The most creepy places in russia. Dungeon Horror

Communication with the dead, going out of the body, reading minds, clairvoyance ... It is difficult for eyewitnesses to talk about such phenomena for fear of being branded as crazy. Our experts suggest listening to witnesses to paranormal incidents without making judgments. So, paranormal: stories, told by eyewitnesses.

"... Beyond the Body"

It happened sixteen years ago. I slipped, fell and hit the back of my head hard - and suddenly I found myself outside the body. From somewhere above, I saw myself lying on the floor, and people who were busy around me. Then a dark tunnel appeared in front of me. I flew along it to the warm, blessed light that could be seen in front ... And suddenly I returned to my body. " Mikhail, 35, an employee of a pharmaceutical company, for the first time in several years, talks about what he experienced in a state of clinical death. “I tried to talk to the doctor about it, which brought me to my senses. She replied that these were delusional visions that arose due to the fact that my brain was experiencing oxygen deprivation. But she did not explain why I saw from the side how she gives me artificial respiration! The doctor didn't even want to listen, she just gave me a sedative. "

Mikhail decided not to talk about it anymore, and also to keep secret those "sudden exits from the body" that happened to him more than once later. “At first I was scared,” he says. - I tried not to pay attention to these paranormal phenomena and went headlong into my studies. But these "stories" were repeated about once a year, and I went to a psychiatrist. I told him that at such moments I seem to move into something that is nearby, for example a tree, and I can feel what it feels. Probably in vain! The doctor asked if I was using drugs. In the end, he prescribed me tranquilizers and added that in my symptoms an unconscious dream of omnipotence manifests itself and they may indicate the beginning of a split personality.

I left his office in horror, imagining myself in a psychiatric hospital. A successful professional career has reassured Mikhail about his mental health, but he still fears that the "attacks" will return.

Everything incomprehensible scares, and paranormal phenomena and stories - especially!

"Disputes between those who believe in such phenomena and skeptics are fruitless," says Stefan Allix(Stephane AShx), founder Institute for the Study of the Paranormal(INREES, France). - Some give their proofs, others refute them with the help of classical theories. Our goal is to unite the efforts of researchers, psychologists and doctors and provide those who have experienced such an experience with conditions where they will be listened to, remembering the main thing: humanity. " Of course, such phenomena of perception can be caused by very real mental disorders. “Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to listen to the person attentively and impartially,” explains the psychotherapist. Isabelle de Coscot(Isabelle de Kochko), who studies obsessions and obsessions at INREES. "If" going out of the body "may seem like harbingers of a possible illness, then" communication "with the deceased is easy to confuse with psychosis, and an obsession can be mistaken for paranoia or multiple personality disorder."

An unbiased look at stories of the paranormal

Only by carefully listening to the person and observing how he shares his experience, you can avoid too hasty diagnoses. Does the narrator display the emotions that come naturally with such experiences? Does he try at all costs to convince the listener that he is right? Is he balanced in daily life? If we listen in a non-judgmental and open manner, abandoning common prejudices, then an eyewitness to a paranormal phenomenon will be able to assess the degree of its adequacy. “As a rule, this is a painful experience, not a disease, because it does not violate the structure of the personality,” I am sure Raymond Moody(Raymond Moody), author of the worldwide bestseller " Life after life ", In which he first collected and published the stories of those who survived clinical death. “Those with whom I have met,” he writes, “are not victims of psychosis. They are normal, stable people who participate in the life of society. They have a job and a position in society that precludes irresponsibility. They have relatives, friends, and they can clearly distinguish between what is happening to them in a dream and in reality. Meanwhile, all these people assert: what they experienced was not a dream, but really happened to them. "

These words are confirmed by the story of 28-year-old Anastasia: “I had visions since childhood. At first I was very scared and tried to tell my loved ones about it. But they turned away and changed the conversation to something else. I realized that it’s not worth talking about at all. ” Later, Anastasia discovered her ability to perceive someone else's physical pain at a distance. “But only now, after graduating from medical school, I have gained confidence in myself and I begin to explore what may be the gift of healing,” she sums up. On this journey, she is supported by meetings with people who have experienced what she has, and with scientists who are looking for an explanation.

"I know that my son is alive"

The son of 42-year-old Andrey died in a car accident at the age of sixteen. After that, events began to occur for which the father could not find rational explanations. Not all loved ones could understand him.

