What happens if you burn a photo of a living person. Simple tips on how to get rid of photos

Situations in life are different and many of them go beyond what is permitted. So, for example, what to do if there is a need to burn a photo. Is it possible to do this at all and what can it portend?

In fact, it's worth talking a little about faith first. If a person believes in something, then it will certainly be so. The situation is similar with photographs. So, there is an opinion that it is strictly forbidden to burn pictures, because otherwise a lot of troubles await a person. And in some sources we are talking directly about those people who are depicted in the photo. So what does it do? If you burn a photo, what will happen and what to expect then? A person lives calmly, but then he fell ill on you or even more, died. But it happened, it's because someone burned the picture with his image.

Is that possible? In this case, no one would kill anyone in the usual ways. You can even say more than that, there would simply not be all wars. After all, what could be done? Yes, that's right, take a photo of an enemy and just burn it. It only takes a moment to think about what would happen around. Any person could take a picture of another, set it on fire, and thus get rid of a rival, an enemy, or anyone in general. It's actually scary.

But, fortunately, all these are ordinary reflections and nothing more. If you burn a photo with a person, nothing will come of it. True, there is another scenario. It is said that the person who did this action will also be in danger. He can suffer illness, and even death. There is also an answer to this opinion. Again, if everything was like that, then no one would ever burn photos. Even more than that, it is worth imagining a sad, but interesting situation in this regard. So, for example, any person at home has quite a lot of photographs.

The situation is this, God forbid there was a fire and it all burned down. What will happen then? It turns out that the victim in the fire is to blame for the fact that all the photos have deteriorated? What to do now, because they simply simply do not exist? It's not really his fault that this happened. The situation is again twofold and interesting. If we return to the first interpretation this phenomenon, it just gets creepy. Does this mean that all the people in the burnt photographs will now get sick or what?

Again, it sounds more than strange. But, you should not make of this, neither a comedy, nor a tragedy. After all, people are essentially all different, someone believes in this, someone does not care at all. You can burn a photo of a person and nothing will happen! Here, much depends on faith. After all, the capabilities of the human brain are so incomprehensible and strong that not everyone knows how to deal with it. Therefore, to believe or not, each person decides for himself.

There are several other situations. For example, as you know, love spells, lapels, and so on can be applied to photographs. Therefore, sometimes you just need to get rid of the pictures. In this case, a person's life can really be in danger. In general, the burning of photographs is not at all a dangerous business, everything here again depends on the faith of the person himself. There is another opinion that supposedly in this way you can easily forget who is in the picture.

To a greater extent, it is still worth paying tribute to the power of self-hypnosis, rather than getting rid of photography. In general, a picture is a memory of the past, whatever it may be. If there is no desire to remember something, then just do not look at these pictures. Burning and getting rid of them by any other means is unlikely to erase the memory. Therefore, let it lie to itself, it is not necessary, then constantly review them. After all, whatever one may say, but all the problems of a person arise in the head.

If a person believes in such actions, then directly everything will happen. The power of self-hypnosis is quite powerful and few people can really cope with it. Therefore, to burn a photo or not is a personal matter for everyone.

Still, there is a question, is it possible to burn photos and throw out old, and not only old photos. By folk omens If you burn photos or tear them, then this can certainly have a bad effect on the fate of a person.

For example, a magician, when working and performing a ritual, uses photographs, and burning the photo should be part of the ritual.

A photograph is a direct channel with a depicted person, and whether it is possible to burn your photographs is up to the person who is depicted in them. If a magician or sorcerer has a photo of a person, then you can do whatever you want with this person. And no protection can help if a person is an expert in this field. But such experts are rare.

In magic, there are established rites that allow you to kill a person from a photograph. After only ten minutes of such a rite, the person dies. Wherever a person is, he will still die. As a result, the photo is thrown away, but you cannot be sure that the photo will not fall into someone's treacherous hands. This portends the danger that a photograph can make a bad person.

