Legends about Amazons. Who are Amazons: Women - Warriors or Legend? Amazon who they were

There is a beautiful story about warlike women who held all the ancient world in fear and fought out not only with their beauty, but also weapons. Call their Amazons. Is this story by myth or reality, and who are the Amazons? The answer will be found in the deep past.

Who are the Amazons?

For the first time and once mention the warlike beauties of their patroness, these ladies are attributed to extensive possessions, starting with the lands of the River Firmont in and ending with the Syrian and Thracian lands. At that time, the Amazon tribes were standing out among the others with their iron weapons and a combat confinement. But the most significant feature is that there were not a single man in their troops. On the contrary, the women of this tribe were not respected by a strong floor, believed him with rampant and heyl. Men were needed by excellent warriors only to continue the kind. In stories about who are such Amazons, it often meets the opinion that they were captured by men with whom the offspring concealed. However, it is possible that the brave maids for this goal were married to the young men from the neighboring tribes, and achieving the desired, expelled them from their community. Some sources indicate that men were in the tribes of Amazons, but did not participate in hostilities, but only were engaged in household. The right to become a mother was only among those Amazons who killed at least three enemies. If boys were born in their tribes, then in the first version they were immediately killed, according to the second - gave the fathers. In order to deal with those amazons, you should find out the meaning of their name. In the literal translation, the Greek word Amazes is a "harmful". According to the ancient legends, each wild amazon for greater convenience when using onion and other weapons deprived himself with the right chest. Some historians believe that they called these women hargless because they were not feminine in the full sense of the word.

Amazon in myths

For the first time, these ladies are mentioned in one of the ways, according to the myths of ancient Eldla, the gallant's hero was instructed to deliver the belt of the hippolyts, the Queens of Amazons. In order to get this thing, Hercules had to kill all militant maids. What, however, did not prevent them from appearing in the stories about the waist. In accordance with this legend, this hero was pretty friendly with Hercules and even participated with him in a campaign on the Amazons, from where he brought his wife - their queen Ippolit. Desperate women immediately rushed to fight for their ladies. But in the end, they themselves were killed: the Ippolita took on a blow, intended for her husband.

Myth or reality?

Legends about who are the Amazons, do not explain the main thing - whether they actually existed or were the fruit of the imagination of the ancient Greeks. Some believe that the story about them is just a fairy tale, as evidenced by their appearance in myths. Others believe that Amazon is an unreasonable tribe that could exist in the territories of modern Turkey, Greece, Asia or even Russia. Until now, this question is unresolved.

Myths and legends about wild amazons - women who formed a separate tribe, lived according to the rules of the matriarchate and fought with men, exist from the ancients in ...

From MasterWeb.

23.04.2018 21:00

Myths and legends about wild amazons - women who formed a separate tribe, lived according to the rules of the matriarchate and fought with men, exist since ancient times. Archaeological excavations confirm this fact, however, disputes on the reliability of the existence of a militant society, consisting exclusively from representatives of weak gender, do not subside.

Myths and legends

According to the ancient Greek mythology, the kingdom of amazons, women warriors, there were some time on the territory of Libya, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. For what reason they lived separately from men, it was incomprehensible, but for a long time they were their own forces. Some sources tell about the nomads of the tribe of women, others - about the existence of the kingdom led by the queen of Amazons.

The main classes were: hunting for the purpose of prey of food, war with neighboring tribes for enrichment. In accordance with the ancient legends, the origin of Amazon led from the Union of God Ares (or Mars) and his daughter of harmony, and the warranty themselves worshiped the goddess Artemis, a virgin hunting.

One of the feats of Hercules was a task, during which he had to pick up the magic belt from warlike girls, which was intended for redemption for the return of the daughter of Queen Antipa.

Women's Amazon tribes: Life and reproduction

According to expressed in 5 c. BC. Ancient Greek historian Herodotus, such a state of the matriarchant existed on the shores of Oz. Meotids (modern territory of Crimea). They built several cities, including Smyrna, Sinop, Ephesus and Paphos.

The main occupation of the Amazons was to participate in wars and raids on their neighbors, and with great mastery owned onions, a double battle ax (Labrs), a shortening sword. Helmet and armor of the warranty made on their own.

But in order to have children, for the purpose of breeding, the tribe of female Amazons annually in the spring time declared a truce and arranged meetings with men from border lands, with which they were then paid after the 9 months old-month-old boys.

But according to another version, newborn male sex expected a more sad fate: they were either treated in the river, or cried to further use as slaves. Newborn girls were left in the tribe and brought up as future warriors who had to own all available weapons. They were also trained in hunting craft and the ability to carry out agriculture.

In order for in the future when pulling onion, they did not interfere with the right breast, they were burned back in childhood. According to one of the versions, the name of the tribe happened from A Mazos, i.e., "harmful", on the other, from Ha-Mazan, that from the Iranian language is translated as "warriors", on the third - from Masso, denoting "inviolable".

War with Dionysom

The combat victories of the Amazon tribe so much glorified them that even God Dionysis decided to conclude an alliance with them so that they would help him fight titans. After the victory, he cunningly started the war with them and defeated them.

Few surviving women were able to hide in the temple of Artemis to then go to small Asia. There they settled on the Fermodont River, creating a huge empire. By participating in several wars, the Amazon women captured Syria and reached the island of Crimea. Many of them took part in the siege of the famous Troy, during which the ancient Greek Hero Achill killed them to the queen.

During the fighting with the Greeks, the opponent was able to capture several girls captured and, sips on the ship, wanted to take them to demonstrate their homeland. However, along the path of the woman, the warriors attacked the ship and killed everyone. But due to the lack of skills of the amazon shipments, only in the wind were able to swim, and ultimately they nailed to the shores of the ancient Scythia.

