Reproduction of blue hydrangea by cuttings in the fall. The best time to breed hydrangeas

Almost every gardener who sees a hydrangea bloom dreams of getting it on his site. An unpretentious shrub can be propagated in several ways. Bush division is used, the method with layering from the mother bush, and cuttings are the most common. You can cut this beautiful plant in spring, summer and autumn. Let's talk about autumn cuttings in more detail.

How to cut a hydrangea in the fall

Cutting hydrangea is the most effective, you can get a large number of seedlings from one bush for enough a short time. Cloudy weather favors rooting, but you need to be in time before frost... In autumn, gardeners carry out sanitary pruning of hydrangeas, prepare bushes for wintering. The pruned branches most often go into compost, and in fact excellent seedlings grow from them. Of course, not all branches are used for cuttings; summer shoots without flowers are used for propagation.

Preparing for grafting

The soil for seedlings should be loose, light. It is prepared in advance by mixing the garden soil with peat and coarse sand in equal proportions. For grafting, take the tops of young plant twigs, on which there are no flower inflorescences... With pruning shears, cuttings 10-15 cm long are cut at an angle, lower leaves removed or shortened by half.

Cuttings are cut to a length of about 10 cm


I do not cut the apical growth bud of the cutting. In my opinion, this way they take root faster. Also, the tops of the heads serve as a kind of indicator - how they went into growth, which means the cuttings are already with roots.

Planting cuttings in the ground

Young hydrangeas are very vulnerable, therefore, planting in the ground is carried out in the spring at a stable above-zero temperature, when the threat of return frosts has passed. For the first three years, the hydrangea needs to be very well insulated for the winter.

If you remove the apical bud from the cutting, the seedling ready for planting will have several lateral branches.

Breeding hydrangea is enough painstaking work that requires care and patience. But seedlings can be obtained budgetary way and they will please in a year or two abundant flowering their masters.

Hydrangeas are decorative flowering plants, which, depending on the size of the bush, can be grown in the garden or in indoor conditions... They have an excellent deciduous mass and delight with abundant flowering. If you want to grow with your own hands, without resorting to buying planting material, you will need to find out some secrets. Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings allows you to preserve all the decorative properties inherent in the species and quickly get a beautiful flowering plant.

the propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in water and soil is used both in individual floriculture and on an industrial scale. There are 4 suggested on this page effective method that give excellent results with minimal effort.

For starters, you should stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • hydrangea cuttings, prepared in advance;
  • earthen mixtures with a loose structure, moss, sand;
  • vermiculite and other types of materials for dropping cuttings;
  • various planting containers, pots, flowerpots;
  • settled water at room temperature;
  • garden shears and pruning shears with sharpened blades;
  • special chemical compositions that stimulate rooting;
  • chipped bricks, river small stone or other type of drainage;
  • garden shovel.

Method 1: how to propagate hydrangea by cuttings in the ground

Before propagating hydrangea by cuttings in the ground, it is necessary to resolve the issue of planting material. Cuttings can be taken from old bushes that have stopped flowering. To do this, it is necessary to dig out individual shoots and carefully clean them of soil and a layer of mulch.

Then we remove all dried and damaged roots and shoots with a pruning shears.

Make sure to keep at least 3 flower buds.

Cut off the top carefully. Optimal size planting cuttings are from 12 to 17 cm.Do not harvest planting material from diseased plants.

After cutting, the material is soaked for half an hour in a solution of fungicides and antibacterial drugs. The first method is suitable for those gardeners who already have a decent number of hydrangea varieties at their disposal.

2nd way to grow a hydrangea with your own hands

For indoor cultivation of this plant, you can use the 2nd method. It consists in the fact that rooting is carried out directly in a vase in a special soil.

In order to grow a hydrangea with our own hands, we prepare cuttings. Next, a mixture of nutrient soil and sand is prepared in a 1: 1 ratio. sand can be replaced with vermiculite. The containers for planting are filled with the finished substrate. Spills with water.

