So that the carrots rise quickly. How to sow carrots: videos, tips, tricks

Carrot is one of the most labor-intensive crops. It takes about a month for carrot seeds to germinate. With improper care, root crops turn out to be small and crooked, and they are stored rather poorly. Gardeners are trying by any means to speed up the process of seed germination in order to enjoy a good and beautiful harvest.

Fast seedlings of carrot seeds

The right place for planting is one of the main conditions for growing carrots. When choosing, be sure to take into account the rules of crop rotation. In addition, the place where carrots will grow should not be limited in sunlight.

Carrots feel great in loose, light, fertile soil. For spring sowing seeds, the beds are prepared in the fall. Immediately before planting, the beds are loosened, humus and ash are added. In no case is it recommended to use fresh manure. Carrots differ from other vegetables in their high sensitivity to nitrogen fertilizers, so nitrates quickly accumulate in it.

And when to sow carrots? Sowing seeds begins when the probability of frost is close to zero, and the soil temperature does not fall below 5°C. According to gardeners, the time of sowing carrots should coincide with the beginning of bud break on lilac bushes.

How to achieve fast shoots of carrots

Carrot seeds contain essential oils that prevent the rapid penetration of moisture. Therefore, dry seeds begin to germinate no earlier than after 20-25 days. To speed up seedlings, the seeds should be washed in warm water and soaked for a day. Some gardeners recommend adding wood ash to the water used to wash the seeds (in the ratio of 1 liter of liquid, 1 tablespoon of fertilizer).

In order for carrot seeds to sprout faster, they need to be poured into a rag, then tied well and buried in the ground on a shovel bayonet. After some time, the seeds need to be dug up, rolled in starch and planted in previously prepared and well-watered grooves to a depth of no more than two centimeters. From above they are sprinkled with loose soil, lightly tamping. With this method of planting, watering is not carried out until the first shoots appear. If it is very hot outside, you can water a little without blurring the grooves.

You can speed up the germination of seeds with the help of a film coating. For this, the land intended for planting is covered with ashes. The distance between the rows is about 20 centimeters, and the depth of the grooves is 2.5 centimeters. The prepared recesses are well filled with water, and only after that the sowing of seeds begins, leaving a distance of 1.5 centimeters between them. After completing the planting, the recesses must be covered with soil and a film coating should be installed above the beds at a height of 15 centimeters. As soon as the sprouts begin to germinate, the film can be removed.

There is another way in which carrot seeds germinate faster. To do this, you need a plastic bucket, wire and nylon. According to the inner diameter of the bucket, you need to make a wire frame and fit it with nylon (you can use old tights). After that, hot water must be poured into the bucket, while the material should not be flooded. Prepared seeds are poured into a container, not forgetting to cover with a lid. If you put the bucket in a warm place, seedlings will appear much faster.

Factors affecting fast germination

Carrots are not demanding crops, however, there are factors that can affect germination.

The most significant are:

  • Seed sowing time.
  • Seeding depth.
  • Seeding rates.
  • Seed quality.
  • Seed pretreatment.
  • Soil condition.
  • Weather.

On average, the period of emergence of the first shoots with a fairly well-heated ground (8 degrees) is about two weeks. Germination time directly depends on temperature, so most often the seeds of this plant are planted from the second half of April to mid-May. Other sowing dates are also allowed, however, the lower the temperature, the longer it will take to wait for the first shoots. In cool weather, the germination process can take up to 3-4 weeks.

The germination period can be significantly reduced, some methods used by experienced gardeners can reduce this period by almost half - up to 7-10 days. By choosing a good place for a future bed, preparing the soil and processing the seeds, you can help the plants take root faster and form large, even fruits.

How to sow to get fast shoots

Do seed treatment

Compared to other popular vegetable crops, carrot seeds have a low germination rate. Usually 60–80% of seeds germinate from the total number. This parameter also depends on the freshness of the seed - the seeds have the highest germination capacity, from the moment of collection of which no more than 2 years have passed.

It is best to use last year's seed, this will increase the chances of getting the maximum number of plants in the garden.

Methods by which seeds can be prepared for planting in open ground:

  • stimulating solutions.
  • Disinfection.
  • hardening.
  • Germination of seeds in aerated water.
  • The use of plant growth stimulants.

