How and what to cover the greenhouse: types of coatings and features of their installation. How to Choose a Plant Covering Nonwoven Fabric for Greenhouses

How greenhouses are covered? There is an incredible amount of materials, but each gardener has his own preferences regarding quality, cost and, of course, the characteristics of the canvas. For quite a long time, glass, polyethylene, and in rare cases, polycarbonate were used to decorate greenhouses, and now you can find coverings such as non-woven covering material in almost every garden.

Greenhouse nonwoven fabric

The nonwoven covering material has a lot of advantages, thanks to which it is so popular today.


  1. It is able to transmit moisture, the rays of the sun, however, there is a certain stabilizer in the canvas, which is a component of the raw material, from which a material is created that can prevent the penetration of harmful UV rays. It is the harmful rays that cause indelible harm to plants.
  2. Greenhouses made of covering fabric heats up slowly and cool down for a long time, respectively, inside the structure, the temperature remains at an optimal level throughout the day.
  3. Under such material, the soil cannot dry out, even in dry weather, and with heavy rains, excess moisture is absorbed into the greenhouse cover.
  4. Removing and stretching the canvas is not difficult and does not take too long. Due to the high strength of the material, it cannot tear even under strong mechanical stress.

On average, the service life of a nonwoven fabric is 3-6 years.

Features of working with non-woven fabric

There are some features of working with non-woven material that you should familiarize yourself with before purchasing a product and starting to install it on a structure. Experienced gardeners have enough tricks that help to extend the life, as well as make the material more practical and convenient to use.

Operation secrets:

  1. When sewing a fabric strip along the central part of the canvas, as well as supplying it with bandages, the process of stringing the fabric onto the frame will be simpler and not difficult. To do this, you do not need to use a special tool, but only the skills to tie strong knots.
  2. To reduce the sailing effect, you can make wooden slats along the edges of the canvas.
  3. If you combine non-woven fabric and polyethylene film, you can significantly increase the life of the material. However, it is worth remembering that the film does not allow moisture to pass through, which means that you need to cover the second polyethylene layer only in rainy weather.
  4. If the structure is arched, then you can not remove the canvas for the winter. It is worth noting that in this case, the life of the material will be significantly reduced.

When non-woven fabric can no longer be used to cover a whole greenhouse, pieces of it are used to insulate seedlings during seedlings.

Which is best for a greenhouse: fabric, polycarbonate or film

What kind of coating should be used to decorate greenhouses so that the plants are in ideal conditions for germination and development? Which to choose: woven or non-woven fabric? This is the question that gardeners ask themselves when they face the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses. The choice of paintings for today is huge and it depends on various factors, for example, on cost, characteristics, or on external data.

Types of coverage and their characteristics:

  1. Silicate glass has excellent light transmittance, as well as unlimited service life, but it has a high cost, weight and material is very fragile, which makes it less in demand. For greenhouses, it is worth using glass with a thickness of 4 mm.
  2. Cellular polycarbonate is much stronger than the previous material, and it is also resistant to various temperature extremes and ultraviolet radiation. It is elastic and can be finished with a variety of configurations. The thickness of the polycarbonate is 6-16mm. In terms of service life, it is the most durable, since the canvas can be used for up to 20 years.
  3. Polyethylene film is the most affordable material and is an excellent way to shelter plants from rain and wind. Unfortunately, the canvas is not strong and can be deformed at the slightest mechanical impact. The film is purchased, as a rule, for one season.
  4. Acrylic canvases are rare for vegetable gardens, but the material has excellent strength and elasticity. There is no limitation on the service life.
  5. PVC sheets are an innovation in covering small greenhouses and greenhouses. Such a canvas has excellent resistance to mechanical stress, temperature changes, as well as harmful UV rays.
  6. Non-woven covering material can be used for up to 6 seasons, it perfectly permeates moisture and prevents the penetration of harmful rays of the sun.

Under such a tissue, the plants will be in an optimal microclimate, which means that it will be an ideal option for growing a rich and high-quality crop.

How to choose a greenhouse cover fabric

Now many gardeners have to deal with many outlandish names that are written on the labels of various covering materials. Initially, it may seem that this is a set of letters, but each non-woven fabric has its own distinctive features, cost and original appearance.

It is worth noting that, in general, nonwoven fabric differs in density, each type of which is suitable for a specific type of plant:

  1. 17-30 g / m2 - suitable for protecting plants planted outside greenhouses from ultraviolet rays and frost, which adversely affect the seedlings. Due to the excellent permeability of such essential resources as water, light and heat, plants are in an ideal microclimate in which they will thrive, grow and bear fruit. The excellent quality of such a canvas is that it can save plantings from birds and insects, or in other words from the main pests. Material with this density, as a rule, is used to cover shrubs, berry crops, vegetables and fruits, as well as ornamental plants that grow in open ground.
  2. 42-60 g / m2 is excellent for building a greenhouse on arches, even for winter constructions.
  3. 60 g / m2 suitable for beginner gardeners. It has a lot of positive aspects, which significantly pays for its cost. In the manufacture of the canvas, a special stabilizer is used that prevents the penetration of harmful UV rays under the canvas. The material is strong, durable and wear-resistant. Due to the presence of carbon in the fabric, the fabric is black.

This color promotes absorption of sunlight and emits a large amount of heat into the interior of the structure. In other words, plants are warm and do not fade under the influence of the sun. Weeds die in the absence of sufficient light. Such a woven material is excellent for growing a rich and high-quality crop.

Selection rules: non-woven covering material for greenhouses (video)

It is not difficult to make a greenhouse by choosing such a fabric. And the effect will be just great if you choose the right density.

How to cover the greenhouse: design options

In the spring, it is time for planting seedlings and sowing seeds in the ground. The sooner this is done, the earlier the seedlings will sprout and the harvest will ripen.

Therefore, care must be taken to create comfortable conditions for plants. Buy or make your own greenhouses and greenhouses in which young plants can be sheltered from the weather.

Greenhouse film

Covering materials have long been used to protect seedlings and crops. Now there are more and more of them and it is not easy to understand which of them are intended for what.

Indoor plants are not afraid of short-term spring frosts, wind and hail. But it all depends on the correct choice of the material itself.

What are the covering materials

Covering material for greenhouses

Glass, polycarbonate and materials consisting of non-woven polypropylene fiber are used as coverings for greenhouses and greenhouses: Spunbond, Lutrasil, Agril, Agrospan.

This is a new word in the market of covering materials, they have improved properties compared to conventional films. But not all of them are intended for greenhouses and greenhouses.

Their quality depends on the use of a UV stabilizer, and their strength, functionality and durability depend on their density. They serve to protect the seedlings after planting them in a greenhouse, promote rapid rooting and growth. If you familiarize yourself with the properties of all materials, you can decide how best to cover the greenhouse.

Comparative characteristics of film and canvas Agrospan

Greenhouse cover option - agrospan nonwoven fabric

Due to its qualities, Agrospan creates a special microclimate in the greenhouse and surpasses the usual film in many respects:

  • Permits moisture and sunlight in small doses, thereby protecting plants from drying out;
  • Maintains a stable temperature and minimizes fluctuations;
  • Does not break when folded, easy to clean and does not tarnish;
  • Strong and durable, can be used for 4-5 seasons;
  • Protects plants from frost down to -3 degrees, and if you cover the greenhouse with it in two layers, then up to -5.

The properties of a conventional greenhouse film, the low price of which compensates for the disadvantages, are as follows:

  • Transparent, good light transmission;
  • Does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • Suitable for temporary shelters;
  • Ages quickly and collapses under the influence of low temperatures;
  • Poorly transmits infrared radiation, therefore, does not protect against temperature extremes.

