What to clean pipes in a private house. Cleaning sewage in a private house! Application of primary means to eliminate sewage breakup

Vomor in the pipes of the house always arises not in time. But to eliminate it, it is important to find out first the reason for the appearance. Only then can be started to solve it. Most often, the siphon, start-up or sewage itself. This is due to the illiterate use of the system, the run of the drain, installation errors and the zero of the riser.

Mechanical blockages

Incorrect use includes resetting waste into shells, toilet bowls. The result of such a relationship is a mechanical blockage. Insoluble tight object, washed into the toilet, fade blocks the riser. Pipes become impassable for wastewater. In multi-storey houses, the standing is the situation - the situation is common. This is facilitated, as a rule, residents of different floors living on one side.

Utoking is typical for cast iron pipes. On their walls are formed roughness, clinging even small garbage. A small piece of soap sticking to the wall turns into a zero center. As a result, the lumen of the pipe is narrowed, forming a cumulative blockage, and the sewer system is paralyzed.

Because of the grease accumulated on the walls, internal growths are formed. They overlap stock lumen completely. Blocks the system and simultaneously reset a large amount of fat.

Overly rigid water contributes to the rapid formation of layers in cast iron pipes. According to hardness, they are comparable to stone. Therefore, the elimination of lime blocks refer to complex plumbing work.

Mounting blocks

Invalid mounting of the system with non-paint designers and plumbers leads to assembly stamps. The same problems due to the incompatibility of the toilet bowl of a special design with the place of installation, the incorrect determination of the tilt of the drain highway.

The system can be out of order due to the clogging of the siphon. It forms a plug that blocks the operation of the sewage.

Causes of sewer pipes in a private house

One of the big trouble with which you can often meet, this is when the sewer system is clogged. Of course, this problem is not critical and there is no need for its solution to call a specialist - plumbing. Clean the pipes at home can everyone without any special knowledge and tools.

It is necessary to understand that your system has become unusable due to the fact that it is driving, you can on the following factors.

  1. From the bath, sink or toilet bowl is a bad smell.
  2. Many slower began to leave water.
  3. Under the drain grid too high fluid.

To prevent the formation of sewage breaks, special lattices and filters are widely used. But they cannot guarantee the occurrence of blockages.

Often the emergence of such a problem contributes fats and oils that fall into stock with water and other waste. They accumulate on the walls, which leads to a decrease in the bandwidth of the system.

As a result of the formation of such a lathe, the stock is difficult, and in the future it can completely stop. Also, blockages in a private house may arise as a result of foreign items in the pipeline.

But, still a frequent reason is organic waste. Cleaning in a private house may be carried out in the following ways:

  1. chemical cleaning - is carried out with the help of funds having a caustic basis;
  2. mechanical - with the use of specials. tools;
  3. high pressure hydrodynamic cleaning.

Regardless of the design and materials used, cleaning at home starts with siphon disassembly. There are several siphons in the house.

Each shell and bath has this device. With it, you can prevent an unpleasant smell from the sewage.

For reverse, it is necessary to add four spoons of food soda for three liters. Increase the efficiency of the solution by adding vinegar.

If you understand what it occurs, you can eliminate it promptly and without extra difficulties. Knowing all causes of blockages, then you can prevent trouble. To do this, it is necessary to identify weaknesses in the sewage design and carry out the prevention of these sections of the drain system. It is best not to delay and clean everything in time.

If it all happened, then the elimination methods differ, depending on the sewerage. It is also to understand how it is better to clean the pipes, you need to know what material they consist.

The presence in sinks or bathrooms or plugs with filters does not provide full-fledged protection. Guarantees that the pipes in the apartment do not climb not. Even if you imagine that large contamination or hair can linger on the lattice, then water with fatty and oil drops from the dishes in any case will penetrate.

Thus, the permeability is constantly decreasing. The first signs of the appearance of the break will be:

  • Slow water treatment in the drain;
  • The appearance of a strong sewer smell;
  • During the power on the water, its level over the drain grille rises above the usual one.

The sewer tube at home can score any item. Napkins or toilet paper can get into the drain holes. However, such cases are not frequent. In the main weight, the cause of clogging are organic and inorganic waste of man.

Cast iron pipes at home are clogged much more often. Cause - corrosion exposure. Over time, their walls become uneven, which contributes to the accumulation of fatty particles on them.

Plastic pipes clog less frequently. The main causes of problems are erroneous installation. If the required slope is broken, then the probability of clogging grows several times.

The reasons for clogging sewer pipes are not so much. They are:

  • non-compliance with the rules of installation (incorrect slope of the pipe and the use of cement mortar, for example, when installing the toilet);
  • entering the body of the foreign object pipe;
  • the formation of a thick layer of outflow on the inner walls of the pipe as a result of long-term operation;
  • implementation of incorrect care or its complete absence.

To establish the performance of the sewer system, it is necessary to eliminate the blockage. And the sooner to do it, the better, otherwise an unpleasant smell may form, to get rid of which it will be very difficult. This can be done both independently and with the help of a plumbing specialist. However, its services are decent money, so pipe cleaning at home is the optimal version of the breakdown.

Understanding the causes of the occurrence of blockages will help them quickly eliminate. The trouble is always easier to prevent than solving problems, it caused. Therefore, the practical owner will try to identify all the weaknesses of its sewer system in advance. In a multi-storey building and private house, they can be different.

The most serious enemy of sewer systems - fat. It remains after washing the dishes and settles on the inner walls of the pipes. This viscous flare begins to hold all the small garbage particles: the hair, the remains of food, sand, etc. Over time, the precipitate is sealing and the throughput of the pipe is noticeably reduced.

Ways to combat fatty

The installation of grease trap (giro waveler, fat separator) will help forget about pipe cleaners at home. This device prevents the occurrence of a blockage and allows you to significantly save on household chemicals for flushing pipes.

The giroslavls are household and industrial, consist of two sections, and work as follows:

  • streams in the first container passing through the filter system are released from garbage;
  • in the second compartment, water is cleared of fat.

Installing the grease trap under the sink will provide a long smooth operation of any sewage system and its owner will not have a question about how to clean the sewage in a private house and eliminate the blockage in the pipe.

Cast iron pipes are most often subject to stamps, which have high drainage drains. Due to corrosion over time on the walls, irregularities appear, raids blocking free water. Also, blockages can appear due to the rare cleaning of sewer pipes.

With long-term use of detergents, which include superficially active substances, fat deposits can accumulate in them. They delay small particles and over time lead to a decrease in pipe bandwidth. With an instant way out of the system of the sewer system in the house, the cause may be hitting a foreign subject in the pipe.

Cleaning sewer pipes are necessary if factors occur:

  • the appearance of unpleasant odor;
  • reducing water care rate;
  • raise the water level when it is turned on somewhere under the lattices of the drain sewer.

If immediately, when these signs appear, do not take action, then very soon the pipe will become finally.

The cleaning method largely depends on where the pipe also clogged and what.

In modern private homes there are all the conditions for a comfortable stay, and the sewage has become an integral attribute.

Since in many private houses there is a bathroom, a toilet, a kitchen, all blockages can be viewed depending on the belonging of the pipes of a particular part of the house.

In the kitchen sink, broths often merge, wash the dishes. It turns out that a large amount of fat falls into the drain. It does not leave the pipes without a trace. Fat particles settle on pipe walls, forming a sticky film. Experts consider this layer on the pipes - the most important and dangerous cause of blockages. Because of it, the bandwidth of the structure is reduced.