Education of the Sarmatian tribe

Settling in a new place, the warranty began to rob settlements and pass the cattle, killing local residents. Scythian soldiers were very proud, because they considered the warriors with warriors unworthy classes. They acted otherwise: gathered their best warriors and sent them to capture wild women to then get good offspring from them. They were awaited by luck, after which the new people of Savramites or Sarmatov, having a bogatyr body appeared.

The life of the tribe of female Amazons was actively in military campaigns and hunting, and they dressed in men's clothing. And local men were attached to home duties: cooking food, cleaning, etc. The Sarmatians had an interesting tradition: girls could marry only after the murder of any representative of a strong half, but they were usually found in neighboring tribes.

Homer and Herodotus about Amazons

According to historians, the great ancient thinker Homer, which created the famous works of "Illiad" and "Odyssey", also wrote about the country of Amazonia. However, this poem has not been preserved. The confirmation of the Greek myths are the ancient amphoras and bas-reliefs, decorated with drawings of female Amazons (photo below). Only on all images, beautiful warriors have both breasts and quite well-developed muscles. Also, Amazons are mentioned in the Talk of Argonauts, but there Homer shows them as a disgusting Fury.

According to Herodota, after participating in the Trojan war, Amazon fell to Scythians and formed a tribe of Sarmatov, in which women and men had equal rights. Legends attribute to them not only excellent possession of weapons, but also the ability to stay in the saddle and incredible composure. Scythians and Sarmati, according to Herodotus, jointly fought in 5 c. BC e. Against Tsar Daria.

The Roman historian Deodor adhered to the opinion that the Amazon women were descendants of the ancient Atlanta and lived in the territory of Western Libya.

Data archaeologists

Many of the findings of historians in different parts of the world are confirmed by the ancient legends on the existence of female Amazons not only in Greece, but also other countries and continents.

So, in 1928, on the shores of the Black Sea, the burial of the ancient ruler in the armor and with arms was found in the settlement of Azhal. After the study, he turned out to be a woman, after which many made an assumption of the find of the queen of Amazons.

In 1971, the burial of a woman with a girl, who were luxuriously dressed and richly decorated on the territory of Ukraine. In the grave lay gold, weapons, as well as skeletons of 2 men, clearly dead not from the disease. According to scientists, the remains belonged to another queen with his daughter and slaves who were sacrificed.

In the 1990s. When excavations in Kazakhstan, similar ancient graves of women warriors were discovered, whom was more than 2.5 thousand years old.

The next sensation in the world of science was the last discovery in Britain, when the remains of female soldiers were found in Brueme (Cumbria county). They clearly arrived here from Europe. According to English scientists, women fought in the ranks of the Roman army. According to their data, the female Amazon tribes lived in Eastern Europe in the period 220-300. e. After death, they were solemnly burned on fires along with equipment and battle horses. The origin of them comes from the territory of the current states of Austria, Hungary and the former Yugoslavia.

America: life of the tribes of female amazons

Stories about wild Warriors women also talk about finding them Christopher Columbus after the opening of the American continent. Hearing the stories of local Indians about the female militant tribe, the great navigator tried to capture them on one of the islands, but could not do this. In memory of this case, the name of the Virgin Islands was given (translated into the "Islands of V.").

Spanish conquistor fr. De Oreliana in 1542 landed on the shore of a huge river in South America, where he met the tribe of wild female Amazons. In the battle with them, the Europeans suffered defeat. Some scientists suggest that the mistake occurred due to long hair from local Indians. However, it was in memory of this incident that the incident was given the proud name of the most majestic river of the American continent - Amazon.

African Amazon

This is a unique phenomenon in the world history - the tribe of Dagomey female terminators - dwell on the African continent south of the Sahara on the territory of the modern state of Benin. They were called N'Nonmiton or "Our Mothers".

African Amazons, Women Warriors treated the elite troops who defended their ruler in the Kingdom of Dagomei, for which European colonialists called them Dagomäi. There was such a tribe in the 17th century. For hunting elephants.

Dagomey's king, admired by their skill and successes, appointed them with his bodyguards. The n'nonmiton army existed for 2 centuries, 19 V. The Women's Military Corps counted 6 thousand soldiers.

The selection in the ranks of Women soldiers passed among 8-year-old girls who were taught to be strong and ruthless, as well as able to withstand any pain. Armament them was made of machete and dutch muskets. After many years of training, African Amazons became "combat machines" capable of successfully fighting, and defeated - cut off the heads.

During the service period in the army, they could not marry and give birth to children and remained chaste, considering married with the king. With the encroachment of a man on a warrior woman killed him.

The British mission in the territory of West Africa was founded in 1863, the scientist R. Barton came to Dagomya, which was going to conclude peace with the local authority. He was for the first time a description of the life of the Dagomesky tribe of female Amazons (photo below). According to his information, for some warrior, this provided the opportunity to gain influence and wealth. English researcher S. Alpern wrote a big treatise about the life of Amazons.

At the end of the 19th century The territory was occupied by French colonialists, soldiers from whom were often found in the morning dead with a sliced \u200b\u200bhead. The second Franco-Dagomey War ended with the surrender of the king's army, and most of the Amazons were killed. The last representative of her representative - a woman named Navi, which was over 100 years old, - died in 1979

Modern wild female tribes

Until now, in the impassable jungle of the Amazon River there are territories, life on which is very different from modern civilization. The time of time in the eastern part of Brazil lives people who are torn off from the outside world, who preserved their customs and skills.

