How to paint a ceiling with acrylic paint. Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint yourself

Today we will look at how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint. This dye has recently appeared in retail, but has already gained popularity. Today we will consider which acrylic paint is best for the ceiling, because there are several types of them. Also in the video in this article, you can see the progress of the work visually and do everything yourself.

Currently, one of the most versatile and demanded means for painting the ceiling are acrylic compositions. At a low cost, they have many advantages and occupy a leading place in the market for dyes.

The advantages of acrylic-based coloring compositions undoubtedly include:

  1. Short drying time... Acrylic-based paints form a durable and durable film that is resistant to abrasion, pollution and other harmful environmental influences.
  2. Excellent covering ability... The paint applied in several layers is able to close small cracks.
  3. UV resistant and the ability to retain the original color for a long time.
  4. Excellent fire resistance... Surfaces coated with acrylic paint can easily withstand high temperatures and are resistant to fire.
  5. Moisture resistance. Resistance to steam and moisture allows the use of acrylic paints for decorating bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity. The surfaces covered with them are easy to clean with any detergent.
  6. No unpleasant chemical odortypical for other dyes.
  7. Easy application process... These formulations refer to water-based formulations and are diluted with plain water. Paint can be applied with a brush, roller or spray.
  8. Rich range of color shades... Acrylic paints are commercially available in almost any color that exists in nature. In addition, these compositions are easily mixed with each other or diluted with white paint to obtain the desired tone.
  9. Affordable price... The cost of 3 kilograms of acrylic ceiling paint from various manufacturers ranges on average from 150 to 800 rubles.
  10. Can be applied to almost any surface: brick, concrete, plaster, wood, glass and so on.
  11. Acrylic is an environmentally friendly material... The absence of toxic emissions makes it a priority for use in children's institutions and premises where people with allergies are. You can work with acrylic compounds without respirators.

Attention: The price of the material is not small, but it is compensated by the quality of the coating.

The choice of acrylic paint for the ceiling

Currently, the most popular are water-based acrylic compositions made on the basis of acrylic resins. Their indisputable advantage is their excellent elasticity and covering ability. In addition, there is a large selection of water-dispersion, vinyl acrylic, acrylosilicone and other compounds on the market, which are based on various copolymers.

  • Modern acrylic paints are quite diverse and come in many varieties of compositions. They differ in their density, decorative and operational qualities. There are compounds designed for a wide variety of types of work: dry or wet rooms, painting walls and ceilings, outdoor work, and so on. One of the important conditions for high-quality work with acrylic paints is to use them strictly as intended.
  • On sale, acrylic composition for painting the ceiling, as a rule, is found in white. The desired shade is achieved by adding a special color scheme. Colors of almost all colors are widely represented in hardware and hardware stores. At the same time, paints from ready-made colors are on sale.
  • According to the degree of whiteness, all acrylic compounds are divided into three varieties: white, super white, milky white. It is usually accepted to paint the ceiling with super white paint. However, the color may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
  • If you want maximum whiteness, compare a paint solution to a sheet of white office paper.
  • The dullness of the paint coating is of great importance when painting the ceiling. Matte surfaces are capable of hiding minor defects in work: irregularities, cracks, and so on.
  • The colored ceiling, on the contrary, looks more advantageous in a glossy version. This option is ideal for large and flat surfaces.
  • Among domestic and foreign manufacturers, the following companies have proven themselves well: Tex, Dulux, Caparol, Tikkurila, Siro mat plus, Innetak, Himaton, Himos, Svyatozar, Supermatt.

Surface preparation

And now directly, how to paint the ceiling without streaks with acrylic paint. First of all, the plane of the ceiling must be completely cleaned.

It is better to prepare a room for painting in the following sequence:

  • Remove from the room especially valuable things that can get dirty;
  • Cover the floor, furniture and interior items left in the room with plastic or thick paper;
  • Wear work clothes, headwear, glasses, gloves;
  • Thoroughly clean the ceiling from old whitewash, dirt, dust with a large brush or roller moistened with water;
  • When cleaning the surface, pay special attention to the joints and corners, they must be rinsed with a stiff brush;
  • Glossy surfaces, for better adhesion of the paint, must be washed with a detergent and treated with sandpaper No. 8;
  • Cracks and irregularities must first be cleaned up and repaired with a putty (see Which putty is better - features of choosing a mixture);
  • The surface should be coated with one or two coats of primer to increase the adhesion of the paint and to avoid the appearance of fungus and bacteria;
  • When choosing a primer (see Types of construction primers and their area of \u200b\u200bapplication), it is necessary to take into account that it must be fully compatible with the putty;
  • A completely dry and even ceiling is cleaned with sandpaper, creating a rough surface for applying the coloring composition;
  • Immediately before painting, functional and decorative elements are installed: sockets, leads for lamps and chandeliers, baguettes, borders, and so on;
  • The above listed elements must be protected from contamination when painting with masking tape or in another way.

Preparation of the coloring composition

Before you start painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, you need to properly prepare the coloring composition. The quality of the paintwork will depend on the consistency of the paint.

Attention: It is inconvenient to work with too liquid composition: it will drain from the brush and drip onto the floor. Thick paint, also poorly applied, leaves noticeable streaks and joints between layers.

  • The paint should be thinned with water to the condition specified by the manufacturer. It is better to water the water gradually, stirring thoroughly until the required density is achieved. This can be done manually or using a special construction mixer.
  • Usually the manufacturer specifies the exact amount of water required to thin the paint. As a rule, this is 5-15% of the total composition. There are many brands that do not need dilution. On the cans of such paint it is written "mix". To prepare for use, you just need to mix it thoroughly, making sure that there are no clots and lumps. The best consistency for an acrylic compound is considered to be the state of thick milk or cream.
  • When you open a can of paint, a film can be found on its surface. This film should not be mixed with the rest of the substance to avoid clumping. The film is carefully removed. If its small particles remain in the paint, then it is filtered and mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  • In order to prevent the occurrence of fungus and mold, special components are added to the coloring composition. Currently, they are widely represented in hardware stores and it will not be difficult to find the appropriate one.