Simple remedies that can help accelerate the growth of crops are available to any vegetable grower:

  • Immersion in hot water for 30-40 minutes. The water temperature should be between 45 and 55 degrees.
  • Steam processing. Under the influence of steam for several hours, the growth rate of seeds is accelerated by a third.
  • ... Germination can be accelerated by removing the essential oils contained in the seed coat. Alcohol will help remove the protective film, the exposure time of this method is 10-15 minutes.

If you used the method of soaking in vodka - do not forget to rinse them well under running water.

Pick the right landing time

You can sow seeds in open ground three times a season - in spring, summer and autumn (before winter).

  • will be more resistant to diseases and pests, and will also allow you to get an early harvest.
  • Early spring is a good time to plant root crops in the soil prepared in the fall. These root crops are perfect for consumption during the season.
  • If the goal is to grow carrots suitable for long-term storage, it is better to plant them in late spring or summer.

The most common is spring planting. This method is most popular among gardeners.

When choosing the timing of planting, focus primarily on the temperature of the soil and air. The soil should have time to warm up, and the air temperature should not fall below 8 degrees Celsius.

As a rule, the optimal period falls on the period from April 20 to May 5. In summer, it is best to plant at the end of June, and in winter - at the beginning of November, a week before frost.

Bed preparation

Carrots prefer loose, sandy soils that contain a large amount of humus. In heavy clay soils, the plant develops more slowly and has a lower yield. It is important to take into account what exactly grew in the garden to carrots. The best predecessors for these root crops are potatoes, cucumbers and onions.

The soil for the beds is prepared in the spring. It is dug up and organic fertilizers are applied. Humus is best suited for these purposes. If the soil is acidic, add ash or chalk.

A week before planting, the prepared bed is loosened, leveled with a rake and mineral fertilizers are applied - urea and superphosphates.


Carrot is a cold-resistant plant, its growth begins already at + 5 degrees. However, at this temperature, growth is slow, seed germination takes up to 4 weeks. With an increase in temperature to +20 degrees, growth accelerates significantly, and the time for emergence of seedlings is reduced to 8-10 days. The optimum temperature for root formation is 22-25 degrees.

For normal growth, carrots need constant moisture. Soil moisture for the best development of the plant should be 70–80%. With a lack of moisture, the fruits become stiff and may acquire a bitter taste. With excess moisture, carrots grow from the inside and crack.

In addition to temperature and humidity, crop lighting plays a huge role. Carrots are a long-day plant, so the formation of a bountiful harvest is possible only with good lighting.

Smart landing pattern

When sowing in the garden, stripes are formed with a depth of 1-2 centimeters. The depth of the furrows depends on the density of the soil - the denser the soil, the shallower the planting depth. The distance between such furrows should be about 15 cm.

Organization of proper care


You can speed up the germination process after sowing as follows:

  • Cover the bed with a layer of plastic wrap. This will keep the heat and moisture needed for the seeds.
  • Water the crops with warm water every 2-3 days.
  • Loosen the soil regularly, it is much easier for seeds to break through light, air-saturated soil.

Thus, in order to accelerate the growth of carrots and get a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures. Pre-sowing seed treatment, competent soil preparation and high-quality care of crops will help to get tasty and beautiful root crops.

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In order for the carrots in your garden to sprout quickly, it is necessary not only to plant the seeds correctly, but also to prepare them. Do not ignore the tillage, fertilizing and other nuances that will help you quickly get a crop of homemade carrots.

Before sowing, it is desirable to process carrot seeds

A good harvest can only be ensured if a whole set of recommendations is followed. If at least one is not taken into account, this will lead to the fact that tasty and sweet carrots of early and later varieties will be lost.

Preparatory work with the soil

First you need to carefully take care of the preparation of the land. Carrots grow poorly on loamy and heavy soil. For this reason, beds with light soils are required for this crop. It will be good if the soil is mixed with a not very large amount of clean sand. If the soil is too hard and trampled, the seeds simply will not be able to germinate normally, and it will be difficult for the seedlings themselves to develop and produce the desired root crop.

It is strongly forbidden to bring manure under the bed with carrots. This only negatively affects the development of the plant - the root crop grows weakened and is rather poorly stored in the future. Due to the timely and proper preparation of the land, it is possible to eliminate the occurrence of problems with growing carrots in the future.

The soil in the garden with carrots should be loose

Seed selection

It is necessary to sow not only properly prepared seeds, but also high-quality ones. You will need to purchase exclusively proven seed. In this case, you should not save, because this will adversely affect your beds - germination will be slow, not plentiful.

Poor-quality seeds will not be able to give the desired effect, so you will have to forget about a good harvest of carrots.