Selected cuttings are cut with pruning shears to a height of 17 cm.The cut points should be 5 cm above and below the extreme leaf buds.

It is necessary to cut off all the leaf mass. This stimulates root formation.

We lower the lower part of the cutting into the solution to speed up the rooting process. Usually, a ready-made liquid formulation purchased from a specialized store is used. But you can make it yourself from powder. Can be left in solution for 12 to 24 hours.

Holes of a suitable diameter are made in the ground. The soil around is compacted. The depth of the holes should be at least 5 cm, maximum 10 cm. Cuttings are inserted into the holes and squeezed with earth.

This is followed by the rooting process, which can take up to 3 weeks. To improve this process, you can cover the cuttings on top with a glass jar or plastic greenhouse.

Watering is carried out as needed (drying out the soil coma). Temperature the environment should not fall below 16 degrees Celsius. Optimum temperature- 25 degrees Celsius.

After 20 days, you can check the quality of the formation of the root lobe. To do this, the handle can be slightly pulled up. If resistance is felt, then the roots are formed evenly in the required volume. In this case, it is possible to transplant the cuttings to a permanent "place of residence".

3rd method of propagation of hydrangeas by cuttings from a bush

In addition to the agronomic operations described above, there are still available methods. For example, the 3rd method of propagation of hydrangea by cuttings is suitable if there is a sufficiently young and strong bush.

Bend the lower branch so that it touches the ground.

A nutrient substrate is poured into a previously dug hole. The middle of the branch is slightly deepened into it. Sprinkle with earth on top, watered and covered plastic wrap... Pressed by a brick or other heavy object.

water periodically so that the ground under the film always remains moist.

After 2 weeks, remove the film, lightly scrape off the soil and check the condition of the roots.

If the result is negative, weight the brick and leave it on for another 2 weeks.

After the formation of your own root system, prune from mother plant.

After 2 weeks can be transplanted to permanent place... For this, a new plant is dug out with a shovel. Try not to damage the earthen ball.

After landing in a permanent place, provide partial shade for 7-10 days. Water regularly.

4th method: propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in water

Rapid propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in water will require certain skills, since planting material tends to rot even with minor violations of agricultural technology. The 4th method can be used both for reproduction garden hydrangea, and for the cultivation of indoor plants.

Prepare the cuttings by removing the deciduous matter. The length of the stalk should be from 10 to 18 cm. The upper part is also cut over the last leaf bud.

Place the cuttings in a container filled with warm, settled water. A rooting compound can be added to the water. The container should be transparent, since the penetration of light stimulates the formation of the root system.

Wait until roots up to 2 cm long have formed.

The water in the vase must be changed every other day, avoiding a musty smell.

Hydrangea can be propagated at home. different ways- each florist chooses the most suitable option for himself. To have an idea of ​​these methods, in the article we will take a closer look at each of them. We will also find out what is the best way, at what time to propagate the hydrangea, how to care for the plant after planting, and other important issues.

So, hydrangea can be propagated in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • green cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • offspring;
  • layering.

Each of these methods has both its undeniable advantages and disadvantages. Next, we will consider each of the options in detail.

Time for breeding

Different breeding methods also imply the choice of different time periods:

  • the division of the bush is carried out in the spring before the buds swell;
  • mid-July is suitable for cuttings, less often - spring, late autumn;
  • planting of seeds is carried out in standard early spring time;
  • hydrangea can be propagated by layering in spring and autumn;
  • offspring - better in the fall.

It is better to propagate panicle hydrangea in the second half of summer, since in spring it is very difficult to find healthy cuttings in this plant. This variety is also not suitable for autumn breeding.

Seed method

This option is the longest: from the moment of sowing the seeds to the first flowering of the hydrangea, it takes about three years. It should be noted that the seed method is suitable for natural species of hydrangea, while hybrid varieties do not reproduce by this method. The fact is that it is better to propagate hybrids at home vegetatively - this way they better retain their decorative effect and specific characteristics.