“Three days after Nikita's death, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night - something was glowing above the bed. I always tried to think logically and was not at all inclined to think about God, about the otherworldly, about meetings with the dead ... My son died, I thought, period. That night, when I saw the light, I checked to see if the curtains were drawn, if the window was closed ... I was too heartbroken to worry or think, and fell asleep again. What happened three months later seriously shaken my convictions. One evening my wife and I were in Nikita's room, and suddenly someone hit me on the back of the head twice. "Someone hit me!" - I looked around. “Maybe it's Nikita,” Alena whispered. We did not talk about this anymore. Alena is a believer, although she rarely goes to church. She then read a lot about the afterlife. I almost unconsciously began to accept this idea: it eased my grief, and most importantly, it explained something. The sudden slap on the head matched Nikita's immediate mannerisms.

Soon Alena offered to go to the clairvoyant. I agreed out of curiosity, I thought: what if this meeting will bring me relief? At the very beginning of the session, the clairvoyant's head jerked forward, he said that someone had slapped him twice on the back of the head. In his opinion, Nikita thus wanted to inform that he died immediately. It was a great relief for us: we were not shown his body, and we imagined the worst. The clairvoyant met with us for the first time, but looking at the photograph of his son, he immediately described in detail his character, habits, and his relationship with us. "Maybe it's just the talent of a physiognomist?" - I thought. But then he accurately described our apartment and said that before his death, Nikita bought a gift for his girlfriend and now asked us to give it to him. It both amazed and reassured me. Consolation? No. I think that after the death of a child, it is no longer possible to become the same as before. But my idea of ​​death has changed a lot. Moreover, strange incidents continued: either the sound of footsteps was heard, the door slammed, then things disappeared or appeared. At first glance, it is an accident. But in the aggregate, they acquired a special meaning. For example, I found incomprehensible SMS on my mobile. Where are they from? But even calls to the provider did not help the number from which they came, it was not possible to trace.

And I became convinced that it was the son who was sending me the news. It is a pity that the friends whom we confided in then confined themselves to a condescending answer: "Well, if only it made it easier for you." When they found out that we were visiting a clairvoyant, they began to dissuade us: "You can be lured into a sect." Despite the suffering, I have not lost my mind. I realized this when communicating with people who had a chance to experience this. Now, four years later, I live as rationally as before. But my life has changed. Small difficulties are no longer annoying, and I am not chasing praise and recognition. Now I have more tolerance and less selfishness. I did not become a believer, but in my own way I opened up for spiritual life. And I know that my son is alive, because I felt it. "

