Riddles for children, the land is fertile. Riddles about land and plants

Riddles about the Earth-nurse occupy a separate place among the mysteries about nature. They are inherent in the capacity of meaning, pictorial imagery.

The sun-bucket as a red maiden walks across the sky, does not take his eyes off her.

They beat me, beat me, turn and cut me; I endure everything and cry with all the good (an ancient mystery of the Pskov province)

What does a person walk on while a turtle crawls?

Not a man - but drinking, not a cook - but feeding.

She is like a plate, what you put in, you take it.

He will feed and feed everyone, and give everyone land.

The rain pours, she drinks, everything turns green and grows.

You can't lift Mother's tower.

Why, what, what is sweeter in the world? (an old mystery of the Samara province)

Answer: Earth-Nurse

Riddle-verse about the land-wet nurse

She is richer than anyone in the world
Children run, rush along it.
And in the spring it is all in color,
And so beautiful at dawn.
And feeds all people in the world.
What is it? Tell me, children.
Answer: Earth-Nurse

Since ancient times, riddles, proverbs, sayings about the Earth-Nurse have been passed from mouth to mouth. Mother-Raw-Earth has always been treated with respect. She is kind, she does not forget anyone. " No matter how kind someone is, everything is not kinder than Mother Earth. " "Bow to Mother Earth, she will reward you, she will not forget."

Oh you, dear mother, the land is damp, how can I not praise you. You will give birth to all living things, you work without rest. A Russian toiler, a plowman, bows to you in the belt.

Almost all kindergarten children enjoy solving riddles. It is not only interesting but also informative. Thanks to this "exercise for the mind", non-standard, abstract thinking develops. Riddles about the Earth are in great demand among adults, since they can be composed on the go for a kid of any age.

For 3-5 years old

It makes no sense for kids of this age to guess too complex and abstruse riddles about the Earth. The only thing they know about it at this age is that they walk on it, people live on it or plants grow on it. Therefore, you should not be especially zealous in guessing. As an example, you can use the common pattern "What changes four times a year?" Riddles about the Earth can also be poetic:

The ball is blue,

Our dear house.

My beloved planet

Your beloved,

Called ...

In general, the child should not have any problems with guessing, even if he is not yet very well aware of what the Earth is.

For younger students

Modern kids already know quite well what space is. Or at least roughly imagine what it is. And they like riddles about the Earth (with answers), where the Earth acts as a space object. For example, here's a plan:

No beginning, no end

No back of the head, no face

Only young knows, but old -

What a huge ball!

Children of primary school age know what planets are, so it will not be difficult for them to find the answer to such a riddle. And for those who have already studied all the notes in music or singing lessons, you can ask the following question: "Which planet has the Earth hidden in its name, it can be more difficult. The main thing is that the kids can figure them out for themselves, focusing on what they have already studied on lessons at school, for example, “I feed the whole world, although I myself do not eat anything.” In the classroom around the world, they usually already talk about the fact that Mother Earth gives people food without demanding anything in return.

Riddles for older students

Those who study in grades 7-8 know a lot. And riddles about the Earth for children in this case may be more complicated: "One pours, another drinks water, the third grows and gets stronger (rain, earth, plants)", "The richest in the world, but not a man", "Fresh greens are dressed streets, parks, forests and fields. Everything is drowning in the seas of sunlight ... "," Her name is her mother, although she gave birth to no one. "

You can think of a lot of such cunning, but rather simple riddles. The main thing is that children do not lose interest while scrolling through complex sentences and metaphors in their heads.

Versatile riddles

For example, guessing in the form of poetry or prose, but on some generalized topics, can be attributed to them. About the world around or natural objects. and Earth are very popular, so they are usually loved and often used. For example, such:

Golden balloon

Stopped above the water

Swung over the river

Yes, behind the horizon (the sun) disappeared.

It is important that it is easy for children to solve such riddles, otherwise they will be disappointed in the game, they will not become active. Another example is this option:

Round like a ball

Solid, but not steel.

Dark but not mud

Spinning, but not a child's whirligig.

