Sowing the right lawn grass. Landing lawn grass with her hands at the cottage

It would seem that it could be easier than growing grass? Meanwhile, to get a well-kept green lawn, it is necessary not only to plant lawn grass correctly, but also prepare the ground for planting, and subsequently carefully care for a young lawn.

Types of lawn

Lawn is not necessarily briefly triggered in the classic style green grass. It can be a blooming - Moorish or meadow, sports - resistant to abrasion, or garden. The choice of seeds for sowing and subsequent care, such as cutting, watering and aerations, watering and aerations, depends on the type of lawn. Soil preparation for different types of lawns is made according to a single technology.

When is it better to sow lawn?

There is no strict rules for sowing lawn. It is necessary to take into account the time to prepare a plot, soil, on germination of grass. That is why the best time to start work on the design of the lawn is considered to be the gap from mid-May to the beginning of September. On average, the work on sowing and germination of the lawn occupy from 4 to 6 weeks, and they are best finished to snow and frosts.

Preparation of the site

The first and most important stage, which makes the markup of the future lawn, its cleaning from weeding herbs and alignment. Careful preparation will save you from weeding and make it easier for the haircut of the already growing lawn. Time is necessary to prepare the site - from 1 to 4 weeks.

Soil fertilizer and preparation

The second stage on which favorable conditions are laid for the rapid and friendly appearance of lawnium shoots and its subsequent growth. The need for fertilizer depends on the type of soil. It must be fertile, loose, to skip and retain moisture and contain a sufficient number of elements that provide rapid growth. Performance time - from 3 to 7 days.

Sowing standards are usually indicated on the packaging of seeds, for various types of lawns they may vary. It is not necessary to save on quantities - "ipcks" on your lawn will not be bare in your lawn, very soon weeds occupy them, and you will have to repeat it again. The time required to sowing herbs is small - if the lawn is small, you will quite handle the day.

Caring for lawn

During the appearance of germs and rapid growth in grass, regular care is necessary. It lies in regular watering, removing the remaining weeds, as well as in a haircut of young grass. Before the first haircut, it is not recommended to walk on the lawn.

Mature is considered a two-year-old lawn with evenly growing grass. Such a lawn needs not only in watering and haircut, but also in aeration, as well as in additional fertilization. At the same time, a strong and healthy root system will not allow weeds and germinally who came to seeds and your lawn will delight you with juicy green grass.

To get a high-quality green lawn at the cottage, you will need to stock up some knowledge of knowledge and preparing preparatory work before sowing. In a complex of collected information on how to plant a lawn with your own hands, it is necessary to include information about the composition and preparation of the soil, the tools and seed choices, about when it is better to plant grass - in spring, summer or autumn.

It is very important to acquire the right seeds. Not only the decorativeness of herbal cover, but also its winter hardiness and durability depends on the composition of the gas mixture. Seeding and subsequent shoots of shoots have their own rules, performing which you can get a high-quality sowing lawn.

Selection and preparation of the place

The best time for sowing lawn

The place where the lawn grass can be planted must match a number of conditions:

  1. Sufficient illumination - One of the main conditions for successful growth. The best lawns are obtained on the plots, most of the day open by the sunshine. In the deep shadow of buildings or under large trees, lawn cereals do not create dense turf and gradually die. The optimal option for shadow areas is the replacement of cereals by teothelubivy soils (Barwinka, hooven, etc.).
  2. The territory of the site must be aligned. Horizontal surface without bugs and pit or a small uniform slope - a guarantee of high-quality herbal cover. Before sowing the lawn grass, spend thorough cleaning: remove the construction garbage, stones, pencit, align the bugs and pits. On large areas for soil planning, you can use the help of special equipment with a horizontal knife-loader. When the plot is small, with irregularities are fighting sharp shovels.
  3. Selection of favorable landing. Already in the middle of spring, when snow melts and excessive water leaves, you can proceed to the preparation of soil and landing the lawn. Grass, sowned in May, like everything that is planted in the spring, grows and develops much better and for autumn forms a durable turny. You can engage in the sowing green lawn you can almost all the warm season. The last term is the first numbers of September. Later crops, although they will go up, will not have time to work out the referee to the coming frosts.