Even this is not the most dangerous in fatty sediments. They often become an excellent reproduction medium of bacteria. There is a characteristic unpleasant smell, getting rid of which you can, only clearing the pipe. In addition, the products of the vital activity of bacteria lead to gradual destruction of pipes, especially metallic.

In addition to fat, soap falls into the kitchen. It is mixed with other contaminants, settles on the walls of the pipes and soon freezes. This zoom is already harder.

Soap also settles on the walls of pipes in the bathroom, but not one thing is caused by contamination. The hair constantly fall into the drain, which clings for any irregularities of the pipe, we are twisted and form a blockage. It is already more complicated to remove them than fat or soap, because they cannot cope with them with remedies. You have to use chemistry or mechanical cleaning.

Most often, people have to fight clouds in the toilet. Because of the relatively large drain circle, large garbage often falls into it, but it does not always cause a blockage. More dangerous ordinary paper. It is because of it, it is often necessary to clean pipes attached to the toilet.

As you can see, cleaning sewer pipes in a private house is necessary for the same reasons as in any other room. Its features are associated with another.

Most often there is a need to get rid of the stammer in the sink, which occurs in the place of release from washing or bath to the riser, as it is here that dirt, fat and food remains accumulate, which interfere with the movement of wastewater. You may need to perform the cleaning of sewage to the area from the toilet to the riser, between the toilet and the bathroom is clogged much less frequently.

Types of reagents and features of their use

Chemicals for cleaning the home drain system are produced in the form of a solution, gel and powder. Any of the proposed options has its advantages:

  • Dry foods. They are implemented in packages, and they differ compactness.
  • Gel. This option is considered very economical. The density of the structure of the fluid leads to its slow navigation along the inner wall of the billets and the effective dissolution of the layering on them.
  • Liquid options. They are used for the most complex blockages, for example, for bodybuilding.

Using the drug for plastic pipes, it is not recommended to overtake the time interval specified in the instruction, because aggressive reagents can lead to the destruction of pipelines.

And after using a chemical agent for pipes from plastic materials, they will be required to be careful with the flushing amount of running water.

If on the packaging of the goods it is written that this is a preventive agent, then when it is helpful, you can get rid of small contamination of the pipeline.

But only the product can eliminate such pollution, on the label of which there is an inscription that it can cope with layers in standing fluid.

What provokes the appearance of a blockage?

Water standing in the sink or bathroom, the appearance of an unpleasant smell is signs of the formation of a blockage in the sewer tube. Common causes of its appearance are:

  • operation of kitchen sink without mesh;
  • entering large garbage in the toilet;
  • fat accumulations in pipes;
  • insufficient slope of the sewer highway.
  • in the autonomous system, freezing of the pipe section or damage to the system can occur.

During the operation of cast iron pipes over time, there is a significant decrease in their diameter due to deposits and corrosion on the walls. The line with a cross section is less than necessary quickly clogs and requires solid cleaners.

Causes and signs of clogging

Main nuances

Any plumbing is distinguished by the ability to clog not in time. The presence of a blockage is determined by such signs:

  1. Unpleasant sewage smell from holes in the sink.
  2. Reducing the water flow rate.
  3. Water in the sink or bath does not leave.
  4. Water in the toilet rises above the usual level.

Depending on the cause, choose the most suitable method for cleaning. To the main reasons of clogging include:

  • Finding into a large item pipe. In the house where small children live, such a situation can be observed quite often.
  • The deposits of solid precipitation on the walls of pipes formed due to inorganic and organic waste of human life.
  • Fat particles hit. These particles form a sticky film, which, according to experts, is considered the most dangerous cause of blockages. It contributes to a decrease in the bandwidth of the plumbing, gradually accumulating and causing clogging. As a result, an unpleasant smell appears, which will disappear only after cleaning. Such congestion occurs due to constant sling of broth when washing dishes. Such clogging is dangerous for communications from metal.
  • Ingress into the drain of soap. Lamb arises due to washing dishes in the kitchen and hands in the bathroom. Soap, falling into the sewer, mixed with other contaminants and settles on the walls of the pipes, and then freezes. Get rid of such a jam is quite difficult.
  • Hair in plum. Constructed hair form a jam, remove which is possible only with a chemical or mechanical way.
  • Errors in the design and installation of the sewer system. Cleaning will be only a temporary measure.
  • The composition of the water. With rigid water, salt sediments are postponed.
  • Human stupidity. Disposal of dried fruits from a compote to the toilet is the most common mistake that a woman and a child, and a teenager can accomplish.
  • Even toilet paper, softened by water, is able to form a blockage.

Ways to clean sewer pipes in a private house

Mounting blocks

Partial or complete clogging of sewage pipes can happen in every home. This usually happens suddenly, being for the owners of an apartment or a house full surprise. However, this phenomenon may precede some signs. For example, a decrease in the water drain rate, the appearance of unpleasant odor pipes.

Signs of blockage and its causes

Determine the problem that has arisen is easy. Water ceases to go into the drain, or goes too slow. If the drain grille of the sanitary appliance is not clogged, then there is an occurrence of a blockage.

Drain pipes are often clogged by the residues of food, accidentally falling into a draining of objects, hair, threads. Also in the pipe can get a large object, such as a rag or a sponge, around which the plug out of small particles will gradually grow.

Another reason for the formation of blockages is a gradual decrease in the cross-sectional of drain pipes. On the walls of drain pipes, usually cast iron, a layer of fat is gradually deposited, which leads to a decrease in the drain rate, up to its termination. Plastic pipes are much less likely to suffer such sediments. In any case, you need to know how to clean the sewer at home. There are several ways to cope with such a nuisance. You can use any of them as it will be more likely and opportunities.

Definition of a seat

Cleaning and troubleshooting breaks is better to start with siphones

Before you clean the sewer pipes in your own hands, you need to determine the location location location. So it will be easier to eliminate it. Slores are often formed in places of flexible pipes. In particular, in the siphon itself, at the outlet of the kitchen or bath or siphon. These are places in areas between plumbing devices and a stood of plum.

It is possible to identify the approximate location of the location of the location. To do this, check how it works from different points. Suppose, in the kitchen and in the toilet the water goes out normally, and it does not leave the bath. Therefore, the reason must be sought on the plot between the bathroom and the riser. If water does not leave different devices, then the reason is a common riser.

Ways to clean pipes

Consider what a means to clean the sewer pipes in the house or apartment. It is recommended to initially check the sifts under the sink or bathroom. To do this, they have to carefully disassemble, and then rinse with water. In most cases, blockages are located on the bends of the siphones. If the siphon is clean, and the water does not come out, one of the methods listed in this article should be used.

Thermal method

In the drain hole should be pouring 1-2 liters of boiling water. It is capable of dissolving fat deposits, as a result of which the drain pass will be released. This method cannot be applied if water is in the sink or other plumbing device.

Mechanical method

For cleaning, you can use the following fixtures:

Tip: For a plastic pipeline, a metallic cable must be used with caution, as it may, by virtue of its rigidity, damage the pipe walls.

Consider how to clean the sewer tubes with one of the chemicals. There are special fluids and powders on sale, with which you can dissolve fat deposits inside the drain. This is Mole, Fluup, Mr. Muskul, Mellerud, Tiret Turbo, Sanfor. The liquid is immediately ready for use. It is poured into the drain hole of the plumbing device, after which they leave for a while.

All chemicals are divided into 2 groups:

  • Acid. They greatly dissolve their hair and cope with a soapfile. Such drugs are more suitable for bathrooms;
  • alkaline. Their destination is dissolving fats that lay on inner tube walls. Such funds have proven themselves in the kitchens.

