Joseph Jugashvili young. What was Joseph Stalin in his youth

How did the ordinary teenager from the provincial Georgian village of Gori became the "head of the people"? We decided to see what factors contributed to the fact that Coba, which manufactured with robbeles, became Joseph Stalin.

Father Factor

The father's education has a major role in maturing a major role. Joseph Jugashvili was actually devoid of it. Official Father Carobes, Supozhnik Vissarion Jugashvili, saw a lot. Ekaterina Geladze divorced him when the son was 12 years old.

Paternity of Vissarion Jugashvili is still disputed by historians. Simon Montefior in his book "Young Stalin" writes about three "applicants" on this role: Jacob Jacob Ignatashvili, the head of the police burn Damian Davrichui and the priest Christopher Charquiani.

Children's injury

The character of Stalin in childhood seriously influenced the injury that he received at the age of twelve years: in the road accident, Joseph injured his left hand, over time she became shorter and weaker right. Because of the surguals, Cob could not fully participate in youthful sweatshirts, he could only defeat them with the help of tricks. Hand injury prevented Kobe to learn to swim. Also, Joseph, at the age of five, had a black smallpox and barely survived, after which he had the first "special sign": "Face is rippled, with obsolete signs."

The feeling of physical inferiority was reflected on the character of Stalin. Biographers note the vitality of young carobes, its quick temper, secrecy and a tendency to conspiracies.

Relationship with Mother

Stalin's relationship with mother was not easy. They wrote each other letters, but they rarely met. When the mother visited the Son for the last time, it happened a year before her death, in 1936, he expressed regret that he did not become a priest. Stalin just overpowered. When the mother died, Stalin did not go to the funeral, only sent a wreath with the inscription "Dear and beloved mother from her son Joseph Jugashvili."

Such cool relations of Stalin and Mother can be explained by the fact that Ekaterina Georgievna was an independent man and never shy in his estimates. For the sake of a son, when Joseph was not yet a mobby neither Stalin, she learned to cut and sew, mastered the profession of modists, but she did not have enough time to upbringing her son. Ros Joseph on the street.

Birth Koby

Party nicknames for the future Stalin had a lot. He was called "Osip", "Ivanovich", "Vasilyev", "Vasily", but the most famous nickname of young Joseph Jugashvili is Koba. It is significant that Mikoyan and Molotov even in the 30s so turned to Stalin. Why Koba?

Influenced literature. One of the favorite books of the young revolutionary was the novel of the Georgian writer Alexander Kazbegi "Oterkubyza". This is a book about the struggle of the mountain peasants for their independence. One of the heroes of the novel is a non-resistant Koba - became a hero for young Stalin, who after reading the book himself began to call him mobility.


In the book of the British historian Simon Montefiore "Young Stalin", the author claims that Koba during his youth was very loving. Montefiore, however, does not consider this something special, such a lifestyle, writes a historian, was characterized by revolutionary.

Montefiore argues that there were also peasants and nobles and nobility chairs among the mistress of the chaobs, and Valentina Lobova, Lyudmila Steel).

The British historian also claims that the two peasants from the Siberian villages (Maria Kuzakov, Lydia Pernoggin), where Koba was serving the reference born sons from him, which Stalin did not recognize it.
Despite such turbulent relations with women, the main business of the chaobes was, of course, the revolution. In his interview with the magazine "Spark", Simon Montefiore commented on the information produced by them: "Only party comedors were considered worthy of respect. Love, family expelled from life, which was to be devoted only to the revolution. The fact that in their behavior seems to us immoral and criminal, they themselves did not matter. "


Today it is already well known that the Coba in the years did not disappear by illegal affairs. Special zeal of Coba showed during the execution of expropriation. At the congress of the Bolsheviks in Stockholm in 1906, the so-called "exes" were banned, after a year, on the London Congress, this decision was confirmed. It is significant that the Congress in London ended on June 1, 1907, and the most sensitive robbery of the two Carenet of the State Bank, organized by Job in Ivanovich, happened later - June 13. Coba did not comply with the requirements of the congress for the reason that he considered them Mensheviks, in the question of "Excos" he held the position of Lenin, who approved them.