Selection of seeds for sowing lawn

Let's talk about the varieties of lawn blends so as not to be lost from the variety of colorful packages with grass seeds. Perennial selection works allowed to select varieties and grade of cereals to obtain different qualities of herbal coating:

  1. Mix for sports lawn Compiled, most often, from the endless grades of oatmeal of red, mint and a long-term ricon. They withstand a short haircut, resistant to pulling out.
  2. Mix for Parter Lawn Includes the most decorative grade of cereals. Bright emerald color, silky gentle leaves - such a lawn is customized to decorate the front entrance to the house. It is not used for walking. As part of the grade of the oat and wilderness of the red and wilderness.
  3. Universal lawn - The mixture under this title is suitable for the country area. It turns out beautiful, but practical herbal coating that can not only admire, but also use for recreation, games with children and animals. Herbs included in its composition are durable, devoid of hard shoots, form a dense emerald carpet.

Do not purchase seeds without labels with a manufacturer and variety composition. This can be purchased from the unscrupulous seller comic cereals, not adapted for lawns. When choosing a mixture for the middle band and more northern areas, it is impossible to allow a railing content of more than 10-15%, as it does not have the necessary winter hardiness.

Creating a soil layer under the lawn

To create the right ground for growing lawn grass, you must work seriously. After painting work on clearing and leveling the site, it is worth digging the land and look at its quality. Well, if a fertile garden soil is under the spade. It is enough to plug in the bayonet and choose the roots of many years of weeds. In this case, you will have to improve the soil layer.

Alignment of the plot of robbles

In lowland hydrofin, it is necessary to add a body (compost, humid, peat, stored in the fall of sheet ODEAD). For better permeability, coarse sand is made. By adding components and stirring the soil, at the same time continue to level the surface. With the help of the cord and pegs, the horizontal is exhibited, not neglecting the construction level or level. A clean surface alignment is convenient to do, stretching a long smooth rack or using the back side of the rake.

Garden rink trambes soil under sowing

When the soil is rustled and leveled, it is trambed by a special hand roller. Water filled, it weighs about 100 kg. The small territory can be sealed with a piece of thick plywood and your own weight. After tamping, the site is highly moisturized so that the whole thickness of the plowed layer is soaked with water. Watering will reveal the remaining irregularities that need to be eliminated.

Prepared the soil - you can plant seeds

There is a simple method, how to put the lawn grass in an inexperienced person:

It is necessary on the domestic scales to measure the number of seeds that is required for sowing 1 square meter. The norm is 35-50 g per 1 m². Having measured the desired volume, it is picking up a suitable cup of measure for it to take the same amount of seed every time.

Weighing seeds for sowing 1m²

From thin wooden plates make a square frame with a side of 1 m. It will be a template for sowing seeds. The frame is put on the ground and seeds are scattered inside it. Sowing is performed by the "impressive" movement of the brush hand. Half the norm is low along, half across the template for greater uniformity.

How to plant lawn grass seeds by template

The square falls asleep with a thin layer of sifted peat or finelystructural soil and rolling with a lightweight roller. The frame move and repeat all operations until the entire area falls.

The first shoots begin to appear on the 4th day.

Young lawn care

It is necessary to clearly represent, not only where and how to plant lawn grass correctly, but also how to provide it with the necessary care, so that young lawn fastened, survived the first winter and pleased for many years.


In the first month of life, young grass shoots require particularly close attention to maintaining humidity in the soil. It is impossible to dry up the surface, some grades of lawn grass are delayed with germination, and they can be ruined in dry soil their rapid sprouts.

Suitable for young shoots of water spraying torch

The overvailing is no less harmful for gentle young leaves, it is possible to provoke the appearance of mold, rot, the formation of moss. On average, when there is no strong heat and drought, watering is required once every 3-4 days. Water the lawn with a soft jet of water with small spraying.


Considerable dacket disorder can cause the type of lawn grass shortcomings to the same having fun green leaves of weeds. You can proceed to combat them, only waiting for the rustling of the lawn when it can be advisable to the grass. Waiting for the ridge follows at least a month.

To reduce the pressure of the feet on the sprouts, the weeding is leading, laying a piece of thick plywood under the feet, trying to stand for a long time in one place. Painted lawn, as a rule, is quickly restored.

Even if before planting the grass, the site was treated with herbicides, weed from time to time will appear. Healthy lawn grass, sown with the right density, will outset the main mass of weighing plants. Systematic mowing will not give to scatter the seeds of the Swan and other one-year weeds.