Scientists regularly find here not only new types of animals and plants, but also settlements of wild tribes, which now, according to the research of the Funai organization, there are more than 70. They are engaged in hunting, fishing, the collection of fruits and berries, while at all do not want to contact with A civilized world, afraid to become infected with unknown diseases. After all, even ordinary flu for them is fatal.

Women of wild Amazon tribes usually fulfill all the female work, are engaged in the life and raising children. Sometimes they collect berries or fruits in the forest. However, there are also aggressive tribes in which women are on a par with men hunt or participate in raids on their neighbors, armed with batons and spears poisoned by the poison of local plants or snakes.

There is also a wild tribe of Kun on the island of San Blas near the territory of Brazil, resetting from the mainland and living according to the rules of the matriarchate. Traditions have been preserved and supported by residents of the settlement of Surgo and unshakable. At age 14, girls are already considered half-way and must choose their groom themselves. A man usually moves to the house to the bride. The main income of the tribe on the island brings collecting and exporting coconuts (about 25 million units annually), they also grown sugar cane, bananas, cocoa and oranges. But for fresh water ride the mainland.

Amazon in art and cinema

In the art of ancient Greece and Rome, the warrior occupy an important place, their images can be found on ceramics, in sculpture and architecture. Thus, the battle of Athenians and Amazons is captured in the marble bas-relief of Parfenon, as well as in sculptures from Mausoleum from Galicarcas.

Favorite classes of women warriors - Hunting and War, and weapons - onions, spear, ax. To protect against the enemy, they put on a helmet, and in their hands they took a shield having a crescent shape. As can be seen in the above photos, the ancient masters were depicted on a horse or walk in a battle in battle with a centaur or warriors.

In the period of the Renaissance, they again resurrected in the works of the era of classicism and baroque in poetry, in paintings and sculptures. Plots of battles with ancient warriors are presented in the works of Ya. Palma, Ya. Tintoretto, Renny and other artists. The picture of Rubens "Battle of Greeks with Amazons" shows them in the bloody equestrian battery with men. And copies from the originals of the sculpture "wounded Amazon" are famous for the whole world and stored in the museums of the Vatican and the United States.

The life and feats of the Amazons became an inspiration for writers and poets: Tirsto de Molina, Lope de Vega, R. Grandsia and Kleista. In the 20-21 centuries, they switched to mass culture: cinema, cartoons and comics in fantasy genre.

Modern cinema is a confirmation of the popularity of women-Amazon theme. Beautiful and bold female warriors are represented in films: "Amazon Rome" (1961), "Pana - Queen Amazon" (1964), "Goddess of War" (1973), "Legendary Amazons" (2011), "Women-Warriors" ( 2017), etc.

The last film, which came to the screens in 2017, is called a "wonder-woman" and tells about the heroine named Diana, the Queen of Amazons, which is endowed with fantastic strength, speed and endurance. It freely communicates with animals, and for protection wears special bracelets, but the men consider to be changeable and false.

Among modern women can also be found "Amazons", which are smart, educated and dream of conquer the world. They can manage a large corporation and at the same time brought up children, and men are condescendingly, allowing themselves to love.

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And you ever wondered by the question "Who are the Amazons: Women - Myth or True?"

There are no uniform opinions in historians. It is not known what contributed to the birth of women - warrior.

Self-sufficient, fearless, strong and independent. Maybe the excessive oppression of men caused hatred for them? Wish to fight and kill?

These women left a marked trail, full secrets, myths and mysteries in the history of mankind.

About the place of their habitat there are different versions.

One, this is a nomadic tribe. For another version, they owned the kingdom on the shores of the seas of Black, Caspian and Mediterranean. But one is known reliably: this tribe consisted only from female representatives.

Lived apart. Men were used only to continue the kind, for conception. Born girls left, boys in rare cases gave the Father, and more often killed.

They were magnificent horsemen, perfectly owned a sword, onion, spear and a short combat ax (Labrs).

Girls taught since childhood

This girls were taught since childhood: - to fight and ruthlessly kill. War was the meaning of their lives.
Any commander considered the honor, participate in hostilities in the Union with them. Not many have been honored for such honor. The joint actions of the Amazon agreed only if the danger threatened their tribe.

They were famous for their warliness and unshakable, fought on a par with men.

Alexander Macedonian wrote:

"... that they surpass the usual women with growth. They are distinguished by beauty, health and intimateness ... "

Legends about Amazon

Takes about women - warriors were both the Indian tribes of South America.

They lived on the banks of the river and possessed outless wealth. This caused interest among greedy Spanish conquistadors. And in 1544, they went to search for this mysterious tribe. He headed the journey Francisco de Orellan. Subsequently, he described Military collisions with Amazons. This is white-skinned, high, state women.

Despite the presence of firearms, the Spaniards failed to form any of them. This confirms that they possessed an uncompressed courage and magnificent combat training.

The first historical mentions

The first mention of them are found in the ancient Roman and ancient Greek literature IV BC. Their existence is confirmed by archaeological excavations on all continents. Find women's remains with traces of stitching and chopping strikes, with tips sticking in the bones and buried, like warriors, together with weapons.

The whole world is kept the ancient mosaic, bas-reliefs, vessels and antique vases with the image of the battles with the participation of women.

Modern Amazons live with men. Do not lead wars with them (weapons)! However, in men's professions, there are increasingly smart, self-sufficient, independent women who easily copes with male affairs. This is especially clearly traced in European society. And is observed even in Muslim countries.

Now the female military units are being created.

Men or women?

Science is proved that the representatives of the "weak gender" compared with the "strong floor"

  • it is easier to transfer stressful and critical situations,
  • faster and for a long time digest new information,
  • better tolerate pain and less sensitive to it,
  • all new and change adapt faster.

