In a dream, set the table while waiting for guests. The meaning of sleep in different nations

If you look deep into Russian history, you can discover the amazing attitude of people to the table with food.

In the dream book there are many interpretations about what the table is dreaming of.

Popular predictions

In Russia, food was considered not only a way to saturate the body, but also as a holy communion. It was forbidden to knock on the table with his fist and even smash the shell of boiled eggs on it. Swearing at a meal was also considered a taboo for Russian people. From this it becomes more or less clear what the table is dreaming of: of course, for good. To dream of a table festively decorated and made with all kinds of dishes for the guests to come means happy changes in the dreamer's life.

  • Flowers stand on a laid table - a happy family life awaits you ahead;
  • The table is set without a tablecloth - the wealth that will soon come to your home will exceed all your expectations;
  • Guests are sitting at the table - restoring broken relationships. Also, a dream promises the emergence of new friends in life, with whom you will find many interesting topics for conversation.

This sign also predicts happiness and harmony in the house. The process of setting the table also does not bode well. On the contrary, in this case, the dreamer should wait for guests to visit or is preparing for someone to invite him to his house. This vision, according to some dream books, may indicate an early purchase of real estate in reality. If in a dream you see that some unfamiliar persons participate in preparing the table for the arrival of guests, do not be afraid: they are not the harbingers of negativity. Most likely, such a dream portends that all spheres of the dreamer's life are so well organized that everything goes according to plan and develops exceptionally well.

It is very important to recall the material from which the table was made in order to find the correct interpretation of sleep. Marble or wood furniture is a symbol of a valuable gift or financial stability, and plastic is a precarious situation. If the table set in your dream suddenly suddenly disappeared somewhere, then there are reasons for concern. It is possible that you are afraid that someone will violate the way your family lives and part with you or your business competitors will take a solid profit from under your nose.

Laid table in author's dream books

Each interpreter in his own way interprets what the table is covered in and the details that accompany this vision. For example, the dream book of Grishina considers this sign as a home and the joys of family life. If the table in the dream was round, then soon you will be able to make peace with relatives.

To lay the table - the implementation of plans, and put on it a vase of flowers - a happy marriage with your loved one. But Hasse's dream book explains why the table is dreaming from a different perspective:

  • Seeing the table - gaining new knowledge in reality;
  • Set the table - the acquisition of new property;
  • To clean the plates from the table is a possible failure of a profitable deal;
  • Sitting at the table is a pleasant leisure in good company;
  • An empty table is a sign of the dreamer's financial situation.

Esoteric dream book notes that the table, which is bursting with delicacies and food, indicates the sleeping tendency to gastronomic excesses. And if the table has not been cleaned after the meal - this is a sign of unsettled waking life. To set the table for dinner means nothing more than meeting guests in your home.

Miller's Dream Table

In this interpreter, the table set for the meal symbolizes pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances for making plans in the dreamer's real life. Below are a few more interpretations from this source:

  • See empty tables - beware of conflicts and quarrels with loved ones;
  • Eating at a table without a tablecloth is an independent position, thanks to which the prosperity of others will not be a grief for you;
  • Broken table - joyless changes, decline;
  • Money is on the table - you will be able to safely get out of a confused situation;
  • A torn tablecloth on the table is a harbinger of great quarrels and scandals in the family;
  • The table moves in a strange way in a dream - you will have to experience deep dissatisfaction with your own life.

Find out more

If you dig deeper into the history of Russia, you will discover a completely amazing, respectful attitude of the ancestors to the table with dishes. Food was treated not just as a necessary physical satiety, but as a holy communion. Even once having sat at the master table and tasted the food of a welcoming home, the guest could not harm him.

What if the dream table is set?

Everyone has heard such expressions as “the table is the throne” or “the table is the palm of God.” It was forbidden not only to punch the table with his fist, but also to break boiled eggs on him or curse during a dinner meal. After that, it becomes clear what the table is about. Of course, only to good. Especially if he is abundantly laden with all kinds of dishes that personify God's grace.

