How to open a point of sale in the market - advice from experienced. Is it profitable to open a point on the market and how to do it

A small business can start with a small retail store. In this case, the risk of bankruptcy is minimal, and this starting option will be the most optimal.

And this article will help answer the questions of how to open point of sale from scratch, where to open it, how to choose the right range of products for sale, organize pricing policy and competently keep records.

To begin with, the amount of start-up capital is determined and the choice of products sold is carried out. A search is made for suppliers whose conditions are favorable and convenient for opening office work. At the first stage, a selection of related product groups is recommended.

When opening a retail outlet in public places - in a market or in a shopping center, registration will be required individual entrepreneur.

Moreover, it is important optimal choice the system by which the tax will be paid to the state. The most common taxation system is the STS.

The selection of the place where the outlet will be located is carried out very carefully. Competitors' stores should not be located in the immediate vicinity of the retail outlet to be opened.

Having decided on the location, you can agree on the cost and rental conditions. When concluding a lease, you should pay attention to the possibility of early termination.

Purchase of commercial equipment to create appearance and store design will greatly affect the loyalty and trust of potential customers.

Hiring a seller is mandatory in order for a businessman to have time to deal with other organizational issues. The friendliness of the seller and his good reference in the range will affect the success retail and its profitability.

Price policy

The cost of the proposed product should be thought out depending on the capabilities of the target audience - it will be a budget product designed for a large part of the population, or an elite one.

The information is relevant for those who are planning to open a store in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries and the world. All the features of launching an enterprise are universal for different directions. In this article, we answer the following questions:

  • How to create a store from scratch and how much does it cost?
  • What type of outlet should you choose?
  • Where to start, how to arrange documents and equip a retail space?
  • How to attract buyers and get a stable profit?

Winning option- choose the type of products related to your professional skills or hobbies.

For example, a person who understands technology will be able to organize its sale, correctly assess the needs of customers and know how to present this product. Beauty and fashion stores are traditionally run by women who are passionate about beauty and style. It is easier to form an assortment and set up work with those things that you understand.

If you approach the choice of direction purely for reasons of commerce, then you should open an enterprise of any type that is in demand in a certain place. If there is no place to buy pasta in the residential area after nine in the evening, the best solution- own 24-hour grocery store.

The nuances of opening a store, or factors to consider when choosing a market niche:

1. Seasonality of the business. Many types of goods sell better in a certain season ( winter clothes, some sporting goods, etc.). Decide on the seasonality of your business and think in advance about ways to get money in the "off-season".

2. Competition. When deciding on the type of product, it is important to choose a location without direct competitors nearby. Or offer the buyer something that the competitor does not have. For example, adjacent to expensive boutiques in a shopping center, it is worth offering a good range of youth clothing and accessories at a low price. A grocery store near a supermarket cannot survive with the usual assortment. It is better to specialize in the sale of confectionery, meat, household essentials, etc., that is, to narrow your niche.

3. Be very careful with ideas., which have no analogues. On the one hand, such a business, in the absence of competitors, will receive the maximum profit. On the other hand, the lack of competition may mean that such products are not in demand.

Step 2: store name

It is necessary to start preparing for the opening with the name. This is a trifle that should be taken care of in advance. When making a business plan and planning expenses, be sure to consider the sign. And its cost directly depends on the name.

The main requirement- the adequacy and attractiveness of the name. It should explain to passers-by what is being sold inside. If you want to take original name, then assign specialization to it (grocery, construction, clothing, etc.)

Step 3: Business plan

If you are not sure whether it is worth spending the time on this, drop all doubts. it step by step guide, how to open a store, plus an extra opportunity to look at the business from the outside: assess the risks and benefits. Mandatory points of the plan:

  • Summary(where the company is located, what it does);
  • Market and competitor analysis;
  • Organizational moments(registration of the enterprise, obtaining the necessary permits and licenses);
  • (how you will drive sales, what kind of advertising to use to attract and retain customers);
  • Assortment and pricing(what categories of goods will be presented, their cost, brands);
  • Production plan(arrangement of premises, communications, division into zones);
  • Technical base(equipment, manufacturers from whom it is profitable to buy);
  • Organizational plan(personnel and work schedule, salary level);
  • Potential risks and how to deal with them. This paragraph implies a description of the "pessimistic" business development option. A strategy prepared in advance will help to cope with possible difficulties;
  • Financial plan(how much money will be required to open a business, calculate potential profits, calculate payback).