The first hide is done when the leaves of cereals will grow by 12-15 cm, and they are cut for the first time no more than 5 cm. Be sure to check the sharpness of the mower knives so that they do not pull out the undeveloped roots of young cereals from the soil. The following cats are carried out every 7-10 days, in spring and summer - more often, in the fall - less often.

Lawn after the first hide

For the new lawn to survive the first winter, some preparation will be required in the fall. Under the snow, the lawn should leave the combed and trimmed, without waving leaves from the trees. The snow cover in winter will protect from the freezing, will save from large hassle to repair herbal cover of future spring.

To turn your site into a neat green cleaner, you need to spend quite a lot of time and effort. In addition, you need to know exactly when to sow lawn grass (autumn or spring), as you need to care for it and how many times you should pay attention to.

Lawn Grass: Features

Selection of plants that can be used as lawn grass has been carried out over several generations. Preference was given to cultures with the following characteristics:

Especially important is the last quality, since in the absence of it is impossible to create a full-fledged lawn. To the height of plants, Florists are not so picky, but the low-speed lawn grass requires much smaller care (it does not need to cut and align it weekly). Also more far from the perennial culture will be chosen: they are not required every year to plant anew, and the activity of growth in such varieties is noticeably lower.

Interesting! There are lawn herbs that help get rid of weeds. They are a mixture of plants, which necessarily includes a wilderness to the elevation. True, this culture requires a lot of moisture for normal growth and development.

Thanks to good watering and feeding, you can get uniform green shoots after 1.5-2 weeks after landing. In the future, they can be admired during each spring-summer period for several years. However, in order to avoid the development of diseases capable of destroying most of the plants on the site, experienced gardeners every 2-3 years get rid of the former lawn grass and grown on the chosen territory of the culture of other varieties.

When it is better to plant lawn grass - in spring or autumn

From the point of view of many languages, the arrangement of lawn can be carried out throughout the period of vegetation. However, each season has its advantages and disadvantages.

In autumn

Sowing lawn grass in autumn is most preferable for several reasons:

  • the lack of drying heat and sharp thermal oscillations within the day (such conditions favor seed germination);
  • the optimal, almost non-changing level of humidity and soil (the liquid necessary for growth is accumulated due to abundant dew and long rain);
  • the growth intensity of weed herbs is noticeably reduced.

This option has both negative sides. For example, night frosts can destroy what the climbed sowed. And the probability of this is relatively high.

Attention! The minimum temperature at which one can expect the appearance of friendly autumn shoots is + 6 ... + 8 ° C.

Timely preparation of a plot under the lawn begins in 4-6 weeks before the climbers will plant grass. First of all, the selected place will need to be cleaned:

  • garbage (for example, construction);
  • cobblestones;
  • branches;
  • stumpy;
  • unnecessary trees and shrubs;
  • weed herbs (if there are too many too, then it is possible for 3-4 weeks before sowing to process the soil with herbicides).

If the soil is clay, heavy, then it will need to break and mix with sand or fine-cell (0-4 mm) gravel. This will improve aeration. The sandy soil is recommended to enrich the nutrients by adding humus or compost to it.

The optimal level of acidity for the lawn is 5.5-7 pH. If the soil is overestimated by the soil, then it can be adjusted by the limestone by dolomite flour.

Lawn grass

Plots with excessively wet soil necessarily drain. For this you need:

  1. Remove the fertile part of the soil.
  2. Pour pebbles, broken brick and stones with a layer of 15-20 cm.
  3. Raise the reached level for another 8-10 cm, pouring sand.
  4. Align the surface, rolling it with a thick log.
  5. Return the humus back.

After 10-15 days (after the sediment of the soil), the territory will need to be aligned, slugging the land into the pits and removes it from the bumps. After that, you can easily feather the soil with potash-phosphorus or special lawn compositions, distributing them with robbles.

The final barcode is the mumbling of the soil with a garden rink or a log. In order to additionally stabilize the soil, you can make a rich watering of the site.

Autumn sowing lawn can be:

  1. Moisten the soil in a couple of days before the alleged day of sowing.
  2. Mix sand seeds in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Equally scatter the resulting mixture on the site (first go along, after - across, crossing the ranks).
  4. Raise the surface of the earth by robbles, along the way, close the seeds at a depth of 1-2 cm.
  5. Turn the soil with a rink and pour a peat layer with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm.
  6. Carefully pour the land using a fine sprinkler.

In the fall of 1 square meter of the area, about 60-70 g of seed material is consumed.

