How to make a pig from the bottles with your own hands. Products from plastic bottles (piglets, frogs)

Simple products with your own hands - Pigs from plastic bottles

Empty plastic bottles do not necessarily throw . They can find decent use. For example, make all sorts plastic bottles.

And just below you will find information (master class with photos) on how easy and quickly make a beautiful piglet from this popular material for making different crafts with your own hands . Plastic piglets can be wonderful to fit into landscape design Your garden or garden, as well as decorate the flower beds.

For the manufacture of piglets and other crafts, only your unlimited fantasy and the required amount of plastic bottles will be required. which is always available at home, as well as some tools and materials.

Plastic bottles of different sizes and forms can be used both in everyday life and in nature. Here are some ways to use them:

Plastic Bottles Big Size can make a wonderful palm for your garden ;
desktop lamp or candlestick;
heat insulation wall, greenhouse, house;
capacity for liquids and croup;
plastic scoop for bulk materials and products;
if you cut off part of the bottle, it can become a mug, a plate, a container for products, a vase or to serve as a universal container;
raft from a huge amount of bottles;

life vest or circle;
shore, if you cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle and glue the handle;
hot water heater;
polyvalka or spray, if the bottle do the holes. Such springs is very convenient for use in nature when the kebab is fried on the mangale;
If you pour pebbles into a small plastic bottle . It can be suspended on a stretch stretched along the perimeter on a protected area;
electric insulator;
trap for crayfish, petty fish and rodents;
from plastic can be used if it became necessary to spend the night on cold soil;
incredible use - it can be boiled water at the fire;
plastic shoes to protect the feet of large capacities;
pot for seedling or colors, if cutting the neck;
float Fishing Network;
cleansing and disinfection of water in plastic bottles;
translucent windows;
as a target that does not leave fragments - for firing archers, stones and other means of lesion;
small dumbbells, if bottles fill in small nuts, bolts or wet sand;
pump for the test, if in a bottle pour water;
russian woman in summer or walking conditions;
protective glasses or face protection mask from insects flying particles and dust;
the thermos is one to another insert plastic bottles of different capacity, and between them lay matter, newspapers or foam;
small greenhouses for rooting various plants, as well as to maintain good moisture of seedlings;
capacity for storing matches with waterproof, as well as for the transfer of dry fuel;
feeder for animals and birds;
watering can, if you trim the bottom of the plastic bottle;
oil, if you insert a small tube into the bottle cover. She will become an assistant to cope with the refueling of tanks that are in hard to reach places, for example, transmission elements or gearbox;
homemade silencer for weapons;
Toys and crafts for children different ages.

Be sure to remember that when creating all sorts of compositions from plastic bottles , It is necessary to melting all sections and edges. Use it good property Plastic, which, when heated, can become susceptible to deformations. Thus, you can make beautiful flowers of different forms.

Very popular now on household plots piglets of plastic bottleswhich can be made pretty quickly and simple, as well as plastic flowers of different sizes and forms for the garden.

Master class S. practical photos Making Crafts Piggy for a garden from the used plastic bottle in the form of decorative flower beds:

take a five-liter bottle of ordinary water;
cut neatly scissor oval or square at your discretion. The body of the future piglery will be the resulting bottle with a hole, and from the square we will do future ears;
draw and cut first from paper. Ear pattern. Ear shape can be chosen any at your discretion;
now it is necessary to cut two ears from which the decorative flower bed-pig itself will be made, that is, from plastic;
then carefully, so as not to cut down, make a knife with cuts in places where, in your opinion, there must be ears;
tracing first, and then insert the cut-off ears piglets from plastic bottles;
in the case of painting by the ears, the canopy can be left in place. If you paint the craft of your piglet from a plastic bottle with a brush, then the torso and ears are covered separately, and then after drying the ears inserted into the place you choose in the body;
you can dive immediately with pink paint, but it is possible suitable option mixing white and red paint;
after painting a piggy, give paint to dry carefully;
now draw the patch and the eyes of your pig, and you can also depict coquette brushes on the ears;
at the final stage, inside the torso should be flooded with land, and then plant beautiful flowers.
Plastic Bottle Mini Flowerba Ready. Even at first glance and do not understand what such beauty can be made. For complete accuracy, you can even attach a pilap pig.

Another master class with detailed photos for the manufacture of plastic piglets-flowerbeds:

for the manufacture you will need one two-liter bottle and one five-liter bottle, small and big scissors, white enamel used for plastic, table and stationery knives, tassel, marker, glue, line and pieces of self-adhesive vinyl tape-oracale;
pre-cut paper stencils of drawn portions of a pig - tail, ears and eyes;
cut off a large plastic bottle with a handle and side cut a rectangle with a size of 12 per 15 centimeters;
for the ears of the pig we cut off the central part of the brown plastic bottle. Please note that they have the bend characteristic of the ears. It does not prevent a plastic pig look natural;
paper stencils are now using the tail, eyes and ears. The central part of the brown plastic bottle will go into two ear, and from the remains in a circle it is necessary to cut the tail. Eyes are obtained from three layers of ribbon-oracale - black, white and green with small carved triangles;
the marker is useful to mark the lines for the holes;
heat the knife and make two holes under the ears and one under the tail;
make small cuts in the lower parts of the tail and ears, and get them back as a mustache;
tail and ears insert holes in the thus done. Umpsions now bent from the inside;
prepared workpiece to paint into two layers in pink color. To each layer let you dry well;
remove S. ready-made eyes protective film and glue from the nose at the same distance;
cut out the oracle small circles and place the patch.
Piglets for use in the garden is ready. You can put such a decorative club and put at home on the balcony. If such a pig will serve as a kashpo in the garden, it is necessary to fall asleep the bottom on 1/4 clay to absorb extra moisture. Now add fertile land And put your favorite flowers in it.