Tool selection

For quick and high-quality painting of the ceiling with acrylic paint, you will need the following tools and devices:

  • Paint roller (see). They are given a primer or the paint itself;
  • Tray for roller work;
  • Flat paint brush for hard-to-reach areas;
  • Extension handle for working with a roller from the floor;
  • Spatula for applying filler and cleaning old coatings;
  • Masking tape for protecting decorative elements and delimiting zones of different colors.

Ceiling painting can be done with a roller, brush or spray gun. The brush is usually used on small surfaces. For a large area ceiling, it is advisable to choose a roller or a spray gun.

Brush painting

The main problem with brushing is dripping paint. In order to avoid it, you can attach a small foam roller to the handle, which will absorb the flowing paint. It is recommended to keep the brush slightly at an angle to the surface while painting.

When collecting the coloring composition on a brush, care must be taken that the bristles do not touch the bottom and do not deform, the tool handle is not dirty. You should also remove excess paint by periodically shaking off the tool.

The basic principles of working with a brush are as follows:

  • Movements should be wide and even. The brush handle is positioned as close as possible to the surface to be painted. The angle of inclination between the instrument and the ceiling should be gradually increased. The paint is applied to the surface with even wide strokes. Then the streaks of paint are shaded in shorter and smaller strokes.
  • To achieve the greatest smoothness of the painted surface, strokes should be applied cross to cross. You need to do this with two two strokes in one place.
  • When working with a brush, it must be turned from time to time to avoid uneven wear and deformation of the bristles. You should also avoid drying the paint on the brush, this will damage the tool and make it unsuitable for further work.
  • After finishing work or taking breaks in it, you must thoroughly wash and dry the brush.

Painting the ceiling with a roller

The choice of a roller for painting the ceiling depends on the convenience of work and the size of the room. Typically, a medium sized tool is used that can apply fairly wide stripes of paint.

To work with a roller, you need to prepare a special bath, into which the coloring composition is poured.

Roller painting technology:

  • The tray is half filled with paint. A roller is immersed in it. It should be completely saturated with the coloring composition.
  • Then the tool should be removed from excess paint and evenly distribute it over the working surface. This is done by rolling on a special mesh or ribbed surface of the bath. This procedure will allow you to achieve a uniform coverage without stains on unpainted areas.
  • Roller movements are carried out from oneself. The tool should be held at a 45 degree angle.
  • The pressure on the roller should not be too strong to avoid paint drips.
  • The paint stripes are crosswise. This will create an even surface without roller marks.
  • After finishing work, the roller must be thoroughly washed and dried.

Ceiling painting rules

Practice in a small area before painting the ceiling with acrylic paint. This will allow you to adjust the pressure and the amount of paint drawn on the tool. At first, it is better to apply light pressure, increasing it as the paint is consumed.

  • It is better to start work from the corners and areas of abutment of the ceiling to the walls. They are carefully painted over with a small roller or flat brush. Try not to apply the composition to the same place several times. Otherwise, you risk getting a non-uniform surface.
  • Then start painting the main surface of the ceiling. Apply the paint in even stripes in one direction, avoiding dry unpainted areas.
  • The second layer of the coloring composition is applied after the first one has completely dried. This is done in a perpendicular direction to the first. Then the squeezed roller smooths out the joints between the paint stripes.
  • Before applying the second layer, you should evaluate the quality of the work performed and correct any deficiencies.
  • Do not cover unpainted areas with a thicker composition. This will create ugly spots. On the contrary, the second layer should be more liquid than the first, in order to blur the first and eliminate flaws. Areas that have been painted twice should be shaded with a damp roller.
  • The second layer is applied only after the first is completely dry. Usually, the instructions for use indicate the exact drying time of the paint layer. If the temperature in the building is lower than indicated in the instructions, then add a few more hours to the main time. The ceiling is usually painted with 2-3 coats of paint. Each next layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.
  • The last paint layer is applied perpendicular to the plane of the windows if they are located on the same wall or towards the center of the room if the windows are on different walls.
  • When applying the final coat, be careful not to leave joints between strokes and other defects.
  • After painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, check the quality of the work done. Wait a few hours and check the color uniformity over the entire surface. If stains are found, this flaw will help to correct the grinding of the ceiling with fine sandpaper. For this, it is convenient to use sandpaper attached to the bar. The entire ceiling must be sanded, otherwise the stains will be noticeable.
  • The complete drying of the ceiling surface should occur naturally. The use of heaters is inadmissible. Drafts and direct sunlight should also be avoided. Therefore, after completing the work, you must close the windows. Otherwise, the ceiling will dry unevenly.

What you need to pay attention to

There are several mistakes that experts advise to pay attention to:

  • It is better not to apply acrylic on fresh plaster. You need to wait about 2 weeks;
  • It is not recommended to paint at temperatures below + 5̊C and above + 27 ;C;
  • Frozen acrylic paint is unusable after thawing;
  • If there is unused paint in the can, it should not be left open.

Additionally, look at the photos and videos, they will help you prevent other mistakes when performing work.

Experts always suggest starting repairs from the ceiling so that the finished walls and floor do not suffer during it. There are different methods of finishing the ceiling surface. The once widespread whitewashing and gluing of wallpaper faded into the background. Currently, the greatest demand is for painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, known for its economy.

Acrylic paint is a product that belongs to water-based substances. In addition to the low cost, this type of universal coloring compositions has a number of advantages that allow repairs to be carried out in a short time and in a good quality.

Acrylic paint has many benefits

    Various types of surfaces can be treated with this substance.

    When applied in several layers, it is able to hide small cracks.

    The composition easily interacts with moisture. This allows you not only to wash the painted surfaces, but also to use the coloring composition when decorating rooms with high humidity.

    Withstands elevated temperatures, so it can be used to process the ceiling surface in the kitchen.

    Retains its original shade for a long time.

    The composition does not have a pungent odor, which allows it to be applied without respirators;

    Dries up in a short period of time.

