Favorite flowers. Pruning a plant implies a number of features

Dahlias are common in the mountainous regions of Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia. Above ground in natural habitats perennial plant annually dies down to tuberous-thickened, fleshy roots, and the root tubers themselves winter in non-freezing soil. The regions of central Russia are unsuitable for dahlias in winter - in open field these plants freeze. Therefore, in culture they have to be dug up for the winter and stored under certain conditions.

dahlia roots

The root system of a dahlia consists of thickened storage and thin feeding roots. Storage roots, they are also called root tubers or simply tubers, are formed at the base of the shoots of the current year, thicken in the year of formation and live for about 3 years. All feeding roots, as well as slightly thickened storage root tubers of winter storage, do not withstand and die off.

In dahlias, renewal buds are located on the lower part of the last year's shoot and on the root neck of root tubers. There are no buds on the root tuber itself.

Dahlias are most often used in single, group and border plantings.

Dahlias classification

In our country, there is currently no single classification of dahlias. Usually, 10-12 classes are distinguished, differing in the size and shape of the inflorescence, the degree of doubleness, and the shape of the petals.

There are the following classes of dahlias:

  • Non-double, or single-row, in which almost the entire basket is occupied by tubular flowers, reed flowers (petals) are located in the outer circle in 1 row. Low-growing non-terry dahlias with a height of no more than 50 cm are allocated to the subclass (class) Mignon, they are propagated by seeds.

  • Anemone-shaped, they have large petals in 1-2 rows, tubular flowers, long, colored, elongated, rise above the inflorescence in a dense central group.

  • Peony have semi-double inflorescences with 2-3 rows of wide petals and a center of yellow tubular flowers. The petals adjacent to the center of an inflorescence of tubular flowers are often much smaller, wavy or twisted.

  • Collared, this class has 2 circles of petals, while the petals of the inner circle are much smaller than the petals of the outer circle, cover tubular flowers like a collar. The petals of both circles are painted in different colors.

  • Spherical have densely double inflorescences with a diameter of 7 to 20 cm, hemispherical or spherical in shape, wide petals with rounded tips, in the lower part (up to half the length) the petals are collected in a tube.

  • Pompom dahlias are the same as spherical, but smaller and more rounded, flowers up to 7 cm in diameter. The petal is folded into a tube along its entire length.

  • Decorative: dahlias of this class have densely double inflorescences with wide straight, wavy or curved petals in one direction, in the center of the inflorescence the reed flowers are folded and spirally twisted. The size of the inflorescences is from 4 to 40 cm in diameter.

  • A subclass (class) of Nymphaeum is distinguished, their inflorescences resemble white water lily(nymphaeum).

  • Semi-cactus have double inflorescences, wide petals, which are folded at the base by less than half the length. This is a transitional form between cactus and decorative.

  • Cactus, they have terry inflorescences with a closed middle, the petals are folded into a tube at least half the length. There are varieties with deeply dissected petals at the end.

  • There is a subclass (class) Chrysanthemum-shaped, in which the petals are folded along the entire length and curved in different directions, they resemble large-flowered chrysanthemums.

  • Mixed, which include all new varieties that do not fit the descriptions of these groups.

Dahlia cultivation

Among the basic requirements for a dahlia growing site is good lighting for at least six hours a day. For long flowering and good development dahlias need sufficient solar lighting in the morning and (or) evening hours and some shading from the midday sun. Grown in the shade large trees, dahlias bloom poorly and do not form viable root tubers.

When choosing a site for growing dahlias, it should be borne in mind that they have fragile stems, so the site must be protected from the wind by trees and buildings. Dahlias do not like drafts, cold winds. Low and swampy areas will not work.

Optimal soil for growing dahlias

Dahlias can grow on any soil, but these plants thrive best on slightly acidic and neutral soils.

Optimal for them is rich in humus, fatty garden loam, or fertilized sandy soil. The soil must be structural, moisture-intensive and at the same time permeable. They do not like both excess and lack of moisture.

The area intended for growing dahlias must be dug up in the fall, and dug up in the spring. The expediency of double tillage is confirmed by the practice of amateur flower growers. In autumn, when digging, they make organic fertilizers, and a week before planting they dig a second time.

The soil is cultivated to a depth of 30-40 cm.

Dahlias landing

Before planting, a dahlia tuber must first be grown a little at home or in a greenhouse.