The indomitable spirit of the Amazon lives in almost every. Is this good or bad? Maybe the future is behind the beautiful floor?

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Franz von pieces. Amazon and Centaur. 1901.

Amazon - who are they?

The concept of "Amazon" theoretically could form from the Iranian "HA-Mazan" (warriors). If the Greek phrase "a Mazos" can be considered an amplifying part of the Greek phrase "A Mazos", then this phrase would be approximately translated as "full-boring".

There are many other options for the origin of the word "Amazon". For example, "A Masso" (from "Masso" - touch, concerned) could mean "not touching" (to men). By the way, in North Caucasian languages, the word "MAZA" - "Moon" has been preserved, which may be echoing of the distant time, when the inhabitants of this region deified the moon - the goddess of the hunt, corresponding to Greek Artemis.

For the ancient Greeks, Amazons were no less real than any other inhabitants of the Nordic Lands.
It is believed that they were the daughters of the god of war Ares and Nymphs of harmony; At the same time, it is specified that Ares was not Greek, but by the Thracian God, the country located in the east of the Balkan Peninsula. Strabo, an ancient Greek geographer and traveler, offered three ethnonym connected to them with Amazons: Chelason, Alason and Amazon (Geography, XI, 5,1-4, XII, 3,21-24). Osam Strapen, whose childhood has passed from the coast of black The sea (in Amazee) was leaning towards Ethnonym Amazon.

Herodotus in his "history" reports that the capital of Amazons was called Femiskira, and she stood on the banks of the Fermodon River (South of the Black Sea, modern Turkey). There is a version according to which Amazon came to Greece from Meotiy Lake, that is, from the Azov Sea. From there they made military campaigns throughout Malaya Asia, reaching even to Syria and Egypt. According to legends, the Amazons founded such cities as Ephesus, Smyrna (now - Turkish Izmir), Sinop and Paphos.

The kingdom of Amazons with the capital of the daemiscra founded the Queen of Lisippa, which also became the first Amazon. She laid the basic laws and rules of the life of Amazons, she won new lands for her new kingdom.

The three famous Southern Amazon Queens of Marpess, Lampado and Hippo seized the Earth in South Asia and Syria, founded the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna (Izmir), Fibe, Sinopo. It was during this campaign that the Amazon captured Troy, where the future king at the time was still a child. Then Amazon went with great prey, leaving small garrisons in conquered cities. These garrisons were expelled by the alliance of the barbaric tribes, with the result that in one of the battles Amazon lost the Queen of Marpessa (according to Paul, the Orosia Amazoni again invaded Asia together with the Kimmerians in 723 BC).

Artemis, 4-3 century BC, North-West Black Sea

Dioiodor Sicilian believed that Amazons lived on the Tanais River (modern Don). She was called so in honor of the son of Amazon Lisippa, who fell in love with his mother and rushed into the river to avoid criminal heap.

Especially read the Amazons Artemis-hunter and went to her retinue, hunted with her and with nymphs. Also Amazons patronized the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus. Amazons were even held their Olympic games, only for women, and they were dedicated to the hero, and not Zeus, like Greeks.

The army led the whole life of Amazons - and military, and peaceful. She was relatively small - no more than a quarter of the tribe, while the "soldier" there was a lot of responsibilities: they had to constantly extract food, protect the tribe from enemies, maintain their combat readiness - and they continued the genus. Thus, the strongest link due to overload turned out to be the most vulnerable. Therefore, the most cruel.

Amazon kidnapped their marriage partners from hostile or neighboring tribes and used them. The difference is only that instead of the bride mined the grooms, and not to create a family, but for a short-term "procedure." After that, the captives, like born boys, were ruthlessly killed, apparently, without feeling any love or hate to them.

Murders were needed: they ensured the stability of the tribe. After all, it was almost impossible to provide all women with husbands. And to keep a few "stallions" among many women who have passed the school life in the saddle and in the war, it was dangerous: they could become or contenders for power, or the cause of constant fights. And since the tsarins steppe amazons became the strongest, then the problem was solved accordingly.

However, gradually the Virgin Chariot began to use peaceful ways to resolve disputes. As a rule, in the spring Amazon for a month converged on a neutral territory with men from the neighboring tribes, and after the last time they gave the happy fathers of newborn boys, leaving girls in the tribe. In the book of Diodorus Sicilian, describes how Queen Amazon Falestra came to Alexander Macedonsky and said: "I arrived to give you my son, and if my daughter is born - to pick it up yourself, because there is no higher women in strength and courage and no men norny " It doesn't matter, the myth is or a real event, in any case the "branded" approach is visible.

To reproduce the offspring Amazon, they joined the men of other nations. The born boys were sent to the fathers (on another legend, they were simply killed or neutered), girls left and brought up new Amazons from them.

Diodor Sicilian reports that Amazon, it happened, cried male children immediately after their birth: they twisting their hands and legs in order to make them unable to fight in the future against their "mothers." This motive echoes the Chechen myth of Piharmat ("Kuznets Country"), telling that the goddess of the focus of Ts'iK'ur-Nana, the wife of the flame and the mother of Phaharmat, appealed to his sons in the same way as Amazons with newborn boys. She had many sons whom she loved. But it happened that she brutally punished them for healing, except the youngest - Piharmat, to which was especially attached. One day one of her sons committed serious misconduct. An angry mother wanted to unscrew his arms and legs (Kjjgash-Kogash TSHRA DAXA). Piharmat, who rushed to the revenue of his brother, came running when the mother had already managed to unscrew that one foot (Xa TSHRA MA Diakxineh). He managed to dismiss it to let go of the unfortunate, which has since remained chrome (Xonushxa).

