DIY harp made of cardboard. Celtic harp for dolls (master class)

It takes courage to make children's musical instruments. After all, if such objects fall into children's hands, then they will become a source of sound, far from harmony. However, no parent will doubt that such toys are very useful for developing a sense of rhythm and hearing. Not to mention the joy that the home orchestra will bring to the child.

Making the rain noise tool

If you decide to make musical instruments with your own hands, then you should start simple. This will be the "noise of the rain", which is also called the "staff of rain". This percussion instrument was once made by Hispanics from cactus stems, which were originally well-audible. The tool was used in shamanic rituals that were aimed at causing rain.

Preparation of materials

It is quite simple to do such musical instruments with your own hands, in the end it will be possible to get a sound that resembles the sound of rain. To carry out the work, you should prepare:

  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • cereals;
  • colored tape;
  • foil tube;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

You can use a baking paper tube instead of a foil pipe. Rice or millet are perfect as cereals. To decorate the tool, you can use not only colored tape, but also other materials.

Features of the work

Do-it-yourself musical instruments are often made by loving parents. One of the first is usually the "noise of rain", since it is quite simple to make. Holes should be made in the foil tube using an awl, placing them in a spiral. The more holes you can make, the more the instrument will sound like rain.

Toothpicks are inserted into the holes, which can be fixed with drops of glue. Cutting off the excess ends of toothpicks is fairly easy with nippers or scissors. Close one end of the tube with a cardboard circle, and then fix the structure with tape.

It is very easy to make a do-it-yourself musical instrument from scrap materials; for this, several tablespoons of cereal are poured into the tube, only after which you can close the end with your palm to check the sound. You can experiment which sound - buckwheat, rice and millet - you like best. The amount of cereal should be determined empirically, it will depend on the size of the pipe.

Instead of cereals, you can use small beads and seed beads. As soon as a suitable sound can be found, the other end of the tube must be closed with a cardboard circle and secured with tape. When such musical instruments are made by hand, at the final stage it is important to decorate them beautifully. These works are optional. You can stick an applique, make decoupage or decorate the ends with cords and ribbons, crocheting. One of the most practical options would be colored tape.

Making a drum, tambourines and rattles

Do-it-yourself musical instruments for children in the form of drums can be made from mayonnaise jars. They are decorated with colored pictures. Holes should be made on the sides for threading the rope. As drumsticks, you can use any made of plastic or wood. The latter should be made independently if the men in the house have the skills to work with wood.

To perform tambourines, you can use dry cans from canned food. On the sides, holes are made in them, bells are inserted, which can be purchased in the sewing accessories departments, and then the product is decorated with decoupage or applique. If you need musical instruments, you can make them with your own hands for kindergarten. The most common are rattles. For them, plastic or metal bottles from coffee, yogurt, ketchup or other products are suitable. The filling can be any cereal, beads, as well as buttons of different sizes.

Making a pipe

The pipe can be made from materials that you can find while relaxing in nature. For this, reeds, reeds, as well as birch bark are suitable. Any other tubular plant, dense leaves or bark can be used. The tube should be left to dry, then a platform is made in it with a knife and a small rectangle is cut out.

You will need to cut a rectangle out of birch bark, making one end thinner. After it is strengthened with adhesive tape to the tube and slightly bent. If you wish, you can make a few more holes. This option is not the only one that can be used to make a pipe. A cocktail tube is perfect for this.

In the role of the base, one can be used that has an accordion. The smaller part should be flattened, and then cut off pieces of the upper part with scissors. The result should be an angle. It should not be too small or large, otherwise the pipe will not sound.

Making castanets

Many parents make do-it-yourself musical instruments for kindergarten today. These can be castanets, which require coins. For this Spanish tool, you need to cut a rectangle out of cardboard in the amount of 4 pieces, each measuring 6x14 cm. Two rectangles should be 6x3.5 cm in size.

Such a noise musical instrument is also made by hand using glue and four large coins. Large rectangles should be folded in half and glued in pairs. From the small strips, glue the thumb ring. Inside the rectangle, for each opposite side, you need to glue a coin, stepping back 1 cm from the edge.When the cardboard castanets are folded, the coins should touch, creating a kind of sound.

Percussion instruments

You can make another model of a baby drum using:

  • ceramic 14 cm pot;
  • balloons;
  • plasticine;
  • sticks for sushi.

It is necessary to cut off the neck of the ball and pull it over the pot. The hole at the bottom of the pot is closed with plasticine. On this, we can assume that the drum is ready. All that remains is to make sticks. Sushi sticks are perfect for them; at the end of each of them, a plasticine ball should be reinforced, which is pre-frozen. The lower part is cut off from the balloon, which should be pulled over the plasticine ball. An elastic band from the top of the ball tightens this structure.