    Availability of a wide range of color shades.

    Their use does not require much effort.

But before you start painting, you need to familiarize yourself with the certain nuances of this type of coating.

Before taking on painting, it is worth considering all the nuances of the work

The choice of acrylic paint for the ceiling

In modern times, the selection of acrylic paint is quite diverse. It differs in unique features and characteristics. Therefore, before acquiring this or that type of composition, several factors must be taken into account.

    Purpose: specific characteristics are always indicated on the product label: the type of work for which the paint is intended; area (the number of square meters for which it will be enough), etc. This data cannot be ignored. It is necessary to strictly follow the conditions of destination for a quality coating.

    Appearance: glossy or matte. When choosing the type of composition, it is necessary to take into account that small defects in the ceiling can be hidden by a matte material, and a glossy one looks advantageous on colored and even surfaces.

    Purchase at a time: it is advisable to buy paint not only from a specific manufacturer, but also from one batch, since the mixtures may have a difference in color and consistency.

    White acrylic paint is sold for painting, which is divided into three types:

    1. super white;

      milky white.

Mixes are worth buying from one manufacturer

Most often, a super white composition is used, but it must be remembered that color shades may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

    If a color other than white is required, the composition is mixed with colors. They are sold in almost all specialized stores (construction and household). Ready-made colored acrylic mixtures are also sold.

    To achieve maximum whiteness, it is necessary to compare the color of the composition with an office white sheet of paper.

    An important role is played by how and by whom the solution was produced. There is a wide range of these products on the market, but you should refer to already proven brands. Currently these are:

    1. "Caparol"

Acrylic ceiling paint "Dulux"


To paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, you should buy a number of tools:

    special tape to protect certain decorative elements from the coloring solution;

    roller (spray gun) for direct painting of the ceiling with a continuous layer;

    a special tray for distributing the solution over the roller;

    small flat paint brush for painting hard-to-reach areas of the surface;

    an extension handle designed to work with a roller from the floor;

    scraper to remove old coating from the ceiling surface;

    spatula for even application of the putty.

Before starting work, it is worth preparing all the necessary tools

The choice of roller for finishing the ceiling

For ceiling painting, you need to choose the right tool. For finishing the ceiling with acrylic, it is recommended to use a wide roller that will cover a large area. Its pile should be long and natural, so it will absorb more paint, and still apply it evenly. Do not forget about the comfortable handle, which will greatly simplify the repair work.

Cleaning the ceiling before further finishing

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the surface before working with water-based paint - to clean it from the old coating. But first, it is advised to remove furniture, appliances, carpets, etc. from the room so that they are not stained and damaged by rubbish and paint. It is advisable to cover windows and floors with plastic wrap.

To facilitate the process of getting rid of the old layer from the ceiling, it is recommended to moisten it and keep it in a draft for a while. It is allowed to use detergents, but after use it will be necessary to rinse the surface well. Then you can proceed directly to cleaning using a scraper. It is necessary to remove the old coating before the material of construction of the ceiling surface.

There may be grease stains on the ceiling, which should be looked out for. It is advisable to get rid of them before finishing, as they may appear after the completion of the repair work. The surface area can be tested by applying two to three coats of paint. If the stain does not come to light, then finishing can be continued.

The ceiling should be thoroughly cleaned before painting.

Ceiling alignment

After thorough cleaning, you can start leveling the ceiling and getting rid of cracks with a putty. But before that, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of repair work of this type.

    Before applying the putty, it must be treated with a primer. It will help prevent the appearance of fungus and ensure good adhesion of its substance to the leveling layer.

Before puttingty it is worth treating the ceiling with a primer

Now you can go directly to the application of the putty.

    It is necessary to evenly treat the surface with the mixture. In the absence of a smooth surface, additional layers are applied. Each of them requires complete drying separately.

    After sanding the plaster dust must be removed.

    For good adhesion of the putty coating to the acrylic solution and its lower costs, the surface should be treated with a primer again.


    It is undesirable to paint at too low or high temperatures. The best option: from +5 to +27 degrees.

    Unused leftover paint should not be left exposed.

    Acrylic solution is not suitable if it thaws after freezing.

After the putty it is worth waiting for it to dry completely

Dilution of acrylic paint

Acrylic water-based paint is usually not diluted. This process is resorted to only to give the solution a shade or to dilute a thickened mixture.

To achieve a certain color, the composition is mixed with a special color scheme. This can be done in the same container as the aqueous emulsion solution.

In the case of thickened paint, it is recommended to add plain water to the composition. It is important not to overdo it with breeding, the mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. It is advisable to pass the solution through a sieve if it has thickened and is not used for the first time, so you can get rid of the lumps formed in it.

Usually acrylic paint is not diluted

Technology for painting ceilings with acrylic paint

    To paint in a measured manner, it is advisable to train your pressure on some other plane for even application of the layer.

    It is desirable to start painting from corners and places inaccessible to the roller. A brush is required to carefully apply a thin layer of paint up to five centimeters from the wall.

    It is advisable to make movements in one specific direction and not change it in one layer.

    The next coat should be applied perpendicular to the previous one.

    If stains are found after drying, you can walk around the entire ceiling with fine sandpaper. Grinding can correct this flaw.

It is desirable to paint the ceiling with a roller

To avoid stains when painting, it is advised to take into account some of the nuances.

    The roller must be rolled in a container special for this in order to remove excess mixture from it.

    The coloring composition is applied in a thin layer in all areas of the ceiling surface, otherwise irregularities and stains are formed due to a discrepancy in the layer thickness.

    You should constantly monitor the work done in order to correct irregularities in time before it dries.

    It is advisable to apply water-based paint in one stroke to avoid different color shades.

    Drying should take place naturally: no drafts or heaters. Close the windows after applying a layer of acrylic paint, otherwise it will dry unevenly.

The roller should be rolled in a special container

Instructions for painting the ceiling with acrylic water-based paint

Step 1: Open the jar of acrylic solution and stir it to make sure there are no lumps, films or other unpleasant surprises.