Seeing in a dream a dining table festively decorated and prepared for the arrival of guests, one should expect happy changes in life. This is a sign that the house, as they say, will be a full bowl. The table setting process does not bode well. It is believed that someone will invite guests or you need to expect guests who are always in joy.

It is possible that it is necessary to make a successful purchase in the house. If the sensations from what they saw indicate that the table is set for the arrival of relatives, then relatives will soon need support and care. This also proves that loved ones appreciate and love.

Strangers participating in the preparation of the festive table also do not bear anything negative. Most likely, they managed to organize their career, family or business sphere in such a way that everything that was planned goes according to plan and is developing quite successfully. It remains only to observe the action from the side.

A table on which flowers also found a place promises a happy family life. A fresh tablecloth is always prepared for the guests of honor, but if in a dream the table is laid without a tablecloth, it does not matter either. This means that the prosperity in the house will soon exceed all expectations, and you can stop adhering to any accepted conventions in real life, look back at the prosperity of neighbors, or worry about what people will say.

What portends?

The table is also a symbolic sign of successful negotiations, friendships. The laid table and a pleasant company behind it - the restoration of broken ties, if they had a place to be, new interesting ideas that are sure to come true. Many guests at the table to the fact that soon there will be many friends with whom there will be something to talk about.

The quality of the material the table is made of is also of importance. Marble or natural wood - to a valuable gift, to prosperity, financial stability, and from plastic - to the precariousness of the situation, although it is generously covered.

Relate the dream to well-being at work or at home, sometimes depending on the location of the piece of furniture. Whether he is in his native apartment or in his office.

It is bad if the set table with many dishes has suddenly disappeared and cannot be found. So, there are reasons for concern, so that no one breaks the established family life and doesn’t take the other half away. Or maybe business competitors will stumble on the long-awaited profit.

Not everything is so simple and rosy in the French dream book, where a table with refreshments threatens with troubles and loss of honor and dignity. However, do not refer to France when Russia is full of such wonderful associations associated with a feast.

What does the table dream about:

Ukrainian dream book

To see a table in a dream means:

Miller's Dream Book

A dream with a table in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

If you see a table set for dinner in a dream, it means that soon you will meet pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances.
If you see empty tables in a dream - beware of quarrels and disagreements.
If you remove from the table in a dream - it promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference.
Eating in a dream at a table without a tablecloth means that soon you will reach such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all.
If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way - it means that soon you will experience a deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes.
Torn tablecloth on the table portends a quarrel in the family.
A broken table means decline, change for the worse.
Hearing a tapping on a table in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will change your attitude towards friends and your fate will be in jeopardy.
This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you neglect relatives and friends.
If in a dream you sit down at your desk - this warns you and encourages caution.
The money lying on your table portends that you will happily get out of difficulties.

Old Russian dream book

Sleeping with a table means:

Miller's Dream Book

Sleep table value:

To see a table set for dinner is pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances;
empty tables - beware of quarrels and disagreements;
to remove from the table - peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference;
eat at the table without a tablecloth - soon you will reach such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all;
the table moves in some mysterious way - soon you will experience a deep dissatisfaction with your life and will seek changes;
torn tablecloth on the table - quarrels in the family;
a broken table - decline, change for the worse;
to hear tapping on the table - soon you will change your attitude towards friends and your fate will be in jeopardy, a warning that you will lose a lot if you neglect relatives and friends;
sitting down at your desk warns you and encourages discretion;
money lying on your table - you will happily get out of difficulties.
Also see Dine, Knock, Money, Cutlery.

Slavic dream book

What does it mean if you dream about a table:

Dream Interpretation Hasse

What the table may dream about:

Dream Book of Azar

A table in a dream means:

Dream Book of Zhou-Gong

If you dream about a table, then this means:

Esoteric dream book

Solid, strong - to prosperity, confidence in life. Flimsy, plastic - uncertainty, instability in financial position. Full of food, treats - a sign of gluttony. If you are not a foodie, then you are fond of bodily food. With leftover food, untidy - to troubles in the domestic sphere. Cover, arrange dishes - to guests.