There are such dangerous people, specialists in the field of magic, who, having violated the law of magic, were punished, and found themselves in no place, and even became homeless, due to one mistake. And it is these people who walk and wander through the garbage dumps, and look for photographs of some people in order to correct their fate and throw their retribution on another person, and return a normal way of life.

Under no circumstances should anyone be allowed to use and burn a photograph that depicts the faces of people, relatives, relatives. And you should never allow passers-by, strangers, in unknown places to take pictures. I mean, when some stranger offers to take a picture on the street, this should not be allowed. But it happens that girls often agree with this, and pose with pleasure. But the purpose is not known, why they are taking pictures on the street and passing by, and why they need this picture. Can't be seen on the street good man from a man with bad intentions.

A very powerful source that brings energy - photos. And it has been proved, not only magically, that photographic images of people carry all the positive information about people. Science also believes that photography carries full information about people, about any person depicted in the photo. It is not necessary to see a magician, a man or a woman, in order to personally tell everything about him to someone who asks and wants to know. To influence a person, all you need is just a photograph.

Each image of people carries all the information about the depicted person in the photo. According to various photographs, you can both help a person and harm. It is because of this that all photographs must be treated with care and seriousness, and never given to someone you do not trust.

Fuzzy photos mean that their owner will soon introduce himself. With bad omens, questions are mainly related to whether it is possible to burn photographs and various signs from a photo. And all this happens because the photo is filled with human energy, and from the photo you can influence a person. But the photo must be no more than five years old. Such an opinion is, of course, erroneous, for a magician who owns his craft in full force - this does not mean anything and he can work with a photo, even if he is thirty or forty years old. The image in the photo can tell a lot. But the question is, is it possible to burn photographs of living people, many say that it is possible and nothing will happen, while others are afraid of this.

If the image is clear, then the one who is depicted on it good health and life promises him a long and good. Well, if the picture is fuzzy, blurry, and you can’t see facial features, then the person definitely has health problems. But in order to draw conclusions, you should first pay attention to the photographer. If he was drunk, then it's not about health, but about the fact that the photographer did not calculate a little with orientation in space.

In conclusion, it is worth noting the fact that there are many signs and questions with the topic why it is impossible to burn photographs, but to believe or not to believe is everyone's business.

A love spell on a photo is one of the most famous and simple ways find love. Therefore, it is often performed independently. The main thing is not to perform the ceremony with bad intentions and anger. A certain energy connection is created between people, which opens information gates. Through them is the transmission of inner feelings and sensations.

It follows from this that if a message of light and tender feelings comes from the one who bewitches, then the result will be amazing. Each person has his own supply of energy and power in the soul, with strong feelings it still doubles. Therefore, the percentage of self-performed love spell is as large as with the help of a specialist.

Experienced sorcerers and magicians know and practice various love spells with photographs. That is, rituals with a photo can carry a different meaning and power of action. White is considered the weakest love spell. Mostly positive, rarely negative. The magician connects with the powers of the deities. Magical attributes are placed in the corners of the room, inaccessible to the eye.

In extreme cases, if a person needs to be influenced special efforts and to put pressure morally, since the will of the object categorically does not give in, a dark love spell is used. It is precisely after it is carried out that all the attributes used are burned, buried or drowned. The ritual for the appearance of sexual desire causes only cravings, some kind of thirst.

Feelings of love or even petty sympathy are not part of the human condition. Most often, women, in this way, try to keep a man nearby when they are suspected of cheating. The most powerful love spell on a Voodoo doll has both negative and positive effects. A person, for example, can become a zombie or lose his mental balance. Over time, it can be observed that the consequences of the rite make themselves felt to all participants in the action.

Conducting the ceremony

There are so-called women's (odd) and men's (even) days. For the ritual itself, it is best to take more new photo the person who will be seduced. It must be made no more than two years ago. The chest, arms and eyes should be clearly visible. There should only be one in this photo right person, without foreign people and objects.

The cycle of the rite is performed according to the ascending of the moon. During the ritual, you need to be clean, just as the room must be cleaned. Ventilate the room by opening the windows. It is desirable that there should be no strangers in the room, so you can better concentrate. Clothing should be loose, comfortable, without distracting trifles, it is better to be barefoot.

