We make a piggy bank with our own hands from a bank. Master class: How to make a piggy bank from a jar using decoupage technique

Everyone knows the old proverb that says: "A penny will save a ruble." It will not hurt a single person to have a "stash", that is, a certain amount of money that is kept in reserve and which can be used in case of emergency. Why do you need and how to make a piggy bank yourself?

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a piggy bank is the focus of financial flows, a specific source of energy that attracts money. Most often, coins are added to the piggy bank. But in modern society, in which almost everyone uses bank cards, such money is gradually becoming a rarity.

And how long does it take to collect a piggy bank to accumulate a decent amount of coins of small denomination? Indeed, too much, so make it a habit to store paper bills in it, then the result will please you! Raising money is a whole science that you can read about.

A piggy bank is a special container for collecting funds. It is desirable that it does not open at all, or it was necessary to make some efforts to extract money: then the temptation to pull out a couple of hundred will come to naught.

When the piggy bank is completely full or the same "X-hour" has come, just break it! The product served its purpose and you have received the desired amount of money. Use them for their intended purpose and immediately start a new piggy bank.

We will tell you how to make a piggy bank with your own hands, because it is not only practical, but also interesting! Show your creativity, put your soul into crafts and make your personal money vault beautiful!

To make a piggy bank, you can use everything that is at hand, ranging from cans and bottles, ending with chests and chests.

How to make a piggy bank from a bottle

For the simplest version of a piggy bank made from a plastic bottle, we need the following blanks:

  • a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5 or 2 liters;
  • water;
  • scissors and a stationery knife;
  • superglue and vinyl glue (PVA can be replaced);
  • brush;
  • 2 black buttons;
  • indelible marker in black.
  • pink acrylic paint;
  • scotch;
  • a container for mixing paint and a brush;
  • white napkins;
  • pink cardboard;
  • 5 plastic bottle caps;

All is ready? We get down to direct work. First, cut off the top of the bottle, which will act as the pig's head. Then we separate the lower part - this will be the body. After that, you need to mix the paint with water and PVA glue, align the edges of the head and body, and then connect them by inserting them into each other. To make the structure strong, the joint of the two elements is fixed with tape.

We take a clerical knife and cut a hole for money in the upper back of the piggy bank. Then the piggy bank must be smeared with a pink glue mass, on top of which napkins are laid in several layers, alternating with glue. Don't forget to let each layer dry!

Thus, you can make a piggy bank out of paper on any basis or use the papier-mâché technique. Now that the surface of the piggy bank is even and dense, you should cut the hole in the pig's back again.

The filling hole of the bottle is closed with a pink lid, that is, a kind of patch is obtained on which the nostrils are drawn with a marker. Prepare pink cardboard and cut the ponytail and ears out of it, then glue them with superglue. With its help, it is necessary to glue 2 buttons in such a way as to make eyes. And the remaining 4 covers are used to make the legs. Home piggy bank is ready!

We told you how to make a piggy bank with your own hands from a bottle. But there are many more ways to make a product. Let's dwell on the simplest, cheapest and not requiring special training.

How to make a piggy bank out of cardboard

For a simple cardboard piggy bank, we need a box of the selected size, scissors, glue, an old newspaper (preferably vintage), pictures in the form of money and a stationery knife. Artificial banknotes glued to the shell of the piggy bank will attract real money inside. Now it is not a problem to buy drawn bills of any denomination in bookstores, so feel free to take an armful and remember: the more, the better!

How to make a money box from prepared materials? Let's dwell on the stages of work:

Clearly define for yourself the terms and situations in which the piggy bank will be opened - this is the only way you can accumulate a certain amount. Regardless of everything, replenish your piggy bank every day, at least with small coins: this attracts positive financial flows to you and contributes to enrichment.

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands from a bank

Let's take a 1 liter jar, a lid (nylon or metal for twisting), cardboard, scissors, glue, paper and paints for decoration as a basis for the product.

So, carefully wash and dry the selected jar. Then we close it with a lid (nylon, if you still plan to sometimes pull out bills ahead of time or metal, if the motivation is stronger than the desire to get money).

Carefully cut a hole in the center of the lid so that coins and bills can freely enter, but when they are upside down, they cannot be shaken out of the can.

Now it's up to the aesthetic design of the piggy bank, because the money storage should look attractive and comfortable. Do you knit well? Great, tie a case in any style for a can, while tying a lid in the same style.

Are you drawing beautifully? Buy acrylic paints and enjoy painting the walls of the jar with flowers or abstract images. The jar can be covered with fabric, decorated with ribbons and decorative elements.