Hydrangea seeds do not need pre-sowing preparation - they are immediately sown in boxes with moist soil. It is not necessary to deepen the seeds into the ground, they are laid out on the surface of the ground, after which the box is covered with a transparent film. Remember to lift the film / glass daily so that the seeds can "breathe".

The first shoots can be observed twenty days after sowing. After that, the seedlings are grown for two years, and in the third year they are planted in the garden. By the time of planting, the hydrangea seedlings reach a length of 30-40 cm.


The most popular propagation method for hydrangeas is versatile and suitable for all types of flowers. Nai the best time for propagation by cuttings - the middle of summer, when buds appear on the donor plant.

A suitable cutting (green) for our purpose is the middle part of a shoot that has grown in the past or current year, which has several leaves and buds. Cuttings are usually taken from young specimens - they take root better.

Cuttings are recommended to be cut from the side shoots located at the bottom of the bush. It is only important that the stalk grows in the sun, and not in the shade - otherwise the planting material will not be too strong. A high-quality future seedling must have good health and not have any damage, the kidneys on it should be large and developed.

It is recommended to cut off shoots in the early morning in order to preserve maximum moisture in future seedlings. Immediately put into water, after which they start cutting cuttings from the shoots for subsequent rooting. The green top, which has a bud, is removed from each shoot - this part is not suitable for planting.

A part of the shoot without a top is divided into two or more parts (depending on the length of the shoot, the number of buds on it). It is important that each division has at least one bud and a couple of leaves. The leaves are removed from the bottom of each cut, after which the planting material is placed in a solution of a root growth stimulator:

  • Kornevin;
  • Zircon;
  • Heteroauxin.

A solution is prepared according to the instructions, after which the cuttings are kept in it for about two hours in a dark place. It is important to ensure that only the stem gets into the solution, and not the leaves.

Attention: you can use as a root stimulant and HB101 preparation, however, planting material should be kept in it for only half an hour.

After treatment with a root stimulant, it is time for the rooting of cuttings. They are planted in a pre-prepared soil mixture consisting of torus (2 parts) and sand (1 part). The soil mixture must be moist. To create the most favorable conditions, the cuttings are covered with glass or plastic transparent jars on top - this measure allows you to create a warm, humid microclimate.

It is necessary to water the seedlings regularly, and more often in hot weather. If the planting material is not covered with cans, it is also necessary to additionally spray the cuttings to ensure normal level humidification.

After about 25-30 days, the cuttings take root - a signal for this is the formation of new young leaves. After rooting, the banks are removed. If the plants take root directly in the open field, it is recommended to cover them temporarily. soft material to protect against return frost. If rooting takes place indoors, this measure can be neglected.

First-year seedlings must be sheltered before wintering. To do this, use fallen leaves, frame mesh structures, agrofibre, spruce spruce branches.

Features of spring cuttings

In this case, cuttings are obtained during the traditional spring pruning of hydrangeas. The shoot should be cut from a lignified branch, but it itself should be young, flexible. After cutting, the shoots are immediately placed in water for five days. The water should be changed daily. After five days, you can start grafting shoots for further propagation.

Try to cut the cuttings from the bottom at a 45-degree angle - this will increase the chances of successful rooting. young plant... It is also recommended to soak the cuttings in a root stimulant solution.

When rooting in spring, it is better to plant the cuttings in wet sand. The container is filled with sand about half, after which the cuttings are planted in it.

The lower part of the cutting should be deepened by about 3 cm. After planting, the seedlings are sprayed with water, covered with a transparent film on top. Do not forget to ventilate the planting material every day and periodically moisten the sand.

In order for the seedlings to take root faster, make sure that the temperature in the room is suitable - from +15 to +25 degrees, not lower and not higher. When the cuttings are rooted, they are placed in separate containers. This container should be about 10 cm in diameter.