It is best to plant dahlias in open ground in the first decade of June, because at this time the danger of late frosts has already passed. First you need to plant tuberous dahlias, later (not earlier than June 5) - cuttings.

If it is possible to cover the plants, an earlier planting is also allowed.

The site for landing is prepared in advance. Planting holes are dug in the beds, the distance between the holes depends on the height of the plant. Next to them are stakes for garter dahlias. Their height should be slightly less than the expected height of the plants. One shovel of humus or rotted manure is usually placed in each hole, and 1.5-2 tablespoons of full mineral fertilizer or 25 g of superphosphate. All this is well mixed.

Landing is best done in cloudy weather or in the evening.

5-6 hours before planting, dahlias in pots should be watered until the earthy coma is completely moistened.

Before planting, the plants are watered abundantly, and then carefully planted with a clod of earth in a prepared hole close to the stake.

If the plants were grown not in pots, but in greenhouses or boxes, when they are dug up, they lose a lot of roots. For successful engraftment, plants should be planted in previously abundantly spilled soil (in "mud"), sprinkled with dry earth on top.

in the soil planting material placed a little deeper than it was in a pot or box, the neck of the tuber should be 3-5 cm below the soil level. Seedlings and cuttings should be planted deeper - to the first pair of true leaves. Planted plants should be watered immediately and mulched with dry soil. Around them, you can make ring-shaped holes that will retain moisture when watering. Tall dahlias should be immediately tied to stakes.

Dahlia care

After planting, the plants are regularly and plentifully watered. The lack of moisture leads to a deterioration in flowering, growth retardation and lignification of the stem. Dahlias are watered in the evening. After each watering, the soil is loosened. Dahlias respond well to mulching: it reduces water consumption during irrigation and reduces the number of weeds. As a mulch, it is better to use rotted manure or peat.

5 - 7 days after planting, when the dahlias take root, fertilizing is carried out, the interval between which should be 10 days. Plants are watered first. It is best to make a hole 10 cm deep around the plant, and pour top dressing into it. After that, the hole is leveled. For top dressing, mullein infusion is usually used in a ratio of 1:10, adding superphosphate (10 g per 5 l of water) and nitrogen fertilizers to it. It is very good for dahlias to make several top dressings with superphosphate (25 g per 5 l of water) with the addition of wood ash(3 - 4 handfuls). Top dressing is carried out in June and in the first half of July.

In August, it is worth feeding only once with potassium sulfate (30 g per “bush”) so that the tubers ripen better. You should not get too carried away with nitrogen fertilizers, since the “bush”, to the detriment of flowering, will gain a large vegetative mass, in addition, tubers are formed in a plant overfed with nitrogen, which are very poorly stored. Watering and top dressing is stopped from September.

To obtain a beautiful strong plant with good inflorescences, dahlia bushes must be formed.

Ways to form a dahlia bush:

During the growth period, shoots growing from the root collar are periodically removed. When growing dahlias, it is necessary to take into account that no more than three stems must be left in the bush. If more shoots are left on the plant, then the dahlia inflorescences will be much smaller and less decorative. Usually tall

dahlias form in one stem, and medium-sized - in two.

It is necessary to regularly break out emerging stepchildren - side shoots growing in the axils of the leaves. Stepchildren are removed as early as possible in order to injure the plant less. Left on the bush, they greatly thicken it, delay flowering and reduce the quality of inflorescences. Work is carried out until side shoots with buds appear at the top of the stem.

For getting more inflorescences, the main shoot is pinched over the 4th or 5th pair of leaves. Otherwise, all the forces of the plant will be directed to the formation of a single bud - the first, strongest flower. At the heart of this natural goal lies the desire of the plant to set up full-fledged seeds, because all living things yearn to continue their kind. On such an unpinched bush, you may not see more flowers.

Remove the central bud or the central one and one of the side ones. Such an operation leads to an elongation and strengthening of the peduncle, an increase in the size of the inflorescence. This is done to obtain very large cut or exhibition specimens.

If the inflorescences have not been cut, then they are removed as soon as they begin to fade, otherwise the development of buds is delayed and deteriorates. appearance landings.

In the second half of summer, on a stem at a height of up to 30 cm, remove lower leaves. This prevents its excessive thickening in the lower part, which, in turn, contributes to a better overwintering of the tuber nest. At the end of August, plants are spudded to a height of 10-15 cm. This technique eliminates the possibility of freezing of tubers and replacement buds on the root neck and lower part of the stem, ensures greater safety of the nest when winter storage. If possible, plants spud in July. Early hilling has a different purpose - to improve the conditions for tuberization and increase the resistance of the shoot to breakage. Loosening the soil and weeding are carried out as usual.

