Snake tree indoor plant care. Transplant procedure and preparation for it

Amorphophallus "Amorphophallus" (Amorphophallus) or Snake palm.
This amazing plant with about 100 species belongs to the Aroid family. the birthplace of this unusual plant are India, China, Vietnam, Sumatra. It also grows in other parts of the South and South-East Asia, is also found in the tropical zone of Africa. From the Greek, the genus name can be translated as "Amorpho" - "shapeless" and "Phallus" - "offspring, escape". But among the people, the plant, because of its appearance and the specific smell of a flower, has a lot of names: snake palm, Voodoo lily, corpse flower, devilish tongue.
Amorphophallus is a typical ephemeroid - i.e. at rest, he is in the year most of the time and is a short-lived plant. A plant in the soil forms a rather weighty and large tuber, its weight can reach up to 5 kg and its size can exceed the largest grapefruit. A thick green, spotted stem that grows from this tuber every spring, strongly resembles a trunk in its appearance. And the beautiful, brownish-green with white specks, complexly dissected leaf that forms at the end of this stem only enhances this similarity. The leaf size can reach up to 1.5 m, the petiole is hollow, the tripartite leaf plate is doubly pinnate. This powerful leaf rises above the soil throughout the summer, after which it turns yellow and dies. If every year the tuber remaining in the ground is transplanted into a larger container, then every year the leaf of the plant grows and becomes more dissected.

In nature, a giant amorphophallus or titanium (A. Titanium) grows, which is the largest plant of this genus. Its height can reach from 3 to 5 m. Titanium tubers are about 50 cm in diameter and their weight can reach from 25 to 40 kg. In room culture, this is a gigantic exotic plant does not occur, there are amorphophalluses: Rivera, cognac and bulbous.

The inflorescence of amorphophallus develops after a dormant period before the appearance of leaves, and has a rather unpleasant, pungent odor reminiscent of the smell rotten fish or meat and which is issued by a flower within 1-2 days. Flowering lasts about 2 weeks and before the appearance of new roots, it stops. The tuber of the plant ripens significantly decreases during this time due to the rather large consumption nutrients necessary for the flower to form. After that, for 3-4 weeks, the plant begins another dormant period, with the end of which the leaf develops. At the end of flowering, sometimes the dormant period of the tuber may be delayed until next spring.
The inflorescence in the form of an ear of male and female flowers is covered with brown-red or yellow with brown spots bedspread. There are several areas on the cob, each of which has its own role in pollination. The slightly expanded, dark cherry upper part has no flowers and is called a sterile appendage, the purpose of which is to release odorous substances with an unpleasant odor that attract pollinators. Elastic bristles are located a little lower, through which you can easily get into the lower chamber, but climbing back is virtually impossible. These bristles serve to keep pollinating insects in the lower chamber. And at the very bottom are staminate and pistillate flowers that take part in pollination. The sterile appendage after midnight warms up to almost 40 ° C and exudes an odor into the air that attracts insects. Having penetrated into the lower chamber, they cannot get out because of the bristles and are captured by the plant. Insects thus spend the remainder of the night and all day in a chamber with immature pistils and stamens. In the evening, the lower chamber warms up, stimulating pollen maturation and insect activity. Pollen falls on insects from above, and they spread it to pistillate flowers crawling around the chamber in different directions. As soon as pollination has occurred, the bristles begin to fade and insects get free. If pollination occurs mother plant dies and in place of the flower, a seed is formed from fleshy berries with seeds.

The plant has been widely used in oriental medicine where all of its parts are used. As a means of helping with pain in the joints, inflammation of the eyes and as an antipyretic, the inflorescence of the plant is used. Poisonous in its raw form, the tuber of the plant is suitable in certain doses as an antiulcer agent, as well as against snake and rodent bites. In addition, in Chinese medicine, the tuber of the plant is one of the most famous anti-cancer agents.
Also, the tubers of the plant in their homeland are widely used in local cuisine. They are added to soups, stews. It is believed that such dishes perfectly cleanse the body and contribute to weight loss. But as mentioned above, the tubers of the plant in their raw form are poisonous and require special treatment before use, therefore experiments should not be carried out.
In the summer, the plant can decorate rooms, offices, verandas, balconies, terraces, loggias and garden plots.

Some of the plant species:

