How to cure citrus from cadmium. Causes of homemade lemon diseases and their treatment

It must be remembered that this is enough tender plant, which can cause a wide variety of diseases.
There are many different diseases that can affect citrus fruits. In this article, we will look at various viral diseases of lemons and their symptoms. Viral diseases manifest themselves as spots on the leaves of lemons and tangerines, slowing down the growth and development of plants or dying off the bark.
And if it is still possible to cure infectious diseases and parasites, then, unfortunately, there is no cure for viral diseases.

Causes of viral diseases of lemons

First of all, it is worth understanding how the infection of a lemon occurs. This will correct errors in the maintenance of your tree and prevent re-infection.

Among the causes leading to diseases, the following can be distinguished:
- weak immunity of the plant after previously transferred diseases;
- illiterate content (incorrect watering, pruning, temperature regime, lack of light and mineral nutrition);
- poor quality soil;
- location next to other diseased plants;
- insects that can carry various viruses;
- summer ventilation, as a result of which various viruses or fungi can be introduced (but the likelihood of this is very small).

Unfortunately, almost all viral diseases of lemons are incurable. Therefore, if you notice the symptoms of one of them, it is better to get rid of the diseased plant as soon as possible.

Consider possible viral diseases of citrus fruits.

Psorosis a, or xylopsorosis

Xylopsorosis virus is a dangerous virus that infects the bark of lemon stems. It can be in a latent (that is, at rest) state for about 10 years. Therefore, you may not even know that your plant is infected with this virus.
In terms of symptoms, this disease resembles gommosis, so novice citrus growers rarely manage to identify it in their lemons.

Xylopsorosis is identical to simple gommosis in terms of external signs of manifestation, but at the same time it is very dangerous for the plant.

Xylopsorosis is not treatable, so an infected lemon will have to be disposed of.


It is a disease caused by the Tristeza virus of the same name. In an infected tree, the bark of the trunk dies off. It affects the whole plant. Young trees under the age of 5 years are most susceptible to this disease.
The virus infects the entire plant. The initial symptoms of this disease are stunting and shrinking of the fruit.

Growing citrus fruits at home is not an easy task. Unfortunately, lemon Tree, like other types of citrus grown in pots on windowsills, is prone to various diseases. What diseases of homemade lemon are the most common? How can you tell if a tree is sick? What measures to take to treat the plant?

Like any other plant from the citrus family, homemade lemon is susceptible to various diseases. These can be both viral, bacterial and fungal infections, as well as diseases resulting from pests.


According to flower growers, the most common infectious diseases characteristic of indoor citrus fruits are:


It manifests itself in the form of red-brown longitudinal spots on the branches and trunk of a lemon. Gradually, the bark dies off. A sticky substance of a golden hue is released from the cracks, which hardens upon contact with fresh air. Treatment: it is necessary to cut off all the affected areas (the branches are completely removed), treat the resulting wounds with a 3% solution of copper sulfate and cover with garden pitch. The causes of the disease may be high humidity, an excess of nitrogen, a lack of phosphorus and potassium, as well as mechanical damage.

root rot

Lemon abruptly began to drop leaves, but there are no outward signs of the disease? Dig up the plant and carefully inspect its root, it may be root rot. It is necessary to remove all damaged areas, and put on a sunny windowsill, temporarily limiting watering.


Most of all, indoor lemon suffers from fungal infections, among which are:

  • sooty fungus (leaves and branches covered with a bloom in the form of ash);
  • scab (putrefactive spots on leaves, fruits and branches);
  • warty (seals similar to warts);
  • anthracnose (and falling leaves, dying off branches, the appearance of red spots on the fruits).


Unfortunately, a homemade lemon affected by a viral infection cannot be cured. At proper care can only prolong the life of the plant. The main diseases of a viral nature include:

  • tristeza (the disease affects the leaves, then the bark, branches and completely covers the entire tree);
  • sheet mosaic (appears as stripes or strokes of dark and light color on the foliage, further leads to deformation of the leaves and stop the development of the tree);
  • citrus cancer (first signs - brown spots different shapes and size on the leaves and fruits of the tree).