Diseases and pests of dahlia

Dahlias are susceptible to diseases such as viral mosaic, powdery mildew, and bacterial cancer. If the plant is affected by a viral mosaic, then on the leaf plates you can find spots of light green color of various sizes and shapes or yellowing that stretch along the veins of the leaves. The short pedicel, shortened internode, dwarfism of the plant, and atypical color of the petals also testify to the lesions. Most effective tool struggle in such cases is considered a careful culling of diseased plants, as well as their burning.

Bacterial cancer is found, as a rule, on tubers during digging or in autumn. First, ugly buds appear on the root neck of affected plants, and then growths. In autumn, all affected tubers should be discarded and then burned.

On dahlia pests, slobbering pennitsa, flower beetles, slugs and aphids are often found.

From drooling pennitsa, powdery mildew, aphids, as well as flower beetles, spraying with urea (1 g per 250 ml of water) or mullein infusion (1:10) helps. Spraying is carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening.

They fight against aphids with the help of infusion of onion peel, garlic infusion, chlorophos (5 g per 5 l of water) and ash.

To get rid of slugs, you can treat the leaves with a ten percent decoction of capsicum.

When dahlias bloom, their buds are often spoiled by pests - two-tailed (earwigs). These insects gnaw out the delicate tissues of the bud, so that the inflorescence blooms ugly. These pests do their dirty work at night. In order to save plants from damage by these pests, at the first appearance of signs of an attack on dahlias, it is necessary to periodically (about once a week) treat dahlia bushes in the evening with a decoction of defending plants - celandine, wormwood and other useful herbs. This will keep the beautiful dahlia flowers intact.

Dahlia tubers harvesting

Dahlia tubers begin to be harvested when most of the leaves have beaten the first hard frosts, but the big cold has not yet arrived. They are usually dug up in late September - early October at positive temperatures in good weather. So that dahlia tubers can be well ventilated, at a height of 10-15cm. stems are cut from the surface of the soil and the tubers are carefully dug out, trying not to damage them. First, the neck is freed from the ground, then the tuber is dug in from all sides at a distance of 25-30 cm from the neck and carefully removed. The dug dahlia tubers are washed off the ground, dipped in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and placed under a canopy to dry. You can put them up with a rhizome, thus letting all the moisture drain, leaving the water from the rhizomes and from the hollow part of the stems. First, they are dried at a temperature of 15-18 degrees in the air, then I - in the room. After drying the dahlia rhizomes, they are stored for storage.

Dahlia storage

Dahlias are best stored in a cool, dark, ventilated, dry place with a temperature of about + 5 degrees.

It can be a basement or a non-freezing basement. Dahlias are laid in one layer in boxes and covered with peat, sand, ash, moss or sawdust. For pouring dahlia tubers

you can use perlite and others suitable materials. But coniferous sawdust or moss may be the best option: in this case, the rhizome does not dry out and breathes, and sawdust and moss give the tubers stored in them the optimal proportion of moisture and at the same time disinfect. Storage with ashes gives very good results, as it is an excellent disinfectant material.

For urban gardeners, in the absence of a basement and a lack of storage space, the second method of storing dahlia tubers is more suitable. Choose a suitable box for tubers, make several holes with a diameter of 8-10 mm in the side walls for ventilation and normal gas exchange of rhizomes.

Lay a layer of dahlia tubers on the bottom of the box and fill it (with sawdust, perlite, etc.). Place another layer of tubers on top, and again cover with the materials used. Fill the box to the top and place it in the cool place in the apartment.

In autumn, before frost sets in, dahlias can be stored on the balcony, and when it gets colder, bring the box with tubers into the apartment and put it at the balcony door.

If there is a possibility of intensive drying of the tubers, they are placed in plastic bags. When storing tubers in bags, it is necessary to ensure that there is a layer of insulating material between the film and the tubers. The moisture vapor formed during the respiration of tubers condenses on the walls of the bag and causes rotting of the tubers in contact with them. Several times during the storage period, it is necessary to selectively open the packages and check the condition of the tubers. If there is a danger of drying out of the stored material, slightly moisten the substrate, when the moisture of the substrate appears, the bags are opened for ventilation. The affected area of ​​the tuber, when rotting is detected, is cut out to a healthy tissue, the cut site is treated and air-dried for about a day, and then laid back.