Step. 4: Finding a room

- a great rarity, therefore, in planning we focus on the rented area. Common placement options: the first floor of a residential building or office building, a space in a shopping center, a detached building. The latter option is the most expensive and not always advisable.

The best place is on the "red line", that is, overlooking a road with high traffic. What's in a residential area, what's in the city center perfect way getting "random" buyers who just walked by. Below are the basic conditions when choosing a location, or where it is best to open a store.

Availability... No confusing lanes on the way to the establishment, it should be easy to find and easy to see from afar. Huge pluses - the presence of nearby parking, advertising signs.

Positioning(orientation of the placement to the clientele). Suitable for each type of goods different places... Small grocery outlets are popular in residential areas, souvenirs - in entertainment centers, luxury goods are best sold in the city center, stationery - near schools, universities, business centers.

Correctly selected area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room... The space must be used rationally so as not to overpay for extra square meters. But some businesses require a lot of space. For example, 20 sq. M is enough for a small boutique of gifts and souvenirs. m, a clothing store with fitting rooms will need at least 40 sq. m. The area of ​​the retail space ranges from 20-100 sq. m. m depending on the selected type.

Adequate rent corresponding to the price level. For example, expensive space in a shopping mall is unprofitable for a thrift store. On average, the rental price is $ 8-11 per 1 sq. m in residential areas and remote places, $ 15-20 per 1 sq. m - in the center.

An important nuance- it is worth paying rent for six months or a year in advance (this will go into capital investments) in order to ensure the work of the company in the first months, until the trade begins to bring a lot of income. Otherwise, with a frantic monthly search for money for rent, there is a risk of going broke.

Step 5: Arrangement and renovation of the premises

You need to rent an area and start arranging the site before receiving most of the permits. Most of the authorities in the package of documents require a lease agreement, and also check the readiness of the premises for work.


Mandatory conditions for all sales areas:

  1. An evacuation plan, fire alarm, fire extinguishers;
  2. Availability of heating, electricity, air conditioning, running water(not necessarily for all types of sales, important for food);
  3. When repairing in the process of finishing, painting, cladding, use moisture resistant and easily washable materials. The floors must be level, without cracks or potholes;
  4. Compliance with consumer rights... This includes checkweighers for grocery outlets, the presence of a complaint book and a consumer corner (sales rules, company contact details, etc.);
  5. The layout of the space should be simple for the buyer, not hampering movement in the hall.

Placement permit and when to get it

This certificate should be obtained prior to commencing repairs. This is a kind of expert assessment of Rospotrebnadzor about whether it is possible to start sales in the chosen place. If the site is not suitable in many respects, then the money for repairs will be wasted. It takes 2-3 weeks to get an expert opinion. When contacting a special law firm, the cost of registration will be $ 150-160.

Average, redecorating and finishing premises with an area of ​​50-70 sq. m cost in the amount of 1500-2000 dollars.

Step 6: Business registration

What documents are needed to open a store? First, officially register your business. The most simple, it is faster, cheaper and less hassle with accounting. But, for example, only LLC with authorized capital at least a million rubles.

How to open an IP?

Registration certificate legal entity must be obtained from the local tax office at the address of registration. It is worth deciding on the taxation system in advance (OSNO, STS, UTII).

Documents required in the tax office:

  • Your passport(for foreign citizens - a passport) and TIN. If you do not have an individual taxpayer number, it will be issued along with the certificate, it will take 4-5 days more;
  • Application form R21001 (For Russia)... One of the important points of the statement is the choice of OKVED codes. They may be different for each type of store, but a general subsection for all: 47 - "Retail trade, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles". It is recommended to choose as many suitable codes as possible in order not to suffer with “pre-registration” later. Extra codes do not affect the activity in any way;
  • Receipt confirming payment of the state fee ($ 12);
  • Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system if it suits you. Otherwise, OCH is prescribed by default.

The tax office issues a receipt for the receipt of documents. In five days, the application will be considered, with a positive answer, the entrepreneur receives a certificate of registration with the tax service and an extract from the USRIP (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs).

Together with them, they issue a notification about the assignment of statistics codes from Rosstat, a certificate of registration of an entrepreneur in a pension fund at the place of residence, a certificate of registration with TFOMS. Otherwise, you will have to issue these certificates separately.

After that, you need to open a bank account and make a seal (up to $ 15). The presence of a seal for an individual entrepreneur is not necessary, usually a signature and a mark "B / P" ("no seal") is sufficient.