In the course of said robbery, 250 thousand rubles were obtained by a group of carobes. 80 percent of this money was sent by Lenin, the rest - went to the needs of the cell.

Stalin's not too pure reputation could be an obstacle to its promotion. In 1918, the head of Menshevikov, Julius Martov, published an article in which he brought three examples of unlawful activities of the carobes: Robbery of Carenet of the State Bank in Tiflis, the murder of a worker in Baku and the capture of the "Nikolai I" steamer in Baku.

Moreover, Martov even wrote that Stalin had no right to occupy government posts, since it was excluded from the party in 1907. Stalin from this article was in rabies, he argued that this exception was illegal, since he spent his Tiflis cell controlled by the Mensheviks. That is, the fact of its exception Stalin still did not deny. But threatened Martov Revolutionary Tribunal.

Why "Stalin"?

In all her life, Stalin had three dozen pseudonyms. At the same time, it is significant that Joseph Vissarionovich did not make surname from his last name. Who now recalls Afelbaum, Rosenfeld and Vallah (Zinoviev, Kamenev, Litvinov)? But Ulyanov-Lenin and Jugashvili Stalin - for hearing. Stalin chose a pseudonym quite consciously. According to William Pokhlebkin, who dedicated the work of the "Great Pseudonym" work, when choosing a pseudonym, several factors coincided. A real source when choosing a pseudonym has become the name of a liberal journalist, first close to populists, and then to Esera Evgenia Stefanovich Stalinsky, one of the prominent Russian professional publishers of periodicals in the province and translator into Russian, the poem W. County - "Vityaz in Tiger Skur". Stalin loved this poem very much. There is also a version that Stalin took a pseudonym, based on the names of one of his mistresses, companions in the party Lyudmila Steel.

Joseph Stalin is an outstanding revolutionary politician in the history of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. Its activity is marked by mass repressions, which today are considered a crime against humanity. The personality and biography of Stalin in modern society are still loudly discussed: some consider it a great ruler who led the country to victory in the Great Patriotic War, others accused of the genocide of the people and the Holodomor, Terror and violence against people.

Childhood and youth

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich (real name of Jugashvili) was born on December 21, 1879 in the Georgian town of Gori in a family belonging to the lower class. According to another version, Iosif Vissarionich's birthday came on December 18, 1878. In any case, the Sagittarius is considered a patronizing sign of the zodiac. In addition to the traditional hypothesis about the Georgian origin of the future leader of the nation, there is an opinion that its ancestors were Ossetians.

Embed from getty images Joseph Stalin in childhood

He was the third, but the only surviving child in the family - his older brother and sister died back in infancy. Soso, as the mother of the future ruler of the USSR called, was born not a completely healthy child, he had congenital defects of the limbs (he had grown two fingers on his left foot), and also had damaged skin surfaces and backs. In early childhood, the accident happened to Stalin - Phaeton hit him, as a result of which he had a functioning of the left hand.

In addition to congenital and acquired injury, the future revolutionary was repeatedly beaten by the Father, which once led to a serious injury to the head and since the years it was reflected in the psycho-emotional state of Stalin. Ekaterina Georgievna's mother surrounded her son to care and care, wanting to compensate for the boy the lack of father's love.

Exhausted at difficult work, wanting to earn as much money as possible to raise the son, the woman tried to grow a decent man who had to become a priest. But her hopes were not crowned with success - Stalin grew out street polarity and more time spent not in the church, but in the company of local hooligans.

Embed from getty images Joseph Stalin in youth

At the same time, in 1888, Joseph Vissarionovich became a student of the Gori Orthodox School, and at the end he entered the Tiflis spiritual seminary. In her walls met Marxism and joined the ranks of underground revolutionaries.

In the seminary, the future ruler of the Soviet Union showed himself a gifted and talented student, since he could easily be given all objects without exception. At the same time, he became the head of the illegal mug of Marxists, which was engaged in propaganda.