Description and features of dahlias

Your name dahlia flowers received to the glory of a botanist from St. Petersburg named Georgi. They are very popular in Mexico and Colombia.

Variety names dahlia contains about 24 pieces. If you look at photo of dahlia, then you can pay attention to their feather-like leaves, which reach a length of 0.4 meters.

In rare cases, it can be found with whole leaves. Flowers at first glance resemble baskets. After one year of flowering, about 140 seeds can be obtained from one root.

One more distinguishing featuredahlia- lack of aroma. However, there are rare species which smell very gentle. Dahlias perfectly complement any ensemble in a flower bed, and will also decorate fences and front gardens. Plant them and as separately growing.

It should be noted that the dahlia culture is relatively young. They began to gain popularity at the end of the 18th century. There have been ups and downs in their lifetime. People sometimes called them a flower without a soul, and breeders brought out and brought out new varieties and dahlias were again at the peak of popularity.

Currently, more than 1500 varieties of dahlias are known. They may differ in the color and shape of the petals, and height. One variety can be decorative, while the other will look like a peony or even a cactus.

Types of dahlias

Anemone dahlias - got their name because of the resemblance to the anemone flower. They belong to the group of medium-sized plants with a stem height of more than 0.5 meters. Diameter from 5 to 11 cm. The central petals are long and tubular, the edges frame the petals are flat.

Pictured are anemone dahlias

Collared - Small central petals wrapped in tubules are framed by a kind of collar of single-row, larger and flat petals. The center and edges of collared dahlias are contrasting in their colors. The plant is tall from 70 cm to 1.2 meters.

collared dahlias

Peony - Very beautiful, lush inflorescences similar to garden peonies. Grow up to 1.5 meters. They are one of the favorite species for decorating suburban areas.

Peony dahlias

Lotus - All varieties of this species are terry. The inflorescences are beautiful, the petals are large, laid out in seven rows. They got their name due to their resemblance to the lotus. The flower in diameter reaches 20 cm or more. There are medium tall 1.2 meters and lower varieties of 0.4 meters.

In the photo, lotus-shaped dahlias

Decorative - Decorative dahlias in terms of their prevalence among other species occupy a leading place. There are a large number of varieties. Beauty is not inferior.

Decorative dahlias

Spherical (pompom-shaped) - this type is very similar to a ball that is formed large quantity small petals. They differ in the size of inflorescences, which are not very large from 8 to 16 cm in spherical and 5 cm in pump-shaped. Both species are tall and reach 1.2 meters. Used for cutting and look great in bouquets.

Ball-shaped (pompom-shaped) dahlias

Cactus (semi-cactus) - perhaps this species can be called the most original. Cactus dahlias look slightly needle-like and uncombed. Their narrow petals wrapped with a tube, they are curved and even with dissected tips.

Pictured cactus dahlias

They are considered terry. The inflorescences are large in diameter from 20 to 25 cm. There are tall ones up to 1.5 meters and medium tall ones 1 meter. Semi-cactus are a cross between decorative dahlias and cacti.

Varieties of dahlias

Pompous Franz Kafka - Flower diameter 5-8 cm. Terry, does not have a pronounced smell. Resistant to diseases and climatic conditions. Lilac color.

Dahlia pompous variety Franz Kafka

Dipest Yellow is a variety of low-growing pompous dahlias. Flower diameter 5 cm. Barrel-shaped petals. The color is bright yellow. Petals may vary in color. Flowering begins in early summer, proceeds until mid-autumn.

On the photo is a dahlia of the Dipest Yellow variety

Globular Sylvia - large variety. Flowers up to 26 cm in diameter. The petals are tight-fitting, located next to each other while forming a ball. Color spectrum orange color, there are varieties with a less bright color. They are famous for their beautiful flowering from mid-summer to late autumn.

Dahlia Globular Sylvia

Pompom Marble Ball - Terry inflorescences with beautiful flowering. The flowers are not large. They reach 4-6 cm in diameter. They are famous for their extraordinary variegated range. Mostly purple flowers with white, variegated stripes. The beginning of flowering occurs in mid-summer and until late autumn.

Pompom Marble Ball variety

Cactus Fringet Star - this variety is famous for its unpretentiousness. large. I reach 26 cm in diameter. The petals resemble the thorns of a cactus, only they are in the form of tubes.