The danger of insects lies in the fact that they not only damage the plant, but also are active carriers of various infections.

Aphid ordinary

Attacks the root system house tree. Gets into an apartment with already contaminated soil. You will need to transplant the tree into a new one and subsequent treatment with a contact insecticide solution.

spider mite

Did you notice that the leaves began to curl and a cobweb formed around them? A spider mite has settled on your plant. It is planted in rooms with an insufficient level of humidity. A 1% solution will help get rid of this pest. boric acid. It will take from 1 to 5 plentiful sprayings.


Preventive measures and treatment

Often the cause of the disease is the lack of due. To prevent any disease, you should familiarize yourself with the contents of indoor lemon in advance. And remember: any ailment is easier to prevent than to eliminate later.

The treatment regimen for an indoor tree directly depends on the type of lemon disease. Viral, bacterial and fungal infections manifest themselves in different ways and have varying degrees danger.

Fitosporin-M is considered to be an excellent microbiological preparation related to new generation products. The tool is used for prophylactic purposes, and also has a high effectiveness in the fight against pathogens of various bacterial and fungal infections. Not addictive, no bad smell, non-toxic, can be used at home. It is used for spraying and watering (it is necessary to dilute the drug according to the instructions).

To the main preventive measures for the care of indoor lemon include:

  1. daily inspection;
  2. organization of competent care and maintenance of a citrus tree;
  3. a new plant or tree that has recently been ill should be isolated for some time from other indoor flowers;
  4. weekly "bath" the lemon (the soil is pre-coated plastic wrap, after which the tree is abundantly watered from the shower);
  5. treat the crown monthly with soapy foam.

Video "Diseases and pests of lemon"

From this video you will learn about what diseases and pests are dangerous for lemon and how to treat it.

Fungal disease, development is favored by heavy and constantly moist soil. The disease affects the roots and bark of the root collars, the bark becomes loose and dies.

With an annular girth of the root necks of rot, the plant dies.

Treatment: Shrunken and affected shoots should be cut off, healthy branches should be shortened by 2/3. Clean, disinfect and cover up wounds on the root collar. Wash the clod of earth under running water, inspect the root system and cut off all darkened roots. Then you need to transplant the plant into fresh soil, improve its aeration, reducing watering to a minimum.

Metabolic disorders in the plant organism. Mature, active leaves lose chlorophyll, changing from their usual green color to yellow.

Young leaves develop, unnatural yellow color and often not mature, crumble. The formation of chlorophyll is prevented by dehydration of plant tissues. With a strong lack of moisture, the destruction of chlorophyll occurs, premature yellowing of the leaves, which happens with prolonged drought or poor soil aeration. The spread of the disease is facilitated by the heating of waterlogged soil in summer up to 40 50 C.

A fungal disease of citrus that affects all parts of the plant. Deep, longitudinal cracks appear on the affected areas of the root collar, trunk, branches, from which an amber-colored gum is released. As it dries, it becomes glassy, ​​gelatinous in contact with moisture and is washed off.

The disease progresses in areas unprotected by the bark, through which moisture enters the wood for a long time.

In the picture, the lemon branches are affected by melanosis, the points of cut of the branches served as contact of moisture with the wood. From the affected areas, the gum was washed off by rain, the arrow shows the gum that was not washed off.

Young vegetative leaves are deformed, their tissues grow unevenly. Convex dark green, hardened, gum-filled, irregularly shaped spots appear on the leaves.

Lemon leaf affected by melanosis. On a light green background with yellowness, dark green spots are clearly visible.

The disease is promoted by prolonged precipitation with a decrease in air temperature below + 20⁰С. Constantly moist and poorly drained soils.

The fruits lose their marketable appearance, a gray rough coating appears in the places of their contact with moisture.

It is clearly visible on green lemon fruits.

On ripened fruits, plaque is almost invisible, the disease does not affect the taste of the fruit.

The surface of green fruits damaged by melanosis was covered with a gray coating.