However, thanks to new scientific developments and modern technologies, improved types of plastic films have appeared.

They are used as a covering for greenhouses and greenhouses. It is a very popular material for the needs of gardeners and gardeners.

Types of film coatings

Crop protection polyethylene film

Plastic wrap is the most famous material used by gardeners and gardeners. It is produced in rolls and sleeves 3, 4 and 6 m wide, of different thicknesses. Gardeners have a wide choice of what to cover the greenhouse.

What types of film coatings are:

  • Reinforced - a fiberglass mesh inserted into it makes the film stronger;
  • "Breathable" - it allows moisture to pass through, as it has tiny holes through which air passes;
  • Color light-converting - has special additives that convert ultraviolet radiation into infrared. Accelerates plant growth and protects against frost;
  • Air bubble - has high thermal protection and mechanical strength.

The film contributes to the preservation of fertilizers in the soil, does not violate its structure and integrity. It helps earlier flowering and ripening of fruits, retains heat and even protects against attacks by birds on the crop. A greenhouse with a film coating is easy to do with your own hands.

Note! The film is on sale in black and white. It is laid on the ground inside the greenhouse with the white side up. It reflects the sun's rays, and black prevents weeds from growing.

What other types of coverage exist

Photo of polycarbonate for greenhouses and greenhouses

It is not advisable to cover small greenhouses with glass. It is a fragile and heavy material. It transmits ultraviolet light, which can be detrimental to plants.

In addition, glass greenhouses are difficult to install and there are problems with sealing. Imperfect glass was replaced by a higher quality material - polycarbonate.

It has been relatively recently used as a cover for a greenhouse. It can be cellular and monolithic.

Its popularity is growing faster every year.

The properties of modern greenhouse polycarbonate, thanks to which it replaced glass, are as follows:

  • Durability - does not crack or break;
  • Convenient for transportation - can be rolled up;
  • Transmits ultraviolet light necessary for plants;
  • Plastic and non-flammable;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Long lasting;
  • Easy;
  • Not afraid of hail and wind.

The instructions for assembling a polycarbonate greenhouse tells about what tool it can be cut with and how to ensure sealing. Stationary greenhouses are often made in summer cottages. Previously, they were covered with glass or film, but with the advent of polycarbonate, there is a desire to replace the old coating with a new one.

This is quite possible and does not present any difficulties. It is easy to mount sheets of the required size on an old strong frame of any shape.

How to cover an old greenhouse with polycarbonate correctly:

  • Calculate the amount of material, buy it with a stock;
  • Prepare the necessary tools, it is easily cut with an ordinary knife;
  • Self-tapping screws for fastening and rubber bands and profiles for sealing.

Polycarbonate sheets are attached to the frame of the greenhouse with thermal washers - this is a plastic washer on the leg, the length of which is equal to the thickness of the panel. With their help, a reliable installation is carried out.

Moreover, modern thermal washers have rubber gaskets, which prevents moisture and dirt from entering the greenhouse.

Thermal washer

A large selection of different materials will help you decide how to cover the greenhouse. The main thing is to create all conditions for the growth and development of plants.


Greenhouse structures in the garden area allow protecting plants from early spring to late autumn. Greenhouses, large and small, organically fit into the garden design thanks to modern, reliable, functional and beautiful coverings. The video in this article will tell you how to choose the right ones.

Covering material for greenhouses: a variety of types, advantages and disadvantages of each

Every novice gardener who decides to set up a greenhouse or build a greenhouse is faced with the problem of choosing a covering material. What is more suitable for your climatic conditions, traditional or non-woven greenhouse cover material?

In this article we will try to tell you as fully as possible about each type of covering material, its application, advantages and disadvantages.

To grow a crop, you need to cover seedlings and fruits from bad weather and pests.

Polyethylene film

Photo of plastic film in rolls

Our grandmothers and grandfathers had a small choice of covering material: plastic film, although it was reputed to be in short supply, but the wooden frames of greenhouses wrapped in it stood in almost every area.

And it doesn't matter that polyethylene served only a season - the price of the material and ease of installation were not its only advantages:

  • firstly, the seedlings were safely hidden from gusts of wind and morning frosts;
  • secondly, the temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse were higher than outside.

It would seem, why reinvent the wheel? But no, progress has also affected this area of ​​agriculture, and new coatings have replaced unstabilized polyethylene.

The addition of special impurities to the raw materials allows to obtain a covering material for greenhouses with the desired properties: light-converting, heat-retaining and hydrophilic films; the use of polyvinyl chloride in production extends the service life of the coating up to eight seasons; reinforcing mesh - gives strength, elasticity, tear resistance.

Reinforcing mesh visible to the naked eye

Be that as it may, plastic films of all types are still found in greenhouses and greenhouses, that is, they are in demand in the market.


In Soviet times, a glazed greenhouse was almost a luxury item - neighbors looked enviously over the fence and mentally calculated the cost of the building.

Glass greenhouse - in the past the envy of neighbors

Indeed, the glass coped with the task of protecting plants from unfavorable atmospheric phenomena (heavy rainfall, fog, dew) perfectly. The light transmittance of this material is much higher than polyethylene, but in terms of thermal insulation properties it loses to film.

In addition, the glass walls of the greenhouse are fragile and susceptible to cracking under insignificant mechanical stress, but what can we say about a large hail, accompanied by a heavy wind ?! Replacement of canvases left the owners at a "pretty penny".

Cellular polycarbonate

This expensive, rapidly conquering the market, covering material has absorbed all the best properties of polyethylene and glass.

Cellular polycarbonate is available in all colors of the spectrum

The advantages of polycarbonate:

  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • high light transmittance - up to 84% (for comparison: this indicator for glass is 100%) and at the same time reliable protection of plants from UV rays;
  • impact strength, resistance to snow and wind loads, guaranteed long service life;
  • simplicity and ease of installation of a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate.

Polycarbonate is available in sheets up to 12 meters long and a little over 2 meters wide. The sheet thickness varies from 4 to 32 mm.

Greenhouses are traditionally built by white

Like any other covering material, cellular polycarbonate is not without its drawbacks:

  • High price. Of course, if you take into account the service life of the material, the price of the issue will not seem prohibitively high, but for a novice gardener taking the first steps in the field of agriculture, it can be difficult to decide on an expensive purchase;
  • When building a greenhouse, it is imperative to take into account the properties of the material, change the dimensions when cooling and heating: leave a tiny gap for expansion and securely fix it in the grooves in case of compression during a cold snap.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are equally well suited for seasonal growing of vegetables and year-round strawberries or greenery.

What is agrofibre

Remembering the love of retirees for plastic wrap and taking into account its shortcomings, agricultural technologists have proposed a new covering non-woven material for greenhouses and greenhouses - Spunbond.

The entire canvas is covered with the smallest holes (pores)

Spunbond (agrofibre) is made from fiber-forming polymers: polyamide, polypropylene, polyester and others.

There are two types of agrofilm produced:

  • black (for mulching the soil, warming seedlings in winter or protecting them from weeds);
  • white (most commonly used to cover greenhouses).

Advantages of nonwoven fabric for greenhouse facilities

  1. The covering material allows moisture and sunlight to pass through, but thanks to the UV stabilizer included in the raw material, harmful rays do not damage the seedlings;
  2. A greenhouse made of spunbond covering material heats up slowly and cools down for a long time. temperature fluctuations during the day are not great;
  3. A special microclimate is created under the agrofilm: the soil does not dry out during drought, and with heavy rains, excess moisture ceases to be absorbed into the coating;
  4. Spunbond can be easily removed, cleaned, compactly folded without cracking;
  5. The service life of the material is 3 to 6 seasons.

