The ruling reptoid world - descendants of dinosaurs? Reptoids - Race of Reasonable Beings, who rule the world of Race Lizards ruling world.

Humanity is controlled by alien reptiles disguised under people? World leaders and pop stars hide scrakey skin and vertical pupils? What a nonsense! Nevertheless, many people relate to such statements quite seriously. Further on how to recognize reptiloid under cover.

On the street there is a continuous young man in a gray t-shirt and spacious jeans. He warts a dog. It would seem that here is unusual? But if you look attentively, then you can see that his legs are strung up when walking unnaturally - ahead.

Someone Mr Patriarch wrote on Twitter: "Tsuckerberg's legs bend forward, and not back. Reptiloids were mistaken when they collected it. "

Billionaire, Facebook founder has repeatedly suspected both in relations with alien lizards, which secretly rule the Earth and is that he himself belongs to this extraterrestrial race. During the video conferencing, which he spent with Facebook users in June 2016, he was asked in the forehead: and not a reptile, disguised as a man?

"I will answer this question" no "," said Zuckerberg. And after a pause added, licking his lips: "I'm not a lizard." By calling the topic stupid, he moved to the answers to other questions, however, the audience noticed: Speaking of reptiloids, Zuckerberg clearly nervous.

Founder Facebook is not the only one from celebrities who are suspected of ties with lizards. Vera in reptiloids is not even a conspiracy theory, it is rather a special look at the world, according to which the mysterious ancient race manages humanity over the Millennium.

Sociological polls show that about four percent of the US population believes. Although, of course, learn how seriously people answered the question "Do you believe in reptiloids?" Is impossible.

Why is it difficult to detect reptiloids? The fact is that with the help of high-frequency vibrations create holograms, masking their appearance in such a way that they do not distinguish between a person.

The goats of the ancient lizards can explain all the troubles of mankind. They are accused of everything - from the organization of attack on the twin towers in New York before the appearance of the phenomenon of homosexuality.

For example, Ufologist James Bartley for twenty years already investigating the abduction of people with reptiloids. And yes, he is confident that with the help of its extraordinary abilities, aliens-lizards can influence the sexual preferences of a person and even turn it into a pedophile.

The Adepts of the cult of reptiloids usually believe that masons and illuminates are secret organizations of lizards, thanks to which they have been introduced into the highest echelons of human power. Now reptiloids manage all the most important social institutions of the world, disguised as kings, queens, well-known politicians and other celebrities.

Deep roots

Not only the brand Zuckerberg urged to admit that he was a reptiloid. In 2011, the comedian Louis Si Kay in the course of his show several times appealed with the same question to the former US defense minister Donald Ramsfield, and he stubbornly refused to respond.

Three years later, the Prime Minister of New Zealand John Kei had to be explained on the same topic, because one vigilant citizen was issued on this official request according to the Law on Freedom of Information.

"As far as I know, I do not reptilid," Kay replied. - Faced with this request, I made an unusual step for myself: not only a doctor, but also a veterinarian, and both confirmed that I am not a lizard. I never flew on a spacecraft, was not in space, and I don't have a very long tongue. "

The aliens who take the form of animals and people are known in science fiction at least since the 1920s, and in mythology such an image is not uncommon. In addition, US citizens often declare meetings with people.

But when did these mythical creatures be interested in ufologov? Most likely, this happened in 1967, after Canadian David Siouuzzle said that five months ago, temporarily lost memory towards a friend, and then the events of the day returned to him in the nightmare.

According to him, he was hypnotized, raised on board a flying saucer using an orange beam and put there on the table surrounded by computers. Some aliens, similar to crocodiles, removed clothes from him and ... what happened later, he could not describe, as it was too scary.

Hillary Clinton is also recognized as a reptoid

Other victims of the abduction of reptiloids appeared. For example, in 1978 one Italian told about it. However, more often, the "gray men" or high skinny aliens kidnapped in those days.

Everything changed when in 1999 the book "The Greatest Secret" of David Ik, a former football player, a sports commentator, and now - the Messiah, designed to open the eyes to humanity on what a terrible and mysterious world we exist.

He joined the ufology, the theory of conspiracies, legends about the ancient astronauts and an alternative story in a single frightening narrative, a key role in which the secret rules of mankind playing and subordinate to their will.

This is the Order of the Illuminati, based, according to Ayke, is precisely capable of changing their appearance with reptiloids, aliens from a different dimension. By the way, preferring to eat human flesh. And in general, people created this most race of Annunakov's lizards.

Ike was first announced that the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II is not a person.

"I saw it brings people sacrificing, eating their flesh and drinking their blood. When she is reincarnated, her face becomes long, snake and pale, "he wrote.

And the queen is far from the only reptiloid of royal blood. According to Hayka, the whole of the August last name is Nerudi.

Of course, social networks enthusiastically began to discuss who from the strengths of this in secret from the public wearing scaly skin and hides in the mouth of a split language. In the reptiloids, they recorded almost all celebrities, from politicians to pop stars - after all, they are follying all the population of the Earth.

Vertical pupils

On the Internet, the theory of reptiloid conspiracy was widely distributed. Of course, most often it is just such an ironic trolling. However, there are many mentally unstable citizens for whom alien lizards are quite real, and their activities are full of Youtube - just look at the number of video on the REPTILIAN request.

Why are there so many? Maybe the Internet contributes to the development of mental illness? As the psychologist Rob Brotheron explains, the author of the book "Suspected Mind", in an interview with the Motherboard, all people somehow tend to believe at least one theory of conspiracy.

And the Internet made particularly active paranoids visible by providing them with the platform in order to express their thoughts in real time. In fact, if earlier the conspiracy needed at least to write and release a book, now it is enough to collect a grateful audience in my blog and feed it with small posts or videos.