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Eyewitness accounts

Canadian anthropologist Christa Henriksen recently stated that after studying several dozen cases of alien abductions, she came to a rather unexpected conclusion: such an experience in some cases is positive. Argentinean Ventura Maceiras, a 73-year-old night watchman from the town of Tres Arrios, saw a UFO while drinking tea in front of his sentry booth. “And then I heard a strange hiss,” he said later. “It’s like a swarm of angry bees is flying. When I found that the sound was coming from above, I looked up and saw an object that hovered in the air not far away over a eucalyptus forest, it was not less than 20-25 meters. A giant shining ring revolved along the edge of it. " Maceiras, stunned by what he saw, took a gun in his hands and, just in case, pointed it at the UFO. In response, such an intense beam of light flashed from him that Maceiras was completely blinded. Following this, the noise increased noticeably, the light disappeared, and the object disappeared from sight. Maceiras did not experience any fear of an unknown object, and his cat reacted in a completely different way: with a cry of horror, she rushed away. She was found only after 45 days. She had burn marks all over her back. But the most incredible thing came to light a few days later. Maceiras felt that new teeth began to grow on his upper jaw, which already had many gaps. A little time passed, and four of them appeared: two incisors and two molars. In addition, Maceiras, who was previously a semi-literate person, began to freely talk about philosophical, theological and astronomical topics. The cosmic ray was no less curative for the Australian Jacob Bronson. One summer evening in 2004, he was sitting on the lake and fishing. Bites followed one after another, therefore, when a disc-shaped UFO with a diameter of about 10-15 meters suddenly hovered over the lake, Jacob was not frightened, but, on the contrary, was indignant and, in a state of passion, swung his fishing rod at the "plate" that had appeared at the wrong time: they say, get out of here , otherwise you will scare away all the fish! In response, a bright blue beam hit the fisherman from the UFO. Jacob felt a sharp pain in his stomach and passed out. When after a while he woke up, the UFO had already disappeared, and the entire surface of the lake was covered with dead fish. Jacob Bronson had stomach cancer, and in a few days he had a difficult operation. After a rather unpleasant meeting with the aliens, Bronson decided to consult with his attending physician: is it worth carrying out the operation almost immediately after the painful impact of the cosmic ray. The physician, of course, did not believe in the "tales" of his patient, but nevertheless sent him for examination. The results of it caused a real shock to the surgeon: the fatal malignant tumor in Bronson's stomach was absorbed in the most incredible way! Canadian anthropologist Christa Henriksen recently stated that after studying several dozen cases of alien abductions, she came to a rather unexpected conclusion: such an experience in some cases is positive. UFO saved from death An unusual event happened in her youth with a resident of the Lipetsk region Nonna Rubtsova. "Until now, this picture clearly stands before my eyes," she says, "as if it happened yesterday, and after all, more than forty years have passed!" One night on a S-100 tractor Nonna was harrowing a plowed field. Slid off the furrow and got lost. Suddenly, a strange glowing ball appeared in the steppe right in front of the tractor. It either increased or decreased, emitting pinkish-yellow rays, and moved sharply, in a zigzag manner. The frightened girl stopped the tractor. The ball began to slowly move away. But as soon as she tried to start the engine, the ball moved threateningly again. Until dawn Nonna sat in the cockpit, trembling with fear. And the next morning I discovered that the tractor had stopped just a few meters from a huge pit, the bottom of which was barely visible below. "If not for this strange light in the sky," thought Nonna, "I would not be alive anymore ..." Argentinian Ventura Maceiras, 73-year-old night watchman from the city of Tres Arrios, saw a UFO while drinking tea in front of his sentry box ... “And then I heard a strange hiss,” he said later. “It’s like a swarm of angry bees is flying. When I found that the sound was coming from above, I looked up and saw an object that hovered in the air not far away over a eucalyptus forest, it was not less than 20-25 meters. A giant shining ring revolved along the edge of it. " Maceiras, stunned by what he saw, took a gun in his hands and, just in case, pointed it at the UFO. In response, such an intense beam of light flashed from him that Maceiras was completely blinded. Following this, the noise increased noticeably, the light disappeared, and the object disappeared from sight. Maceiras did not experience any fear of an unknown object, and his cat reacted in a completely different way: with a cry of horror, she rushed away. She was found only after 45 days. She had burn marks all over her back. But the most incredible thing came to light a few days later. Maceiras felt that new teeth began to grow on his upper jaw, which already had many gaps. A little time passed, and four of them appeared: two incisors and two molars. In addition, Maceiras, who was previously a semi-literate person, began to freely talk about philosophical, theological and astronomical topics. The cosmic ray was no less curative for the Australian Jacob Bronson. One summer evening in 2004, he was sitting on the lake and fishing. Bites followed one after another, therefore, when a disc-shaped UFO with a diameter of about 10-15 meters suddenly hovered over the lake, Jacob was not frightened, but, on the contrary, was indignant and, in a state of passion, swung his fishing rod at the "plate" that had appeared at the wrong time: they say, get out of here , otherwise you will scare away all the fish! In response, a bright blue beam hit the fisherman from the UFO. Jacob felt a sharp pain in his stomach and passed out. When after a while he woke up, the UFO had already disappeared, and the entire surface of the lake was covered with dead fish. Jacob Bronson had stomach cancer, and in a few days he had a difficult operation. After a rather unpleasant meeting with the aliens, Bronson decided to consult with his attending physician: is it worth carrying out the operation almost immediately after the painful impact of the cosmic ray. The physician, of course, did not believe in the "tales" of his patient, but nevertheless sent him for examination. The results of it caused a real shock to the surgeon: the fatal malignant tumor in Bronson's stomach was absorbed in the most incredible way! Irina sees ghosts An unusual gift was awarded by aliens to Sheila Currell, a professional photographer from Austin. She can move objects without touching them. Psychic abilities opened up in her after she began to regularly meet with aliens from outer space. After their first meeting several years ago, she felt the ability to move objects with her imagination. After the fourth encounter with the aliens, Sheila demonstrated her abilities to her friend. Shocked, she saw how the salt shaker walked on the table, although no one touched her. Then Sheila shifted her gaze to the sauce bowl, the cup, the bottle. Sheila says that at first, with her eyes closed, she concentrates on the subject, and then she just looks at it. Objects begin to move if she gives an installation for this in her mind. She herself believes that the aliens may be trying to show us how to use the "sleeping" reserves of the human brain. It sometimes happens that after meeting with aliens, contactees receive real healing abilities. In one of the villages of the Bryansk region lives twenty-three-year-old Lena (she does not want excessive popularity, therefore she asks journalists not to indicate her last name), who treats people. Lena learned about her gift by chance, when she jokingly began to treat her grandmother's eyes with her hands. To everyone's surprise, the next day the woman took off her glasses and has not needed them since. The girl believes that she owes her phenomenal abilities to the aliens whom she met when she was 13 years old. “That day, she and her friends were returning home from school practice. We were walking across the field, past the lake. And suddenly a car looked like an ambulance, only without doors, with a cropped front and with a red glow inside. five humanoid creatures came out, two of which headed towards the girls. " "The aliens, according to Lena, were very tall, as they rose noticeably above the ripe rye, while an ordinary person was hiding under it. One of them spoke to the girls in a Lilliputian voice. He explained that they had arrived to measure the radiation, and showed a device that looks like a pistol with a wide barrel. " "Lena of strange creatures, to the surprise of her friends, was not frightened and even touched one of them. Then the aliens entered the car, and she silently flew over the field." Since then, for