It was not possible to get a spiritual formation to Stalin, as it was expelled from the educational institution before the exams for absenteeism. After that, Joseph Vissarionovich was issued a certificate, allowing him to become a teacher of primary schools. At first, he earned a life with a tutoring, and after it settled in the Tiflis Physical Observatory for the position of the observer calculator.

Path to power

The revolutionary activity of Stalin started at the beginning of the 1900s - the future ruler of the USSR was then engaged in propaganda than strengthened his own position in society. In the youth, Joseph participated in rallies, which most often ended with arrests, worked on the creation of the illegal newspaper "Bruzzla" ("Fight"), which went out on the Baku printing house. An interesting fact of his Georgian biography is that in 1906-1907, Jugashvili headed robber attacks on the banks of the Transcaucasus.

Embed from Getty Images Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin

The revolutionary traveled to Finland and Sweden, where the conferences and the congresses of the RSDLP were held. Then he meets the head of the Soviet government and the famous revolutionary George Plekhanov, and others.

In 1912, he finally decided to change the surname of Jugashvili on the pseudonym Stalin. Then the man becomes an authorized Central Committee in the Caucasus. The revolutionary receives the position of chief editor of the Bolshevik newspaper "Pravda", where Vladimir Lenin became his colleague, who saw his assistant in Stalin in solving Bolshevik and revolutionary issues. As a result, Joseph Vissarionovich became his right hand.

Embed from Getty Images Joseph Stalin on the podium

The path to the power of Stalin was saturated with repeated references and imprisonments in prisons, from where he managed to run away. He spent 2 years in Solvykhodsk, then he was sent to the city of Narym, and from 1913, for 3 years he was kept in the village of Kureka. Being away from the leaders of the party, Joseph Vissarionovich managed to maintain a connection with them by means of a secret correspondence.

In front of the October Revolution, Stalin supported Lenin's plans, on an expanded meeting of the Central Committee made a condemnation of the position and, which were against the uprising. In 1917, Lenin appoints Stalin by the Commissar Affairs of Nationalities in the Council of People's Commissars.

The next stage of the career of the future ruler of the USSR is connected with the Civil War in which the revolutionary showed professionalism and leadership qualities. He participated in a number of military operations, including in the defense of Tsaritsyn and Petrograd, opposed the army and.

Embed from Getty Images Joseph Stalin and Klim Voroshilov

At the end of the war, when Lenin was already deadly sick, Stalin ruled the country, while destroying opponents and applicants for the post of chairman of the Government of the Soviet Union on its path. In addition, Joseph Vissarionovich showed perseverance towards monotonous work, which was required by the post of hardware leader. To strengthen its own authority, Stalin publishes 2 books - "On the foundations of Leninism" (1924) and "To issues of Leninism" (1927). In these works, he relied on the principles of "constructing socialism in a separate country", not excluding the "world revolution".

In 1930, all power focused in the hands of Stalin, in connection with which shocks and restructuring began in the USSR. This period is marked by the beginning of mass repression and collectivization, when the rural population of the country drove into the collective farms and Morious hunger.

Embed from Getty Images Vyacheslav Molotov, Joseph Stalin and Nikolai Ezhov

All the selected in the peasants the new leader of the Soviet Union was sold abroad, and developed the industry to the industry, building industrial enterprises, the main part of which focused in the cities of the Urals and Siberia. Thus, in the shortest possible time, he made the USSR of the second country in the world in terms of industrial production, however, the price of millions of life of the peasants who died from hunger.

In 1937, the peak of repression was hit, at that time she was stripped not only among citizens of the country, but among the leadership of the party. During the Big Terror, 56 of 73 people speaking at the February-March Plenum of the Central Committee were shot. Later, the head of the action was destroyed - the head of the NKVD, the place of which took part in the nearest environment of Stalin. In the country, totalitarian regime was finally established.

Head of the USSR

By 1940, Joseph Vissarionovich became a single ruler-dictator of the USSR. He was a strong head of the country, had an extraordinary performance, able to target people to solve the necessary tasks. The characteristic feature of Stalin was its ability to make immediate decisions on the issues discussed and find time to control all the processes occurring in the country.