Plastic bottle frog (master class with photo)

Used plastic bottles can solve many problems . Of these, you can make very interesting and varied crafts. The creative process of manufacturing products from plastic bottles can bring a huge number of positive emotions to the author. Especially,plastic bottles And it is not particularly looking for. They will be found in every house in sufficient quantities. Given that they can be of various capacities, forms and colors, from them you can make all sorts of crafts.

Do it yourself plastic bottles It is enough to make decorations for the interior pricework and garden, beautiful flowers, interesting toys, diverse animals, various devices, furniture.

Plastic bottlesare great source MaterialAnd most importantly available, for limitless fantasy to create all sorts of crafts of any complexity, for every taste and any direction. With certain skills, which is recommended to get with the master class, plastic bottles can be turned into a malleable material and feel like real sculptors and creative people.

Plastic is perfectly cut, painted and stitched. He is rather durable, and with him and your crafts will delight your eyes for a long time. Perhaps the only disadvantage of plastic bottles is their ease. So, a sudden wind can easily post them all over the garden. But this is also not a problem - put the land or sand inside the plastic craft or sand, thereby strengthened and weighting the design of the product.

Plastic bottle allows you to embody the most different ideas into life, for example, you can own hands Produce a variety of figures. An example can serve plastic Bottle Frog.

To create cute figures frogs will spend the master class. Everyone knows that frogs are able to attract money into the house and bring good luck.

Frog of plastic bottles (master class):

take two plastic bottles with a capacity of two liters, one plastic bottle liter, wire and paint;

cut two bottoms from large plastic bottles and insert them into each other;

cut out from one plastic bottle for the future printed frog legs and attach them to the body with a selection and wire;

then the lyter plastic bottle for the frog cut the bottom. Cut a beautiful crown with rays;

the cut crown should be immediately attached to the neck with sewing and wire;

at the end of the manufacturing process, it is necessary to paint and paint the craft to finally confuse, from which this funny princess is made. It is best to do with acrylic paints. They perfectly fall on the plastic. You can also apply paint in the canopy. The torso of the plastic frog is painted, of course, in green, and the crown is in a gold or yellowish tint. Draw a thoroughly recent details - eyes, mouth and so on. Try to give what the princess frog is made, plastic, a fun and smiling mood.

Such plasticcrafts are best looking On the stones, and not in the grass, with which the princess-frog is simply somewhat and gets lost. An ideal option would be to put it near a small pond or in another noticeable place.

Another way to manufacture plastic frogs:

take two bottles of two liters and one half-liter bottle;

prepare a little copper wire;

it will take yellow and green paint for plastic in order to give beautiful tint frog. It is better to use aerosol paint;

to create a pretty face frogs, buy a thin brush and acrylic paints of black and yellow colors;

the first stage creates a froggy torso. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of two-liter bottles. The width of the billet will be five centimeters, and the other is four centimeters;
first you need to read the line with a marker to make a smooth cut;

now be careful - on the remaining bottle you need to draw two frog paws (find stencil on the Internet, if you can not do it), paint the resulting details of green paint and give it to dry well;

now it is necessary to form the body of the frog. A large billet will become a torso, and the smaller - head. PRACOLITE large billet Shell with sides and attach with the help of a wire foot. Insert one piece to the other tight;

draw the princess-frog Beautiful facet. Please your children, showing your creative abilities and adding more fabulous characters;

little bottle will serve for the crown, and the plug will be the base. Poss out the cut crown with yellow paint and try to attach it to the wire to the head.
Tsarevna Frog is now ready to take an honorable place in your favorite garden.

This figure can be made to another, simpler method. In this case, it will serve not only the decoration of the garden, but also to perform the role of a small functional box, in which spare keys or other important trivia can be stored.

To create such a craft You need to take two green bottles so that they should not be painted. Prepare also selected, tape, thread, zipper and markers.

Due to the fact that we will need the lower parts of the bottles, we wrap them at the necessary height of scotch. We will make a cut along the upper border of the Scotch. As you understand, here Scotch performs the role of a line conducted by the marker.

Now it is necessary to pierce a selection through the scotch of both blanks. It is necessary in order to sew zipper subsequently to the plastic. Remove tape, apply zipper in a buttoned form to two halves and fix the scotch. Sein zipper. Try to stitches to get smooth, beautiful and neat. After that, delete the clamps. Before you is a beautiful fastening box. But while she is not like a frog at all.

Now it's about your fantasy and creative abilities. They should turn the crawl into a real frog. The muzzle is simply drawn using waterproof markers. Convex eyes can be made of old traffic jamshaving previously painted it in green

The finished plastic princess frog will be an excellent decoration in your garden and delighted visitors with their unusual species.

Hedgehog of plastic bottles (master class with photo)

How fast and just Make a hedgehog from plastic bottles For giving or garden plot? If desired, the household plot can be decorated with interesting, original flower beds and plastic bottles.

Hedgehog made of plastic bottles are pretty easy. It is necessary to cut off the top of the bottle in such a way that it looks like a bucket, in which the handle will serve the neck with a lid. It is necessary to find such a bottle so that it is the most appropriate. It is necessary to navigate to the main thing - the fruit of the hedgehog. It would be perfect if she was a little stretched.

Paint is needed. The best option will be acrylic paint. It is very suitable for plastic and go great with him. When dyeing crafts there is one important secret. Plastic bottle Must be perfectly clean. So rinse good warm waterRemove all labels and dry carefully. Otherwise, if the plastic bottle remains dirty, the paint will immediately begin to flap together with the existing mud and the hedgehog will turn out to be untidy.