Energy buildup

A love spell is an impact on someone or something with the help of an energy flow. The thought itself must be very powerful, precise and explicit so that the information gets where it needs to be in the same form. As you can see, photography helps to get clear thoughts and images. Through the message, the energy force enters astral body bewitched. The whole message of feelings and emotions is transmitted to a person. You still need to have time to reproduce in your head a model of future relationships. The main thing after the end of the ritual is to forget and not remember what happened and about the object of the love spell. And only then everything will work and come true.

magic note

The words spoken during the ceremony depend on whether it is a man or a woman. In an unlit room, light a candle, put a photograph of the object in front of you and say special words:

“My sadness is my sadness, you go to my beloved (name). Sit down to his little head, so that in a dream, and in reality, only raved about me, so that only about me, (your name), thought. How will I be hugged, kissed, and caressed. My words are strong and sculpting. And it will be according to my word.

Then immediately bring the leaf to the fire and, as it were, twist it with fire. Repeat words:

“The blood is boiling, it does not find a place for itself. What passes over the head, then enters the head. As the fire ignites behind the back, so the heart of the servant of God, (the name of the object) will inflame.

Scatter the burnt to the wind. Hide images in a secluded place. Like most such magical acts, it should be performed closer to midnight. Three pairs of candles should be present.

On the back of the photo, indicate more information about the bewitched:

  • Age;
  • Place of residence;
  • Height, weight, etc.

Carry the picture over the lights. When the flame envelops the image, say: “What passes over the head, then it enters the head. As it lights up behind your back, the heart of the zealous slave (name of the object) will inflame. Let it be so according to my word." Burnt residues must be dispelled through the air by bringing them to an open window. When the ashes fly back, it will mean that the person who is bewitched is wearing a protective ball. If it flies away, then expect the fastest results.

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Photos are a very powerful source of energy. It has not only been magically proven that photographic images of people carry all the information about a person. Even science believes that a photo card gives complete information about any person who is depicted on it. The magician does not need to see the man or woman in person to tell him what the questioning person wants to know. Yes, and to influence a person, sometimes it is enough just to have his picture.

Any image of a person carries all the information about who is depicted on it. On the card you can help a person, but you can harm. It is for this reason that you need to handle your pictures very carefully, and in no case give them to those you do not trust.

How many signs with photographs exist

A fuzzy photo is a quick death. Signs about photographs are most often associated with bad omens. And all due to the fact that each card is filled with the energy of the person depicted on it. It is popularly believed that a photo can be influenced only if it is not older than five years. But this is an erroneous opinion. For a good magician, even baby photography a person who is long retired. But the image can really tell a lot.

If the photo is clear, then the person depicted in it has very good health, he will live long life. But if the picture is blurry, it is not possible to really see either the eyes or the face, then this really means that the person has health problems, and such that it is very difficult to get rid of them. Just before drawing any conclusions, look who took your picture. If the photographer was pretty drunk, then it's not your health, but his problem with orientation in space. There are a huge number accept with photos which cannot be adequately assessed in them.

Signs about photographs and their refutation

note about photographs


You can't take pictures with your loved one

on the contrary, in the photo, lovers are united by one energy

can't tear photos

There is nothing wrong with the fact that the photo will tear. .

you can not put a photo in the coffin

if this statement were true, then the number of people on our planet would tend to zero, thanks to human envy and anger

Is it worth believing in signs and superstitions about photographs

The bride and groom in the photo together - for a quick separation . This sign is not correct. I know a lot of couples who were photographed together before the wedding, and for many years they live happily in love and harmony. Therefore, to say that it was photography that caused the gap between lovers would be wrong. Such a sign did not exist in the old days. Although the pictures themselves appeared not so long ago. People break up when they are unable to understand each other. And it doesn’t matter if they were photographed together before the wedding or not, the main thing is that there is mutual understanding. Relationships can be built only on love, respect and understanding. So this sign is common.