Tools from scrap materials

You can get very unusual sounds if you make a musical instrument with your own hands. It can be a musical slingshot. For this, a tree branch of the appropriate shape is selected, which must be well polished. For safety and a long service life, you can varnish it. Holes are drilled at two opposite ends of the slingshot, between which a thread will be pulled with elements attached to it, borrowed from an old baby rattle. These can also be purchased at the hardware store.

You can make a ratchet from walnut shells. For this, two wooden or plastic sticks are prepared, between which a strong thread is pulled in several rows. Previously, you should put on a shell of pistachio nuts, which are strengthened with nodules.

You can also make a musical instrument with your own hands with unusual sounds from a small water bottle. Dried thin branches and cereals are laid inside it, which can be rice. As a result, it is possible to achieve versatility of sound. If you arrange such a bottle, then it can be turned into real maracas. For this, you can use containers from kinder surprises, which are pre-filled with cereals or other small objects.

Making children's musical instruments with your own hands, you can make ringing bracelets. For this, metal bells are purchased in the hardware store, which should be sewn to a previously made fabric bracelet. It will be held on the hand with Velcro.

One of the simplest solutions is a noise stick. To do this, you should prepare a wooden blank, on which you need to fix the ropes with plastic bottle caps fixed at their ends. Additionally, you can use the same bells.


You can also do musical instruments for the garden with your own hands. For this, lids from plastic cans, which are fixed with glue on a strip of corrugated cardboard, folded in half at the end, are quite suitable. To get the sound, the covers must be aligned with each other, which will produce impact noise.

The harp is the oldest plucked string musical instrument. The harp has a triangular shape, consists of a resonant box, a narrow wooden strip with holes for strings, a front bar in the form of a column, as well as an upper body with pegs for attaching and tuning the strings.

From hunting to art

There are various legends that say that the first stringed musical instrument, thanks to which the harp and all other stringed instruments later appeared, was made from an ordinary hunting bow. Primitive people noticed that the tension of the bowstring affects its sound, then one bowmaker tied several "strings" to one bow, emitting sounds of different heights.
Images of a harp from a bow are present not only in the cultures of Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome, but also in excavations, which testifies to the birth of a musical culture on a par with the birth of humanity itself.

Ancient Egyptian harp

In ancient times, harps were of various shapes and sizes. Egyptian harps were considered the best, and the very name of a musical instrument is translated as "beautiful". Harps in Egypt were decorated very expensively, they were covered with gold and silver, covered with precious stones and decorated with ivory.
During the Middle Ages, the harp was used in churches, monasteries and cathedrals. The learned monks not only wrote works for harps, but also entered the scriptures about the instrument in their inventories.

The appearance of the harp in Europe

In Europe, the harp appeared in the 8th century. The first to appreciate the musical instrument were stray ones who needed a compact accompaniment suitable for performances. In the XV-XVII centuries, large floor harps appeared. Later, her transformations followed, the purpose of which was to expand the range. There were even harps with two rows of strings - for the right and left hand. This model did not last long.

Along with external transformations, the boundaries of the use of the tool are also expanded. Now it is used in choral and orchestral works. To achieve an incredible sound transition, several harps are used at once in one piece.

In 1660, a mechanical device with keys was invented, allowing you to stretch and release the strings of a harp, while changing the pitch. This mechanism was not particularly convenient, so in 1720 there was a mechanism with pedals, which was invented by Jacob Hochbrucker. The pedals acted like guides, influencing the hooks, which in turn pressed down on the strings.

In 1810, a new model of the "double harp" was invented by the French master Sebastian Erard. This instrument was able to sound in all keys and became a new word in the world of music. It is the mechanism invented by Erar that is found in the modern instrument.

Sebastian Erard

In Russia, the harp appeared in the 18th century and immediately became widespread. The instrument is used not only for performances, but also for home music making. The great Russian poets sang the harp in their immortal works as the most graceful and melodic instrument.

Celtic harp for dolls (master class)

We will need:
Thick and thin cardboard, a piece of wire, PVA glue, Moment glue,
Slip from any self-hardening plastic for soil,
toilet paper, acrylic paints, awl, toothpicks, nippers,
gold threads with lavsan, acrylic varnish.

First, of course, a sketch

Then I bend the wire according to the sketch - this will be the frame.

I cut out 2 pieces from cardboard according to a sketch.
I wrap the frame with a strip of fabric and glue it to one of the halves of the cardboard blank.

I glue both parts together.

I fill the voids between the parts with paper dipped in PVA.

Then I ground everything.

Again, all the ground.

I pierce a lot of holes with an awl, (For those who want to make a tool out of plywood or wood - this stage is hardly feasible, the distance is too small) and on the sides I glue a pattern cut from cardboard.

I cut the same pins from toothpicks with pliers and insert them into the holes.

The upper row - with an awl through and through, the lower row up to half, only on one side.
And to insert: First, cut identical pegs, then grease the holes with glue. While it dries, grease the pegs with glue and insert into the holes, leveling the row so that everything is even. The glue seizes within 1-2 minutes, During this time - you need to have time to trim everything. You can place a ruler on top and tap gently with a hammer. And then let it dry well. Better until the morning.))))

