Proper soil - the basis of the health of Anthurium! Tips for buying and cooking soil with their own hands. Correctly choose the soil for anthurium flower male happiness where should stand

Flower Mens Happiness: How to care for color? This question worries many flower flowers. In fact, the wondrous pet does not require special efforts Care. And his beauty compensates for all costs.

Plant Male happiness has both another, more official and common name, - Anthurium. In addition, some people fascinated by the wonderful beauty of the plant are called it "Flamingo Flower" and "Fireless Language". The last name is how it is impossible to reflect the appearance of a beautiful flower. Red inflorescences in the shape of heart shape attach special originality to the plant. BUT glossy surfaceAs wax covered - a special gloss and luxury.

In the natural environment, the plant lives in the warmth of South America. Despite the fact that the flower is accustomed to not sleep under the sunny rays, he feels well and on the windowsill middle strip Russia. The question, whether anthurium, or male happiness, and is it possible to keep at home, worries many novice flower flower. And experienced plants lovers know that it is not only possible to acquire an unusual green pet. According to legend, he brings happiness to the house. In addition, it does not need complex care.

If you believe legend, the flower male dignity has interesting story Origin. The indigenous inhabitants of South America are confident that the plant is a wonderful girl who was enchanted. Young beauty decided to marry the leader of the Indian tribe, which was famous for a cruel character. But she loved another person with all his heart, and in order not to become a spouse of an evil tyrant, decided to commit suicide. The girl dressed in a ceremonial wedding robe, fearlessly jumped into the fireflower flame. However, the gods were complicated over her and did not allow to die. Instead, they turned the beauty in a beautiful flower with red buton. Their shade completely repeated the color of the bride's outfit.

Plant Description

The plant men's joy is very beautiful and unusual. In our country, red colors are predominantly common, but other varieties exist in wildlife. Total science is known more than 28 species. In addition, scientists managed to bring about 77 unusual hybrids.

The main feature of a green pet - original flowers. They are white, orange or yellow pillars framed by red "bedspreads". Their shade can vary from pink to saturated burgundy. Outside the exterior flower robe resembles a heart. Lesson at the room flower Male happiness is quite long, often reach 40 cm. They are rich green tint and a sweat or heart shape.

The blossom of anthurium is a frequent phenomenon. As a rule, the green pet pleases the flower rich buds for 7-8 months a year. Homemade favorite can bloom without stopping from March to November inclusive. With competent care, it grows up to 0.8 m and reaches 0.5 m in diameter.

Platology care features

Certray to care about the green pet may even beginner. The main thing is to comply with several simple rules.

  1. Flower Male power - a raised resident of a tropical climate. In this regard, he needs abundant, but inadless moisture. So that the pet felt as comfortable as possible in summer season It must be watered 1 time in 3-4 days. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the water is not stood in the pallet. Otherwise, the risk of the roots is high: first the anthurium leaves the leaves, then the plant is dying. In winter, watering should be cut. Moisten the soil need no more than once a week. Additionally, the flower can be sprayed and bathe under the warm shower. To remove dust and dirt, you need to wipe the leaves with a wet sponge.
  2. To make a male flower Anthurium grow strong, strong and healthy, you should take care of making fertilizer. They are especially necessary during active growth. Green pet is a big fan of mineral and organic feeding. It is recommended to make them 1 time in 2 weeks.
  3. Even very good care at home will not bring desired resultIf you do not take care of choosing the right place to place the plant. The flower is a fan of a warm climate. It perfectly feels in rooms with a temperature of + 20 ... + 25 ° C. In winter, this indicator may be slightly smaller. However, it is important to ensure that the temperature does not fall below + 18 ° C. When choosing a place of plants, it is important to avoid drafts. But access fresh air Extremely needed.
  4. An important role is played and competent organization Lighting. Optimal option Is scattered sunlight. But the straight rays of the sun can injure gentle leaflets and put irreparable harm to a green pet. So that the tropical guest felt as comfortable as possible in summer period It is recommended to place a pot on the window sills overlooking the Western or Eastern side. In winter, a pet should be moved to the southern window. With a shortage of lighting room flower It grows much slower and stops blooming. Often there is a deformation of leaves.

