Imagination and creativity of personality. Outline: Compositions on a free topic - Imagination, the engine of progress and the salvation of mankind essays

Make a summary! Imagination, the unique ability of our mind, is based first of all on memory. Under the influence of the will or emotional impulse, fragments of Our memories form an amazing, often fantastic mosaic. A moment - and now before our inner gaze A magic carpet of imagination unfolds. In order for the movie screen of imagination to begin its work, he needs a reason. Usually, imagination is turned on, starting from a particular detail of reality surrounding it. It is not uncommon that the occasion giving rise to the movement of dreams is the most insignificant. “By chance, on a pocket knife, find a speck of dust from distant lands - they will complain that they will appear strange, wrapped in colored fog.” Yes, yes, often with such specks of dust, the tameless work of the imagination begins. Based on reality, the imagination itself is able to influence it, shaping our ideals, dictating our actions. After all, the person who dreams, believes in his dream. This belief in a dream is the force that makes a person seek the imaginary in life, fight for its implementation, and finally - embody the imaginary.

Imagination is more important than knowledge
   A. Einstein

Everything that mankind has achieved over the centuries in science, technology and culture has been achieved through imagination. Neither Tsiolkovsky, nor Yuri Gagarin, nor the first American cosmonauts on the moon would have been possible without the first dreamer who imagined himself flying like a bird. His jump from the bell tower with homemade wings on his hands anticipated the cosmic era of mankind. Russian Icarus was not alone. It is known that on his sketch of the first aircraft Leonardo da Vinci wrote prophetic words: “A man will grow wings for himself”. The Renaissance artist’s aircraft could indeed fly a few feet, but the church labeled it “the devil’s instrument”.
So, collective imagination contributes to the rapid development of progress. I especially want to note the importance of the imagination of creative individuals. Science fiction writers from all over the world have created an amazing country that is not on the geographical map, but it is indicated in the soul of every person who knows how to dream. This is a FANTASTIC country. She lives according to her own laws and orders. There all wishes come true and all dreams come true. But the country of science fiction is not so surreal. Recall Jules Verne: from the area subordinate to him, submarines migrated to the real world, and our scientists claim that the flying spacecraft, painted by the writer, is very similar to the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft. The collective global imagination is fueled by the work of such wonderful science fiction writers as Ivan Efremov, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.
   We have published the whole “Library of Modern Fiction”. Even a cursory acquaintance with it will make the reader convinced of the desire of the authors to continue the tradition of scientific foresight. But even if in the works of modern science fiction writers there are no specific scientific discoveries, they still work for the progress of mankind. For example, the Strugatsky’s work “The Beetle in the Anthill” poses moral problems that seem to prepare mankind for psychological balance among the ultramodern devices on earth and in space. I believe that the problem is not only to form in thoughts what has not yet happened in the physical world, but also in how a person will take advantage of this miracle of technology. Errors of this kind led to atomic explosions in Japan. Humanity still lives in fear of nuclear and other ultramodern weapons of mass destruction.
   The work of science fiction writers is a spontaneous protest against social relations that mutilate and mutilate the human soul. For this reason, the greatest achievements of science and technology today are perceived by many people as an insurmountable evil, as a means of even greater enslavement of mankind. Writers create works in which fiction is only the backdrop on which the tragedy of insoluble contradictions between a person and a cybernetic robot is played out.
For example, in the story of the Australian science fiction writer Lee Harding, “Searches”, someone Johnston is looking for a corner of real nature outside the “giant cities that cover the entire planet with armor made of metal and plastic. After a long search he manages to find a beautiful park. Birds, grass, the scent of flowers delight there, even the watchman lives in a wooden house. The hero is going to stay there forever, but the watchman discourages him: "You must remember, Mr. Johnston, that you are part of an equation. A monstrous equation that helps municipal cyber community to maintain a smooth flow of the global process. ”Despite the warning, Johnston stays in the park, picks a rose from the bush and with horror makes sure that the flower is synthetic. Everything in the park is artificial, and even the watchman turns out to be a robot. Desperate, the hero opens his veins, experiencing the last joy that even though he has real blood, but all the blood flows out, and the hero does not die, and only a patrol robot kills him with a beam of ions.
   I would like to hope that someday it will be impossible to use creative imagination against a person, but only to solve world problems. American writer Robert Anthony said well about this: “We should never think of a situation as hopeless or insoluble. The belief that we are on the path to self-destruction is simply a fallacy. ” I completely agree with the American writer. Our creative imagination is the key to our future.

