How beautiful it is to be photographed on the bench. Poses for good photography

The camera does its job, keeping the picture in front of the lens, the light - highlighting desired sites frame for artistic effect. The photographer sets the shooting parameters, clicks the shutter. And what does the model do at this time? If she just stood there, then there would be no problem of staging a shot. And the work of a photo model would not be appreciated so well. The role of the model is to work with her body, in a stance, in a pose, in facial expressions and hand position. Professionals on both sides of the lens know how to stand and turn to hide flaws and highlight flaws.

Correct body curves during a photo shoot

There are poses for any type of shooting - standard options suitable for any type of figure: stand up or sit down, lean on a table or wall, add objects to the frame. The photograph should have an idea and a story that is reflected in the details, outfits and posture of the model.

  • It is quite easy to stand or sit correctly to get a beautiful figure and feminine curves in a photograph. Rules 3, fulfilling them, in any position the camera will capture a photogenic picture.

Rule one

We stretch the neck, the body is stretched, the shoulders are lowered, and the body is automatically aligned. The lines become smooth, feminine, graceful. The main thing is not to overdo it, an unnatural neck that is too elongated will not add beauty. Tighten your shoulder blades as much as possible, and the back will straighten, and the neck will lengthen, and the pose will look natural.

Second rule

Deflection in the lower back will allow you to show the dignity of the figure. Usually the “S” rule is mentioned, indicating the correct body position for a photo shoot. Standing photography requires beautiful contours and curves: bend your lower back as much as possible, straighten your shoulders and stretch your neck, and transfer your weight to one leg. A similar situation will be when shooting against a wall, if you lean against the whole body, you get a straight back without bends, and you will not be able to bring the shoulder blades together. Lean forward slightly, bending your lumbar spine, squat down slightly. In this form, the body resembles in shape english letter S that looks beautiful and feminine in the photo.

Third rule

Do not relax, especially when filming in seated positions. Bend the lower back as much as possible, lean forward, keeping the neck extended and the shoulder blades drawn together. This will make it possible to draw in the tummy, emphasize the line of the chest and back, and beautifully show the legs. Try to keep your shoulders below the level of the chin, as far back as possible. A simple rule will allow you to enlarge the chest, and emphasize the line of the neck, and make the back softer, more beautiful, tighten the tummy, and make the ass round.

Seated Poses

  • The main task in sitting shooting is to show the femininity and grace of the model, hiding the flaws. For example - extra centimeters in the waist area or insufficiently long legs.

You can sit on the floor or horizontal surface, the body is located on one line, you can lean on the wall or interior items. The neck should be stretched, the shoulders should be straightened, and the back should be arched at the lower back, so that the body looks feminine and proportional. Do not strain your muscles too much and make the pose unnatural, try not to show effort, your face should look relaxed. Try to bend one leg and put it in front of you, or stretch it out, sit on your knees. The main thing is to make sure that the folds are not visible and the tummy does not "fall out", and the hips do not seem to be flattened.

If you use a high chair, sofa or any surface that allows you to lower your legs to the floor, then it becomes possible to show their beauty and visually lengthen. For this, the photographer must be 30-40 cm below the level of the model's face. And the legs need to be extended, but they should not overlap and look natural.

In the case of seated shooting, it is permissible to round your back, lean on your knees or hug them with your hands to achieve the effect of fragility and defenselessness. But the neck must still be held in tension, as well as the abdominal muscles.

Standing poses

The most popular type of shooting with many variations of posing and staging the frame has unlimited scope for imagination. The full-length photo has several important features, if the artistic idea does not provide for another option. The main thing that a photographer needs to know is that to get a proportional silhouette, you should shoot with the camera lowering to the level of the chin or chest, the legs visually stretch out, and the body will appear slimmer, taller and thinner. Using this technique, you can visually add height to the girl. If the situation calls for reverse solution, then raise the camera a couple of centimeters above the model's head, the body will visually shorten.