In order not to make a mistake, you need to sow the seeds from a good supplier, a proven brand. Only in this case, you can not worry about the yield in the beds with carrots.

You can harvest the seeds of your favorite variety of carrots yourself

Seed preparation

In order to properly germinate carrot seeds, you need to carefully consider several points that help prepare the seed. Proper seed treatment helps carrots develop better, give a large amount of harvest. There are many ways to do this.

The most effective that can be done under normal home conditions is soaking the seed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This method will protect root crops from attack by pests and diseases.

Gardeners prefer to sow seeds that are pre-soaked with a modern growth stimulator. Your task is to plant correctly and carefully prepared seed. So carrots will quickly germinate and bring a decent harvest.

For clarity, you can arrange the seeds on a paper tape

Bed preparation

The ideal and most correct size of the beds on prepared land is 1 meter wide and 5 meters long. For planting carrots - these are just approximate sizes. The final parameters of the beds depend only on the individual views and preferences of the gardener. It is necessary to sow carrots correctly in the furrows: they are prepared using an ordinary shovel handle in the spring. There you will need to plant the seed.

An individual approach to the preparation of the beds will help to achieve the desired effect. If you use the wrong method, you can get the opposite effect from the expected one.

Carrots should not be planted too close to each other.

Direct planting of carrots

In the ground, pre-prepared seed material should be located in this way: the distance between the seeds is 1-1.5 cm. Sprinkle over the planting with peat, but clean sand can also be added.

Why do they do it? When the soil for planting is dense, seed germination becomes slow. In order for the shoots to be plentiful and fast, you simply need to fluff the ground.

Seed germination will be faster if you water the beds after planting. To speed up the process, a small amount of water will be sufficient.

Seeds should be planted in loose soil and watered

Acceleration of seed germination

Every experienced and novice gardener wants the seeds to grow as quickly as possible after planting. There are various methods that will help ensure the effective acceleration of germination of seeds prepared for planting. A common method, which is based on the use of conventional polyethylene:

  • Take a strong and high-quality film and cover the beds where you decide to sow carrots with it.
  • Germination can be accelerated only when you cover the future seedlings with a film like this: a small air gap of 12 cm is obtained between the polyethylene and the soil.
  • Give the seeds some time to germinate normally.
  • This method is used for one week. To get the desired effect, the film must be removed within one week after its direct use.
  • If you do not remove the polyethylene after receiving the desired shoots, you can get an undesirable effect: the plant has not yet gained the necessary strength, so it easily dies.

To get the desired effect in the preparation of seeds and soil, everything must be done in a complex. Pay attention to the quality of the soil, so in the whole garden it is worth choosing the optimal bed, where there is the right soil, supplied with minerals and trace elements for the normal growth of vegetable crops.

Carrot is an unusual and very healthy vegetable, rich in vitamins and minerals. Quite often, even experienced gardeners ask themselves questions: is it necessary to soak the seeds of carrots, how to do it correctly so that carrots quickly rise? In fact, it is very easy to grow a bright red root vegetable on the site, the most important thing is to choose good seeds and properly prepare them for planting.

Basic ways to plant carrots

Most often, carrots are planted in the spring, as soon as the first snow melts.

Important! In order to ensure a good harvest and seedlings, high-quality preparation of carrot seeds for planting is necessary.

How to prepare carrot seeds?

Processing carrot seeds before planting is no different from preparing other crops. To get a good harvest, it is necessary to carry out a number of general procedures that will promote the growth of this bright root crop.

Proper preparation and processing of carrots before planting will definitely help speed up the germination process. The most important thing when preparing seeds is to saturate them with moisture, to allow them to swell and hatch. The better the processing is done, the better the result will be. There are many interesting options, each of which has been tested by experienced gardeners and is ready to defend its advantages. How to soak carrot seeds before planting and how to nourish them with useful elements?


You should take a large jar (about 3 liters), fill it with clean warm water, pour the seeds inside and mix thoroughly. Next, a device is lowered into the jar to saturate the water with oxygen, turn it on and leave it for about a day. After that, the liquid is poured onto gauze, and the vegetable is wrapped in a clean cloth bag and left in the refrigerator for three to five days. Then the processed bag is opened and the seeds are taken out, which must be dried well. This treatment of carrot seeds allows you to saturate them with oxygen, which greatly speeds up the process of the appearance of the first shoots.