Treatment: provide good drainage and aeration of the soil, limit the ingress of moisture on the leaves and crown of plants at an ambient temperature below 20⁰С. Remove dried, severely affected shoots and branches. If the lesions are not large, cut to healthy wood, the wounds should be treated with a fungicide.

A fungal disease that affects the lower part of citrus trunks. Longitudinal cracks appear on the bark, from which gum is released. The bark on the affected areas does not soften. The disease progresses at temperatures above +30C, excessive moisture and poor aeration of the soil, deep planting and often an excess of nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the development.

The root neck of the lemon is partially affected by gommosis. The main part of it is healthy, the plant can be cured. The cause of the disease was the deep planting of the plant, 7 cm deeper than it was laid.

An immovable insect attached to the surface of a plant, covered from above lightly or dark brown oval-shaped shield 2-5 mm long. It feeds on the sap of the plant and sprays sticky secretions around, serving as food for the larvae during their journey from the mother's shield to the place of attachment to the plant. In the larval stage - colorless, very small 0.5-1mm. mobile insects emerge from under the shield of the mother and quickly spread through the aerial parts of the plant. Having found a convenient place, they stick and begin development.

Female scale insects on a plant stem. The right picture shows their mobile larvae, vagrants (enlarged).

Plant , severely damaged, with a scab has a sloppy appearance. The leaves and trunk are completely splattered with sticky secretions, on which dust settles and Sooty Mushrooms settle. As a result, the surface of the plant is covered with a black coating, which prevents it from breathing and receiving solar energy. Plants living indoors are especially affected by scale insects.

When in warm time year outdoors, the number of pests and their impact is rapidly declining. This is due to the presence in nature natural enemies scale insects. The stickiness from the surface is washed off by rains, it is also food for ants, wasps, bees.

Prevention: sponge dipped in ordinary water, carefully remove stickiness and pests from the stem and leaves.

Fighting methods: 2-x. - 3rd. multiple treatment with an interval of one month with insecticidal preparations, outside .

"Aktellik", "Confidor maxi", "Calypso", "Proteus", "Mospilan" - chem. drugs.

"Aktofit", "Dachnik" - biological products.


On the secretions of aphids and scale insects, various fungi settle. On the leaves, shoots, fruits, a black coating forms, which prevents respiration and photosynthesis. Which leads to premature shedding of leaves and a general depressed state of the plant. A disease of indoor plants with high air humidity (greenhouses, winter gardens), appears on plants affected by aphids or scale insects.

Black plaque, sooty fungus on the lower surface of the leaf.

Prevention: timely protection of plants from pests, indoor air circulation. Black plaque should be removed, foam soaked in water.

Fighting methods: outsideliving quarters and taking all precautions.

Very small (0.2-0.5 mm.) spiders with orange-red tint. They settle under the lower part of the leaves, braiding them with cobwebs. They feed on plant sap, preferring young leaves and shoots. Contribute to the development of high room temperature and dry air. Damaged leaves become covered with yellowish spots, dry out and crumble prematurely.

Lemon leaf affected spider mite. The upper side of the leaf is covered with yellow dots, on the lower side of the leaf there is a white coating.

Prevention: frequent spraying with cool water, wiping the stem and leaves with a damp sponge. In the warm season, expose the plants to the open air.

Fighting methods: 2-x. - 3rd. multiple treatment with an interval of one month with insecticidal preparations,outsideliving quarters and taking all precautions.

Slugs and snails

Terrestrial gastropods pulmonary molluscs of the stalk-eyed order. The garden snail has a spirally twisted shell; slugs lack this outer shell.

Their body is covered with mucus, when moving on any surface, they leave behind them shiny mother-of-pearl stripes. During the day they hide in damp and shady places. They reproduce by eggs that are laid in the ground. The emerging larvae initially feed on fallen leaves and other organic debris, and as they grow, they begin to prefer young shoots and leaves. Eating hard, they quickly become sexually mature within 2-3 months. At night and on rainy cloudy days, they cause significant damage, especially to seedlings, cuttings and young plants located near the soil surface. citrus plants exposed to attack by snails and slugs while outdoors in a greenhouse, basement.