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1 Types of statements. Understanding and remembering the text on the basis of recreating imagination Types of expositions Traditionally distinguish the following types of exposition. According to the form of speech: oral, written. By volume: detailed, concise. In relation to the content of the source text: complete, selective, presentation with an additional task (to add the beginning / end, make inserts, retell the text from the 1st to the 3rd, answer a question, etc.). According to the perception of the source text: the statement of the text read, perceived visually, the statement of the text heard, perceived by ear, the statement of the text, perceived by ear and visually. According to the purpose of the exercise: educational, control. The features of all these types of statements are well known to the teacher. We only note that in the 9th grade it is not necessary to concentrate both your own efforts and the efforts of students on any one kind. In the practice of preparing for the exam, different texts, different expositions and, of course, different types of work should be present, otherwise boredom and monotony - the main enemy of any activity - cannot be avoided. But, since there is very little time for presentation in the graduation class (after all, you also need to go through the program), it is best to select small texts for training and to train one specific skill. Requirements for the texts The texts of the presentations do not satisfy not only us, teachers, but also children: they seem to them monotonous, "pathos", incomprehensible, too long ("try yourself to retell the text in words, but there are most of them in collections!"). The game called “If I were a compiler of texts, I would suggest texts about ...” turned out to be very effective: the students mentioned various topics - about school, about problems that excite teenagers, about interesting people, about great discoveries, about technology, sports, music, about relations between people and even about the future of mankind. “Anyone but boring!” Why are the children calling these topics? What is leading in their choice? Without realizing it themselves, they act on one criterion - emotional, choosing texts that primarily evoke positive emotions. The selection of boring - cognitive, fascinating, problematic, clever, and sometimes humorous - texts excites and supports cognitive interest, creates a favorable psychological climate in the lesson. Scientifically popular and some journalistic texts are best suited for this purpose, less often - and only with a specific teaching task - fiction. The question of whether it is possible to propose texts from classical works for presentation is debatable. Many methodologists believe that, transmitting close to the text the content of an artistically perfect fragment, students learn those turns of speech that belong to Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy ... During the presentation, the imitation mechanism that has a beneficial effect on the child’s speech is activated. But what does it mean to “retell in detail” of Lermontov or Gogol (for example, the texts “About Pechorin”, “About Thick and Thin at Gogol” or “About Sobakevich”)? If the passage is not very large, which cannot be said about the examination texts, it can be done, with incredible efforts, almost verbatim. However, in this case it is not necessary to speak about any understanding and development of speech. The situation with a detailed exposition of the classics is parodied by the students themselves in the “bad advice” genre: “... you must replace all the words of the author with your own and at the same time preserve his style” How to make the presentation? The question at first glance may seem rather strange: the methodology for conducting the presentation is known to any teacher. But it is worth abandoning some familiar patterns and patterns.

