Rostov State Medical University. Postgraduate education in the Rostov State Medical University

If I had one hundred lives, they would not satisfy the whole thirst for knowledge that burns me.

V. Ya. Bryusov

Postgraduate education in the Rostov State Medical University is inextricably linked with the history of the university development. The first documentary information on work on improvement falls in 1929, when, on the initiative of the Don Regional Health Department, the "Regulation on the North Caucasus Territory Improvement Course" was developed, whose work was provided by the University of Medical Faculty.

From 1930 At the departments of surgery and psychiatry, the "Framework" of doctors has practiced an independent Rostov medical institute, and from 1947. At the initiative of Professor I.Ya. Silping began planned postgraduate preparation of pediatrician doctors. Soon, classes began at the departments for organizers of health and sanitary doctors. Active work in this direction in the 1930-1950s was appreciated by the Government of the country, and on January 27, 1961 a significant event occurred in the life of the institute - by order of the USSR Ministry of Health, the Faculty of Improvement of Doctors began its work.

Starting one of the first in the country to improve the doctors, the Rostov State Medical University over the years has brought many generations of doctors for the Rostov region, other territories of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, has become a coordinating center for postgraduate and additional professional education of health professionals of the Southern Federal District.

Postgraduate education in the Rostov State University is carried out by postgraduate vocational education under the internship and redemption programs, as well as additional professional education on advanced training and professional retraining programs.

Every year, the total number of teachers, orders, students of cycles of advanced training and professional retraining receiving postgraduate vocational education at the university is over 9 people.

General management of postgraduate education at the university, the definition of the main areas of its development and improvement is carried out by the University Script and Rector.

The collegial body that implements the developed areas and coordinating the activities of the university's structural units for postgraduate and additional professional education is the Academic Council for Postgraduate Education. The organization of current work is carried out by a vice-rector for postgraduate education, in the position of which in 2004-2005. He consisted D.N., Professor V.K. Tatianchenko. From September 2005. The Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education is D.N., Professor Ya.A. Khananashvili.

The team of the university, thanks to the excellent heritage and glorious traditions, pledged teachers, talent, dedicated work and the persistence of the current generation, was fully prepared for modern trends in domestic education and health care.

Nowadays, when the problem of health of the population of Russia, the University is a worthy guide to the life of a priority national project in the field of health care, has been acquired, successfully solves one of its main tasks to improve the qualifications and professional retraining of primary health care regulations of the Rostov region and the Chechen Republic. From 2006 to 2009. As part of the project, 774 specialists were prepared by the project. Since 2010, the implementation of the priority national project is carried out for 328 doctors of the Southern Federal District on the topic "Formation of a healthy lifestyle."

Ya.A. Khananashvili


in Rostov State Medical University: Yesterday, today, tomorrow

GOU VPO "Rostov State Medical University" Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

Among the socially significant events of the country's socio-economic development in our days, the most important place is, of course, belongs to the reform of the domestic health care, the main purpose of which declared an improvement in the quality of medical care to the population.

The quality of medical care is what patient and doctor are striving for. Important components of the quality of medical care are quite a few, the main of which are the identity of the doctor who has medical assistance, the features of its nature, the conditions for their professional activities, its social well-being and, of course, the quality of his idioprome training and postgraduate vocational education.

The latter circumstance strengthens the role of institutions of higher and additional vocational education, including the Rostov State Medical University, in personnel support of the reform of domestic health care.

The current 2011 is significant for the Rostov State Medical University, the fact that it is 50 years of its activities on postgraduate professional education of health care professionals. In connection with this date there is a need to take a retrospective view of the origins of activity, make an analysis of what was yesterday and what is today, to outline development prospects.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to argue the immense, so the author of these lines asks in advance to condensate from the reader who did not find mentioning a lot of ambitious from the already taken, and about all involved in the made, and those who continue to create a history of postgraduate education at the university. But, nevertheless, only knowing the past, knowing the predecessors in which the predecessors passed, it is possible to estimate the present and, pushing out from it, to schedule ways to achieve the future.

The origins of the formation of postgraduate education in the Rostov State Medical University are inextricably linked with the history of the university's development as a whole.

As you know, the beginning of the activities of the University in Rostov-on-Don accounted for the fall of 1915, when the medical department of Warsaw University was located on the basis of the city Nikolaev hospital. Warsaw University settled in Rostov-on-Don in 1917 was renamed the University of Don, and in 1925 - to the North Caucasus State University. In the autumn of 1930, on the basis of the faculty was created

Rostov Medical Institute, and since that time began an independent history of the development of the university, which in 1994 acquired the status of a medical university.

Regardless of the status and name, the university at all times was traditionally and remains among the leaders in the country in terms of the quality of the preparation of specialists.