Amorphophallus cognac (Amorphophallus konjac) or (Amorphophallus rivieri Durieu ex Carriere). The tuber of this plant has the shape of an oblate ball, up to 20 cm in diameter. In Japan, a national dish, cognac, is prepared from these tubers, which are very rich in starch. The length of the dark olive spotted leaf petioles is about 80 cm. The juicy green leaves are pinnately dissected. Peduncle 50 to 70 cm long. The spathe of the cob is up to 30 cm long, the cob itself is up to 50 cm long, it heats up to 40 ° C during flowering. The color is purple-red or burgundy. It emits a rather strong, sharp, unpleasant odor. In culture, it usually blooms, but does not bear fruit.
Amorphophallus bulbiferous or bulbous (Amorphophallus bulbifer). In Burma and East India, it grows in monsoon forests at an altitude of 300-600 m above sea level. The tuber of the plant is hemispherical in shape, about 7-9 cm in diameter. The only leaf of the plant is up to 1.5 m long. Petiole dark olive color with light spots. Small onions form at the base of the leaf, the leaf itself is segmented, 3-parted. Peduncle 25-30 cm long, spathe length from 12 to 20 cm, outside dirty green with pink spots, inside greenish-yellow, red at the base. In culture, it traditionally blooms, but does not bear fruit.
Amorphophallus Rivera (Amorphophallus rivieri / Hydrosme rivieri). It occurs naturally in southern Vietnam. The tuber of the plant is 20 to 30 cm in diameter. The only leaf of the plant on a petiole 50-80 cm long (occasionally up to 1 m or more). The petiole is green, with a pattern of white or brown spots. Broadly umbrella-shaped rupny leaf, 60-100 cm in diameter, three-lobed. In turn, each lobe is pinnately dissected. Sections of the second order are oblong-elliptical in shape and pointed at the top. The green veins are convex. The length of the peduncle is from 60 to 100 cm, the spathe is about 30 cm long, glossy, ovoid along the edge, dark purple, pale green on the outside. The cob is about twice as long as the bedspread. In culture, it usually blooms, but does not bear fruit.
Campanulate amorphophallus (Amorphophallus campanulatus). Widely distributed in Sri Lanka, Fiji, the islands of New Guinea and the Philippines. Rounded in shape, the tubers of the plant are 20-30 cm in diameter. The only leaf of the plant on the petiole is up to 100-150 cm long and 5-6 cm thick. The leaf is tripartite, each lobe is repeatedly dissected, the sheath is 10-20 cm high. The stem of the inflorescence is 3-4 times shorter than the purple-violet bedspread.
Giant amorphophallus or titanium (Amorphophallus titanum). Distributed on the island of Sumatra, where it grows in monsoon forests. The largest of the species. The tubers of the plant in diameter can reach up to 50 cm. The leaf is simply huge, up to 3 m in diameter, tripartite, forked-pinnate. Matt green leaf petiole 2 to 5 m long and about 10 cm thick, with white transverse stripes. Spathe of cob about 80 cm long, brown-purple inside, green outside. In room culture, this giant exotic plant is not found.

Features of plant maintenance and care:

amorphophallus enough unpretentious plant. Although the plant is photophilous, it is not demanding on lighting and grows wonderfully and develops both in partial shade and in bright light. Its only requirement for lighting is shading from direct sunlight. The color of the leaf in the shade becomes more saturated green, but at the same time the leaf reaches for the light source. Therefore, it is advisable to place the plant in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight, in order to avoid distortion.
The plant prefers moderate temperatures summer period they are well tolerated room temperature, during the dormant period, if possible, provide a temperature of about 10 to 13 ° C for the plant. In the early morning or when there is excess moisture in the soil, as well as before rain, droplets of moisture collect on the tips of the leaf.
The mode of watering amorphophallus depends on the vegetative stage of the plant. From the moment the leaf stalk appears from the ground and until the beginning of August, the plant is watered with warm settled water quite abundantly, trying to avoid getting water on the tuber. At the beginning, they are watered after the substrate has completely dried, but with the growth of the leaf, the need for water also increases. Watering is increased, but the plant should not be flooded, otherwise the tuber may rot. The plant tolerates the complete drying of the soil quite well due to the moisture reserves in the tuber. It is advisable to spray regularly with water, although it is more of a hygienic nature, but because the plant is characterized by a humid climate, it responds quite well to spraying.

After the leaves begin to wilt, watering is limited. And in the fall, with the complete death of the leaf, watering is stopped and the pot with the plant is placed for wintering in the dark. cool place with a temperature of about 13 ° C, it is not lower than 10 ° C and periodically does not moisturize much. The next spring, the tubers are planted in larger pots, and with the appearance of a germinating cutting, watering the plant is resumed.
The plant is very responsive to top dressing, which is given to it 2 times a month during the active growing season. The plant is fed by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. The plant needs a sufficiently large dose of phosphorus and this must be taken into account when fertilizing. In order for the plant to rapidly increase the mass of the tuber, it is necessary not only to fertilize the plants regularly, but also to maintain the ratio of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in a ratio of 1:2:4. The soil is watered abundantly before top dressing. The plant responds well to feeding with mullein.
In summer, the plant grows well outdoors, provided that it is well protected from wind and direct sunlight. You can grow a plant in open ground and for the summer the tubers can be planted in the garden, and after digging them up in the fall they are stored in sand or dry soil until spring. Before planting, the tuber should germinate until several white roots appear on it. It is recommended to germinate tubers in wet peat. The tuber is planted at the end of May.