So who is she? (Earth as a planet).

Thematic riddles

There are questions that only in their meaning relate to the theme of the Earth, but other objects, things or phenomena can also be answered. An example is the following riddle:

Don't go there yourself

After all, there is neither land nor water,

You can't walk with your feet

You can't go by boat.

The swamp is the answer. Children will have to think before guessing correctly the riddle. And this develops logical thinking. Space riddles can also be attributed to the "land" theme. For example, this:

Around the big fire

Little sons and two daughters are running.

Years, weeks, days will pass -

They will never meet.

The answer is the planets orbiting the sun, which can never really meet each other. Or, as a riddle-question, you can ask the following: "What space object has water and oxygen?" Since the Earth is the only planet where this is, it will be easy for children to solve, but it will be interesting. You can also add visualization of responses. For example, in the form of pictures, where the answer will be depicted.

To the question Help! Write riddles and proverbs about the land nurse and plants given by the author Drill the best answer is Riddles about the earth.
The sun-bucket as a red maiden walks across the sky, does not take his eyes off her.
They beat me, beat me, turn and cut me; I endure everything and cry with all the good (an ancient mystery of the Pskov province)
What does a person walk on while a turtle crawls?
Not a man - but drinking, not a cook - but feeding.
She is like a plate, what you put in, you take it.
He will feed and feed everyone, and give everyone land.
The rain pours, she drinks, everything turns green and grows.
You can't lift Mother's tower.
She is richer than anyone in the world
Children run, rush along it.
And in the spring it is all in color,
And so beautiful at dawn.
And feeds all people in the world.
What is it? Tell me children.
Answer: Earth-Nurse
The earth feeds people like a mother to children.
Bow to mother earth, she will reward you a hundredfold.
For fishes - water, birds - air, and all earth for man.
Mother-Cheese-Earth feeds everyone, gives water to everyone, dresses everyone, warms everyone with her warmth!
The earth will give shelter to every person - both good and bad.
A mother is kind to her children, and the earth is kind to her people.
They beat me, beat me, cut me, turn me over; I endure everything and cry with all the good.
The earth is a nurse, and even she asks for food.
No bad land, there are bad owners
To the worker, the earth is a dear mother.
Little land of little black - and white bread will give birth.
Hold on to the ground, the grass will deceive.
A peasant without land is like a tree without a root.
You can't put it in the ground - and you can't take it from the ground.
Without a master, the land is a complete orphan.
The earth loves care.
Without a father land, do not expect bread from mother land.
Riddles about plants:
They beat me with sticks, rub me with stones,
They burn me with fire, cut me with a knife.
And for that they ruin me so that everyone loves me.
A house grew up in a field
The house is full of grain
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On the trunk in gold.
Golden sieve
Black houses are full.
How many black houses
So many white tenants.
Round, but not the moon,
Green, but not oak grove,
With a tail, but not a mouse.
Two walked, stopped, one asks the other:
- Is it black?
- No, it's red.
- Why is she white?
- Because it's green.
What were they talking about?
(Red Ribes)
My caftan is green
And the heart is like kumach,
It tastes like sugar, sweet
And he himself looks like a ball.
I'm sitting in a tree
Round like a ball
Tasty like honey
Red as blood.
There is an oak, full of groats,
Piglet covered.
An old man stands above the water
Shakes his beard.
No windows, no doors
The room is full of people.
Blue tunic,
Yellow lining,
And in the middle it's sweet.
Proverbs, sayings about plants.
The plant is an ornament of the earth.
The green outfit is pleasing to the eye.
Groves and forests - the whole land is beautiful.
A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, no forest - plant.
More forest means more snow, more snow means more bread.
The green fence is a living joy.
The tree is expensive not only for its fruits, but also for its leaves.
Breaking a tree takes a second, and growing it takes years.
Cut down the trees - goodbye to the birds.
A felled tree will not grow back.
Plant a forest in a field - there will be more bread.
The tree lives with water, the tree protects the water.
In a pine forest - to pray, in a birch - to have fun.
Spring wild garlic takes away seven diseases, autumn wild garlic drives out seven diseases.
Carrots add blood.
Garlic and onions for seven ailments.
Onions and cabbage will not let the disease.
Whoever eats horseradish and radish rarely gets sick.