Two Amazons kill a warrior man. Ancient mosaic

In Iliad, Homer called the Amazons "Antianemi" (those who fight like men). Herodotus called them "Andrkton" (murderers of men).

Amazonacia. Louvre

Amazonacia in the ancient Roman sarcophage

The battle of the inhabitants of Athens with Amazons spawned a separate genre of ancient Greek art - the so-called "Amazonacia", that is, the tradition of the image of warlike amazons on the battlefield (drawings on terracotta, carving on the mramor).

Amazons could be defeated, only completely destroying them

Over time, the mention of Amazon is becoming less and less. During the lifetime of Alexander Macedonsky, rumors were rumored about how one day the Queen of Amazon Tilestris arrived in the camp of the Great Commissioner with three hundred tribmennels. Allegedly Talester wanted to offer all this considerable "harem" Alexander to get from the famous ruler as much as possible girls, the same strong and clever, as a father.

On the Amazons who fought as part of the enemy troops wrote the Roman general of Gnei Pompey, and Vergil in his poem "Aneida" clearly wrote off the Volskaya (Volski - the people opposed Rome) Warring Camilla from the ancient Amazons.

Franz von pieces.Wounded Amazon

Mention of Amazons in different sources

The Amazons settled in the Femiskere, on the Fermodon River (probably the term Kay in modern Turkey).
Amazons were the first to steal horses and use iron.
Fox. Funeral speech, 4

The Battle of Amazons with Bellerofon (the legendary Greek hero, the owner of the famous cant of Pegasus, presented to him by Athena).
Apollodor. Chronicle of Greek History, Book 1, 2.3
Homer. Iliad, 6.219
Pindar. Olympic, 13.91 and 130
Plutarch. Moral, 17.248.
Floating Argonauts by Amazon Lands on the way to Collid.
Pindar. Pythiy
Apollonium Rhodes. Argonautics<

Hercules fights with Amazons. Antique blackfoot vessel

The battle of Amazons with Frigian kings Migdon, withdraw and Priam (later thanked the king of Troy).
The battle of Amazons with a squad of Hercules-Tereus for the Belt of the Hippolytes. Antiope (or Ippolitis, depending on the legend) was abducted and married to Tsar Greece Tereus.
The assault of Athens Amazons to return the belt of the hippolytes. Some sources are narrated by a truce and contract between Amazons and the King of the Tsee.
Plutarch. The life of the Tereus (Plutarch is based on the data of the early historians of Cleidem and Helennik, the works of which are not preserved)
Isocrate. PanFenik, 192, 194 (in the panegonic, 68, he claims that they were defeated and were all killed or expelled)
Fox. Funeral speech, 6

Bosporian pelica with head of amazon, horse and griff

The Amazons fought on the side of the Trojans against the aggression of the Greeks (~ 1080 BC). Pentseillia was headed by the Amazon detachment, which all died.
Homer. Iliad 3.239; 6.186-223 (Flexible mention - the story of the Iliad ends with the death of the hector)
Arctic Miletsky. Etopus (continues the story of the Trojan War from the place on which the oriad ended)
Barl. Overview etopia; Gediy and Homeriad in the classic library, 1967, p. 507
Quinty Smirnsky. Hommeron or Postgomerick, 1.20-46

Bosporian pelica with Amazons - Battle with Greek

Amazon took part in the Peloponess War between Athens and Sparta (431-404 AD)
Fucidide. History of the Peloponess War
Alexander Macedon met with Queen Amazon Faleztria. (~ 352-323 BC). He tried to take her to his wife in Girkania (Antique Province in Northern Persia).
Stramp. Geography, 2.5.4-5 (denied)
Queentus Smirnsky. History, 6.5.29
Diodor. Sicul, 17.77.1

Battle of Greeks with Amazons. Relief on Roman Marble Sarcophage

Amazon fought with the Greeks in the daemiscra. Apparently, the last war of Amazons with the Greeks. After the defeat of Amazons in the daemissy, they were captured and shipped to Greek ships. The Amazons successfully broke away from the Greeks and sailed, where the wind will withdraw, until they reached the lake Motis (Azov Sea), where, in the end, married Sarmatov and fought on their side. They formed a new Sarmatian culture.
Herodotus. History of Greco-Persian Wars, 4.110

Joe Juno. Dark times

Legends about Amazon

Where did the legends about Amazons come from? What are these vague memories of those archaic times when people lived in matriarchy, or really existing "female" peoples of the ancient era?

Many theories are put forward on this score.

The source of the myths about Amazons is very ancient, giving roots to the Minoan civilization. Interestingly, the Amazon's favorite weapon was the Labris Dual Mine Topor, and that the Goddess of Artemis is the patroness of Amazons. The cult of Artemis moved from the island of Crete for mainland Greece and continued its existence in Greek culture.

Amazon according to one of these theories of Amazon could be the daughters of Ares and the ministers of Artemis, and this suggests that their prototype could be a closed community of temple servants. In such a context, the mythical caustication of the chest can be interpreted as applying ritual injections.

Legendary amazon stories directly associate them with two heroes - Hercules and Teshem. It is likely that the Terrible Amazons symbolized the dangers with which Greek colonists had to face the Black Sea coast.

Amazon in a Scythian costume on a red-chicken antique vessel

Amazon image in history

In the early samples of Greek painting, Amazon wore helmet and long tunics, discovering the similarity with the militant goddess Athena. Later, their clothes have become more sophisticated and lightweight, highly subjected (to relieve running) - that is, the style of the goddess of the Hunt Artemis. The Greek origin of the Amazons confirms the fact that in battle they usually used a small shield "Pell", which had a shape of a crescent.