Step 2: Straining the mixture in case of repeated use.

Step 3: Add color if needed.

Step 4: The water-based coloring composition is poured onto a special paint bath for quick and high-quality work with a roller.

Step 5: Start painting with a flat brush from the corners and along the walls.

Step 6: Paint the main surface area with a roller.

Step 7: Wait until the first layer is completely dry. Usually the second coat is applied the next day.

After the completion of the work, it is worth making sure that there are no temperature drops and drafts in the room

Step 9: The finishing coat should be applied perpendicular to the windows, when they are located on the same wall, in the opposite case towards the center of the room.

Step 10: Check the quality of the painting and the absence of various defects before and after the last layer has dried.

Anyone can paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, you just have to follow the painting rules

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint is a simple finishing work. For its high-quality implementation, you just need to remember the basic principles of using acrylic composition. Do not forget about elementary accuracy. Subject to the above recommendations, repair work will take place quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

Video: How to paint the ceiling with high quality

How to paint the ceiling with your own hands, and which acrylic paint for the ceiling is best suited? Users often ask a similar question when undertaking home repairs with their own hands. Let's take a closer look at the rules for choosing a composition, as well as step-by-step work on preparing the ceiling for painting with an acrylic mixture.

The choice of acrylic paint for the ceiling

The best option is considered to be a water-based composition based on acrylic resins. The main advantage is elasticity and good covering ability of the layer. A large selection of water-dispersion, vinyl acrylic, acryl silicone, and other mixtures, the components of which are various copolymers, is on sale.

You need to choose the composition for the intended purpose - this is indicated on the packaging of the material. There is also information on the consumption of products per 1 m2 of surface, other data required for the master. Colored compositions are sold ready-made, but the owner does not always know the shade in advance, so it is easier to buy white paint and tint it with the selected pigment. In order for the tinting to be flawless, the pigment is bought in liquid form.

By type, the mixture is divided into matte and glossy:

  • Matt acrylic paint has the property of visually enlarging the room. Hides minor imperfections and surface imperfections.
  • It is more convenient to cover large areas with a glossy composition, to allocate sections of the ceiling space for zoning the room. In this case, it is important to perfectly level the surface, since the gloss emphasizes, but does not hide defects.

What else to consider when choosing products:

  1. Compositions differ in density, decorative, performance. It is necessary to pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions: paints for dry, damp rooms, rooms with variable humidity.
  2. The degree of whiteness is determined: super white, white, milky white. It is customary to paint ceilings with a super white composition, but each manufacturer has its own shade of whiteness. In order not to be mistaken, you can ask the seller to open the lid and look at the tone, it should match the tone of the sheet of office paper.

Advice! Colored ceiling coverings look advantageous in a glossy version.

Time-tested product manufacturers: Tex, Innetak, Dulux, Tikkurilla, Caparol, Supermatt.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic paints

The advantages of the compositions include the following factors:

  1. Fast polymerization. After applying the composition, a strong elastic film is formed on the base, which dries almost instantly.
  2. Abrasion resistance, pollution, mechanical and other external aggressive influences.
  3. Good covering power. If you apply several layers of paint, it will "tighten" minor defects, cracks (up to 0.2 cm deep). But this does not apply to glossy compositions.
  4. Burnout resistance under the influence of UV rays. In addition, acrylic resins do not burn, do not emit harmful substances at high temperatures and do not spread combustion.
  5. Moisture resistance. Painting walls and ceilings with acrylic paint is ideal for rooms with variable humidity levels. Durable decor will maintain the integrity of the base, extending its lifespan.
  6. Simplicity of care. The surface covered with the composition is easy to clean with conventional products, without abrasive particles.
  7. Lack of chemical odor. Products can have a light aroma that quickly disappears and no longer appears under any influences.
  8. Simplicity of staining. Mixtures based on acrylic resins are water-based, easily diluted with water, applied with a brush, roller, spray gun.
  9. Wide range of colors both ready-made and individually selected. For picky users, white paints and a huge range of color pigments are on sale. The compositions are easily mixed, allowing you to create unique decorative ornaments and shades.
  10. Application to any surface. You can paint wood, concrete, glass, plaster with acrylic, it is only important to choose a composition that matches the base.

The absence of organic compounds, environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity of the mixtures are additional advantages. Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint is allowed in rooms with high safety requirements: medical centers, preschool institutions.

As for the shortcomings, there are practically none. The inconvenience is the high price of quality products up to $ 12 per can. However, the cost is paid off by the long service life.

Preparation of the ceiling surface for painting

Before you start painting the ceiling with acrylic paint with your own hands, you should prepare the necessary tool and base surface.

What you need:

  • roller;
  • paint bath for distributing the composition over the surface of the roller;
  • brush for painting hard-to-reach places, corners, joints;
  • a set of spatulas for applying putty;
  • telescopic extension for the roller - it is more convenient to work with it from the floor;
  • a hard brush or scraper to remove old coating;
  • masking tape;
  • wide paint brush for priming.

Materials required: gypsum putty, deep penetration primer, acrylic paint.

Now, how to prepare the ceiling for painting with acrylic paint:

  1. Free the room from furniture, interior items. If something cannot be taken out, protect it with a foil, cover the floor and window sills with it.
  2. Close the doorway with cellophane or a damp cloth.
  3. Prepare protective equipment: mask, goggles, gown, gloves.
  4. Clear the ceiling. The old coating is cleaned until the base is exposed. If it is whitewash, plaster, water emulsion - the surface is wetted, kept in a draft (not for long), and then the old decor is easily removed with a scraper.

Important! If a layer of paint is preserved on the surface, which sits firmly, does not have cracks or gaps, you can paint over it. However, in the absence of repairs for a long time, mold and plaster pockets falling off may be found under the old paint. Therefore, painting the ceiling with acrylic paint over old paint is permissible, but only if the previous layer is perfectly preserved. For small defects, zonal cleaning, smoothing (grinding) of the site boundaries is sufficient. After that, you can paint the ceiling with acrylic paint on the old coating, and in order for the adhesion to be ideal, the surface is preliminarily washed and sanded with emery No. 8.