Embed from Getty Images Secribula CPSS Joseph Stalin

The achievements of Joseph Stalin, despite its rigid board, are still highly assessed by experts. Thanks to him, the USSR won in the Great Patriotic War, agriculture was moved in the country, industrialization was held, as a result of which the Union turned into a nuclear superpower, having colossal geopolitical influence all over the world. Interestingly, the American magazine Time in 1939 and 1943 was awarded to the Soviet leader the title "Man of the Year".

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Joseph Stalin was forced to change the course of foreign policy. If earlier he arranged the relationship with Germany, then later turned his attention to the former countries of the Entente. In the face of England and France, the Soviet leader was looking for support against fascism aggression.

Embed from Getty Images Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill at Tehran Conference

Along with the achievements, Stalin's board is characterized by a weighing of negative points, which caused horror in society. Stalinist repressions, dictatorship, terror, violence - all this is considered the main characteristic features of the Board of Joseph Vissarionovich. He is also accused of suppressing entire scientific areas of the country, accompanied by trace of doctors and engineers, which caused incommensurable harm to the development of Soviet culture and science.

Stalin's policy and today is loud to condemn all over the world. The ruler of the USSR is accused of the mass death of people who have victims of Stalinism and Nazism. At the same time, in many cities of Joseph Vissarionovich posthumously consider an honorary citizen and a talented commander, and many people still respect the dictator ruler, calling him the great leader.

Personal life

Personal life of Joseph Stalin has little confirmed facts today. The dictator's chief carefully destroyed all the evidence of his family life and love relationship, so researchers managed to restore the chronology of the events of his biography.

Embed from Getty Images Joseph Stalin and Nadezhda Allyluweva

It is known that the first time Stalin married in 1906 on Ekaterina Svanidze, who gave birth to him firstborn. After a year of family life, Stalin's wife died of typhus. After that, the harsh revolutionary devoted himself to serving the country and only after 14 years again decided to marry with, which was younger for 23 years.

The second wife of Joseph Vissarionovich gave birth to a spouse of his son and took over the upbringing of the first-mention of Stalin, who had lived with her grandmother on the maternal line. In 1925, a daughter was born in the family of the leader. In addition to their native children, the reception son, the same age of Vasily, was brought up in the party leader of the party. His father - Revolutionary Fedor Sergeyev was a close friend of Joseph, died in 1921.

In 1932, the children of Stalin lost their mother, and he became a widow for the second time. His spouse hopeed the life of suicide against the background of the conflict with her husband. After that, the ruler never married.

Embed from Getty Images Joseph Stalin with Son Vasily and Svetlana's daughter

The children of Joseph Vissarionovich presented the father of 9 native grandchildren, the youngest of whom - the daughter of Svetlana Allyluve, appeared after the death of the ruler - in 1971. Only Alexander Bourdonan, the son of Vasily Stalin, became famous in his homeland, who became the director of the Theater of the Russian Army. The son of Yakov, Evgeny Zhugashvili, who released the book "My grandfather Stalin is also known. "He is Holy!", And Svetlana's son, Joseph Alillev, who made a cardiac surgeon career.

After the death of Stalin, there were repeated disputes about the growth of the head of the USSR. Some researchers were attributed to the leader with lowerness - 160 cm, but others were based on information received from records and photos of the Russian "Security", where Joseph Vissarionovich was characterized as a person having a height of 169-174 cm. The head of the Communist Party was also "attributed" the weight of 62 kg.


The death of Joseph Stalin came on March 5, 1953. According to the official conclusion of physicians, the ruler of the USSR died as a result of hemorrhage into the brain. After the opening, it was found that he had undergone several ischemic strokes during his life, which led to serious problems with the heart and impaired psyche.

Stalin's breathtaking body was placed in the mausoleum next to Lenin, but after 8 years at the CPSU Congress it was decided to rebork the revolutionary in the grave at the Kremlin Wall. During the funeral in a multi-thousand crowd of those who want to say goodbye to the leader of the nation occurred. According to unconfirmed information, 400 people died on the pipe area.