How to recognize reptiloid

Potential reptiloid conspira is recognized according to a certain distinctive feature. So, usually it is white people with a shrill look and eyes of green or blue (although the lizards are capable of changing their shade). Refiloid low blood pressure, and in the body there may be scars of inexplicable origin.

Since Annunaki is masked under people, you should look closely to the behavior of suspects. Reptiloids and half-braces usually do not demonstrate empathy, unable to love, very smart and fond of science and space.

In addition, it is worth more attentively to explore the video of a person who is suspected of being suspected that he is a lizard: sometimes in some rollers disguise does not work, and you can see vertical pupils or scaly skin.

Reptile (REPTILIAN).
Very rarely dated appearance of aliens. In physical parameters, they are also thin and debt, as many other types, but at the same time they have pronounced signs of reptiles: scaly, like some lizards, leather, large snake eyes, clawed limbs. Nothing is known about their intentions and sphere of interest on Earth.

Reptoid (REPTOIDS.), Lizards (Lizards.), Gorn (Gorn.)
Rasa Lizards S. Draco (Draco.), conquerors. They believe control Gray-a.through implants, just like Gray Implement implants to people. They are also considered inspirations of abduction plans (abduction). The main goal is to introduce using the recently created implanted "half-breeds", "hybrids" to destroy Confederation of people. They are carnivore towards people using them as food.

Genetically similar to S. ReptilesThis is a very advanced race, but are extremely negative, hostile and dangerous to people, considering their lower races. They perceive us about how we perceive the flock of livestock. There is an allegedly controlled planetoid or asteroid populated by 30 million of these lizards, which entered our solar system in the mid-90s on our calendar.

They consider land as their own ancient outpost and seek to get full control over the planet after their return. Their own planet is no longer suitable for maintaining life and they need some other for living.

These are aliens who serve Gray-A..

Gray (Greys.)
This is the most frequently identifiable aliens raus. There are many different views, stories and theories regarding them.

Gray how they see the scientific community:

Gray - The most frequently described by the victims of the ross abduction. At the same time, they are considered as a raus with unknown motifs and intentions. They seem to be kidnapped, studying, experience and differently use people at all unclear purposes.

Gray from the point of view New Age :

In this movement Gray often associated with an angry race or racial energy. They are often associated with many other races, such as Rettidov (REPTOIDS.) Their motifs are known.

Gray from the point of view of various conspiracy theories:

Various conspiracy theories - often a mixture of scientific data and representations New Age. Standard base of conspiracy theory declares that Greys. We suffered collapse (one or more of their spacecraft and they themselves were found in the US government). The Government is trying to conclude a secret agreement with them, allowing them to kidnap people in exchange for their technology.

Conspiracy theories often end in that Greys. Do not fulfill their part of the transaction.

There are descriptions of several types of gray:

1. Most often noticed Grey: Growth from 2 to 4 feet, very slim and thin in appearance, small creatures with light weight, extremely penetrating black diagonal eyes without pupils, almost rudimentary mouth and nose, a very big head with a pronounced chin. The skin color varies from dark gray to light gray, from brown to brown-gray, from white to pale white. They have no hair on the body.

2. Other usually noticed Grey It is similar to what is described above, except that they are usually six inches above, and it seems to give orders. The variation of the individual described here: the same height, but the eyes look like large black buttons and rounded.

3. Other type Gray - A small robot-like being, a native and small, with a smooth rounded hat on the head, with dark deep-planted eyes, a round o-shaped river, a square chest with concentric circles on it. Their smell resembles the smell of burned match heads, porous gray leather. These gray are often said that they are in contacts act as guards.

Other variations are described like Repptian (REPTILIANS.) With claws like a mantis. There were also many messages about mixed types ( Hybrids) who are not quite People And not at all Gray.

Gray - Type A.

This type is mainly understood as "gray." Also known as Zeta Reticulans. From the star system Reticulum.. Apparently, the militarist race with a clearly distributed social structure, which retains the science and "conquest of worlds" primary goals. They are usually 4.5 feet of growth with large heads and black eyes. They have limited features of the face, mouth in the form of a slit and no nose. They evolved beyond the need for a reproductive system or digestive system and multiply by cloning.

Their genetics is partially based on insects. Their science is very widely studied by other forms of life and genetic engineering. They are supposedly involved in the change in the genetic structure of people for thousands of years. Apparently, they are trying to genetically cross themselves with people in order to create a "mixed race", Hybridawhich will be perfect than basic.

Apparently, there are two main social classes. Some of them are more sharp, rude, assertive. Others are more peaceful, more inclined to conduct business and diplomatic approach to establish control over people.

They do not possess emotions (according to human concepts) and look cruel towards the human race. They are able to take human life without any apparent reason. They, presumably, can use human bodies (substances) for nutrition and, therefore, carnivore towards people.

It is known that these Gray actually serve as a higher race Rettidov And they are trying to prepare the Earth to their arrival, taking control over the planet in various ways. They enjoy the freedom that they have on Earth, away from their owners and would like to help people in confrontation with lizards.

These Gray They have well-known bases in New Mexico and Nevada, as well as in many countries of the world.

Gray - Type B.

High Gray From Orion. Usually about 7-8 feet of growth with similar type and features of the person with the exception of the presence of a large nose. These Gray Also possess technologies that allow them to do something that looks like "miracle." These Gray Less hostile towards people than type A, but still remain those. They strive to influence political control, conclusion of agreements with government representatives. Their main bases, apparently, in the Aleutian Islands.

Gray - type S.

It is the most shorter Gray - About 3.5 feet growth. Face features like Gray from Zeta Reticuli.. Also hostile to people like Zetas.. They are from the star system from the outskirts Orion entitled Bellatrex (Bellatrax).