2 The teacher reads the text for the first time. Students listening, trying to understand and remember the text. After the first reading, they retell the text in order to understand what they did not remember. This work usually takes 5-7 minutes. The teacher reads the text a second time. Pupils pay attention to those places that were missed during the first reading. Then they retell the text again, make the necessary notes on the draft, draw up a plan, formulate the main idea, etc. And only after that write a statement. Unlike the traditional methodology, during the retelling, children note not what they already remembered well, but what they missed while listening to the text. The new technique takes into account the psychological mechanisms that act in the process of perception of the text - the mechanisms of memorization and understanding. Speaking the text to himself, the student, even if not immediately, realizes that he did not remember some parts of the text because he did not understand them. At the initial stage of training, one of the students can retell the text. In this case, control over memorization and understanding is carried out externally by other students: they note factual errors, omissions, logical inconsistencies, etc. As a result of such joint activity with the class, even the weakest students gradually learn to retell. A separate discussion deserves the role of such a mental process as recreating imagination. Understanding and remembering the text on the basis of recreating imagination. As you know, in psychology different types of imagination are distinguished: creative and recreating. Unlike creative imagination, aimed at creating new images, the recreational one is aimed at creating images that correspond to the verbal description. It is the recreating imagination that pervades the entire educational process, without it it is impossible to imagine full-fledged learning. Especially important is his role in reading a literary text. “Of course, this does not apply to all reading. Such a reading, which pursues only one goal - to find out “about what is said here and what will happen next,” writes the famous psychologist B. M. Teplov, “does not require the active work of the imagination. But such reading, when you mentally“ see and hear ”everything what we are talking about when you are mentally transported to the depicted situation and “live” in it - such reading is impossible without the most active work of the imagination. ”This can be fully attributed to writing the presentation. The task of the teacher is to make it so that when perceiving the artistic text student mentally “vi deeds and heard ”what he listens to (reads). To achieve this, of course, is not easy. The recreational imagination of different people and children in particular is not developed to the same degree. tracks .. Detailed and concise presentation Microtome analysis. Ways to compress text. Technology for writing an essay based on the text of the presentation Features of a detailed and concise presentation No matter what form of final certification the ninth-grader chooses, he will have to write a summary: detailed or concise presentation with elements of the composition (traditional form), detailed (version 2007), compressed (version 2008 g.). An analysis of the questionnaires shows that ninth-graders understand quite well the difference between a detailed and concise presentation. Two-thirds of them believe that retelling close to the text is easier, because "you can rely on memory and the ability to write quickly." Although in the questionnaires there are arguments, mostly naive, in favor of a concise statement: “it is easier to write because you will make fewer mistakes”, “it has fewer descriptions, all kinds of different details”, “teachers love brevity more”. To “squeeze” the text means “to shorten it, but at the same time keep the main idea in each paragraph”; “Remove all unnecessary and leave only the main thing, and this is the most difficult”; "Refuse details." If we compare these statements with what they write about the detailed and concise

According to the methodologists, it turns out that there are not so many differences. The task of a detailed presentation is to reproduce the source text as fully as possible, preserving its compositional and linguistic features. The task of a concise statement is to briefly, in a generalized form, convey the contents of the text, select essential information, exclude details, find speech means of generalization. In a concise presentation, it is not necessary to preserve the style features of the author’s text, but the main thoughts of the author, the logical sequence of events, the characters of the characters and the situation should be conveyed without distortion. An interesting technique that helps students understand the features of a detailed and concise presentation is offered by the Pskov methodologist F.S. Marat. He compares the source text with a large nesting doll, a detailed exposition with a smaller nesting doll, a concise exposition with the rest of the nesting dolls. “These last three nesting dolls are a concise presentation of the text. In one case, for example, we were given three minutes (or 30 lines in a newspaper) for presentation, in another - two minutes (20 lines), in the third - a minute (or 10 lines). And so we got texts with different degrees of compression, concise expositions, and we all created them based on the original. Therefore, they are somewhat fundamentally similar to each other and, of course, to the first, source text ”1. If this explanation is accompanied by an appropriate figure or diagram, students will see that the text can be compressed to various degrees, but the main and essential ones from the source text should be saved in the secondary text. Obviously, not every text is suitable for a concise presentation, but only one in which there is something to compress. The volume of text for a concise presentation should be greater than for a detailed one. (For some reason, this criterion is not taken into account by the compilers of the latest version of the examination paper, which offer texts in which there are only words for a concise presentation. The reaction of the students to the task is characteristic: “Yes, there’s nothing to squeeze!”; “How to shorten the text, where two hundred words , up to ninety? Leave every second word? ".) A concise statement is considered the most difficult type of presentation because many students do not know how to highlight the main and other important thoughts, do not distract from irrelevant information. According to psychologists, a brief retelling is a technique inorganic for children's nature. Children gravitate to excessive details. And if you do not specifically teach them, the task of retelling the text briefly for many is absolutely impossible. This is also confirmed by experimental data: only 14% of students in grades 8–9 can make such a retelling2. Often the words short and short as applied to the retelling are synonymous for schoolchildren: when retelling the text can become shorter, but the main thing often disappears, essential information is skipped. The role of this type of presentation can hardly be overestimated. It is in a brief retelling that the degree of understanding of the text is revealed, it is a litmus test of understanding. If the text is not understood or partially understood, a brief retelling will reveal all the defects in perception. How to teach students to write a concise statement? What techniques can I use? On what material is this best done? These are the questions that teachers usually ask. Methods and techniques for compressing text A concise presentation requires special logical work. Two main methods of text compression (compression) are distinguished3: 1) exclusion of details; 2) generalization. With an exception, you must first select the main thing, and then remove the details (details). When summarizing the material, we first isolate the single essential facts (omit the non-essential ones), combine them into a single whole, select the appropriate language tools and compose a new text. Which compression method to use in each particular case will depend on the communicative task and the text features. Students do not speak the same methods of text compression. Some find it difficult to single out the main and find the essential, bogged down in countless details; others, on the contrary, compress the text so much that nothing remains in it