The foundations of glorious traditions of the university are laid out outstanding personalities whose names have long been inscribed in the chronicle of fame not only universities, but also of all domestic medical science and education. Among them, Professor N.V. Parisian and Z.V. Gutnikov, A.A. Kolosov and I.F. Fire, N.A. Bogoraz and N.I. Nakalkov, N.I. Mukhin and K.Z. Yatsuta, k.h. Orlov and S.I. Krinitsky, A.I. Shibkov and K.R. Miraemm, I.V. Zavadsky and I.S. Qi-Tovich, E.M. Kastanajn and PI Emdin, A.O. Karnitsky and N.A. Rozhany and many others.

Subsequent generations of teachers who have strengthened the authority of the university, became Professor N.N. Corganov and K.A. Lavrov, P.A. Sokolov and N.V. Danilov, A.N. Gordi-Enko and E.M. Gubarev, A.A. Colossian and V.A. Nikolsky, P.Ya. Lelchuk and I.Ya. Silver, etc. Yanovich and E.G. Lok-tina, p.p. Kovalenko and V.I. Rusakov. A number of university pupils glorified Alma Mater with their outstanding achievements worthy of marked homeland. Among them, the Hero of Labor Academician RAMS S.N. Fedorov, Winner of the State Prize Academician AMN Z.V. Yermoliev, Academician AMN D.A. Biryukov and others.

University's glorious traditions are amplified by representatives of the modern generation of the faculty corps.

Significant jerk in the development of the university, expanding and strengthening its material and technical base, the development and implementation of new educational technologies, the creation of medical centers and scientific schools, which manifested itself in the 80-90 years of the last century due to perseverance and selfless work of the scientific council and the rectorate led by the professor V.N. Cher-Nyshov, received a new impetus currently and continues under the leadership of Rector Professor A.A. Savicko. One of the notable achievements of the University has recently been the consolidation of postgraduate education. This activity in the university is attached primary importance, based on the inevitability of the transition of professional training of doctors from the principle of "education for life" to the principle of "education throughout life".

Evidence of extremely important attention to work in the postgraduate stage, such facts as creating a faculty of postgraduate vocational education at the University in 2010, the faculty of graduates, new departments and courses of the Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists, expanding the spectrum of specialties for which postgraduate and Additional professional education doctors. And the main thing is to accompany this work to strengthen personnel and logistical potential.

Noting the achievements of the current generation of university workers and at all inexpressive significance of their contribution to the development of postgraduate education, it should be recognized that the work of the university on the improvement of doctors with their deep roots go to distant years from today.

According to archival data, work with the doctors of urban and regional healthcare institutions has been in almost all the years in the field of attention of the collectives of the Department of Medical University. Thus, the first information on improvement at the University of Doctors with a surgical bias falls for 1929. In the same year, on the initiative of the Don Regional Health Department, the Department was developed "Regulations on the North Caucasian Territory Improvement Course".

Since 1930, with the surgical departments of the Rostov Medical Institute, headed by Professors N.A. Bogoraz, N.I. Napalkov, P.I. Buchman, as well as at the Department of Psychiatry under the guidance of Professor A.I. Yushchenko on their initiative was practiced the so-called "train" of the doctors of the respective specialties.

In 1947 at the Department of Children's Diseases of the Medical Faculty under the guidance and on the initiative of Professor I.Ya. Silping began systematic postgraduate preparation of pediatrician doctors for the healthcare facilities of Rostov-on-Don and the region on a specially developed curriculum.

There are documentation confirmation and the fact that the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization in 1948, 1952 and 1957 classes were organized for organizers of health and sanitary doctors. From the memories of Professor A.S. Gromov about the department follows that in 1952, over 100 doctors for local health care were prepared by them, 2 training cycles were held for the leadership of Riezdravotel. Since 1952, they became regular "specialization cycles" and for sanitary doctors. Along with this, the department conducted Decaders and seminars with doctors and other specialties.

These facts indicate that work on additional training for doctors has become for the university traditional. Experience of work accumulated by the teams of a number of the Department from the 30s to the 50s of the last 20th century, served as the basis for the leadership of the university headed by the Rector of Professor P.P. Kovalenko to send in 1960 to the Ministry of Health The petition for the organization of the Faculty of Improvement of Doctors.

Soon in the life of the institute there was a significant event - by order of the Minister of Health of the RSFSR of August 25, 1960 No. 424 in the Rostov Medical In-

the postmit was created by the Faculty of Improvement of doctors, which was taken to the state budget and included in the network of additional professional education at the time of educational institutions. The Faculty of Improvement of Doctors began its work on January 27, 1961. This day is the beginning of the University of Benefit for Postgraduate Vocational Education.

Thus, the Rostov State Medical University is one of the first medical universities in the country began activities to improve doctors. Over the past 50 years, many generations of doctors for the Rostov region, other territories of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, embodying the system of continuing medical education in practice are brought up here. Currently, at the amount of work performed, the university is among the five largest educational institutions of the country carrying out postgraduate education doctors, coordinates the activities of postgraduate and additional professional education of health professionals of the Southern Federal District.