Space Channel of Understanding from "Opening of Understanding", Issue №371

"Bashar: draft change. Message from our future ", Author - Darryl Anca and Luana Moving

Sirian (Sirians.)
Members Confederates of people. They are aqueous, dreamy race, to some extent this is a developed version of dolphins and whales. It is believed that they live in Conscious Christ And are in the solar system, very closely associated with our own in the mental sense. They also play a role in assisting land, but they do it in a thinner way, through representatives of cetaceans in our seas.

A source: Space channel understanding from the "opening of understanding". Issue No. 371.

Centaurians (Centaurian.)
They are the type of blond Scandinavians, arrive with Alpha Centauri. They sympathize PleiadiansThey strive to help us grow spiritually, but they do not take active participation, unlike other races, although they had and have contacts with chosen people on Earth.

A source: Information OT. [Email Protected] (Arbaline)

"Contact UFO from Pleiad", Wendelle Stevens

Reptides - Race of Reasonable Beings, externally resembling reptiles. Reptoid leather is covered with corrosion-like crocodiles or lizards. Vertically elongated pupils, round almost blinking eyes, long thin tongue. All this gives the origin of reptoids from reptiles (reptile).

Reptoid descriptions are found in the most ancient texts in Egyptians, Greeks, Romans. So, for example, the first king Attica Kekrops was half a person, half a snake. The image of human-like reptiles is found in the most ancient drawings found on the ground. They constitute a significant part of the images found in Maya temples. It was the reptoid-Annukov, according to Maya beliefs, the planet Nibiru.

Regarding the origin of Rettidov, the opinions of scientists were divided. Some of them believes that reptoids are aliens from space, presumably from the constellation of the dragon. Others share the point of view in the fact that reptoids have the production of land and close "relatives" of dinosaurs. When a planetary disaster occurred, led to the death of terrible lizards, then reptoids that had the highest level of development of the technique were resigned in other star systems.

Consider how much impossible is the last assumption to simply dismiss it.

Humanity likes to consider himself the first and only reasonable race on earth, the crown of creation. For the sake of confirmation of this postulates go through any tricks. In particular, scientists are very like to compare the weight of the brain weight with the common body weight and, based on the fact that a person has a ratio higher than that of famous animals, to conclude the unreasonableness of all other types of fauna. But it should be remembered that the epoch when the land belonged to dinosaurs, began 240 million years ago and lasted 175 million years. Mammals during this period were forced to be satisfied with the nora in the roots of trees and the hypodes in their branches.

Scientists joyfully report that the brain of giant lizards was extremely small. For example, at the twenty-tonal diplodok, it was no more than that of a kitten. Much less often can be found mentioned that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sacrum in dinosaurs there was another nervous center. In this thickening of the spinal cord, there was surely a serious "mental" job. So, the Stegnosaurus, for example, the weight of the brain was a pitiful seventy gram. Therefore, he was undeveloped animals, declare scientists. The sacral brain weighed 1400 grams. Apparently, he was responsible for the repeater of the cerebral pulses to the limbs, they respond to this representatives of the so-called traditional science.

However, among the studied lizards on discovered remains, there are those that are sharply different from the rest. One of them is the wallsonichosaur. The lizard had a growth of about one and a half meters. He moved on the hind legs and had developed front paws, a few functionality differ from human hands. In particular, these paws had opposed to the rest of the finger - an analogue of the thumb of the human hand. It is the presence of this finger who allows people to easily make grave movements. The fingers of the "hands" of the disinhibitory were equipped with powerful claws that could be drawn inside. Thus, this lizard could well raise a stone or a stick and throw them, and maybe and use them as tools.

But the main difference of the wallsonichozavra from the rest of the lizards was a highly developed brain. The cranial box of this lizard allowed to accommodate the brain in it, in terms of volume not less than that of modern chimpanzees or the first ancestors of humanity. In addition, the Brain of the Stenonichosaur had a developed cerebellum and an oblong brain. That is, on its device, he almost did not differ from human.

All these features of the disinhibitors are so fascinated by the Canadian paleontologist Dale Russell, which is based on the patterns discovered when studying the evolution of a person, he created a model of the evolution of an ancient lizard. The resulting model lost the tail and amazedly began to resemble a description of the reptoid, given at the beginning of this article. It is so that the appearance of these creatures describe people who had misfortune to meet reptoids in our time.

Among all types of aliens, reptoid are most aggressive in relation to man. Most likely, this happens because a person is for them traditional food. Well, what kind of pity to the Baran may have a shepherd, cutting his throat? Also and reptoids, humanity for them is only a herd of livestock. And they go out "in people" they are only the fact that the peasant goes to the chicken coop. True, the recent times began to receive messages from people with whom Reptoids came into contact in order to prevent the ecological catastrophe of the threatening land. Their concern is understandable, because we are talking about the preservation of them, so to speak, the food balance.

Most of the researchers believe that there is always a fairly large group of reptoids on Earth. It is assumed that they can live even among people, since their monstrous ability to mimicry makes the real appearance invisible. In this country, they appear in front of people only when they want to give the message to humanity, or when they decide to have a snack. Caught for a snack, it is clear, nothing can tell.

Supporters of the conspiracy theory generally argue that the reptoids have long managed the planet, hiding their toothy leaves under the masks of the stars of politics, pop, sports, and the largest businessmen. Such, for example, the views of John Rode - one of the founders of conspiracy. David Ik went even further. He stated that the Lizards-Clearness are George Bush, Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, the entire British royal family and many others.

The YouTube channel, by the way, is filled with rollers, where the performances of American stars from different areas of activity are broadcast in a specially slow mode and then rare not humanly long teeth, thin long languages \u200b\u200band other features of representatives of this race become visible.