Embed from Getty Images Tombstone Monument to Joseph Stalin at the Kremlin Wall

It is believed that his ill-wishers are involved in the death of Stalin, considering the policy of the leader of revolutionaries inadmissible. Researchers are confident that the "comrades" of the ruler deliberately did not let the physicians who could put on the feet of Joseph Vissarionovich and prevent his death.

Over the years, the attitude towards the Personality of Stalin has repeatedly revised, and if during the time he tagged his name was prohibited, then later documentary and artistic films, books and articles in which the analysis of the ruler was analyzed. Repeatedly, the head of state became the main character of the film, such as the "Middle Circle", the "Land Promised", "Kill Stalin" and others.


  • 1958 - "First Day"
  • 1985 - "Victory"
  • 1985 - "Battle for Moscow"
  • 1989 - "Stalingrad"
  • 1990 - "Yakov, Son Stalin"
  • 1993 - "Stalin's Testament"
  • 2000 - "In August 44th ..."
  • 2013 - "Son of the Father of Peoples"
  • 2017 - "The death of Stalin"
  • Yuri Mukhin - "Murder Stalin and Beria"
  • Lev Balayan - "Stalin"
  • Elena Prudnikova - "Khrushchev. Creators of Terror "
  • Igor Poyhalov - "The Great Overaced Chief. Lies and truth about Stalin "
  • Alexander North - "Anti-Corruption Committee of Stalin"
  • Felix Chuv - "Soldiers of the Empire"

Stalin in Youth

Joseph Stalin had many complexes. At an early age, he fell aspi, and his face kept her traces all his life, after an accident, also in childhood, his left hand had ten centimeters shorter than the right, the second and third fingers on his left leg were accreputed, over the years of links from him The teeth would deteriorate, and, most unpleasant, he was only 157 centimeters, which was not knitted with his significant figure. Despite the fact that stitched to order boots did it for 3-5 centimeters above, growth, or rather, the lack of such, turned into a permanent source of irritation.

Joseph Vissarionovich Jugashvili was born in the small Georgian city of Gor. In those days, Georgia was part of the Russian Empire, a huge nervous power, an artery embossed feudalism, which rules unpopular dynasty of the Romanovs. Stalin appeared on December 18, 1878, however, for some mysterious reasons, he always claimed that he was born on December 21, 1879, and it was this date that was noted throughout his life.

Stalin's father, Vissarion Jugashvili, known as Beso, was a shoemaker. A lover of drink, he spent a considerable part of the time in Tiflis (at present Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, located 80 kilometers east of Gori), where she sewed boots for the Russian army. During his all the rare hitters, he was in a drunken fan of his wife and son. Stalin's mother, Catherine, or Keque, also often punished his son, but in general she slept her Soso, because two of her first children, both boys died in infancy. In Russian, Stalin learned to speak only at 9 years old and never got rid of the strong Georgian accent.

Joseph Jugashvili in the seminary. 1894

Stalin grew in the setting of violence. In Gori reigned cruel morals, men often satisfied the walls of the wall on the wall, which lasted several hours in a row. On February 13, 1892, he, together with his school buddies, witnessed a public execution through the hanging of two criminals. The execution was carried out ineptly, and young Stalin, who received moral injury, penetrating hate to the royal regime.

Stalin's mother, who dreamed of the Son to achieve an honorary position in society, and wanting to thank the Lord for the fact that he was walked and left him alive, Iosifa gave Joseph to the spiritual school. Little Soso studied well. He sang in the church church, the teachers impressed his mind and wonderful memory, which allowed him to memorize the big passages from the Bible. Stalin's school graduated with excellent marks in 1894, two years ahead of time. At the age of 15, he was taken to the seminary in Tiflis. However, young Stalin was more interested in the works of Marx and Engels than the Sacred Scripture, and he, declaring himself by Marxist and an atheist, joined the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (RSDLP) and persuaded his summands to follow his example.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

How did the ordinary teenager from the provincial Georgian village of Gori became the "head of the people"? We decided to see what factors contributed to the fact that Coba, which manufactured with robbeles, became Joseph Stalin.