Attention! In order not to damage the raw root system, in the first months after the appearance of germs, it should not be walking on the lawn.


Spring option is good because during this period, the germination of seeds is improving for natural reasons - the light day is lengthened, becomes warmer. It is better if the lawn is sown in April, because during this period moisture is still stored in the soil. Later - from the end of April to July, it is possible to sow lawn grass, only if they are guaranteed regular and quite abundant irrigation (from a small spray watering can).

The soil under the spring landing is prepared as well as the same time as under the autumn. The feeding and intense watering at the spring landing begins in March. This allows not only to make the soil as suitable for lawn, but also to germinate all the weed seeds since last year, and after timely remove unnecessary grass from the territory.

Note! During sowing on the site you should move on a wide skiing or boards. This will not allow not to leave extra tracks.

1 m² will take 30-50 g of seeds. It is also recommended to leave part of the seed material about the supply in case the need for additional subsidia. After the completion of the procedure, the Earth must be inspired by peat, humus and sand.

The first mowing is produced when the lawn grass reaches a height of 6-10 cm.

In summer

Landing lawn grass in July or early August is quite admissible. However, the consumption of seeds will be somewhat larger than in the spring, because some of the burns (accordingly, another part will have to leave properms for sowing, which may appear later). It will also require more intense watering, since in July - August soil dries especially quickly.

The rest of the summer landing leaves positive impressions:

  • with proper care, searches appear already a week later;
  • there is an opportunity to see the snow to see which places on the site remained empty and falling on them before the authentic period ends;
  • the lawn will be greasy most of the autumn (before the onset of frosts).

It is preferable to land a lawn at the end of summer, when the Earth is still a fundamental, and the humidity of the air and the soil is already beginning to gradually increase.

Lawn grass

Survey care

The main part of lawn care actions implies implementation:

  • glaze;
  • cleaning;
  • feeding;
  • trim.

All these procedures are easy to execute, but they must be repeated regularly, otherwise the appearance of the lawn will be spoiled noticeably.

  • walk on the lawn if the thickness of the snow cover is less than 20 cm;
  • arrange a rink on the lawn;
  • float the lawn with snow;

Spring is also required to perform the following actions:

  • purify the territory from garbage, stones and leaves;
  • to deduct the lawn by fan grabs;
  • aerate and fertilize the soil;
  • treat plants from fungal diseases by their spraying of fungicides;
  • we will specify those sites that remain bare;
  • cut the lawn.

In the summer, the list is reduced to irrigation (produced every two days), feeding fertilizers and haircuts. With the onset of autumn, it will be necessary to put the barbed sites, fertilize the soil and produce its aeration.

Rolled lawns

Tools required for landing and care

To prepare the soil, and after planting a lawn and caring for it, the following tools are required:

  • metal and wooden rake;
  • wooden rails 1 m in length (several pieces for leveling the territory);
  • mosquito net (used to protect seeds from exposure to sunlight);
  • fertilizer (special lawn or complex): 50 g per square meter;
  • like with small spraying;
  • libra.

Of course, it will take a high-quality seed material (it is desirable that it be vaccinated) or several rolled lawn strips.

Often, oats, rye and other cereals are used for sowing. The best grass for lawns in the south:

  • mattik meadow;
  • oatmeal meadow;
  • riped.

If desired, lawn cultures can be independently combined in suitable proportions, checking the desiccity of the selected combination on the plot next to the cottage.

Thus, there is no definition of lawn planning. Seed seeds can be sung at any time of the year, except for winter. When choosing a time to land, you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each season of the year.

Lawn grass is an excellent addition to decorative flower beds, alpine slides. This is a great place for a family picnic and afternoon rest at the cottage or in the garden. From when to plant the lawn grass, the final result depends - it should be smooth, in moderation thick. To do this, it is necessary to plant lawn correctly and on time, as well as follow the rules of care. The lawn grass is characterized by soft velvety leaves, small, thin, pleasant to the touch. The root system of the lawn surface, forms a dense weave of the roots. Care lies in watering, weeding and cutting with a garden lawn mower.

Specialized stores have a large assortment of lawn grass: in rolls with a developed root system and seeds in bags. When there is no possibility of a long-term growing of the lawn in the country of the seeds, a rolled lawn is acquired, which is rolled into the prepared surface. Rolled lawn is unpretentious, easily carries out of any soil. If necessary, it can be removed from the soil and move to another place.