Competent plant care is the key to its beauty and health. Observe simple recommendationsAnd the green pet will always please their blooming view.

Methods of breeding

There are several methods of reproduction of the plant. Each flower plant chooses the one that is most convenient for him.

  1. Shining is one of the simplest and most common ways. To use them, you need to cut off parent plant The top is about 15-20 cm long. It is desirable that there were several leaves on it. The cuttings are rooted in a temporary pot with vermiculite. The optimal depth is about 5 cm. About a month later, the roots will appear on a young saplau. After that, they can be transferred to permanent place residence.
  2. The male flower is often breeded by dividing the daughter stems. For this, the strongest side shoots Gently separate from the maternal bush and plant in a separate container.
  3. Much less often, the flower, which is the mascot of men, determine the use of seeds. The method is less popular due to duration and complexity. However, some experienced gardeners are still resorted to him.

In order to obtain seeds from Anthurium, pollination should be pollinated. Periodically, it is necessary to transfer pollen from one plant to another. For convenience, you can use a cotton swab. If you correctly do all manipulations, after some time the fruit will appear on the bush. It is necessary to wait for its full ripening and remove with the help of tweezers with maximum caution. On average, seeds are required for about 8 months. After this time, they are taken out of the fetus and are thoroughly washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Seying the seeds needed in loose soil. So that shooters appear as quickly as possible, it is recommended to create mini-greenhouses, cover with a tank with a film or glass. Young plants will appear in about 2-3 weeks. After the seedlings grow 2 leafs, you need to spend a dive. When plants become large, they are transplanted into more spacious tanks.

How to transplant the plant?

Spring - optimal time For anthurium transplantation. So that the plant felt comfortable, it is recommended to choose a wide low pot, equipped with good drainage system. You should not choose too much capacity, as it can negatively affect flowering.

Soil can be prepared independently. Experienced gardeners Recommend to mix in equal proportions light turf, fibrous deciduous soil and particles of marsh moss. As a result, it turns out the soil, the most corresponding to what is found in the homeland of the plant. Better if the substrate is loose. In this case, it will be possible to ensure the inflow of air to the roots.

Fragile roots and leaves are easily injured, so it is necessary to carry out a transplant with maximum caution. In the process, it is necessary to ensure that the rosette of the leaves remains on the surface, while the roots must be covered with soil. If in the process of intensive growth, the roots seemed to the outside, they can be covered with moistened moss. In the future, it is necessary to ensure that it is constantly wet.

Male happiness does not apply to the number of fast-growing colors, so does not need frequent transplants. It is recommended to carry the plant in new pot Not more than 1 time in 2 years. With more frequent transplants, the root system and foliage grow abyss, and the formation of buds is slowed down. If you just bought a new bus station in the store, do not rush to move it immediately into a new pot. Before transplanting the green pet, it is necessary to give him a little time to adapt to the changed living conditions.

Signs and superstition

In the flower, male happiness have signs and superstitions, in which our distant ancestors believed. For example, many people believe that a beautiful flower helps men quickly restore spiritual powers, gain harmony and self-confidence. Green pet is useful and for those who suffer from heart disease. It helps forget for a long time.

Signs and superstitions are connected with the ability of Anthurium to improve the financial position of their owners. To attract money to the house, you need to start several copies at once and carefully care for them. Beautiful and healthy bushes, surrounded by care, contribute to the depreciation of cash energy into the dwelling.

It has anthurium magic propertiesallowing to eliminate problems in relationships between loving people. It is believed that the green pet gives mutual understanding, stability and harmony. To strengthen the effect, it is desirable to additionally start in the house of spathifylum. Female and male flower, "working" in a duet, will help to achieve an excellent result. At the same time, it is desirable that each spouse selfly care for its plant.

The strongest properties are different colors that are obtained as a gift, and not bought. It is customary to give green pets for male representatives. However, there is often such a present and women. It helps to find a soul mate and gain happiness in personal life.