Agrofibre is produced in various densities from 17 to 60 g / m2. For greenhouses, it is recommended to use the densest material.

Features of working with agrofibre

The instructions for covering the greenhouse with agrofibre are similar to the sequence of work with plastic wrap.

  • If you sew a fabric strip with strings in the center of the spanbond fabric, then it will be very convenient to "mount" the cover on the frame. This does not even require special tools, the ability to tie knots will be enough.
  • To reduce the sailing effect, it is still advisable to bind the canvas with wooden slats from the outside;
  • Spunbond worked well in combination with plastic wrap, provided that only the roof was covered with it. Since the coating easily allows water to pass through and ensures the circulation of air masses in the greenhouse, the hassle of watering and ventilation for the owners becomes much less;
  • With an arched design of the greenhouse, the covering material can not be removed for the winter. However, manufacturers recommend that in order to extend the life of the spunbond not to practice this;
  • "Used" agrofibre, already unsuitable for covering greenhouses, can be given a second life as a covering material to protect seedlings or perennial flowers from snow and frost.

Now the tree is not afraid of frost and wind

As you can see, spunbond non-woven covering material frees summer residents from the need for a constant presence in the backyard, daily ventilation, watering and weeding.

You don't even have to be puzzled by additional heating of the greenhouse - it will keep a more or less constant temperature and humidity level in it. And also a pleasant bonus will be the accelerated ripening of fruits and an extended growing season of plants.


We tried to cover the range of covering materials as fully as possible:

  • from the most common and budgetary;
  • until recently on the market and, accordingly, more expensive.

We talked about the advantages of each of the coatings and did not forget to point out minor disadvantages.

Even watermelons can be grown in the greenhouse - the main thing is to choose the right covering material

The traditional video in this article contains some more helpful advice from an experienced owner on the correct choice and use of covering material.

Choosing a covering material for greenhouses: a comparative review of 4 options

Thanks to the rapid technical progress in the arsenal of an ordinary gardener, there is now something that just does not exist: these are the latest automatic heating and irrigation systems, and self-opening vents, and "smart sensors", and even a wonderfully warm floor made of thin film. And the new century has also not bypassed the covering material for greenhouses - today you can already forget about heavy old windows and a thin dull film, from which large and small greenhouses were massively built due to the lack of a more affordable option. And even in cold Siberia, thermophilic plants are successfully grown in greenhouses today.
And now, in view of the availability of all the necessary components in modern stores, absolutely every owner can build a solid greenhouse on his site - regardless of where he lives and what kind of area there is. The only thing you will have to dig hard over is over the calculations. And the very first thing that needs to be decided initially is the material with which you can cover the greenhouses.

Plastic wrap - is it that simple?

In the late 90s, when the market was actively forming in our country thanks to unemployment, reinforced film began to be aggressively advertised among summer residents. It was praised for its extraordinary strength and especially long service life - up to 6 years. Unlike conventional film, reinforced and more sun-resistant, thicker and warmer. And, as it turned out, this covering material really exceeded all expectations: even today, it can serve as much as 8 years for the most thrifty owners. It is only important to follow some rules: protect such a film at the folds where it touches the frame, get rid of sharp corners and do not pull it too tight.

But simple plastic wrap is not a thing of the past either. Even though it sometimes serves only one season, it costs its hoyevs cheaply, and copes with its functions quite well. So, the ability to transmit light even with a two-layer film is 80%. And someone even thinks that this is bad - much better, supposedly, that the material should be passed 100%. In fact, it is by no means better - with an excess of light, greenhouse plants grow too long, and then the fruits are not pleasing to the eye. But 80% is enough for the tops to be exactly what they should be. These are the tricky moments, so never discard the good old traditions and experiences - they can come in handy!

Related article: Film for greenhouse and greenhouses: a comparative review of 6 options

Cellular polycarbonate is the sales leader of the modern market

Why do most summer residents still prefer cellular polycarbonate? It's all about durability - you only need to build such a structure once, and you won't have to think about repairs anymore. All that remains is to grow and enjoy the harvest.

Cellular polycarbonate is indeed much warmer than window glass - even with a thickness of only 8 mm, it retains heat inside the greenhouse twice as much, and the thickness of 16 mm is comparable to triple glazing. For modern greenhouses, it is cellular material that is sold. with a cellular structure. It consists of an upper and lower layer, between which stiffeners are located. The sun's rays settle on the lower and upper leaves, but penetrate in in different directions - scattering, which is especially good for the growth of the future crop. Manufacturers also claim that it traps "hard" ultraviolet rays - exactly those that act destructively on plants, but completely let through the "useful" ones. Therefore, in such designs, you can even sunbathe safely, without fear of getting burned - this will not happen.

According to its chemical structure, it is a polycondensation of diphenylolpropane with carbonic acid. And all derivatives of the latter are called carbonates - that's where the famous name comes from.

For the installation of polycarbonate, special aluminum fastening systems, profiles and other structures that can be ordered are traditionally used. But many summer residents are puzzled by the question of how exactly to fasten polycarbonate - is it really possible to do without proprietary thermal washers or is it more rational to use self-tapping screws for the profiled sheet? Should the sheets be overlapped or should a special profile be used to join them? To answer this question, let's look at the coefficient of thermal expansion - 0.068 mm per meter per 1 degree. At first glance, this seems insignificant - but when the temperature drops from -20, as in Russia in winter to +30 in summer, the six-meter sheet will change in size by exactly 34 mm, and this is already quite noticeable. And the self-tapping screw, which is always in place due to the almost complete absence of thermal expansion in the metal, will simply "break" an oval hole in the material. At the same time, branded washers with a diameter of more than 30 mm completely seal the holes and are designed for any thermal deformations invisible to the eye. Just pay attention when buying plastic thermal washers, so that after two years they become too fragile - due to the lack of protection from ultraviolet radiation.

And, finally, polycarbonate has a high impact resistance - it perfectly withstands strong hail and even a thrown stone will not hurt it too much. That is why the manufacturer generously gives a guarantee for such a covering material for all 10 years. And sheets can be bent, unlike glass - and therefore they are built today such different structures. A real outlet for landscape designers!

Related article: Which polycarbonate is better for a greenhouse - learning to choose

A tent as a shelter: clear advantages or advertising?

Unusual options have also found their application - they are somewhat similar to a foreign awning, only their properties are slightly different. Day by day nonwovens are becoming more and more popular - Agril, Lutrasil, Termoselect and others. There are many such brands, and all of them are designed for multifunctional use.

But the closest attention should be paid to their qualities and properties - so that it does not turn out that the plants will subsequently lack some important spectra of light, and the harvest will turn out to be meager. In general, modern non-woven options keep heat well in the greenhouse and slowly release it at night. But they cannot save the seedlings from frost, and like fabric, they can tear and cost a lot. The choice is yours!

If you nevertheless purchased such a material, then during the rains, be sure to cover it with ordinary plastic wrap, and then remove it: this way the non-woven will last longer.

Glass - for the hardest-working gardeners

Protecting cultivated plants that are grown in summer cottages and backyard plots has to be from various misfortunes. It became easier to do this when plastic film was invented, but its range of uses is limited, and the film does not always help to cope with all the problems. Fortunately, the choice of covering material today is huge and varied. You just need to understand the properties in order to understand how and for what it is better to apply this or that material. We choose the best covering material against frost, pests, weeds.