Fighting methods: - boards, roofing material, linoleum are laid out in free areas near plants, slugs hide under these artificial shelters, where they are collected and destroyed. In places of mass reproduction of slugs, the areas are dusted with: fluff lime (30-40g per 1 sq.m.), ground superphosphate (30-40g per 1 sq.m.) or ammonium sulfate (20g per 1 sq.m.).

On sale are the drug "Emaldehyd" in granules, its main drawback - effective until the first rain.

cultivation indoor plants a pleasant occupation, which sometimes brings good results. One of these fruits can be indoor lemon, which can be grown simply on the windowsill.

Lemon- a fruit that is used in desserts and snacks, and adding to tea is considered a classic combination. In addition, lemon is also very beautiful tree with a pleasant smell that will decorate your home. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to grow a lemon and how to care for it.

Varieties of homemade lemons

Some varieties of lemons can be grown only in southern regions, others like lower temperatures and take root only in northern regions. Lemons are divided into the following varieties:

  • Lemon Uralunpretentious plant, which grows well both in hot weather and at low temperatures. With proper care, it yields up to 12 kg of crop per year.
  • pavlovsky lemon- This is a variety of lemon, which was one of the first to be grown in room conditions. The plant grows best in dark places, but, despite this, it blooms. all year round. The harvest from this type of lemon varies from 10 to 40 kg per year.
  • Lemons without a single thorn are called Maikopsky and Genoa. In the first grade of lemon, very thin branches and dark lush crown. Harvest per year reaches 30 kg. The second is noted as a stunted plant and yields only from the fourth year of life. The amount of harvest initially does not exceed 8 kg in the first years and up to 40 kg in the subsequent period
  • lemon ponderosa a variety of citrus fruits, the fruits of which reach 1 kg in weight. But due to the fact that the fruits are large, the harvest does not exceed 5 pieces per year.
  • Also large fruits boasts a type of citrus like Anniversary– they can reach 600 grams in weight
  • A hybrid variety is a type of lemon, such as Chinese It's a mixture of lemon and orange. A rather capricious plant that requires careful care. The yield is low - up to 3 kg annually

There are a huge number of varieties of lemon that you can grow at home. All of them are different - some like heat and sun, others - partial shade and coolness. If you decide to plant a lemon in a pot at home, be sure to specify which temperature and light conditions suitable for this variety.

How to grow a lemon tree at home from a seed?

Lemon can be obtained by vaccination, and grow from the bone. Step-by-step instruction for growing lemon from seed listed below:

  • Take a small pot, poke holes in the bottom and cover with drainage. Buy citrus soil or make your own. To do this, pour in equal amounts into a pot humus and sod land
  • Buy a ripe large lemon, cut and select 2-3 bones, plant in the ground to a depth of 1.5 cm
  • Set the temperature in the house not lower than +18С, and spray the soil every three days. You can’t water before germination, an exception can be made if you see that the earth is very dry
  • When the first sprouts appear, it will be about 21 days later after planting - move the pot to a lighted, but not very hot place. Watering the plant should be no more than 1 time in 2 weeks
  • Need to transplant a lemon no more than 2 times a year. If you live in the private sector, you can plant a plant in the ground for the summer and return it to the room in the fall. For residents of apartments, a transplant should only be done if there is not enough space for a lemon in the current pot. Do not buy too large a pot for transplanting, it should be no more than 5 cm in diameter from the size of the previous
  • In order for a lemon to bear fruit, it is worth pinch or bud the plant late spring or summer

Growing lemon from seed

After completing all the above steps, you will be able to grow in a short time on your windowsill a beautiful citrus tree that will bring harvest to your table.

Video: How to grow a fruiting lemon?

How to plant a lemon?