The master class, as shown in the photo, gives consecutive steps in the manufacture of hedgehog crafts from a plastic bottle. The first step, as seen in the photo, has a large plastic bottle, it is necessary to cut the part of it, which is designed for decorative flower beds. This is done with a sharp knife or good scissors.

The next stage of the manufacture of the hedgehog is to paint the bottle in natural color. Similarly come with other details for the manufacture of hedgehog. You can paint the lid (tube) crafts into black. This will be the spout of the hedgehog. Eyes, as a rule, draw. To do this, you need to do two mug with white paint, and paint paint inside.

The photo shows that the ears of the hedgehog can also be made with their own hands from a plastic bottle. . First cut them, and then insert the slot into the knife done. Cears can also be drawn.

Master class, as shown in the photo, ends with the filling of flower-hedgehog fertile soil. Use also different fertilizers so that plants are better than blooming. Then in the soil you need to sow seeds lawn grass. After some time, the seeds will germinate, will begin to give friendly shoots, it will be the tricks of the hedgehog. Thus, work will be completed on the creation of plastic flower beds-hedgehog.

The same principle allows other numerous animal figures . Fantasize and creativity will gradually delay you into their networks.

Let us talk about one embodiment of a plastic hedgehog. It can be placed anywhere - on the lawn, in the garden or at home. Hedgehogs made of plastic bottles are not afraid of no weather.

For the manufacture of plastic hedgehog you will need:
plastic bottle;
Two covers from under plastic bottles of white color;
Ten pine cones (and more - for a bulk bottle) of about one size;
Mounting foam or glue "moment".

The technology of manufacture of hedgehogs from plastic bottles is always starts with degreasing the bottle. Use the water and soap wash solution. After careful cleaning the plastic bottle, it must be looted well and dry.

Using the "moment" adhesive or mounting foam on the dried and prepared plastic bottle, we glue pine cones. Private better start from the central part, which will be the back of the future of the hedgehog. Each pine bump must be glued separately. Be sure to make sure it keeps tight and start glue the following. It happens that you did not see and pine cones left. Put it back if the adjacent cones are already glued will be very difficult. So try to fix them right away.

After you cover the hedgehog torso with the needles, you begin boldly to create his spout. It can be made from the plastic bottle cover. For realistic, let's jump carefully nose with black plasticine.

For eye, you will need harvested two white covers. In the center, carefully hide the circles from the black plasticine, which will become the pupils of the hedgehog. Eye to the muzzle is glittered with mounting foam or glue.

Crafts ready. It's time to decorate it. What can you come up with for this? Of course, it can be leaves, berries, apples or mushrooms on his back. All this is very easy to make plasticine . Gently lay out the fired crafts on the needles of the hedgehog. From plasticine you can also cut out a small joy. For this merry friend Instead of needles, the bumps are suitable sunflower seeds.

Here are the entertaining crafts for the garden and are ready. It's time to install them in your favorite places in the garden.

How to make an elephant from a plastic bottle

A funny elephant from the used plastic bottle can be made by himself. To do this, you will need three plastic bottles. If you make your own hands, as shown in the photo, it will be very cheerful. Main difficulty in the manufacture of your own hands of an elephant from an ordinary plastic bottle It is how to make a trunk and ears correctly. You will not regret if you take your family evenings In such an unusual and pleasant occupation.

To handle the plastic elephant specified in the photo, you will need the following materials:
plastic bottles;
paper cutting knife;
traffic jams;
raw rice;
Color foam;
Thin colored paper;
plastic eyes;
drawing pin;

Elephant manufacturing technology from plastic bottles:
Production of the body and legs - it is necessary to cut off with the help of sharp scissors or knife the lower part of two bottles, ordinary, plastic, 10 centimeters high, from which the legs will turn out. This part should be pouring a little cooked rice for stability. Next, attach your legs with a tape to a liter bottle;

To make a trunk, you need 6 plugs from bottles of ordinary plastic, from which it is done with a nail and a hammer to do in the center of each hole. Then we ride the obtained tubes on the wire, curved in the form of a trunk. It will need to be consolidated to the body. To do this, there is a small hole in the lid of the liter plastic bottle;

The resulting craft must be covered with thin gray paper, which is pre-applied with glue;

Now you need to add additional details to the craft - glue porolone gray ears, foam pink fingers, eyes and beans;

With the help of a stationery button, it is necessary to do a hole for the tail, and then screw the rope with a tassel at the end.
Plastic elephant ready.

How the bees of plastic bottles are made (master class with photo)

Pcheles of plastic bottles look great in the garden or any other interior, giving it special decorativeness and uniqueness.

Such a handicraft made personally, as you can see in the photo, it will be pretty looking as a decoration on flower flower bed., as well as as a decor for a vase with flowers in room interior. Bees from plastic bottles can be hung on a tree. It turns out a fun composition consisting of a whole roa bee.

Master class on the use of plastic bottles for the manufacture of bee:

What plastic bee can be made - Materials:
Plastic bottle from used mustard for the base of the bee. It must be thoroughly rinsed with good detergent Warm water. Be sure to remove the available stickers, labels. Wipe and dry;
Black paint or black insulating tape;
The middle part of the white plastic bottle;
scissors or sharp knife;

Production of a bee craft shown in the photo:
First, it is necessary to apply strips on the bee torso using an insulating tape of black. Just wrap two or three layers of insulating tape to get an orange-black bee. In the absence of a tape, you can use black paint. The ideal option will be latex paint. It is great for plastic. Kraft very carefully and neatly;

Glue eyes and nose to the bottom of the bottle. Buttons will be useful for their manufacture. For the eye, choose buttons more, and for the nose - smaller. The eyes do not have to do from buttons. To do this, you can use factory billets sold for the manufacture of dolls and other children's toys;