General management of postgraduate education, the development of the main directions of its development is carried out by the University Council and the rector. The collegial body that implements the developed areas and coordinating the activities of the university's structural units for postgraduate and additional professional education is the Academic Council for Postgraduate Education. The department of the Department of University for the implementation of postgraduate training is organized under the leadership of the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education by the Deanates of the Faculty of Postgraduate Vocational Education, the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Experts, as well as the certification department of specialists and the Faculty of Promotion of Employee Employment.

Postgraduate vocational education at the university is carried out according to the programs of internship and orders

The boarding school at the university was opened on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 575 of January 25, 1968 for graduates in the specialty "Therapeutic business" and "Pediatrics". The first issue of Internov's doctors took place in 1969. Since 1990, training in the field of graduates in the specialty "Medico-prophylactic case" is being prepared. Since 2010, an internship for graduates in the specialties "Stomatology", "Pharmacy" and "Higher Nursing" has been operating. Over the past years, about 14 thousand doctors has been prepared in the internship. In recent years, training in the internship is carried out in 25 specialties for which 1568 doctors were trained in the period from 2006 to 2010, of which 1312 on a free competition, 256 on a contract basis. The indicator of the final certification of the Interns was 4.4 points. In the current school year, a total number of students in the internship reached 654 people, of which 400 doctors were adopted on a budgetary basis, 90 doctors are credited to the target set and 164 doctors are trained on a contract basis. For health care, the Rostov region is being prepared by 78 doctors in the target set and 44 doctors commissioned by the regional budget administration.

Training of specialists in the program of the order is carried out at the university for more than 40 years, during which about 5,000 doctors have been prepared. In recent years, preparation has been prepared in the residency of 40 specialties for which 1122 people have been trained in the last 5 years, of which 724 on a free competition, 398 on a contract basis. The indicator of the final certification of the orders was 4.6 points. In the current school year, the total number of students in the residency is 487 people, of which 160 doctors adopted on a budget basis, 180 doctors are credited to the target set and 147 doctors are trained on a contract basis. For the Rostov region, there are preparations in the residency of 89 doctors on the target set and 79 doctors on the request of the regional administration at the expense of the regional budget.

Thus, an intensive work on postgraduate professional education of specialists is carried out by the university, as evidenced by the above figures. So, over the past 5 years, in the internship and the ordinature programs, 2690 doctors are trained. At the same time, the average score in 4.5 suggests the high quality of training of specialists.

At the same time, the immediate prospects for improving the training of doctors in the programs of postgraduate vocational education are as follows:

Further strengthening of interaction with the territorial health authorities (first of all with the Ministry of Health of the Rostov Region) on the long-term planning of the structure of targeted training, ensuring the educational process with modernly equipped clinical databases, facilitating the employment and consolidation of young professionals in areas;

Creation at the University of Practical Skills Center;

Introduction into the educational process of innovative technologies (telecommunication and interactive techniques);

Increasing educational motivation of students;

Improving the procedure for regulatory and legal regulation of postgraduate vocational education.

The central place in the implementation of the principle of "Education throughout Life" belongs to the system of additional professional education implemented at the university through training on advanced training programs, professional retraining and internships in the workplace.

The faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists is the successor of the Faculty of Improvement of Doctors, which was indicated above, began its work on January 27, 1961. In 1997, the Faculty of Improvement of Doctors in pursuance of the Order of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation of 16.05.1997 No. 148, the decisions of the University of Scientific Council (Minutes No. 10 dated October 14, 1997) and on the basis of the order of the rector of 10/31/1997 No. 115 was transformed into the Faculty of Qualifications and professional retraining of specialists.

A significant contribution to the formation and development of the faculty was made by the deans, in the position of which

excellent organizers, true professionals, qualified teachers and scientists who have been created by their selfless work, created the authority of university and brought the faculty to advanced positions in the country. The first dean of the faculty became, at that time an assistant, and later - Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Surgery, Candidate of Medical Sciences, N.I. Fedorov, who led the work of the faculty until 1964. In subsequent years, the Faculty was headed by Dr. Medical Sciences Professor G.I. Tregubov (19641977), Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor G.V. Khorujiy (1977-1985), Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor G.N. Kalmykova (1985-2001), Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor V.K. Tatianchenko (2001-2004), Candidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor I.V. Chernikov (2004-2007), Candidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor Yu.I. Perflight (2007-2008), Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor A.A. Yakovlev (2009-2010). From March 2010 to the present, the Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Specialists is Candidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor I.G. Uncle Cova.

Today, the Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists is one of the major centers for the implementation of additional professional education of doctors in the Russian Federation. It consists of 31 departments and 3 courses, headed by well-known in the country and beyond scientists, teachers and clinicians. The faculty employs 4 deserved science figures, 56 doctors of science, 114 candidates of science, 31 professors, 22 associate professors, 167 assistants. In the current school year, the total number of faculty of faculty of faculty is 217 rates, the number of cadet-months reached 13060.

For the last 5-year period, 20 doctoral and 91 candidate dissertations were defended by employees of the Department of FPK and PPS, 65 patents were received, 10 copyright certificates, 36 monographs were published, 79 textbooks and textbooks, 249 names of educational literature, published 1724 scientific work, from which 435 in magazines recommended by VAC.