"Male happiness" in the people refer to the plant Anthurium, because this flower is accepted with us to give the male half of humanity. After all, it is believed that the flowers of this plant are embodied by force, courage, freedom and passion for a woman. Those sometimes you can hear other names of this plant, for example, "damn tongue", "Flower Flamingo" or "piglet tail". Yet they are not very common, most often the anthurium is still called "male happiness." There is even belief that in the house of a man where Anthurium is growing, happiness and good luck (in the photo - this house, probably, is very happy!). Well, in order for this flower to be blooming and healthy, quite aware of how to care for him.

Homeland Flower "Mens Happiness" is South America. The local population of Anthurium considers an enchanted girl about which an ancient legend says. According to this fairy tale, once the leader of the Indian tribe, who had a cruel character, decided to take his worshipers of the village, who did not want it, because she loved another guy. In order not to become a wife of cruel tyrant, proud beauty decided to commit suicide, jumping into the fire flame. Since she was prepared for the wedding ceremony, then a ceremonial robe was already wearing a girl. But a miracle happened: the gods were not allowed to die the girl, but turned it into the chic red flowers (exactly the same as the wedding dress of the bride - in the photo) - Anthurium!

Description of the flower "Men's Happiness"

Currently, approximately 28 species of this plant are known. By this, more than 77 hybrids of this flower were derived from the gardeners.

Plant leaflets painted in dark green color can reach lengths up to 40 cm and have a heart-shaped or sweep form. The flower looks like a white, yellow or pink coloursurrounded by a luxurious shiny bedspread, the color of which can vary from dark red to white (sometimes with stains). The shape of the bedspread resembles the stylized shape of the human heart.

Anthurium blossom continues constantly for 7-8 months (from March to November). At the same time, some flowers please the eye with their beauty only 1-1.5 months. If the flower is correct to care, then the plant can reach up to 0.8 m of height and up to 0.5 m in diameter!

We can grow the flowers "Mens Happiness" can only be room conditions. I do not say that the plant is undemanding, on the contrary, it is very capricious and requires special care.

How to care for the anthurium?

Despite the fact that the birthplace of the plant is South America, Anthurium during the flowering period very badly tolerates not only direct sunlight, but also any bright lighting. If, for example, in the summer, do not remove the flowers in the shaded place on time, then the leaves can get sunburn, which will first appear in yellowing, and then the tips of the leaves just dry out. In order to save the plant from death, you need to remove it from the sun in the shaded place.

IN winter The plant opposite needs to be placed in a well-lit place in order for it to gain strength before future flowering.

During this period, "male happiness" can even get yellow if there is a shortage of sunlight.

The humidity of the air, which contains the anthurium, is obliged to be quite large, but the temperature is not very high (from +18 to +20 s and no higher). The flower loves moisture very much, so his daily irrigation from the spray is advised, especially if the tips of the leaves are dry. Nevertheless, flowers, unlike the leaves of Anthurium, do not like excessive moisture. Therefore, make sure that all water drops fall only on the foliage of the plant, and otherwise your luxurious flowers will cover stains and fall. Will not be extension in the room where "male happiness", especially in the period heating seasonInstall the air humidifier.

But watering the plants do not need to produce too often (in the winter advises to water the flower 1 time per week, and in the summer - 1 time in 4 days), and it should not be abundant. Otherwise, this can lead to the reinforcement of the roots of anthurium, which is expressed in the black foliage on it. If you stop watering the plant, and dry the soil, then the anthurium can still be saved, but it is necessary to do it immediately, as soon as the tips of the leaves will start dry or began to be worn!

Keep in mind that these indoor plants are extremely poorly tolerant of hard water, which was also just scored from a water tap. Before watering, the water certainly needs to be defeated, otherwise the leaves dry, and the color can not appear.

In order for the plant to grow strong and beautiful, it needs to be correct to feed mineral fertilizers. It is necessary to do it every month from the offensive of spring and before the end of the autumn.

How to replant yourself and multiply anthurium at home?