You can meet a tuber for sale only in the winter months. Having bought a tuber, it should be stored until March - April at a temperature of 10-12 ° C in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. Periodically inspect the tuber, and as soon as you notice that the growing point has begun to increase in size, plant the tuber. It should be noted here that the kidney of small tubers may not begin to grow without planting. Consequently, no later than April, all the tubers that are available are planted and watering begins. Amorphophallus needs soil rich in nutrients, and besides, the more it is, the larger the tuber grows. Therefore, for planting it is desirable to choose a fairly large and deep pot.
As a substrate for a plant, you can use standard soil for aroid. A mixture of the following composition showed itself wonderfully: 1 part turf, 1 part peat, 1 part humus, 1 part leaf, and 1 part sand is added to improve the structure.
Planting plants in open ground it is desirable to fill the area where the tubers will grow with organic fertilizers. Hilling is very useful for planted plants, and a green leaf, so that the wind cannot break it, it is advisable to tie it to a peg. And in general, you need to protect the green leaf in every possible way from accidental breakdowns and damage, because you can only see a new one next year. After the leaves die off in the fall, the tubers are dug up and dried a little before storage.

It is necessary not to forget about bad smell, which, when flowering, comes from the inflorescences. With a great desire to admire the beauty of an unusual bedspread, you will need to be patient. Otherwise, flowering can be prevented in a timely manner. To do this, at the beginning it will be necessary to unfold the coverlet slightly and make sure that there is an ear, and not a green leaf. After that, the inflorescence is cut off even before the bedspread is unfolded. The cut off inflorescence does not need to be left in the room, it can also open in the cut off form.

There are some features in the structure of the amorphophallus tuber. In the seedling, it is formed in the form of a thickening, on this tuber the next year a green leaf appears and a larger new tuber is formed, while the old one does not separate. With age, such "children" are formed quite a lot.
When caring for a plant, it is important to know some rules of agricultural technology: the low planting of a tuber allows you to fill up the ground in the process of its growth, without replanting it several times a season. If the tuber is rotten, it must be removed from the pot and with a sharp knife (which has been previously sterilized in boiling water) cut off the rotten part. Then it is placed for drying for 1 day, having previously treated the cut site with crushed charcoal. After drying the tuber, it is planted in a new substrate. Some non-flower growers recommend storing tubers in the substrate. When the leaf wilts, the tubers are carefully (so as not to throw away the daughter ones) are removed from the pot and cleaned of the ground. Then, having carefully examined, the daughter tubers are separated. If this becomes necessary, dead roots and rotting areas are removed with a sharp knife, after which the wounds are washed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate and the tubers are placed in a dark place for storage.

The plant can be propagated by children and tuber division.
Amorphophallus bulbosa can also be propagated by bulbs that are at the base of the leaf segments.
When the plant is propagated by dividing the tuber, the tuber must have a residual amount of germinated buds. If the tuber does not have sprouted buds, then the plant may sprout quite late (late summer - early autumn) or not sprout at all. Divide in the spring. The tuber is cut very carefully with a sharp knife, trying not to harm the kidneys. After division, the slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal, then they are laid down for drying the slice during the day. Delenki are then planted in a substrate of leafy soil, humus, coniferous soil, peat and sand in equal parts. Water the delenki very carefully so that they do not rot.
In autumn, the plant can be propagated by children. After the leaf dies, the tuber is carefully removed from the pot, the children collect, put in a bag with slightly moistened peat, tied and stored until spring in a cool place. In the spring, the children are planted in the substrate. If the children are not taken out of the main pot in the fall, then in the spring they will grow in the form of small "palms" under the large main leaf.

The plant practically does not suffer from pests and diseases at home, sometimes, however, the tender young leaves of delenok and children are damaged by spider mites and aphids. Occasionally, pests can also damage adult plants.

Possible problems:
- due to too bright lighting without shading during the active growing season, blanching or yellowing of the leaf may occur.
- yellowing of the leaf in autumn is a natural process, the plant prepares for a dormant period and the leaf gradually dies off.

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Firstly, I am glad to welcome you to the pages of my blog. Secondly, I want to tell you about a flower that can shock people. This is a real stinker, what else to look for. The flower has an interesting physiology. For the successful development of a flower, you need to have patience and knowledge of growing at home.

To say that amorphophallus stinks is an understatement. It emits the smell of decaying proteins, that is, rotting meat, rotten eggs. Hence the corresponding name - corpse flower. But oddly enough, people come running to the "odorous" amorphophallus to stare. After all, it is a miracle of nature.

instead of 1000 aroma sticks)))

Emits a fetid stench only when flowering. At home, this is usually once every three years. In greenhouses, where more suitable conditions are created for amorphophallus, it can bloom once a year.

Amorphophallus not only emits bad smell, its cone heats up to +40 degrees, and flies and dung beetles actively flock to this banquet. From his generous aroma does not save even separate room. The smell seeps through closed door, yes, that there is a door. The smell is enough for all the neighbors on the site! But, most importantly, to hold out for the first two or three days - the stench is the strongest then, then it weakens and completely disappears.

Superstitious people called the handsome devil's flower, voodoo lily, snake palm. And the name amorphophallus is translated from Greek as: Amorphous - shapeless, phallus - process, escape. The plant is very beautiful, unusual. Blooms for a couple of months.

Amorphophallus tubers

This smelly guy belongs to the aroid family. Amorphophallus is a short-lived flower. Most of the time there is an empty pot of earth, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Now I will describe the features of caring for amorphophallus according to the seasons. Yes, tubers start selling in winter, so they need to be stored in the refrigerator +10 in the vegetable section until spring.