The latest images of Amazons show them dressed on the Persian manner - in tightballs and a high pointed headdress, "Kidaris".

Plutarch wrote that the Amazons wore a short, to knees a dress, a shield that resembled a leaf of ivy, and a helmet, fastened under the chin belts. The helmet was often tightened by a conical Frigian cap from felt with headphones, descended to shoulders, progress and strings. It was the only "wardrobe subject", which Amazon was decorated with embroidery or pearls.

Amazon with a horse, with a combat double ax and in the cap. House of Orpheus. End II - Start III century. n. e.

Weapon Amazon

The main weapon of Amazon was considered Sagaris - the Scythian name of the ax with a double blade known to the Greeks as a "pelkenus" or "Labris". The latter was spread on the island of Crete in the Bronze Age (3 Millennium BC), symbolizing the feminine beginning.

In addition to the battle ax, the Amazons were actively used onions with arrows and small spears - a typical "Scythian set". They rarely fought foot - the shock force of their army was the cavalry, which also could not make no thoughts on the Scythian tribes.

Amazon. Figure with Neapolitan Antique Vase

Abode of legendary Amazonov

At the expense of the Amazons, the most diverse versions, the birthplace of legendary warriors could be the same Greece, or the Black Sea Caucasia, the Mountains of the Caucasus, Turkey, the Don Steppes, and even North Africa. In general, Amazons could have been completely divided into different tribes who lived in different lands.

Amazon accommodation is definitely unknown. They call the lands from the Black Sea coast of Turkey to the south of Russia, Libya and even Atlantis. Perhaps admiring stories of noble travelers about steppe women and other, more believable stories have completed the myth of Amazon already existed in ancient Greece. However, fearless women could personify the myths unknown dangers, and maybe even barbarism as a whole, with whom the ancient Greeks who ventured to go on new lands, such as the Black Sea coast. It is curious that, according to the ancient Greeks, Amazons always lived on the very edge of Okumen, where civilization ends. With the expansion of their ideas about the world, the Motherland of the Amazons moved farther and further. Probably, that is why the geographical data associated with them is so contradictory.

On the map of 1770, Amazonia placed north of Sarmatov lands

Thus, in the oldest written sources, the story about Amazon begins with the fact that they lived east of ancient Greece in Malaya Asia (Turkey) and, probably, were the founders of the cities of Ephesus and Smirns on the east coast. In Herodote (V c. BC), they moved to the south of Russia, and by the time of writing the "historical library" of Diodorus Sicilian, in I B. BC E., Western Libya was already considered the homeland of Amazons.

Pelica with a woman in gim

Pelics with amazon, head of a grid and horse

Dionysius, who lived in Alexandria in the middle of the II century. BC e. He reported that the most ancient Amazon kingdom was located in North Africa, in Libya, which disappeared for many generations to the Trojan War. The capital of this kingdom was located at the northeastern part of Sherdy's lake (Atlas Mountains Algeria). The south of the capital, the southeast coast of this lake had rock tips and palace-religious facilities of Amazons. In Libya, Algeria, Tunisia had a lot of women's tribes, distinguished militia and courage. For example, Gorgonian women practiced in military business and during a certain time carried military service, while men were engaged in the economy and raising children. Under the leadership of the queen Mirina, many lands were conquered. Mirina's tribesmen who died in battles were buried in three huge mounds, which are still called "Amazon Kurgans".


Sarmata - descendants of the Amazons. Herodotus wrote that Sarmatians - descendants of the Amazons, who married Scythians

Historian A. B. Bliszarenko believes that the habitat of the tribe almost coincides with the contours of the Turkish Vilats Amias (perhaps this toponym is related to the etymology of the name of the tribe) and Samsun. From here, Amazon took their hiking to Asia. They built Ephesus, Smyrna and other cities.

Considering the estimated homeland of Amazons - the Don Steppes and the Sea coast, the Asian theory of their origin looks the most likely. The Greeks, who settled in the Black Sea region, were constantly faced with militant and semi-divine nomads. Herodotus straight stated that Sarmatians are descendants of Amazons and Scythians.

Skif and Amazon

It happened that I became amazons and women living in the mountains. But only for a while: when their men went to distant pastures or hiking. Sometimes such ever lasted years. Mountain Amazons prepared for independent life in advance. We trained the military case, built for them inaccessible fortresses, the famous Kiz-Kala - "Maiden Towers". So far, the customs of some Caucasian peoples prescribe women and men to live in strict isolation from each other. Even spouses, according to the ancient rule, should be met secretly, under the cover of the night. Perhaps the custom of taking food in different rooms has the same origin.

Scythian warrior


Until recently, scientists considered the Amazons with fiction, emphasizing the unusualness of steppe barbarians in the eyes of the Greeks.

However, at the end of the 20th - early 21st centuries, the situation has changed. First in the north of Turkey, large female graves were found in the province of Samsun, and then on Taman, the Kuban archaeologists came off the graves of a whole tribe. There were buried exclusively women. Incredibly, but a fact - a weapon lay next to their bodies: Lukes, Quiver and Daggers, and in the skull, one of the dead was shaking the arrow tip.

Equestrian amazon and a pedestal warrior

These finds proved that in the Northern Black Sea region lived if not completely female tribes, then, at least, a woman played the main role in society in society. However, it is unlikely that these "amazons" formed those communities of the closed type, which the Greeks were told. Cruelty in relation to men was also probably exaggerated - for people with different types of cultures, it is characteristic of creating such legends about the land, where life is indigenously different from their own.