Young seedlings should be kept in a shaded place so that aggressive sunlight does not damage them. The grown cuttings are planted in the ground when stable warm weather sets in.

Features of winter cuttings

Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings can be done and late autumn- a good option, which gives quite predictable results. Further step by step technology winter version of the procedure.

  1. The mother plant is dug out of the ground in the second half of October. It is important that there is still time before the first frosts.
  2. The hydrangea is transplanted into a pot of soil and placed in a dark, cool, but dry basement. If the soil in the pot begins to dry out, it must be watered.
  3. In the middle of winter (in January), the plant should be moved to a room with a temperature of +10 degrees. And soon it will be possible to observe budding, the formation of young shoots.
  4. By the end of February, the shoots become long enough for rooting, and they already have 3-4 pairs of leaves.
  5. Cuttings are cut from the shoots, excluding the top. The cuttings are then kept in a root stimulant solution for 2 hours and planted in a container with nutrient soil (or wet, coarse sand). From above it is desirable to form a mini-greenhouse from the film.
  6. After a month, the mini-greenhouse is removed (gradually, in layers), after which the rooted seedlings are grown on the windowsill until stable warm weather begins. In mid-May, if the weather permits, you can already plant them on the garden bed, choosing a shaded place, protected from direct sunlight.

Cutting panicle hydrangea

Cuttings are cut at the traditional time - in mid-July. It is not recommended to propagate this type of plant by cuttings at other times - attempts are rarely successful.

Future seedlings are cut off from the lower shoots that do not have buds. It is advisable to cut off the stalk with a "heel" - a piece of bark from the mother's shoot. The cut site must be treated with a stimulant (Kornevin is optimal), and then the cutting should be planted in a container with light, loose, nutritious soil. If the weather is very warm, you can plant it right in the garden.

Bloom panicle hydrangea can be observed already in the current year - unlike other varieties. However, flowering should not be allowed - it is necessary to immediately pick off the buds: this will ensure more lush and longer flowering in subsequent years.

Features of cuttings of tree hydrangea

This variety can reproduce well by cuttings and in the fall. To do this, before the onset of frost, the apical shoots with several leaves are cut off.

The cuttings are washed with Fundazole solution to avoid infection, and then planted in containers with permeable loose soil. Water the seedlings for the first time better solution Phytosporin to prevent rotting of the bottom of the seedlings in the ground.

From above, the seedlings are covered with a mini-greenhouse made of film (you can wrap them loosely with ordinary plastic bags) and placed on the windowsill. Rooting takes place at room temperature and subject to daily airing of the seedlings. After a month, the plant takes root.

If the weather is cloudy in winter, it is necessary to provide additional artificial lighting so that the plants feel good and develop. Cuttings of a tree hydrangea are grown until spring and are planted in the garden when warm weather sets in.

Dividing the bush

This method is rarely used, usually when transplanting a hydrangea bush. This method of reproduction is used for all types of hydrangea, except for paniculate. The optimal choice time - early spring.

Before the procedure, the bush must be well watered, and then carefully dig it out, trying not to damage the roots. After digging, the rhizomes are washed from the old soil, the damaged and dried parts are removed.

The bush is divided into several parts - it is important that each part has its own rhizome, otherwise it will not work to grow a hydrangea. Each piece is planted on separate place in the garden, after cutting the roots and shoots.


In this case, the hydrangea reproduces by young shoots. The method is not bad, however, it requires concentration of attention, accuracy and caution.

Step by step process

  1. Next to the hydrangea bush is filmed upper layer soil in such a way that the roots are bare in this area. In this case, it is important not to touch the roots.
  2. The coppice shoot is separated along with a part of the root. It is better to separate several of these shoots at once in order to increase the chances of success of the operation.
  3. Shoots are planted immediately on the garden bed, as they are sufficiently adapted to the outdoor microclimate.
  4. In the garden, the shoots are grown for 1-2 years, after which they are planted in permanent places.