4 living and it becomes more like a plan or diagram. And in fact, and in another case, we are dealing with the difficulties of the process of abstraction. However, like any other ability of human thinking, the ability to abstract is amenable to training. Here are the types of tasks aimed at compressing text. Cut the text by one third (half, three quarters ...). Shorten the text by conveying its content in one to two sentences. Remove unnecessary from the point of view of the text. Make a “telegram” based on the text, i.e. highlight and very briefly (after all, every word is expensive in a telegram) formulate the main thing in the text. EXAMPLE 1 Task 1. Listen to the text, write a concise statement, reducing the text by half. Source text In addition to the legends of Hercules, the ancient Greeks spoke of two twin brothers - Hercules and Iphicles. Despite the fact that the brothers were very similar from childhood, they grew up different. It is still very early, and the boys want to sleep. Iphicles pulls a blanket over his head to watch interesting dreams for longer, and Hercules runs to wash his face to a cold stream. Here the brothers go along the road and see: on the way there is a large puddle. Hercules steps back, runs up and jumps over an obstacle, and Iphicl grumbles with displeasure, looking for a workaround. The brothers see: on a high tree branch a beautiful apple. “Too high,” Iphicl grumbles. “I don’t really want this apple.” Hercules jumps - and the fruit is in his hands. When legs get tired and lips dry out of thirst, and the halt is still far away, Iphicles usually says: "We’ll rest here, under the bush." “Better run,” Hercules suggests. “So we will soon overcome the road.” Hercules, who was at first an ordinary boy, later becomes a hero, the winner of monsters. And all this is only because he was accustomed from childhood to gain daily victories over difficulties, over himself. The deepest meaning is hidden in this ancient legend: the will is the ability to control oneself, this is the ability to overcome obstacles. (From a magazine) (176 words) Text of a condensed exposition The ancient Greeks have a legend about Hercules and Iphicles. Although they were twins, the brothers grew up different. In the early morning, when Iphicles is still sleeping, Hercules runs to wash his face to a cold stream. Seeing a puddle on the way, Hercules jumps over it, and Iphicles circumvents the obstacle. High on a tree is an apple. Iphicles is too lazy to climb after him, and here Hercules takes the fruit. When there is no more strength to go, Iphicles suggests a halt, and Hercules - to run forward. Although Hercules, like Iphiclus, was at first an ordinary boy, he became a hero, because since childhood he had learned to overcome difficulties and educated his will. (90 words) In this simple example, you can show students specific techniques for compressing the text: 1) the exclusion of details, secondary facts (pulls a blanket over his head to watch interesting dreams for longer); 2) the exclusion of direct speech or the translation of direct speech into indirect (4th and 5th paragraphs, someone else's speech is transmitted using simple sentences with an addendum indicating the topic of speech). When teaching a concise presentation, a certain sequence of actions is observed, which can be written in the form of the following instructions.