Important: It is prohibited simultaneous use of alkali-based funds and acidic preparations.

Home solvent means

1. Food soda. It can be used in several versions:

  • Half the pack of soda need to be filled into the drain, and then pour the same amount of vinegar there. Such a mixture effectively dissolves any fat deposits on the walls of the pipes. The drain is recommended to close the plug. After use, you need to wait about 2 hours, without opening the drain. Through the time when the reaction stops, the drain must be rinsed with running water;
  • The soda rises into the drain hole, after which boiling water poured there. Soda reaction to boiling water - gas formation with carbon dioxide release. This contributes to the purification of pipes.

2. Salt in a mixture with soda. The ingredients in equal proportions fall asleep into the drain on the night, and it is washed off with water only in the morning.

How to clear the sewage soda and vinegar is shown on the video.

To use such a method of cleaning, the presence of a special hydrodynamic machine, capable of supplying water under high pressure, is required. Using such a device, pipes with a diameter of 5-30 cm are cleaned.

Note: Such a car is problematic to apply in the apartment, but for a private house it can be used.

Flexible hose with a special nozzle at the end is introduced into the closed pipe. Water under high pressure is supplied to the hose. Through the nozzle nozzles, the water comes out and knocks out all sediments from the walls of the pipe. Due to the emerging reactive thrust, the hose is moving further along the pipe, destroying blockages to the housing of the nozzle.

Cleaning plastic pipes

Plastic pipes are much less subjected to clogging risks, as their walls are smoother. The deposits on them are practically not formed. Close inside such pipelines can occur only on bends, as well as in the presence of standing water. Sand deposits in the lower parts of the pipelines can also be formed. Siphon himself often clogs. How to clean plastic sewer pipes if they still clogged?

If the disassembly and flushing of the results of the results did not bring, then you can apply the following cleaning methods:

  • vanutuz;
  • soda with boiling water or vinegar;
  • soft flexible cable (neat manual cleaning);
  • chemicals intended for such pipes.

Tip: When buying a chemical care, carefully read its instructions. Some funds cannot be used inside the plastic system, as they lead to its destruction.

Mechanical cleaning with a rigid metal cable on plastic pipes is not recommended.


To break inside the drain pipes, you have not been regularly phenomenon, preventive measures must be taken:

  • In the draining you do not need to throw outsiders that can overlap the water treatment;
  • Use special giroslavl gratings installed on drain holes. They are able to delay most of the fat;
  • Drain hole in the bath protect the grid capable of detaining hair. It is the hair that the main cause of clogging of the bathroom siphon;
  • Periodically, clean the siphon from deposits and the objects in it;
  • Sprinkle with boiling water regularly. It will be better to combine this action with a filling in the draining of some soda;
  • If possible, replace old metal pipes on PVC pipes or polypropylene. The blockages will arise much less often, and will be eliminated faster.

The methods listed above can be independently cope with even the most unpleasant stamps in the sewer pipes. Start the fight against the closer with the most simple ways. And only if the problem cannot be eliminated, use more effective means.


Vomor is the most common and fairly common plumbing problem. In most cases, its elimination and cleaning of the sewer tube can be carried out with their own hands. Methods for removing blockages in a private and apartment building do not have fundamental differences. The main cause of pipe clogging is the accumulation of fatty deposits on their inner surface.

There are several ways to clean the sewage pipes.

Main ways of cleaning

If the bandwidth of the pipeline is reduced, then the cleaning of the sewer pipes will be sufficient with their own hands. In difficult cases, the help of specialists will be required.

Cleaning sewer pipes happens:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • hydrodynamic;
  • folk remedies: soda, salt and boiling water; Soda and vinegar.

How to clear the sewer by folk remedies in a private house

It is not easy to choose a good tool to eliminate breaks. After all, the range of choice in this situation is very large.

This includes goods from Russian and foreign manufacturers. Vegetables of European manufacturers are characterized by a softer influence, they can be taken to work with any pipe rolling materials. These are such products:

  • Tiret;
  • Tofix;
  • Mister Muscle.

The product from German manufacturers - Tiret is very popular for eliminating.

Produce it in different consistency:

  • species for light preventive measures;
  • the option of reinforced exposure is turbo;
  • professional.

- Mister Muscle

Made in the form of gel, granules and foam. This is a very effective drug that eliminates problems for half an hour. In addition, this drug perfectly eliminates unpleasant odors.

The foamy substance is used in prophylactic purposes, and liquid and granular options are the compositions of increased activity.

- Mole

The influence of "clock" is characterized by causticities, because it has sodium hydroxide.

It is allowed for metal-plastic and metal pipe rolling products, which have high resistance indicators.

There are such modifications of this drug:

  • assets;
  • turbo;
  • professional.

The highest indicator of the concentration of caustic ingredients is characterized by drugs of the type "asset" and "professional".

- Potchan

This product represents a line of modern drugs that easily solve the problem of even a very complex blockage in the pipes.

This is an antibacterial chimpeament, easily dissolving layers from food residues, hair, scaly from fish and fat. You can use the tool for any type of pipes.

Not so long ago, the market presented a new proposal to eliminate - a means in the form of a spray.

The principle of their action is as follows: Water is recruited into the sink, a tool is produced from the spray hole to the drain hole. Compressed gas and water create a powerful flow in draining, it breaks through a mud tube.

Standard recommendations for the use of special preparations

Buying a special tool, you need to carefully examine the instructions. First of all, it is necessary to have confidence that this species is suitable for pipes installed in the apartment.

Video - elimination of blockages at home

And the standard requirements for use are:

  • The most important thing is to worry about security. When working with chemicals in the house, ventilation must be improved. To do this, open the window and turn on the exhaust fan.
  • Hands need to be covered with protective gloves, and face is a medical mask.
  • The dose of the drug used cannot be exceeded, its value is indicated in the instructions.
  • The drug in plum is kept throughout the time indicated by the manufacturer. The excess of this time can lead to the damage of pipe rolling materials.
  • After the drug, the system needs to be thoroughly rinsed with a large number of running water.

Remedy for cleaning at home, selected depending on the cause of its formation.

When buying, it is necessary to take into account that chemicals are effective in those situations when clogging appears due to the sediment on the walls of the billets.

And working with these means, it is impossible to forget about security, their improper use can cause serious harm to the health of people.

And if the methods described above do not work, but it is necessary to proceed to the mechanical way of cleaning at home.

Elimination of the problem with the help of a can

Vanatuz is often used to clean the sewer pipes. It is available in almost every farm. Before you begin to work, you need to remove all lattices and filters.

You also need to clog the hole under the crane. If this is not done, then the efficiency of the use of the vehicle will be reduced.

Vatuza is applied to the drain hole through which the flow of water is carried out. Then water is recruited. It must completely cover the rubber part of the tool.

Then we repeated repeatedly on the vehicle, which will eventually create a vacuum that will contribute to the promotion of water.

With the help of water, which moves under the influence of a vacuum, all waste moves along the pipe. Of course, such a cleaning agent is used when clogging is small. If necessary, cleaning sewer pipes using vehicles, can be carried out several times.

Elimination with a special cable

Modern sewer systems are most often mounted from plastic, polyethylene and polypropylene pipes. Due to the fact that their surface is smooth, most often the problem can be eliminated by hot water and vanza. If the first time the cleaner does not help, you need to repeat the procedure.

Before making cleaning in a private house with mechanical devices, you need to try to eliminate its chemistry. If chemicals did not help, then you can try to eliminate it in other ways, such as a hydrodynamic method or using a special metal cable.