The color scheme is not uniform. The core is yellow, and the lower petals are a beautiful pink shade. The flowering period occurs in mid-summer and until mid-autumn.

Dahlia cactus Fringet Star

Fricole - let me introduce another variety of cactus dahlias. Terry flowers. Flowers are voluminous. They reach 20 cm in diameter. The petals resemble needles that are folded into tubes. The color scheme is not uniform. The core is ruby, and the tips are whitish. Flowering period mid-summer to mid-autumn.

Variety geogin Fricole

Aloha is a type of cactus. Terry petals. Long flowering. Flowers are voluminous. They reach 26 cm in diameter. The flower petals are long, slightly sharp at the end.

Aloha variety dahlia

They differ in that the petals do not have the shape of tubules. The colors of the flowers are interesting. The core is yellow, and the edges of the petals are red. The flowering period occurs in mid-summer and until mid-autumn.

Decorative Maxime - terry petals. Flowering is long. Flowers are not large. They reach up to 14 cm in diameter. In appearance, they seem voluminous due to interesting petals.

Dahlia Decorative Maxime

The petals are triangular and wide. Their color scheme is extraordinary. itself is red, and the edges of the petals are golden. The flowering period begins in mid-summer and until mid-autumn.

Lotus-shaped Barbarossa - Flowers in diameter reach 18 cm. Petals are flat with sharp tips. The color scheme is bright. Mostly red. The flowering period begins in mid-summer and until mid-autumn.

Dahlia Lotus Barbarossa

Gerry Hoek - Another type of lotus dahlia. The flowers are 16 cm in diameter. The petals are not large, pointed at the tip. The color of the flower is pink. The flowering period occurs from mid-summer to late autumn.

Pictured is the dahlia variety Gerry Hoek

Globular Evelyn - The inflorescences are terry and bloom just fine. Flowers are medium in size. They grow up to 16 cm in diameter. In the core, the petals are small, rolled into tubes with a yellow color.

Pictured dahlia Ball-shaped Evelyn

Wide petals are located along the edges of the bud. Their color scheme is snow-white, and the edges are lilac. The flowering period begins in mid-summer and until the first frost.

A very rare variety from the entire numerous family is black dahlia. Many amateur gardeners want to get such a unique plant on their site.

black dahlia

Planting and breeding dahlias

Many are wondering when to plant dahlias? Planting dahlias in the ground should be carried out in mid-June, when the frosts pass and the ground is ready for planting. Growing dahlias not too much hard work the most important thing is to follow the instructions.

Before landing, you need to find appropriate place for dahlias. Cannot be planted in drafts. The place must be sunny. For dahlias, the most important thing is light and slightly acidic soil.

It must pass water well. In order for dahlias to be healthy and continue to bloom, it is recommended that the flowers be transplanted to a new place every year.

In the middle of spring before the new planting season dahlia tubers need to be cleared of bad roots. To command new sprouts, the root can be placed in wet (spilled with potassium permanganate) sawdust.

The heat emanating from the sawdust and the moisture revives the sleeping ones as quickly as possible. After that, you can plant dahlias in the soil so that the roots go completely underground. It will be possible to put manure in the hole and cover it with earth. so that the roots are not damaged.

Plant flowers and cover with earth. In the event that the dahlia variety is high, then it is necessary to make a support for the flower, how to enclose it. After the dahlia has already been planted, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten it, preferably with cool water.

The best way grow dahlias from seeds with seedlings. Seeds are planted in open ground in late spring and begin to bloom only at the end of summer. Dahlia seedling it is recommended to plant in early April in special containers.

Flowers take root well in the ground with the addition of sand. After sowing annual dahlias cover the box with foil so that the seeds get into greenhouse conditions. The first leaves can be seen in a week. The air temperature must be at least +24 degrees.

Care and storage of dahlias

While the flower is in a state of growth, it must be fertilized before it. This procedure should be done in two weeks. Alternately adding minerals and organics.

We must not forget that the stems of dahlias are weak and strong winds may damage them. Therefore, it is necessary to tie them to some kind of support. With proper care and care, dahlias will bloom and delight the eye.

With the onset of autumn frosts, perennial dahlias always turn black. The stems are cut, leaving no more than 15 cm of the plant on the surface. Next, the tubers of flowers are very carefully dug out of the soil.

Some housewives store dahlia tubers after treating them with paraffin. Such activities allow you to destroy pathogenic microbes. Only dry tubers can be stored for storage, otherwise they will rot and die.