Small dream book

To lay the table in a dream means that you are destined for a happy union. To remove from the table is a sign that current joys will soon be replaced by troubles. Dreaming of empty tables predicts poverty. If you dream that you are having dinner at a table on which there is no tablecloth, then you are an independent and independent person. Seeing a stained tablecloth on the table means disobedience to children or subordinates. If you dreamed that the table was moving strangely, then be prepared for the fact that your attitude to life will be characterized by dissatisfaction and you will sharply feel the need for change. A broken table is a symbol of failure. If you dreamed about any of your acquaintances sitting at the table, then you should beware of this person, as he can do anything to achieve his goals. The dream in which you sit at the desk means unforeseen difficulties. Seeing money on a table in a dream is a sign that you can find a way out of the impasse.

Table in a dream from Dream interpretation for women

To lay the table in a dream - to the guests. If such a dream occurred from Friday to Saturday, it means that soon you will have an addition to the family.

If you broke a leg of a table in a dream from Thursday to Friday, dramatic changes will occur in your life in the near future, but if you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, it portends dismissal from work.

If you dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday or Sunday to Monday that you were selling your dining table, then soon you will have a new family.

Pouring some kind of liquid on the table is a dubious success, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, your chances are significantly increased.

Table in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetically

To set the table for the reception of guests portends big acquisitions, big expenses. A rich table with many refreshments and drinks portends a carefree pastime in the circle of close relatives or friends. An empty table is a sign of disagreement between spouses.

Piles of dirty dishes with scraps on the table - you will lose a good chance to make good money. A table littered with various books and papers in a mess of work portends a lack of time for urgent work.

The old knee-high table portends quarrels in the family, the new polished table - in reality you will not be satisfied with your situation, the coffee table - for loss and sadness, the writing table - success in rivalry, the marble table - for an expensive gift, the billiard table - discord among friends.

Table in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The dream in which you see the table is very favorable, but only if there is something on the table.

An ordinary wooden unpainted table, not covered with a tablecloth or oilcloth, on which there is nothing, - such a dream promises loss, possibly even the death of a loved one.

If you had such a dream, imagine that you are setting the table with a beautiful tablecloth.

If there is empty tableware on an empty table, all your affairs will advance, but they will not bring profit. If the dishes were also dirty, this means a lot of unpleasant chores that will not pay off, but will require all the efforts of you.

Imagine that you quickly washed all the dishes and filled them with delicious dishes.

If empty dishes are standing on a table covered with a tablecloth or oilcloth, your business will be successful, but do not expect large financial profits. If you see a table served by beautiful china (in which there is nothing yet), then you have to get acquainted with a whole company of serious and influential people. Some of them will make good friends.

To see a table set for a feast, laden with food and drinks - to the great wealth, well-being and prosperity of your entire family. If you are sitting at a table in the company of relatives and friends, the beneficial effect of sleep will affect not only you, but also your entire environment.

Imagine that you cover a table with a snow-white tablecloth and put there a variety of eaten, bread, wine and ripe fruits. You invite all your relatives and friends to the table and begin to feast.

Table in a dream from 20th Century Dream Interpretation

This is a symbolic reflection of your current plans.

Appearance and decoration of the table: show the state of your affairs and what are your immediate prospects.

A richly decorated table with many dishes: a sign of success.

If, looking at this table, you do not feel hungry excitement, but feel pleasant satisfaction: this dream says that some of your plans can turn out to be very successful and promising.

An empty or sparse dining table seen in a dream: tells you that you risk taking up unpromising things. After such a dream, it does not bother you to reconsider your current plans.

Work desk or desk: portends some of the problems that you have to solve.

Desktop clutter: A sign that you are confused about a problem.

Coffee table or bedside table in a dream: symbolizes minor ventures or small entertainments.