If you decide to transplant the flower in another pot, then it is best to do this in the spring. At the same time, you can even replant at this time, which is already heated. After driving the plant along with a lore root, it is not necessary to remove this soil, but on the contrary, together with it, the flower needs to be gently moved to a new pot with a fresh earth, which is a mixture of:

  • overloading foliage;
  • ferrous land;
  • pieces of moss.

For the cultivation of "male happiness" it is not a very deep, but rather wide pot, as for the branched root system of the flower, there is a sufficient space. Nevertheless, you do not need to choose a pot too much big sizeGuided by the principle, the more, the better because it can cause the complete absence of inflorescences on your anthurium. At the bottom of the pot, you need to lay a layer of drainage, because, as already mentioned above, the roots of the plant do not like excessive moisturizing, which leads to their boost and death of the entire plant entirely.

If you want to propagate "male happiness" yourself, it is done by dividing one bush into several parts (2-3). Taking into account the fact that in three years the plant begins to reset the leaves, it can and should be divided into parts at each transplant, in other words, annually. So you will not only save the plant youth, but also reinstate it.
Thus, carrying out the correct care for the anthurium, you will always have not only very beautiful flowerBut even with its correct reproduction - gifts for a strong half of humanity for all occasions. After all, no man has not refused to receive "happiness" as a gift!

A collection of green pets will decorate the flower Male happiness, care at home after it requires special care. His large bright bracther has the shape of a human heart of snow-white, pink, crimped or yellow colorThe center is decorated with a long cigarette.

Flower Male Happiness - How to Care?

Indoor Flowers Men's Happiness When leaving at home in March bloom and happy with blossoms of 7-8 months. In proper care, they can grow to 0.8 cm in height and reach 0.5 cm in diameter. Flower Male Happiness - Competent Care at Home:

  1. At the time of flowering, exclude bright lighting and straight rays. In the summer, the bush should stand in a privacy without drafts. In winter, on the contrary, the flower needs excellent lighting to gain strength - it is put on a sunny window sill.
  2. The ideal temperature of the content is + 18-20 ° C.
  3. The flower loves moisture, its daily moisturizing from the sprayer is recommended so that the water droplets fall only on the leaves.

What is the name of the flower male happiness?

In the people, "male happiness" called the flower. It is accepted to be presented as a gift to a strong half of humanity. According to believe, this culture embodies the courage, freedom, love for a woman. Anthurium or room flower Male happiness has other names - "damn tongue", "piglet tail", "Flower Flamingo". But these items did not very much. Often, anthurium is called "male happiness", even there is a belief that in the housing of a man where he grows, fortunally reigns successful;

How to water the flower male happiness?

When caring for a flower, male happiness watering does not need to be done too often. In winter it is moisturized once a week, in the summer - every 4 days. Watering should not be generous, without a stagnation of moisture, otherwise it will lead to the rotation of the rhizome, which will manifest itself with the blackness of foliage. If you stop watering the plant and the soil to dry, then it can still be saved. But you need to do it at once, as soon as the ends of the flower leaves began to be black. This room culture transfers poorly rigid water, only scored from a water tap - it is necessary to defend it, otherwise the bloom may not come.

How to transplant flower male happiness?

Flower Male happiness at home is made in a spring every 1-2 years. To do this, you will need a low wide vase with draining holes, since the root culture system is very branched. The vase is selected on the plant and should not be large, otherwise it is not good on blossom. Anthuriuma Change at home is a difficult operation, it must be jewelry, so as not to break the gentle roots and leaves. CARE - TRANSFER RULES:

  1. At the bottom, the pot is stacked so that the roots do not be taken when weighed.
  2. When transshipment, the old plant, along with a lore land, goes to a new pot and puts it with soil.

Flower Male Happiness - What kind of soil is needed?

Anthurium when leaving at home as a substrate, a composition of coarse deciduous fibrous air land turf and particles of moss of marsh, bark, wood ash. Such a composition restrains moisture well and close to natural. The indigenous system needs air, so the soil for the flower Male happiness should be loose. To make the transshipment, it is not necessary to prepare the mixture yourself, you can buy in a specialized land for orchids.

Flower Male happiness - how to propagate?