"Spunbond", "Spantex", "Agrospan", "AgroSUF", "Agrotex", "Lutrasil," Lumiteks "," Agril "- if you have never heard these names, then you do not have a summer residence, and to growing plants you have no relationship. Gardeners know that under all these brands the names of extremely useful and necessary materials in the household are “encrypted”, which are made of propylene fiber and are non-woven covering materials. But for different purposes, materials of different properties and thickness are used.

With the help of non-woven polypropylene, you can:

  • cover the berries in spring;
  • build a greenhouse for vegetables;
  • protect roses from frost;
  • to ensure that weeds do not take moisture and nutrients from plants;
  • save plants from pests.

Regardless of the brand and name, all propylene fiber materials are divided into four groups according to color and density.

  1. Easy.
  2. Medium density.
  3. Dense white.
  4. Dense black color.

Each group has its own characteristics and purposes of application. But they all have similar unique qualities that inhibit the growth of weeds and help moisture and air penetrate to the roots of cultivated plants.

Materials and their properties


This is a brand, but among gardeners the name is already a household name. The material is named so because of the technology of the same name. It is a non-woven fabric that is durable and lightweight at the same time. It is environmentally friendly, it is not afraid of temperature changes and deformations. It can be either white or black, and in terms of density - from 17 g / m² to 60 g / m².

"Spunbond" white with a density of up to 30 g / m² protects plants from return frost in spring and too strong sun in summer. They can cover not only seedlings, but also berry and ornamental shrubs, flowers, young trees, including to protect them from birds and insect pests.

Medium density white material - between 30 and 50 g / m² - suitable for winter shelter of absolutely all crops, both garden and decorative. It can also be pulled over a greenhouse or greenhouse frame with arches.

Black "Spunbond" with a density of 50-60 g / m² turns out to be dark in color due to the presence of a UV stabilizer in its composition. It not only imparts black color, but also increases its useful life and technical characteristics many times over.

Not a single weed will survive under such a shelter, and garden plants will receive maximum heat and sun.


All "agrotexes" and other names with "agro" belong to the category of agrotexes, which are manufactured using a technology that excludes the use of herbicides during their use. This results in sustainable farming, which is increasingly sought after by amateur gardeners and professional farmers.

Agrotechnics can be used to limit weed growth and to cover greenhouses / greenhouses. The density is about the same as that of Spunbond. Materials come in white, gray, green and black colors.

Agrotechnical fabrics trap moisture evaporation from the soil, allow air to pass through and create a microclimate for comfortable growth of garden and horticultural crops.


It is traditionally used for frost protection, but it can also perform all other functions of covering materials. It is considered the best among gardeners - slightly more expensive than Spunbond, but cheaper than Agrotex. In terms of properties, it practically duplicates the first. It is divided into three categories by density - from 18 g / m² to 60 g / m². Color solutions are black and white.

In the same way as "Spunbond" is used:

  • for spring shelter of seedlings and seedlings - in a light white version (withstands temperature drops down to -3 ° C);
  • for the construction of greenhouses and a winter protective shelter - white medium and high density (protects against frost at 6-7 ° C);
  • for weed control and mulching - medium to dense black.

Shading meshes

They also belong to the category of covering materials, although the range of their use is rather narrow. They save plants from the burning action of direct sunlight, and they are used both inside greenhouses and in the open air.

Another indispensable property of nets is protection from birds when growing berries and small fruits, which without such a shelter birds collect much earlier than summer residents.

They are also made from light-stabilized polypropylene film, but, unlike non-woven materials, they have a mesh structure. They can be white or dark green.


No one has canceled polyethylene film as a covering material, and today the industry produces many types of it with improved characteristics that help to "compete" with non-woven materials for use.

The only serious drawback of the film is that it "does not breathe". But the method of production and the raw materials from which it is made, make the film wear-resistant, durable and excellently conserving heat.

Light stabilized

As the name suggests, such a film contains a UV light stabilizer, which helps the polymer not to decompose under the sun's rays. The more stabilizer is added, the more stable the material and the longer its service life.

A colorant can be added to the polymers, which varies the properties by altering the spectrum of rays that may or may not readily penetrate it.

One of the novelties interesting for gardeners is a double-sided black-and-white film. It is used in greenhouses where the outer layer is white to remove excess heat (white serves as a reflector). The black side is on the bottom, protects against weeds, blocking their germination.


This type is distinguished by increased strength, since according to the manufacturing technology it includes several layers. Two layers - outer and inner - film. Between them is a reinforcing mesh. UV stabilizers are usually present too. The service life of this material is much longer than that of all other types of film and nonwoven materials.

It is best used for covering greenhouses. After the reinforced film, not yielding to it in quality and wear resistance, only polycarbonate and glass go. But these are covering materials from a completely different price category.

About polycarbonate. It is difficult to imagine an effective greenhouse without this material. Although you can't put it on the ground (which means you can't protect plants from weeds with it), polycarbonate also belongs to covering materials. It is reliable, transmits light well (up to 92%) and retains heat. A greenhouse made of it is much more durable than a film greenhouse.

Non-woven fabric or film - which is better?

There is no single answer to this question, since the scope depends on the goals. Somewhere one material wins, somewhere else.

When it comes to film, it has its strengths.

  1. Transmits light well.
  2. Accumulates heat.
  3. Creates a greenhouse effect.
  4. Protects from low temperatures.
  5. It is wear-resistant.

If you need to quickly warm up the ground in spring or create a greenhouse for seedlings, it is better to use film. If it is necessary to protect plants from overheating or slight cold snaps, non-woven material is better suited to protect against pests, weeds, mulching and create soft contact shelters.

Pest control

In order to protect against aerial pests, for example, insects, it is best to use a white non-woven material of not the highest density (the density will depend on how young and weak the sprouts are - for small ones, light is used, for grown seedlings - denser).

You can cover a bed of unprotected soil with a white non-woven cloth immediately after sowing.

Experienced gardeners advise to sew bags of non-woven material individually for each cabbage head. Thus, they will be reliably protected from all pests that encroach on the integrity of the leaves.

Weed control

Mulch prevents weeds from growing. The principle of limiting the growth and spread of weeds is simple - a dark shelter that does not let in the sun's rays, which are necessary for the growth of weeds. It can be a thick black non-woven fabric or black film.

Covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses is a modern way to protect plants from pests, active sun and adverse weather conditions. It not only has protective properties, but also helps to create an optimal climate for a good harvest. There are several types of covering materials on the market, each of which has its own advantages and features.

Covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses: characteristics, types and application features

As farmers and hobbyists alike know, planting indoors allows them to grow crops that are not always adapted to the local climate. Greenhouses and greenhouses of various designs are common in fields and summer cottages. However, their effectiveness can become much higher if you use a modern covering material - agrofibre.

This non-woven synthetic material has the following features:

  • perfectly permeates moisture, however, it has practically zero hygroscopicity;
  • environmentally friendly material, harmless to plants and humans;
  • protects plants from UV radiation;
  • protects against excessive rainfall and extreme weather conditions such as hail or hurricane winds;
  • serves as protection against pests and birds;
  • retains heat inside the structure in case of slight frosts on the ground and neutralizes day and night temperature drops;
  • allows air to pass through without obstacles;
  • does not contribute to the formation of condensation;
  • easy to use and store;
  • has strength and resistance to abrasion;
  • does not rot or mold during operation;
  • service life - several years.

Note! Non-woven covering material is environmentally friendly. It consists of polypropylene fibers that are glued together under the influence of high temperatures.