The famous Ufologist D. Carpenter, which has been involved in the problem of reptiloids, says that almost all eyewitnesses describe them equally. These are spinning creatures. Their growth is from 1.8 to 2.4 meters. Head is a cross between a man's head and a lizard's head. The same can be said about the face. The leather is scaly, its color - from greenish to brownish, is spotted ...

... Eyes are convex, golden or light-red, with a vertical pupil, like feline. From the crown to the mouth goes the ridge. The body could seem human, if not repealing the ribs on the chest. Hand brushes - fourpasses, with membranes, end with claws.

Motherland reptiloids - Earth?

Contacts almost always occur on the initiative of reptiloids. Carpenter argues that in all cases such meetings people have not seen spacecraft. This gave the basis of some researchers to assume that the homeland reptiloids is the earth and that they currently live in its depths. According to the views of these specialists, the reptiloids arose on Earth about 60 million years ago as a result of the evolution of one of the types of lizards.

Reptiloid civilization has reached an extremely high level of development. She went into space, where he entered into competition with representatives of alien races, who mastered the solar system. Apparently, reptiloids were not the strongest in this competition. They gave way to the earth's race, which we call "Scandinavami" (white gods). Subsequently, these last took care of the appearance of people on earth.

Having lost the right to live on the surface of the native planet, the reptiloids went into extensive underground emptiness, which perhaps themselves created during their domination on Earth.

"... Geological evidence of nuclear and thermonuclear military conflicts in the past confirm that world war occurred on Earth.

The concluded conclusion is confirmed in an ancient Indian literature, in which there are many descriptions of various weapons of gods, indistinguishable from nuclear, thermonuclear and neutron bombs and winged missiles, as well as battles of gods, servers and white gods with its use that occurred in India, Indochina , Sri Lanka and other regions.

The Chinese and Indochinese written sources and legends telling about the destructive wars of the emperors with other demonic gods, as well as the shinking of the land of catastrophes and poured her floods, echoed with the Old Indian texts. Images of the Battails described in the legends between the gods, demons and people are quite often found on bas-reliefs in the Indian and Indochinese temples and the temple complexes of the Zonda Archipelago ... according to Slavic and Indian legends, then in the bloody fight between white gods and a welcome, during which there was a "splitting The land "and" the whole earth [was] mixed with blood, blood drops on each pebble, "the victory was won by the" white gods "led by Svarog and Indy, and the serpent demons went to live under the ground. The victorious gods remained on the ground ... "

The bright gods won the victory over the "snakes" called the designers of life or imdugud. About Imdugud Read more:
They have very white leather, blonde hair, high growth. Voice is boring and rippled. Created to track the flow rate of earthly resources, people, and to resolve conflicts. Something like the police. But, in contrast to the police, the reputation of the Imdugud peace-loving. They are not looking for "troubles" and are always depicted in the background of work designers of life. Bright aliens gods flew to Earth in order to create their colony here - people whom they created, crossed their genes with earth monkeys (chimpanzees, gorilla).

During military conflicts of the reptiloid civilization and the creators of the time of domination changed. Many peoples of antiquity mentioned the serpentic gods that they worshiped ...

"... In ancient China, the dragons were generally perceived by the patrons of the world and were perceived, as in India and Indochite dedicated, saints, that is, creatures endowed with endless wisdom and abilities.

In the South, Central and North America, the snake also used special honor for a long time. In some myths from the collection of ancient religious texts, Maya "Chilam-Balam" reported that the first residents of Yucatan were "People Snakes". Probably, that is why Maya called their country "Kingdom of the Great Snake"

In the Sumerian mythology of the Smeylayelade called Anunnaki. They spoke "Sarpa" (big snake) or "dragons" at Babylonians who managed people, and created a Dravidian culture. Below are the images of figurines found in ure in the south of Iraq. On them left Amasutum. The creatures of the female race of Ginabul race. Right male ... "

From those times to this day their buildings are preserved - pyramids. They can be found everywhere, they are in China, America, Egypt and many where else. Some aircraft have such a form.

(passages from the works of A.V. Koltypina)

Underground network of tunnels penetrating the earth

Nowadays, many interconnected caves and artificial underground cavities in the Middle East, in India, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Europe, the United States, Russia and many countries have been discovered in our time.
Professor Pyonk, who studied these places wrote Lesnikevich that in the mid-1960s, he heard from one elderly person by name Vincent such a story:

"Many years ago ... Father ... said he had time to find out the secret to me that the inhabitants of our places had long been transmitted to her son. And the mystery of this is a hidden entrance to the dungeon.

After that, we silently went further. When we approached the foot of the Babi Mountain from the Slovak side, the father stopped again and pointed me on a small rock, speaking from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters ... When we fell on the rock together, she suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily moved to the side. He opened the opening, which could be free to enter the cart ... There was a tunnel in front of us, go out cool down. The tunnel, similar in the section, the reversed circle was straight, wide and high that a whole train could fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and the floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our legs did not slide, and the steps almost did not hear. Looking around, I noticed on the floor and walls in many places deep scratches. Inside it was completely dry.
Our long way on the inclined tunnel continued until he led to the spacious hall, similar to the inside of a huge barrel. It converged a few more tunnels, some of them were a triangular cross section, others - rounded.
... Father spoke again:

- on tunnels that diverge from here, you can get into different countries and at different continents. This is the one that on the left leads to Germany, then in England, and on, to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, in the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there - to America, where it is connected to the left. You can get to America in other tunnels laid under the poles of the Earth - Northern and South. On the path of each tunnel there are "nodal stations", similar to the one in which we are now. So, not knowing the exact route, they are easily lost in them ...