This method is in second place in popularity after cuttings. Propagating hydrangea using this method is best in early spring, the buds have not yet blossomed. But sometimes the procedure is carried out in September.

First, they dig up the soil around the mother bush, then level it. Next to the bush, grooves are made in the ground with a depth of 2 cm, into which the lower shoots fit. So that the shoots do not rise, they are sprinkled with a little earth and fixed with spears and other devices.

By the end of the current warm season the layers give several young shoots suitable for further rooting. When the shoots reach a length of 15-20 cm, they are spudded, repeating the procedure every seven to ten days. This is done until the mound reaches 20-25 cm in height. In October, the layers need to be dug, the shoots must be separated from each other. By this period, each shoot reaches about half a meter in length.

For the winter, shoots are buried, protected with covering material. A next spring planted in the ground for growing. After a couple of years (sometimes a year), young hydrangeas will be ready to be transplanted to a permanent bed.

How to care

There are few features of caring for young hydrangeas after the breeding procedure. In general, the care is standard, however, for the winter, young plants require careful shelter, protection from cold weather. This measure should not be neglected, since a still weak plant in our climate can freeze over quite easily.

In the spring, be sure to remove the covering material as soon as the sun begins to warm. If you leave the shelter, the hydrangea will become waterlogged under it, root rot and other negative processes are possible.

Growing seedlings in a place with partial shade, in the open, sunny is not recommended.

Be sure to water young plants, as with sufficient soil moisture they take root and grow stronger much faster.

If the hydrangea is grown at home, then before planting in the ground, it must be tempered for a couple of weeks on the balcony, veranda, on the street.

If you don't have your own hydrangea and you need to buy seedlings, make a purchase in the fall. During this period, the largest assortment of high-quality, strong cuttings.

Propagating garden hydrangea by cuttings, Special attention it is necessary to pay to the processing of the lower part with a root stimulator. This type of plant takes root worse than others, therefore, without this measure, the chances of success of the operation are greatly reduced.

If you did not have time to purchase a root stimulant, and the cutting needs to be rooted, you can prepare the solution yourself. The recipe is simple: a teaspoon of natural honey is dissolved in a glass of water. After that, the shoot is soaked in a standard way. Honey has disinfecting properties and helps the early formation of callus - a growth from which roots subsequently develop.

So, we got acquainted with five methods of hydrangea propagation. Each of the options considered is quite working and is used: choose the one that seems to you the simplest and most accessible. But as mentioned above, most gardeners prefer cuttings - most likely, this option will suit you.

Cutting is a method of plant propagation using cut lignified or non-lignified shoots. Dried, deformed, infected branches are not suitable for rooting. This method ideal for the propagation of many flowers and garden shrubs, as it does not cause much trouble, and the result exceeds all expectations. The gardener has enough seedlings to decorate adjoining territory, window sills and a pleasant presentation to friends.

Hydrangea bush by the fence

Florists give a lot about the propagation of hydrangea by cuttings in spring and autumn practical recommendations... Each of them contains information on the selection and timing of harvesting planting material, the rules of cuttings different types hydrangeas.

The timing of cuttings directly depends on the planting material. For breeding in late spring(from May to June) young growths are suitable - the tops of shoots no more than 10-15 cm long. A similar rule applies when. From late June to early July, shoots with a lignified base are selected for rooting. In the summer they are in better degree suitable for planting. In the autumn, material with buds is used. It takes root better than others in substrates and gives an abundant amount of roots. On some cuts, flower ovaries can ripen and give abundant color even at the rooting stage.

The optimal time for harvesting is spring. It was at this time that the active movement of the juice along the trunks begins. Hydrangea shoots in spring receive maximum amount nutrients... In this regard, the regenerative potential of the cuttings increases and the chances of rapid growth of the root system increase.