The combination of these properties allows you to increase crop yields by 20% due to the correctly selected covering material. Its price is comparable to the cost of plastic wrap, which will be a pleasant surprise for many gardeners. At the same time, if we take into account the excellent characteristics and long service life of the nonwoven fabric, then its acquisition is more profitable. For example, tomatoes under a covering material can grow to full maturity in the open field, while the film cannot guarantee a successful result.

Types of agrofibre greenhouse cover

In specialized stores and on the Internet, you can find a wide range of covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses. Its price fluctuates within various limits and depends mainly on the manufacturer, application features, density and packaging method (rolls or cut sheets).

All types of covering materials of any manufacturer are characterized by color classification:

  • white covering material has different densities and is used to cover plants, form greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • black is a covering material for weeds, it is always very dense and is laid only on the ground for mulching.

Important! Black and white covering materials are not interchangeable. Use each of them for their intended purpose: white - top, black - bottom.

The density of the cover sheet is the next defining sorting parameter. To make it easier for the consumer to navigate the modifications, manufacturers indicate the level of density in the name of the product. For example, Agrotex 30 has a density of 30 g / m², and Agrotex 60 has a density of 60 g / m², respectively. The higher the number after the name, the higher the density of the material.

The density value directly affects the use of agrofibre and its cost. With the same dimensions of the canvas, the price of a covering material for a greenhouse or greenhouse will always be higher for products with a higher level of density than the cost of a similar thin material, for example, for frameless covering of crops.

The most popular representatives of non-woven agrofibre on the domestic market are:

  1. "Agrospan": manufacturer Russia, available in 7 density options and in two colors (black, white), UV stabilizer.
  2. "Agrotex": manufacturer Russia, produced in 5 density options, there are additional 5 colors, in addition to traditional white and black versions, UV stabilizer.
  3. "Lutrasil": made in Germany, produced in 5 density options, has two colors (black, white), the name of the company can be used as a common name for all types of agrotechnics. The widest canvas of all types of material - up to 16.9 m.
  4. Agril: made in France, has four density options, UV stabilizer, 2 colors - black and white.

Let's take a closer look at what each of these materials is, and get acquainted with their practical application for growing garden crops.

Protective properties and marking of covering material "Agrospan"

Agrospan is the most durable among all covering cloths: its service life is up to 5 years. However, this is not its only advantage. Agrospan allows you to:

  • protect grown plants from diseases, pests, UV radiation, hail, acid rain and pesticides;
  • prevent the death of plantings from frost (it is guaranteed to protect plants at temperatures up to -4 ° C, but it is able to retain properties even up to -7 ° C);
  • stabilize the level of moisture in the soil, thereby reducing the abundance of irrigation;
  • optimize the air exchange mode in a closed area;
  • reduce the range of temperature drops during the day and at night;
  • reduce labor costs for growing crops by 5 times;
  • increase productivity by 20%.

Agrospan: the most durable material that increases yields by 20%

The form of the release of the material - pieces of cloth with a length of 10 m of various widths and densities. Color - black or white (depending on the purpose).

Note! "Agrospan" creates an optimal microclimate, so a greenhouse or greenhouse does not need mandatory ventilation.

Agrospan labeling and its purpose:

Name Colour Appointment Season of use
Agrospan 17 White shelter of crops and seedlings in a frameless way, protection from diseases and pests, protection from UV radiation spring - autumn
Agrospan 30 frameless shelter or tension on a light tunnel-type frame, protection against diseases and pests, light protection against frost, winter shelters for perennial plants all year round
Agrospan 42 frame shelter, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -2 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants all year round
Agrospan 60
Agrospan 90
Agrospan 110
covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses of various designs, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -4 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants all year round
Agrospan 60
Agrospan 80
black mulching, ground weed film spring - autumn

Spectrum of colors and possibilities of covering material "Agrotex"

The main characteristics of the Agrotex fiber are plant protection, which is inherent in all types of nonwoven covering materials, plus excellent performance in maintaining the microclimate at subzero temperatures.

The advantages of the material include:

  • lightness of the canvas;
  • high thermal protection properties;
  • resistance to creasing, decay, wear;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • good light transmittance - up to 90%;
  • promotes the penetration of water and air, and repels dust;
  • does not form condensation inside;
  • has a high breaking load, which allows the material to be used without loss of properties for several seasons;
  • availability in the assortment of a wide canvas with reinforced edges.

Release form:

  • bags with classic material for a summer cottage 1.6 m wide in white and black;
  • rolls with a classic canvas for farms with a width of 1.6-1.9 m in white and black with reinforced edges;
  • bags and rolls with reinforced and reinforced-laminated material 1.6 or 3 m wide.

Agrotex labeling and its purpose:

Name Colour Appointment Season of use
Agrotex 17 UV White shelter of crops and seedlings in a frameless way, protection against diseases and pests, light protection against frost down to -2 ° C, protection against UV radiation spring - autumn
Agrotex 30 UV frameless shelter, protection against diseases and pests, frost protection down to -6 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation spring - autumn
Agrotex 42 UV frame shelter with arcs, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -7 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation all year round
Agrotex 60 UV material for greenhouses and greenhouses of various designs, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -9 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation all year round
Agrotex 60 UV
Agrotex mulch 60-80 UV
black spring - autumn

Note! All manufactured modifications of the Agrotex cloth contain a UV filter. It is labeled UV.

In addition to the classic colors, Agrotex is produced in two-layer color versions, the properties of which have been significantly improved. Greenhouses and greenhouses under such material increase yields and reduce the ripening time of fruits.

Characteristics of two-layer canvases "Agrotex":

Colour Appointment Top layer properties Bottom layer properties
Red yellow from frost and pests top layer - red, accelerates flowering, increases productivity, keeps warm at night bottom layer - yellow, actively fighting pests without chemicals
White-red frost protection + growth rate top layer - white, protects against overheating and excessive UV radiation the bottom layer is red, protects from frost down to -9 ° C, keeps warm well, increases growth, accelerates flowering, increases productivity
White-silver foil extra light and warmth top layer and base - white, have all the properties of the classic "Agrotex" for greenhouses and greenhouses inner silvery stripes additionally direct light towards plants, compensating for its deficiency, accelerate photosynthesis, and increase productivity
White reinforced for greenhouses reinforcement increases the wear resistance of the material, resistance to deformation and extreme weather conditions, while maintaining breathability
White reinforced laminated for greenhouses the top layer is laminated, i.e. possesses the properties of a plastic film not to allow water to pass through inner - white reinforced, increases wear resistance, eliminates the "lens effect" from the top layer, prevents condensation

Application of the covering material "Lutrasil" at the summer cottage

"Lutrasil" is the lightest of the covering materials considered in this article, however, despite this property, it is able to protect plants from hail and frost. At the summer cottage, it is used to shelter seedlings from pests and bad weather, as well as to protect perennial plants in winter, for mulching and weed control. It simplifies plant maintenance and increases crop yields.

Main characteristics of Lutrasil agrofibre:

  • excellent light transmittance - up to 92%;
  • water permeable: you can water directly over the canvas without opening it;
  • breathable and does not create a greenhouse effect;
  • protects plants from frost down to -6 ° С;
  • not afraid of frost, so in winter it can be stored anywhere;
  • good indicators of wear resistance: it lasts for 3 seasons without deterioration in characteristics and appearance, however, it can be used longer - up to 6 years;
  • convenient to use: can be rolled up, sewn, easily unfolds;
  • good tensile strength.