Father Factor

The father's education has a major role in maturing a major role. Joseph Jugashvili was actually devoid of it. Official Father Carobes, Supozhnik Vissarion Jugashvili, saw a lot. Ekaterina Geladze divorced him when the son was 12 years old.

Paternity of Vissarion Jugashvili is still disputed by historians. Simon Montefior in his book "Young Stalin" writes about three "applicants" on this role: Jacob Jacob Ignatashvili, the head of the police burn Damian Davrichui and the priest Christopher Charquiani.

Children's injury

The character of Stalin in childhood seriously influenced the injury that he received at the age of twelve years: in the road accident, Joseph injured his left hand, over time she became shorter and weaker right. Because of the surguals, Cob could not fully participate in youthful sweatshirts, he could only defeat them with the help of tricks. Hand injury prevented Kobe to learn to swim. Also, Joseph, at the age of five, had a black smallpox and barely survived, after which he had the first "special sign": "Face is rippled, with obsolete signs."

The feeling of physical inferiority was reflected on the character of Stalin. Biographers note the vitality of young carobes, its quick temper, secrecy and a tendency to conspiracies.

Relationship with Mother

Stalin's relationship with mother was not easy. They wrote each other letters, but they rarely met. When the mother visited the Son for the last time, it happened a year before her death, in 1936, he expressed regret that he did not become a priest. Stalin just overpowered. When the mother died, Stalin did not go to the funeral, only sent a wreath with the inscription "Dear and beloved mother from her son Joseph Jugashvili."

Such cool relations of Stalin and Mother can be explained by the fact that Ekaterina Georgievna was an independent man and never shy in his estimates. For the sake of a son, when Joseph was not yet a mobby neither Stalin, she learned to cut and sew, mastered the profession of modists, but she did not have enough time to upbringing her son. Ros Joseph on the street.

Birth Koby

Party nicknames for the future Stalin had a lot. He was called "Osip", "Ivanovich", "Vasilyev", "Vasily", but the most famous nickname of young Joseph Jugashvili is Koba. It is significant that Mikoyan and Molotov even in the 30s so turned to Stalin. Why Koba?

Influenced literature. One of the favorite books of the young revolutionary was the novel of the Georgian writer Alexander Kazbegi "Oterkubyza". This is a book about the struggle of the mountain peasants for their independence. One of the heroes of the novel is a non-resistant Koba - became a hero for young Stalin, who after reading the book himself began to call him mobility.


In the book of the British historian Simon Montefiore "Young Stalin", the author claims that Koba during his youth was very loving.

Montefiore, however, does not consider this something special, such a lifestyle, writes a historian, was characterized by revolutionary. Montefiore argues that there were also peasants and nobles and nobility chairs among the mistress of the chaobs, and Valentina Lobova, Lyudmila Steel).

The British historian also claims that the two peasants from the Siberian villages (Maria Kuzakov, Lydia Pernoggin), where Koba was serving the reference born sons from him, which Stalin did not recognize it.

Despite such turbulent relations with women, the main business of the chaobes was, of course, the revolution. In his interview with the magazine "Spark", Simon Montefiore commented on the information produced by them: "Only party comedors were considered worthy of respect. Love, family expelled from life, which was to be devoted only to the revolution. The fact that in their behavior seems to us immoral and criminal, they themselves did not matter. "


Today it is already well known that the Coba in the years did not disappear by illegal affairs. Special zeal of Coba showed during the execution of expropriation. At the congress of the Bolsheviks in Stockholm in 1906, the so-called "exes" were banned, after a year, on the London Congress, this decision was confirmed. It is significant that the Congress in London ended on June 1, 1907, and the most sensitive robbery of the two Carenet of the State Bank, organized by Job in Ivanovich, happened later - June 13. Coba did not comply with the requirements of the congress for the reason that he considered them Mensheviks, in the question of "Excos" he held the position of Lenin, who approved them. In the course of said robbery, 250 thousand rubles were obtained by a group of carobes. 80 percent of this money was sent by Lenin, the rest - went to the needs of the cell.