A nautical-style piggy bank will look harmonious near the aquarium. Decorate it with shells, starfish and accumulate your savings day after day. Lushe can't see how full the piggy bank is. If desired, you can shake it and roughly determine the level of filling with money.

You have learned how to make a piggy bank from a jar. Note that you can also use tea or coffee cans to make it. The main thing is to dock them tightly and decorate to your liking. And don't forget to cut the money hole!

Save up money! Investing coins every day, mentally invite new arrivals to the piggy bank. It will help you get off the ground and teach you how to attract money and luck!

Money box - a special container where you can put money so as not to spend it in the near future. Often this is a closed container with a small hole so that you can shove money there. In most cases, this is just a bank where people put change from their pockets so as not to rush with it, and after a while, when the bank is full, to please themselves with some kind of gift. There are many ways to make a piggy bank, and today we will cover some of them.

Before that, we told, now we will consider other types of piggy banks!

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands?

We have prepared for you the simplest and fastest methods, materials for which every home has, it can be a cardboard box, a jar or a plastic bottle. The choice is yours. Let's get started!

How to make a piggy bank out of paper?

A very interesting craft, accessible even to a small child. Great idea for various lessons and activities for children. Having made a piggy bank - they will have a very good time and receive a useful gift.

In order to make such a piggy bank, print this diagram below:

In the upper left corner you can see the fold pattern, it is there that you need to glue it.

How to make a piggy bank from a bottle?

Everyone has unnecessary plastic bottles. Invite your child to make an original craft, learn something new, and purchase a valuable item.

We will prepare the materials we need:

Plastic bottle.
... Stationery knife.
... The paint is pink.
... Pink and black corrugated paper.
... Glue gun.
... Pig eyes.

1 ... We take the bottle and cut it into three parts. Try to make all cuts neatly and evenly.

2 ... We connect the lower and upper parts of the bottle together. The middle one can be thrown away.

4. Paint the shape pink. It is advisable to use a spray can. Then we decorate our pig with eyes made of black cardboard and cut out the nose, legs and tail from pink materials.

Often, in order to fulfill your desire, you need to save a certain amount of money. To successfully complete this task, you should use a piggy bank! Piggy banks can be of a variety of materials, suitable for both metal coins and paper bills. Making a piggy bank at home can be very simple and quick.

Piggy bank from a can

A piggy bank made from a can will be a fairly durable product and is perfect for storing a large number of coins. Such a money storage assistant will do well. with a considerable weight of your condition.

To implement the idea, you need a glass, plastic or tin jar with lid... And also everything you can decorate the product.

It can be stickers, felt-tip pens, colored paper, colorful laces and many other interesting unusual things. You will need a knife or scissors as a tool, as well as a glue gun.

The easiest way to make a piggy bank is by taking a tin can. It could be coffee jar with a plastic cover.

  • The first step is to wash the can of coffee residues and make a hole in the center of the plastic lid with scissors or a knife. The hole should be of such a size that coins and bills fit freely inside the can.
  • The next step is to decorate the body of the piggy bank. For this purpose, multi-colored boot laces may work for you. Before you start decorating, the lid must be put on the jar to avoid problems with closing and opening the piggy bank.
  • To make the piggy bank striped, it is worth alternating laces of different colors. Using a hot glue gun, glue each lace to the jar, wrapping it around it.

Glass jar

  • If you are using a glass jar, then you also need to make a hole in the lid.
  • Then you can take a sheet of corrugated paper and wrap the prepared jar with it. You can cut sheets of different colors and glue them. Thus, the piggy bank will be multi-colored. Having put the sheet on the table, the jar must be placed in the middle of the sheet and carefully wrapped in it.
  • Wrap the lace over the sheet near the neck of the can, tying a bow, or glue the lace with a hot glue gun. Cut off excess paper so that you can see the cover. Bank - the piggy bank is ready!

Piggy bank

To make a funny piggy bank you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • pink paint (spray) or self-adhesive film;
  • cardboard for making pig ears.
  • Taking a plastic bottle, you need to cut off the front and back of it.
  • Now these parts should be connected together by inserting one into the other. You can fix them together with scotch tape or immediately wrapping them with self-adhesive film.
  • If the film is not available, then you need to paint the resulting part with pink paint, and wait for the product to dry.
  • Using scissors or a knife, cut a hole on top for bills and coins.
  • To make the bottle turn into a pig, you need to glue four bottle caps to the base instead of legs. If there are no lids, then matchboxes or paper crumpled into a ball will do. Glue the ears cut out of cardboard on top, draw a tail and two eyes.

Your piggy piggy bank is ready!

Shoe box

One of the most common household items is a shoebox.

She can too get a second life and help save up for the next pair of shoes.

Taking an old shoe box and a piece of interesting fabric, you can make an original piggy bank. The fabric can be used jeans.