Make a mustache from the wire. Master class manufacture of bees from plastic bottles It assumes that the bee size will be the size of the bottle itself. Therefore, the length of the mustache will depend on it. The longer the bee, the greater the mustache;

Cut the neck and bottom from a white plastic bottle. It is cut along its middle part along. It turns out a plastic concave rectangle, which must be straightened. It is possible to do this with the help of a candle, and then put under the press for a while (usually heavy books can serve as a press). Even if the rectangle is not perfect, do not be discouraged;

Wings cut out of a piece of white plastic, making a pre-sketch with a marker;
Then shell, heated candle, is done by holes in plastic - two small eyes above the eyes, one - through the bottles in the center, one by one - from white plastic in the center of the wings;

Insert the ammunition of the plastic bee;
On the rod to dress prepared torso and attach the wings. Secure the rod on the flowerbed, you can flower pot or other place you have chosen.

Plastic bee ready. What she is done even no one can even guess

Similar crafts from plastic bottles on the theme of animals cannot be exhausted. Fantasize on this topictogether with your children . They will also prompt you new ideas. Take together joint creativity to decorate your household plot, garden or other interior. it bring you closer with children, and the garden will acquire wonderful decorations .
Next article:

Plastic bottles - perfect material For the manufacture of jewelry for the indention or taboor area. They are cheap, available, podiatiles in processing, are easy to paint. Showing some patience, from plastic containers, you can make various figures, including cute piglets with merry faces that will not leave indifferent your guests or just passersby.

Materials and tools required for the manufacture of pig figurines

Make a pig figurine from plastic bottles is easy, the handicraft does not require large material and time costs. For the manufacture of figures you need to have:

  • plastic 5-liter bottle;
  • 4 plastic floor-liter bottles or as many small plastic cups;
  • 1 half-and-andded plastic bottle;
  • cutting tool (knife or scissors);
  • jar or sprinkler with water-repellent paint;
  • wire or a piece of beef for a tail. With their absence, you can cut a thin ribbon from plastic residues;
  • pencil;
  • tassel;
  • glue pistol;
  • paper;
  • material for eye decoration. It can be buttons, beads, self-adhesive film;
  • black marker.

Plastic bottles need to be cleaned from the labels, remove the handles and rims from them to twist the covers.

Step by step instructions for making pig figurines

The lying plastic bottle of their shape resembles a bottle of the fastening pig. For an accurate similarity, there is not enough lugbyau ears, plump legs, decorated Piglet and Tail-hook.

Workbathing details

First, the missing details are preparing:

  1. Legs. With half-liter bottles, under the tilt, cut off the top with the lid. When using small plastic cups, their top is also needed to cut the painter, so that they make the pig more tightly. Watch the blanks to get one length.
  2. Ears. On the sheet paper, draw your ear piglet. Cut it out of one and a half-liter bottle. For this, the bottle is cut into two halves along the neck and the helical part. Then, on the drawn pattern, the billet of the ear is cut out in such a way that its bases accounted for the beginning of the neck (to the first edge). The ear carved from the middle part of the bottle is obtained larger, lopohy.
  3. Tail. It can be bent from a small piece of wire, cut out with a thin ribbon from the remains of plastic bottles.

Lack of certain additional elements for decorative finish Piggy is not an obstacle to the creation of a plastic figure

Before assembling in a five-liter tank, you must do several holes:

  1. Not far from the cover cut 2 holes for the ears.
  2. Just above the center of the top of the bottle, we make a small round hole for the tail.

Plastic bottles are easily cut by the usual stationery or scissors.

Assembling Figure

The assembly of figures is as follows:

If the lower ends of the ears and the tail will be made in the form of an arrow, they will be easier to insert into the velocked holes


The collected finished handicraft must be painted. Most often for this, the paint of pink shades is used, because it is precisely with this color that a funny pig is associated. The piglets of other colors (spotted, light beige) look too interesting. And perhaps you will prefer a fabulous pig, the color of which will be fantastic: in polka dot, flower or with risp.

If the craft is used on the street, the paint must necessarily have water-repellent properties. Painting the piglet (tassel or by sprinkling from the canister), let the figure dry well. Drying time will depend on the properties of the paint you purchased.

For strength after drying, the paint can be applied with a layer of acrylic varnish.

The last step is to glue the eyes and trying the Piglet. Different options are suitable for designation:

  • volleting buttons. In this case, at the place of the eye of the eye make a small slot, push the buttons in it and glued;
  • beads;
  • self-adhesive film suitable color.

A marker on the cover of the bottle is drawn a patch (two black small mug). If you wish, you can draw eyelashes, mark the contours of the ears, create funny mimic on the muzzle.

You can decorate a plastic pig

The posted step-by-step instruction is not a dogma. Its task is to awaken fantasy, use non-standard branded materials so that your figure is a unique, unique, special.

Since plastic piglets are installed most often on the street, you should take care of their stability. To do this, even before painting inside, we fall asleep, for example, small pebbles.

Features of the manufacturer of a flower vase

In almost the same scenario, the pig figurine is manufactured in which garden flowers can be planted. The following steps will be distinctive:

So that piglets with flowers do not turn over, at the bottom you can pre-make a hole and fasten the craft with a wooden peg.

Photo Gallery: The ideas of design and placement of plastic figures

The piglets can be frowning in different colors so that the fun of the pig figures can be placed on a small elevation or a little clearing the territory of the site around them if you do not be labeled and make several piglets from plastic bottles, you will get a picturesque and funny lawn Additional elements Next to the figurines of piglets will give the composition the originality of plastic pigs - an additional bar in the design of flower beds piglets from plastic bottles - not only original, but also practical features of the manufacture of pig figurines are the lack of costs and the minimum amount of time, independent choice Forms and colors of the crafts most often plastic piglets are painted in a pink color next to a pork from plastic bottles can be "planting" flowers from the same material

Video: Production of pigs made of plastic bottles

Preparation options with plastic bottles set. You can make a funny pig from these tanks. A little creativity - and the exhaust material will turn into original crafts with a decorative and practical bias.

