects the intestines is sold in plastic bottles and absolutely safe for humans. Usually they process grains and scatter them in places that have been occupied by birds. The poison acts quickly: the remains of birds are recommended to be burned immediately. Poison should be kept away from pets and kept away from bird-baiting areas.


An elementary way to bait pigeons without the use of poison is to add to the feed sawdust. Such food already swells in the goiter of the bird, before reaching the stomach. As a result, birds die, poisoned by decay products.

Concentrated manganese solution

A solution of two grams of manganese per kilogram of live weight of pigeons is capable of killing birds. For humans, the solution is not poisonous. It is most effective when added to food and water for birds.

Feed pigeons only in specially designated places: in forests and parks - and in no case at home!

Reviews: how to ward off pigeons from a balcony in a city apartment

In Germany, you can buy an artificial crow. You put such a bird on the railing of the balcony, and the pigeons are afraid to fly there. And it looks decorative. If you have stores like OBI, you can ask there.

There are also special spikes made of plastic: they are placed on horizontal surface or attached to the fence, and the birds do not have the opportunity to sit there. And yet, I heard a recommendation to pour black pepper on the problem area.


And on our small balcony they have been making a nest for many years. All the same, it is impossible to use it, it is only thirty centimeters wide. Pigeons settled there before us, when we bought an apartment, they already lived there ... and it was inconvenient for me to kick them out. They breed chicks there, small and funny, and then the chicks grow up and learn to fly. So we just have an ornithological station, observation of family life pigeons. Of course, you won’t go out onto the balcony, the disgusting and unsanitary conditions are continuous, but I can’t drive them out ...


The store offered the following options: Pigeon repellent spray that forms a sticky lather. Pigeons get stuck in it, and the next time they allegedly do not climb. In order to wash this very foam, another spray is offered. Plastic spikes. At the same time, the seller happily demonstrated on himself how they stick a dove in the ass. Terrible thing. Of course, I am concerned about how to get rid of pigeons, but not to the same extent ...


Buy a snake in dollars, it should help, I constantly have all sorts of birds fouling the pool, after I put a couple of snakes on the sides, the birds don’t even sit down. Looks like the innate instinct is kicking in.

None of the above methods will be effective if the room where the pigeons enter is cluttered. Birds love boxes and boxes where nests are easily built. Approaching the fight competently and choosing first of all a method that scares off and does not kill from those described above, you will get rid of the problem of constant bird attacks that damage your property.