Growing in spring.Our flower has just come out of dormancy. At the end of March, it is necessary to transplant the tuber. Every year it is necessary to increase the size of the pot, then the tuber will increase, and the larger the tuber, the more elegant the amorphophallus will grow. If you have already come to the big pot, then you can stop there. Remember the flower is quite heavy, choose stable pots for planting.

amorphophallus is growing actively

The sprout will appear very soon, and will grow before your eyes at a breakneck pace. Well in the spring, as soon as the shoot appears, feed the amorphophallus with mineral and organic fertilizer 2 times a month. Once organic, and the second time with mineral top dressing: (1: 3: 1) - (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

During the growth period, amorphophallus is very demanding on the content of phosphorus, which is necessary for tuber growth. From organics, mullein is well suited. Water the soil well before fertilizing. You can add humus.

Watering should be increased with increasing growth of amorphophallus. The larger the process, the more moisture it needs. It is undesirable to transfuse amorphophallus; for this, water the flower when the earth dries. Do not be afraid to dry the ground, its tuber contains enough moisture.

a beautiful tree will soon grow

Now everything is ready for you to grow a palm tree - amorphophallus. The height of such a palm tree can reach 1 - 2 meters, it all depends on the size of your tuber, which in turn can weigh 4 -5 kg.

make timely feeding

Cultivation in summer. Care summer plant is palm care. Amorphophallus loves constant spraying, at least once a day, so you create conditions reminiscent of the tropics with high humidity.

But if your amorphophallus is five years old or even more, it is capable of flowering. In the spring, instead of a thick shoot, a flower can come out - a stinker that will delight you with its beauty with an unforgettable incense. Flowering lasts 1 - 2 months, after which the amorphophallus will wither. If enough nutrients remain in the tuber after the flower dies, then you will grow a palm tree, and if not, the flower will go dormant prematurely until next spring.

Therefore, every year should be done spring top dressing about which I wrote above. Every day, amorphophallus diligently accumulates nutrients in order to bloom one day. This important feature of cultivation needs to be known.

adorable, for the sake of him it is worth enduring 2 - 3 days of a terrible smell

Growing in autumn and winter.Now it's time to die off the palm tree. The leaves turn yellow one by one and fall off. Watering is gradually reduced. Amorphophallus is preparing for a state of rest. When the whole flower dries, watering is completely stopped. Now we need to send the pot to a dark, cool room. Ideally, the temperature for amorphophallus is +10 - +13 degrees.

No watering during dormancy. The first watering of the amorphophallus should be done when a new sprout appears.

Tuber care

As I wrote above. The tubers start selling in the winter, so they are stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable section until spring. Periodically they should be inspected, damaged or rotting parts cut off.

As soon as the growth point is noticeably increased, it is time to plant amorphophallus. In very small specimens, it may not be, the sprout will not come out without landing. Therefore, if it is difficult for you to figure out where is the top and where is the bottom of the tuber, it is better to buy a larger amorphophallus or ask the seller on the spot.

It is best to plant the flower in a standard aroid mix that you can buy at the store, it's even easier than mixing it yourself.

Reproduction of Amorphophallus by children

Every year the tuber is gradually overgrown with children. In the fall, when the amorphophallus dies, the tuber must be dug up, the children should be separated. They are stored until spring in a bag with slightly wet peat (should crumble when touched). Then the bag is tied and placed in a cool place until spring. Then they plant it and everything starts from the beginning.) Do not forget to plant the mother tuber too.)

corpse flower babies

Voodoo lily, elephant bread, devil's tongue - no, these are not the ingredients of fairy potions. These are just a few names for the same plant - snake palm. And scientifically - amorphophallus. Imported from the Pacific Islands, this handsome man won the hearts of local flower growers. In nature, the mysterious flower reaches gigantic proportions. And domestic voodoo lilies can be quite modest in size. Proper care of amorphophallus at home will allow the flower to demonstrate all its beauty, and its owner to gain a significant reason for botanical pride.

Scientists call Indochina the birthplace of this shapeless shoot (namely, this is how the name of the plant is translated from Latin). Voodoo lily develops from a tuber the size of a large orange hidden underground. Some amorphophalluses have a dormant period. But among the varieties of this flower there are also those snake palms that belong to evergreens.

Different sources indicate different numbers of the genus Amorphophallus. Some claim that there are more than a hundred of them, while others insist that there are about 200 varieties of Voodoo lilies.

Common types of unusual flower

Despite the diversity of the flower genus of the snake palm, in greenhouses, winter gardens and on window sills, only three species are most often found.