Material release form - rolls 1.6 and 7 m wide. Color - black or white (depending on the purpose).

Lutrasil marking and its purpose:

Name Colour Appointment Season of use
Termoselect 17 White shelter of crops and seedlings in a frameless way, protection from pests, easy protection from frost up to -2 ° С spring - autumn
Termoselect 23 frameless shelter, pest protection, frost protection down to -3 ° C, winter shelters for perennial plants all year round
Frostselect 30 light frame shelter, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -6 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation all year round
Frostselect 42 for greenhouses and greenhouses, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -6 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation all year round
Frostselect 60 UV black mulching, UV protection, ground weed film spring - autumn

Note! All manufactured modifications of the Lutrasil cloth are capable of protecting plants from frost.

Using the covering material "Agril"

Agril is a thin non-woven covering material that is used to protect plants in horticulture and horticulture from temperature extremes, frost, dew, fog, wind, diseases and pests. It transmits light (80%), water and air. It copes well with maintaining the microclimate inside the shelter during temperature changes during the day and at night, and also protects against frosts down to -7 ° C. Promotes rapid germination of seeds and accelerates fruit ripening.

Covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses is a modern way to protect plants from pests, active sun and adverse weather conditions. It not only has protective properties, but also helps to create an optimal climate for a good harvest. There are several types of covering materials on the market, each of which has its own advantages and features.

Covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses: characteristics, types and application features

As farmers and hobbyists alike know, planting indoors allows them to grow crops that are not always adapted to the local climate. Greenhouses and greenhouses of various designs are common in fields and summer cottages. However, their effectiveness can become much higher if you use a modern covering material - agrofibre.

This non-woven synthetic material has the following features:

  • perfectly permeates moisture, however, it has practically zero hygroscopicity;
  • environmentally friendly material, harmless to plants and humans;
  • protects plants from UV radiation;
  • protects against excessive rainfall and extreme weather conditions such as hail or hurricane winds;
  • serves as protection against pests and birds;
  • retains heat inside the structure in case of slight frosts on the ground and neutralizes day and night temperature drops;
  • allows air to pass through without obstacles;
  • does not contribute to the formation of condensation;
  • easy to use and store;
  • has strength and resistance to abrasion;
  • does not rot or mold during operation;
  • service life - several years.

Note! Non-woven covering material is environmentally friendly. It consists of polypropylene fibers that are glued together under the influence of high temperatures.

The combination of these properties allows you to increase crop yields by 20% due to the correctly selected covering material. Its price is comparable to the cost of plastic wrap, which will be a pleasant surprise for many gardeners. At the same time, if we take into account the excellent characteristics and long service life of the nonwoven fabric, then its acquisition is more profitable. For example, tomatoes under a covering material can grow to full maturity in the open field, while the film cannot guarantee a successful result.

Types of agrofibre greenhouse cover

In specialized stores and on the Internet, you can find a wide range of covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses. Its price fluctuates within various limits and depends mainly on the manufacturer, application features, density and packaging method (rolls or cut sheets).

All types of covering materials of any manufacturer are characterized by color classification:

  • white covering material has different densities and is used to cover plants, form greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • black is a covering material for weeds, it is always very dense and is laid only on the ground for mulching.

Important! Black and white covering materials are not interchangeable. Use each of them for their intended purpose: white - top, black - bottom.

The density of the cover sheet is the next defining sorting parameter. To make it easier for the consumer to navigate the modifications, manufacturers indicate the level of density in the name of the product. For example, Agrotex 30 has a density of 30 g / m², and Agrotex 60 has a density of 60 g / m², respectively. The higher the number after the name, the higher the density of the material.

The density value directly affects the use of agrofibre and its cost. With the same dimensions of the canvas, the price of a covering material for a greenhouse or greenhouse will always be higher for products with a higher level of density than the cost of a similar thin material, for example, for frameless covering of crops.

The most popular representatives of non-woven agrofibre on the domestic market are:

  1. "Agrospan": manufacturer Russia, available in 7 density options and in two colors (black, white), UV stabilizer.
  2. "Agrotex": manufacturer Russia, produced in 5 density options, there are additional 5 colors, in addition to traditional white and black versions, UV stabilizer.
  3. "Lutrasil": made in Germany, produced in 5 density options, has two colors (black, white), the name of the company can be used as a common name for all types of agrotechnics. The widest canvas of all types of material - up to 16.9 m.
  4. Agril: made in France, has four density options, UV stabilizer, 2 colors - black and white.

Let's take a closer look at what each of these materials is, and get acquainted with their practical application for growing garden crops.

Protective properties and marking of covering material "Agrospan"

Agrospan is the most durable among all covering cloths: its service life is up to 5 years. However, this is not its only advantage. Agrospan allows you to:

  • protect grown plants from diseases, pests, UV radiation, hail, acid rain and pesticides;
  • prevent the death of plantings from frost (it is guaranteed to protect plants at temperatures up to -4 ° C, but it is able to retain properties even up to -7 ° C);
  • stabilize the level of moisture in the soil, thereby reducing the abundance of irrigation;
  • optimize the air exchange mode in a closed area;
  • reduce the range of temperature drops during the day and at night;
  • reduce labor costs for growing crops by 5 times;
  • increase productivity by 20%.

Agrospan: the most durable material that increases yields by 20%

The form of the release of the material - pieces of cloth with a length of 10 m of various widths and densities. Color - black or white (depending on the purpose).

Note! "Agrospan" creates an optimal microclimate, so a greenhouse or greenhouse does not need mandatory ventilation.

Agrospan labeling and its purpose:

Name Colour Appointment Season of use
Agrospan 17 White shelter of crops and seedlings in a frameless way, protection from diseases and pests, protection from UV radiation spring - autumn
Agrospan 30 frameless shelter or tension on a light tunnel-type frame, protection against diseases and pests, light protection against frost, winter shelters for perennial plants all year round
Agrospan 42 frame shelter, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -2 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants all year round
Agrospan 60
Agrospan 90
Agrospan 110
covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses of various designs, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -4 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants all year round
Agrospan 60
Agrospan 80
black mulching, ground weed film spring - autumn

Spectrum of colors and possibilities of covering material "Agrotex"

The main characteristics of the Agrotex fiber are plant protection, which is inherent in all types of nonwoven covering materials, plus excellent performance in maintaining the microclimate at subzero temperatures.

The advantages of the material include:

  • lightness of the canvas;
  • high thermal protection properties;
  • resistance to creasing, decay, wear;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • good light transmittance - up to 90%;
  • promotes the penetration of water and air, and repels dust;
  • does not form condensation inside;
  • has a high breaking load, which allows the material to be used without loss of properties for several seasons;
  • availability in the assortment of a wide canvas with reinforced edges.

Release form:

  • bags with classic material for a summer cottage 1.6 m wide in white and black;
  • rolls with a classic canvas for farms with a width of 1.6-1.9 m in white and black with reinforced edges;
  • bags and rolls with reinforced and reinforced-laminated material 1.6 or 3 m wide.

Agrotex labeling and its purpose:

Name Colour Appointment Season of use
Agrotex 17 UV White shelter of crops and seedlings in a frameless way, protection against diseases and pests, light protection against frost down to -2 ° C, protection against UV radiation spring - autumn
Agrotex 30 UV frameless shelter, protection against diseases and pests, frost protection down to -6 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation spring - autumn
Agrotex 42 UV frame shelter with arcs, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -7 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation all year round
Agrotex 60 UV material for greenhouses and greenhouses of various designs, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -9 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation all year round
Agrotex 60 UV
Agrotex mulch 60-80 UV
black spring - autumn

Note! All manufactured modifications of the Agrotex cloth contain a UV filter. It is labeled UV.