Other documentation

Conclusion of Rospozharnadzor... To obtain, you need an application, a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, a BTI plan, an agreement on the lease of commercial space, an insurance policy for the facility, documents on the installation of a fire alarm. One of the employees must be trained fire safety and take on the responsibility of the chief to comply with it.

Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor... In addition to the basic certificates, you need a building sanitary passport, medical records of employees, contracts for disposal and disinfection, product quality certificates.

The opening of this enterprise is most often associated with the purchase and registration of a cash register with the Federal Tax Service. For this, documents on the opening of an enterprise are already needed.

Remember that the electronic control tape protected on the device must be changed every year.

The sign also requires permission from the local government.

Self-registration of documentation will cost about $ 100, when contacting special intermediary firms, you will have to pay from $ 500.

Step 7: Select Suppliers

The main selection criteria:

  1. Experience and reliability, reviews of other buyers;
  2. Range... The most convenient supplier - from which you can buy as many different products as possible. Pay attention to recognizable products of famous brands, they sell better;
  3. Convenience of calculations... Various bonuses, discounts, deferrals. It is difficult for a newcomer to find a supplier who will agree to provide products with a deferred payment. However, it is worth trying to negotiate according to the "50/50" scheme, part of the goods you pay immediately, part - after the sale.

You should look for suppliers on the Internet, in newspapers and magazines, at trade shows.

Step 8: shop equipment

Common equipment items for all types of shop:

  • Shelves, counters, showcases - about $ 700. Good producers - Mago, Neka, Rus, Fabrik Art;
  • Unpretentious reception for dispensing purchases - $ 150-300. Showcase Plus, "Commercial equipment";
  • Control- cash machine- $ 150-250. Orion, Mercury, Elves-MK.

Total minimum investment the equipment will amount to $ 1200.

An important point - connecting the possibility of cashless payments (acquiring), this will increase the number of customers and reduce the risk of encountering fraudsters. You need to contact the selected bank, where they will formulate the terms of cooperation (mainly, the amount of bank commissions) and install a pos-terminal. On average, the commission is 1.9-4% of the transaction volume.

The lower the turnover of the company, the higher the commission is required by the bank. For cooperation, a certain amount of deposit is required on the current account.

Step 9: recruiting staff for the store

For a small grocery or flower shop, two sellers are enough (working hours - "week after week") and a cleaning lady. In a construction or clothing store, it is worth hiring a salesroom administrator (consultant), a cashier, a cleaner. It is recommended to outsource accounting to save money.

The most important person is the salesperson. In addition to the standard qualities of a good employee and sales skills, the employee must be in the right place. Simply put, match the store. For example, underwear is sold beautiful women, a Construction Materials- men and women of age who inspire confidence with their experience.

The ideal way to stimulate a salesperson is a percentage of the proceeds. But if you put an employee completely on a percentage in a new place, you can lose him and provoke a large turnover of personnel. It is best to form a minimum salary (for example, $ 200-250) plus a percentage of monthly earnings. Cashier, cleaning lady receive a fixed salary.

Step 10: Assortment formation

This includes the display of goods and interior design store. Take the time to learn the basics of merchandising or hire a specialist to do the initial layout. Among general rules stand out:

  1. The product must be placed conveniently for the visitor, in easily accessible places. Those products that need to be sold first are placed in the most conspicuous place;
  2. Use price tags to drive sales... Highlight promotions and discounts in large letters and bright colors. For expensive products, place the price so that you have to look for it and turn the thing in your hands, appreciating all its advantages;
  3. Separate things for convenience into categories and mark them with signs or stands;
  4. Interior decoration and atmosphere should tune in to buy certain things. Correct lighting, background music, pleasant smells - all this affects the visitors.

Step 11: security

Ensure the safety of your company. Minimum set security equipment - alarm, "panic button", video surveillance camera. Purchase and installation costs - from $ 200, maintenance cost - from $ 50 per month.

Step 12: store opening and advertising

Turn your start into a promotion with music, contests, giveaways and brochures, discounts, and more. Then customers will want to come back to you.

Periodically arrange sales and promotions for customers. Discount cards for regular customers work well. For building materials, clothing, toys, distribution of print advertising on mailboxes... Create a unique offer and colorfully design flyers. Printing 5,000 copies will cost about $ 100.

Step 13: Risk Assessment

Before starting a business, you should evaluate all the risks and benefits. What do you need to know?


  • An established point of sale is a source of stable income. The enterprise in good location and there will always be buyers with a wide assortment.
  • Trade enterprise if necessary, it is easy to sell as a ready-made business.
  • Enough simple system calculations.