How to propagate hydrangea by cuttings: selection of planting material

When choosing cuttings of hydrangea, flower growers take several criteria as a guide:

It is quite easy to grow hydrangea from a cutting. For this, planting material is selected that meets the following characteristics:

  • size no more than 15-20 cm in length;
  • thickness no more than 7 mm;
  • the presence of short internodes;
  • pronounced growth buds;
  • at least 4 developed kidneys.

Similar criteria are taken into account when selecting garden and indoor planting material. In this way, it will not be difficult to get several copies for which it is not at all difficult. Home bushes grow more restrained, unlike garden ones, but you can admire the flowering from the end of April.

Hydrangea cuttings processing and rooting methods

Hydrangeas of any kind can be grown from a cuttings: tree, petiolate, paniculate and even large-leaved. For this, it is necessary to properly prepare the planting material. A couple of days before the start of cutting houseplants put away in a shaded place, and garden shrubs hang with covering material. If a decorative one grows on your site for which you know a lot, then it is worth collecting cuttings and with it in order to acquire new attractive bushes for landscaping.

After the hydrangea has settled in partial shade, they start cutting the planting material. To work with the plant, use only a professional disinfected tool. A pruner or garden shears are suitable. For cuttings, shoots with several pairs of nodes are chosen. The twigs are separated from the trunk with an oblique cut.

Large leaves are cut by ½ to reduce the outflow of nutrients into the crown of the seedling.

The collection is placed for a couple of hours in solutions of biostimulants such as "Epin" or "Cyclops". If this is not possible, the sections are powdered with any root formation stimulant: "Kornevin", "Heteroduxin". Thanks to them, the procedure for growing from cuttings takes half the time. The stems are sprayed with a weak solution of manganese to give them flexibility and disinfection.

Before rooting hydrangeas with cuttings, you need to choose a suitable substrate or prepare an aqueous nutrient solution.

Modern flower growers practice the following methods of rooting hydrangeas:

Rooting a hydrangea in water is quite simple. Moisture is a favorable environment for the growth and development of filamentous processes. Thanks to this method, a novice florist will be able to track and control the process of formation of the root system. Water itself is not a nutrient medium for plants, so growth stimulants and liquid fungicides are added to it.


After the plant has given several roots from 2 to 5 cm long, it is transplanted into slightly acidic soil.

Planting in a substrate

The following mixtures can be used as soil:

  • planting by cuttings in vermiculite and river sand in proportions 1: 1;
  • perlite, garden soil, peat and river sand in proportions 1: 1: 1: 1;
  • vermiculite, garden soil, peat, river sand in proportions 1: 1: 1: 1 with the addition of 1 g of citric acid.

Woolen ropes are laid out at the bottom of the landing boxes with a step of 5 cm.The ends of the ropes are lowered into containers with water, and one of the substrate options is poured into the boxes. Thanks to the wicks, the soil will be optimally moistened, and the rhizomes will not rot.

The bottom is wrapped in rags for better heating of the root buds and the speedy growth of the root system.

The workpieces are evenly placed over the entire area of ​​the box with an interval of 10-15 cm at an angle of 45 °. The cut should enter the ground by 2-3 cm. The container is placed on a lighted area. As necessary, water is added to the container, and if swollen buds are found on the shoots, they are carried out.

At correct fit seedlings take root within a month, after which they are planted in individual peat or plastic pots. In them, seedlings can be up to 3 months before planting in open ground or moving to a larger pot for home growing.

Specificity of cuttings of various types of hydrangea

To propagate hydrangea as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to take into account its typological features. For example, cuttings of panicle hydrangea are carried out in the spring, and tree-like ones - in the fall.

In preparation large-leaved varieties before transplanting, their leaves are always cut in half, and when planting in open ground, the tops of the seedlings are cut 10 cm from the ground for better rooting and tillering. In the case of picking up planting material from paniculate hydrangea in the fall, woody shoots are chosen for cutting.