"Carrots in a bag"

The essence of this method is as follows: a small bag of fabric is taken, seeds are poured into it and moistened with water. And in the spring, as soon as the first snow melts, they dig a small hole in the ground and put a soaked bag there. Next, the hole is simply covered with snow and left for 7-10 days. If everything is done correctly, then in about ten days the carrots will swell and hatch. The seeds will need to be removed from the hole, lightly mixed with river sand and scattered over the prepared soil. Planting carrots also needs to be treated with due attention and be sure to cover the bed with a film. This method will help carrots rise in less than a week.


Ready-made pelleted seeds can be purchased at garden stores, or you can make the coating yourself. Home panning of carrot seeds takes place three to five days before the intended planting.

To process carrot seeds, one or two teaspoons of dry carrot crops are taken and poured into a liter container. Further, in a separate container, one glass of dry peat in powder and one glass of humus are mixed. One to two tablespoons of the mixture are added to a jar of vegetables. The container is tightly closed with a film and a lid. The container must be shaken for about two to three minutes, and then all operations must be repeated: add the mixture and shake well several more times. This step is called granulation.

After the vegetable is covered with nutrients, it must be poured onto a dense cloth and allowed to dry. This method of processing grains before planting takes time and care to perform, but it is very effective, because it opens up the beneficial properties of carrot seeds before planting, fills them with nutrients and coats them with a protective shell. This is a great opportunity to make sowing much easier.


A simple and easy method of preparing carrot seeds is soaking. Soaking carrot seeds before sowing is not difficult and consists in the fact that it is necessary to soak the seeds in a nutrient solution for a certain time. It is more convenient to soak carrots at the end of winter in order to plant them in the beds in the spring.

In general, you will need any container, carrot seeds and the actual nutrient solution. There are many recipes for such solutions, here are a few basic ones:

  • mix a teaspoon of Effekton-O with warm water (about a liter);
  • mix a teaspoon of Potassium Humate or Sodium Humate concentrate with warm water (about a liter);
  • in the same proportion (a teaspoon per bucket), dilute wood ash;
  • add 20 drops of aloe leaf juice to a liter of water.

When the nutrient solution is ready, carrots wrapped in rag bags are lowered into a container. Soaking is usually one day. After the soaked bag is pulled out, the seeds are washed and sent in a wet cloth for 3-5 days in a refrigerator. Before sowing, the grains are taken out of the refrigerator, transferred to dry gauze and dried.

Soaking carrot seeds before sowing allows you to increase the percentage of seedlings.

Soaking carrots in vodka

Soaking carrot seeds in vodka is a rather unusual way to increase seedling speed. How to soak? It is necessary to wrap the grains in a clean cloth bag and dip it in vodka for ten minutes. During this short time, vodka dissolves almost all essential oils, which, according to nature's plan, should protect the seed until it enters the soil. Then it is necessary to rinse the bag very well in cool water, removing the remnants of vodka. After that, the grains must be allowed to dry and sown in the usual way. This method provides good seedlings in a couple of days.

In order for seedlings to be uniform and of high quality, it is very important to prepare carrot seeds for sowing. Experienced summer residents know how difficult it is to plant and care for dry carrots without additional processing. At the same time, without preparation, the grains germinate only after two to three weeks, and sometimes even more. That is why high-quality preparation for planting is an extremely important event, especially in spring, when it is cold and dry. Whether it is necessary to soak carrot seeds or you can get by with other processing methods - everyone decides for himself. If you know exactly what to do with the seeds and how to plant them correctly, the harvest will meet even the most incredible expectations.

Seeds of different plants germinate at different speeds, for example, marigolds appear from the ground three days after they were sown. Tomatoes, depending on the temperature and soil moisture, may take from 3-7 days to sprout. Peppers germinate in about 10 days. But the shoots of carrots have to wait up to several weeks, doubting that they will ever appear at all. In the article, we will look at how to plant carrots so that they sprout quickly, consider ways to accelerate seed germination, involving not only the processing of the seeds themselves, but also the implementation of a whole range of necessary agricultural practices:

  • Landing site selection.
  • Soil preparation.
  • Using the optimal landing pattern.
  • Optimization of soil temperature and moisture content.
The first shoots of carrots. The first shoots begin to break through 10-30 days after planting the seeds.

Selecting a site for sowing

When choosing a place for sowing carrots, it should be noted that heavy loams are not suitable for it, but light soil containing a sufficient amount of sand in its composition, on the contrary, is ideal.

The speed of the appearance of sprouts also depends on the degree of soil warming, therefore, for sowing carrots, you should choose areas that are well lit by the sun. At the same time, the earth should not be overdried, otherwise the plant may not sprout until it receives enough water.