A lemon grown from seed will most likely not bear fruit if it is not grafted. For, to get a citrus crop you need:

  • Cut off the scion just before the moment of grafting. The best time to do this is from April to August.
  • Cut scion length 6 cm and remove all leaves except the top ones - leave about 4 sheets
  • Make a cut at the top 1 cm length and process the cut with garden pitch
  • On the scion, cut off half of each leaf, tie it with a ribbon to the rootstock, and place it under a glass tank or a large plastic bottle.
  • Across 2 weeks check how the grafting has taken place - whether the cut leaves are easily separated

If the leaves begin to fall over time, then this is a clear sign that tree grafting was successful and you can slightly loosen the tape with which you tied the scion and rootstock.

Usually such lemon grafting methods are successful and one year after the procedure You will see the first, unusually fragrant white flowers, which will eventually grow into a delicious citrus fruit.

What soil is suitable for indoor lemon?

Lemon is a very whimsical plant and will not grow in any soil. In order to plant a citrus tree in a pot, you can use the soil from the store (special bags of soil marked "For citrus"), or make the desired mixture yourself.

The soil mixture for a young lemon consists of soddy and leafy soil in proportion 2:1 and sand with humus in the ratio 1:1. For a more mature plant, the amount of sod land increases by one indicator and will be 3: 1 in the ratio with leafy soil.

A particularly good addition to such soil is rotted oak leaves. This is a very nutrient medium for the root system of the citrus tree.

Do not plant in land from under flowers or simply dug up on the site. The lemon will not only stop growing, but may simply die under such conditions.

How to feed a lemon at home?

If you grow a lemon at home, be prepared for the fact that it will not be as big as its counterpart in the store, but in smell and aroma. home harvest will exceed the purchase at times.

In order for a lemon to bear fruit, its leaves are bright green, and the tree itself looks strong and healthy, it needs fertilize regularly and properly. The main nutritional elements for lemon are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. The first has positive results on the growth of the plant, the second - on the formation of large, tasty fruits, the third - retains the bright color of lemon leaves.

Sold in stores special solution for citrus fruits, where all the necessary components are collected in the correct ratio. The best way to fertilize the plant summer or autumn. Home fertilizers can be chicken manure, diluted with water in the ratio 1:9.

Reproduction of lemon at home

You can propagate lemon using seeds or cuttings. Each of these methods has its pros and cons:

  • When propagated by seeds the tree is more powerful compared to the lemon obtained by cuttings
  • At seed propagation fruits appear only after 7 years, lemons will be from the handle after 3 years

Let's take a closer look at these types of reproduction. A seed after eating a lemon plant in a pot with a mixture of earth, humus and sand to a depth of no more than 2 cm, spray the soil. During seed propagation, the first sprouts from seeds appear maximum in a month. Over time, the plant grows into long thin branches that need to be cut.

Reproduction by cuttings— more fast way receive beautiful tree. Plant in a pot with drainage 5 cuttings from a healthy lemon with slices and cover with a jar. After three weeks, the first shoots will appear. It is worth transplanting such a lemon into a pot 2 months later after the appearance of shoots.

When propagating lemons, it is necessary Fertilize the plant once every few months manure or a special mixture from stores. Fruits after this method of reproduction, depending on the variety, may appear as early as next year.

Lemons grown from seeds will not bear fruit immediately - only after 7-8 years

Do not be too lazy to use at least the first method, because it is not at all difficult to stick lemon pit in a pot. But a beautiful green tree that grows from such a bone will delight the eye every day.

Indoor lemon pests

There are a lot of solutions for saving lemon from pests, here are some of them:

  • Solution with soap and machine oil(oil can be replaced with kerosene or blue vitriol) - mix these components in a ratio of 1: 2 and carefully wipe the leaves. Wash them after a couple of hours clean water. Repeat in a week
  • Mustard soap emulsion- Dissolve 250 gr in a bucket of water laundry soap and 10 times less mustard powder, mix well. Pour 250 g of copper sulfate into the resulting solution
  • Soak a sponge in a weak vinegar solution and wipe the leaves
  • Grease the bucket from the inside turpentine and cover the plant. After a few hours, remove the container and wash the leaves with warm water.
  • 100 g hot pepper grind in 1 liter of water and cook for about an hour. After that, strain through cheesecloth and leave for two days. Before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10
  • 50 g garlic pass through the garlic and pour 300 g hot water, insist a week in a dark place. Before use, add 350 gr of soap and dilute in a bucket of water

One of the enemies of indoor lemon is aphid

Diseases and treatment of homemade lemon

Indoor lemons can overcome various fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. After receiving such a disease, ulcers, growths, rot and other signs form on the leaves and trunk of the tree.