One way or another, these tribal unions were few and unstable. The dilapidated traditions of the matriarchy, miraculously preserved to the new era, could not resist the campaigns of Alexander Macedonian, the mixing of cultures and the great resettlement of peoples in the 4-7 century. It was then that Amazon ceased to exist.

Further. The English archaeologist Casson discovered the graves of female warriors in Heroe and Megara. We will quote the PAsania, the author who wrote the first and so far the most detailed guide to the attractions of Eldlands: "When Amazons, because of the antipa, they went to the Athenians and were defeated by the Teshem, the majority of them were destined to die in the battle; Ippolita, the sister of the antipa and at that time the head of women, with few of them fled to Megara; In the consciousness that she caused the troop such misfortune, she fell in spirit, especially with this state of affairs, and even more so seeing the impossibility of returning home to the daemiscru, so she died from grief, and when she died, she was buried here; In appearance, her monument is similar to the AMAZONS shield. " Obviously, the English archaeologist found the grave of the Hippolytes or her warriors. What once again confirms that Greek myths are not at all myths in the modern meaning of this word, but a poetic image of real events of the history of ancient allala.

The incredible discovery was made by our domestic archaeologists in 1928 - off the coast of the Black Sea, in the town of Zemzhal, where, as they believed, and the Amazonians lived, they found the buried remains of some "Prince". He was buried in full armor and with weapons - his double ax was resting next to his dual ax.

However, by conducting a detailed examination of the skeleton, the researchers were defeated in shock: the remains definitely belonged to the woman! Who was she? Queen of Amazons? Their ladies?

1971th year. Ancient burial was found in the territory of the present Ukraine. And again a woman buried with royal honors. Next to her resting the skeleton of a little girl, decorated no less luxurious. In addition, in their grave, we found a weapon, a lot of gold and skeletons of two men who left this world, as scientists declare, obviously not in their will. It is believed that in the grave, the next Queen of Amazons with his daughter and two slaves brought sacrificing.

In the time interval between 1993 and 1997, excavations were carried out in Kazakhstan, in the town of Pokrovka. There were also found ancient burials, which, at least two and a half thousand years, were also found, and the remains of women warriors were also resting.

It was not difficult to determine the order of their classes, because next to them lay, as if brought to the gift, the daggers, arms tips and other types of weapons - ladies in life were definitely able to stand up for themselves and carried the skill with them into the grave. It turns out, here too, it makes sense to talk about the Amazons?

And such finds are found by researchers in various parts of the planet - there is information that the Amazons could well dwell on the territory of modern India, Malaysia and even in the Baltic Sea area.

Found women remains in Brueme

One of the last discovery was the fact that Amazons, as British scientists installed, fought on the side of the Roman army, in the territory of the UK. The proof of this is the remains of two Women's Warmhouses, found in the burial in Bruem, Cumbria county. It is believed that they still came from Eastern Europe during their lifetime - more Ancient Greeks argued that the great and terrible women warriors lived there.

These two representatives of their tribe, which, following the guessing of scientists, disappeared from the face of the earth about between 220 and 300 AD, were honorable burned on the burial bones along with their fighting troughs and military equipment. It is possible that these Amazons were part of the number of irregular Roman troops enshrined for servants on the territory of Britain by legions.

Based on the results of other excavations, it can be assumed that they came from the Danube provinces of Norikum, Panonia and Illyry, which are now included in the territories of Austria, Hungary and the former Yugoslavia.

Investigating the burial in Bruem, scientists came to the conclusion that the ashes of the dead buried here. In the grave of one of the women found the remains of animals, which, too, apparently, were subjected to a ritual of burning. Also, the records used to decorate the caskets, fragments of the sheath and the details of the clay dishes were detected from the bone.

All these finds suggest that the woman had a rather high status in society. At the time of the burial she was from 20 to 40 years. In another grave, the inhabitant of which was from about 21 to 45, also found sheath and bone jewelry, and in addition - a silver bowl.

Amazon in the ancient Greek myths

So still, does it make sense to argue that women warriors really existed in this world?

The ancient Greeks believed that Amazon, who entered the goddess of Artemis, originated from the extraordinary and frightening union of the god of the war of Ares, known as Mars, with his own daughter harmony. They argued that their tribes settled on the Fermodont River at the city of Femixir in Malaya Asia. There is a fair question: how did they continue their own?

It is said that in the spring, when the birds begin to sing, and the bears - multiply, these eccentric ladies visited the settlements nearby and have come into short-lived marriages with local men. Also, the role of "seeds" was perfectly suitable for alien to those who drank in unfamiliar parts.

According to the law of the genre, children soon emerged, their fate was determined depending on the floor: Amazon girls left and brought up warriors from them, and from boys usually mercilessly got ruthless. As a last resort, they gave out the fathers and sent both as far as possible.

"Women without breasts" lived on the Fermodont River

Greek historian Herodotus described all their education philosophy in one phrase:

"No girl should know a man without killing the enemy."

Amazon generally, linguistic scientists believe that the word "Amazon" itself is composite from the words "A" and "Mazon", in translating it means "without a chest." There was such a custom in these tribes - at an early age, catch the right chest at an early age, so that it did not develop and did not interfere in the future to master the art of archery.

To the question, where these "women without breasts" lived, most researchers are looking for an answer in the ancient Greek myths. Having studied them, scientists came to the conclusion that the Amazon tribes lived in the north of Turkey, where the Tea River is now flowing.

Apparently, this is the same mysterious River Fermodont, which Greeks spoke - exactly there women warriors lived, and it was from there that they came to the aid of the Trojans. On the very river Fermodont, they moved from the Caucasian mountains.