  • Large investments in business and high level competition.
  • Remains of unsold products that have to be written off or sold at a markdown.
  • Seasonality of some types of trade.
  • The risk of losing up to 80% of investments in case of an unsuccessful turn of events.

Consider the features and. Based on the previous points, the minimum cost of business registration, repairs and equipment, rent and advertising is approximately $ 8,000.

Clothing store

Area - from 50 sq. m.

Costs for:

  • Mannequins and busts, torsos (about 10-15 pcs.) - about $ 500;
  • Mirror in full height to the trading floor - from $ 50;
  • 2 dressing booths with curtains + 2 mirrors - $ 200-250;
  • Hangers and racks for clothes - $ 300-400;
  • Electronic product protection system - $ 1400;
  • Barcode scanner - $ 100-150;
  • Printer for printing labels with a barcode - $ 400-600;
  • Purchase of things for six months in advance - 10-15 thousand dollars.

Total investment in the business will amount to 20-25 thousand dollars. Margin - from 50-400%.

Important nuances: a large assortment (at least 1000 units), the availability of popular sizes, the sale of related products and accessories (handbags, purses, hangers, jewelry, belts, etc.). Conduct sales and promotions on a regular basis ("third item as a gift", "discount on the second purchase," etc.)

Lingerie shop

Enough 15-25 sq. m. The list of equipment differs from the previous type of outlet only in the type of mannequins. You will need special hangers-busts, "hangers", "legs" for tights and socks, etc. Demonstration of goods on mannequins and one-and-a-half torsos works well. It is necessary to invest at least $ 13,000 in the opening.

Good and popular brands of lingerie: Incanto, Lormar, Milavitsa, Agent Provocateur, Victoria's Secret, Calzedonia, Passionata, Rosme. The best demand is observed for mid-priced products. It is necessary to form an assortment for women, men and children in order to visitors made purchases for the whole family.

Grocery store

Required area - from 30 sq. m. Optional equipment and costs:

  1. 2 Refrigerators – 1100 $;
  2. Racks for vegetable breakdowns (vegetable box) - $ 150;
  3. Product racks- $ 600.
  4. a printer for printing barcodes and labels - $ 400-600.

Total, together with the purchase of goods, capital expenditures will amount to 13-15 thousand dollars.

A grocery store needs a warehouse to store food. Also, special requirements are imposed on such firms.

To obtain a work permit from Rospotrebnadzor, it is necessary to fulfill the conditions of SanPiN 2.3.5. 021-94 — « Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises ". All norms, GOSTs, etc. are spelled out here.

Products must have price tags, weight indication, good shelf life. Products with defects are sold separately, with mandatory notification of the defect. Weights are required.

Employees of the firm must have health certificates, work in uniform with a headdress, have a badge indicating the name and position.

Children's clothing store

Selling clothes for children will require the same opening costs as a regular clothing store. Mannequins need to be purchased for children. The amount required to start a business is in the region of $ 17,000-20,000. It is important to determine the price category ( the best way- medium), and the products are sorted by age.

Commission shop

Area 50-60 square meters.


  • There is no need to look for suppliers, people hand over their things themselves;
  • The size of the company's commission for the sale of a second-hand product - 20-50%;
  • There are no problems with unsold leftovers. The owner takes back the unrealized things;
  • It is best to place a clothes shop in a densely populated residential area;
  • Unlike a clothing salon, a lot of expensive mannequins are not required, a few torsos, busts, hangers are enough.

To open a thrift store on your own, you will need to spend approximately $ 9,000-10,000.

Auto parts store

The required size of the room is from 60 sq. m. Equipment will need counters, racks, cash register. The amount of investments - from $ 12,000, taking into account the purchase of spare parts.

Business secrets:

  1. Better to specialize in one or two car brands, but provide spare parts for the entire model range;
  2. Sell ​​accessories (rugs, scented key rings, etc.);
  3. Sellers should be good at understanding in the car device;
  4. Select several suppliers for each product group so as not to keep customers waiting. Working with authorized dealers, you will increase the credibility of the company and will be able to officially use the brand logo in your advertising;
  5. Offer home delivery of purchases.

Flower shop

Sizes from 20 sq. m. In the trading floor, you need racks, a table for packing and composing compositions, stands and flowerpots for flowers, ideally - refrigerators compartment to maintain the desired temperature. In addition to flowers, wrapping paper, baskets, gift ribbons, bows, transparent cellophane, mesh, felt, scotch tape are purchased as consumables. From small tools you will need scissors, nippers, glue gun, floral knives.