ten years now, the girl has been treating people with her hands and believes that she received this gift precisely after she touched the alien. However, as ufological practice shows, not every cosmic gift can be used for the benefit of people. In 1988, for a month, residents of Stavropol observed unidentified flying objects in the sky over the city. Recently, a reporter from one of the Stavropol newspapers managed to talk to Irina Obraztsova, who then contacted uninvited guests from space, but immediately after that completely forgot everything. It was only almost 20 years later that she remembered what happened to her in the late eighties. “At that time, my husband and I lived in a private house on Sochinskaya Street, - says Irina. - Nearby, within a few minutes walk, - Cold spring. That winter evening my husband and I did not get along. He understood my condition and went out into the street. bed, and suddenly the sash of the window silently opened in some strange way. People entered the room ... I was surprised that their legs had no feet. They are tall, under two meters, and they feel very strong. But to say that they are beautiful - it is impossible, they look like plasticine mass, as children sculpt. I want to ask: why through the window? But the tongue was numb! I sat down on the bed, feeling as if I were swimming. The second one took me by the fingers with his tentacles, like chewing gum, softly, as if stuck. I understand that they are being taken away from home, and winter is outside. There were galoshes behind the refrigerator, she asked: "Let me put on galoshes at least." They took me to the Cold Spring. There, I see, their plate is the same color as the costumes of the aliens, and it seems to hang a little in the air, there are no windows, and then a ladder without steps moved out, and I need to climb it. Quite unexpectedly, she thought about a quarrel with her husband and tried to explain to them. I can't, they say, so to leave, today I quarreled with my husband ... I have to make peace with him. I just said these words - that's it! I feel at home, lying on a carpet, in the middle of the apartment. My husband comes in, strokes my cheek. Having regained consciousness, she began to tell him about the incident. At first he did not believe it, but when he saw the icy edge of his nightgown and full galoshes of snow, he realized that I was telling the truth. ”The next day Irina could still tell about her night adventure, but then this incident seemed to be erased from her memory. I remembered this strange story again and finally understood why I began to sometimes see: ghosts! This happens to Irina, as a rule, in the cemetery. Here, in front of her gaze, figures of dead people often stand, both familiar to her during her lifetime and completely unknown. planets Aynix Nadezhda N. from Vologda has an even more terrible gift. She feels the approach of death. She is given with incredible accuracy to predict who, when and from what will die. She knows who is a "tenant" and who is "not a tenant", and can indicate when and under what circumstances each of us will have to be on his deathbed. Hope is enough to look into the eyes of a person to say how many steps he has left until the end of the earthly journey. t that it all started ten years ago. She was in a serious car accident. The girl was taken to the hospital with a severe skull injury. She spent eighteen days in a coma. And when, thanks to the efforts of the doctors, she came to, she completely lost her memory. Nadezhda did not remember anything from her past and did not recognize her relatives and old acquaintances. It was at this time, as she says, that an alien possessed her. He said his name: Varrigon and said that he flew from the distant planet Aynix. “Aynix is ​​in another Galaxy, - says Nadezhda. - And the alien possessed me precisely because I was between life and death. The inhabitants of this planet constantly fly to our Earth. When Varrigon possessed my body, he began to give me descriptions of the people who were in my field of vision. Moreover, these descriptions were very detailed, one might say intimate. He told me what these people are sick with, what their character is. He revealed to me their most intimate secrets. "After Nadezhda came out of the coma, everyone thought that she would be crazy. To be honest, the girl herself believed in it. She felt the presence of someone outside and heard voices inside her. Only later did I find out that it was the voice of Warrigon. The doomed person can be distinguished from the crowd of thousands. Perhaps, experts who have studied the phenomenon of Nadezhda think that the reason for her abilities are some external signs of the doomed person - his skin color, facial expression, painful appearance - after all, even the Chinese healers said: a person is doomed when the disease came out. However, Nadezhda herself does not agree with such a "diagnosis": "I am not a doctor, and it is difficult for me to judge how the color of the skin corresponds to the state of health. I may not see the person's face. However, being close to him, I will certainly feel that next to me, forgive the vulgarity, "a living corpse." Examples? There are plenty of them. Once at work at lunchtime I met a stranger young man. I've never seen him before. She only held her gaze for a second. And immediately I felt my heart skip a beat. I thought: not a tenant, his days are numbered. And no one can help. And so it turned out: he died two months later from blood cancer. "" I am never mistaken "Hope is sometimes reproached for the fact that by telling a person the date of death, she makes his life painful. To which a woman always answers about the same: "Imagine how it feels to me. After all, I have relatives, acquaintances, friends. I love them. And I would like them to live as long as possible. But I know that my friend will die in March. And I can't help it. Believe me, this is a real torture - to meet with a person, joke, smile, and know that his days are numbered. All in all, over the years, I had to "bury" hundreds of people. I knew about their doom and kept silent. I try never to betray a secret that I could not help touching. It is not easy. Imagine that a man is drowning in front of your eyes, and you cannot save him ... Once on the street I met an old acquaintance. We exchanged news. And again I felt my heart prick. Then I couldn’t believe myself. Do I have the right not to believe myself? A young, blooming woman. Men look at such a thing. Should she think about death? I thought: I’ll only scare, I’ll exhaust myself with doubts. So we parted. And on the same night her husband killed her ... "When Nadezhda's mother-in-law fell ill, she went with her husband to the hospital to visit her. The nurse told her the diagnosis: pneumonia. They met in the corridor, and Nadezhda did not recognize Nina Vladimirovna. that a lifeless body was walking towards her. And then a sudden thought pierced her: “She has cancer.” The mother-in-law was very pleased with the arrival of her son and daughter-in-law. She said that she felt good and even went to see them off to the bus stop. But when Nadezhda was already sitting on the bus and looked at Nina Vladimirovna from the window, an unknown force forced her to leave and once again say goodbye to her. “I will never see her again. She will soon die, "Nadezhda was spinning in her head. Then she went on a business trip, and there she had a dream: her mother-in-law was lying in the room, her head to the door. All her children were nearby. She looked at them and said:" Well, that's it. come to say goodbye to me, only Nadya is not there. "Nadezhda woke up in tears, and when she returned from a business trip, she learned that Nina Vladimirovna had liver cancer with metastases in the lungs. And before she died, she said the same words as in her dream:" Everyone came to say goodbye to me, only Nadya is gone. "Very often people come to Nadezhda who show a selfish, if I may say so, interest in her abilities. Nadezhda did not understand at first. Then she realized: it was about inheritance and, without thinking twice, drove him away. Another time four shaved, shaved "jocks" burst into her apartment. I didn’t understand. hesitated the life of one high-ranking official. They offered a lot of money for information. But Nadezhda refused. She said she didn't feel anything. And when they began to threaten, she promised to report them such that the "pitching" immediately flew out of the apartment like a bullet. At the beginning of her difficult path, to which Nadezhda was doomed by an alien mind, she was often offered a job in various medical institutions, but Nadezhda never accepted a single offer. “My abilities do not give me the opportunity to heal people,” says Nadezhda. “I could not even help my father, although I knew exactly when he would die. Now I know the day of my mother’s death. And so sometimes it seems to me that life loses its meaning for me. I also know when I will die myself: I can name the exact date and circumstances under which this will happen. Today they seem incredible to me, I cannot believe that I will ever find myself in a similar situation.