Answer from Adapt[newbie]
play games

Answer from I-beam[newbie]
what other games

Answer from Ѐustam Gilmanov[newbie]

Answer from Leadership Committee[newbie]
all cast in gold, standing on a straw.

Answer from Hello[newbie]
one hundred clothes and all bases of fasteners (cabbage)

Answer from Ѐavil Akhmetzyanov[newbie]

Answer from Dimados[newbie]
they beat me, they beat me up, but I endure everything, I cry (earth)
has no children, but everyone is a mother (land)
the more you dig it, the deeper it gets (hole)

Answer from Karina Zueva[newbie]

Answer from Nadezhda Bochko[active]
Not difficult!

Solving riddles is a very enjoyable and rewarding activity, especially for children. It helps the child develop ingenuity, intelligence, logical thinking, memory,

Riddles about the earth will expand the child's circle of knowledge about the earth and its meaning in our life, about our planet, its structure and the life of its inhabitants. Just like they enrich the child with knowledge about the world around him.

Read our selection and choose the kind of riddles about the earth - the nurse that you will like.

They beat her, cut her, trample her, but she endures everything and pays everyone with good.

Answer. Earth.

The more you dig it, the deeper it gets.

Answer. Pit.

No back of the head, no face, no beginning, no end.

As you do not follow it, you will not find the end-edge.

Answer. Earth.

Dough is not dough, earth is not earth.

And you can't make a cake out of it,

And you can't walk on it with your feet.

Answer. Swamp.

She feeds the whole world, but she herself does not eat anything.

Answer. Earth.

Everybody tramples her, tramples her, but it makes her all the better.

Answer. Path.

There the earth is like dough.

Everyone goes around this place.

Sedge there, bumps, moss.

You will not find support there.

Answer. Swamp.

She often washes her face.

Changes her clothes four times a year.

Answer. Earth.

The fireball walks around her,

He does not take a warm look from her.

Answer. Sun and Earth.

Not a man, but a drinker.

Not a cook, but feeding everyone.

Answer. Earth.

He will feed and drink everyone,

And it will cover everyone with itself.

Answer. Earth.

He does not give birth to children, but everyone is a mother.

Answer. Earth.

The rain pours - she drinks everything.

Everything else turns green and grows.

Answer. Earth.

All the kinder and sweeter

Everyone is richer and more generous.

Answer. Earth.

Do not go there -

There is no land - no water.

You can't walk with your feet -

You can't go on a boat.

Answer. Swamp.

The dough is shaking in it, as in a tub.

Everyone goes around this place.

Answer. Swamp.

Everyone calls her mother, everyone runs along her legs.

Answer. Earth.

The more you invest in it, the more it gives away.

Answer. Earth.

They say that in summer it is emerald, in autumn it is golden, in winter it is diamond. In fact, it is always black.

What is it about?

Answer. About the Earth.

Round, but not a ball. Solid, but not steel. Black, but not soot. Spinning, but not whirligig. Who is she?

Answer. Planet Earth.

No back of the head, no face, no beginning, no end

Every person knows that she is a huge ball.

Answer. Earth.

The blue ball is spinning, spinning.

A bullet flies under my foot.

Spins, spins, does not get tired,

It gives out the seasons for us.

The ball is spinning, spinning in silence.

He kindly gave me shelter.

I can't stop curiosity:

As days and nights, he can change.

The ball is spinning, spinning is not in vain,

Both forests and seas revolve with him.

I say not in a dream - in reality:

"If he turns, then I live."

What ball is the song talking about?

Answer. About the globe.

Riddle is a joke

Why did people under Catherine II go upside down?

Answer. On the ground.

These are the riddles about the earth we have picked up. We hope you like them. And you didn't just have fun. But also with benefit.