Video about 3 ways to grow new seedlings.

Growing from cuttings is a popular breeding method for hydrangeas. It does not require much time and effort, and the percentage of rooting shoots is relatively high. Most the right time for cuttings it is late spring. During cosmetic pruning of the bush, gardeners not only give it the desired shape, but also collect planting material. Over the summer, cuttings take root, undergo adaptation and become suitable for autumn planting in open ground, followed by wintering under cover.

Hydrangea inflorescence eye-catching almost everyone. Many of the housewives of household plots simply dream of having such a plant. In fairness, it should be noted that this noble flowering bush costs a pretty decent amount.

Not everyone can afford to buy the required number of bushes. But you can go the other way. Start breeding on your own.

There are several ways to plant hydrangeas in your own area:

  • shoots;
  • layering;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

The choice of method depends on a large number of factors. But many people prefer to propagate the plant by cuttings using indoor conditions for rooting.

Feasibility of grafting

As already noted, propagation by cuttings of hydrangea is a very popular method. The resulting plant bush, which when proper care grows from each cutting, completely repeats all the features of the mother plant. It is especially important to carry out cuttings of hydrangeas of decorative rare varieties, since the new plant will completely preserve everything unique properties parent bush.

And also cuttings of hydrangea have the highest percentage of germination. Even an inexperienced and inexperienced gardener will successfully cope with such a task, if all the rules of this agricultural technique are followed.

Terms of cuttings

Carrying out vegetative propagation allowed in three periods: spring, summer and autumn. In the spring, cuttings are carried out to start sap flow. In summer, cuttings are carried out in the period June-July, when new shoots have already gained maximum strength and are already decently developed. For the procedure, you will need to take those that have not yet had time to woody and have not bloomed.

As already noted, it is better to cut a hydrangea in the middle of summer before flowering a bush. Cuttings are taken from young branches, which already have at least 1-3 buds, which have not yet become tree-like. Experienced gardeners advise to checkout the branch easily. If it does not break when bent, then it can be used to harvest cuttings. It is best to cut the cuttings from the top of the bush on the sunny side.

Cutting technology

To get a high guarantee of plant rooting, you should adhere to the following simple rules and tips:

  1. For the cutting, the uppermost part of the shoot should be cut, which has from 2 to 3 leaves. The healthiest branches should be chosen for the breeding procedure. The cut is made at a 45 degree angle under the lowest pair of leaves.
  2. The bottom pair of leaves is cut completely and the rest are cut in half.
  3. When carrying out cuttings in early spring, cut cuttings are placed in water for 3-5 days.
  4. It is best to cut the cuttings early in the morning to help retain the maximum amount of moisture.

Planting material processing

The next step is to prepare the cuttings for planting: make special processing which will make them more viable. This step is rather advisory in nature, and not mandatory, but carrying out treatment with special preparations will increase the viability, since some plant varieties are quite difficult to take root. In this case, it will be much easier to propagate the bush.

Experienced experts recommend soaking the previously prepared planting material in a weak solution of Epin or HB101. In the first case, 2 ml of the drug is taken for 2 liters of water, and in the second, 1-3 drops are dripped for 1 liter of water. In "Epin" cuttings are soaked for 10-12 hours, and when using HB101, the time is reduced to 30 minutes.

To stimulate the formation of roots, you can use "Kornevin" or "Ukorenit". Each stalk is dipped to the first internode and immediately should be overstepped to planting.

Rooting cuttings

It should be understood right away that propagation by cuttings of hydrangea is a very long and laborious process.

It will take a lot of patience and attention to the planting material, it is especially important to observe the room regime during the rooting of cuttings.

Before you start processing cuttings, you should start preparing the soil.