Improving qualifications and professional retraining with subsequent certification of specialists in the faculty is carried out on 82 specialists with senior medical and pharmaceutical education in healthcare facilities of the Russian Federation. In the period from 2006 to 2010, only 2421 educational cycles on a budgetary basis were organized, in which 32310 people were trained, including 19530 Health workers of the Rostov region. During the same period, 215 training cycles were held on a contractual basis on which 1068 doctors were trained, including 760 doctors commissioned by the Administration of the Rostov Region. Currently, according to the order of the Rostov region administration, in addition to the planned, professional retraining of 81 specialists from the regional health care facilities are carried out.

The faculty is the university base division for the implementation of the priority national project in the field of health. The main contribution in this during 2006-2009 belonged to the Department of Internal Diseases No. 4, Children's Diseases No. 4 and General Medical Practice (Family Medicine), which

incidentally in the training plan was carried out work on training doctors-therapeutors of precinct, pediatrician-pediatrician and general practitioners for outpatient polyclinical institutions of the Rostov region and the Chechen Republic.

Nowadays, the problem of health of the population of Russia, the Department of Faculty, has gained special sharpness, ensure the successful implementation of the public task as part of the implementation of the priority national project "Health", solving one of its main tasks to improve the qualifications of the health centers of the Rostov region and other territories of the Southern Federal County (Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Adygea, Volgograd and Astrakhan region, Krasnodar Territory), as well as the Chechen Republic.

Starting from 2006 to the present, in the framework of the implementation of the priority national project in the health sector, a total of 1311 specialists were prepared, 711 of which are employees of health institutions of the Rostov region.

Prospects for the development of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists are directly related to personnel support of health reform in the Russian Federation. In this direction, many problems accumulated from the need to solve a wide range of issues, ranging from the issues of regulatory regulation and logistical re-equipment of the educational process to the development of effective knowledge control systems and the system of stimulating the motivation of doctors to systematic advanced training.

The most difficult in achieving are the following:

Material and educational and methodological support of remote educational technologies in the advanced training system;

Application in the educational process of simulators and simulation systems;

The introduction of a credit and funding system in continuous vocational education;

Improving teachers' qualifications with the use of Androg "principles;

Regulatory regulation of certification and certification processes and certification of doctors, as well as carrying out the production practice of educational institutions based on healthcare facilities.

Summing up a brief tour of the past, present and future of postgraduate education in the Rostov State Medical University, it can be concluded that the team of the university, thanks to the excellent heritage and the glorious traditions laid down by our teachers, talent, dedicated work, the witness and perseverance of the current generation, was readily Modern trends in domestic education and health care.

Today, the Rostov State Medical University is a prosperous and authoritative institution. Possessing its own clinic equipped with modern equipment and high medical technologies, the university is able at the present level to conduct training of practitioners.

However, the most important domain of the university is his staff - wonderful people, true scientists, teachers and clinicians. We are proud of our employees!

Rostov State Medical University (ROSGMU) is the largest basic educational, scientific and medical center in the south of Russia. The university was awarded the Order of the Friendship of Peoples for Merit in training for more than 60 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The university is open 11 faculties and a medical college. At least 5 thousand students from different regions of the South of Russia and the countries of near and far abroad are studied at the university annually. About new educational programs, the upcoming accreditation of medical activities and the demand of graduates of the university in an interview with Interfax-South, the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education of ROSGMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Cherkasov

Mikhail Fedorovich, since 2016, an obligatory accreditation of medical activities is introduced. Tell us more, what will follow this?

From January 1, 2016, the concept of "accreditation of medical activities" is introduced for the first time. Under the accreditation implies verification of specialist readiness to work in accordance with the unified requirements that will become united in the very near future for all doctors. The uniform procedures for medical care are established by the actions algorithm, the stages of the provision of medical care, the time frame - especially for emergency pathology, the so-called therapeutic windows. In addition, uniform standards for equipping those divisions that have the right to provide assistance in certain related groups of diseases are introduced.

In fact, it will look like this: each doctor will have a personalized individual admission sheet to specific types of medical activities.

Accreditation will pass multiple times, the first - at the end of the university, when a person first begins to engage in practical activities. In fact, the introduction of accreditation is expanding the possibilities for limitless learning, including practical skills, and is an important component of continuous medical education.

- It is known that Rostov Medical University is popular with foreign students ...

Students from Greece, Israel, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Palestine, India are going to our university. By the way, all foreigners are provided in the hostels of the Medical University. Speaking of specialties, especially in demand abroad pediatricists, infectiousists, doctors surgical specialties, anesthesiologists-resuscitative studies. This is due to the fact that around the world, especially in African and Asian countries, still remains a high prevalence of infectious pathology, metabolic disorders, immunodeficiency states, malformations, high children's and maternal mortality.

- In connection with these, do you invite you to the university to read the lectures of foreign specialists?

We have become a good tradition to conduct international scientific forums, in which leading abroad experts read lectures on topical problems of medicine for doctors and students. On the eve of the Russian-Ukrainian and Russian-German symposia, which received a wide response not only in scientific circles, but also among practical health physicians.