Scythian warriors managed to seduce the warriors

The Scythians have a legend that a militant tribe came on their land, it threw the villages and took their livestock. Determining its settlements, the Scythians were able to kill several strangers. Jumping out of the saddles, in order to scalp their enemies, they experienced an indescribable shock - all the dead were women.

Scythian warriors have an extraordinary pride - they considered unworthy to lead the war with women. Instead, they sent a detachment of young people to patrol the territory next to the enemy, follow him, without interference in battle. They wanted to learn more about mysterious women. The latter initially performed with aggressors - they tried to attack and unleash the battle, but the prudent young people did not take the battle, trying to completely retreat.

Over time, militant ladies got sick with such a neighbor and stopped their attacks, becoming more or less favorable. Then young people took the situation under control and seduced the flawed warriors. And they began to live in peace and harmony: they laid dumplings on weekends and narrowed by the kids. So at least, the origin of the Sarmatian tribe is explained.

In general, they say that this legend has no air. Sarmatian women were indeed fought on a par with strong sex. This proves the results of archaeological excavations, during which Sarmatian burials are often discovered, where women are buried with weapons.

Well, it is not surprising that these militant ladies were often involved in the war with Scythian men. In the border areas of their settlements, fierce battles, their light hiking and equestrian squads, making their night raids, wadered their domestic cattle and slaves. However, all this could not continue infinitely - sometimes Scythians and Sarmati concluded a truce and began to trade with each other, and sometimes they were united from boredom and raids on neighboring countries.

True, sometimes they had to unite and to jointly protect their territories from external attacks. So, when the Persian King Darius sent his troops to Scythia, Sarmatians sent their temporary allies reinforcements, which consisted of women alone.

Homer presented Amazon Fury

It is said that at one time Homer pleased the world not only by the well-known world in the poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey", but also by the work called "Country Amazonia". However, if "Iliad" and "Odyssey", being creation, rather global, reached our days in a practical priority form, then the poem, glorifying the feats of women, was not preserved at all. Did not find during the excavations there is no single echo.

The etymology of the word "Amazon" and its connection with the lack of women's right chest was mentioned somewhat. So, it is worth noting that this fact is not proven: at all the images of the Amazons have "perfectly beautiful figures with both breasts, but very developed muscles." Such an explanation gives old as the world, the pre-revolutionary encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron, in which the issue of the existence of Amazons is investigated in sufficient detail.

Apparently, Homer Amazon was extremely impressed. In his legends on Argonauts, he generally put them in the form of disgusting Furion. In a later period, writers still became warmer to respond about these women, but their image, although he became more attractive, but still turned into a fabulous and some kind of incredible. The legends about them became something like the epic about heroes or legends about the faith.

Legends about women warriors

Herodotus wrote that at the end of the Trojan war, Amazon was again gone to Scythians. So the Sarmatian tribe appeared, in which Amazon had equal rights with men. True, they were disliked local women, and even more precisely - they did not want to have common acts with them at all.

Interestingly, antique writers, mentioning Amazons in their works, tirelessly talk about their courage and valor. For example, in the Roman Empire, the subject of indescribable pride for any warrior was, if he was told that he "fought as Amazon."

And when in the second century AD Half-frozen emperor Commoda decided to become a gladiator in the village of the Colosseum, "Rowing in a cabbage" of animals and people without disaster, the senators under approving screams of the audience welcomed him with shouts:

"You are the Lord of the world! In the glory, you are similar to Amazons! "

Do not doubt, women warriors were worthy of any praise! The legends were greeted about their incredible composure when they pursued by crowds of enemies easily hit them with the exact shots from Luke, not even chosen from the saddle. It was even better to have a double-ax. It is he who coupled with a light shield in the form of a crescent became an essential attribute of the Amazon on any image.

Strabo called them insane fictions

Note that not only the Greeks and Romans so Yaros mentioned the Amazons. In the ancient Chinese and ancient Egyptian history there are also similar legends. However, that strange, already in one century before the new era, people begin to doubt the real existence of these women.

For example, a well-known historian and geographer Stubon devoted a huge amount of time to search for stories and mentions about Amazons, after which they compared them and called insane fictions and fairy tales.

"With a legend about Amazon, something strange occurred. The fact is that in all other legends, mythical and historical elements are delimited ... As for the Amazons, they always - before, and now they were in the go among the same legends, completely wonderful and incredible, "he said.

Subsequently, many generations of historians agreed with his opinion. So, after the time of the legend of the Warper Devs turned into a very beautiful and incredible legend.

Columbus found "the island of virgins"

The male mind is torturing and still does not leave this idea of \u200b\u200bmysterious warriors. Marko Polo, who lived in the Middle Ages, generally stated that he had seen Amazons somewhere in Asia during his next wander. And the Spaniards and the Portuguese are completely told about the fact that the "Amazon State" exists and is located somewhere in South America.

Once the Indians told Christopher Columbus about a certain island, inhabited by women alone. He caught fire the idea to capture a couple, in order to present them to the eyes of the Spanish Queen. However, the plan failed to failed: as soon as Columbus's ships moored to the shores of this island, a crowd of women with bows ran out of the forest.

Their appeal clearly said that they were not going to surrender without a fight. In general, Painted Columbus these places with the Virgin Islands, "I mean" the "Islands of V.", and safely despair from sin away.

The famous Konkistador Francisco de Orelyan in 1542 opened a huge river in South America. Then he allegedly saw the Amazons, with whom his detachment was completely fought.

Today, this story is questioned: it is believed that either Indian women fought side by side with their men, or the frightened Spaniards simply took the long-haired Indians for warlike representatives of the fine sex. However, the meeting of Sia produced such an impression on Orelian that he refused his initial idea - to name the river with his name. Since then, this river is a proud name - Amazon.