The story of the Father interrupted the remote sound, similar to the low hum and metal clang simultaneously. Such a sound makes a heavy loaded train, touched from a place or dramatically braking ...
"The tunnels you saw," the Father continued his story, "they built not people, but mighty creatures living underground. These are their roads for movement from one end of the underground world to another. And they move on flying fiery cars. If we were on the way of such a car, it would be burned alive. Fortunately, the sound in the tunnel is heard at a great distance, and we had enough time to avoid such a meeting. Well, and besides, these creatures live in another part of their world, and rarely appear in our territories ... ".

Eyewitness stories:

Meeting in the Sonora Desert

Friends committed their usual route in Sonora's desert lasting at 24 o'clock and in the middle of the way decided to stop to please need. At that moment he saw, as a strange creature, somewhere two meters with a rise, possessing an unstable, relaxed gait and moved along the path. Further description of the humanoid is simply shocking. Stopping, and staring at one of the cyclists, he allowed to consider herself. Eyes similar to snakes, with yellow-black stripes in the middle, red and green lines along the length of the face, the skin of the face seems to be created from the sand. It did not have the nose, only 2 black depressions. Red mouth similar to a strange pattern. After a moment, the creation of darkness raised clawed paws and published a strange crossed sound, after which disappeared into the dusk. Johnson, one of the lovers of traveling on a bicycle says that the creature was not the result of the tired imagination, since he saw all three. From this point on, friends began to believe in what they write on the pages of the Internet editions, as they had a chance to encounter unknown.

"I do not condemn those who consider my story in fiction, but now I firmly know that there are creations about which few people speak in the fear of what you may consider crazy or just a lie," says Johnson in his interview

Interview with reptiloid

"I am Ole K. I officially certify from Sweden that this interview is absolutely true information. I make no sense to deceive. I was also skeptical as 99% of ordinary people and also thought it was fantastic and inventions of my friend, who periodically reported to me about his contacts with the alien - also the female individual - I simply did not believe him and mock. While December 16 in the city in the south of Sweden in a small house I did not see really inhuvet. It is a fact!
Believe it or not, it is to solve you! "

"... Question: Who are you? Are you - earthly species, or have extraterrestrial origin?
Answer: As you could see your own eyes, I am not a person. I am the reptile of the female family belonging to the very old race Reptile. We are natural earthlings, and we live on this planet millions of years. We are mentioned in your religious texts like your Christian Bible, and some of the ancient human races knew our presence and some worshiped us, such as the Egyptians and Incas and many other old tribes. Your Christian religion missed our role in your creation, so we are mentioned as a "evil snake" in the documents of people.
If you ask me that I am an aliens, then I have to answer - no. We are natural earthlings. We had, and we have some colonies in the solar system, but we come from this planet.
Question: What can you say about your age?
Answer: We measure time not like you in astronomical years and developing from the revolutions of the Earth around the Sun, because we usually live below the surface of the planet. If you apply the scale of your time calculus to me - I'm about 28 years old.
Question: Do you have "work" like us?
Answer: Yes, expressing your words: I am a student of social behavior of your variety. That is why I am here and talking to you, that is why I showed my real nature of existence. For myself, I will observe how you react like other individuals of your species react.
Question: Since you did not allow me to take photos - that it would be very helpful to prove your real existence. Can you describe yourself in more detail?
Answer: You, people, big skeptics. Even if you had such photos, many of your species would say that they are fake. Well, I will try to describe myself:
Imagine the body of a normal human woman. Like you, I have a head, two hands, two legs - supports in length two feet, and the size of my body is like yours.
Since I am a female, then I also have two chest. Despite our origin - reptiles, we began to give milk to our babies during the development process - it happened about 30 million years ago - because it is the best thing. Evolutionary this happened for your species already in the era of dinosaurs and - a little later - also for ours.

This does not mean that we are now real mammals, but we do not have a breast like that of human. External reproduction authorities - exist for both sexes, smaller than people, but they are visible, and they have the same function as yours.
My skin has mainly green-beige color and we have some brown spots on our skin and in our face - samples are different for both sexes, but women have more, especially in the lower body and on the face.
You can see them in my case as two lines on the eyebrows crossing my forehead in my cheek and in my chin. My eyes are a bit big than human eyes - for this reason, we can see better in the dark. Eye color We have red or less frequently greenish. Pupils vertical. Our nose is more sensitive and bent between the nostrils that allowed the ancestors to "feel" the temperature.
Our lips are formed like yours - women more than men, but pale brown. Our teeth are very white and strong and slightly longer and more sharp than your mammalian teeth.
We do not have any different colors of hair like your individuals (but there is a tradition to paint hair in different ages) in the original color - like mine - greenish brown color. The head is the only part of our body where we have hair. You touch my skin, you will feel that it is smoother than your pussy skin.
We have small sharp horns from above of both middle fingers. Sulfur nails are generally less than yours. You see that my nails are not so long and rounded. This is because I am a female floor. Men have sharp directed nails in length sometimes 5 or 6 centimeters.
The next feature is very different from your body, if you touch the back of my body, you will feel a solid bone line. This is not my spinal ridge, but very strong shaped outer structure of the skin and fabric located on top of our spine top down. The main task of these plates is simply regulating our temperature.