Sewer barns are divided into several types:

  • mechanical - arise as a result of hitting a large garbage;
  • technological - appear when wearing pipes or design errors;
  • operational - accumulate in the process of using the pipeline.

If an object that has fallen into the system can be obtained only by a mechanical way, the operational blockage is amenable to the action of special means. Usually it occurs because of the sediment on the walls of the fat, attracting and holding a different small garbage.

Alkaline drugs

Cleaning sewer pipes at home is possible without the use of tools and promotion of fittings. To do this, it is necessary to use one of the chemicals presented in a huge amount. Preparations have a different consistency:

  • powder - dry matter is easily falling asleep inside the pipe;
  • gel - economical and efficient means covering the entire surface of the walls and slowly flowing;
  • liquid - used for complex blockages.

Any chemical agent is aggressively, before using it is worth putting on the gloves and leave the room after applying, so as not to inhale the pairs.

To eliminate traffic jams, acids and alkalis are used, one of these substances is caustic soda used to clean the sewage. It easily corps organic compounds, so it should be treated carefully. The drug can cause a chemical burn. They work with it in gloves and glasses, and the room should be constant access of fresh air. Soda cleansing technology is very simple: two spoons of caustic are falling asleep into the drain and poured a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours the flow is washed with water.

The popular cleaner for the sewer pipes "Mole" is made on the basis of caustic soda. It is used to remove deposits and prevention. Treatment of 1-2 times a month will save pipes from fat and food residues.

Safe alkali falling asleep

Granulated funds

"FLUP" - the drug in the form of granules, produced by two types: for use with cold and hot water. Powder falls asleep into the draining in the recommended amount and poured with water. The time of action is 3-15 minutes, the pipe field is washed with plenty of water. The drug removes lime flask, fibers and food residues.

"Potechan" is a potent preparation that dissolves paper, hair, fat. You can not allow it to hit the skin, clothing and surrounding items. Powder falls asleep in dry drain and after 3 minutes poured with hot water. After another 3 minutes, the pipe is washed with warm water.

Choosing a chemical to clear the blockage in the sewage pipes, recommendations should be taken into account for use for various materials.

Sealing gels

Among gel preparations, Mr. Muskul and Tiret uses popularity. Both means are universal, they can be used for plastic and metal pipelines. Geli is effective with minor stamps and as prevention.

That the bandwidth of pipes decreases consistently, there are several facts:

  • in the kitchen sink or in the bathroom, an unpleasant smell appears;
  • the velocity of water flowing into the hole for its flow is reduced;
  • when it turns on any water source, it is noticeable to raise its level under drainage lattices of the sewer.

These signals indicate that the sewer pipes need clean. It is noted that in the summer-autumn period, the blocks occur much more often. This is due to the fact that at this time the tenants require a significantly greater amount of water. Therefore, the amount of garbage falling into the sewer increases. Experts recommend to be particularly attentive during the billets of dacha products and always have in the house what can be cleaned with pipes.

Very often, when solving the issue, how to clean the sewage system at home are used folk remedies. Before proceeding with the specified work, you need to check all existing plums. It will help you decide, a local zoom occurred or the main riser clogged. After that, you will understand, you need to clean the pipes only in the bathroom or kitchen, or you need to clean the main drain pipe.

The easiest possible in the event of a blockage to use boiling water, it helps to remove fat deposits and often it is quite enough to eliminate the blockage.

Effectively manage to deal with the specified problem of soda and vinegar. In this case, first remove and clean the siphon and if it did not help, approximately 200 grams of ordinary soda fall asleep into the pipe, after which 300-400 grams of vinegar are flooded. As a result of the chemical reaction of these two substances, fatty blockages are effectively removed and the normal outflow of sewage waters is restored. In order for a foam that is formed during the interaction of soda and vinegar, it did not go out, the hole must be closed.

Instead of soda, you can use Alka-Seltzer tablets, 2-3 tablets are thrown into the drain, then a glass of vinegar is poured and a few minutes are washed with water. This method allows you to get rid of not only from the crowding, but also from an unpleasant smell.

Our people are smarter and creative. We will always find a way out of any situation. Folk recipes are good not only in medicine, but also in everyday life. No, tea with lemon and raspberry jam, the cork is not trying, but it is possible to soda and vinegar.

First assistance from blockages - 6 simple ways

It is possible to clean the blockage in your sink in the kitchen, the next simple and absolutely harmless for the pipes (any kind) of actions, and the further reading of the article will not need.

Method 1. Cleaning pipes with boiling water or hot water

Perhaps this is a measure of the very first aid, which is often enough to eliminate blockages.

  1. If steel pipes, we pour about 1 liter boiling water into the drain hole and wait for 20 minutes. To clean the plastic pipes, simply allow hot water from the crane as well as 20 minutes (the water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees). Not too tightly falling cork should merge into the sewer.
  2. Check the result, putting a small flow of water. Did not help? We try another method.

Method 2. How to clear the pipes from the zero to Vatum

  1. Tightly plug in the sink all holes overflow with a wet rag to overlap the passage of air and provide a hydraulic pillar.
  2. We press the vehicle to the drain hole, then dramatically stretch it on yourself. We repeat these actions several times to "reveal" the plug and split it into small parts.
  3. Check the result by releasing a small flow of water.
  4. Let the flow of hot water for a few minutes so that the cork is safely gone into the sewer.


  • If there is no vestion at hand, and the block is not too complicated, then it can be replaced with a glass or a rag. Actions are all the same: we press to the plum - we pull sharply.
  • If you have a two-section washing, then you need to have two vents and use them at the same time. That is, reading the drain in one cup of the sink, you need to close the draining and in the second. This will create a greater suction force. If there is no second vehicle, then close the second drain hole with a damp cloth and press it with your hand.

Method 3. How to clean pipes in the kitchen from fat with soda and salt

Zavor in the sink in the kitchen is often formed due to the abundance of fat frozen in the pipes. In this case, conventional salt and soda can eliminate the problem.

  1. Salt mugs and 1 mug of soda dissolve in a glass of water and pour the resulting mixture into the drain, we are waiting for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Vanatuz (or cloth) act as described above (see method 2 ).
  3. Rinse the pipe with a flux of hot water.

Method 4. Troubleshooting vacquer with vinegar and soda

Another popular way to clean pipes in the kitchen at home - vinegar (9%) and soda. Cooking foam formed as a result of the chemical reaction of these components must be a corner.

  1. In the drain hole, pour 150 grams of soda, and on top of fill the same number of 9% vinegar.
  2. Close the plum of the plug so that the foam does not pass out.
  3. Wait a couple of minutes, then in full strength to allow hot water - it will help push the plug.

Method 5. Troubleshooting ... Alka-Seltzer

If Soda in the house suddenly did not turn out, but there is Alca-Seltzer, he will also be able to clean the moderately scored siphon. By the way, this means there is another bonus - the unpleasant smell of the sink will disappear.

  1. Skip Alka-Zeltser tablets into the drain hole, and then pour 1 cup of 9% vinegar.
  2. After 2 minutes, lower the hot water in full strength to help push the dirt.

Method 6. How to clear the blockage in the pipes with a vacuum cleaner

Do you have a vacuum cleaner with blowing function? Excellent! Wrap the pipe of the vacuum cleaner with a rag so that it is tightly installed in the drain hole. Strong airflow from the vacuum cleaner is stagnant.

Elimination of the folk remedies

Before the start of work, knowing the internal sewage scheme, identify the place of the blockage.

For this, the kitchen and bathing risers are checked, they look, whether the water is leaving in the sink, pay attention to the functioning of the toilet.