The rhizomes (tubers) of dahlia flowers are stored at a certain temperature not exceeding 5 degrees Celsius. For such purposes, the basement or underground is ideal. In urban conditions, it is undoubtedly more difficult to preserve tubers, the most the best way It's near the balcony door.

It is necessary to choose the right box so that the tubers can easily fit there. Small holes must be drilled in the box for air to enter. Tubers should be sprinkled with sawdust and removed. In autumn periods until frost, tubers can be kept on the balcony.

dahlia price

Buy dahlias you can in the online store or in the market. The price for one rhizome can be from 150 to 300 rubles, it depends on the quality, variety and type. Packaged seeds will cost from 150 to 250 rubles. We must not forget that there are not many seeds in one bag.

Dahlias decorate autumn gardens and front gardens, delight with the lush beauty of their flowers from the second half of summer until frost. Large flowers of the different shapes and the colorings on tall bushes look very attractive.

Dahlia - Russian name this flower. Its botanical name is Dahlia, it belongs to the aster family. Dahlias are a perennial tuberous plant with stems that die off by winter and powerful perennial tubers that have a supply of nutrients.

Dalia is native to North America. These plants were well known to the Aztecs and Mayans.

Currently, there are more than 10 thousand varieties perennial dahlias. They are conditionally divided into 10 groups according to the shape of the petals and inflorescences: anemone, collar, decorative, non-double (simple), spherical, cactus, semi-cactus, peony, pompom and mixed. Varieties of dahlias differ both in the size of the bush and in the timing of flowering. Inflorescences have a variety of colors, not only blue and blue. In addition to monophonic, there are many varieties with variegated petals.

Dahlia Ken's Rarity

Perennial dahlias do not overwinter in the soil in areas where temperatures drop below freezing. These are thermophilic plants. Their stems and leaves dry up with the advent of cold weather, powerful tubers remain in the ground. To preserve dahlias, tubers are dug up and stored in a cellar or other cool room in winter.

All varieties of dahlias known to us are perennial herbaceous plants with hollow stems, from 50 cm to 2 m high. Dahlias, the cultivation and care of which has its own characteristics, is an exciting activity for lovers of these flowers various forms and colorings. Varieties of dahlias with double flowers enjoy the greatest love among flower growers. Among them, pompon, decorative, chrysanthemum-shaped, pinnate and other forms are distinguished. Consider the secrets of planting, breeding dahlias by dividing tubers, cuttings, seeds.

The root part of dahlias is large, elongated, cone-shaped tubers attached to the root collar, on which there are vegetative buds. The tubers themselves do not have these buds. The death of the neck leads to the death of the whole plant.

Dahlia tubers are planted in the flower garden after they pass spring frosts. Seedlings emerge from the ground very quickly. The first flowers open in July and last until frost.

How to grow dahlias from root parts

Dahlias are easily propagated by root division, cuttings, grafting and seeds. With any of these methods of reproduction, plants bloom in the first year. At vegetative reproduction all qualities are passed on from parents to offspring. With seed propagation, the inflorescences of most plants are of poor quality.

The division of tuber roots is carried out after pre-germination them shortly before landing in the ground - it is easier to determine best places for cutting. This is done with overgrown dahlia tuber roots.

About a month before planting dahlias in open ground, they are placed in boxes or boxes with sawdust. The layer of sawdust above the tubers should be at least 5-6 cm. Dahlias are watered warm water without allowing sawdust to dry out. As soon as you notice that the eyes have hatched, you can begin the division process. In doing so, proceed as follows.

The dahlia tuber should be divided into several parts so that each has 2-3 eyes. Cut from above with a sharp, clean knife. Places of incisions, sections are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or sifted ash. Parts of the root tuber are slightly dried and planted either in open ground or germinated in sawdust.

V middle lane dahlia tuber roots are germinated in April, and in the Kuban - in March. In the latter case, planted in open ground, they bloom in May-June.

Dahlias from cuttings, reproduction

Cuttings - the most effective method breeding dahlias. With this method, already in January, the tubers are pre-sprouted in sawdust, as described above. In March-April, when the sprouts that have appeared reach a height of 5-7 cm, they are carefully broken off or carefully cut with a knife. Cuttings that have been cut with a piece from the root neck are best rooted. In a professional language, such processes are called - sprouts with a heel. They take root better, give stronger plants.