  1. After removing the old coating, the entire surface is washed with clean water. Particular attention is paid to the yellow areas on the ceiling. Such spots have a peculiarity to appear after finishing. To remove defects, you will have to apply all methods, including deep cleaning.

Advice! To determine whether a stain will appear after painting or not, you can do this: apply several layers of acrylic paint on this part of the ceiling, wait for time. If the defect does not stand out, we can do without deep cleaning.

  1. Seal irregularities, cracks and chips of the surface with plaster putty (spatula). Concrete build-ups and other defects must be knocked down with a chisel and hammer.
  2. Joints, corners are washed with a stiff brush.
  3. After the surface is dry, you need to saturate the base with a primer, and do this twice. The last layer is applied after the first is completely dry.
  4. Ceiling preparation for painting with acrylic paint involves sanding the surface before coating. This is necessary to ensure adhesion - paint adheres better to a rough layer. Sanding should be done with emery No. 40-60.

The final stage of preparation is to fix the necessary decorative elements on the ceiling: sockets for a chandelier, borders, baguettes. And in order not to stain the decor with paint, it is protected with masking tape. To help novice craftsmen, painting the ceiling with acrylic paints in the video below with a detailed demonstration of surface preparation.

Paint preparation

The final result of the work depends on the correctness of the preparation of the composition. In particular, a thick mixture will not be able to hide the joints between the stained stripes.

A few rules to whitewash the ceiling with acrylic paint is flawless:

  1. Dilute the composition with water to the consistency indicated by the manufacturer (approximately like milk), mix everything with a mixer or a drill with a nozzle.
  2. If the addition of water is required, then it must be poured in portions, no more than 5-10%. Sometimes they write that it is enough to mix the mixture well, especially if the paint is supposed to be applied in only one layer.
  3. The film formed on the surface cannot be mixed with the main composition. It needs to be removed, thrown away - it is dry paint that will not dissolve in the mixture, but can peel and tear, the pieces will then appear on the finishing decor.

To increase the quality and performance of the coating, it is allowed to add components against biological life forms (fungi, mold) to the paint. Now the paint is ready, it remains to choose which roller to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint.

Roller selection

High-quality painting of ceilings with acrylic paint with a roller requires careful selection of tools. Rollers are offered from a variety of materials, so it is important to take into account the task at hand: monochromatic or decorative finishes, the use of textured tools. The simplest type is a wooden or plastic structure on a handle with a cover on, a nozzle. Simplicity has many benefits:

  • improved performance;
  • a qualitative change in the shading of paints;
  • applying mixtures to any surface.

Advice! When choosing which roller is better to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, you should take into account the material of the cover so that no pile, hair, and other defects remain on the surface.

Types of roller covers:

  1. Polyamide material suitable for the application of solvent-based paints, water-dispersion mixtures. Polyamide absorbs well and gives off paint, does not require special care, is easy to clean and has the necessary resistance to aggressive elements that are part of the mixtures. In addition, polyamide is considered a wear-resistant material that does not lose structure when paint is applied to a rough, bumpy surface.
  2. Polyacrylic case Suitable for water-based paints and other decorative compositions with a small amount of organic solvents. Polyacryl has all the characteristics of polyamide, but is considered less durable.
  3. Polyester cover ideal for acrylic ceiling painting. The uniformity of the structure minimizes the risk of material residues on the ceiling, but there is a drawback - wear and tear. Such rollers are suitable for one-time work, but the plus is the ideality of applying the mixture.
  4. Foam cover not suitable for enamels, oil mixtures. Incoming aggressive components corrode the foam rubber, leaving pieces of material on the surface. But foam rubber is ideal for water-adhesive mixtures.
  5. Fur covers have recommended themselves when applying enamel, oil paints. To ensure the evenness of the coating, a merlush roller is used.

There are also velor, structured, pressure rollers, suitable for surface decoration, forcing air out of the wallpaper. There are on sale rollers for creating a textured base, paneled - they provide an even pattern, but are not suitable as a roller for painting the ceiling with an acrylic composition.

Roller painting technology

Now about how to paint the ceiling with a roller with acrylic paint correctly:

  1. You can try to work on a small area in order to adjust the pressure level, the amount of paint collected on the roller. At first, it is better to make the pressure not very strong, as the mixture is consumed, gradually increasing the pressure, but without fanaticism.
  2. Do-it-yourself painting of the ceiling with acrylic paint begins, as in the video below, from the corner and the junction zones of the wall panels.
  3. Thinking over how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, you should not apply the composition to one place several times - this increases the risk of non-uniformity of the coating.
  4. Particularly complex joints, corners, transitions should be painted over with a brush, also avoiding multiple layers of the mixture.
  5. After processing corners, joints, the main surface is processed. If the zone is large, the process of painting with a spray gun will be easier: the mixed mixture is poured into the tank, then sprayed in an even layer over the surface. The work requires some experience.
  6. Rolling is simple: apply the mixture in even stripes, observing the direction and leaving no dry areas.
  7. The second layer of the mixture is applied only after the first one has completely dried, in the perpendicular direction. To eliminate the joints, they are smoothed with a squeezed roller.

Advice! After applying and drying the first layer of the mixture, there is still the possibility of eliminating the shortcomings, but you should not cover the non-painted with a thicker composition - this will create a spotty effect. The second layer should be as thin (liquid) as possible, eroding and eliminating possible defects.

  1. Usually 2-3 layers of paint are applied, the last one - perpendicular to the plane of the window openings or towards the center of the room. When finishing painting, you need to monitor the absence of joints between strokes, other shortcomings.
  2. As soon as the decor is completely dry, it is necessary to check the conformity of the tint solution of all surface areas. If stains are found, the flaws will be corrected by grinding with emery. The entire surface will have to be sanded, otherwise the stains will be noticeable.