I rented an apartment, strange things happened in it, with mirrors, things ... I don't even know what to attribute it to, but it was very scary. My husband is a military man, by distribution we have almost lived in Belgorod for 2 years. I myself am from Novosibirsk. I met my husband when he was still studying at a military school in the 4th year (NVVKU). All these 2 years (4-5 courses, before my husband was assigned) I worked as a realtor while he was studying. Found an acquaintance 1k. inexpensive, next to my mother's house and work and rented it so that we had a place to live. It needed a little renovation. My husband was not released from school so often, only for a few hours a day, so I had to do the repairs myself.
For the first time, I noticed something when I was doing repairs. I was painting the door frames, when I finished and cleaned everything up, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. A mirror hung over the sink (a round one with shelves, plastic, everyone probably had this before), I washed my face, raise my head, behind me a shadow flashed along the wall, I automatically turned around, I was scared - there was nothing. Then I thought that because of the paint, it probably seemed, but I took off the mirror and put it behind the closet, it was not at ease.
There was also a mirror in the hallway, which also gave me a strange feeling, but I did not see anything in it and did not touch it.
At lunchtime, my friends and I used to come to my house for lunch. And then one fine day, the three of us (me, Oksana and Lina) went to my house for dinner. I only smoked in the kitchen, closing the door. We ate, Lina went to the window to smoke, Oksana and I remained at the table. We were sitting, talking, suddenly from somewhere “from above” the fork that we were eating falls on the table (I didn’t notice how it flew up, but I saw how it flew down) and there was a feeling that someone threw it on the table with force ... Oksana and I froze ... we look at each other and are silent, but Lina did not see this, she stood with her back to us, near the window, and said, "Oh damn, how the sneba fell!" (about the sound, it was so strong) ...
And we all sit with Oksana in silence and cannot understand anything ... both did not know how to comment on what they saw ... after a long pause, she asks me, "did you do that ...?". I, taken aback, say- "you understand that you saw it too ...?". Having told Lina about this, we quickly packed up and went to work, she certainly did not believe us then. ...
But 2 days pass, Lina calls Oksana and says that her husband crashed on a motorcycle (not to death), the "FORK", which holds the wheel, flew off ... of course, there was talk that it was a sign. She so dissuaded her husband not to participate in competitions, but he did not listen ...
Since then, I was afraid to spend the night alone, I always asked one of my friends to stay when my husband was not there.