Ideal time for landing lawn

The best time for planning a plot, planting lawn grass, colors, devices of the Alpine slide, of course spring. At the end of March, you can already prepare and feed the soil, planting planning, sowing the Rannetic Plants. To saturate the soil with nutrients and abundant growth, the soil is drunk in the fall with fertilizer. In the spring of pre-sowing preparation should be started as early as possible.

Lawn grass can be planted throughout the warm period, from April to November. In the spring, the accessibility and germination of seeds are better in natural reasons. To prepare the soil before sowing seeds, activities are carried out:

The best time for planting lawn grass is spring or early autumn.

How to plant lawn seeds

Seeds of lawn grass are very small, for sowing it is recommended to use 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 100 sq.m. Therefore, seeds are sold in bags or large packages. Before sowing seeds, the plot is well moisturized and a full absorption of moisture in the soil is waiting. The windless dry weather is suitable for landing. The lawn is planted at a depth of 0.5-1.5 cm. For sowing, a seeder uses or evenly scatter the seeds by hand.

In order for the seeds to evenly put on the site, use the cross-sowing method. For this, seeds are divided into two parts. The first part seed across the site, the second part - along. It turns out a kind of grid (see video).

So that small seeds do not remove the birds, or did not dispel the wind, once again compacted the soil with a rink. Then covered with burlap or other observing material.

Before shoots, regularly watered from a watering can or with a small spray hose. The first mowing is carried out when the lawn reaches a height of 6-10 cm. Then rolling the roller section again to eliminate the formation of side tracks of grass. This procedure makes the lawn more dense.

How to plant rolled grass

Lawn in rolls has a number of benefits before planting seeds:

  • low laboriousness of soil preparation work;
  • instant transformation of the site;
  • good lawn survival rate;
  • freezing resistance;
  • aesthetic look;
  • required lawn density;
  • uniform color.

Rolled lawn is grown in special nurseries with technology compliance. It can be planted early in spring and until late autumn. Regardless of the time of the disembarkation there is a good survival and rapid growth.
For the flooring of rolls, the grass should be properly carried out correctly:

  1. Pumping soil. The soil is drunk to a depth of 10-15 cm.
  2. Remove roots of plants, lumps, stones, trash.
  3. Less area rake.
  4. Fertilize mineral and organic fertilizers.
  5. Seal the site with a roller, with melting, lump falls. Reduce and compact again.

For landing, a rolled lawn takes no more than 3 days of exposure after removing the nursery from the soil. Ideally need to land grass the next day after cutting from the field. A rolled lawn is heavy (up to 20 kg), so a significant physical effort is required for delivery and rolling.

The laying is carried out in a checker order on the principle of laying bricks. First lay out one row, then lay out the second row so that the jokes of the lawn accounted for the middle of the previous row. Rows must be even, did not come on top of each other. When the laying is completed, with the help of a knife level the edges, cut off superfluous, rolling the rolled roller roller to eliminate the air cavities. Correctly ackle roller grass easily arrives and after 2-3 weeks will be a full place for outdoor activities.


The lawn care is in frequent watering, cleaning, feeding and trimming as it grows. There are rules that must be observed at different times of the year.

For those who wish to have a beautiful and well-groomed territory near the country house, the useful will be information on how to sow lawn grass with their own hands. A competently planted and beautiful lawn will be a great place to relax the whole family and an integral detail of the landscape.

  • 1 Selection of seeds
  • 2 landing
  • 3 Lawn Care
  • 4 Useful advice
  • 5 Photo Gallery

Selection of seeds

How to grow a beautiful green lawn? First you need to choose a suitable sowing material. Manufacturers offer a wide range of ready-made compositions for sowing lawns. For example, it may be a lawn sports or for family holidays.

Deciding, how to plant a lawn with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the lawn mixture. Seeds should be adapted for the local climate, otherwise you can expect an unpleasant surprise in the form of a pennate after winter. It is wiser to select frost-resistant graces of herbs, which differ not only in durability, but also the thickness of the cover. Such herbs include the hairdryer Red and Mattik meadow. The optimal version of the lawn mixture is an association in an equal proportion of 2 of these types of herbs.

An important criterion for getting a thick landing is an accurate measure of seeds to evry. After the choice is made, you should adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations on the consumption of material.

Another criterion is the choice of suitable time for landing. In any season, it is necessary to clearly comply with the recommendations on the number of seeds for planting lawn grass. If sowing is carried out in summer or in spring, it is worth adding half of the norm to the specified parameter. This is due to the fact that spring floods and autumn rains take part of seeds with water flow.