Every year, there are about 30 scientific schools, seminars, master classes, trainings whose participants becomes more than 3 thousand people. Accordingly, the doctors of the ROSGMU clinic have the opportunity to learn from leading specialists from around the world according to the areas of fundamental and clinical medicine.

You will tell you more about the center of simulation medicine, which opened in ROSGMU and has already deserved an excellent reputation.

Simulation learning is increasingly introduced into the educational practice of doctors and students, and the center of simulation medicine is also opened on the basis of our university. A material and technical base was prepared, a basic set of educational equipment was purchased, including phantoms, exercise mannequins, simulators. In the center, in accordance with new educational standards, future doctors got the opportunity to improve medical skills and manipulation in real time. This training, along with the work of the patient's bed, will allow students to approach the treatment of patients already prepared. Also in the center improves the qualifications of doctors within the framework of postgraduate education from the regions of the South and North Caucasus federal districts.

In addition, the Center for Imitation Medicine will allow the faculty of the university not only to prepare future doctors, but also to train the skills to provide first aid health care rescuers of the regional emergents of the Russian Federation, police officers.

- Mikhail Fedorovich, what do you think is urgent for Rostov medicine the problem of "leakage of personnel"?

To date, unfortunately, more than 20% of graduates leave profession, this is a all-Russian tendency. However, medicine does not care because of employment problems, now even in Rostov-on-Don has medical vacancies. The case in the economic background, because the salary of a novice doctor in the Rostov region ranges from 4.5 thousand to 9 thousand rubles. But stable earnings for physicians are not just a guarantee of certain material goods. This is an opportunity to integrate into an international medical and scientific community, the possibility of internship, acquiring new medical literature, trips to educational scientific forums.

Fortunately, the leakage of frames is declining, largely due to the active social support of graduates. Over the past six years, almost 600 apartments have already been purchased for young doctors in the Rostov region. As part of the modernization, in accordance with the changes to the Federal Law on Mandatory Medical Insurance (OMS) from 2012, by decision of the Prime Minister, from the Foundation of the OMS to young doctors under the age of 35, which comes to work in rural areas is paid 1 million rubles "lifting". By the way, in the Rostov region already 35 doctors received this money.

Additional payments of 200 thousand rubles are also obtained by doctors who come to work in the mining territory. Our university, together with the Ministry of Health and the Government of the region, continues to operate in this direction. On the eve of the Rostov Medulversitet, the vacancy fair was held, which came the main doctors from 25 regions of the region. Following the fair of vacancies, the order of 4-5% of students found their work.

In addition, on our website earned a portal, where district medical institutions place information about vacancies and working conditions. In turn, we are constantly monitoring the employment of our graduates.

Book: "Rostov State Medical University" (2006)

In 2006, the Rostov State Medical University celebrates the 45th anniversary of its activities on the postgraduate education of health professionals. In connection with this date, there is a need for a short time to suspend the rapid movement of time, take a retrospective view of the events of the past years, make an analysis of what was yesterday and what is today, try to give a forecast for tomorrow.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to make an immense. Therefore, the compilers of this short essay are asking for forgiveness and condescension from the reader who will not find a story about all the grandiose from the already mentioned and all worthy of being mentioned in involvement in the person and those who continue to create the history of postgraduate education at the university. But, nevertheless, only knowing the past, knowing the path that predecessors passed, you can estimate the present and, pushing out from it, to outline ways to achieve the future.

The history of postgraduate education in the Rostov State Medical University is inextricably linked with the history of the formation and development of the university as a whole.

Rostov State Medical University, one of the oldest and authoritative higher educational institutions of Russia, was noted exactly a year ago, he noted his next anniversary - the 90th anniversary of the activity in Rostov-on-Don and the 75th anniversary of the day of existence as an independent educational institution. Over the years, the University has become one of the largest educational and clinical centers of the country, the leader of the highest and additional vocational education in the Southern Federal District.

The activities of the University in Rostov-on-Don began in the fall of 1915, when the medical department of Warsaw University was posted on the basis of the urban Nikolaev hospital, leading his summer since 1869. The Warsaw University settled on the Don in 1917 was renamed Don University, and in 1925 - to the North Caucasus State University. In the fall of 1930, a Rostov Medical Institute with three faculties was created on the basis of the medical faculty: therapeutic, pediatric and sanitary and hygienic. From this time, an independent history of the development of the university began.

In 1965, the Institute acquired the status of state and became referred to as the Rostov State Medical Institute. In 1980, after awarding for merits in the preparation of medical personnel for the Fatherland and foreign countries, renamed the Rostov Order of Friendship of Peoples Medical Institute. Since 1994, the Rostov State Medical University has become the Rostov State Medical University. Currently, the university is referred to as the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Rostov State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development".

Regardless of the status and name, the university at all times was traditionally and remains among those leading in the country in terms of the quality of the preparation of specialists.