If you have discovered a problem in the kitchen or in the bathroom, then chemical preparations, remedies or even hydrodynamic flushing are used for cleaning. Waters or sanitary cable are often used to clean the toilet. That is, you can smash the block in several ways. Distinguish mechanical, chemical and hydraulic solutions.

Industrial chemicals

Chemical method - the use of special compositions to eliminate the blockage. Industry offers sufficient quality drugs. Be sure to carefully read the instructions before use. It should be found out for which pipes the means, in what state the composition is poured into the drain, for what time it is to leave it before washed.

Chemicals are produced in a dry and liquid form. The remedy is poured into the draining for several hours, leaning on a large amount of water. If it is powder, then fall asleep overnight and wash off with water in the morning.

Liquid tools are more convenient to use. The most popular remains a universal means - "Mole":

  1. Shake the contents of the bottle or canister.
  2. Pour into the drain hole of the shell of 200-250 ml of fluid from the bottle, observing precautions.
  3. Leave in this state by 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Rinse the sewer with plenty of water.

Use either alkaline or acidic composition. Mixing them for the simultaneous bay can lead to the destruction of pipes due to the turbulent chemical reaction of substances.

Since drugs relate to potent substances, it is necessary to work with them in gloves, and respirators are recommended to protect the respiratory organs.

The most important reason for the clogging of the sewer system was fatty flight. It appears inside during the washing of dishes. Because of its high viscosity, fat keeps small trash particles, such as hairs, pieces of food, grain, and the like elements.

In order to prevent frequent breakdowns due to fatty plates, it is necessary to install giroslavl. These devices will prevent the occurrence of a blockage, and you will significantly save on the purchase of household chemicals.

These devices consist of special sections that retain fat and trash inside themselves. If the greasel driver is installed, then you will not have a question how to clean the drain system in a private house.

But if the fatty flight still overtakes your sewer, then with a quick response you can still eliminate everything. To do this, dry completely sink with a dry cloth.

Then immediately fill in the drain hole of the kitchen sink of boiling water. If it becomes leaving, then you need to continue the process. After the blockage is eliminated, span the drain pipe with hot water.

So you can read the sewer pipe at home with the help of conventional soda and vinegar. In order to carry out this procedure, you need to follow the phased.

  • Kitchen sink wipe dry.
  • Inside the plum pour one spoonful of soda.
  • Prepare a plug for the shell, or an old rag.
  • Pour the floor of a vinegar mug inside the drain drain.
  • Immediately close the hole of the sink.

Video - Eliminate clogging at home with soda

Thus, it is possible to eliminate the sink zoom or bath at home.

Cleaning blockages by homemade means first after the identification of the problem. It is not difficult to make them yourself.

And the component ingredients for this will be at hand in every home.

Here are some of the ways to eliminate at home.

"Wine vinegar and clean sewage"

  • 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • 1/3 cup of wine vinegar;
  • 200 g salts;
  • 200 g soda.


  • Soda and wine vinegar is stirred in plastic containers.
  • The mixture is falling asleep in the crashing plums, poured steep boiling water and leave it all for half an hour.
  • After this time, water turns on, and the drain hole is washed ten minutes.

"Vinegar and cleaning"

To eliminate you need:

  • 200 g soda;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • 200 g of vinegar.

Process of work.

  • The sink is cleaned of water.
  • Soda falls asleep in the drain and poured with vinegar.
  • To improve the results of the drain, it is recommended to close the tight plug.
  • After 30 minutes, steep boiling water is poured in the drain yield.

These are the simplest recipes for home mixes. You should not expect until the pipes are clogged, they need to be cleaned regularly.

- Mister Muscle

- Potchan

Thermal method
Mechanical method


Causes of panicing of pipes

  1. Soda and salt. In the drain hole, ½ cup of soda solution and half a salt of salt and leaves about 10 hours.
  2. Soda and vinegar. Halfpaths of soda and ½ cup of vinegar Place into the drain hole, close the plug and leave for 2 hours.
  3. Soda and boiling water. One glass of soda Add to 3 glasses of boiling water and put in a drain hole.

The use of soda with vinegar requires caution, since mixing of these substances causes a stormy reaction.

Clean the pipe can be homemade to hand

If you just found that the sewage is bad works, the first thing you can do is to try to clean the pipe on your own. This decision will be correct if the blockage arose as a result of a drain into the tank of the fatty substances. Finding inside the sewage, they form layers on the walls, which prevents the normal flow of water.

What is better to clean the sewer pipes?

The simplest and efficient home product is a bucket of boiled water, which must be poured into the hole of the sink. Most often after performing this operation, it is possible to eliminate the blockage.

However, this method is not always possible to restore the normal sewage operation. In this case, you can contact the safest and simple facility - Vanuzu.

How to clean the sewer pipe in a private house?

Even if you live in a private house and faced the need to clean the sewage, then in this case you should do in the same way as the owners of the urban apartment. However, you will have to spend this operation outside the house, provided that you have a sewage plan. Checking the most likely places of clogging, you can easily find out exactly where the garbage stuck. After that, the listed cleaning methods are beginning to use, which are quite effective for the apartment.

Such a way is simple, but it is a "light artillery", as with serious stamps, he will not be able to cope.

how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sewage

Prevention of sewer pipes

So that the kitchen pipes do not climb as long as possible, it is worth following such recommendations:

  • The sink zoom in the kitchen is a normal and inevitable problem for any home, but it is better to prevent its prevention in a timely manner. After all, the more often we clean the pipes, the faster and easier the blockages are removed, and the pipes and siphon are not wearing. Just take in the habit every week to drink hot water or pour boiling water into the drain of the sinks for 20 minutes or clean the plumbing with a vehicle.
  • Try not to pour into the sink in the kitchen of liquids containing culinary fat, because in the pipes / siphon, it freezes and provokes an increase in deposits on the walls of the water pipe. If nevertheless, this happened, immediately spend preventive measures - let the hot wa / boiling water or pour into the drain soda and salt (see Method 3. ).
  • Of course, all the dishes before washing in the sink should be cleaned of food residues. Most often, the reason for the blockage lies in our laziness 🙂
  • The drain hole must be supplemented with a special grid that protects the pipe from large food particles.

Prevent the problem easier than eliminating it. Preventive measures will allow maintaining the sewer system in good condition, not allowing the appearance of blockages:

To launch the situation to the complete failure of the sewage in no case. In difficult cases, without the appropriate equipment, the task is to clean the pipe with your own impossible. Therefore, the best way out is to make the prevention and know the combined methods to combat the problem of the blockage, using both workflow, and chemicals.

So that the kitchen plumbing has served as long as possible, try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not pour culinary fats in the sink.
  • Be sure to remove large foods from the dishes before washing.
  • Cover the drain hole with a protective mesh.
  • Remove the kitchen sink with hot water or vanatoux weekly.

It is better to carry out regular prevention of blockages than to clean the sewer tubes:

  • twice a month washed with drainage boiling water;
  • do not throw in toilet, washing household, food waste, chemicals;
  • use fat separator.

Both plastic and cast iron pipes in a private house should be periodically ringed with vinegar with soda. Sometimes there is a sufficiently powerful flow of water to support good pipe patency. Industry produces special cleaning products in the form of granules or gel. When processing the sewer system in a private house, the substances are placed in the pipes at a certain time and prevent accumulation of fatty deposits. Treatment with vinegar is made approximately once a week.

Effectively use fat separators in a private house. They are industrial and domestic purposes, are installed under the sink. The device is working in 2 stages:

  1. Fat and dirty water passes through the filter system, gets rid of various garbage.
  2. Water purification from fat, which then falls into the sewer pipes.