During the polymerization of the composition, the use of heaters is unacceptable, a draft must not be created, and direct rays must not be allowed. Better to curtain, close windows, doors. And some tips

It is customary to start any repair work from the ceiling, because even one drop of paint is enough to damage freshly pasted wallpaper or expensive flooring. The days when the only type of ceiling decoration was its whitewash have already sunk into oblivion. Today, painting the ceiling with acrylic paints allows you to emphasize the interior merits by completing the surface in any color tone and decorating it with an original ceiling plinth.

Advantages of acrylic paints

The most popular and versatile ceiling colors are acrylic-based paints. Acrylic paints have many advantages, which is why they occupy a leading position in the market among other substances. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Acrylic paint is resistant to dirt and elastic, which means that it allows you to bridle the smallest cracks - up to 0.5 millimeters. For this purpose, the paint is usually applied in several layers.
  2. It is one of the most resistant to abrasion and ultraviolet radiation, therefore it does not lose its original color over time.
  3. Acrylic compounds are not afraid of moisture, so the ceiling painted with acrylic paint is easy to wash and remove dirt from it. Also in this regard, it can be used in rooms with increased humidity, that is, in bathrooms and other damp rooms.
  4. Acrylic paint is abrasion resistant, tolerates high temperatures, and has a fireproof effect, so it can be used in the kitchen.
  5. Since acrylic paint belongs to the water-based group, it does not have an unpleasant pungent odor, which is inherent in all organic solvent-based dyes.
  6. Acrylic paints are quite easy to apply and dry very quickly, but remember that acrylic darkens after drying.
  7. The process of painting the surface with acrylic paint will not take much time from the owners and will take a lot of effort.
  8. Acrylic paint is economical in costs and has a fairly reasonable price. The price of acrylic paint for the ceiling ranges from 200 to 800 rubles.
  9. As for the color palette, there will be no dissatisfied consumers, because the number of shades of acrylic paint can please the most sophisticated buyers.

Acrylic paint selection

To date, the best paint is acrylic water-based paint, which is produced on the basis of acrylic resins. Its undeniable advantage is its high strength and elasticity. A more affordable option is vinyl acrylic, acrylosilicone and styrene-acrylic compounds based on acrylic copolymers.

Modern acrylic paint is a variety of formulations that differ in their consistency and composition. There are paints that are intended for painting ordinary dry rooms and paints for bathrooms with increased moisture resistance properties. It is not recommended to use these substances for other purposes, if the composition is intended for a dry room, it is necessary to use it there.

A solution of acrylic ceiling paint is most often sold in white, but you can achieve the desired shade using special colors: depending on the saturation level, it is customary to add the required number of tubes with the mixture. Also on sale are brands of acrylic paints with ready-made colors and shades.

According to the whiteness level, all acrylic paints can be divided into 3 conditional ones. They are white, super white and milky white. For painting the ceiling, it is better to purchase the most white paint. However, remember that some manufacturers write "white" on a can of milky white paint, while others write on a super white that this paint is "white."

Therefore, ask the seller in the store to slightly open the lid of the paint bucket and compare the color of the composition in the bucket with a piece of white paper that is used for the printer, which should be taken with you. If the whiteness is similar, then a similar substance is suitable for painting the ceiling. When the seller does not come to meet you, then stipulate in advance that you need maximum whiteness, and that you will return the jar if this turns out to be not the case.

Acrylic suspended ceiling after drying has a glossy or matte finish. But when choosing a paint, remember that opacity for a ceiling is a very important indicator along with its whiteness and is one of the criteria for its impeccable appearance. The more matte the surface you get, the less noticeable the various defects will be on it, for example, various unevenness or unevenness in the application of layers of paint.

But if you want to make a colored ceiling, it is better to use glossy paints. It is advisable to choose this composition if your ceiling is perfectly flat and has a large square. Also take this paint if the premises are uninhabited. Among domestic and foreign manufacturers, the products of Dulux, Tikkurila, Siro mat plus, Innetak, Himaton, Himos, Svyatozar, Supermatt are of high quality.

Surface preparation

Before painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, cover the floor and all furniture with plastic wrap or newspapers, so as not to stain these surfaces while preparing the ceiling and painting it. For this reason, wear unnecessary clothing, rubber gloves, and a hat.

Then you should clean the ceiling of old whitewash and dust. To do this, periodically moisten a roller or brush in warm clean water, walk over the entire area. Continue this cleaning procedure until the water, into which the roller or brush is dipped, no longer becomes cloudy. Pay special attention to the joints of the ceiling to the walls and corners, they should be washed with a brush.

If the ceiling is semi-matte or glossy, then it is recommended to add a little detergent to the water and process the ceiling with sandpaper with grain number 8 after washing.

After that, you need to prime the surface. The primer is necessary to increase the adhesion of the ceiling to the future paint composition, ensure the durability of the coating and prevent the formation of fungus and mold. Remember to select the filler and primer so that they are fully compatible. Since the ceiling needs to be painted already smooth and even, be sure to sand the dried filler with sandpaper to create a rough texture.

Also, before painting the surface with acrylic paint, decorate the ceiling with pre-prepared elements. You can buy rosettes, baguettes, borders and other details on the market or in a hardware store; there is also the possibility of making such a decor yourself from scrap materials.

Stirring paint

The result of your work depends on whether or not the composition is prepared correctly to obtain the required density. Remember that thick paint will not hide the joints between paint stripes. At this stage, dilute the paint with water to the consistency recommended by the manufacturer and mix it with a mixer, as shown in the video on painting the ceiling with acrylic paint.

If the manufacturer recommends adding water to the paint, as a rule, it will need no more than 5-10%. It happens that the paint does not require that it be diluted, then it simply says on it: "mix", so simply mix the substance with great care. If it is supposed to paint the surface in one layer, then such mixing will be enough. The best option is to dilute the paint to a milk state.

If a film has formed on the surface, then it should not be mixed with the rest of the paint, since the dried paint is not able to dissolve. As a result of such mixing, a lumpy composition is obtained. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully remove the film, and strain the remaining substance and only then mix. Additional anti-fungal components can be added, which are highly resistant to washing.