Investments in equipment and the first purchase of a cut - from $ 12,000. To begin with, it is worth working with local wholesalers; with good promotion, it is recommended to buy flowers from metropolitan and foreign suppliers.


  • Organize a piece sale of flowers and ready-made bouquets and arrangements;
  • Flowers should always be fresh, so you need to learn how to correctly assess the volume of purchases;
  • Diversify your assortment with gift cards and soft toys;
  • Having created a thematic website, an entrepreneur can start custom-made festive events.

Draft beer shop

The required space is from 70 sq. m.

Optional equipment:

  • Racks with taps and beer barrels;
  • Coolers and defoamers;
  • Snack counters.

The complete set will cost about $ 2,000. About two thousand more will be needed for the purchase of 10-15 types of beer, 100 liters each. In total, the opening will take about $ 13,000.

Sales organization secrets: you need an assortment of 10-15 varieties of drinks and the availability of snacks in packages and by weight (crackers, chips, fish, etc.)

Hardware store

Area - from 60-70 sq. m. In addition to standard equipment and counters with shelving, demonstration stands are needed. Warehouse, packing and delivery services are required. Capital investments in the enterprise will amount to 16-20 thousand dollars.

The most demanded products: Decoration Materials, tools, paints and varnishes, plumbing. It is best to locate a retail outlet in the city center, near major roads and intersections, markets, shopping centers... Product margin - 25-40%.

Franchise store

Easier than starting a business yourself from scratch. Obvious advantages: work with a well-promoted brand, assistance in the design and advertising of the company. In fact, this is the acquisition of a ready-made enterprise.

Minuses: rather high cost of the franchise, monthly deductions from sales, purchase of products from strictly defined suppliers. The initial payment is 5-10% of the total investment in the business, the monthly royalty is 6-10% of the proceeds.

The franchise price of a well-known brand is rather big, but there are companies that are ready to help in opening a business under their own name for a minimal fee. This is done with the aim of deep integration into the market, promotion of certain manufacturers from whom franchisees are purchased.

any business and make good profits. average cost small business - in the region of 6-7 thousand dollars.

Opening a store on your own requires a good investment and legal expertise or professional help. In calculations, always include the amount for unforeseen expenses, never work "back to back" so as not to go broke. The commercial enterprise pays off in a year or two and starts to bring a good income.

How to open a point in a shopping center - we will analyze the most important sections of a business plan + 6 bonus tips from experienced entrepreneurs.

Capital investment per point: from 8,000,000 rubles per year.
Return on business in a shopping center: from 1 year.

Opening a point in a shopping center scares newbies with the amount of capital investment.

However, they forget to consider how many bonuses such placement gives.

The higher the rent, the more popular the place.

And this is synonymous with a large flow of people who can become customers.

It will be easier to attract them than if the store was located in a separate area.

These and many other advantages of accommodation in shopping centers are understood by many hardened businessmen who open sales points there.

Business plan point in the mall- the first document that will be required in organizing the case.

In it, information on the store will be analyzed, systematized and counted.

Why is it necessary to open a point in a shopping center?

If other people's experience does not convince you, personally evaluate the pros and cons of shopping mall placement.

For the period while you will carry out repairs and decoration of the premises, you can take a "vacation". That is, for 1-2 months you only pay utility bills. Significant savings!As a rule, you will have to coordinate almost every step: from the style of the sign to the order of displaying the goods.
Together with the retail space, you will receive a video surveillance service in the shopping center, parking spaces for customers, the opportunity to use the services of local cleaning.Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Typically, shopping center maintenance is also included in your monthly bill, along with your utilities.
The center's advertising also works for you.Renting a place in a shopping center, especially a popular one, is always expensive.
Accommodation close to large outlets will ensure a steady flow of customers.Often when you "check in" you have to pay a security deposit for 3 (!) Months of rent.
You will have an area for receiving goods, equipped in accordance with all the rules. Separate seating rarely allows for such chic.If for some reason the popularity of the shopping center falls, it will immediately affect you.

There are really many strengths, but there are also enough disadvantages.

It is important to analyze them thoughtfully so that in the end it turns out that a rather large amount of rent is wasted.

What documents are needed to open a point in a shopping center?

It is impossible to open a point in a shopping center without an appropriate documentary base.

Prepare for what you need:

  • or LLC (depending on products, number of founders and other details).
  • Indicate the OKVED code corresponding to the activity.
  • Choose a taxation system.
  • Obtain permission to trade at the point.
  • SES and Rospozharnadzor must issue a permit for activity (this is the concern of the administration of the shopping center).
  • For the management of the shopping center, projects, estimates and schemes will be needed.
    The list of papers in this case is individual, and you need to clarify it when signing the contract.
  • Among other things, you need to obtain quality certificates for goods from suppliers or manufacturers.