  • After measuring the box, you need to cut the fabric to the desired size and use the glue gun again. If you have a stapler, it will do a great job of covering the box with fabric. On top of the lid, you can glue a pocket from used jeans, which will serve as a good addition for storing bills.
  • Decorate the trimmed piggy bank with buttons of different sizes and colors; you can attach large pins or badges.
  • Glue plastic bottle caps to the bottom of the box, so the piggy bank acquired legs. The product is ready!

Piggy bank-chest of drawers

If you have a desire to keep the accumulated bills and coins separately, disassembling them at face value, then a good solution would be to use it to create a piggy bank matchboxes.

You will need a glue gun self-adhesive film different colors and plastic decorative beads. Can be used to create such a chest of drawers and buttons.

  • Take 10 boxes. Having divided them, it is necessary to glue together 5 pieces, stacking them on top of each other. We get 2 details. Then glue the sides to each other.
  • If everything is done correctly, you will see a product resembling a doll's chest of drawers, consisting of ten drawers, five rows of two drawers.
  • Now you need to cut a 28x5 cm strip from the self-adhesive film and wrap the boxes with it.
  • It remains only to glue decorative beads on the drawers, which will act as handles. The boxes themselves can be colored at will. A piggy bank chest of drawers can be decorated with buttons, as well as made from buttons the legs of a chest of drawers by gluing them from the bottom of the product.

The piggy bank is ready, you can sort coins and bills into boxes!

A piggy bank is not only an accessory where you can throw small change, but also an original decor item. The history of the capacity for storing money began several centuries ago, and China and Germany immediately argue for the right to be called the homeland of the piggy bank. Today in stores there are numerous variations of this accessory in the form of all kinds of animals and funny cartoons. But uniqueness in the modern world is appreciated above all, so try to create a piggy bank from a bank yourself. Surely collecting money in such a container will be doubly pleasant. These step-by-step tutorials will help you create your personal piggy bank and master the decoupage technique.

Textile decor

  • glass jar with a lid;
  • fabric and ribbons for decoration;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors and a sharp knife.

Step 1. Paste the jar with a cloth, for this use a gun.

You should not choose a very thin or light material as a finish, as glue can be visible on it.

Step 2. Use a knife to make a rectangular hole in the lid for coins. Then cover the lid with the same cloth as the jar. Make a cut in the center of the can and carefully wrap the material inward, secure the edges with glue.

Step 3. Glue decorative tape around the edges of the lid.

That's all, your piggy bank is ready! You can add details to your liking - rhinestones, sequins, beads. Or place a photo on an accessory, so you combine two decorative items in one at once - a piggy bank and a frame.

Video about making a piggy bank with textile decor:

Piggy bank with a picture

In this master class, you need the following materials and tools:

  • glass jar with a lid;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • pVA glue;
  • sponge;
  • file;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • sharp knife;
  • dry brush;
  • a napkin with your favorite pattern;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • sandpaper M40 (zero).

Step 1. Before starting work, the bank must be prepared. If necessary, remove the label, get rid of traces of glue, degrease with alcohol.

Step 2. Carefully cut a hole for coins in the lid.

Step 3. Blot a sponge in acrylic paint and, with gentle movements, evenly apply it to the surface of the lid and jar. The coating should be as thin as possible. After that, let the future piggy bank dry completely and apply the paint in two more layers.

Step 4. Gently tear off the part with the pattern you like from the napkin. You should not resort to scissors in this case, since the torn edge will be less replacements on the finished product. Then very carefully peel off the top layer of the napkin where the design is applied. It is important to choose an image that is proportionate to your bank. Please note that after subsequent manipulations, the napkin will increase in size.

Step 5. Dilute PVA glue with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Place the napkin face down on the file. Spray well with water using a spray bottle and apply diluted PVA.

Step 6. This is the most important step in creating a piggy bank. Gently attach the file with a napkin to the outside of the jar, press lightly with your fingers. Then, carefully delete the file.

Step 7. With a dry brush, go over the surface of the napkin. Perform this manipulation from the center outward. Gently smooth out any wrinkles and air bubbles.

Step 8. Leave the jar to dry completely. Remaining blemishes (bulges or creases) can be gently rubbed off with soft sandpaper.

Step 9. To fix the picture, you need to cover the jar with acrylic varnish. Better to do it in 2-3 layers. It's only important to let the jar dry after each application.

Advice! To prevent coins from damaging the bottom of the can, place some foam or several layers of soft cloth.

Superhero accessory

This option is suitable for those who have a small fan of the world of comics at home. And the creation of such an accessory will be a great way to have fun and useful leisure activities.