As for the predecessors, the following cultures are best suited for this purpose:

  • Tomatoes.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Cabbage.
  • Potato.

It is after them that the largest harvest of beautiful healthy root crops is obtained.

Soil preparation for planting carrots

To grow carrots, fertile, cultivated soil is required, the preparation of which should be started in the fall - fertilize and dig. The plant responds positively to the following fertilizers:

  • wood ash.
  • humus.
  • Nitrofoski.

The introduction of dry ash into the soil is used for loosening the soil and accelerating the growth of seeds. Ash neutralizes acidic soils. Ash should not be stored outside in the barbecue, but in a dry place

Tip # 1 Do not get carried away with the application of nitrogen fertilizers, as this can lead to fattening of plants, a decrease in the quality of root crops and plant immunity.

For carrot seeds, their high-quality adhesion to the ground is of great importance, for which the soil after planting must be compacted in rows, while a layer of loose soil (preferably peat or sand) about 10 mm thick should be poured on top.

The optimal scheme for planting carrots

As for the row spacing, it depends on the method of processing the beds. If weeding and loosening is planned to be carried out with a chopper, then the rows can be placed at a distance of 20 cm or more. And if a walk-behind tractor is used for this purpose, then the row spacing should be at least 60, or even 70 cm.

Tip # 2 When sowing carrot seeds in furrows, you can disinfect the soil at their bottom by watering from a watering can with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. This manipulation will not only kill most pathogens, but also scare away some pests.

Between individual carrot seeds, it is desirable to maintain a distance of at least one and a half centimeters. After sowing, the rows mulched with loose material must be watered (it should not be cold).

The optimal scheme for planting carrots is 20 cm between rows and the distance between seeds in one row is 1.5-3 cm.

We create a suitable microclimate in the thickness of the soil

Carrot seeds for germination should receive a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil, but if the soil is too dry, then it is necessary to water it, followed by covering it with a polymer film. This measure creates a greenhouse effect and is also necessary in cold weather.

A high-quality light-stabilized polyethylene film of a sufficiently large thickness (100 - 150 microns) is best suited for this purpose. It must be laid on low arcs or logs lying along the row spacing, so that there is a distance of 120 mm between the polymer and the soil. The edges should be well fixed, for example, dug in with soil so that sufficiently strong spring winds do not transfer the shelter to the crowns of nearby trees.

It is important not to miss the moment of germination (generally, it takes one week from the laying of polyethylene to the majority of the seeds to sprout). If after this the bed remains covered, the sprouts will stretch out and the plants will weaken or even die.

Criteria for selecting seed

When choosing carrot seeds, preference is given to zoned seeds (prepared for the conditions of the region).

When sowing carrots, not only the special preparation of seeds, but also their quality is of great importance. It is guaranteed that you can buy good healthy and strong seeds only in stores owned by manufacturers or who are their exclusive distributors.

Almost every well-known seed brand produces many different varieties of carrots, most of which fall into the four main variety types, the characteristics of which are given in the table:

Carrot cultivar

Plant characteristics

Ripening terms

Nantes The leaves are small (the mass of greenery is up to 25% of the total mass), the roots are cylindrical in shape, have blunt tips, a round small core, which practically does not differ in color from the bark. They have a good sweet taste and high keeping quality. early, middle
Shantane Large, erect leaves (green mass - 40%). Conical root crops have a large core middle, late
Gueranda Foliage is medium erect. Root crops, in the form of a cut cone, short with a large (more than 60% of the diameter of the carrot) faceted core. The fruits are highly nutritious Early
flakke The leaves are large (the mass of green parts is 50%). Round, spindle-shaped root crops with a large core, occupying up to 65% of the total diameter of the fruit Late

As can be seen from the table, carrots belonging to the Nantes and Guerande varieties are suitable for obtaining the earliest shoots and harvest. Further, based on your own preferences, you should choose the earliest varieties and purchase a little of each.

It should be remembered that healthy seeds should have a uniform, spotless color and an undamaged surface.

Rules for storing carrot seeds

Any seeds have a shelf life limit, and carrots are no exception. For this vegetable, the shelf life of the seed is 2 to 3 years. During storage, the following rules must be observed:

  • Packed seeds should be in burlap or paper.
  • The temperature in the room where they are stored should not exceed +17°C and not fall below 0°C so that the seed does not freeze.
  • Air humidity should be no more than 50%, because in a humid environment, seeds can germinate or become moldy.