If you do not take care of the lemon, then it becomes very vulnerable to such diseases. When you see any of the signs of fungus or bacteria on a plant, remove all fruits and flowers, so that they do not take away the strength from the lemon, necessary for pest control.

For the prevention and treatment of manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to use drug "Fitosporin". Use it to spray and water the diseased tree according to the instructions.

Spots on lemon leaves are also a sign of one of the diseases - treatment should be started immediately.

With fungal diseases on trees, there may be the following visible signs:

  • yellowing leaves, fallen buds and red spots on the fruits. For treatment, spray with Bordeaux solution
  • pink warts on leaves and orange spots on fruits. It is necessary to cut off the affected parts and spray with Bordeaux liquid
  • red spots, cracks on the trunk of a plant. For treatment, clean the affected areas, anoint with a solution of copper sulfate and garden pitch. Carry out similar procedures until complete recovery.

In order for the lemon not to have such signs and not die from an advanced disease, it is worth regularly inspecting the plant and apply remedial measures to save the tree.

Video: Indoor lemon and its diseases

Why do homemade lemon leaves fall?

If homemade lemon is worth not in a bright place, then this may be the first reason why the leaves fall off the plant. To solve the problem with leaf fall of a citrus tree, you need:

  • Put the tree on the windowsill on the south side
  • V winter time additionally illuminate the plant with artificial lighting lamps

AND insufficient and excessive watering leads to falling leaves on the lemon. In the first case, the dried roots die off, and the sap flow to the leaves stops, which in turn begin to fall off.

In case of excessive moisture the ground becomes denser, which blocks the access of air to the root system. Again, the root dies off and the situation repeats with insufficient watering. Therefore, watch the amount of watering citrus.

If the leaves of a lemon fall, then you are not taking good care of it.

During summer period lemon intensively consumes minerals from the soil. If you do not replenish stocks with fertilizers, then the leaves of the lemon will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

V winter period the heated room is similar in climate to the desert. Excessive dryness of the air is stress for the lemon. Therefore, so that he does not start dropping leaves in such conditions, regularly Spray the leaves twice a week and do not place a lemon near a heater or radiator.

Leaves may fall due to excessive watering, as well as due to lack of water.

If the room temperature below +10C and there is a constant draft- this can also cause leaf fall.

Get rid of lemons stressful situations- take care of the temperature in the room where the lemon tree is stored, and the amount of watering the plant.

How to cut indoor lemon?

In order for a lemon tree to bear fruit well and be of the correct shape, you need to regularly prune and turn the tree on the windowsill in relation to the sun every two weeks. You can level the trunk by tying the branches with copper wire. This way the branches will grow in the right direction.

If the lemon already has fruits, then when ripe, it should cut not only the fruit, but also a branch 5-7 cm long on which the crop grew. And in a week, new shoots will grow at the cut site.

To obtain a fragrant tree with fruits, it is necessary to cut it

If you have too many fruits on the tree, then you need to adjust their number at the rate of 1 fruit per 10-12 leaves. All other lemons must be removed so that the plant is not very hard. Attach correct form to your plant so that it bears fruit well and has a healthy appearance.

Is it possible to plant a room lemon on the street?

Very helpful plant a lemon outside. Choose a place that is not too open and well lit. The best option there will be a place where sun before noon, and after - partial shade. Be prepared for the fact that after a transplant, a lemon may drop flowers. But this is not scary, such a reaction in a plant to stress during transplantation.

If you don't want a lemon without flowers, plant the plant outside in a pot. Thus, the tree will be in the same conditions, but already in the fresh air.

Under good climatic conditions, lemon will grow on the streets e whole summer season . In October, it is advisable to return it to the room, because there may be night frosts and the plant may freeze slightly.