Then, in those places from which the sprouts were cut, new ones grow, but they are no longer so strong, their quality is much lower. You can, of course, also use them for breeding, if you have some kind of rare variety. But it is not recommended to cut the sprouts for rooting more than two or three times.

Cuttings cut with a heel are planted in containers with earth, which is well shed with warm water before planting. Until the moment the sprouts hatch, the containers are covered with glass or a transparent film, not forgetting to ventilate periodically.

There is one secret when growing dahlias from cuttings: rooted cuttings should be transplanted into not very loose dishes - plastic pots, cans. The tubers will form plump, compact. And if you leave them in boxes, then the tubers will grow elongated, thin. The quality of plants grown from such tubers is not high.

It may happen that the sprouts intended for rooting have outgrown, grown too long. Do not despair - such sprouts need to be rooted not in the ground, but in water. After planting in open ground, such seedlings are no different from those obtained from sprouts of normal size.

Growing dahlias from seeds

Often there are questions about the propagation of dahlias by seeds. Is it possible? Yes, but it's not fast way, they are rather used by breeders to obtain new varieties and hybrids. But ordinary flower growers can also use it. You can plant seeds immediately in open ground, or you can grow seedlings first.

Seeds are planted in seedling boxes with nutrient soil flat, filling them with sand or loose soil no more than 0.5 cm from above. As soon as 2-3 true leaves form at the seedlings, they are planted in open ground. The distance between seedlings is 5-7 cm.

Caring for seedlings grown from seeds is not quite ordinary. Firstly, the soil before planting seedlings is not fertilized. Secondly, in the process of growth they do not give any top dressing. Why create such Spartan conditions? And in order for young dahlias to show how decorative they can be, beautiful in the worst conditions. That's when they bloom, then choose the best, and the rest can be removed from the flower bed.

Dahlias are planted in the spring, and the ground in the flower bed where the flowers will grow is prepared in the fall. Be sure to dig a shovel onto a bayonet without breaking lumps. After the first frost, fertilize the flower bed with decomposed humus and dig it up again.

Planting and caring for dahlias, when and how

Dahlias are planted in the Kuban usually in the second half of April, when the soil warms up to a depth of 20-25 cm. They are planted so that the root neck is covered with earth by 5-7 cm.

Be creative when planting and arranging dahlias different varieties on the flowerbed. Take note of the height. coloring of flowers. Dahlias with dark colors will look good next to varieties of lighter colors. Try planting burgundy next to white or cream, red - with yellow or pink, lilac in different shades.

How to care for dahlias? There is nothing difficult in caring for dahlias. Varieties with tall stems necessarily require a garter. If you want to have large inflorescences, then 2-3 shoots with buds are left on one bush, and the rest are removed. Many varieties have a tendency to pinching. Therefore, so that the flowers do not shrink, the stepchildren pinch immediately after their appearance. Remember to remove the lower leaves when they begin to wilt and dry out.

During flowering, the soil under the dahlia bushes is plentifully watered, not allowed to dry out. From the moment the buds appear and throughout flowering, the plants begin to feed. You can use special fertilizers for flowers, for example, Kemira plus or homemade herbal infusion.

Around October (in the Kuban), dahlias fade. This is the first signal to dig.

dahlia flowersbright flowers ornamental plant that grows on lush bushes. Dahlia is a representative of Compositae. The flowers received their Russian and German names in honor of the Russian naturalist Georg, who was of German origin. In English-speaking countries, these flowers are called "dahlias" in honor of Andreas Dahl, the Swedish botanist who first described them. Dahlias are also called the "flowers of the outgoing summer", because the variegated flowers appear on them in the fall, when most ornamental plants already bloomed. Mexico is considered the birthplace of dahlias. V wild flowers are found in the territory of Peru, Chile. To date, more than 15 thousand varieties of this plant are known.

Mayan tribes used dahlias for their rituals. The so-called "temples of the sun" were simply buried in these bright colors. In ancient times, people considered dahlias to be the messengers of the Sun, they were worshiped and revered. The Aztecs called dahlias "acotli", used them for gastronomic purposes, grew as a medicinal and decorative flower.

According to ancient legends, the dahlia was considered royal flower, it was grown only in the princely gardens. Once a young man named George served with the prince. The young gardener fell in love with the girl so much that he violated the prince's ban by giving her a flower of amazing beauty. The prince severely punished the young man in love, putting him in prison, where he died. Beautiful flower began to be called the name of the gardener, since then he grew up in the gardens of ordinary people.