Seed Growth Stimulation

The most modern way to obtain early shoots of carrots is soaking its seeds in solutions of special substances - growth and development stimulants for plants. They improve the germination of both healthy and weakened seeds, increase their germination energy and reduce the time from sowing to the appearance of friendly shoots.

The composition and characteristics of some of these drugs contains the table below:

Name of the drug Active substance Characteristic
Krezatsin Cresaxyacetic acid triethanolamine salt Non-toxic substance, its constituent molecules are destroyed in soil substrate conditions to silica
Emistim Gibberellins and cyticons Produced by symbiotic fungi Asremonium Cichenicola, which naturally lives on ginseng roots
Appin Appin An analogue of the natural hormone epibrassinolide obtained by artificial synthesis
Agate 25k Complex microbiological product Obtained by inactivation of Pseudomonasaureofaciena H16 bacterial cells, followed by enrichment with a complex of micro- and macroelements, bioactive drugs and immunogens

Physical methods to accelerate seed germination

Sowing unprepared seeds, even in well-moistened soil, will not allow you to get enough early shoots. To speed up the process, there are a number of available physical methods, among which the following methods are most widely used:

  • Soaking seeds on a napkin.
  • "Carrots in a bag"
  • Sowing seeds before winter.

Now about each of them in more detail.

Soaking seeds on a paper towel

This method is most often used by gardeners, it allows you to achieve early friendly and dense entrances. The essence of the ego lies in laying out the seeds on a napkin moistened with water at room temperature. The air temperature in the room where soaking is performed should be between +23°C and +24°C. On average, the seeds begin to germinate on the third day of soaking, during which it is necessary to keep the napkin moist.

"Carrots in a bag"

This way is more difficult:

  • When the first thawed patches appear, you should dig a hole one spade bayonet deep.
  • Seed material is placed in a canvas bag.
  • The packaging is wetted with water, placed in a prepared pit, covered with earth and covered with snow.
  • A mark is placed at the site of the hole.
  • After 10 - 12 days, the seeds peck, after which they are removed.
  • Germinating seeds are mixed with a small amount of dry river sand and sown in the garden on the soil surface.
  • A shallow harrowing of the site is being carried out.
  • The bed is covered with a polymer film.

Uniform shoots, as a rule, appear after 5 - 6 days.

Winter sowing of carrots

This method can be used in regions with mild but snowy winters. Where the soil freezes even in the presence of deep snow cover, it is better not to apply the technique.

Podzimny sowing gives larger fruits of carrots. It is usually carried out in October. For planting before winter, such varieties are suitable as: Dobrynya "Gavrish", Monastic "Gavrish", Beauty girl "Gavrish", F1 Nantik Resistafly "Semko-Junior", F1 Nantskaya Semko "Semko-Junior", Pharaoh "Poisk", Children's sweet "Aelita", F1 Our Nanny "Aelita", etc.

Of the domestic varieties for winter sowing, the following are suitable:

  • Incomparable.
  • Vitamin-6.
  • Nantes-5.
  • Shantane-2461 and some others.

Given the good frost resistance of the crop, you can try this method on a small area in different regions, because a possible record-breaking early harvest will pay off the risk.

Answers to current questions of gardeners

Question #1: How can seed be disinfected with available, inexpensive and safe preparations at home?

Answer: The easiest and most affordable way to disinfect carrot seed is to soak it in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Question #2: Does the timing of thinning carrots matter?

Answer: Of course it has. The sooner this procedure is carried out, the better for the plant. After all, if this is done late, then the tips of the tap roots of the remaining root crops can be torn off, which will lead to their branching and loss of presentation.

Question #3: This year I planted seeds on a tape and the seedlings turned out to be too rare. With what it can be connected?

Answer: If we exclude low-quality seeds, then with a high probability it can be assumed that the reason is in the unleveled surface of the bottom of the groove into which the tape was placed. For this reason, not all seeds were in contact with the soil and, accordingly, not all germinated.

Question #4: How to check seeds for germination?

Answer: A month before sowing, some of the seed is soaked, wrapped in a damp cloth, and the germination rate is estimated by the percentage of seeds that have risen.

Question #5: Is it possible to disinfect seeds by physical methods at home?

Answer: Yes, you can. Seeds can be heated for a quarter of an hour in water heated to 52 ° C, then immersed in cold water for 3 minutes. After that, the seeds are dried a little to a loose state and immediately sown in the ground.