If in your dream you are trying to conduct any business at such a table: this is a hint that in reality you either overestimate their importance or approach the business without due thoroughness.

Broken table in a dream: warns that some kind of conflict or mistake can jeopardize your well-being.

On such days, you better avoid any clashes with others and conduct your affairs with great care.

Table in a dream from Dream Interpretation Rommel

Spreading the dining table - to increase the family.

Cover the table with a tablecloth, put dishes and food, sit down at a richly laid table - fortunately in your personal life, well-being in the family or for the wedding.

Empty table - to contention in the house.

Broken or staggering - to the threat of family peace, illness.

To remove from the table - to a change in life for the worse.

Table in a dream from Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dreamed that you were setting the table, then soon you will be invited to the party. Sprinkle all the tables in the house with salt, pepper and ground coffee and the invitation does not have to wait long.

If you dreamed that you were cleaning the pillar, then someone would betray you soon. To prevent this from happening, do not eat at the table for a week (try to eat while standing, lying on the sofa, etc.).

Table in a dream from Astrological dream book

The table itself is the foundation of family life. On the table put refreshments, holiday cakes and everyday dinners, letters are written at the table and conversations are conducted. It is not in vain that the kitchen, in which the most important table stands, is rightfully considered the heart of the house. Psychoanalysts compare the table with the home altar, the mystical center of the family.

What is located on the table shows the level of well-being, attitude to the present and prospects for the near future. In a dream, the table shows your attitude to family, income, food. For example, flowers mean hope for the best. Beautiful and tasty food - cheerfulness and pleasure. Forgotten salt shaker, dirt, uncleaned crumbs, dirty dishes - the most sad and gloomy prospects for the future. Consider why the dream table is dreaming.

Key Values

  • I dreamed of sitting at a table with friends - to peace and the restoration of friendship.
  • A lot of various festive food - there will be an occasion to celebrate a pleasant, significant event.
  • The most favorable table in dreams is massive, sturdy, wooden, absolutely reliable and stable. Such a dream means that you have someone to count on in good days and in difficult times. A tablecloth, a vase of flowers give out homesickness. Arranged cutlery - to the news, not always pleasant. But if the table is fried meat, a bowl of fruit - expect good news. Salads in bowls and vases on the table - an invasion of relatives is coming.
  • Try to remember if there are any signs of the holidays - Christmas tree and pine branches, flower wreaths, colored eggs. If there is, it means that you remember a holiday and a significant event. Cake usually means a birthday, hustle, bustle, a crowd of restless children. It is possible you miss the boring family celebrations in your home circle. To dispel melancholy, it is enough to visit some family holiday and get a good bored at the common table.
  • If there is no tablecloth, the table is simple, cheap, with a plastic coating - perhaps to annoying poverty and the desire to change the situation.
  • Poor food means a protracted period of poverty from which you cannot see the way out.
  • A garden table laden with seedlings - you love gardening and think about plans for the next season. Perhaps you are planning a new technique or want to try new varieties of plants.
  • A table for little things in the hallway - you forgot something.
  • Coffee table - boredom, deferred business, perhaps a little affair.
  • Bedside table - you take care of your appearance.
  • An empty table, falling apart, broken - family troubles, problems with friends.
  • If you are sitting in a place of honor, you are positioning yourself as a master, a chapter. Fuss behind the backs of those sitting - you like to think that everything depends on you. Did not find your place, observe from the side - feel like a stranger.
  • The shape of the table in a dream matters. Round shape - you dream of friendship and peace in the house. The rectangular shape speaks of practicality. The presence of drawers for appliances or for other purposes indicates the possible presence of secrets. Additional shelves give out impracticality. It is assumed that the opposite, but usually on additional shelves, as in the pantry, unnecessary trash accumulates. Folding planes, which are extremely rare, give out optimism of the owners and the general lack of thought at home. The glass surfaces of the countertops give the overall coolness of the home atmosphere.
  • The condition of the table itself shows how carefully people living in the house treat their family. Crumbs and dirt give out negligence and licentiousness. Militant purity - secrecy and greed.
  • If you go to the set table, and he runs away, moves away from you - this means the greed of the owners of the house, which will be punished by poverty.