Anyway do not delay the stay of indoor lemon on the street- as soon as the temperature starts to drop, it must be return to the premises.

Careful care and compliance with the above measures will allow an exotic guest to settle in your house for a long time - indoor lemon which is sure to please you. bright greens and delicious citrus fruits.

Video: How to grow a lemon at home?

citrus disease,which include mandarin, are to some extent specific, and to some extent characteristic of many fruit plants. In most cases, tangerine tree diseases are caused by microorganisms: mycoplasmas, viruses, bacteria, fungi. The consequences of their actions are various defects on a tree and fruits: growths, ulcers, rot, spots, etc. They can penetrate inside the plant through the stomata of the leaf, into wounds formed by mechanical damage, through insects, wind, when spraying or watering. The difficulty is that not all mandarin disease control measures are effective, and in some cases even useless. Below we will dwell in more detail on the most characteristic diseases and how to deal with them.

The disease is caused by the pathogenic fungus Colletotrichum glocosponoides Penz, which develops in a humid environment and settles on the fruits, leaves, and branches of the plant. Infected leaves are initially covered with pale green spots that darken over time. If the infestation occurs during the rainy season, the spots may be dark brown. Black dots appear on the tops of the shoots. The branches turn completely brown, then light gray, covered with many swellings and die off. Affected flowers become covered with reddish spots and crumble. The fruits show small dark spots around the pedicel, which are expanding, injure the skin. It acquires a dark brown color, softens. On fruits, the disease can also appear during storage. They have bad smell and bitter-sour taste.

This fungal disease tangerine occurs when high humidity and improper care. In order to combat it, the affected shoots are cut off and sprayed with special fungicides according to the instructions. It is recommended to use Fitosporin biofungicide as it is non-toxic. It is also added to water for irrigation as a prevention of fungal diseases. For prevention, gardeners advise spraying tangerines with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (1%) two to three times per season.

Did you know? Mandarin in its natural environment grows up to 70 years, increasing yields every year. Up to 800 fruits can be harvested from one tree per season.

Another disease caused by a fungus that affects the entire plant. It appears at first as small yellow transparent spots on the leaves, which then transform into pinkish-gray warts. The growths that appear on young shoots increase and turn into an impressive growth, which leads to the death of the branch. When fruits are infected, spots grow on them. orange color which turn brown as they grow. In this case, the existing ovaries fall off. The condition for the spread of the disease is high humidity and air temperature. The fight against the disease consists in removing the damaged parts of the plant, which it is desirable to burn so that the spores do not spread into environment. The plant is sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (1%): in March, in June (after flowering) and in July.

The disease, caused by the fungus Pythiacystis citrophthora R.E.Sm, manifests itself in the form of protruding longitudinal drops of gum on the bark of a tree. Basically, the infection affects the bark of the trunks and the main roots of the tree, without penetrating into their other layers. Over time, the bark separates from the rest of the trunk or root. If this happens along its circumference, the branch, root, or entire trunk dies, as the circulation of juice is disturbed. The fungus can also appear on fruits, causing brown rot.

Important! The fatal consequences of the action of this disease are reflected on the leaves only a few weeks, or even months after the death of the branch or trunk.

Before treating a tangerine tree, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that caused the disease.

Among them may be:

  • lack of potassium and phosphorus with an excess of nitrogen in the soil. In this case, the share of nitrogen and organic fertilizers decreases;
  • lack of drainage under the root system of the tree. Watering is completely stopped for a couple of days, and then they are resumed carefully and with great limitation;
  • too deep planting of seedlings;
  • mechanical damage, due to which wounds appeared, where the infection got.

In addition to the measures described above, the following must be carried out. Clean the wound and disinfect with a solution of copper sulfate (3%). To do this, dissolve 30 g of the product and 200 g of slaked (or 100 g of quicklime) lime in a liter of water. After that, the wound is treated with garden pitch. The procedure is repeated until the signs of the disease disappear. If this cannot be achieved, the plant is uprooted and burned.