Planning the opening of a retail outlet in the business plan

It is difficult to open a point in a shopping center not because of the tricky organization algorithm.

And because of the potential serious risks that can entail financial losses and even the closure of the store.

They can be avoided with the help of detailed planning of activities.

Planning refers to a system of activities aimed at obtaining a complete picture of how a business can develop.

This includes analyzing the target audience, shopping center visitors, calculating the size of the future average check, establishing the supply process, and choosing a marketing strategy.

  • realistic - based on dry facts and reflections;
  • optimistic - the scenario of ideal development;
  • pessimistic - what the business will look like when problems arise.

They will help the entrepreneur prepare for any outcome of the business.

Analysis of a shopping center before opening a point

The profitability of renting a place in a shopping center is not always tangible.

If you choose the wrong landlord, you can get exclusively negative from cooperation.

Choosing a shopping center is easy.

It is enough to devote two days for personal observation and analysis.

Draw conclusions on the following indicators:

    Purchasing power.

    It will not be possible to look into a wallet or a bag with purchases to people.

    But even an hour of observing visitors will allow you to note how often they make purchases.

    Perhaps most come for fun and relaxation.

    This will be good for organizing fast food, but not selling fur products.


    It is important that there are no direct competitors nearby.

    But large anchor points of a similar theme will be beneficial.

    For example, many supermarkets have pet supplies.

    But they offer a meager assortment there.

    What a staff table might look like for a small store:

    This number of people will ensure the daily operation of the point from 10:00 to 22:00 (the standard working day of most shopping centers).

    It is better to hire people yourself.

    You need to personally assess the person you trust to be the face of the store.

    Hiring a salesperson with experience is much preferable.

    But keep in mind that young and energetic guys are easier to accept new rules, trends, and often bring "fresh breath" into the business.

    To motivate employees to perform better, enter a payment of a fixed% of sales or performance bonuses.

    Marketing section of the business plan of a point in a shopping center

    Build without competent promotion successful business difficult, even when placing a point in a mall.

    Consider these options:

    • Preparation.

      While you are preparing the point for opening, it can become a means of external advertising.

      Close up renovation work a banner on which to inform about the start of work, indicate the name and date of opening.

      Mutual benefit.

      When an agreement with a shopping center is concluded on the basis of a% of turnover, and not a fixed fee, you can ask for the possibility of free promotion for the first time.

      The management can meet halfway, because their income will depend on your success.

      Internally, the service costs much more, and the effect is lower.

      Involve "yours".

      Create special discounts for center employees.

      This will draw their attention to the point.

      And if they like it with you, fame will quickly spread among friends.

      Translate into "permanent".

      Also motivate customers.

      Enter a loyalty program or a system of cumulative discounts.

    Financial section in business plan point in a shopping center

    Without a financial section in a business plan, an entrepreneur will not be able to calculate how much money will be required to open an outlet.

    It should be noted that the store will need to be “sponsored” from a personal financial pillow until the payback period.

    How much money does it take to open a point in a shopping center?

    Expenditure itemAmount (RUB)
    Total:RUB 7,625,000
    Paperwork15 000
    Point rental payment (per year)500 000
    Purchase and installation of commercial equipment250 000
    Point design and sign making75 000
    Employee salary (per year)250 000
    Store opening advertisement5 000
    Advertising campaign in the future20 000
    Creation and replenishment of inventory6 000 000
    Office expenses10 000

    After watching the following video, you can choose the right place in the shopping center to open your point:

    "If you are asking someone to give their time and energy for a business, then make sure they are not in financial difficulties."
    Henry Ford

    1. At the point, the shelves should look full of goods, but at the same time leave the buyers the opportunity to move safely and safely.
    2. You need to take care of the inventory right away.

      Until you understand exactly which items are the most popular, it is important to have at least a few units of products.

      Try to be located near the so-called anchor points.

      These are the shops that attract the majority of the mall's visitors.

      A striking example is the supermarkets Auchan, Obi, Perekrestok.

      Just as an adult cannot be completely "remade", so the audience of a shopping center cannot be changed.

      The portrait of the average static buyer that you make during the analysis of the shopping center will remain the same after the opening of your point.

      Do not indulge yourself in false hopes about this.