Once I had to sleep alone ...
Sergei (my husband) went to school, I turned on the light in the hallway, lay down, waiting for his call when he reaches the school. I was lying down, listening to music quietly, suddenly from behind the cabinet I heard a knock (for which I removed the mirror), turned off the music, I thought I heard ... the apartment is corner, I have no neighbors with that wall ... about a minute later there was another knock ... I sat down on the sofa, well the switch was over the sofa, turned on the light ... I sit and think, what could it be? ... I can't describe it further, all this horror I experienced ... someone starts to whisper something around me, I just made out the first 2 phrases, this one " someone "said," take a candle ...
Then, without taking apart anything, I jump up, throw some things into my bag, put something on myself, and a strong wind starts blowing around me ... the windows are all closed ... I grab my shoes and run out onto the landing, at this time Sergei calls me, I'm in a panic, I say something to him indistinctly, I don't remember what, he asks, “what happened, yes, what happened,” and I just remember that I yelled at him in horror, “let me get out of this damn apartment!
She closed the door, walked away from the door, sat down on the little sheets, I don't know why, sat there, then got up abruptly and flew out of the entrance with a bullet. All this time, my husband was silent on the phone, waiting for me to say something to him. I walked 300 meters away from the house and I started hysterical with tears, I told him everything somehow ...
I decided to go to Oksana to spend the night. I came to her, there is no face on me, all in tears. She gave me sedatives to drink, then I told her everything ... and I know that she believed me, because she saw how the fork flew up.
I decided to go to a psychic with this case. When I came to her, I said only, “you know, I’m renting an apartment…”. And she interrupted me - "ah, everything ... I see ...".

She told me where this creature lives - in the area of ​​the mirror in the hallway! She described to me the place where and how everything is located! But it seems that this entity is not harmful, you should not be afraid of it. I don’t need anything ... and added that with a male sex she would not show herself in any way, she felt strength, and the female psyche meant weaker to her. But it didn't make me feel any better.
I returned home in 4 days. One was no longer left. At 5 in the morning, the dishes in the kitchen rattled as standard, but everything was in place, - I got used to it.
But with the male sex, this entity also dared, opened and closed the doors, to the toilet, to the kitchen ... the guys were shocked when they saw this.

And I still could not stand it and moved out of the apartment ... well, his, such a joy!

Many skeptics who do not believe in mysticism and believe that a scientific explanation can be found for everything will doubt the reliability of the information presented below. But in any case, it makes no sense to deny that there are a number of inexplicable anomalies in nature that are not just frightening, but terrifying.

Stories with mysterious disappearances and deaths in disastrous places that can be found in Russia cool the blood and make you truly horrified. In the continuation of the article, you will find a list of the most terrible places in our country.

Devil's cemetery (Krasnoyarsk Territory)

There are 75 known missing or dead over the past 30 years. On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the top of a low mountain, there is a strange meadow with a hole in the very center. According to some reports, it was formed in 1908. Theories were put forward that the appearance of this place is directly related to the fact of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, and the hole in the center is nothing more than the mouth of a long-extinct volcano, punctured by the object during the fall. People called this strange place the Devil's Cemetery.

Over the past thirty years, at least 75 people have either disappeared or died in this area. Being in the Devil's Cemetery is destructive for all living things. Hundreds of cows died, determined to taste the herbs from the clearing. In the post-war period, all residents of these unsafe places were resettled. From the stories of the old-timers, it became known that a huge number of people died either on the territory of the clearing itself, or being in a small radius from it.

In the 80s, researchers became interested in this anomalous zone and began to stubbornly search for the Devil's Cemetery. Several expeditionary squads are still missing. About 75 search engines also did not return from search campaigns.