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The symbolism of the coming 2019 is a yellow pig. In this article, we will look at a few simple step-by-step master classes for the manufacture of a piglets with their own hands.

We show in detail how you can independently make it possible to make it easily in every home, such crafts are your hands for a year of pig, like a piglet piggy bank, a slick piglets from the dough, we will perform simple crafts for kindergarten, find out how to sew a pig from children's Tights and socks, make a pig-ball from the threads, make a coffee toy, and also learn how to sew a tilde pork from the fabric. And at the end of the article you will wait for a video bonus: making pigs from pumps as a gift on new Year. So, if you are ready, proceed!

Paper Masha: Piggy Bank

For the manufacture of funny piggy banks from papier-mache, we will use toilet paper Or newspapers, acrylic putty, acrylic paints, PVA glue, inflatable ball, foil, foil bobbin.

First you need to inflate the ball. Then we put in several layers on inflated ball Prepared nurses of newspapers, moistened in PVA and Water glue - so that our boar-piggyback is not soft, and quite strong and let dry.

In a plastic bucket, we prepare a lot of papier-mache: you need to break the toilet paper or napkins and add PVA glue. Everything should be mixed! The resulting "chewing paper" failed future pig.

When the papier-mache frame will dry well, the ball must neatly burst and pull out. Now we need to close the hole through which we pulled the ball: To do this, we will make his cross-cross-up with painting scotch and apply a papier-mâché, leaving a small rectangular hole - it will be a slot where money is thrown.

We divide the foil from foil into four equal parts - it will serve as legs for our pig. We glue the legs to the pork with a painted scotch. Then we apply papier-mache. The inside of the legs must be filled with something heavy - so our pig will become more stable. Sand or some kind of small metal object is suitable - for example, nut or screws.

From the foil, we make a patch for the pig, under it you need to form the mouth (upper and lower lip).

Now it is necessary to cut out for our pigs and ears for our pig - they can be performed from the remains of Papier-Masha, and cut out of clay.

Flexible wire will serve for a pig tail: twist it, closing the tail with the remnants of Papier-Masha. After our pig will finally dry, it needs to be processed several times acrylic putty And then wipe moistened in the water with a cloth napkin - the barrel in a pig is aligned.

Our Khryusha is ready to paint!

First you need to apply dark paint, you can use several different shades. Then a red paint is applied with a sponge on the craft.

Then - pink, and as the final stage - paints of pink and white color are applied. The last step is to be applied to the protruding surfaces. white paint. Our piggy bank is ready!

We offer you another variant of the piggy bank, step-by-step execution Which you can see in the video:

Piglets-suspension from salt dough

As a wonderful gift-souvenir at home, you can also make a piglet suspension from materials that will be found in every home - flour and salt. Making such a pig is very easy, it turns out very cool and is suitable as a talisman who will be glad to any child, or as a craft in the garden. Below is a step-by-step instruction, how to make such a souvenir.

Simple crafts in kindergarten do it yourself

As a product that can be easily done, an exercise of paper, a suit to the children's matinee - a mask and ears of a pig, as well as a pig in the pen. Consider step by step as easy to perform such crafts.

Paper handicraft

To make such a toy paper souvenir, we will need: pencil and black marker, ruler, colored paper - pink or red, as well as silver color, stapler and glue, harvested in advance of plastic eyes, ribbon for decoration.

The body of our pig must be volumetric; For this, we use colored paper - pink or red. Cut out a smooth rectangle from the paper, connect the edges with a glue or stapler so that it turns out the base torso for our craft is a high and wide tube.

Next, we make the basis for fruit pork: we take the paper of two different colors, From one, cut the circle more - the head of our piglet, and two small triangle-ears, from the second - oval-patch smaller size. Pigs for a pig can be taken prepared in advance - plastic, and you can independently clean out of other colored paper.

Now it is necessary to connect all the parts cutting by us: to adjust and glue sequentially to the head and patch. On the patch, Dorisour Nostrils, under it - a smiling mouth. On the eyes draw cilia.

Now you need to carve out the remaining parts from the multicolored paper - for the abdomen of the pigs take silver color, and the red - for the front paws and the tail. We glue the prepared details: Long legs we glue the sides of the pork torso, the tail - to the back of the crafts, the tummy - in front.

We bind a thin ribbon on the neck and tie an elegant bow. Our pig is ready!

The finished paper craft-pig can be presented as a New Year's present, and it will also look good on the decorated Christmas tree as a toy.

You can still make a cardboard such a draft:

Suit: Mask and Ears Pork

Such a suit to the children's matinee prepare on its own very simple, as it does not require sewing and its manufacturer will take just a few minutes.

For a suit consisting of a patch, ears and a tail pig, we will need:

  • felt or fleece pink and white colors,
  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • stapler
  • paper cup,
  • elastic ribbon pink colour,
  • slim
  • white thin plastic hair hoop.
First make the tail: Cut off a piece of felt fabric - it should turn out a little longer and wider than a piece of wire. We put the wire inside the sliced \u200b\u200brectangular piece of the fabric, wrap and clean the cloth.

Then we take an elastic rubber band, fold it as a belt, we attach the tail prepared by us in the middle and fasten the stapler or glue. Tailing twist in piggy. One detail of the costume is ready!

Now proceed to the manufacture of Piglet. To do this, take a cardboard cup of a small diameter, we apply a piece of pink felt to it, we supply and cut the resulting circle - it will be our patch. Cut from the glass top so that the height of the cup was one and a half or two centimeters.