5 Instruction “How to write a concise exposition” -Select significant (i.e. important, necessary) thoughts in the text. -Find among them the main idea. - Break the text into pieces, grouping it around essential thoughts. -Title each part and make a plan. - Think about what can be excluded in each part, what details to refuse. -What facts (examples, cases) can be combined, generalized in neighboring parts of the text? - Consider means of communication between the parts. -Translate the selected information into "your" language. -Write this abridged “wrung out” text in a draft. “Just exposition” starting from about the 8th grade is not interesting for students to write. But the presentation, complicated by additional tasks aimed at highlighting the main idea, working with the headline, creative processing of the text, etc., students write with much greater interest, as it allows, firstly, to better understand the text, and secondly secondly, to incorporate the knowledge obtained from the text into the already existing system of knowledge, demonstrate your erudition, and show creative abilities. With this approach, the presentation in the 9th grade can be considered as a certain stage of preparation for the exam (writing part C) in the 11th grade. Retelling the text (first of all briefly), the student is already doing a serious job of comprehending its content, the correctly "wrung out" text is a support for writing the essay. I will give you several types of tasks, based on which you can make tasks for a variety of texts. Each group of tasks is aimed at training a specific technique for working with text. I. Tasks aimed at the ability to predict the content of the text. 1. Read the headline and try to figure out what (who) will be discussed in the text. After listening to the text, check your assumptions. Examples of headings: “Opening, which was two hundred years late”, “Sad collection”, “Fifteen Louis of the Fifteenths” - names of texts of S. Lvov; “Man from the Moon” (about Miklouho-Maclay), “Raphael of the violin mastery” (about Stradivarius). 2. Listen or read the beginning of the text (first sentence, first paragraph), on which you will write the presentation, and try to guess what will be discussed further (what events will follow, what thoughts will be expressed ...). Example Heroes of the Lewis Carroll fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” The Hatter and the March Hare, as you know, were constantly engaged in tea drinking. When the dishes became dirty, they did not wash it, but simply transplanted to another place. “- And what will happen when you reach the end?” - dared to ask Alice. “Is it time for us to change the subject?” - suggested the March Hare "... (Continuation of the text:" American scientist Norbert Wiener, founder of cybernetics, speaks in one of his books about the use of nature by man, the limited resources ... "The text is taken from the Encyclopedia for Children (volume "Biology") and is devoted to environmental problems.) (83 words) Assessment of the presentation Assessment criteria. 1. Evaluation of a detailed exposition Verification of expositions — for all the familiarity of this work — causes serious difficulties for many verbalists. The greatest difficulties are associated with the assessment of the content of the work. Although the criteria for evaluating the presentation are developed in great detail, this does not remove the problem of subjectivity when checking students' written work: the same presentation (and not just the essay!), Tested by different teachers, is evaluated differently by them - from 5 to 3.

6 The current practice of evaluating presentations is complicated by the fact that the teacher evaluates ordinary presentations according to one system - traditional1, and examinations (new forms of certification) - according to another, which he is not used to psychologically2. If we compare the old criteria with the new ones, it turns out that basically they have remained the same. The content of the detailed presentation is evaluated from the point of view of: 1) the accuracy of the transmission of the source text and the presence of actual errors (from 3 to O points); 2) semantic integrity, verbal connectivity and sequence of presentation (1-0 points); 3) accuracy and clarity of speech (2-0 points).

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Productive communication skills: 1. Structured perception of the text. 2. The ability to highlight microthemes. 3. Highlight the main thing, cut off the secondary. The purpose of the work is information processing of the text, selection of lexical and grammatical means for conveying brief information.