In 1991, an eerie clearing was found. A large, serious expedition was going to study it. In the same year that the meadow was found, a film was made about this place, called "Devil's Cemetery". Many publications published articles and photos about this mysterious place. Those wishing to visit the area of ​​the Devil's Cemetery should know that it is not worth setting up a camp closer than one kilometer, but it is more correct and more convenient to set up a camp at the mouth of the Deshemba River. The easiest way to get to your destination is along the river. It is really possible to successfully raft only in the period from May to early June. Only professionals should go on a hike, since the area is very difficult.

Mountain of the Dead (Sverdlovsk Region)

In 1959, a group of young enthusiasts led by Igor Dyatlov went on an expedition to the Mountain of the Dead. The ascent to the summit began on February 1. By coincidence, it is on this day that a magical festival called Candlemas takes place. Before reaching the summit, a group of nine people set up camp for the night. It is not known what the young people witnessed and what made them, having cut open the tent from the inside, hastily leave it, going out into the cold with practically no clothes. No trace of anyone else's presence was found. No signs of a struggle. No trace of the elements. At the same time, all participants had terrible injuries, some had their tongues pulled out, all of them had purple or orange skin, unnatural even for the dead.

By decree from above, everything concerning the Dyatlov expedition was kept in the strictest secrecy. Dyatlov's group is not the only one who died on the slopes of the terrible mountain. Several expeditions never returned home after visiting her. The publishing house of the newspaper "Gentry" in the 90s released a huge material dedicated to the Mountain of the Dead. At the same time, specialists from Vladivostok carried out thorough ufological studies. And today this place does not attract tourists too much because of its notoriety. Although at the moment there are no anomalous manifestations on the mountain and it is safe to visit.

Devil's Lair (Volgograd Region)

In the Volgograd region, on the ridge called Medvetskaya, there is a place called the Devil's Lair. According to the information received, spontaneous combustion of people occurs in this place. The bodies of the local shepherd Mamaev Yuri in 1990 and the combine operator Tsukanov Ivan were found. But it is reliably known that Ivan burned down, saving the combine and the grain field from an unexpected fire.

In the case of the shepherd, there is evidence that the cause of his death was the burning of hay. Nevertheless, this place is considered unkind, although the expedition conducted did not reveal any anomalies. It is safe for hiking trips.

Lake Labynkyr

In the east of Yakutia, in the Oymyakonsky district, there is a reservoir overgrown with legends and amazing stories. A lake called Labynkyr. According to legend, an animal of incredible size lives in the lake, it is assumed that it is of relic origin. According to local residents, this creature swallows large animals and people. Based on rumors, the death toll is more than ten people. But all this is not reliable, there is no real evidence. The terrain is wild and difficult to pass, which does not attract researchers. It is because of its mystery that this place is included in the list of the most creepy ones.

Death valley

There are several "valleys" that claim to be the Valley of Death. One of them is located in Valdai, in the Novgorod region. According to local beliefs, somewhere there is a mysterious "stump" near which people and animals disappeared. In fact, no one has seen this "stump", the police are also skeptical, there have been no reports of missing people.

Yakutia also has its own "Valley of Death" - Elyuya Cherkechekh. Its supernaturalness has not been confirmed, none of the researchers have seen any hemispheres emitting heat, copper cauldrons and other anomalous formations. For ten years, we studied the data on this area, invited about 2000 specialists for all the time, and this is not taking into account the help of people who responded to our advertisements in the newspapers. And, summing up, they came to the conclusion that the supernaturalness of this zone is just an invention based on local legends.

Another Death Valley is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, not far from the Valley of Geysers. This time, its existence is confirmed. There is a large number of animal deaths there, and there has been unconfirmed data on the deaths of people in the area. As a result of our research, it was revealed that mortality among animals is explained by gas poisoning, the causes and frequency have not been identified. For a person, being in this zone does not pose a danger, since he will be able to leave the zone on his own in the event of a gas release. It is not recommended to spend the night in this area.

Devil's gate

On the Kolyma tract, there is one section, passing between two rocks, where a fairly large number of accidents and incidents, including fatalities, have been recorded. No anomalies were found in this segment. The organization of the expedition did not make sense, there are similar sections on almost any route.

Mound of Sineus

According to legend, not far from Belozersk, Volgograd region, there is a mound of the Varangian king Sineus, Rurik's brother. During the Soviet era, the upper part of the mound was dismantled for construction needs, and in the remaining part, a cellar was dug for a large potato storage. But all the potatoes, like the logs of the inner lining, rotted, and in this place a hole was formed, filled with a fetid mess. Many cases of falling into it were recorded; local residents repeatedly pulled out corpses. According to legend, it is the embittered Sineus who lures people into the pit. The expedition was not organized, and it was not possible to establish the location of the mound.