What else differ from your species? Oh, we do not have any pup, because we were born in an excellent way to your birth of a mammal. Other external differences from your type are insignificant. I hope that the description of my body was sufficiently detailed.
Question: What clothes do you have, and generally wear?
Answer: I wear this clothes of your individuals every day when I am among people.
Honestly, it is not very convenient for me to wear such fittings. If we are in our own underground house or in our large artificial areas of the Sun and if we are together - we are usually naked at all.
Question: Do you have a tail like ordinary reptile species?
Answer: Do you see him? No, we do not have any visible tail. If you look at our skeleton, there is only a small rounded bone at the end of our spine.
Question: What do you eat?
Answer: In general, various products are similar to you: meat, fruits, vegetables, special types of fungus (from underground farms) and other products. We can also have some entities of entities that are poisonous to you. The main difference between you and us that we must eat meat, because our body needs proteins. We cannot live completely vegetarians like your mind. Many of us eat raw meat. Personally, I prefer meat that has passed thermal processing, and the fruit of the country's depth, like apples or oranges.
Question: Can you tell me something about natural science and development of your variety? What age is your kind?
Answer: Oh, it is a very long and difficult story. I will try to explain it short. About 65 million years ago, many of our old ancestors from Dinosaur races died in the Great Global Cataclysm.

Most dinosaurs died. Nuclear winter ended in 200 years. Despite the cataclysm, some varieties were capable of survival: fish (like sharks), birds, a bit of terrible mammals (your ancestors), various reptiles are like crocodiles, and there was a special kind of small, but slightly developed dinosaurs that developed together with the last large Animals of the Rectilian variety. This new reptile walked on two legs and looked like your Iguanodone, but less (about 1.50 meters height) with some humanoid feature-changed bone structure, a big skull and brain, a hand with a thumb, which was able to capture things, excellent From the previous organism, more developed eyes in the middle of the head like your eyes, and, most importantly, the brain with a new and better structure. It was our direct ancestor.
These creatures were smart enough to die in the next millions of years.

50 million years after the war and after the end of dinosaurs came, only three REPTILIAN-varieties advanced in development and remained on this planet with all other lower animals. Through the natural and artificial selection, these three types were combined to one REPTILIAN-type and through gene manipulations, we were able to "eliminate" the genes inclined to mutate in our genetic structure.

According to our history and faith, it was a time when our ultimate race is Rasa Reptilian - as you see me today - was created using genetic engineering. It was about 10 million years ago, and our development almost stopped at this point.
You see, we are a very old raus compared to your view. Which then existed in a monkey-like form, lived on the trees at the time when we invented the technology, colonized other planets of this system, built large cities on this planet and designed our own genes.

About 1.5 million years ago, another extraterrestrial variety reached the land. The interest of this humanoid variety - you call them elohima today - there was no raw or copper. And to our surprise, developed humanoid monkeys.

Despite our presence on this planet, foreigners decided to "help" you develop a little faster. They did not like our presence on their new "galactic animal." So, your sixth and seventh options created by them were the reason for the war between us and they. You can read about that war, for example, partially in the book that you call "Bible", but it is described in a very strange way.

Question: You treat with a very large scale scale ... Your development has begun more than 40 million years ago, and 10 million years ago were completed. It sounds very incredible to me. Can you say something about this?
Answer: I understand that this should seem absolutely incredible, because you are young and genetically designed variety. Your historic horizon ends on the scale of only some thousands of years, and you think that it is correct. But it is not so.
Think up, within this short period of time, creatures like you could be created by nature? 148 million years need to develop animal-like animals - mammals. And 2 million years from this time for the development of intellectual creatures like you?!

Question: You sometimes talk about underground cities ...
Answer: When I'm talking about our underground house, I'm talking about large cave systems. Caves that you discovered close to the surface, tiny compared to real caves and huge caves in the depths of the Earth (from 2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but are connected by many hidden tunnels to the surface or surfaces in the vicinity of the caves). And we live in large and developed cities and colonies within such caves. The main sections of our caves are Antarctica, internal Asia, North America and Australia. In addition, we also have some areas of solar places on the surfaces in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.
Question: Where can we find such surfaces - near the entrance to your world?
Answer: Do you really think I will inform you their exact location?
Q: Back to your and our, actually, history. You mentioned Ras "Elohim", those who have created our human race. Where are they from where they arrive and how they mention? What exactly happened when they arrived? Are they our "God"?
Answer: Elohimes arrived from this universe, from the system called you "Aldebaran". They were very high development. Usually had hair very light color blond, and they have very white skin (they avoided sunlight, because it damaged their skin and their eyes, it was absolutely incredible for us who loving the sun). They seemed to be intellectual and peaceful at the beginning, and we began to maintain more or less friendly relations with them.

But later, they showed their real intentions and plans: they wanted to develop "monkeys" to the level of this similar to them, that is, to settle their colony, capable of living on our planet. At first, they caught 20,000 of your monkeys, and were absent on the planet for some hundred years. When they returned, they brought (now more than) of your ancestors ago. After that, they again left the Earth for several thousand years, and the primitive ancestors of people lived with us without any problems. Elohima had access to their consciousness and increased their brain. Changed their body structure, and they were now capable of using tools and fire. Elohimes, flew, for a period of 23,000 years, seven times and accelerated the speed of development of some individuals of your species.

You must understand that you are not the first human civilization on the planet. The first more developed people who lived at the same time with less developed ancestors of people, (because Elohims experimented with different speeds and development stages, with technology and speech, there were about 700,000 years ago on this planet (your scientists do not understand this, Because they found only the bones of the ancestors of people and some primitive drawings in the caves, not finding the remains of more developed and people).

After a few centuries, the interest of the aliens to their first creature was removed, and they accelerated the evolution of the second and better test species and so on, and so on. True, the fact that your modern human civilization is not the first land on this planet, but already seventh.
The last creation of the seventh civilization of your row was started only 8.500 years ago, and this is the only creation that you can remember and to which your religious letters are addressed.

There was a long war between us and Elohim. The last battles in this war were led about 5,000 years ago in orbit and on the surface. Aliens used powerful sound weapons to destroy our underground cities, but on the other hand, we were able to destroy many of their surface structures and bases in their place. The people of your species were very frightened when they watched these battles, and they recorded it in the form of religious myths.