Anthurium multiplies with the following options:

  1. Flower Male happiness - reproduction with stalks with a sheet. This method is the easiest, they can be used with each transplant to update the plant. Several side shoots with roots and foliage from maternal cooking are separated and planted in a prepared container with suitable earth.
  2. Stalling. For breeding male happiness, a sprigs are 15-20 cm long and planted them into separate temporary tanks with a vermiculite to a depth of 5 cm. The month of the cuttings are finished with roots and you can plant them into the cooked vase with the soil.
  3. Seeds. To form seeds, cotton disc Pollination of inflorescences. Ripened friction filled with tweezers, it matches 8 months. The seeds are removed, washed with a weak solution of manganese, evicted on the pulley tier. They are pressed into the substrate bottom banks, the container is covered with film. Shoots appear a few weeks later. The young sprout with a pair of leafs is picked in a mixture of leafy land, charcoal, cowboat and peat taken in equal shares. As they grow, they move into more spacious vessels.

Flower Male happiness - how to care for color?

Often anthurium blooms practically round yearResting only in the winter months. If there is a problem: why does not bloom for men's happiness flower, it means that at the cultivation of the plant, some recommendations for care are not taken into account. The main tips to ensure the bush lush buddies:

  1. Male happiness needs to transplanted regularly, no less often than once every 2 years.
  2. During the transplantation, shoots better sear the division of the bush.
  3. Culture vase is selected in accordance with its root system.
  4. It is important to choose the proper solar to choose - with humus, particles of moss, charcoal, bark, so that the roots of the plant are well provided with oxygen.
  5. Competent irrigation and mineral feeding are mandatory.
  6. The blurred buds must be cut off with sharp scissors at the base.
  7. It does not allow to bloom the male happiness both lack and oversupply of sunlight. It is important to comply with the conditions of the flower lighting: in the summer - shading in the sun, in winter - additional highlighting.
  8. Help Anthurium blooming will help the feeding in the form of liquid fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus for flowering crops - "", "Zajaz," Bud ". You can add acidity soil by adding into a pot of coniferous needles. Calcium in fertilizer should not be.

What to feed the flower male happiness?

So that the plant pleased with the lush foliage and bright flowering, he needs an additional feeding. Flower feeding Male happiness is made during the period of active growth - in spring and summer. To do this, use mineral and organic substitutes with low calcium and nitrogen. It is necessary to do this every two weeks, periodically alternate solutions among themselves. You can buy feeding in flower shopintended for this type, use according to the instructions. From September to February, the flower begins the period of rest, at that time the feeding stops.

Dies flower Male happiness - what to do?

Although the plant and pendingly, but sick infrequently. Flower Male happiness, care at home for which it is made incorrectly, can little bloom, foliage is covered with dark spots, the tips of the plates dries. The yellowness on greens is the indicator that a little pet gets little light. Damage plates say that culture is cold. Often the flower to die begins when problems with roots or in too solid soil. How to reanimate flower male happiness:

  1. Carefully remove the bush of the pot, cut fetched and dead roots (brown or yellow), leave light and fleshy roots.
  2. Flower must be planted into a new soil mixed with charcoal, moss and bark.
  3. The dried leaves need to be cut, regularly sprayed the ground part of the bush with a biostimulator of growth, for example, "Kendal".
  4. During the renovation period, it is necessary to indulge a pet with mineral fuses.

An unusual and very beautiful is the indoor plant Anthurium. Many concerns the problem of growing a flower and associated signs. In order for the home Anthurium to please the eye and brought good luck, you need to ensure your care and full care.

Anthurium Mens Happiness

This flower comes from the tropics. Houses are grown by the following popular types:

  1. Shercesra has leaves in the form of a dark green shade ellipses. Flowers with yellow or orange swirling cigarette and red coat.
  2. Anthurium Dakota - High height bush with large leaves And bright alami flowers with yellow or white cobs.
  3. Crystal is used as decoratively deciduous. Anthurium leaves in the development process change the shade from brown-bronze to the dark green.
  4. Anthurium Andre is a major - up to 200 cm in height. Leaves have a heart shape. The real decoration of the flower is bright inflorescence With green, brown or red hints.