Tool selection

Choosing how to paint the surface, you can stop your choice on a roller or brush. Each tool has its own characteristics. The use of a brush is justified in small areas. On large ceilings, it is better to use a roller. Let's see how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint using a roller and a brush.

Brush work

To prevent paint from dripping down the brush as you work, you can attach a foam roller to the handle just below the brush itself. When painting, the brush should be held at a slight angle or strictly perpendicular to the surface. When lowering the brush into the paint, make sure that the bristles do not touch the bottom, otherwise the tool will deform. When taking it out, knock on the edge of the dish, removing excess paint from the bristles in this way, but in no case should you wipe the brush on the container.

Sweep evenly to create wide stripes, after which these stripes should be shaded. Keep the brush handle as close to the surface as possible, and increase the angle as you move.

If the smoothness of the surface is important to you, then try to apply strokes, crossing them. You need to do two strokes - the first up, and the next down, and it is recommended to carry them out one section at a time. When using the brush, it must be rotated periodically around the axis to prevent uneven wear on the bristles. It is also recommended to squeeze out the paint during work.

When taking breaks from work, do not leave the brush to dry - it will be stiff and unsuitable for further use. After finishing painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, you should thoroughly wash the brush so that there is no paint composition on it. Most often they use turpentine or white spirit for these.

Roller work

When choosing which roller to paint the ceiling with, you need to proceed from the dimensions of the room, the size of the tool in any case must correspond to it. It will be more convenient to work with a roller if you pour acrylic paint into a special container. Pour about half of the paint into a similar tray. The roller must be completely saturated during the immersion.

After dipping the tool in a container with paint, roll it on a non-working surface - a mesh, a bath or a piece of wallpaper or unnecessary linoleum. This will allow you to more evenly distribute the coloring composition over the surface of the roller and get a uniform coating as a result. If you ignore this, then the so-called "non-paint" will form on the ceiling, which form ugly spots on the dried surface.

Start the paint application process at a distance of about one meter from the corner. The beginning of work consists in distributing an abundant layer of paint over the surface. The roller should be held away from you. When using a roller, place the strokes crosswise to each other, so the paint layer is more evenly distributed over the surface, and you will not see roller marks.

Painting technology

Now let's figure out how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint. The evenness of the surface will depend on the fact with which you press the brush. Light pressure will provoke the paint to lie down in narrow stripes, while the layers will be thick and with gaps. And strong pressure will lead to the formation of streaks, but the resulting layers will be thinner.

If you will be painting the ceiling with acrylic paint for the first time, then it is recommended for yourself to choose a "testing ground" somewhere in the country. You need to use light pressure, increasing it as the paint is spent.

It is better to start from the corners, using a special brush, in order to paint well and not to miss the unpainted areas. On the other hand, try to apply only one layer at a time and do not overlap already painted areas. Otherwise, areas of different color will appear on the ceiling. It is recommended to move in one direction.

The next layer is applied perpendicular to the first one. And then it is recommended to smooth out the paint and joints, for this, swipe with a roller or brush without paint. Before painting the ceiling a second time, evaluate the freshly painted surface from a different angle. Immediately correct the unpainted areas found, and if the paint is already drying, then mark these places, and in the process of the next painting try to paint over these areas first.

However, it is impossible to cover up unpainted areas with a thicker paint, it will be worse. The second layer should be liquid, so that you can blur the first one a little and eliminate defects at the same time. But the places that are painted over twice, process with an almost dry roller.

After applying the first coat, it is wiser to wait for the first coat to dry. Carefully read the instructions, it indicates the time that should be observed between the application of layers of paint. Each layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

If you start applying the second layer on a damp surface, the first one may blur. Repeat the painting again, and apply the latter towards the light, making sure that there are no joints. The ceiling is rarely covered with a single coat of acrylic paint. Apply the composition of foreign production in two layers, but domestic - only in three layers.

After applying acrylic paint to the ceiling, it is recommended to wait a while (a couple of hours) and make sure that the entire surface is covered with paint and has an even color. But it also happens that you did everything right, and in the end found that spots had formed! In this case, do not try to paint over the "holes", nothing will come of it. Arm yourself with fine sandpaper, preferably on a bar, and sand the ceiling.

Exactly all, otherwise the spotting will remain. This technique is considered effective if you have applied 1-2 layers. But if more layers are applied, in this case the price of the acrylic ceiling doubles, because you will have only one way out: a complete rework, which includes sanding, putty and directly new painting of the ceiling.

Thus, you have become familiar with the merits of acrylic paints. They differ in the type of purpose. There are dyes for ordinary rooms and rooms where high moisture resistance is needed. It is not recommended to use moisture resistant paint, which is intended for damp rooms, in dry rooms. This is primarily due to its high price.

Renovation in the house involves various operations, including painting the ceiling surface. I must say that this is not the easiest stage of repair work, especially for people who have never done this before.

But once you have to do everything for the first time, including painting the ceiling. Of course, the quality of work depends on the existing experience and skills, but the correct choice of paint for the ceiling and the tool can help a novice master to cope with the task, if not “five”, then “four with a small minus” for sure.

If you do not know what paint to choose for finishing the ceiling, then any consultant at a hardware store will certainly advise you to purchase acrylic paint. Although it is not the cheapest (but quite affordable) in comparison with other types of water-based paints, it will be the right choice, since acrylic-based paints have a number of advantages.

Acrylic ceiling paint - why is it good

For paints of this type, the following advantages are characteristic:

  • They are environmentally friendly - they do not contain toxic components, they practically do not smell (therefore, you can work without using respiratory and skin protection).
  • The acrylic base gives the paint elasticity, so it has the ability to mask small cracks and other surface defects (especially if applied in several layers).
  • The paint is highly resistant to abrasion and solar radiation, which allows the painted surface to retain its original appearance for a long time.
  • An important property is the resistance of the acrylic film to moisture, which makes it possible to use the paint in rooms with high humidity, as well as to perform wet cleaning of surfaces.
  • The resistance of acrylic paints to temperature influences allows them to be used for finishing the ceiling and walls in the kitchen, where other coloring compounds often turn yellow (especially in the area where the stove is located).
  • The paint consumption is low and it is applied in a thin layer, which allows you to significantly save on the material itself.
  • The painting process itself does not require significant effort, and the applied paint layer dries quickly, which reduces the repair time.
  • Acrylic paints of various shades can be found on sale, although white is usually used for ceilings. If necessary, the composition is also well tinted with special pigments.