Cancer of citrus

A disease caused by bacteria that infect the leaves and fruit of the tree. It appears as bright dark brown spots. There is no cure for citrus cancer. The plant must be removed from the ground and destroyed.

Important! It is possible to find out exactly which pathogen caused a particular disease only in a laboratory. Many symptoms of diseases caused by both fungi and bacteria are very similar to each other. However, sometimes brown pustules, black dots or gray plaque can be distinguished on infected surfaces - these are fungal spores. When infected with mycoplasmas and viruses, the shape of flowers, leaves, and shoots changes. A mosaic pattern appears on them, panicle stems, dwarfism are observed. At the same time, fungal and bacterial diseases are treated with fungicides, and mycoplasmic and viral ones cannot be treated, the plant has to be destroyed.

late blight

Most often, this fungal disease affects tangerine trees that had previously been grafted onto an orange. It often appears on young seedlings, which are surrounded by a brown oily spot. Usually, the damaged area is cleaned and treated with copper sulphate or a similar agent with more a high degree actions. It is recommended to dig up the plant and check if the roots are damaged by the disease. If the inspection gives a positive result, the tree must be destroyed.

It is difficult to detect it, as the roots of the plant are affected. Usually, the disease manifests itself outwardly in an already advanced stage, when the leaves of the tangerine fall en masse. How to reanimate indoor tangerine in this case? Dig up the plant and inspect the roots. If damaged areas are found, they are removed with a sharp disinfected instrument. All roots are treated with a rooting stimulator and the plant is transplanted into fresh, clean soil. Then the tangerine pot should be put in a greenhouse or regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, avoiding heavy watering. Give the plant good lighting.

Important! In most cases, tangerine leaves fall off not due to illness, but from improper care. In fact, this is how the plant reacts to stress factors: lack of light, waterlogging of the soil, low temperatures etc. Wherein mature plant, which is at least three years old, may die. The cause of abundant leaf fall may be the depletion of the mandarin when it was not sent to rest in the winter. From the end of October to the beginning of March, it is recommended to set a pot of tangerine for 12 hours every day in cool place (14 – 16 ° C) with lighting fluorescent lamp power of 20-40 watts.

The cause of the disease is a virus of the same name that affects the entire plant. As a rule, trees older than 5 years become its victims. First signs - stop or brake further development and change in leaf color. At first they fade, become slightly bronze, then near the veins they acquire a yellowish tint. At the same time, more mature leaves begin to fall at the base of the branches. After leaf fall, the branches extending from the trunk weaken and die. The fruits also change color and fall off early. If you dig up a plant, it turns out that root system hit very hard.

Important! There are mandarin varieties that are resistant to this disease. But they are also carriers of this virus, they just do not activate it.

The disease is transmitted by insects or by budding (plant grafting). Not treated. It is recommended to destroy the infected tree.


A virus that can reside in a plant and not develop until 10 years of age. Outwardly, it is very similar to gommosis, as it damages the bark of the plant. But he is not cured.

An infectious disease that affects plants in open field spring, and indoor - from autumn to spring. The first signs of the disease are the dull color of the leaves. They fall from the tree, while the petioles remain on the branches. After the leaves fall, the shoots dry out with a simultaneous change in the color of the bark. It becomes carrot or orange-red in color. Drying continues from the end of the branches to the base, and then passes to the main trunk. The disease is not treatable. The causative agent, Phoma tracheiphila Petri, is spread by spores that emerge from a shelter in rainy weather and are dispersed by wind or work tools.

Did you know? Mandarin is considered not only a dietary, but also a medicinal fruit. They have a lot of potassium mineral salts, also found carotene, fats, proteins, organic acids, sugar, fiber. Therefore, tangerines and fresh juice from them are recommended for people with heart disease. The skin contains a lot essential oil, therefore, decoctions and infusions from it are recommended for intestinal disorders, nausea and other gastrointestinal diseases. Rubbing the juice helps fight fungal diseases on the skin.

Diseases caused by lack of fertilizers and trace elements

Sometimes the external manifestations of plant ailments turn out to be signs of a lack of important trace elements in the soil.