Preventive measures will not only increase the service life of the pipeline, but also save time and resources. Often, cleaning can be carried out on your own. In difficult cases, without delay, it is necessary to contact the specialists.

You also need to make the following rule: at least once every 2-3 months, clean the walls of the pipes. It is best to use acid-based liquid agents, as part of which there are caring components. The time of regular cleaning, it is worthwhile to fill a little chlorine-containing substances for disinfection.

Sewerage is an integral and very important part of any modern house of both apartment and private. By virtue of permanent operation in it there is always a risk of blockage.

Of course, the emergence of an unpleasant situation can be prevented, but there are no absolute methods and guarantees. Therefore, it is always important to know how to clean the sewer pipes in a private house and what tools will be required for this.

It is always easier to prevent the problem, but often cheaper than eliminating it, it is understandable to many. And problems with sewage in a private house - no exception. Events for prevention will decrease to a minimum chance of clogging of pipes in their regular and systematic conduct.

A significant problem can often create a search for the place where the trouble occurred. This may be a difficult task for a non-specialist.

Usually the pipes are not clogged immediately, and the debris accumulates gradually. It accumulates in a pipe, having a free water flow. Respectively the main sign of the formation of a blockage is a bad water flow.

Method number 3 - Chemicals

The chemical cleaning method is rather prophylactic or ending after cleaning with another way to secure the result.

Nevertheless, for the safety of health and prevent any damage, a number of rules and precautions must be observed:

  1. Due to the specifics of the composition, various means can damage and communicate themselves. This must be taken into account by selecting the means for a particular type of pipe.
  2. Be sure to comply with the necessary precautions, usually they are written directly on the packaging of chemicals, because many of them may have poisonous evaporation.
  3. Liquidate blockages follows in a well-ventilated room.

When you buy plumbing chemicals in the store, be carefully readily reading the instructions: the dosage of the product is poured into the drain.

Then, through the time specified in the instruction, the drain is washed with a strong flow of water. It can be both cold and warm - depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

In no case cannot be mixed with each other different, since the consequences of this can be completely unpredictable.

Method number 4 - hydrodynamic clearance

If you cannot cope with the blockage of the sewer pipe, it is not possible by any method, it remains to be resorted to the latter, more radical - hydrodynamic. It implies the removal of water with a stream of water under greater pressure.

If all the tools are triggering, but there is no result, it remains to be resorted to the hydrodynamic clearance of the closed pipes. Only worth it in mind that this procedure is not cheap, and only specialists can perform it

Prevention and fault prevention

Currently, there are many diverse methods for effective combating trash corks. But it is more important not to launch the situation and do not bring the sewage to the state of the blockage.

Any technical equipment and any communications need care and timely prevention, sewer pipes are no exception.

Enough to follow the usual and affordable, but efficient rules:

  1. Do not discard substances in the sewer, which are poorly dissolved. The place in the trash can, but not in the pipes.
  2. When installing sewage pipes, it is necessary to make them under little, and you should also avoid large corners, as blockages can be collected.
  3. At least once a week, and it is better more often, you need to wash the sewer plums with boiling water for several minutes.
  4. In the plums it is necessary to install special lattices that will not allow the garbage to get into the pipeline and score it. It is easier to clean the grille itself than pulling out waste from the pipe.
  5. Never leave in the immediate vicinity of plum small items, as well as packages or rags - they can easily be in the pipe and provide you with serious problems.

When carrying out repair or construction work in the house, pay double attention to drainage.

It is necessary to regularly clean the walls of the pipes from the layer of fat and other dirt accumulated in them. It is important to track very carefully so that there are no foreign objects and household garbage. For example, cleaning vegetables, plastic bags, fabric

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

On how to use a plumbing cable to learn from the following video:

Compliance with non-good rules and precautionary measures will reduce to a minimum risk of breaking in your sewer system, its wear, damage to chemicals, and in general will allow to extend its service life.

Preventing breakdowns and avoiding labor-intensive operations to eliminate them, it is possible to save not only a lot of time, but also means.

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The sewage system zoom is one of the most significant troubles that are threatened by residents of private houses.

I humanly envy people who have never come across a sewer tube. Pleasant little, first do not understand what is happening, why is the water in the sink still costs? Then comes, something went wrong. And it turns out that the sewage is scored, but where and what - it is necessary to clarify. And then eliminate the blockage.

Under the sewage system, they understand the pipeline coming from the water receivers to the drive (the septo, septic). To eliminate the blockage, you can use in several ways. Make it is not very difficult. But it is still better to prevent a blockage than then to fight him.

Special plugs having a built-in filter help to fight. This option is relevant for households with fully equipped drainage. Such tubes are installed in water removal. The purpose of the plug data setting is to prevent the particles in the sewer system capable of calling a blockage. Such particles include residues of food, hair, animal wool. If there is no possibility to put such traffic jams, then sooner or later, homeowners face clouds. In this case, the question arises: how to clean the sewage in a private house?

How to find sewer pipes

In order to understand exactly where the trouble happened, it is necessary alternately, each plumbing device is filled with water and start dragging water. The best option if the zoom is found in a particular instrument. Then through an audit-cleaner installed at his siphon, and these cleanings are recommended to put in each instrument necessarily,
You can eliminate the sewer pipes.

But if each device weakly releases the drains into the sewage system, it means that the problem is systemic and is general.

Ways removal methods

The easiest way is to take advantage of special cleaning agents, ranging from calcined soda and a large amount of warm water, ending with various new-water means. If such actions did not bring the result, proceed to the mechanical method.

First, do not be upset. Even timely installations of plugs with filters is not a complete guarantee to prevent blockage. After all, these devices detains the garbage, but fat substances falling into the drains of the dishes are deposited on the pipes, creating a film first, and then as the lumen is suggested - the present obstacle. In a small hole in a tube of fat, even ordinary gray stocks can be held with a proper speed. And the slightest mud will lead to the complete overlap of the lumen in the pipe.

The most common cause of the appearance of the blocks are particles of the products of people's life activity, but also hitting the sewage system of large items is also often found.

Eliminate the valve in the following ways:

  • a chemical method using funds containing caustic natter;
  • mechanically using special tools;
  • hydrodynamic method using water, which is fed under high pressure.

The main stages of troubleshooting

At the preliminary stage, it is necessary to disassemble the siphons. They are mounted in a pipe under the sink. All siphons are removed at once: and the one that is in the kitchen, and the one in the bathroom. It is necessary to disassemble and siphon, located under the bathroom or shower. Siphons are installed under all water receivers to eliminate sinks from the sewer system to the room. The siphon form contributes to the fact that mud deposits accumulate in it. After dismantling the siphon was washed, after cleaning it put on the previous place.

Next, you can try to use the possibility of self-cleaning. It will work in the event that fat deposits became the cause of the interface. For such a method, hot water will be needed. It is advisable to take advantage of the bucket of newly boiled water, it will pass into the waste system, dissolve fat and, accordingly, push all the clusters that impede normal flow. Most often such actions are enough to return the full functioning of the sewer system.

This method can be used both in an urban apartment and a private house. The tenants of private households canalization clearing capabilities. If the sewer system is known, you can accurately set the place of the bed. All other possibilities for cleaning the effluents are similar to those apply in apartments.

Chemical cleaning of sewer pipes

There are many means of cleaning the sewage blocks, in stores the shelves from them begged. But at hand there is no less effective tool - food soda. Dissolve it in hot water, in the proportion of 1 of the water for 3 liters, and fill in the siphons of all devices connected to the closed sewage.