Pupils' mistakes 1. Inability to recognize words and expressions in the text that mark key points of content. 2. Attraction to the full exposition, which does not require analysis of the content of the source text. 3. Skipping microthemes or expanding the information of the source text - the lack of adequate perception of the text by ear.

Text for a concise presentation Let's think about how often we get upset that we did not understand someone? Or maybe much more often we suffer from the fact that they do not understand us? Of course, the second happens more often. When they don’t understand us, it hurts us. We are upset that parents, teachers, and classmates do not understand us. We are worried to tears that those who we like, whom we respect, do not understand us. We are sure that we ourselves are able to understand, and we understand all of them, but here they are ... But while we are confident that while we judge ourselves less severely than others, misunderstanding is born. Maybe we should start with ourselves, with what we ourselves lack? Maybe this is the first step towards understanding? Is, for example, enough imagination? Indeed, imagination, according to the exact observation of one of the writers, is not necessary at all in order to come up with something non-existent or unrealizable. Imagination is necessary in order to capture the mental corners of the hidden corners of the human soul. Without imagination, there is no image of the world and the image of man. And without these images, life becomes flat and simplified, in it we are surrounded only by models and schemes, and not by living people. But to understand a person, imagination alone is not enough, you also need close attention to people, the desire to peer, to listen with benevolent sympathy, with cordial participation. We need compassion, which encourages us to listen not only to words, but also to intonation, to peer not only at the obvious, but also at the invisible. With this attitude, the difference of views and feelings never goes into misunderstanding. (Based on materials from Internet sites)

Microthemes of the text: 1. We often worry because they do not understand us, but are sure that we ourselves understand others. 2. Perhaps a misunderstanding is born out of the fact that we judge ourselves less strictly than others, and don’t notice that we ourselves lack something. 3. The role of imagination in understanding the world and man. 4. In order to understand a person, besides imagination, attention and compassion are necessary.

IK 1-3 points “We rarely get upset that we did not understand someone, but often we worry that we did not understand. We always think that we can understand others, but they do not. And maybe, because of this, a misunderstanding is born that everyone judges himself less strictly than others? Probably the first step to understanding is to think about what we ourselves lack. For example, do we have enough imagination, which is needed just to understand all the richness and diversity of a person’s life and soul? After all, without imagination there is no image of the world. And without it, life becomes flat, and people become sketchy. But imagination alone is not enough. We need more attention and compassion for people. Then understanding is possible, even if people have different views. ” (116 words)

SG1 - 3 points “Often we are frustrated by a lack of understanding from relatives, friends and acquaintances: it seems to us that we perfectly understand others, while others do not understand us. This is natural, since a person rarely thinks about the reasons for his misunderstanding, looking for a problem in someone else. Wouldn't it be better to start with ourselves, by thinking about what we ourselves lack? One of the most important criteria for mutual understanding is imagination - not one that gives rise to thoughts that do not exist and are impossible, but one that allows you to capture with your mind and heart all the wealth of feelings and emotions, all the wealth of life, its joys and tragedies ... "

SG1 - 2 points “But not only imagination helps us understand another person. We also need close attention, compassion, the desire to peer, listen, notice not only words, but also intonations, peer not only at the obvious, but also in the inconspicuous. And then the difference of views and feelings will never grow into a misunderstanding. Only knowing yourself, and then others, you can reflect on mutual understanding, look for the causes of problems in relationships and solve these problems. "

SG1 -1 point “People often do not understand each other. We are upset that they do not understand us. But this is because we lack imagination. And imagination is not only what is associated with fantasy. Imagination helps to imagine the image of a person, to look into his soul, into the most hidden corners. Without imagination, it is impossible to create an image of the world and man, everything will turn out to be similar to a scheme. But imagination alone is not enough to create an image of a person and understand him. We must also treat him carefully and with sympathy. Then there will be no misunderstanding. ” (79 words)