  1. Amorphophallus titanic (Amorphophallus titanum). The "growth" of this true giant can reach five meters. Of these, two meters is the height of a flower cob, which, like a blanket, is wrapped with one fleshy petal of a deep burgundy color.
  2. Amorphophallus konjac (Amorphophallus konjac). TO Compact voodoo lily with a peduncle, the height of which barely exceeds half a meter. V Eastern countries growing amorphophallus at home is not in the name of beauty, but for the production of daily bread. The tubers of this type of devilish tongue are boiled and eaten. In addition, the underground part of the plant can be dried, crushed and used as a seasoning for many national dishes.
  3. Bulbous amorphophallus (Amorphophallus bulbifer). FROM the middle of the three species described in terms of flower size. It reaches a height of about one and a half meters. In this case, the "growth" of a cone-shaped peduncle is usually equal to a fifth of the height of the plant.

Amorphophallus titanic is considered the most big flower on the the globe. The largest flower of this plant weighed 100 kg and was about three meters high.

Botanical characteristics

All varieties of snake palm love moderate heat and despise direct sunlight. For active growth and reproduction, this outlandish plant during the flowering period needs a temperature of 22 ° C and diffused lighting. If you are ready to play by the rules of amorphophallus, then you can easily grow any of the "domesticated" types of this flower, botanical characteristics which are described in the following table.

Table - Main characteristics of popular types of amorphophallus

ViewTuber diameterplant heightCob heightPetal color outsidepetal color inside
Amorphophallus titanum50 cm5 m2 myellow greenburgundy
Amorphophallus konjacup to 20 cm0.6 m0.3 mDirty pink yellowpurple burgundy
Amorphophallus bulbifer7-8 cm1.5 m0.3 mGrey-greenyellow pink

Care for amorphophallus during growth

Caring for a giant flower is considered an average task. The plant requires time and attention, but is ready to generously pay with its incredible appearance for the minutes and hours given by the owner. A well-groomed amorphophallus blooms only once a year. Flowering lasts about 14 days.

The Japanese believe that voodoo lily tubers help cleanse the digestive tract and are a must eat product in the fight against excess weight. That is why what others are used to admiring, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun use to prepare various traditional dishes - from noodles to tofu cheese.

Where to put the pot

The story of how to care for amorphophallus after purchase begins with setting the pot in the right place. It should be placed where there is really a lot of light: in the living room near the window, on the veranda, in the bright dining room or loggia, which is insulated. The tropical visitor loves bright light, but is intolerant of direct sunlight in summer.

Likes heat or cold

Reviews of growing a snake palm tree in an apartment indicate that the capricious amorphophallus requires different temperature conditions depending on the time of year. In a hot period, when outside the window summer heat, the optimal temperature for a handsome man will be in the range from 20 ° C to 25 ° C. And during hibernation, a representative of the tropics prefers cold: in winter, 12-13 ° C is considered the ideal temperature for amorphophallus.

Humidity level

A tropical plant, even in our latitudes, remains tropical. The devil's tongue loves high humidity, and in summer it is always happy to be sprayed with a spray bottle. Therefore, in tandem with a constantly functioning air conditioner in the hot season, the owner of an amorphophallus should use a household humidifier. Low importance is the main reason why amorphophallus does not bloom at home.

Watering frequency

When answering the question of how to care for amorphophallus, one cannot help but touch on the problem of watering. In moisture, this plant needs only the growth phase. The irrigation algorithm is as follows:

  1. We take purified water.
  2. Pour into a pot, as if drawing a circle along the edge of the soil.
  3. Check if the tray is filled with water.
  4. Leave the flower for 40-60 minutes.
  5. We pour out the remaining water from the pan, being sure that the moisture is evenly distributed over the substrate.

Watering the plant in the summer should be frequent and plentiful. Noticed that upper layer the soil is dry? Bring a watering can.

Pest control

The main character of the article is a persistent and strong flower. This tropical inhabitant is not afraid of pests or diseases that other green pets are afraid of. The only one that can harm amorphophallus is the spider mite. But proper care behind the plant will protect it from the appearance of this problem. Spider mite is afraid high humidity, and therefore, with a well-groomed amorphophallus, as a rule, he is not on the way.

The snake palm is a home barometer. If the weather decides to get worse, the plant will sense it and will release visible droplets at the leaf tips.

Feeding rules

Top dressing is good when it is literate. Amorphophallus should be fertilized only after the leaf opens 100%. If you start feeding earlier, nothing bad will happen, but you should not count on the miraculous effect of fertilizers. At the time of full disclosure root system plants are already sufficiently developed and ready to assimilate useful material. But before the leaf is opened, she is not yet able to assimilate utility. Fertilizers with a high phosphorus content are considered ideal for feeding amorphophallus. Its quantity should be four times the content of other chemical elements.

In the arsenal of a gardener caring for a Voodoo lily, there should be both organic and mineral fertilizers. Experts advise to apply them, alternating with each other, from the beginning of spring to the end of summer.

Features of the flowering period: why you should not touch

Devil's tongue is a monoecious plant. This means that heterosexual flowers are located on the same peduncle. The only thing that separates them is a sterile territory, thanks to which they do not touch each other.

Amorphophallus palm care during flowering is the same as on ordinary days. But when you see a flower, do not rush to rejoice, and certainly do not rush to touch it. The rule “on the face is terrible, kind inside” in the case of amorphophallus, it works exactly the opposite. When the snake palm amorphophallus blooms, it has a magnificent appearance. But it smells, to put it mildly, disgusting.