There are many recommendations for soil composition, but most prefer ordinary coarse river sand. Planting material is planted at an angle of 45 degrees. The plant is immersed in the soil with the lower part of 2-3 cm. The cuttings should be planted in such a way that they do not touch each other, and the leaves that remain on the stem should not touch the sand. Finally, the planted material should be sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

It is recommended to arrange a small impromptu greenhouse for newly planted cuttings. You can cover young plants with a glass jar or plain polyethylene... Before rooting, young hydrangeas are located in a darkened place. This will help keep young shoots from overheating and drying out. It is very important to observe the temperature regime:

  • during the day, the temperature should be within +20 - +25 degrees;
  • and at night - +15 - +18 degrees.

If all conditions are met, complete rooting will occur in about a month.

Care features

After the roots on each of the plants become about 2-3cm, you can engage in planting plants in separate containers. Do not take large-volume dishes. Pots with a height of 10 cm and the same diameter will work.

The soil should be as light and nutritious as possible. Such soils can be bought today in specialized stores, or you can make yourself.

The best option is considered to be the soil, which consists of garden land, and river sand... Components should be taken in a ratio of 2: 2: 1, respectively. After transplanting seedlings, they should be placed again in a darkened place and continue room care with regular watering. For planting in open ground, the plants will be ready only for the next season.

Landing in open ground

Before the plant is planted in the garden, there is still to be arranged correct wintering in pots. Some put pots in the ground, but so as not to freeze root system... Another option is to gradually stop watering and then place the pots in the cellar or basement. Room temperatures not suitable for storage.

Already in the spring, when the first signs of growth begin to appear, you need to start accurate watering, and you should already be planted in open ground. You can select a small bed on which to plant a plant, and grow it for another year before planting in a permanent place.

Before planting, the earth is carefully dug up. Put a tablespoon in each hole mineral fertilizer... Each seedling is planted together with a clod of earth. In order to pull out the plant without losing land, it is better not to water it about 2-3 days... Some gardeners recommend cutting the seedlings 2/3 of the height immediately after planting, this will help in the formation of a beautiful bush.

Breeding features of hydrangea of ​​different varieties

Hydrangea grows all over the world. There are a huge number of varieties and varieties of this plant. But in our country, panicle and large-leaved hydrangea is most often found. A total of care, propagation by cuttings not much different from the described process for garden plant, but all the nuances are there and should be dealt with.

Hydrangea paniculata

Propagation by cuttings of panicle hydrangea rarely ends with success in spring or autumn. The most suitable time for such a procedure is summer. This variety simply loves water, it grows well even in wetlands. The best option the soil is clayey and acidic soil... But if you plant such a hydrangea on alkaline soil, then as a result you can get a disease such as chlorosis on the leaves. In order to spend oxidation you can use peat, ammonium sulfate, ferrous sulfate or pine needles.

Cuttings should be carried out in the last decade of June. Large distinctive features there is no cuttings from garden hydrangea. In this case, you do not need to shorten the leaves. The soil used is similar.

The plant should be planted in a permanent place of germination near structures or special hedges. in a lighted place... This arrangement will protect the plant from the wind. Since panicle hydrangea perfectly tolerates gas pollution, the bush can be grown near the road. In colder northern regions, it is recommended to warm the bushes for the winter, and leave the sprouted cuttings in room conditions until next year.

Large-leaved hydrangea

Such hydrangea can be grafted throughout the summer. Most of the cuttings can die during the winter, so they should initially be planted in a greenhouse or flowerpots. Large-leaved hydrangea very gentle and rather capricious. It is best to carry out high-quality insulation for the winter.

As it became clear that hydrangea - a very attractive plant... But the propagation of hydrangeas by cuttings in the summer is a rather troublesome and time-consuming process. Therefore, during grafting, you should be patient, because harvesting the cuttings and rooting them is very troublesome. But all the work and time spent will pay off when beautiful bushes bloom on the site and decorate the yard. Whether it is possible to do this the first time or not depends on the person himself.