Another legend says that these flowers appeared at the place where the last fire was, which went out with the onset of the ice age. The first plant that sprouted with warmth were dahlias. Who knows, perhaps since then, dahlias have been considered a symbol of the victory of life over death. Another legend about the origin of flowers is also associated with a young man. A long time ago, the navigator George was struck by the beauty of an unknown flower, which he saw in one of the countries. The navigator decided to bring such beauty home and took the root of this plant with him. On the way home, George stopped in one country. He liked the country so much that he gave the king a root amazing flower. The king ordered to plant a plant in his garden, when the flower blossomed, everyone was amazed by its beauty, in gratitude to the young man for the gift, the flower was called a dahlia.

Growing: planting and care

Growing dahlias is very simple, they are one of the most unpretentious flowers. Flowers are planted using seedlings or sprouted nodules. Dahlias are planted in seedlings in mid-May, small flowers can be covered plastic wrap. The second method involves growing dahlias with nodules, they are planted in early May. Dahlias prefer a sunny location with moist fertile soil.

Dahlia care consists of regular watering, weeding, weed removal, top dressing. Watering flowers should be in drought, dahlias need abundant but infrequent watering. Feed the plant should be during the period of growth, then - during the period of budding and flowering. You can feed flowers with infusion of mullein with the addition of nitrogen fertilizers and superphosphate.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of dahlias allow them to be classified as medicinal flowers. The substances that were found in this plant rid the body of toxins, cholesterol, heavy metals. Decoctions of these flowers normalize metabolic processes and pancreatic function. For medicinal purposes, flowers with small buds are used. Dahlias are also very beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

The rhizomes and leaves of this flower contain polysaccharides, amino acids, many micro and macro elements. Tincture from this plant is a good prophylactic against diabetes. Dahlias have a positive effect on the joints, help with their inflammation. In the US, scientists isolate inulin from dahlia tubers, which is then used to produce fructose. Fructose in medicine is a natural substitute for sugar and starch. Such use of dahlias is very valuable for people suffering from diabetes.

In cosmetologists, this flower is used for hair care. Two tablespoons of powder from the tubers of the plant are rubbed into the hair roots along with a teaspoon of honey, vegetable oil and yolk. The mask is washed off after 30 minutes. This mask helps for brittle, dull hair.

The fresh leaves of the flowers are applied to the skin to treat acne. Dahlia rhizomes are used to make a homemade mask that is suitable for aging skin. To do this, gruel or powder from rhizomes is mixed with a tablespoon of homemade sour cream and applied to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask first with warm and then cold water.

Use in cooking

In cooking, dahlia flowers are not used as often as other edible flowers. Dahlia petals can be added to salads or appetizers.

Mexican cuisine offers to taste dishes from the tubers and inflorescences of this plant. In Central America, dried dahlia petals or their fried tubers are consumed. A drink is prepared from the tubers of the plant, which is consumed as an alternative to tea or coffee. This drink is known as Dacora. Sometimes, to improve its taste, honey or cream is added to the drink. The calorie content of dahlia flowers is very low, which allows them to be added to dietary dishes.

The benefits of dahlia flowers and treatment

The benefits of these autumn flowers have found their application in folk medicine. There are several recipes for remedies based on this plant. To lower blood sugar and for problems with the pancreas prepare an alcohol tincture from dahlia flowers. For tincture, take 10 grams of dry raw materials and pour 100 ml of vodka. The mixture is infused for several weeks in a dark place, after which the tincture is filtered and drunk 5 drops before meals 3-4 times a day. Before use, the product is diluted in water.

With cuts, acne, wounds, fresh leaves of the plant will help. in spring and winter period in the absence of fresh raw materials, dried dahlia leaves can be used. The leaves are washed and applied to the sore spot, securing with a plaster on top. Before using dry leaves, they should be pre-soaked with water. dahlia leaves are used with boils, calluses, suppuration.

Dahlias will help improve a person's condition with a disease such as arthritis. To do this, the tubers of this flower are mixed with horseradish root, Adam's root, hop cones, bodyaga and date grains. All the necessary components are taken in equal parts, crushed into powder and poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. The mixture is infused for a week, and then the tincture is rubbed in the morning and evening, the course of treatment becomes two months. If necessary, the course is repeated after two months.

Harm of dahlia flowers and contraindications

Flowers and other parts of the dahlia can harm the body with individual intolerance. It is contraindicated to take tinctures and decoctions of the plant during pregnancy and in childhood.