The researchers found that the "aroma" of the snake palm tree consists of very unexpected chemical compounds that are found in:

  • secretion of sweat glands;
  • fragrant cheese;
  • products of human and animal life;
  • rotten fish.

Touching the flower of amorphophallus entails an increase in the temperature of the plant up to 40 ° C and a significant increase in smell, so it is better not to touch the tropical beauty.

Hibernation time

As soon as autumn comes, the leaf of the tropical beauty will begin to wither. Having noticed this, it is necessary to cut it off, carefully remove the tuber from the ground, shake it off the ground and carefully examine its surface. Identified rotting locations on the tuber must be eliminated. It is also worth cutting out dead areas.

"Operated" places should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After that, the tuber can be considered fully prepared for winter, put in cardboard box and put it in the closet on the balcony. When preparing for the dormant period of the plant, be guided by the recommendations from the table.

Table - Basic storage conditions for amorphophallus tuber

spring awakening

With the advent of spring, the tuber must be removed from the cache and inspected for an increase in the growth point. If the tuber began to develop, then it's time to plant the Voodoo lily in the ground. Interested in how to transplant amorphophallus, take Special attention tub diameter: it should be three times larger than the diameter of the planted tuber.

In the wild, the plant chooses soil saturated with limestone. You can please the “domesticated” amorphophallus by offering it soil with the following composition:

  • sand;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • turf.

The fourth part of the pot intended for the Voodoo lily should be covered with drainage. Do not throw away the rest of the soil. During the entire period of growth, the earth will have to be poured into the pot. From the moment of landing, you need to start watering the amorphophallus palm abundantly, remembering that high-quality watering and suitable humidity are the key to the full development of this representative of the tropical flora.

Babies can form on the mother tuber. Having found them, you should add soil and thus close them. Small "tubers" should never be exposed.

Surprisingly, the snake palm breeds easily in an ordinary city apartment. Knowing how to care for amorphophallus and having mastered the simple skills of watering and transplanting, by the end of the flowering period you can become a happy “parent” of several tubers at once. In addition, a flower satisfied with care generously gives seeds. To propagate the snake palm, you need to properly extract the seeds from ripe berries and plant them in the spring.

Reviews: “A large and beautiful flower, but it would be better not to bloom”

First, the flower is absolutely unpretentious. It can tolerate shade and dryness, although, of course, you should not get carried away. It does not need exquisite treatment in the form of crown formation or special fertilizers, just water it and spray it from time to time and everyone will be happy))) Secondly, in just 2-3 years, without much effort, the flower can grow to a decent size - more than a meter . Thirdly, he is handsome. Well, of course, there are more beautiful specimens, but in this case, beauty does not require much effort. Spotted trunk, sprawling green crown (actually, this is a leaf), a bit like a palm tree. Fourth, another nice feature - after heavy watering or before rainy weather, drops of water appear on the sharp tips of the leaf, it looks beautiful.

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It is difficult to imagine a more outlandish and unusual plant. Not only is one of its species considered the most gigantic herbaceous flower in the world, the plant itself has only one leaf per season! Yes, and he dies off for a period of winter dormancy. Now, a little more.

Description, origin

Amorphophallus belongs to the aroid family, its closest relatives are the well-known calla, monstera, anthurium. It is a tuberous herbaceous plant, which grows only one leaf on a thick petiole. But what a sheet! It is strongly dissected, at least into three parts, each of which contains many openwork leaves. But it's all really one sheet.

Single leaf of amorphophallus

The petiole is also not easy - it is all decorated with purple spots and can reach a height of one meter in some species. As a result, amorphophallus sometimes resembles a palm tree. Perhaps, hence one of its popular names - "snake palm". The height of the leaf can vary over a very wide range: there are small species up to 50-60 cm, but there are also giants up to 2-3 meters.

And, finally, the inflorescence, which is also unique in amorphophallus. Like all aroids, it is an ear enclosed in a veil, usually dark red or Brown. The height of the peduncle is also very different: from 25-30 cm to one and a half meters! In addition, during flowering, the plant emits a very unpleasant smell of rotting meat, which in nature attracts flies and dung beetles that pollinate amorphophallus.

Interestingly, the plant can serve as a barometer: the day before the weather worsens, large drops can be seen on the pointed parts of the leaf.

The homeland of the plant is the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres, mainly the countries of Asia and Africa.


The genus Amorphophallus includes about 100 species of perennial and annual tuberous herbs. In nature, the most famous species is amorphophallus titanic (or giant) ( A. titanum). The diameter of its tuber can be more than half a meter, and its weight can be up to 23 kg. The inflorescence significantly exceeds human growth.

Amorphophallus riviera also differs in considerable size, but no longer inflorescences. Its petiole reaches a height of 1.5 meters, and the leaf grows in width by one meter.

Amorphophallus konjac (A. konjac)- one of the most common species in room culture. The inflorescence cob strongly extends beyond its coverlet and reaches 50 cm. The name of the species is given by the name of the Japanese national dish from the tubers of the plant - cognac.