At the sources of glorious traditions of the university stood many outstanding personnel. Their names have long been inscribed in the chronicle of fame not only universities, but also of all domestic medical science and education. Among them - Professor N.V. Parisian and Z.V. Gutnikov, A.A. Kolosov and I.F. Fire, N.A. Bogoraz and N.I. Nakalkov, N.I. Mukhin and K.Z. Yatsuta, k.h. Orlov and S.I. Krinitsky, A.I. Shibkov and K.R. Miraemm, I.V. Zavadsky and I.S. Citovich, E.M. Kastanajn and PI Emdin, A. O. Karnitsky and many others.

Subsequent generations of teachers who have strengthened the authority of the university, became Professor N.N. "Organs and K.A. Lavrov, P.A. Sokolov and N.V. Danilov, a.n. Gordienko and E.M. Gubarev, A.A. Colossian and B.A. Nikolsky, P.L. Lelchuk and I.Ya. Silver, etc. Yanovich and E.G. Lokshina, p.p. Kovalenko and V.I. Rusakov. Many pupils of the university glorified Almamate and outstanding achievements worthy of marked homeland. This is a work hero Academician RAMN S.N. Fedorov, Laureates of State Prizes Academician AMN Z.V. Yermoliev and Professor G.P. Rudnev, Academician AMN N.A. Rozhany, yes. Biryukov, P.K. Isakov and now Healthy laureates of state awards Academician RAS and RAMN Yu.S. Sidorenko, correspondent members of the RAMS P.P. Kovalenko and N.N. Karcischenko. The glorious traditions of the university will multiply by many representatives of the current generation of the faculty corps.

Significant jerk in the development of the university, expanding and strengthening its material and technical base, the development and implementation of new high medical technologies, the creation of medical centers and new scientific schools fell on the last decades, despite the fact that they were emitted by transformations in the country's social structure, The system of management and management of education and health care.

One of the most notable achievements of the university over the years has become the consolidation of the postgraduate education service. This type of activity of the university is currently of exceptional importance due to the need for a transition from the principle of "education for life" to the principle of "education throughout life", which fully corresponds to the spirit of the times.

The creation of new departments and courses in the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of experts, expanding the spectrum of specialties for which the University conducts additional professional education of doctors, and, mainly, long-term professional work on the formation of the relevant personnel and material and technical potential.

Noting the achievements of the current generation of university workers and not at all injecting the importance of their contribution to the development of postgraduate education, it should be recognized that the work of the university on the improvement of doctors with their deep roots goes far from today years.

According to archival data, work with the doctors of urban and regional healthcare institutions has long been in the field of attention of the collectives of the Department of Medical University. Thus, the first information on improvement at the University of Doctors with a surgical bias falls for 1929. In the same year, on the initiative of the Don Regional Health Department, the "Regulation on the North Caucasian Territory Improvement Improvement" was developed, whose work was provided by the University staff.

Since 1930, with the surgical departments of the Rostov Medical Institute, headed by outstanding professors-clinicians N.A. Bogoraz, N.I. Napalkov, P.I. Buchman, and at the Department of Psychiatry under the guidance of Professor A.I. Yushchenko on their initiative was practiced the so-called trainer of the doctors of the respective specialties.

Since 1947, at the Department of Children's Diseases of the Medical Faculty at the initiative of Professor Il. Silping and under his leadership began planned postgraduate preparation of pediatrician doctors for the city and the region. The department developed a special program for learning students.

There are documentary confirmation and the fact that the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization in 1948, 1952 and 1957, classes were organized for health care organizers and sanitary doctors. From the memories of Professor A.S. Gromov about the department follows that in 1952 they prepared over 100 doctors for local healthcare 3 training training cycle for the heads of Riezdravotel, since 1952 became regular "specialization cycles" and for sanitary doctors, along with this, the department conducted Decaders and seminars with doctors Different specialties and posts.

These facts and many other evidence suggests that the work on additional training doctors has long been for the university traditional. The experience of this work accumulated near the departments from the 30s to the 50s of the last century, served as the basis for the application to the Ministry of Health of the Country of Organization in the Rostov Medical Institute of the Faculty of Improvement of Doctors, which was made by the leadership of the university in 1960.

Soon in the life of the institute, a significant event occurred: on January 27, 1961, the Faculty of Improvement of Doctors began his work. This day is considered the date of the official organization in the Rostov State Medical University of Postgraduate Education.

Postgraduate education in the Rostov State University is carried out in two directions. The first of them is postgraduate specialization in the internship and the ordinature, the second is additional vocational education by advanced training and professional retraining of specialists. At the final stage of postgraduate education, work is carried out on certification and certification of doctors in the specialties of therapeutic and hygienic profile.

Currently, the university is among the largest universities of the countries carrying out postgraduate education of doctors, is a coordinating center for postgraduate and additional professional education of health professionals of the Southern Federal District; Qualifications and professional retraining - 76 specialties. At the faculty, there are 28 departments and 5 courses, the staff number of the faculty of which is 220 people. The total number of interns, orders and listeners receiving postgraduate education at the university is over 9,000 people.