In the summer, for the landing, the grass also take a few more seeds than is indicated by the manufacturer. The hot sun is detrimental for young shoots, so it is desirable to increase the number of shoots so that some of them are guaranteed to grow further.

The most tight in the thickness of the lawn in the country will grow on a flat land. Lawnies that go under the slope or are irregularity, it is worth falling by seeds more tightly than the manufacturer requires.


After the landing time is defined, the perfect seed grade is selected, you can begin sowing lawn grass. Lawn planting technology is as follows:

  1. The removal of weeds on the household plot is carried out. Those who want to know how to plant lawn grass correctly, it should be remembered that the site should be thoroughly cleaned from weeds. To achieve the goal, you can use all known methods: cultivation, mulching, watering the stretch by herbicides, manual canopy. Most effective can be considered irrigated by herbicides. These solutions remove the smallest weeds of any kind. Two weeks after processing, there is a complete destruction of all weeds.
  2. It is necessary to damage the soil so that the lawn landing is more successful. Before falling down the lawn, the land must open, remove the stones and dried roots. Large earth kids should be broken by a shovel. Prepared soil should be homogeneous, sufficiently loose and saturated oxygen. At the same time, the land plot also align. The pits are plundered by the earth, and the soil is crushed from the bugs.
  3. Without fertilizers, a thick lawn will not grow. If the type of soil is alkaline, then it is fertile to peat, and if sour - lime. Before planting lawn grass on the plot, the soil must be fertilized by mineral or organic additives. The optimal option will be compost or biohumus. If the soil is very poor, it will help to improve its composition to replace the upper layer of soil. For this, the area where the landing of lawn grass is planned, is drunk, the top layer of the soil is removed with a depth of up to 40 cm. Exhausted ground is taken out, and fertile soil is laid in its place.
  4. Alignment and sealing plot is a responsible stage of work. Before sowing the lawn grass with your own hands, the soil must be aligned with robbles and compact. High-quality seal is carried out using a garden rink or a small barrel with water. The plot prepared for landing should be compacted to such an extent that the person passing on it is not drowning in the ground.
  5. How to sneeze the lawn grass on the plot? To begin with, you will have to make shallow grooves on the rammed surface of the earth. The depth of the seeding site should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise small seeds will not go. Lawn landing lines first make horizontally, and then the vertical site. It is necessary to remember the seed flow rate recommended by the manufacturer. After the seeds are planted, all the grooves must be carefully filled with the ground and roll with a roller or barrel.

Caring for lawn

It is not enough to know how to sing a lawn with your own hands, - you need to understand how to care for it after disembarking. For friendly shoots, it is important to organize the correct first watering. The optimal option is to use special sprayers with the function of small irrigation, then puddles will not be formed on the surface, and the seeds will not pop up. If the seeds are planted on rainy days, then the first watering can not be done.

How to care for sowing? If everyone is competent, then the first sprouts can be seen two weeks after disembarking. The grass rides and develops unevenly, so it is not necessary to panic, if at first the lawn looks somewhat bald. The real picture of the future lawn can be seen only four weeks after planting lawn grass.

In the hot season, the lawn should water every day.

Massacing the collapsing blades are necessary if their length reached 10 cm. Haircut is needed for aestheticism, and to stimulate the growth of new grass.

  1. The soil must have a prepared minimum of 10-14 days before the seeds fall into the ground. During this time, the soil can settle down.
  2. In the spring, the grass is boiled for 20 days, and in the summer this period is reduced to 7 days.
  3. To minimize the number of weeds that spare together with the grass, it is better to carry out the fall.
  4. Fertile land is not worth digging deep, so you can avoid excessive shrinkage of the site.
  5. In order for the site to be even uniform, it is distributed in advance to squares.
  6. The first 7 days after seva watered a lawn with watering can or autonomous spray. So you can save the access of the air to the eldest ends yet through the thickness of the earth.
  7. Purchase seed material with a reserve, because with a weak germination will have to fill empty places.
  8. If there is very hot weather on the street (over + 30 ° C), it is not recommended to fertilize, otherwise the root system will burn.

Only when complying with all the rules, it turns out to grow a beautiful lawn without weeds and properins.

Photo Gallery

Here you can see in the photo, how can you decorate the landscaped design of any site using the lawn.