    3. If you need to save on renting space, pay attention to island accommodation.
    4. Do not forget to look at the point not only as a manager, but also as a buyer.

      This will allow you to notice the downsides of the service.

    How to open a point in a shopping center you know now.

    With due perseverance, every person can create a profitable business.

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In the dashing 90s, opening a point on the market was considered a prestigious and profitable business. And it really was. When the bulk of the gray mass went to the factory at 7 am, the entrepreneur slowly came to the market by 9-10 am, where he spent time in a fairly calm atmosphere, communicating with colleagues and customers. And the money was good.

But with the emergence of numerous shopping centers, the popularity of the market began to decline. Tents on the street were replaced by covered pavilions in super- and hypermarkets. In fact, the market moved to premises and the demand for it did not fall.

Should you open a sales outlet?

Experienced market traders confidently state that working in the market is not only a way of making money, but also a way of life. A person must have a certain temperament. The market is addictive. People who have been working in this field for years or even decades can hardly do anything else. Despite some difficulties, the point in the market is easy money. Plus, you are your own boss.

Before you start ...

Before we discuss how to open a point in the market, here are a few important tips, which for the future market worker have where greater importance rather than issues of registration of activities and lease of an object.

  • Decide what you will trade. These are not necessarily things or food. Services can also be provided on the market, for example, shoe repair or urgent repair clothes.
  • Trade what interests you. If you have a child, open a store selling baby clothes. Do you like delicious food? Work with products! Pensioners are good at selling seeds and seedlings. With such a sample, you kill two birds with one stone: you sell what you are well versed in, and you get the opportunity to use your own product if it does not sell on time.
  • Extra charge. Different markups are charged on different products. So, for cheap little things, the margin is 200-300%. Stick to the following rule: the lower the turnover, the higher the markup. Or vice versa: the faster the product is sold out, the less throw it in.
  • Competitors. Do not sell what is already on the market in abundance in every pavilion. Firstly, it is unprofitable, and secondly, it is quite possible to get in trouble in a dark alley.
  • Purchase of goods. It is very important to find a product that has a low price so that you can make good money from selling it. Therefore, the search for a supplier is one of the most important stages.
  • Seasonality. Some products sell poorly in winter, some in summer. You will have to constantly be flexible and expand your assortment so that you can offer current products at any time of the year.

And a few more tips:

  • Find mutual language with the administrator. In the market it is main person... It is he who can change the location of your point as for the best or, conversely, unfavorable. It is he who can create a bunch of problems for you, or, on the contrary, help to resolve difficult situations... Make friends with the administrator from the start and always maintain a warm relationship.
  • Be one step ahead of the competition. This is very important in the market. Be the first to introduce new features, new products. Don't be afraid to experiment.
  • Prepare in advance for the holidays. With good preparation, you can make a monthly income in a day. Purchase the assortment appropriate for the holidays in advance, before other traders buy it from the supplier.
  • Don't be limited to one point. The more pavilions, the more profit. Offer different products so as not to be left behind. Today one does not work, replace it with another!
  • Never trust your hired salesperson. They are very cunning and resourceful, and will gladly cheat not only buyers, but also you.

Instructions on how to open a point of sale on the market.

  1. First you need to go to the administrator and check if there is free place for rent. Check it out, rate how passable this place is. Find out the cost. If you are satisfied with the terms, sign the contract.
  2. Now the tax office must obtain a work permit as an individual entrepreneur. There you will also receive advice on opening such an activity with a list of required documents.
  3. The next step is the selection of an assortment of goods.
  4. Search for a supplier - at least important stage... Ask your neighbor sellers where they buy their goods. Perhaps they will share with you the contacts of the wholesale base.
  5. It is necessary to calculate the initial capital and assess whether it is worth opening a retail outlet on the market, whether there is enough money for rent, paperwork, and the purchase of the first batch of goods. If you are interested in how to open a meat point, you must include in advance possible spoilage of products. If you decide to link your activities in the market with the clothing trade, take into account the seasonality, and also be prepared for unsold leftovers.
  6. The last step is to provide the administrator with everything Required documents, pay rent, conclude an agreement with suppliers, lay out the goods in the pavilion. You can start trading!

It doesn't matter what you sell - the main thing is that the revenue suits you

Are Hired Sellers Needed?

Those who have already opened a sales outlet know what they cannot do without. Of course, no sellers. Until you unwind, it is quite possible to perform this function on your own. In the future, in any case, you will need an assistant. Set a small fixed salary, and make the main income depending on the revenue. Then the employee will have an incentive to sell as much as possible.