I paint the whole instrument with acrylic. I am varnishing.

The last step is pulling the strings.

I make a knot at the end of the thread, grease it with Moment glue and insert it into the lower hole on the resonator. I wait 5 minutes for it to dry and fix, then carefully pull it and wind it on the upper peg, greased with glue. And in this way I stretch all the remaining strings. The process is quite long, but pleasantly meditative ..))))

That's all.
For those wishing to do the same from plywood or mahogany - a flag in hand ...
And my principle is that the thing should be light and made of affordable and cheap materials.

We use a huge number of things every day and have almost stopped noticing them. But it turns out that the production of seemingly insignificant things contains a lot of interesting and informative things. The entertainment program "MK Conveyor" will reveal the secrets of making the things that seem simple at first glance. Today in the program:.

The harp is one of the most ancient musical instruments of mankind. The origin of the harp begins with a bow with a drawn string. The harps depicted on frescoes from Egyptian tombs (bents) still resemble bows in their shape, and these harps are not the most ancient, the most ancient harp was discovered by archaeologists during excavations of a Sumerian city in Messopotamia, its age is estimated at four and a half thousand years. The harp is mentioned more than once in the Bible; it was the most widespread and favorite musical instrument in the ancient Near East, Greece and Rome. Apollo's harp is a symbol of beauty and romance.

The harp came to Europe at the beginning of the Middle Ages and was very popular, especially in Ireland, where its image is still used in many state symbols, including the coat of arms and the presidential flag.

The harp was constantly being improved, at the beginning of the 18th century the German master Hochbrucker from Donauwörth (Bavaria, Germany) invented the harp pedals, which made it possible to increase the chromatic scale and facilitate playing the harp. Almost a century later, in 1810, the piano master Sebastian Erard created a double-action pedal harp. With these pedals, you can re-tune the string twice, raising the sound by a semitone and a tone, thus providing a chromatic scale in the six and a half octaves range.

The harp has a triangular shape, the strings are pulled on the frame, currently 45-47 strings are used, but at different times and among different peoples their number was from 7 to 30. It is considered one of the most beautiful instruments in the orchestra. Its frame is decorated with carvings and ornaments, sometimes with gold and mother-of-pearl, and its graceful outlines hide the triangular shape. The harp can weigh up to 20 kilograms.

The virtuoso capabilities of the harp are quite peculiar: wide chords, passages from arpeggios, glissando - the sliding of the hand over all the strings tuned to some chord, harmonics are great.

The first harp in Russia appeared at the time of Catherine II. In 1765, the queen bought a harp for the pupils of the Smolny Institute, and the instrument immediately became fashionable among the aristocratic environment. “Only those who are free and noble play the harp,” said the poet.

As a spectacular solo and as an accompanying instrument, the harp was widely used and loved by the leading Russian composers: N. Rimsky-Korsakov, P. Tchaikovsky, M. Glinka, S. Rachmaninov, S. Prokofiev and many others. Of the European composers, the harp was most widely used by G. Berlioz, R. Wagner and F. Liszt. Richard Wagner used six harps in the orchestra in his opera The Rhine Gold, but usually one or two harps are used in the orchestra.


The harp is one of the finest musical instruments. Its history can be traced back to ancient times, when people discovered that the bowstring of their bows can make very unusual sounds if it is pinched. Over time, the appearance of the harp has undergone numerous changes. And now it is not only a tool, but also a very elegant piece of furniture that you can make with your own hands.

You will need

  • Instruments;
  • wood;
  • sandpaper;
  • strings;
  • pegs.


  1. Draw a design layout for the final product. You must be clear about the expected result of your work. There are two main types of harp: concert (beveled at an angle of 45 degrees) and Celtic - it is distinguished by the presence of a box for sound amplification. In any case, make sure that your harp is not too big for the person who is going to play it.
  2. Get a tree for the future harp. If this is your first tool, you can try pine or other soft woods. But don't forget that hard rocks give the best sound and look aesthetically pleasing. Use power tools to shape the tree into the desired shape. Don't worry about processing yet - you will take care of that later.
  3. Collect the cut pieces of your harp to make sure they all fit together. After that, disassemble the tool and carefully sand each part with sandpaper. Then reassemble harp, this time securing the assembly with nails or strong glue designed for wood.
  4. Drill string holes at the bottom of your workpiece. They should be evenly spaced 1-1.5 cm apart. Hang a plumb line at the top of the harp - this is where you screw the tuning pegs, so drill holes for them in advance.
  5. Give your harp a finished look. The classic option is to use an oil-based stain.
  6. Then screw into harp pegs. Then paste in harp the strings by sliding their ends into the holes at the bottom of the instrument, and then connect the strings to the tuning pegs. You made your harp, now you can enjoy its relaxing sounds.