Home flower male happiness has sensitive root system, so when transplanting needs to be treated with it. Stems thin, high, end with leaves. The height of the bush depends on the specific variety. The flower is considered the pulw of a light shade, which is located on the pink, white, blue, red or brown color.

Signs and superstition

The people are made to give anthurium men, so he received such a name. It is believed that the flower will bring happiness, only if the owner does not buy him himself, but will receive as a gift. Flower Male happiness Signs and superstition has the following:

  1. Plant helps to get rid of the owner from harmful habits.
  2. Gives the owner male strength and longevity.
  3. If a young man Gave the Anthurium, he stops Handing, it makes it easier to cope with problems, depressions.
  4. Helps to attract the female floor and arrange a personal life.
  5. Together with spathifulum in the house of the spouses, this plant contributes to the family well-being, the emergence of children.


This plant is considered very whimsically and requires a careful relationship. Caring for anthurium at home is required special. For example, the plant does not tolerate drafts and quickly burns under the influence of UV rays. Optimal temperature Air - 19 degrees. In winter, male happiness care at home is complemented by the need to set up artificial lighting. Without this leaves indoor plant Swimming, dry on the tips. Do not hold a bush next to batteries central heating.

No less an important rule For those who are interested, how to care for the anthurium at home - to maintain air humidity at the level of 60%. A air humidifier installed a small fountain, aquarium or regular spraying of leaves will help you achieve this. It is also very important to water the bush correctly, because it begins to root and look bad both from the lack of fluid and from the oversupply. In the summer, water should be poured 1 time every week, in winter - 1-2 times monthly.

How to care for flowers

Many flower flowers are interested in why Anthurium does not bloom? To do this, you need to follow the rules of care, timely replant, make fertilizers. It will help the plant actively grow, blossom, look great. How to care for a flower Male happiness to constantly admire the original inflorescences with a red bedspread:

  • shading the bush at once, as it starts to bloom;
  • keep from drafts;
  • provide artificial light in winter.

How to transplant male happiness at home

Immediately after buying a bush, even if he blooms, you need to transplanses it. Without timely transplantation, the leaves will begin to black, the flowers fad. How to transplant male happiness at home:

  1. Gently pull out a bush of a pot, holding the base of the stems.
  2. Remove the ground with roots.
  3. Put the drainage layer of clay in the prepared pot.
  4. Push the soil (ferry land, delicious, humus).
  5. Place a flower.
  6. Add soil, slightly tumped by his hands so that the land for 2-3 cm was higher than the root system.
  7. Half the plant, spray the leaves.

How to dissolve

When the plant grows significantly, you can propagate it during transplantation. How to send male happiness at home:

  1. Separate side shoots from the base.
  2. Plant each escape into a container with fresh soil.
  3. Pour, leave a bush acclimatize.

unusual flower Right from South and Central America. His bright flowers having a heart shape, against the background of large bright green, as if coated with wax, the leaves will not leave anyone indifferent.

The originality of the plant gives the form of flowers - a narrow pillage is surrounded by a color coat, painted in white, red, pink or purple. The people of the flower is known as "Male Happiness".

It is important to take into account that Anthurium is a plant tropical and homeland is epiphyte or semi-epiphith. He needs the appropriate conditions, in particular, the correctly selected earthy mixture, and what kind of soil is needed for Anthurium, we will now tell you.

If you put it in the usual soil, the roots will not be "breathing", and the plant will quickly lose their attractiveness, stop blooming and can soon die. therefore right choice Earth - Pledge good height and. But what mixtures are suitable for this exot? And how to properly prepare them?

Purchased, ready land for Anthurium

Choosing a substrate for Anthurium, it is important to take into account where it grows in a natural environment. These are woody thickets, where the plant settles in the fallen crust, mixed with land and foliage, in the fallen trunks of trees. With the help of air roots, anthurium gets water and nutrients.