Outlet decoration

Even small retail outlets in the market with clothing or food products attract the interest of buyers if they are decorated in an interesting way. Banners, signs, flyers and business cards will grab attention and raise the profile of your small shop. And if, in addition, you are friendly, helped with good advice and did not deceive, the person will definitely return.

How much does it cost to open an outlet and is it profitable?

Profitability varies. The mark-up on the product ranges from 30 to 300%. It all depends on the initial price, sales volume, popularity of products, availability of competitors on the market, season. According to experts, a point of sale on the market will pay off after a year if everything was organized correctly without significant mistakes.

If you still have questions about the article or have your own opinion on this matter, we are waiting for your comments. Any opinion is important to us!

A point of sale on the market becomes an attractive idea for those who want to try themselves in a new type of business and understand how they make money in the markets. Perhaps this will be the first step towards a new life, on the way to big business... With all its simplicity, the presence of a retail outlet requires attention and accounting for the product from the first days, the ability to communicate with customers, and decide org. questions, and feel in the stream, which is important. It happens that a situation develops in such a way that a person suddenly loses his job. Our time is a time of opportunities for enterprising people. If you try to open a point, you can be sure that you will start running a business on your own, make a profit, and gain new experience. There will be certain risks, but there will be no bosses over you, and you will form the work schedule yourself.

How to open a point in the market?

How to open?

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. face.
  • Decide on the type of taxation. It is best to stay with a simplified system.
  • Conduct marketing research for the point of sale - what group of products you will sell.
  • Find suppliers with favorable terms of cooperation. Costs can be kept to a minimum if you negotiate correctly with your suppliers.
  • Find a place for implementation. Appropriate place- away from competitors.
  • Selling correctly - to have an assistant, with a health book, work experience, responsibility for the result.

Trading features

Starting capital will be needed in any case. You can take a loan, you need to decide in which market you will conduct business, than trade. There are clothing, construction, automotive, mixed, food markets. And everywhere it has its own specifics and rules of trade. Perhaps you already have some ideas and preferences. Or, for example, the time of crisis suggests which product will be in increased demand and which should be abandoned.

After the market and product category have been selected, it is necessary to study the demand of the population. Pay attention to how buyers walk between the rows, what they lack, study the prices and decide what will be sold, in what form, how best to arrange the goods. The point of sale should attract the attention of the buyer, even if he just stopped. How to delay him, how to attract - the seller's ability to find the right words and convince him that the product is necessary, and only now discounts are in effect.

Many traders do not do this in the beginning, so they get a lot of problems. There may be a promoted place for trading near the market. It's better to sell what you are good at. If you have medical education, you can open a pharmacy or a point of sale of massagers, applicators. If you are versed in building materials, it is better to open a point on construction market... But one thing is clear, the most popular point is the sale of food products. Even if the market has recently opened, there will be no problems with customers. For example, if you open a mini-cafe, the vendors will eat there and you will always have an influx of customers.

After you have made a decision, you need to conclude contracts with wholesale suppliers who have low prices for products, and the goods are of high quality. To do this, you will have to do some work - find options on the Internet, advertisements in the newspaper, view samples, analyze and make a final decision with whom to cooperate. This will define your activity many steps forward.

Trading rules

There are trading rules that the seller needs to know. After making a decision, you need to go to the market administration, inquire about rent. Each market offers different variants... For example, you do not need a room on the ground floor, but a part of the room will be fine. It is necessary to persuade the tenant to give you half, or a part at a suitable price.

After registering a business, you need to recruit sellers. But if you haven't gotten the point across yet, it will be difficult for you to pay everyone a salary. It is enough to first take a quick assistant and work on increasing profits. Either expand the range of goods, or make marketing moves - offer discounts, organize sales.

Point decoration

How to attract a buyer? Colorful point decoration, signboards, showcases, banners, Business Cards, flyers, and they can be handed out at the entrance to the market, all this will attract the attention of the buyer with its non-standardness. An individual approach - this is what in our time can attract buyers to your point. If the buyer was treated attentively, did not deceive, advised what he needed, he will definitely return. Store the goods in suitable places, do not sell perishable, stale food.


For each point, the profitability may be different, but approximate calculations can be made. Large goods can be wrapped up to 30% of the purchase price. For small household goods - 100%. The payback depends on the lease, the purchase price of the product, and the level of sales for the product. The product may be seasonal or perishable. Experts say that a point can pay off in a year, provided that the trade was organized correctly and you did not make mistakes anywhere.

Watch also the video "Basic steps when opening a retail outlet"