Cut from felt rectangular strip the same width so that you can wrap our cup. Now we glue our carved parts to the cup: a circle to the bottom, a rectangular strip - along the entire cup. It turns out a pretty pink patch!

Cut from white felt two small oval details - nostrils. We glue into a patch exactly in the middle.

We are done on the sides of the cup two small holes in which we insert a thin elastic rubber band. Tie an elastic band inside a cup on each side on a large nodule. We try our nose on your head, he must keep tight enough - so as not to fall out, but also did not give much. Our nose for suit suites ready!

Establish to the manufacture of ears. For this, from pink felt, we need to cut off two large parts in the form of pork ears. Then we take our hair rim, we suggest our ear, clamp it and turn around around the hoop, fix it well with the help of glue.

Our costume for the holiday is ready!

Pig in Podle.

For the manufacture of such a textile craft, we will need:
  • an empty bottle of plastic with a volume of 0.5 liters,
  • plastic eyes
  • 4 plastic covers,
  • a slice of light felt or felt material,
  • a small piece of flexible wire,
  • a piece of syntheps,
  • capron white stocking
  • multicolored paper
  • several wooden spedes,
  • motok Spigata,
  • lid from shoe cardboard box,
  • gouache red and white color,
  • colorless varnish
  • hot glue,
  • several pebbles, acorns and twigs.
First prepare for a pig Pon: turn the box upside down, glit required amount Wooden speakers around the perimeter.

Purchase the box C. inner Green paper, out of the twine around the glued swipes weavest fence. In the pen put the acorns and pebbles, put the plastic jar - the feeder for our pig, we put the branches of the trees. Our pen is ready!

Now making a plastic bottle swine: cut the bottle into several parts - the bottom, the middle and neck. We connect the neck with a bottom, we sample with hot glue.

Scissors gently cut the mouth under the bottle of neck. Singry procession is tightened with a bottle, we also do a hole-mouth with scissors.

We are tightening the body of our billet with a stockfall, cut the hole-mouth and fix it with hot glue.

Our Bottle Bottle Table Bottles must be closed with a patch: To do this, cut a circle from white cardboard, we are tightening it by a trap, we pull the thread - our Piglet is ready.

On the bottom of the bottle of the nodules, it is also necessary to close the wire tail, which we are tightened in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ass by the Kapron.

From light felt, cut the ears of the pigs, we glue the head.

Prepare legs: take plastic traffic jams, we are tightening them with a synthetic tube and a bonor, we are tightened with a thread, fix and glue the pork to the body.

We prepare gouache: mix red and white colors so that it turned out pink. Evenly crouch our pig. Top of applied colorless varnish. After the exercise dry, we glue the pile and nostrils. Our exercise Hurusha in the pen is ready!

We sew a piglet from children's tights

The manufacture of such a souvenir will not take much time; This will require a synthetic tube, children's tights or socks and a little fantasy. The sink-piglet is easy to perform, following step-by-step instructions, which are shown below. Ready? Then proceed!

Of the socks, too, good piglets are obtained:

Pig-ball from threads

For the manufacture of such an original craft, we need the following materials:
  • pink threads / yarn,
  • colored paper
  • scissors,
  • inflatable bulb round or oval shape,
  • pVA glue,
  • plastic cup,
  • needle.
First, we need to prepare the body-torso of the pig: for this we will take the ball, influence it to the size you need. Now I'm pushing a plastic cup through: the resulting holes should take place near the bottom of our cup. In it, we put the glue PVA, and we will drag the thread through holes in such a way that it passes through the glue, poured into the cup.

Watch in chaotic thread moistened in Clee, our inflated ball, so that you can get as many weaves. The greater the layer of wounded threads, the stronger will be a snaps. You can stop gluing the ball when it almost hits under the layer of threads.

It must be remembered that the glue dries sufficiently for a long time, about a day, so such a craft must be harvested before the holiday in advance.

After the glue finally dries, it is necessary to pierce the ball with a needle and carefully remove it from the crafts.

The legs of the piglets are also made: the ball-sausage is inflated, shakeped with threads, then after drying the glue, the ball needs to be neatly burst and remove from the legs.

Now you need to glue legs to the body; While the glue dries out, we can make a piglete makeup. To do this, on color paper, we first need to draw all the necessary details - a patch, eyes and ears, then cut them and glue the pigs on the torso.

Then you need to stretch the long thread and consolidate it with a nodule-loop, - it will come in handy if we want to hang our craft on the Christmas tree.

Coffee toy

New Year's souvenir-piggy in the form of a coffee toy is as easily manufactured, its scheme is quite simple, while it will have an exquisite aroma of coffee, vanilla or cinnamon and gives its new owner only positive emotions. Start creating a coffee toy!

The technique of performing such a souvenir is quite simple, and for the manufacture of NAF-NAF, we will come in handy: bright coarse, light threads, stuffing material - Sinypron or foam rubber, vanillin or vanilla sugar, cocoa, instant coffee, cinnamon, scissors, plow glue, needle, old toothbrush, the gel pen, small container for breeding flavoring, brushes, acrylic paints.

Initially, you need to prepare and carve out the template - you can apply a traction to the monitor screen and deal with the photo of the outline of the toy.

The toy can also be cut out any size, for this it is enough to click on the picture, and its size will increase. It is also desirable to carry out the cutting molding to a thin cardboard - it is more practical and convenient.

Now we will use our handle - we will circle the resulting pattern; It is necessary to do it on the fabric, which is folded twice; If you are planning to sewing more than one toys, then it is necessary to leave on the fabric between the patterns the place for the seams of the seams about 0.5 cm, while the seam itself is not better done by the most spent line, but near: the track from the handle will not be noticeable if the fabric wureswards.