Elohima - who appeared as "gods" for the sixth and seventh of your race - they told them that it was a war between good and evil and that they are good, and we are an evil race. It depends, of course, on the point of view.
Question: How many alien races are active on earth now?
Answer: As far as we know 14 varieties. 12 from this universe, 2 from the other.

Contacts with reptiloids in Crimea

Story E. Kalacheva, residents of the city of Simferopol

It all started at the end of August. Almost every night there was something strange in a row.
Starting hours from 11-12 nights. I woke up with a strange sensation, I wanted to go out to the street or at least approach the window and look into it. That night I was just another "attack". I woke up at midnight. Through the curtain was strange white light. I looked at the window and said that I would have enough of me all these stupid things that I was tired and want to sleep. I did not even manage to lie down when I fell into the darkness. After that, he found himself standing near the window, and stretching her hand to the curtain to open it. The light has become much brighter. In addition, I heard ... I heard two voices. Voices were very different. The first voice told me that I should go to the window, open the curtain and do not try to resist. The second voice told me opposite things. But he was weaker and I could not submit to him. I looked at my hand and saw how I open the curtain against my will. The second voice disappeared.

When I woke up, I lay on something like the operating table. We must have a bright lamp. There was no clothing. I was not tied, but could not move. I lowered my eyes and saw that I was cut by the stomach and someone stands next to some subtle metal medical instruments, which I have never seen before, and something there with my belly does. The fear was not, as well as pain. I could turn my head right and saw that there were several creatures, more than five.

These creatures were very high growth, above the human. Probably, they were a meter 3 were. Reminded lizards in white overalls and white rates, similar to protective suits. Green buggy skin, red eyes with black slightly pupils. Some skin was covered with brown spots. Very widespread. Stood on two legs, if so you can put it. There were also two hands. Well, type of hands. Similar to human, in my opinion, the fingers were more, and they were longer. Instead of nose, two holes, the mouth is also almost impaired, and he was small. There was no hair or something like. The heads were rather "cylindrical shape", not very big. It was then to me that two or three stood to the right of me, one or two on the left, two or three in the legs and one or two of the head. ... the next thing I remember is what I woke up on my bed in the same posture, that is, half a walk on the side. I looked at the window - the white light disappeared. ...

Red-eyed demon

Varing city is located in Brazil. In January 1996, three girls returned from work. Unexpectedly on the wasteland a few meters in a front of them, they saw a strange creature, which crushed at the concrete wall. His appearance inspired horror. Growth is about a meter of one and a half, the skin is dark brown. The head is big, there are three bull-shaped bulges on it, the eyes were light red. The girls decided that before them the devil. Not far there was an outfit of the police.

After hearing the story to death frightened girls, the police went in advance. The red-eyed creature, chrome, tried to move across the road. One of the police touched the naked hand of the "Devil" body, for which he paid. Three weeks he fell ill. Doctors could not diagnose. A policeman died of a mysterious infection.

The mysterious creature was delivered to the surgical department of the hospital. The "patient" tried to operate the broken lower limb, and most importantly - began to study it carefully. However, research results were not available for wide masses.

Medical workers under anonymity conditions told that during the entire operation, the military did not move away from them. One of the doctors noticed that the "patient" was a little growth as a child. The face was completely impossible to human. Eyes big and red with vertical pupil. Another doctor supplemented the story details: the creature had two hands, two legs, his skin was brown, dry, shiny, looked as if she had scales, but at the same time was completely smooth. The huge head was connected with a small thin neck. There was no hair on his head and body. Instead of nose - two small holes. The ears were absent. The belly is similar to the human, but only without a navel. The bottom of the body and the lower limbs were muscular ...

Eyewitnesses of aircraft:

UFO in the form of a cigar

"... I have ever seen" UFO "repeatedly. One of the most memorable cases happened to me in 2006 in the summer, August 25th. It was after dinner, where about 15.00 h decided to walk on a bike to the village and back (grandmother's house was located separately from the village on the outskirts of the forest), but I did not have time to drive and a third way, as I saw high in the sky above the Sigaroid clouds, The spectacle was incredible, at the same time I felt in myself surprise, a stupor, I was confused, as I did not believe in the stories about UFO, and then once I witnessed the witness over the earlier. Sigaroid quietly flew in the south-west direction, it was a silver color, at the beginning of the corps there were some recesses in the form of a crescent, no wings and exhausts, the body was clearly from the metal. From the beginning, I thought it was a balloon or some balloon, but when a passenger liner flew under it, I was struck by the size of the "object" - it was once a six more aircraft and with ease covered it with my shadow when the cigaroid burned down with a liner , this cigaroid went into a small cloud, which two minutes later evaporated in the sky, and the cigaroid disappeared ... "

Pyramidal UFO over the city

"... Hello everyone, I saw that you just relax all here :) Hours in 3 nights, in the summer, as it came to the kitchen to pour tea, the window is open to the heat and everything that looked out the window how much it was waiting for The kettle will boil, I have the 17th floor and this can be seen almost half of Moscow, but it doesn't matter, it seemed to me that there was a club under the windows and in the summer there usually happens noisy (well, sometimes Mouzon comes sometimes conversations sometimes even piscertures) That was an Oblot Silence, although there was a night from Sunday on Sunday. I didn't even think about it, I raise my head cleanly automatically, and I look at the sky, the sky is clean, but some kind of Belmo Tolo is something that is not understandable in the sky so it's almost not clear what it is, I started pucing and peering, even almost from the window to get out of half, because this thing was meters from me 20 right above the club, and when my brain realized that I now see the "object" I am honestly speaking scared. This thing began to approach so much to me (I could not even understand what it is something muddy and lily to merge with the sky) and since I have the last floor and then the attic and the roof, respectively, this shkutka is absolutely safely flew by me, and when she is well my head was nodded (it was seconds 2-3) I turned it completely, I will say to you honestly when you have a video and so almost a few meters from myself (this "object" was about sizes well with my apartment) he was a triangle that's not enough of me so closely flew safely, so there was still such an incomprehensible glow, and it was the same muddy and it was seen only when this thing is flying right above my head, yes damn it so much easier Draw. Fish in the fact that it is not even sfotkat and did not remove it on camera, it would have been, I couldn't see him, even when he hung on me ... And the fotik or the camera would just remove the black sky 100 paths ...