In addition to the classic colors, Agrotex is produced in two-layer color versions, the properties of which have been significantly improved. Greenhouses and greenhouses under such material increase yields and reduce the ripening time of fruits.

Characteristics of two-layer canvases "Agrotex":

Colour Appointment Top layer properties Bottom layer properties
Red yellow from frost and pests top layer - red, accelerates flowering, increases productivity, keeps warm at night bottom layer - yellow, actively fighting pests without chemicals
White-red frost protection + growth rate top layer - white, protects against overheating and excessive UV radiation the bottom layer is red, protects from frost down to -9 ° C, keeps warm well, increases growth, accelerates flowering, increases productivity
White-silver foil extra light and warmth top layer and base - white, have all the properties of the classic "Agrotex" for greenhouses and greenhouses inner silvery stripes additionally direct light towards plants, compensating for its deficiency, accelerate photosynthesis, and increase productivity
White reinforced for greenhouses reinforcement increases the wear resistance of the material, resistance to deformation and extreme weather conditions, while maintaining breathability
White reinforced laminated for greenhouses the top layer is laminated, i.e. possesses the properties of a plastic film not to allow water to pass through inner - white reinforced, increases wear resistance, eliminates the "lens effect" from the top layer, prevents condensation

Application of the covering material "Lutrasil" at the summer cottage

"Lutrasil" is the lightest of the covering materials considered in this article, however, despite this property, it is able to protect plants from hail and frost. At the summer cottage, it is used to shelter seedlings from pests and bad weather, as well as to protect perennial plants in winter, for mulching and weed control. It simplifies plant maintenance and increases crop yields.

Main characteristics of Lutrasil agrofibre:

  • excellent light transmittance - up to 92%;
  • water permeable: you can water directly over the canvas without opening it;
  • breathable and does not create a greenhouse effect;
  • protects plants from frost down to -6 ° С;
  • not afraid of frost, so in winter it can be stored anywhere;
  • good indicators of wear resistance: it lasts for 3 seasons without deterioration in characteristics and appearance, however, it can be used longer - up to 6 years;
  • convenient to use: can be rolled up, sewn, easily unfolds;
  • good tensile strength.

Material release form - rolls 1.6 and 7 m wide. Color - black or white (depending on the purpose).

Lutrasil marking and its purpose:

Name Colour Appointment Season of use
Termoselect 17 White shelter of crops and seedlings in a frameless way, protection from pests, easy protection from frost up to -2 ° С spring - autumn
Termoselect 23 frameless shelter, pest protection, frost protection down to -3 ° C, winter shelters for perennial plants all year round
Frostselect 30 light frame shelter, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -6 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation all year round
Frostselect 42 for greenhouses and greenhouses, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -6 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation all year round
Frostselect 60 UV black mulching, UV protection, ground weed film spring - autumn

Note! All manufactured modifications of the Lutrasil cloth are capable of protecting plants from frost.

Using the covering material "Agril"

Agril is a thin non-woven covering material that is used to protect plants in horticulture and horticulture from temperature extremes, frost, dew, fog, wind, diseases and pests. It transmits light (80%), water and air. It copes well with maintaining the microclimate inside the shelter during temperature changes during the day and at night, and also protects against frosts down to -7 ° C. Promotes rapid germination of seeds and accelerates fruit ripening.

Related article:

Principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages of the design. How to make and sheathe a frame with your own hands. Prices and features of finished structures.

Material release form - packages and rolls of various widths and winding lengths. Color - black or white (depending on the purpose).

Characteristics of the covering material "Agril":

Name Colour Appointment Season of use
Agryl 17 White fastened in a frameless way, protection against pests, protection against UV radiation, light protection against frost down to -2 ° С spring - autumn
Agryl 23 frameless shelter, pest protection, frost protection down to -3 ° C, UV protection, winter shelters for perennial plants all year round
Agryl 30 light frame shelter, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -5 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation all year round
Agryl 50 for greenhouses and greenhouses, protection against gusts of wind and hail, protection against frost down to -7 ° С, winter shelters for perennial plants, protection against UV radiation all year round
Agryl 50 black, black and white mulching, UV protection, ground weed film spring - autumn

How to choose a covering material for greenhouses or greenhouses

As the above characteristics of covering materials show, they have many common parameters. In deciding which covering material is better to choose, one should be guided not by the name and manufacturer of the canvas, but by its purpose. It is also worth considering the climatic conditions, the duration of the warm period, the frequency of sudden frosts, wind, etc.

When using any type of agrofibre, first of all, you need to pay attention to its density and color. For frame structures, a white canvas is used. Some manufacturers have its modifications in terms of colors and strength enhancement - reinforcement. These preferences are highly individual.

The optimal density of the covering material is determined by the following parameters:

  • the time of planting plants in the ground;
  • height of growth of garden crops;
  • climate conditions;
  • the height and type of structure of the shelter being constructed.

Which covering material is best for a greenhouse or greenhouse? First of all, one with a density of more than 30 g / m², as well as having a UV stabilizer. For greenhouse structures, the densest agrofibre is always chosen - 50 g / m² and above. For greenhouses of low arc structures, a canvas with a density marking of 30-40 will be enough.

The UV stabilizer affects the durability of the covering material and the preservation of its original properties for several seasons. It is impossible to determine visually the presence of a stabilizer in agrofibre, therefore it is worth purchasing products packaged in production, having the appropriate manufacturer's marking and protective signs.

Note! If you buy agrofibre in rolls, then you can save money on the shelter of a greenhouse or greenhouse. The remaining unused part of the roll is stored for an unlimited amount of time.

How to use covering material for greenhouses and greenhouses

Non-woven covering material is very easy to maintain and easy to use. However, when using it for the first time, it is worth knowing several important aspects that will help preserve the properties of agrofibre, avoid financial losses and disappointments when growing garden crops. For example, it is necessary to take into account which side to put the covering material on the greenhouse, whether it can be cleaned, what to do if the canvas was not enough to completely cover the structure, etc.

Let's dwell on the main aspects of using a covering canvas.

Methods for laying covering material for greenhouses

Agrofibre canvases are never cut prematurely. Initially, a frame or arcs are installed for a greenhouse, they begin to work with a covering material only after the implementation of this stage. The canvas is placed on top of the arcs, creating allowances on all sides of at least 20 cm, and cut off only after all the necessary measurements have been completed. The length of the canvas is calculated not from the edge of the first arc to the last, but taking into account the closed ends of the greenhouse. Working with nonwovens is similar to covering the arcs with plastic.

Covering material is available in different widths. However, it may happen that it is not possible to completely cover the entire greenhouse with one piece of agrofibre. In this case, the canvases are overlapped with each other, the joints are glued with a glue heat gun or sewn with a thread. A sewing machine can be used.

Before finally fixing the canvas on the arcs, it is worth figuring out which side to cover. Covering material for a greenhouse has different properties of the upper and lower layers. This must be taken into account. It is easier when the material is two-colored: the manufacturer indicates on the package how to distinguish between the top and bottom sides. If the canvas is white, then it is determined visually and by touch: the smooth side is laid down, "rough" with holes - up.

You can check on a new cut from the package in which direction the canvas passes water. When buying a roll cover, you need to know that the material is wound with the top layer outward. With a completely homogeneous material (on both sides), it makes no difference which side to lay it on.