It is necessary to simultaneously reach two layers of fabric; The seam begins and ends between the rear limbs of our crafts, it remains unimpleable about 2 centimeters - this hole is necessary so that the pig is more convenient to fill. Also, it is also impossible to trim the threads of the seam so that it does not work out when we turn out and stuff our pig.

We also cut the triangular cloves on the site of the seam points, leaving the distance to the seam itself also about 0.2 cm - this will allow the seam on the toy to stay smooth, not to strain in different directions.

Now turn out and stitch the firmware; For especially bottlenecks, the ends of folded scissors are suitable. Fill the toy with Sintepsum using an unimpressed holes: the more the syntheps there is inside, the more "thick", "puzzled" will be our piglet. It is necessary to carefully sew holes through which we have stuck our pigs and turn thread - it will help to easily hang out our drying.

Now you will prepare the flavoring for our craft: in the prepared capacity we will drag 40 ml of boiling water and add a teaspoon of coffee. Then the remaining ingredients are vanilla, cocoon, cocoa - add about a quarter of a teaspoon in the resulting mixture.

All thoroughly stir and cool. Then, in the mixture it is necessary to add about half a teaspoon of PVA glue, mix thoroughly.

The resulting composition is applied to a toothbrush on our lead so that the fabric is attacked, and not completely soaked.

Now you need to dry our toy; To do this, hang it on the lattice in the oven, included on a weak fire, by a quarter of an hour.
If after the end of the drying on the toy still wet stains will remain, you need to turn off the oven and thus dry our workpiece.

After complete drying, the fabric impregnated with adhesive coffee solution will become rigid, and any funny drawing can be easily applied to it.

We proceed to coloring - first a simple pencil, to outline the details, and then with the help of acrylic paints. After the paints are dry, a cape or magnet can be attached to the coffee toy - then it can be hung on new Year tree Or refrigerator.

It is advisable to avoid getting a toy moisture. Our wonderful coffee piglets are ready!

Sew pork-tilda

In order to make such a wonderful souvenir, we will need to print the pattern, cut and translated into the selected material. As a material for such a toy, a natural one-photon light fabric is best suitable, such as flax, cotton, hawk, poplin. You can take the materials that remain from old clothes Or a new cut of the tissue.

The pattern itself consists of several parts - the shoulder of the pig, ears and legs.

The fabric must be folded twice, to put the patterns pattern and circle; Do not forget to leave 0.5 cm on the seams. Now cut the obtained parts and stitch them as shown in the MK.

Be sure to leave the hole for filling the crafts with a package and in order to sew a piglet tail. Next, we need to sew the obtained details and turn them out. Put the filler by filler, for example, syntheps, holofiber, syntheph; You can also put the sachet flavor in the pig.

It is necessary using a secret seam to sew the pork legs and ears to the body. We make a face: eyes can be glued with plastic, sew beads, embroider threads or paint, nostrils - draw or embroider Muline threads; You can draw a swine on the junctions of the blush, so it will become more elegant.

In order to make the latest item of our pig doll - a paddle tail - we will need to cut a rectangular piece of fabric suitable in size, and enter a piece of flexible wire into it.

The wire tip is fixed inside the tail of the glue.

After the glue dries, pull for the second, free end, and it will acquire the shape of a swine twisted tail. We sew the tail in the body of our toy.

See below for some other options for textile pigs:

Video Bonus: Pumps Picks

In this video, a master class is presented, which turns out to reveal the process of making pigs from homemade pumps.

All the step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of homemade pig souvenirs - the symbol of the coming 2019 are very simple, for their repetition are required. simple materialswhich will be in every home. A little patience, skill and care - and you will independently make any of these toys.

You can arm yourself with threads and nails and make paintings in the style of piglet string art:

Souvenir pig-souvenir is a gift that will not leave anyone indifferent, he will give joyful emotions to everyone! Dare and create along with our master classes!

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Everyone in the house will certainly find a large number of different items, which are not too comfortable too comfortable, and it seems to be sorry - the remains of one-time dishes, packages, old newspapers and plastic containers various shapes. Of course you will say that you can simply immerse all this in one large trash can and throw out, but if you apply a little fantasy, some of these seemingly completely useless things can turn into original crafts. For example, from this article you will learn how to make a piglet from a plastic bottle with your own hands. This method of disposal not only contributes to the salvation of ecology, but also entertain adults and children.

These funny pigs

Pig is a very prolific animal. That is why in our city apartments it is so often present in the form of pretty piggy banks for money, as well as in the form of different souvenirs to attract wealth to the dwelling. Some even give pigs at home as pets and argue that this animal is not inferior in devotion even the dog. Thanks to the master class below, you will learn how to easily and simply make a nice pig, using unnecessary plastic bottles.

Here such a charming pig will be able to become a wonderful pot for garden flowers or just decorating the landscape of your household plot:

To make such a miracle, you will need the following materials:

  • sharp stationery scissors or knives;
  • one large plastic bottle for the body of a pig and four small bottles for legs and ears. From the size of a large bottle depends on the degree of "fatness" of the piglery;
  • acrylic paint, enamel, in the form of an aerosol or any other resistant paint at your discretion;
  • brushes big and medium sized;
  • pencil or feltaster, paper;
  • glue pistol;
  • black permanent marker;
  • small cut wire for tail.

First you need to draw on paper templates of ears of our pigs. They must be a triangular shape - sharp in the upper part and more rounded - in the bottom. Then, by harvested templates, cut out ears from a smaller plastic bottle.

You can make ears of different shapes, depending on which part of the bottle is an attached pattern.