In view of this, it would be optimally picking up such a mixture that would resemble a forest litter. The land must be able to pass the air and water as much as possible., Be mild and loose. Soil reaction is a weakness (5.5-6.5 pH).

Given this demand, the choice of an earthen mixture should be approached very responsibly. Rarely, but still meet special substrates for Anthurium. This will be the best option.

If you could not find this, you can buy a substrate for orchids. Its composition (pine bark, moss, ash, peat) is also suitable for Anthurium.

In the extreme case, you can purchase a substrate for begonias, but it should be added perlite and moss-sfagnum.

Preparation of the mixture at home

Prepare an earthen mix for anthurium yourself - best. It should contain components with large particles, to keep the plant well, while have maximum moisture and breathability and minimal density. Should not lose and decompose quickly.

Required drainage at the bottom of the pot. As it can be used clamzit, fine pebbles with moss. It should be stacked so that it occupies no less than 1/3-1 / 4 vase heights. The presence of drainage will serve in the future protection from the stagnation of water in the pot and, accordingly, getting the root system.

Possible excavation compounds for Anthurium:

Sheet land Used as a disintegrator. The semi-pressed leaves of linden, maple, fruit trees. It is not recommended to use Yves or oak foliage. Sheet Land guarantees mixtures nutrients, looseness and ease.

Coniferous land It consists of overwhelmed needles either or larch. It adds mixtures of looseness, increases acidity, reduces the likelihood of damage to the plant with fungus and chlorose disease.

Each component of the soil has beneficial properties!

Cherry earth - consists of a layer of earth with mature roots and shoots of young plants. It gives an earthen mixture nutritional, elasticity and porosity.

Peat - You can use dark or brown. Promotes the looseness and ease of the substrate.

Sand - optimally use coarse and well washed sand from the bottom of the river or the sea. Its presence will prevent the finishes of the roots and the stem and will be the prevention of fungal diseases of anthurium.

Soil processing

Components that are used for the preparation of landfills must pass into preventive treatment. This is explained by the fact that they can be pests, their larvae and eggs, imperceptible at first glance.

But over time, they can bring a lot of problems for anthurium. In addition, the Earth may contain spores of mushrooms that cause various diseases of the plant.

To save yourself and the plant from unnecessary troubles, before planting an earthy mixture should be subjected to thermal processing.

Can be treated in several ways:

  • Scat out an earthy mixture on a metal baking sheet. The layer should be no more than 5 cm. Place the baking tray in the oven heated to 80 degrees at 70-90 minutes;
  • You can handle the soil ferry. For this, a bucket or another large container is placed on fire and is brought to a boil. Next to the grille is put on the ground pre-wrapped in the fabric. The procedure lasts 90 minutes;
  • Purchase the land onto the pallet so that the layer was not more than 7 cm. Establish on the frost, not warmer -7 degrees, and move it 3-4 days;
  • Scroll the earth mixture with a weak solution of manganese (3 grams of 5 liters of boiling water). Wait until the Earth cool down to room temperature - and you can start landing or transplanting Anthuriumum;
  • Use biological fungicides, such as phytoosporin, phytop, integral, tripides, agate. Dosage - according to the instructions. Useful bacteria that contain these drugs destroy pathogenic bacteria and fungi available in the soil.

It should not be sterilized by all composite landfills, but only the most "dangerous": Dernea, leaf, coniferous ground, humus. Peat and moss-sfagnum are added after the disinfection procedure. So much faster the soil microflora will be restored.

Useful additives

The substrate for landing an anthurium must contain large undecent particles. They significantly reduce the density of the soil and increase its ability to pass air and moisture. This serves as prevention of roots.

As such additives, broken bricks are used, pieces of wood coal, perlite, vermiculite, pine cortex. These components should be 15% of the total volume of the earth's mixture.

- Small pebbles or grains that increase the moisture content of the substrate. Vermikulitis - crushed mineral having a form of small scales.

It gives soil lightness, flowability and moisture intensity. Charcoal acts as an antiseptic, also absorbs excessive moisture and unpleasant odors.

Correctly choosing a substrate, you can grow an exotic anthurium, which will fill the house with bright colors and positive emotions!