SG1 -0 points “Very often we ask ourselves:“ Do they understand us? ”The answer is usually negative. And sometimes it is insulting to tears because of the fact that even our closest friends do not understand us. But does not the reason for this lie within us, in the belief that we understand, are trying to understand others? Probably, before blaming others, you need to look into yourself, figure out how I feel about others. But most of all, attention is needed to people, participation in their problems, compassion for their grief. It is necessary not only to understand the meaning of words, but also to feel the mood, human emotions. If a person understands himself, then he will be understood by others. ” (113 words)

SG1 - 0 points The first microtheme is only partially reflected, an important thought is missed: "We are sure that we ourselves understand the people around us." The second microtheme is replaced by another; speaking of imagination, the author does not reveal that function, which is emphasized in the source text as the most important: imagination is necessary for understanding the world and man. Having missed 3 microthemes, the author adds a microtheme that does not exist in the source text (last sentence)

SG2 -1 point The candidate used 1 or more methods of text compression (meaningful, language). “People often do not understand each other. We are upset that they do not understand us. But this is because we lack imagination. And imagination is not only what is associated with fantasy. Imagination helps to imagine the image of a person, to look into his soul, into the most hidden corners. Without imagination, it is impossible to create an image of the world and man; But imagination alone is not enough to create an image of a person and understand him. We must also treat him carefully and with sympathy. Then there will be no misunderstanding. ” (79 words)

2. Replacing a part of a sentence with a definitive pronoun with a generalizing meaning (“everything”), excluding repetitions and simultaneously merging two sentences into one (“Without imagination, there is no image of the world and the image of a person. And without these images, life becomes flat and simplified, we are surrounded in it just models and schemes, not living people ”-“ Without imagination, you cannot create an image of the world and a person, everything will turn out to be similar to a scheme ”). Compression Methods - Language Tools

Compression techniques 1). Exclusion of secondary information (informative reception); 2). Merging two sentences into one (“We rarely get upset that we did not understand someone, but often worry that we did not understand”); 3). Exclusion of a fragment of a sentence, different types of substitutions (“We always think that we can understand others, but they do not”).

SG2 - 0 points “Misunderstanding between people is born imperceptibly. Many people think that they understand their close friends well. And their friends do not really understand them. Often in life there is a second example. When parents, teachers, classmates do not understand us, then we are upset. And if those people whom we like and whom we respect do not understand us, then we are upset to tears. ”

Concise presentation Let us think about how often we are upset that we did not understand someone? Or maybe much more often we suffer from the fact that they do not understand us? Of course, the second happens more often. When they don’t understand us, it hurts us. We are upset that parents, teachers, and classmates do not understand us. We are worried to tears that those who we like and respect do not understand us. We are sure that we ourselves are able to understand, and we understand all of them, but they ...

Concise presentation Let us think about how often we are upset that we did not understand someone? Or maybe much more often we suffer from the fact that they do not understand us? Of course, the second happens more often. When they don’t understand us, it hurts us. We are upset that parents, teachers, and classmates do not understand us. We worry to tears that those who we like, whom we respect do not understand us. We are sure that we ourselves are able to understand, and we understand all of them, but here they are ...

Concise presentation Is, for example, sufficient imagination? Indeed, imagination, according to the exact remark of one of the writers, is not necessary at all in order to come up with something non-existent or unrealizable. Imagination is necessary in order to capture with the mind and heart all the richness of life, its situations, its turns, to see with its mind's eye the hidden corners of the human soul. Without imagination, there is no image of the world and the image of man. And without these images, life becomes flat and simplified, in it we are surrounded only by models and schemes, and not by living people.

Concise presentation But to understand a person, imagination alone is not enough, you also need close attention to people, the desire to peer, to listen with benevolent sympathy, with cordial participation. We need compassion, which prompts us to listen not only to words, but also to intonation, to peer not only at the obvious, but also at the invisible. With this attitude, the difference of views and feelings never goes into misunderstanding.