When choosing a colored paint, it must be borne in mind that after drying, the color of the film may turn out to be somewhat darker than that of the liquid composition. Therefore, it is advisable to first carry out a test staining somewhere in an inconspicuous place.

Required tool

To paint the ceiling, you will need the following tool:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • container for paint - a special tray is better;
  • masking tape.

The sections of the walls adjacent to the ceiling are pasted over with adhesive tape - then the wall decoration will not suffer when painting the ceiling.

The brush is used mainly for painting those areas of the ceiling surface that are difficult to reach for the roller - near the walls, in the corners. Of course, you can paint the ceiling with a brush, but this is a much longer and more laborious process than using a roller.

If you have chosen a roller as your main tool, then it is best to purchase a special tray equipped with a ribbed surface for rolling out the roller in order to remove excess paint.

This will allow work to be carried out with minimal paint loss and without damage to the surrounding surfaces, which could otherwise be splashed with the paint composition.

If you are going to paint the ceiling using a table, a scaffold or a stepladder, then you can purchase a roller with an ordinary short handle. If you want to work from the floor, then you need to buy a roller with a telescopic handle, the length of which can be adjusted. The second option significantly speeds up the production of work, as it allows you to capture a large area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling from one "parking lot" and not fiddle with rearranging the scaffold.

Which roller is best for working with acrylic paint

Not only the work process itself depends on the correct choice of the tool, but also its final result - including the uniformity of paint application, the absence of stains and streaks.

Before you go to buy a tool, you need to familiarize yourself with the criteria for its selection.

The criteria are as follows:

  • The geometric dimensions of the bead are its width and diameter. The choice here must be made based on the size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling to be painted. The dependence is direct - the larger the room, the wider the roller should be. This will reduce the number of surface passes required. Narrow rollers are used to paint the ceiling near walls and in other hard-to-reach places. But it is also important to consider your physical capabilities, since a wide tool and paint gains more and itself weighs more, especially if it is equipped with a telescopic handle.
  • Roller surface material (fur coat). Since acrylic paints are water-based, most often they use foam or fur coats (natural or artificial). The foam roller is suitable for working with paints of this type, but it is better not to use it for novice repairmen, as this is fraught with a large amount of splashes that stain both the working person and the surrounding objects. This is a tool for the specialist. Fur rollers can have different pile lengths. For working with acrylic paint, it is better to choose a pile of medium length. The short nap roller absorbs little ink and must be dipped frequently in the tray. And long pile in the course of work can be divided into uneven strands, which can cause uneven coloration of the surface. To avoid such problems, some manufacturers reinforce the pile with a metal thread, which improves the quality of the tool itself and the coloring.
  • Additional details. On sale you can find rollers equipped with a special trough. This may seem strange to some. In fact, it is designed to collect excess paint that flows into it during the production of work. The option, it would seem, is necessary, but if the roller is properly rolled over the ribbed surface of the tray, then the excess paint is removed without it.

We should also talk about fur coats separately.

Most often in stores there are rollers:

  • from sheepskin;
  • their mohair;
  • made of nylon plush.

The best material in this case is sheepskin.

It can be used to work with any paint, ensuring high quality of its application to the surface. Natural fur coats are the most expensive.

Rotary drum fur-coated tools can have different characteristics:

  • drum length 10-25 cm;
  • drum diameter 4-7 cm;
  • bristle length 6-25 mm.

For working with acrylic paint, it is better to choose a tool with medium parameters.

Working with such a roller requires the following rules:

  • Before starting application, the roller should be soaked in water for 3-4 hours. This allows you to achieve uniform stiffness of the pile over the entire surface of the coat, which is important for uniform application of the paint composition.
  • After the roller has been dipped into the paint, be sure to remove the excess by rolling it over a special ribbed surface or fine mesh.
  • If the roller is intended for repeated use, it must be cleaned with solvent and washed with soapy water after use.
  • It is undesirable to use the same tool for working with different types of paints. To do this, you need to replace at least a previously used fur coat.

Fur rollers with a fur coat made of polyamide and polyacrylic synthetic fibers are also often used. These are also fluffy rollers.

Polyamide coats are characterized by uniform distribution of paint over the surface and can be used to work with any paint and varnish materials. They are resistant to aggressive substances and are quite durable.

Polyacrylic coats very similar to natural wool. They also provide uniform color, but their service life is shorter than polyamide ones. Moreover, the cost is also lower.

Ceiling painting technology using a roller

The staining process is simple and well-developed. The main thing is to properly prepare the ceiling and purchase a quality tool.

The staining itself is done as follows:

  • First, the corners of the room and the perimeter of the ceiling are painted with a brush or a narrow roller.
  • The roller must be dipped in a container with paint and carefully rolled out, removing its excess. Directly painting is done with smooth movements along the surface of the ceiling.
  • They start work from the corner of the room and then gradually (but quickly enough) move in parallel lines over the entire surface.

  • Adjacent stripes of paint should overlap each other so that there are no unpainted spots. The paint in these places must be carefully rubbed so that no edges form between the stripes.
  • After applying paint to the entire surface, you need to inspect it from different angles to identify possible flaws. If there are any, you need to eliminate them immediately.
  • Usually the ceiling is painted with acrylic paint in 2 layers. The second is applied after the first has dried. The waiting time depends on the type of paint and the thickness of the applied layer (the approximate time interval is indicated on the paint label).

Thus, it is not so difficult to achieve a good quality of painting, you just need to carefully consider the choice of both the paint itself and the tool suitable for its application.