Amorphophallus konjac

Amorphophallus bulbosa (A. bulbifer)- also often found at home. The cob does not go beyond the bedspread. The species is distinguished by the fact that during the growth process a nodule is laid at the base of the leaf, which, when the leaf dies, can be used to obtain a new plant.

Seasonal development scheme

In early spring, a sharp sprout appears from a tuber planted in the ground. If the plant is young enough, then the very single leaf will quickly develop from it. If the tuber is large enough, and the plant is more than five years old, then the flowering period will begin first. That is, a peduncle gradually appears from the ground, which grows until a leaf appears.

Amorphophallus leaf development

After the inflorescence fades, a leaf begins to develop, which can be up to one meter in diameter in an adult specimen.

In August - September, the leaf slowly begins to fade and completely falls off by winter. And in the spring everything starts all over again. Moreover, every year the sheet increases in size, and its surface becomes more and more dissected.

Features of care during the growth period

In the spring, with the beginning of the growth period, amorphophallus needs to create an atmosphere of bright diffused lighting, with a temperature of +18°C to +26°C.

The beginning of active plant growth

In the summer months, he needs mandatory protection from direct sun. Thus, northwest or northeast windows are best for him.

If possible, amorphophallus can be planted in the garden for the summer.

Water the plant during the growth period should be plentiful. It is desirable that water does not fall on the tuber. Allow the surface of the substrate to dry slightly between waterings. Amorphophallus reacts very well to spraying, although this is not a mandatory procedure.

Feeding the plant should begin no earlier than the leaf is fully opened. Prior to this, the root system is not yet sufficiently developed to absorb nutrients. In the composition of the fertilizer, a rather high content of phosphorus is important. It is desirable if the following percentage of the main mineral substances is indicated on the fertilizer package: nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (1:4:1). It's also good to alternate mineral supplement with organic.

We should not forget about the unpleasant smell that the plant emits during flowering. If you want to admire an unusual inflorescence, you will have to somehow survive this unpleasant moment. But it is quite possible to simply prevent flowering. When a sprout appears, you just need to unfold it a little to make sure that inside is not a green leaf, but an ear. After that, it is enough just to cut off the inflorescence and take it out of the room. On the further development plants will not be affected.

Plant care during dormancy

When the leaf begins to fade in the fall, it must be cut off, and the tuber carefully dug up, cleaned of the substrate and carefully examined. If necessary, remove all dead and rotting areas, disinfect the sections with a solution of potassium permanganate and store the tubers in a dark, cool place at a temperature of + 10 ° C - + 15 ° C.

The dormant period in amorphophallus lasts about 5-6 months. Of course, the option of storing tubers directly in a pot with a substrate is not excluded. Storage conditions are about the same, but at the same time there is a high probability of developing various root rot and fungal diseases.

Increase in the growth point of the tuber in spring

In the spring, as soon as the growth point begins to increase, the tuber should be planted in a fresh substrate. Moreover, small tubers may not begin to grow without moist soil, so it is important to plant the plant in the ground before the beginning of April in any case.

The substrate is prepared nutritious and loose. You can take humus, clay-turf, leaf, peat soil and sand in equal parts. It is better to choose a large pot, both in depth and in width. Drainage should occupy one quarter of the capacity for planting. If you immediately plant the tuber quite low, then this will allow you to simply fill up the ground during the growth of a new tuber, without touching the plant itself.


During the period of active growth below, near the leaf petiole, new nodules appear at the amorphophallus, the so-called babies. If conditions are favorable, then in a season they can almost equal the size of the mother tuber. At the beginning of the dormant period, when the plant is cleared from the ground, these nodule children must be carefully separated. In the spring, they are planted already as separate plants so that the sprout is visible from above.

Tubers - children of amorphophallus

As already mentioned above, bulbous amorphophallus is also able to reproduce by a nodule, which is formed in the very center of its leaf. You can try to plant it immediately in suitable soil, but it is better to wait for spring, and then it will germinate more likely.

Subject to all the rules for caring for the plant, amorphophallus is not damaged by diseases and pests.

General information: Nolina, or as Bocarney is also called, is an exotic plant that belongs to the agave family.

The agave family always attracts our attention if we walk through the botanical garden.

These are large beautiful herbaceous or treelike plants. You can also often hear that Nolina is called a bottle palm or an elephant foot.

More than 100 years ago, this plant was known, but in room culture, it is still little popular and developed.

The homeland of Bokarney is considered to be the southern states of America, such as Arizona, Texas and Mexico.

This palm prefers flat rocky areas, semi-deserts and slopes.

Flowers fragrant white, big flowers, which are collected in bundles.

A tree can grow up to 10 meters high, but in our climatic conditions, the height does not reach more than 2 meters, and its diameter is about 90 centimeters.

Description of the "bottle palm"

Nolina bokarneya is the original single palm tree, interesting shape with decorative foliage.

It is characterized by a special tree-like, powerful, curved trunk. It has a thickening at the base, which resembles a large onion in its shape. In nature, this bulb, as it were, is an imitation of a reservoir in which water is stored.

In the homeland, where there are often droughts, bokarney thus saves itself. It receives nutrients and water from the bulb.