Required materials and tools:

  • glass jar with a lid;
  • spray paint;
  • colored paper or template with a superhero emblem;
  • pVA glue or glue gun;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • scissors and knife.

Step 1. Prepare the jar. Wash thoroughly, remove label and glue, degrease with alcohol.

Step 2. Use a sharp knife to make a hole in the lid for coins.

Step 3. Spray paint onto the lid and can. Do the painting in several layers, each time let the future piggy bank dry well. The color of the product depends on which superhero the child chooses. Black paint is suitable for Batman's piggy bank, blue paint for Superman.

Step 4. Cut out the superhero emblem from colored paper or pre-print the template on a color printer, cut and glue.

Step 5. Cover the finished product with acrylic varnish in two layers, let the piggy bank dry thoroughly each time.

Superhero emblem templates.

Related videos

Video tutorials to help you make a piggy bank on your own:

Good afternoon, dear needlewomen!

How to save money for a vacation, for a phone, for a computer, for a fur coat? You need to postpone. And where to? In the piggy bank! If you don't have a piggy bank, this is a good reason to make it yourself!

DIY piggy bank is a useful investment, and also a very budgetary one. The piggy bank is also a very worthwhile birthday or wedding gift for newlyweds.

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands

Did you know that making a piggy bank is much easier than you thought? Anything will suit you to make this item: Jars, boxes, bottles, toys, you can decorate it with ribbons, paper, bows, ropes, beads, lace, the list can be endless.

Before making a piggy bank, choose a style and shape, think about how to arrange a piggy bank, what you will save up for, perhaps write the inscription "At sea", "For a fur coat" ... Choose a suitable container without flaws and dents, check that the lid is tight closed. Having decided on the capacity and pattern, sketch out a sketch of the finished product - how you want to see, where the decor materials and inscriptions will be located.

If you make a piggy bank out of a shoe box using the decoupage technique, it will differ from the same technique, but on a glass jar. In any case, first prepare the base for coating - clean the box of labels, wash the jar, degrease with alcohol, make holes in the right places.

Do-it-yourself piggy bank from a glass jar.

One of the lightest models of piggy banks. First, pick up a beautiful jar, you can use the usual two- or three-liter. The lid of the can should be tin, it will be easiest to make a hole in it.

We make a slot for the lid according to the size of the bills or coins that you will store in it.

First, we clean and degrease the jar, and decorate it according to our intention. You can leave the bank unpainted and watch the capital accumulate. There is another option - to paint the piggy bank with paints. We can glue pictures on the jar using decoupage technique, decorate the jar with lace or beads, fabric, we can knit the cover on the jar with a crochet or knitting needles.

DIY cardboard piggy bank.

We choose the appropriate cardboard box, perfect for shoes. We already had an article on the decoration of a cardboard box - a casket, but by making a hole in the lid, any box can be turned into a casket.

So, grab any shoebox or make your own. First prime the surface with white acrylic paint or PVA glue.

Cut out a hole for money, process the edges. The box can be decorated with cloth, newspapers, cut paper bills, leather, velvet, photographs ...

We offer a master class on making cardboard piggy banks. (master class of TheVovkacom channel)

Cut out the base for the piggy bank from the cardboard.

Making holes for the lace.

We collect the box.

We thread the lace into the holes made with the nail.

The box is simple to design and requires little budget and time.

How to make a piggy bank video

Piggy bank from a toy.

This is a simple and original idea, such a piggy bank from an old toy can be presented to a child or a teenager, he will save up for a phone, bike or computer. Or a new toy.

How to do it? Very simple. It is necessary to remove the filler from the body of the toy, insert a plastic jar with a lid into the toy, make a hole in the lid. Fill the empty spaces with padding polyester, sew up the toy.

Piggy bank from toys

Piggy bank from a plastic bottle.

We will make a traditional-shaped piggy bank from a plastic bottle - this is a pig. (Master class of the Domino Show channel). The bottle cap will serve as a snout.

piggy bank from a plastic bottle

We clean the surface of the plastic bottle, cut out a strip of the size of this bottle from the fabric.

We glue a strip of fabric to the jar.

Take small caps, for example, from juice - these will be the legs. It is enough to symmetrically place them over the body of the piglet for the piggy bank to gain stability.

Glue the lids onto the piggy bank.

Cut out the pig's ears from the cardboard.

Cut the same out of the fabric.

Cover the cardboard on both sides with a cloth, forming the ears.

We place the ears on the head.

Do not forget to make black eyes, a slot in the piggy bank.

Here is such a cute piggy bank from a plastic bottle!

Also watch a video tutorial on how to make a piggy bank from a plastic bottle with your own hands.

Piggy bank from a plastic bottle video

Text prepared by: Veronica