The sign of giving a photo can play a cruel joke

If you want an annoying person to fall behind, tear up his photo and burn it. Such drastic measures are taken only if nothing else helps. If you have a photo of a person you want to get rid of, then you just need to take his photo and mentally send him your thoughts that you don’t want to see him so that he doesn’t come to you anymore. If you can tune in well, then your thoughts will reach this person. And if you tear the picture and burn it, then this can lead to the illness of the person who is depicted on it. And if at that moment you think about his death, he will die soon. Do you really need such a sin in your soul?

Folk signs: a photograph fell or was torn

You can't tear or burn your old photos. Not only your own, but also pictures of all your relatives should not be torn or burned. Even yourself can be harmed if you ruin your photo. In no case should you pierce your eyes on your card - you will be provided with eye disease. The same applies to any pierced organ in the picture. And if tear up your photo you can ruin your life. Everything in life will go wrong. Even if you don't like the card, keep it as long as you have it.

Do not put your photo in the coffin of your loved one - in the near future you will go after him. In the old days, this was known and these rules were strictly observed. But now many people have forgotten about it. If everything was fine in the family, then often the surviving husband or wife tries to put your photo to your spouse in the coffin for him to remember. It's not the same as ours. In the next world, no one ever forgets anything. Forgetfulness is characteristic only of living people. The hustle is doing its job. And by putting your picture in the coffin, you are burying yourself with this person. If you have done so, then in the very near future you will begin big problems with health.

And the worst thing is that in this case, no doctor can help you. Unfortunately, very often in this way ill-wishers get rid of people they do not like. If you do not want one of your ill-wishers to put your card in someone, then it is better do not give your pictures to anyone .

How to use omens and superstitions about photographs

You look into the lens - you give the enemy a positive. This sign has gone since Stalin's times. If you look at the photographs of Stalin, you will not find a single picture with his image, where he would look directly into the lens. And it's not easy. Stalin was not a bad mystic. Moreover, all his life he equipped expeditions in order to study the knowledge of ancient people, who knew and were able to do much more than we know today. He always knew that if the eyes look into the lens in the photograph, then it is easy for such a person to damage. And if a person's view is not defined, then it is much more difficult to influence him. During the Great Patriotic War there was only one image of Iosif Vissarionovich, where he lights his pipe and does not look into the frame. And yet, if you want the photo to radiate positive, we recommend getting a photo shoot as a gift - it's always high-quality pictures and the best shooting experience.

People have always believed in superstitions about photographs. Since we learned to take pictures, every person has become less protected. Knowledgeable people can both influence their enemies and destroy family happiness. But don't use your knowledge to your detriment. You just need to live, accept life as it is, and look at everything with a calm heart. Only in this case you will be fine.

How to get rid of photos correctly?

Why is it important to get rid of images properly?

Photography is not just a static image. It is believed that the photo bears the imprint of the energy of the person depicted on it. Psychics can tell everything about a person from a photograph. This suggests that the usual snapshot carries much more than one might think.

If knowledgeable people so easily read information from a seemingly soulless piece of paper, what prevents it from being used for other purposes? It is in order to prevent photos from falling into the wrong hands that you need to know how to get rid of photos. Strictly speaking, the chance that it would occur to someone to deliberately harm to a stranger, very small. The so-called “transfer” is much more common, when the esoteric shifts some problem to another person, getting rid of it.

How to get rid of photos?

To protect yourself, it's important to know how to get rid of photos the right way. There are two ways to help you do this. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Complete destruction. In order to prevent ill-wishers from using the photo, it is best to simply burn it. This method has a big drawback - bad smell and the need for a dedicated space.

2. The smaller the pieces, the better. The second way to ward off the threat is to tear the image into many pieces. The smaller they are, the better. Ideally, you need to ensure that it is impossible to compose the original image from the fragments. Sometimes it is advised to throw away torn pictures on different garbage heaps, but this is not necessary.

3. But taking trouble away from oneself is not the only case when photographs must be destroyed. Sometimes the abundance of images of dead people, even relatives, adversely affects the health of those living in the room. A person who gets rid of unnecessary photos will significantly improve the energy of the apartment.