Guessing riddles is a very exciting and useful procedure, especially for children, because this is a kind of mind training. Remember there was such a wonderful magazine "Murzilka"? All parents still remember and love. Just like 20 years ago.

With the help of riddles, you can help children have a pleasant time, moreover, with great benefit for them, expanding their horizons and enriching their knowledge. And the riddles about the land-nurse are also included in this number.

Guess riddles and be happy!

There are many folk sayings about the land. For a long time people worked on it, lived and died. From folklore, fairy tales, songs and riddles, one can gain wisdom and find love for one's native land.

Earth observation

In peasant life, everything revolved around the earth, so people noticed interesting features, endowed it with human character traits. Hence such riddles about the earth:

  • She has 4 outfits and wears them for 3 months (the seasons change the outfit of trees).
  • A man tramples on her, and she hugs him (a man works on the ground, growing crops; after death, he goes to the ground).
  • The word is Russian, but if you add the name of the ancient Greek goddess of victory to it, you get a forest berry. What are these words? (earth, Nika and strawberry).

Sometimes jokes were born:

  • What does a person walk on and a snake crawling on? (on the ground).
  • What does a person walk on while a cart goes? (on the ground).

Native land, homeland

For centuries, people have glorified their native side, their small homeland. The place where you were born and spent the best years of your life. Many people are familiar with the feeling of nostalgia - homesickness. Polish musician Oginsky wrote a beautiful polonaise Farewell to the Motherland. In folk art there are such riddles about the earth:

  • If you add one letter to this word, you get a man. What are these words? (land and countryman).
  • On a stranger's side, I am happy with my own funnel (meeting of fellow countrymen, previously unknown).
  • She will feed, and give to drink, and will hide from enemies (mother earth feeds, enemies will not pass in swampy areas).
  • He was born on her, studied on her, married her, came in handy for her, tried to live on her, and stayed in her (native land).

Riddles about the land-nurse

The image of a meek, patient mother is created in riddles and proverbs about the earth. She is beaten, cut (deep plowing and processing with a hoe) - she pays with a good, high yield. She needs water, can drink it (watering) or wash her face (rain). She has a face pitted with wrinkles (mountains). She spews fire (volcanic eruption).

The more people study the earth (geology, ecology, biology), the clearer the wise structure of the earth becomes. Riddles about the earth emphasize human dependence on it - only it gives us food.

  1. Everything that is on the table, our mother will give birth (the products are obtained by agriculture and cattle breeding).
  2. If you do not take care of it, it will not give anything, if you take care and love, it will make rich (the farmer and the land).
  3. She drinks the most (rain and earth).
  4. Her face is covered with deep wrinkles, tears (mountains and rivers) flow down it.
  5. Sometimes she opens her mouth and spits fire (volcanoes erupt).
  6. People strongly offend her, but she feeds them and gives them water (human intervention in nature).
  7. If you first cut it, then beat it, then pour water on it, it will cook a lot of food and in winter you will live a satisfying life (the work of a peasant required daily care of the garden and the field).
  8. No scientist can repeat what she does with the seed (a new plant grows from the seed).
  9. The blacker it is, the nicer it is. The more it cries, the richer (soil).

Riddles about the earth and plants for children

In the summer, in nature, you can make riddles about the land and plants to your child. So in a playful way, the kid will receive elementary knowledge of the botany of his native land.

  • The boy hunted sunflower seeds in the summer on the porch, discarded the husk just like everyone else; a year later, a little sun on a leg suddenly grew right by the porch, delighting the little boy (sunflower).
  • He walked through the black feather bed, but did not sleep, but began to grow; then I got into your basket, bring it home quickly (earth and mushroom).
  • Sleeps in winter, wakes up in spring, grows in summer, becomes burning in autumn and goes to the table (garlic).
  • What is an earthy apple? (potatoes).
  • What is an earthen pear? (Jerusalem artichoke).
  • What is a peanut? (peanut).
  • What is an earth berry? (strawberries).

Folk riddles about the land exist in all nations. A lot of proverbs and songs have been written about her, she is called mother and wet nurse.