Myasnoy Bor

In the Novgorod region, a swamp is located in one of the forests. During the Great Patriotic War, it took the lives of many soldiers, whose remains are still swallowed up in the swamp.

The exact number of the deceased is unknown, according to preliminary estimates, we are talking about tens of thousands. The sad history of this area creates an atmosphere of fear around.

Cape Ryty

Near Cape Ryty, Baikal, there are many different anomalies - compasses and navigators are starting to go crazy, sometimes there is an increase in the radiation background, which is why there are currently no settlements near the cape. It was not possible to establish the nature of these anomalies, usually the background radiation is within normal limits. Staying near the cape does not promise any dangers, one has only to beware of the very aggressive ground bees living there, whose stings are painful.

Devil's ravine

Devil's ravine near the village of Lyady, Pskov region. It was said that several people had disappeared there before the war. Also, several cases have been reported since 1974. Some people did come back and tell amazing stories. Expeditions did not reveal any anomalies in this area, the loss of people was attributed to difficult terrain, so it is not advised to go there alone without equipment and appropriate knowledge of the area.

To believe or not to believe in the supernatural? On the one hand, paranormal phenomena have no scientific explanation and are beyond our understanding.

But on the other hand, how can one not believe the stories of such respectable people as politicians, police officers, military personnel and others who have personally experienced encounters with the unknown. Their evidence can be considered reliable. Although, however, decide for yourself.

At one of the spiritualism sessions, which was attended by President Abraham Lincoln, his wife Mary Todd Lincoln and several of their friends, a piano came off the floor and hung in the air. President Lincoln and Colonel Simon Kase climbed onto the piano, causing it to shake and jump, forcing them to dismount. After this incident, Lincoln believed in levitation and considered it proof of the existence of some "invisible force."

Photo of Mary Lincoln with a ghost

After the death of her husband, Mary Todd Lincoln asked medium photographer William Mumler to take a photograph of her.

Surprisingly, long before the invention of Photoshop, Mumler managed to create a photograph showing the ghost of President Lincoln behind his wife. This photograph is now in the Fort Wayne, Indiana Library.

Officer Carl Romero, who was on duty at the Hispaniola, New Mexico police station, was watching the images on the monitors when he saw a strange figure in the secured area that entered through a closed entrance. The officer reported what he saw to his superiors and colleagues, demonstrating footage of a ghost as evidence of his words.

Churchill and the ghost of Lincoln

During one of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's visits to the White House, he was placed in a room that used to be Lincoln's bedroom. Churchill had just left the bathroom, naked and with a constant cigar in his mouth, and then he saw the ghost of Lincoln - he was leaning on the fireplace. Churchill said he warmly addressed the spirit: “Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have caught me in an inappropriate state. " In response, Lincoln's ghost smiled and then disappeared.

On December 28, 1980 in Woodbridge, England, military personnel saw an unidentified triangular flying object. Some inscriptions were engraved on the skin of the alien ship, and Sergeant James Penniston touched them with his hand. Later, he claimed that in this way he downloaded some kind of binary code, which was imprinted in his memory.

Donnie Decker went into a kind of trance and could make it rain indoors. Water dripped from the ceiling, streamed down the walls, water jets could scatter in different directions. The police were called to the houses with "rain". The police were wet, but could not explain anything. The strange phenomenon of causing rain continued until the priest performed the ritual of driving out the evil spirits from Donnie.

Ghost at the site of the ruins of the World Trade Center in New York

Retired Police Lieutenant Frank Marra said that he repeatedly observed a strange African American woman, dressed in nurse clothes from the Second World War, who held what looked like a tray of coffee bags and sandwiches in her hands.

The enigmatic figure always appeared about 50 yards from him, but every time it inexplicably disappeared when he tried to get a better look at it. Other police officers also said they saw the woman.

The story goes that a UFO crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, USA in July 1947. A sensational statement appeared in the press that a flying disc fell into the hands of the military. After 24 hours, this statement was denied, saying that the discovered object was a meteorological balloon.

Public Relations Officer Lt. Walter Hout left an affidavit describing UFOs and alien bodies he saw at the crash site. After his death, these testimonies were published.

When the pilot of the RAF biplane, Desmond Arthur, crashed in 1913, the investigating commission first established that the accident was the fault of a mechanic who did not fix the malfunction of the wing, but then the case was considered a second time and the mechanic was acquitted, the investigation placed all the blame on the pilot. It was then that a ghost began to appear at the airbase, in the silhouette of which his colleagues recognized Desmond.

There was a rumor that the ghost is, because the deceased pilot is dissatisfied with the vain erected on him. Under pressure from the public, the investigation was resumed and Desmond was acquitted. After that, the ghost appeared only once and they said that he seemed to be smiling.