Interpretation of authority

  • The English dream book assures that a dream desk with drawers means curiosity and the desire to learn other people's secrets. Maybe you are worried about keeping your own secrets. In this case, keeping documents in sight or in places where anyone can get free access is not too reasonable.
  • The female dream book says that the table, especially well-cleaned, dreams of an important event. White tablecloths - for the wedding. Flowers embroidered on a tablecloth - for the birth of a child, christening. Maybe the color of the jewelry will be able to guess the gender of the child. Roses or peonies - a girl. Cornflowers, irises - a boy.
  • Dream interpretation Hasse promises a long and not too pleasant journey, if in a dream you saw an empty table with a plastic cover.
  • The dream book of Veles claims that the table dreams to joy. If the legs of the table are thick and strong - you are happy with life, everything goes well. Thin and unreliable legs - to troubles and problems.
  • Freud's dream book says that the table shows your attitude to family life in general. If you dream of a beautiful covered table with flowers, you hope for the best and dream of a good family, a cozy house in which you will be well and comfortable. The bare table shows an aversion to family life or a willingness to leave the family. To fix things, try starting to take care of the desk in your home. Learn to cook beautifully and tasty, take care of flowers. First of all, this applies to men, because it is to married men that the family extends their life by a couple of decades.


To dream of a table means to worry about family life, your status in the house. Perhaps you do not think how much depends on you, your efforts and efforts. Of course, if you are not allowed to the mystery of cooking, filling the refrigerator, housework - for this you have your own priestesses of the hearth, you may feel desolate, even at the full table. Think about what you can change and whether it’s worth your effort.

The laid table in a dream is a warning about interesting acquaintances and long-awaited meetings in real life. However, this is far from the only description of what a table with food is dreaming of. You will find other interpretations in this article.

Well-being and success promise the dream, where you were sitting at the table. The more food there was on it, the better it all will turn out for you in reality. Have you eaten and talked at the same time, sitting at the table? This dream prophesies a truce with the person with whom you are currently in a quarrel.

A rich banquet table, dreamed in a dream, promises that in the near future you will succeed, in all matters good luck will follow. If the table was covered with delicacies and luxurious dishes, then your life will be careless and well-fed.

A wedding table with food portends significant changes in the very near future. Those who have dreamed of a memorial table will have to give up their principles and interests.

Well, if you can remember what exactly lay on the table. Saw fruits and vegetables? It means that joyful and bright times will soon come in your life. Difficulties should be prepared if they have been damaged. To replenish the family dreams of a fish lying on the table.

The dream, where the surface of the table was dirty, warns that soon you will not be excluded experiences and stress. Sadness and troubles are also waiting for you in the case when you turned your attention to the dirty legs of the table. Untidy cutlery is a symbol of your oppressed state of mind. This dream suggests that it is time to distract from the past and boldly move on.

If you saw a table with food that was not cleaned after a meal, this may indicate that now you are not able to gather your thoughts, to be more organized.

The dream in which the table stood on large massive legs means that your life is developing correctly and successfully. Were they thin? It seems that a lot of effort will have to be made to strengthen his position.

Swivel tables with food? So you should be prepared for amazing discoveries and news. Perhaps in the coming days, fate will give you something unusual.

At the set table were some men alone? This dream promises fruitful agreements and a good profit. A pleasant communication of a romantic nature awaits the dreamer, who was sitting at the table with food with his beloved person.

Did you see the children sitting at the table? This dream prophesies very profitable and promising things. Most likely, the improvement of financial situation is not far off.

If you were sitting at a table set with relatives, then the dream promises the solution of family disputes and the improvement of relations between close people. Sat with the guests? Unexpected meetings and new acquaintances - that is what awaits you in the near future.