Cleaning pipes with vinegar and soda

A solution of soda with water, degenerates organic substances very well. Hair, residues of food, fabrics, all that random could get into the system of sewage pipes.

The compound of soda and vinegar gives a good result when dealing with clouds. To achieve the desired one, you must first fall asleep in the soda soda in the amount of ½ cup, and then pour vinegar there. Immediately after that, you need to shut the hole and leave everything for 2 hours. After this time, there are 4 - 5 liters of boiling water. This will eliminate the precipitate formed from soda, protrudes the particles that caused a blockage. If the block is small, and there is no punching chemistry at home, it will be the only one available option.

Then type water into all the instruments and simultaneously make them drain. If the cause really was a body, then it damaged by soda, under pressure should go into
The main riser and sewage is cleaned.

If nothing came out, and the blockage still prevents the full flow, it is necessary to resort to another way.

Cleaning in a chemical method

Special chemical preparations allow you to quickly cope with the clouds. They are sold in a wide range in stores. They can be in different shape: in liquid, granular, gel, powder-shaped. The overall property of these substances is the presence of such a component as a caustic nat. There is a separate article about. All these funds can split fats, small parts of the garbage of organic origin.

These chemical preparations contribute to the rapid troubleshooting. Their action is based on the ability to spread through pipes, enveloping all surfaces, splitting the organic. Therefore, it is more expedient to use liquid and gelling agents. Bulk substances fall into a certain zone and can destroy the blockage and fat plaques are only partially. When buying such a fund, you should not pay close attention to the manufacturer. After all, the caustic Natra is produced in all countries using the same technologies. And its number in different means is the same. The price here is also not a significant indicator. This is only the desire of the client: overpay or not overpay for the brand. But to pay attention to the consistency of the substance must necessarily. After all, liquid preparations are more efficient.

Before applying the chemical method, it is necessary to take into account that not all pipes can withstand such contact with the chemical. For plastic pipes and metal pipes, various types of drugs have been developed. Caucasian natra is a dangerous substance. It can not only destroy the pipe, but also harm human health. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful, comply with security measures.

Among the fixed assets of security can be noted as follows:

  • use gloves to prevent chemical burns;
  • use the respirator to protect the respiratory system from negative impact.

Video Cleaning Sewer House

Chemicals are used in two cases: when there is a blockage and for prevention. If you use special needs once every 7 - 10 days, you can completely avoid the occurrence of blockages. After all, fats will not be able to postpone on the inner surface of the pipes, it means that the trash particles will not be delayed when moving through pipes.

Cleaning vests

How to clear the sewer mechanically, we know, almost from childhood. For this, we have an uncomplicated device - Vanutuz. He creates a kind of vacuum like. Let's go through all drains of devices and vigorously pump pressure. If the blockage accumulated for a long time, gradually bored, then the data of manipulation should bring the fruits.

Most often, when dealing with clouds in the sewage system, private houses use a mechanical method based on the use of cable and vanza. This method has been used for many years, but it is still considered very effective and reliable. Before starting work, you need to remove dampers, filters. After that, you can proceed to work.

The main stages of sewer cleaning mechanically way:

  1. Vanatuz put on a drain hole to exclude air entering.
  2. Water is gaining into the sink, it must hide the cup of the Vanza.
  3. Vanutuz should stand so that the water does not seek under it. If water leaves, it is necessary to shift the vetuz, having achieved good contact with the surface of the sink.
  4. Next, vertical shocks are performed, a little shifting the tube handle to the side. Total should be made at least 10 jogs. Then you need to drastically pull the Vantuz and see if water quickly began to leave. If she rushed with noise through a pipe, then everything is fine, cleaning is over.

However, there are spontaneous breaks. You can accidentally wash off a rag with dirty water. It is rapidly washed into the toilet to the toilet residues of food. Then Vantuz can save.

If it was not immediately possible to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to repeat the attempt, but if multiple repetition does not give results. We must turn to another method.

Purchase of sanitary cable

If it was not possible to achieve results without cardinal intervention, refer to ropes, loops, spirals and other special needs for cleaning sewer pipes. This tool will remove everything that accumulated in the pipe. This is achieved by pushing further on the pipe accumulated dirt, allowing water to be freely merged. Regardless of the type of tool, its main function is always the same - to destroy the resulting blockage. To buy such a device can each. All these tools are distinguished by a moderate price.

The price in this case is also not the criterion of the quality of the tool. If you need to save, you can safely acquire the cheapest device and successfully use them for many years. Hooks are slightly different from other tools. They are needed when extracting a large item stuck in the waste system. Spirals and cables, on the contrary, take to push the trash further. While using such devices, rotational movements are produced clockwise, contributing to the wint of garbage particles per cable.

Next, the wire is removed, and the garbage particles go out of the pipe after it. The tension of the cable and progressive movements destroy the mud accumulations directly in the pipe, then the garbage is not extracted outward, and leaves further along the pipe. There may be different types with manifold nozzles. Before entering out independent use of drain, it is necessary to prepare. First, put on work clothes, so as not to get upset because of a spray of dirty water. Secondly, to unzip the oil in the place of work to exclude the dirt hitting the floor.

Hydrodynamic clearance

This type of cleaning, on the household level, began to be applied relatively recently. Previously, the hydrodynamic machines were huge water carriers, with a compressor instead of the trailer. They were exploited exclusively at industrial enterprises and large construction sites, where before commissioning the object, the finishers managed to score with their solution the entire sewage system.

Now hydrodynamic clearance is available to everyone. The compact version fits in the trunk of a passenger car.

The principle of cleaning in this way is as follows. The compressor submits to high pressure water hose (about 150 atmospheres). At the end of the hose fasten a special punching nozzle. In the nozzle, the holes are done, torn out of them, the jets are twisted into the spirals and envelop the walls of the pipe. These jets nozzle not only cleans
Pipe walls, but also repelled from them, and begins to move forward.

Considering which pressure is created in the pipe, any types of blockages are guaranteed to be eliminated. And the pipes receive a new life, because their walls are perfectly cleaned by clogs.

Video - How to clean the sewer?

Tip! With strong clouds, it is better to use a hydrodynamic method. In contrast to the cable, it does not destroy the pipeline elements. After all, the hose with water is deprived of sharp fragments that can damage the knee.

If there is no special installation, you can use the hose and garden pump. The hose is connected to the pump and the other end is lowered into the sewer pipe. A severe water jet will destroy the plug, relieve the obstacle to the passage of wastewater. To improve the result, you can take advantage of chemicalship containing caustic nat. And then clean the flow of a strong jet.

Tip! Autonomous sewer is better as a mechanical method, avoiding caustic soda.

The first two ways will not require interventions of unauthorized persons, you will quite cope with yourself. But and the hydrodynamic way can be cleared of a blockage itself! If you plan the acquisition of a compact car wash, almost all manufacturers offer to it, a set of nozzles for cleaning the sewage system. And help yourself, and help your neighbors.

Some people seeking to relax from the city bustle, spend their free time in the country, or they are moving around at all. Having used to civilized amenities in the house, not in the courtyard, often arrange autonomous sewage systems, however, cleaning sewer pipes, as in the apartment, in a private house will not be avoided, even if we care about sewage.

Are there any differences in technology

Methods of cleaning the system in the apartment and the house are practically no different. But the presence of a sewage plan in a private house will allow cleaning the pipes beyond.

In most private houses, an autonomous sewer system is installed, which involves the presence in one section of the container for waste and pipes with fittings. Waste container can be represented by a cesspool or septic. Sewage of this kind is ideal for houses that are removed from central communications. For the efficient operation of the cesspool, pipes with a large diameter and characteristic parameters are suitable. It is this feature that distinguishes sewer systems for private and high-rise buildings.