Stalin's not too pure reputation could be an obstacle to its promotion. In 1918, the head of Menshevikov, Julius Martov, published an article in which he brought three examples of unlawful activities of the carobes: Robbery of Carenet of the State Bank in Tiflis, the murder of a worker in Baku and the capture of the "Nikolai I" steamer in Baku.

Moreover, Martov even wrote that Stalin had no right to occupy government posts, since it was excluded from the party in 1907. Stalin from this article was in rabies, he argued that this exception was illegal, since he spent his Tiflis cell controlled by the Mensheviks. That is, the fact of its exception Stalin still did not deny. But threatened Martov Revolutionary Tribunal.

Why "Stalin"?

In all her life, Stalin had three dozen pseudonyms. At the same time, it is significant that Joseph Vissarionovich did not make surname from his last name. Who now recalls Afelbaum, Rosenfeld and Vallah (Zinoviev, Kamenev, Litvinov)? But Ulyanov-Lenin and Jugashvili Stalin - for hearing. Stalin chose a pseudonym quite consciously. According to William Pokhlebkin, who dedicated the work of the "Great Pseudonym" work, when choosing a pseudonym, several factors coincided. A real source when choosing a pseudonym has become the name of a liberal journalist, first close to populists, and then to Esera Evgenia Stefanovich Stalinsky, one of the prominent Russian professional publishers of periodicals in the province and translator into Russian, the poem W. County - "Vityaz in Tiger Skur". Stalin loved this poem very much. There is also a version that Stalin took a pseudonym, based on the names of one of his mistresses, companions in the party Lyudmila Steel.

Joseph Jugashvili was born in 1878 in Georgia, then part of a huge Russian empire then. He was the son of a housewife and a simple shoemaker. Vissarion, his father, alcoholic and a rowdy, after ...

Joseph Jugashvili was born in 1878 in Georgia, then part of a huge Russian empire then. He was the son of a housewife and a simple shoemaker. Vissarion, his father, alcoholic and a rowdy, after an attack on the city chief of the police, was arrested.

In 1894, the 16-year-old Joseph received a grant for training in the initial Russian Orthodox seminary. By the end of the first year, Jugashvili Jr. firmly decided that he did not believe in God.

Despite convictions, Joseph remained in the seminary until 1899, then he was excluded - Jugashvili did not pass the final exam. But then the young man thought about the friend: he was passionate about the writings of Lenin and joined the Marxist political group.

The first one's first pseudonym took the future leader in the seminary. He called himself a cook and demanded that his comrades were called the same. This is the name of the hero from the beloved novel by Joseph "Oterkubyza", written by Alexander Kazbegi. In the novel Coba - a young peasant who can easily be called a "noble robber", only, unlike Robin Hood, more realistic.

1901 year. Stalin at the age of 23.

1894 year. 15-year-old Joseph Jugashvili.

After leaving the church school, Stalin worked on weather station until 1901, then finally became an underground revolutionary. Coba arranged rallies, climbed the riots and irreversally rocked the articles for underground propaganda leaflets. In 1904, he joined the new Lenin Bolshevik group.

In 1911, Koba takes his second and the last pseudonym, which the next few decades will unail fear and respect all over the world - he begins to call himself Stalin.

1901 year. Pictures of carobes from police archives.

March 1908. Stalin's photos after arrest.

Personal business Joseph Stalin. Profile brought after his arrest in Baku in 1910.

1911. Snapshots made by the secret police in St. Petersburg.

During World War I, Joseph Stalin never visited the front. As a child, he got two times under the wheels of the equestrian crew, because of which he received serious damage to the left hand and was released from service. In April 1917, at the congress of the Communist Party, Stalin was elected to the Central Committee. Six months later, the Committee voted for the revolution, which later led to the Civil War.

In less than 10 years, Joseph Stalin will become the Secretary General of the Communist Party. Along with the appointment, the leader received a number of nicknames, which firmly entrenched him in the people: genius of mankind, the great architect of communism and many others.

1915 year. Stalin (second row, third left) with a group of Bolsheviks in the village Turukhansk, Russia.

Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin and Mikhail Kalinin in 1919.