The leaves of Nolina are lanceolate, hard and narrow. The edges are very sharp, so you can cut yourself on them.

The moisture that falls on the leaves of Bokarney rolls down them to the base of the tree, to its roots, thus providing additional water nutrition, which is very important in a dry climate.

The leaves begin to grow from the center of the trunk and are directed upwards, while the neighboring older leaves are bent and hanging down. Thus, Nolina has a magnificent shape, resembling a horse's tail from the side, which gives the palm a decorative effect and originality.

In Mexico, baskets are woven from the leaves of this tree, because the strength is very high.

Home care

Since Bocarnea easily adapts to dry air, as well as to temperature changes, caring for it does not cause many difficulties. Consider in detail about all the care procedures.

Lighting: Given that Nolina's homeland is the hot and sunny parts of America, she has a positive and loving approach to lighting.

It is best to place it on the southern windows with good lighting. You don't have to worry about direct sunlight. If they fall on the leaves of the plant, they will not harm them, as they are adapted to such a climate.

In the summer, it is useful to take nolina out into the garden or onto the balcony, into the fresh air.

Temperature: This is a very heat-loving plant, so the air temperature in the room where the palm tree is located should be from 10 to 30 degrees.

Soil and humidity: Air humidity does not play a big role for the normal growth of the plant.

Even in winter time when it works central heating and dry air, nolina will feel quite comfortable. Only occasionally wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or spray them if the air is too dry for a long time.

But at the same time, it is imperative to ensure that moisture does not fall on the stem of the plant, otherwise mold may form on it and over time it will begin to rot.

Nolina prefers light soil, and the flowerpot must be wide, since the root system of the palm tree grows in width, and not in depth.

For the mixture, leafy soil, coarse sand and clay soil are best suited. All in the same amount.

You can also pour brick chips into the substrate, and lay a layer of gravel on top. A quarter of the flowerpot must be filled with small pebbles or expanded clay, this will provide good drainage.

Transplantation: An adult plant is not often transplanted.

Young palms can be repotted every spring from March to April, as the pot becomes small for them.

a little older plants it is better to transplant no more than once every 2-3 years. Flowerpot for adult palms can be changed every 3-4 years. But it is better not to disturb old plants at all.

When transplanting, care should be taken not to plant the plant too deep. It should be planted at the same level as in the old pot. So the pot for transplanting must be not so much deep as wide.

Reproduction: Nolina breeding is quite difficult. For this, plant seeds or lateral processes are used. Considering that Bokarneya rarely blooms at home, seeds can be purchased at specialized stores.

If you decide to use seeds for propagation, then make sure that they are mold-free and of high quality.

First, they must be soaked for a couple of days in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If the seeds are of high quality, they will immediately go to the bottom, and will not float.

After two days, the seeds should not be planted deep in moist soil (peat or sand can be used), the distance between the seeds should be about 1 centimeter. And then put the pot of seeds in a well-lit place. For these purposes, you can also additionally use fluorescent lamps.

It is necessary to constantly ensure that the soil constantly has moisture at a moderate level, and the temperature in the room does not fall below 20 degrees.

Seedlings will appear within a month, in order to speed up the growth process, you can cover the pot with polyethylene, but in this case, you need to periodically ventilate the seedlings, and also make sure that condensation does not accumulate. Already grown sprouts can be transplanted into separate flowerpots.

Watering: Nolina should not be watered often. Only when the soil dries out, you can water, but constantly monitor so as not to overdo it with water.

The plant cannot be flooded. Scientists say that without watering, bokarneya can live and feel quite comfortable throughout the year. She uses water from her trunk, which she saves and accumulates from previous watering.

If in winter period the temperature of the room in which the plant is located is below 10 degrees, then it can not be watered, and if the room is warm, then watering should occur as usual.

Top dressing (fertilizer): Nolina bokarneya definitely needs regular feeding. This should be done during the active growth period, from May to October. The frequency is once every two weeks.

Fertilizers should be alternated, once organic, once mineral. You need to use only half the dose indicated on the package, and this should be done after watering the plant.

Danger of plant death: Most often, the cause of plant death can be improper watering, both insufficient and excessive.

If Bokarneya is heavily flooded, then its leaves will begin to turn yellow or turn brown, and then fall off.

And if Nolina does not receive sufficient moisture, then the edges of the leaves begin to dry, and the trunk of the palm tree becomes wrinkled.

Pests and diseases: Most often, like most plants, the palm tree can suffer from spider mites, mealybugs and scale insects.

  • If there are not enough nutrients, the leaves become smaller.
  • The same reaction can be a lack of space in the pot.

  • If the temperature is too high, the leaves may turn pale, limp and dry.
  • And a sign of too dry air is the dry tips of the leaves.

    From excessive watering, the trunk can rot. If the trunk does not grow in width, does not get fat, then this means that watering is too frequent, and there is not enough light in the room.

Tips: If cracks appear on the trunk, then they can be covered with garden pitch.
But at the same time, be careful, as the leaves of the plant are very sharp and you can cut yourself on them.
It is necessary to ensure that there is a lot of air in the room. Bocarnea loves ventilated rooms.