Any plumbing is distinguished by the ability to clog not in time. The presence of a blockage is determined by such signs:

  1. Unpleasant sewage smell from holes in the sink.
  2. Reducing the water flow rate.
  3. Water in the sink or bath does not leave.
  4. Water in the toilet rises above the usual level.

Depending on the cause, choose the most suitable method for cleaning. To the main reasons of clogging include:

  • Finding into a large item pipe. In the house where small children live, such a situation can be observed quite often.
  • The deposits of solid precipitation on the walls of pipes formed due to inorganic and organic waste of human life.
  • Fat particles hit. These particles form a sticky film, which, according to experts, is considered the most dangerous cause of blockages . It contributes to a decrease in the bandwidth of the plumbing, gradually accumulating and causing clogging. As a result, an unpleasant smell appears, which will disappear only after cleaning. Such congestion occurs due to constant sling of broth when washing dishes. Such clogging is dangerous for communications from metal.
  • Ingress into the drain of soap. Lamb arises due to washing dishes in the kitchen and hands in the bathroom. Soap, falling into the sewer, mixed with other contaminants and settles on the walls of the pipes, and then freezes. Get rid of such a jam is quite difficult.
  • Hair in plum. Constructed hair form a jam, remove which is possible only with a chemical or mechanical way.
  • Errors in the design and installation of the sewer system. Cleaning will be only a temporary measure.
  • The composition of the water. With rigid water, salt sediments are postponed.
  • Human stupidity. Disposal of dried fruits from a compote to the toilet is the most common mistake that a woman and a child, and a teenager can accomplish.
  • Even toilet paper, softened by water, is able to form a blockage.

Cleaning methods: household and professional

The main methods of sewage cleaning in a private house include:

  1. Master call. This method is the easiest, but too high the cost of such services will convince any man to deal with stamps on their own.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Hydrodynamic.
  4. Chemical.
  5. Wash boiling water.
  6. Cleaning with screwdrivers.

The effectiveness of the sewage cleansing method depends on the degree of blockages. It is not necessary to despair if the effect is not observed immediately, possibly, when choosing another way, the result will not make himself wait.

Flushing boiling water

With the help of boiling water, it is possible to eliminate blockages caused by the fall in the pipes. Previously, before the start of the procedure, it is necessary to determine the type of blockage. At the location of localization, shared or local is distinguished. With general clogging, you will have to fully clean the entire sewer system. With local storage, it is enough to clean the exceptionally problematic pipe. When determining the type of blockage should be pushed over the pipes throughout the house and conclude.

In the clogged pipe, pour boiling water (approximate amount of water - 6 liters), then check the drain. If the water began to leave, the problem of clogging sewage is solved. However, in this way it is impossible to cope with a more complex problem. It is strictly forbidden to clean the toilet with boiling water, otherwise it is possible to damage it.

Each hostess in the kitchen has soda, vinegar and citric acid.

The process of preparing the cleansing solution is as follows:

  • Full cabinet of soda and a similar amount of vinegar are poured into the pipe.
  • Close the hole of the plum of the plug for two hours.
  • Pour several liters of boiling water.
  • Check the condition of the drain.

When cleaning the sewage, a combination of citric acid and boiling water or a pack of food salt and hot water, as well as packs of salt and vinegar bottles are allowed. Lemonic acid can cope with fat particles not worse than soda.

Video: Cleaning pipes of calcined soda

This method is quite original and unusual. To perform this action, a vacuum cleaner is required, which has the possibility of reverse blower air.

To clean the pipes in this way it is necessary:

  1. Wooden handle with a vanza.
  2. Cut in a bowl a hole compatible with the vacuum cleaner hose.
  3. Using metal clamps to strengthen the hole.
  4. Connect the vacuum cleaner hose to the hole.
  5. To the hole of the clogged tube to press the rubber part of the vehicle.
  6. Turn on the electrical appliance for the maximum power.
  7. Check the condition of the pipes.

With a mechanical method of cleaning the sewage, special devices are used, such as cables, ventilation, spirals, boos, loops, hoses. It is advisable to use this method if the subject is stuck in the system. Getting started to clean the sewage, you should be prestable with gloves, cloth, water bucket and special. Place of work is desirable to be applied to the loaf.

The advantage in the use of the cable is a good swaying ability of the subject, but this method is quite laborious. Plumbing cables differ in such parameters as the design, length and diameter.

Using the cable, it is necessary:

  • Disconnect the sewer tube before the location of the ground.
  • Enter the cable into a hole for a drain.
  • Rotate fixture clock or counterclockwise.
  • In the event of difficulties in rotation, push the cable forward and backward.
  • Continue the above actions, even if the plug is broken.
  • Turn on the water and rinse the remains of the block.
  • Pull the cable and rinse the pipes.

Cables are separated for purpose - for bath / washbasin and toilet bowl. It is more expedient to purchase a toilet cable, because it has a handle.

A special cleaning machine, which is intended to clean sewer pipes in automatic mode can be a worthy replacement of the cable. But this technique is mainly used on an industrial scale.

The easiest household cleaning of the sewer system is the use of vanza.

The technology of this method is as follows:

  • If there is a plug with a filter, then it should be removed from the drain hole.
  • The cup of vanza is lubricated with vaseline or fat.
  • Fill the sink or bath in such a way that the bowl is covered with water at diving.
  • Enter Vanutuz to the water at an angle.
  • Close the drain hole with a vacuum.
  • Make 10-20 shoes up-down, holding in a vertical position of the vetuz, following the water that water does not flow under the tub.
  • Quickly remove the device from the water.
  • If the water began to quickly go into the drain hole, it means that cleaning has passed successfully, if not, repeat the procedure several times.

Application of chemicals

This method involves the use of chemicals when cleaning sewage. These funds include: "Mole", "Mr. Muskul", "Domasetos", "Steril", "Tiret Professional" and others. There is some assortment in any economic store. When choosing, it should be noted that the main component of these funds is a caustic soda, it eliminates the cause of the crowding, driving it.

Carefully consider the instructions on the packaging of the goods, in which it is indicated for which pipes this means is intended. The process of cleaning consists of such steps:

  1. Preparatory - the required substance is selected and the instruction is studied.
  2. Cleaning sewage - At this stage, the means is poured into the hole for the drain and the chemical reaction is expected during a certain period of time.
  3. Final - the pipe is washed with running water. Water should be a lot.

Do not forget about safety rules:

  • Observe the instructions for the use of chemicals and proportions, otherwise there is a possibility of damage to the sewer pipes.
  • When working, wear rubber gloves.
  • Avoid getting substances in the eyes, skin and clothing.
  • Carry the room.

Video: About the composition of chemicals to clean sewage

Hydrodynamic cleaning

The hydrodynamic purification method involves washing the pipes with water, which is fed under high pressure. To increase water pressure in the hose, electric or gasoline-operating equipment is used.

At the same time adhere to such a sequence:

  1. Enter hose to the pipe and attach to the installation.
  2. Include water and compressor.

A jet, being under great pressure, push the blockage to the exit. If there is no such device, you can use the usual wrapping hose. By inserting it into the sewer and opening the water until it stops, the hose to the garden pump should be attached and perform similar actions.

Thus, choosing any of the sewage cleaning methods, it is necessary to prepare in advance and acquire all the necessary materials in order to eliminate the blockages not to become a global problem. You can face the problem of blockages less often if you fulfill preventive measures.