Postgraduate education at the university is carried out in accordance with the training and production plans and control numbers of admission to the internship, the residency and the Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists approved by the Federal Health and Social Development Agency. Along with this, learning doctors is carried out on the basis of contracts with health authorities of the Rostov region and the territories of the Southern Federal District, with other agencies and departments of the Russian Federation, as well as as part of the implementation of targeted educational programs.

In 2006, the University took part twice in competitions for accommodation among accredited educational institutions of the highest and additional professional education of the state assignment of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency to improve the qualifications (retraining) of district pediatricians, precinct therapists and general practitioners. According to the results of both contests, the university was among the winners and is currently performing government assignments on additional training of primary health care doctors of the Rostov region and the Chechen Republic in the framework of the implementation of the priority national project in the field of health.

General management of postgraduate education at the university, the definition of the main areas of its development and improvement is carried out by the University Script and Rector. A collegial body developing mechanisms for the implementation of developed areas is the Academic Council for Postgraduate Education. Coordination of the activities of the University on postgraduate and additional professional education and the organization of the current work of structural divisions Vice-Rector for postgraduate education.

The post of postgraduate education was introduced by the decision of the University Scientific Council in 2004. The basis for this was what was happening in the country of transformation in the system of organization of continuous higher medical education, a significant increase in the amount of work performed by the university in a postgraduate stage, creating a large number of new departments and the expansion of the staff of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of health professionals.

In 2004-2005, the Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education was working as a doctor of medical sciences, Professor V.K. Tatianchenko, from September 2005 to the present - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ya. And Khananashvili.