Next, you need to cut off the nickles of four small bottles at some distance from the thread. It will be legs. Cut is better under a small angle - it will be easier to connect them with a pig body. All four empty should be the same in height.

The next stage is to prepare the body. A large bottle must be placed horizontally and make several slots in it: in front of the front - two for the ears, the back - one for the tail, from below - four for the legs.

We proceed to the assembly of the pig. In the prepared cuts insert all parts of the body - ears, hoofs and tail, fix the joints of the parts with hot glue for reliability. Instead of a piece of wire twisted with a spiral, you can use a thin strip of plastic cut from one small bottle.

After that, paint the pig, on the muzzle, we draw eyes with a marker or stick ready-made plastic, we draw two mug to the nostrils on the patch.

Depending on the purpose, you can leave the pig in the whole or cut into the upper part of the hole and fill the earth substrate for planting plants.

For more information on how to make a pig, you can learn from this video:

Polar Polyvalka for Plants

Surely in the house of each there is a used container from under household chemicals with a handle. It can be used to create a comfortable watering can in the form of a piglet for home-cutting. Below is a step-by-step instruction for its manufacture.

First, the plastic container needs to be cleaned from labels and stickers so that they do not interfere with the painting of the product in the future and did not spoil appearance. The remnants of the adhesive can be washed with soapy water or dry and separate stickers using a hair dryer.

For the legs, it is also possible to use necks from smaller plastic bottles, but in this case they are not inserted into the slits, but they are simply attached to the pork torso glue. You can also use empty thread coils instead of bottled necks, old children's cubes or small plastic jars from the drugs. If the bottle-torso has a steady rectangular shape, you can generally do without legs.

Fantasy no limit

Using plastic bottles of various shapes and sizes, small piggirls or souvenirs or containers for storing bulk products can also be made.

And you can also create other characters, such as frogs, elephant, hedgehog and much more, as in the photo:

If you bought a private house Or you finally got your hands to start doing something in your old house, then surely besides the breathtaking cleaning and terribly long repairs in the house, you are already thinking about to decorate your magnificent garden, so we suggest you start with small and try to decorate your brilliant garden with crafts from ordinary bottles, so speech in this article will go about how to make a bottle of pig.

Ideas for the garden and garden: why the pig?

The answer is very simple. This, of course, household: Pigs, chickens, cows and so on. But it is absolutely necessary to make all these pets, you can simply make a delometric and pretty products in the form of them and decorate their wonderful garden. Of all we decided to stay on a small piglet.

How to make a pig breeding: ideas

How to make a bottle pig master class: The process of making pretty, comfortable and beautiful.

Fulfill the plastic container is very simple and cheap. And most importantly, your work will be unique and unique. And in fact, you will see if you touch the brainchild for your garden. It really becomes simple and at the same time an attractive decoration.

In addition to the unique pig you, of course, you can try to make other adorable and beautiful little animals.

In order to make it the hands of small piglets, it is enough to simply use the usual packaging from under milk. To date, such suitable bubbles with milk can be bought at any grocery store, and drink milk, and there will be a material for crafts. And if you have many such bottles, it will simply be a reason to get rid of all sorts of huge and unnecessary deposits of plastic. From such bottles it will be possible to make not only elegant animal crafts, but also to build cute colors and decorate with such pots luxury flowerbed. And you can combine in your wonderful handicraft and as a decoration and a pot, i.e. Create a product from a litter in the form of a pig, and on top cut a hole, into which then you can pour the earth and put flowers.

How to make a pig breeding: photo

How to make a bottle pig for garden: Creating a cute bauble for

For the manufacture we will need: 1 large bottle, knife, scissors, marker, pink paint in aerosol, red paint, tassels, buttons, aluminum and copper wire, matches and candle.

After already discussed the advantages of craft-pigs, now proceed to the very creation of a masterpiece. To do this, it is necessary to mark the marker in the mind, where then we will make ears and head, after which you cut off the upper part and you will need to try not to hook the future ears. In order for the passing the ears standing, you need to get up. After that, we take a candle and send all the places where cuts were produced. After that, all sections of the cuts are compacted and duck. After that, at the bottom of the workpiece (at the bottom of a plastic bottle), it will be necessary to make a hole and insert into this hole a small piece of aluminum wire twisted on the helix. Thus, we will depict a cute tail for our future pig.

After that, we proceed to paint our wonderful. To make it necessary, we need pink aerosol paint. We paint it all except Piglet and the bottom of the container. Aerosol paint.Of course, it is more convenient, but you can use the usual acrylic. After that, with the help of red paint and a good tassel, you will need to draw a patch that can be performed from the usual tube. When an aerosol or ordinary acrylic paint dry will need to draw nostrils on the patch. Then make the pig's pig, for this you prepare two buttons and in the openings for buttons stretch the wire. Then we wake the wire into the bottle into the holes for the eyes and on the reverse side, fasten the wire from the reverse side so that the buttons do not fall out, and then they will be difficult to insert them.

Here is the actual straw-piglet from unnecessary plastic ready. Now you know the picturesque piglet. This is the most simple version of creation. If you have any interesting ideas, then you can easily experiment and try. You can try to use not only the materials described above, such as everyday bottles, multicolored paints, good buttons, but you can add something your own. Maybe you have a long-term forgotten material for crafts in the far corner of the cabinet. It can be straw, fabric, some beads and so on.

Use options: where you can place your brilliant thing and how to decorate your exquisite garden.

In order for everyday piglets to turn into luxury and original pots, you must first make some small round holes in the bottom of the packaging, then pour a bit drainage. After that, pour land and satisfy radiant flowers.

These are such interesting, wonderful, bright and at the same time ordinary and simple things from bottles can be created for your wonderful garden. Be sure that all neighbors are visible.