How and how to fix the covering material

When the agrofibre is successfully laid on the arcs, it remains to securely fix it. You can fix the covering material on the arches of the greenhouse with both specialized materials and improvised means. The garden supply store sells special plastic clips or clamps for fixing: they are suitable for both film and agrofibre. Knowing the diameter of the arcs, you can choose the right size.

If the farm has an old hose, then it is cut into pieces, cut them lengthwise and put on as a clamp on an arc with a covering material. However, if the hose is not rigid enough, then in strong gusts of wind, the coating will fly off. Therefore, it is better to replace the hose with a plastic pipe, with which a segment corresponding to approximately ¼ of the diameter is cut along the length. It is recommended to sand the sharp edges of the pipe sections with sandpaper.

Some gardeners use regular large office binders to fix agrofibre. Such fastening requires additional spacer, for example, a piece of fabric, so that the web does not break over time.

The bottom of the covering material on the greenhouse is fixed with special pegs or pressed with bricks, wooden beams and other weighting materials.

Note! When installing the mounts, it is worth considering that for plants that need pollination, it should be possible to open the greenhouse when they bloom.

Non-woven cover material allows you to sew a real greenhouse cover. Knowing the step of installing the supports, transverse "pockets" are sewn onto the canvas, into which arcs are then inserted. In this case, the installation of a greenhouse provides for a change in the order of installation of the structure.

How to clean and where to store the covering material

The service life of agrofibre always corresponds to the expiration date specified by the manufacturer. A material can last much longer if handled with care. After removing from the greenhouse, the canvas should be dried, folded and stored in a dry, dark place. The most dense frost-resistant covering materials can remain on the site all year round.

If the covering product gets dirty during the period of use, it is recommended to clean it with a sponge or soft brush. In case of heavy dirt, the cloth can be washed with soap or powder.

Any amateur gardener or farmer wants to get high yields every year, while spending a minimum of effort on caring for the plants. The use of non-woven covering material is the right step towards achieving this goal.

Thanks to the rapid technical progress in the arsenal of an ordinary gardener, there is now something that just does not exist: these are the latest automatic heating and irrigation systems, and self-opening vents, and "smart sensors", and even a wonderfully warm floor made of thin film. And the new century has also not bypassed the covering material for greenhouses - today you can already forget about heavy old windows and a thin dull film, from which large and small greenhouses were massively built due to the lack of a more affordable option. And even in cold Siberia, thermophilic plants are successfully grown in greenhouses today.

And now, in view of the availability of all the necessary components in modern stores, absolutely every owner can build a solid greenhouse on his site - regardless of where he lives and what kind of area there is. The only thing you will have to dig hard over is over the calculations. And the very first thing that needs to be decided initially is the material with which you can cover the greenhouses.

Plastic wrap - is it that simple?

In the late 90s, when the market was actively forming in our country thanks to unemployment, reinforced film began to be aggressively advertised among summer residents. It was praised for its extraordinary strength and especially long service life - up to 6 years. Unlike conventional film, reinforced and more sun-resistant, thicker and warmer. And, as it turned out, this covering material really exceeded all expectations: even today, it can serve as much as 8 years for the most thrifty owners. It is only important to follow some rules: protect such a film at the folds where it touches the frame, get rid of sharp corners and do not pull it too tight.

But simple plastic wrap is not a thing of the past either. Even though it sometimes serves only one season, it costs its hoyevs cheaply, and copes with its functions quite well. So, the ability to transmit light even with a two-layer film is 80%. And someone even thinks that this is bad - much better, supposedly, that the material should be passed 100%. In fact, it is by no means better - with an excess of light, greenhouse plants grow too long, and then the fruits are not pleasing to the eye. But 80% is enough for the tops to be exactly what they should be. These are the tricky moments, so never discard the good old traditions and experiences - they can come in handy!

Cellular polycarbonate is the sales leader of the modern market

Why do most summer residents still prefer cellular polycarbonate? It's all about durability - you only need to build such a structure once, and you won't have to think about repairs anymore. All that remains is to grow and enjoy the harvest.

Cellular polycarbonate is indeed much warmer than window glass - even with a thickness of only 8 mm, it retains heat inside the greenhouse twice as much, and the thickness of 16 mm is comparable to triple glazing. For modern greenhouses, it is cellular material that is sold. with a cellular structure. It consists of an upper and lower layer, between which stiffeners are located. The sun's rays settle on the lower and upper leaves, but penetrate in in different directions - scattering, which is especially good for the growth of the future crop. Manufacturers also claim that it traps "hard" ultraviolet rays - exactly those that act destructively on plants, but completely let through the "useful" ones. Therefore, in such designs, you can even sunbathe safely, without fear of getting burned - this will not happen.

According to its chemical structure, it is a polycondensation of diphenylolpropane with carbonic acid. And all derivatives of the latter are called carbonates - that's where the famous name comes from.

For traditionally, they use special aluminum fastening systems, profiles and other structures that can be ordered. But many summer residents are puzzled by the question of how exactly to fix polycarbonate - is it really possible to do without proprietary thermal washers or is it more rational to use self-tapping screws for the profiled sheet? Should the sheets be overlapped or should a special profile be used to join them? To answer this question, let's look at the coefficient of thermal expansion - 0.068 mm per meter per 1 degree. At first glance, this seems insignificant - but when the temperature drops from -20, as in Russia in winter to +30 in summer, the six-meter sheet will change in size by exactly 34 mm, and this is already quite noticeable. And the self-tapping screw, which is always in place due to the almost complete absence of thermal expansion in the metal, will simply "break" an oval hole in the material. At the same time, branded washers with a diameter of more than 30 mm completely seal the holes and are designed for any thermal deformations invisible to the eye. Just pay attention when buying plastic thermal washers, so that after two years they become too fragile - due to the lack of protection from ultraviolet radiation.

And, finally, polycarbonate has a high impact resistance - it perfectly withstands strong hail and even a thrown stone will not hurt it too much. That is why the manufacturer generously gives a guarantee for such a covering material for all 10 years. And sheets can be bent, unlike glass - and therefore they are built today such different structures. A real outlet for landscape designers!

A tent as a shelter: clear advantages or advertising?

Unusual options have also found their application - they are somewhat similar to a foreign awning, only their properties are slightly different. Day by day nonwovens are becoming more and more popular - Agril, Lutrasil, Termoselect and others. There are many such brands, and all of them are designed for multifunctional use.

But the closest attention should be paid to their qualities and properties - so that it does not turn out that the plants will subsequently lack some important spectra of light, and the harvest will turn out to be meager. In general, modern non-woven options keep heat well in the greenhouse and slowly release it at night. But they cannot save the seedlings from frost, and like fabric, they can tear and cost a lot. The choice is yours!

If you nevertheless purchased such a material, then during the rains, be sure to cover it with ordinary plastic wrap, and then remove it: this way the non-woven will last longer.

Glass - for the hardest-working gardeners

But more expensive and, at the same time, the cheapest will cost you. Why such a paradox? Because some build it from old discarded wooden windows, which can always be obtained free of charge due to the massive replacement of those with fashionable plastic bags, while others build powerful frames on concrete foundations and order covering material at the factory. Sometimes the latter option turns out to be comparable in price to a small country house - it's dashing, isn't it? But this option is really absolutely environmentally friendly and durable, not afraid of any sun rays, tons of snow and severe frosts.

Have you decided on a covering material? On our site you will find many detailed photo and video instructions on how to properly build greenhouses from polycarbonate, film and glass, and even the most tricky questions will be answered by our experts. Feel free to get down to business!