Well, this is not all of what I saw what I saw, just if you get drunk all, my fingers will not pass the emotions, I can say one thing that it's all when you watch it very cool and very scary ... "

Reptides - Race of Reasonable Beings, externally resembling reptiles. Reptoid leather is covered with corrosion-like crocodiles or lizards. Vertically elongated pupils, round almost blinking eyes, long thin tongue. All this gives the origin of reptoids from reptiles (reptile).

Reptoid descriptions are found in the most ancient texts in Egyptians, Greeks, Romans. So, for example, the first king Attica Kekrops was half a person, half a snake. The image of human-like reptiles is found in the most ancient drawings found on the ground. They constitute a significant part of the images found in Maya temples. It was the reptoid-Annukov, according to Maya beliefs, the planet Nibiru. Regarding the origin of Rettidov, the opinions of scientists were divided. Some of them believes that reptoids are aliens from space, presumably from the constellation of the dragon. Others share the point of view in the fact that reptoids have the production of land and close "relatives" of dinosaurs. When a planetary disaster occurred, led to the death of terrible lizards, then reptoids that had the highest level of development of the technique were resigned in other star systems. Consider how much impossible is the last assumption to simply dismiss it. Humanity likes to consider himself the first and only reasonable race on earth, the crown of creation. For the sake of confirmation of this postulates go through any tricks. In particular, scientists are very like to compare the weight of the brain weight with the common body weight and, based on the fact that a person has a ratio higher than that of famous animals, to conclude the unreasonableness of all other types of fauna. But it should be remembered that the epoch when the land belonged to dinosaurs, began 240 million years ago and lasted 175 million years. Mammals during this period were forced to be satisfied with the nora in the roots of trees and the hypodes in their branches. Scientists joyfully report that the brain of giant lizards was extremely small. For example, at the twenty-tonal diplodok, it was no more than that of a kitten. Much less often can be found mentioned that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sacrum in dinosaurs there was another nervous center. In this thickening of the spinal cord, there was surely a serious "mental" job. So, the Stegnosaurus, for example, the weight of the brain was a pitiful seventy gram. Therefore, he was undeveloped animals, declare scientists. The sacral brain weighed 1400 grams. Apparently, he was responsible for the repeater of the cerebral pulses to the limbs, they respond to this representatives of the so-called traditional science.
However, among the studied lizards on discovered remains, there are those that are sharply different from the rest. One of them is the wallsonichosaur. The lizard had a growth of about one and a half meters. He moved on the hind legs and had developed front paws, a few functionality differ from human hands. In particular, these paws had opposed to the rest of the finger - an analogue of the thumb of the human hand. It is the presence of this finger who allows people to easily make grave movements. The fingers of the "hands" of the disinhibitory were equipped with powerful claws that could be drawn inside. Thus, this lizard could well raise a stone or a stick and throw them, and maybe and use them as tools.
But the main difference of the wallsonichozavra from the rest of the lizards was a highly developed brain. The cranial box of this lizard allowed to accommodate the brain in it, in terms of volume not less than that of modern chimpanzees or the first ancestors of humanity. In addition, the Brain of the Stenonichosaur had a developed cerebellum and an oblong brain. That is, on its device, he almost did not differ from human. All these features of the disinhibitors are so fascinated by the Canadian paleontologist Dale Russell, which is based on the patterns discovered when studying the evolution of a person, he created a model of the evolution of an ancient lizard. The resulting model lost the tail and amazedly began to resemble a description of the reptoid, given at the beginning of this article. It is so that the appearance of these creatures describe people who had misfortune to meet reptoids in our time.
Among all types of aliens, reptoid are most aggressive in relation to man. Most likely, this happens because a person is for them traditional food. Well, what kind of pity to the Baran may have a shepherd, cutting his throat? Also and reptoids, humanity for them is only a herd of livestock. And they go out "in people" they are only the fact that the peasant goes to the chicken coop. True, the recent times began to receive messages from people with whom Reptoids came into contact in order to prevent the ecological catastrophe of the threatening land. Their concern is understandable, because we are talking about the preservation of them, so to speak, the food balance. Most of the researchers believe that there is always a fairly large group of reptoids on Earth. It is assumed that they can live even among people, since their monstrous ability to mimicry makes the real appearance invisible. In this country, they appear in front of people only when they want to give the message to humanity, or when they decide to have a snack. Caught for a snack, it is clear, nothing can tell.
Supporters of the conspiracy theory generally argue that the reptoids have long managed the planet, hiding their toothy leaves under the masks of the stars of politics, pop, sports, and the largest businessmen. Such, for example, the views of John Rode - one of the founders of conspiracy. David Ik went even further. He stated that the Lizards-Clearness are George Bush, Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, the entire British royal family and many others. The YouTube channel, by the way, is filled with rollers, where the performances of American stars from different areas of activity are broadcast in a specially slow mode and then rare not humanly long teeth, thin long languages \u200b\u200band other features of representatives of this race become visible.