Select Subsection Information about the subordinate organizations, indicating information about their tasks and functions, postal and electronic addresses, contact phones. Federal State Budgetary Institution "Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. Ya.L. CIVYAN »Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center for Children's Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology named after V.P. Serbian »Federal State Budgetary Institution" Research Institute for Studying Lepra "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Northern State Medical University "State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education" Astrakhan State Medical University "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Altai State Medical University "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Amur State Medical Academy "Ministry of Health of Russia Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Pacific State Medical University "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" North-Ossetian State Medical Academy "Federal State Budget Educational institution of higher education "Volgograd State Medical University" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko »Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Ural State Medical University "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Ivanovo State Medical Academy "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Izhevsk State Medical Academy "Federal State Educational Budgetary Educational Institution" Irkutsk State Medical University »Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Kazan State Medical University "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Kemerovo State Medical University "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Kirov State Medical University "Federal State Budget Educational institution of higher education "Kuban State Medical University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V. F. Wino-Yasenetsky "Ministry of Health of Russia Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Kursk State Medical University "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Dagestan State Medical University "Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M . Sechenova (Sechenovsky University) Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Medical Dental University named after A. Evdokimova" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogova" Federal State Budgetary Educational institution of higher education "Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy" Federal G Essinal budgetary educational institution of higher education "Novosibirsk State Medical University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Medical University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orenburg State Medical University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Perm State Medical University of Academician E.A. Wagner »Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Rostov State Medical University "Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education" Ryazan State Medical University named after academician. I.P. Pavlova »Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Samara State Medical University "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlova "Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education" North-West State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Higher education "Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Smolensk State Medical University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Stavropol State Medical University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tver State Medical University "Federal State Budgetary educational institution of higher education "Siberian State Medical University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tyumen State Medical University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bashkir State Medical University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Far Eastern State Medical University »Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" South Ural State Medical University "State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education" Chita State Medical Academy "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education" Yaroslavl State Medical University "Federal State University Educational institution of additional professional education "Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Vocational Education" State budgetary educational institution of additional professional education "Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education" State budgetary educational institution of additional vocational education "Kazan State Medical Academy" State budgetary educational institution of additional professional education " Novokuznetsky State Institute of Improvement of Doctors »Federal State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education" All-Russian Training and Scientific and Methodological Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education "State Budgetary Establishment of Additional Vocational Education" Penza Institute of Doctors Improvement " Federal State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Kislovodsky Medical College" Federal State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Penza Basic Medical College" State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Ulyanovsky Pharmaceutical College" Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center" Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Hematology" Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Scientific Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology" Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Scientific Center of Coloproktology named after A. N. Ryzhich "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Ivanovsky Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood named after V.N. Gorodkov »Federal State Budgetary Institution" Institute of Surgery named after A.V. Vishnevsky »Federal State Autonomous Institution" Inter-sectoral Scientific and Technical Complex "Microsurgery Eyes" named after Academician S.N. Fedorova "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Moscow Research Institute of Helmgolts Eye Diseases "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Research Children's Orthopedic Institute named after G.I. Turner »Federal State Budgetary Institution" Grip Research Institute "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center oncology named after N.N. Petrova »Federal State Budgetary Institution" Center for Strategic Planning and Managing Medical Biological Risks "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakova »Federal State Budgetary Institution" Scientific Center of Expertise Medical Application "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center named after Academician E.N. Meshalkina "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Novosibirsk Research Institute of Tuberculosis "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Volga Federal Medical Research Center "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center Cardiology "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Russian Scientific Center "Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics" named academician G.A. Ilizarova "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Spars "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after Academician A.M. Granova »Federal State Budgetary Institution" Russian Scientific Center of X-rayoiodiology "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Russian Order of Labor Red Banner Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after R. R. Bad "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Rostov Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Rostov Scientific Research Institute Institute "Federal State Budgetary Institution" St. Petersburg " Research Institute of Ear, Horrel, Nose and Speech »Federal State Budgetary Institution" St. Petersburg Research Institute of Phtisiopulmonology "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after V.M. Bekhtereva »Federal State Budgetary Institution" Saratov Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Ural Research Institute of Dermatovenerology and Immunopathology "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Ural Research Institute for Motherhood and Infancy "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center for Physiopulmonology and Infectious Diseases "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Radiological Center »Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaley »Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center for Transplantology and Artificial Bodges of the Academician V.I. Schumakova »Federal State Budgetary Institution" Central Research Institute of Organization and Informatization of Health "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N . Priorov »Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology "Federal State Budgetary Institution" All-Russian Center for Medicine Catastrophe "Protection" Federal State Budgetary Institution "Sanatorium for Children with Kratovo Parents Federal State Institution" TERSKY Leprosorii "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery "( Astrakhan) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery" (Penza) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Endoprosthetics" (Cheboksary) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Sever-Caucasian Multidisciplinary Medical Center" Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Neurosurgery" (Tyumen) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Neurosurgery" (Novosibirsk) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after S.G. Sukhanova "(G. Perm) Federal State Budgetary Institution" Center for Medical Rehabilitation "Lighting" Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for High Medical Technologies" (Kaliningrad) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Endoprosthetics" ( Smolensk) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Endoprosthetics" (Barnaul) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery" (Khabarovsk) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Cardiovascular Surgery Center" ( Krasnoyarsk) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery" (Chelyabinsk) Federal State Budgetary Institution "Tuapsinsky Multi-Profile Center" Federal State Institution "Kazan Psychiatric Hospital (hospital) specialties The type with intensive observation "Federal State Institution" Kaliningrad Psychiatric Hospital (hospital) of a specialized type with intensive observation "Federal State Institution" Kostroma Psychiatric Hospital (hospital) of a specialized type with intensive observation "Federal State Institution" Novosibirsk Psychiatric Hospital (hospital) of a specialized type With intensive observation »Federal State Institution" Orlovskaya Psychiatric Hospital (hospital) of a specialized type with intensive observation "Federal State Institution" St. Petersburg Psychiatric Hospital (hospital) of a specialized type with intensive observation "Federal State Institution" Volgograd Psychiatric Hospital (hospital) specialized type with intensive observation »Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Sanatorium" Bimlyuk "Federal State Budgetary Institution" Children's Pulmo National Sanatorium "Kolchanov" Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Sanatorium named after M. I. Kalinina Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium "Mountain Air" Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Sanatorium "Rest" Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Psychoneurological Sanatorium "Teremok" Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Psychoneurological Sanatorium "Kaluga-Bor" Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Sanatorium " Sunrise "Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Sanatorium" Vasilyevskoe "Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Orthopedic Sanatorium" Pioneersk "Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium" Hot Key "Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium" Labor Reserves "Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Pulmonteological Sanatorium" Otradnaya "federal State budgetary institution Sanatorium "Youth" Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Dermatology Ki Sanatorium named after N.A. Semashko Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Psychoneurological Sanatorium "Lake Karachi" Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Sanatorium "Lake Shira" Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Tuberculous Sanatorium "Pushkinsky" Federal State Budgetary Institution Children's Tuberculous Sanatorium "Kiritsa" Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium named S. T. Aksakova Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium "Glukhovskaya" Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium "Shafranovo" Federal State Budgetary Institution Tuberculous Sanatorium "Vyborg-7" Federal State Budgetary Institution Tuberculous Sanatorium "Blue Bay" Federal State Budgetary Institution Tuberculous Sanatorium "Pearl" Federal State Budgetary Establishment of the Fthisophalmological Sanatorium "Red Shaft" Federal State Budgetary Institution Tuberculous Sanatorium "Teberda" Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium "Forest" Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium Sanatorium "Chemal" Federal State Budgetary Institution Clinical Sanatorium "Sovetsk" Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium "Caucasus" Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium "Russia" Federal State Budgetary Academy Zailor of the Sanatorium "Rus" Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Sanatorium. Gorky Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium. THEM. Sechenov Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium "Oka" Federal State Budgetary Institution Sanatorium "Zvenigorod" Federal State Budgetary Institution Resort Hospital Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Scientific Center" Recovery Traumatology and Orthopedics "named after academician G.A. Ilizarova »Federal State Autonomous Institution" National Medical Research Center for Neurosurgery named after Academician N.N. Burdenko »Federal State Autonomous Institution" National Medical Research Center for Children's Health "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakuleva "Federal State Budgetary Institution" National Medical Research Center of Oncology named after N.N. Blokhin "Federal State Institution" Smolensk Psychiatric Hospital (hospital) of a specialized type with intensive observation "