As for shooting while standing in a photo studio, special backgrounds and cycloramas are used, as well as lighting and soft boxes that allow you to set the right light for specific positions. Main rules:

  • If the photographer does not intend otherwise, then the back should be straightened, and the lower back will have to bend as much as possible. A straight stand without bends looks ridiculous and does not add beauty to the model. The standard is the English letter "S", showing all the lines of the body. The weight should be transferred to one leg, the stomach should be drawn in and the shoulder blades should be brought together, the head and chin should be pulled up, stretching the neck.
  • There are many variations in the position of the hands when shooting while standing: lift up, rest on the sides, shove in pockets or play with hair. They should look natural, a little relaxed, but without the dangling effect. It is better to spread your fingers, do not clench them into fists or spread them like a fan.
  • The model should be relaxed and collected at the same time, any clamps the camera strengthens and emphasizes. An overly drawn stomach, clenched hands, a tense face are the result of overexertion and look ugly in the picture.
    Don't be afraid to move, some good shots are in motion, when the body is in a natural position and there is no sense of picturesqueness. Again, every idea of ​​a photographer can look original and interesting, even if it violates all the known rules of posing.

Portrait shooting features

Close-up implies perfect clarity, no visible imperfections and emphasis on the subject's eyes and face. In this case, do not forget about the position of the back and neck at this moment. If the back is not straightened, and the neck is not extended, then the effect of fullness and a double chin may appear, even where there was none at all. You can shoot while looking directly into the camera, half-turned, looking over your shoulder, and so on. In any of these options, you need to emphasize the line of the chin, and this can only be done by lifting it and stretching the neck as much as possible.

Long Dress Poses

Putting on a long beautiful evening dress, every woman turns into a princess. In the conditions of shooting in a photo studio, a long dress can be interestingly played with decorations and interior items. Popular furniture in this situation are sofas and wedges, stairs, high chairs, armchairs and beds. How do you need to become so that not only the dress, but also the model itself looks beautiful in the photo.
The silhouette should be the main focus when shooting in a dress, so posture and body position are the most important. A long train or a beautiful hem of a dress can be shown more effectively if you lower the camera below the level of the model's chest and move further away - you get a long fairy-tale character.

In general, the pose should be as simple and dignified as possible. The back is only straight, the shoulder blades are brought together as much as possible, and the chin is extended. If the dress is with a corset, it will tighten your waist and accentuate it. the line of the chest, and without the tightening, you will have to keep your stomach in tension for the entire photo session.

It will be beautiful to lean on a piece of furniture, sit on a sofa or stand against the background of a window. The main thing here is to maintain the image of a princess and not allow yourself to slouch, roll over or relax a lot.

For a feminine and soft look, place your legs one behind the other and shift your weight to one of them, then the pose will be more graceful. Regardless of the type of dress, wear high heels under the dress, they will focus on the necessary curves and make the silhouette more proportional and harmonious.

  • Shooting in a dress allows you to turn your back to the photographer or stand half-turned, including turning your head in profile.

Popular in Lately dresses like a cloud create a fabulous image that allows you to make a photo session, I practically do not take difficult poses. Corsets help keep your posture, and a chic voluminous hem and train hide your legs and shoes, all you have to do is straighten your shoulders, raise your chin and put your hands nicely. Another option for shooting in such a dress is lying on a train, like in the clouds. Hands are raised above the head or one lies on the chest, the other in the hair.

As for the hands, you can put them on your hips, raise one to your hair or face, bend at the elbows in front of you, and many other things. Fingers should be slightly straightened, not tense, it is undesirable to hide your hands behind your back.

Photography for curvy girls

Often girls are shy extra pounds, even there is a minimum number of them. And therefore they do not arrange photo sessions for themselves, fearing to turn out even more complete in photographs. The camera adds volume - it's true, but only for an unlucky or inexperienced photographer, this causes reluctance to work. There are many beautiful poses for photo sessions, they are suitable even for girls who consider themselves fat.

  • The photographer's job is to correctly position the frame and model, to select the light and pose, and only then the post-processing takes place.

For overweight girls or curvy, the following photography positions are recommended.

  • Shooting lying on your back with raised legs - this position will perfectly hide the extra centimeters in the waist area and visually lengthen your legs, making them smoother and thinner. Fabric or pillows will be an excellent addition to the frame, they can focus attention on attractive places and perfectly hide what the model does not want to show.
  • When filming while sitting, you will have to draw in your stomach as much as possible and bend your back, full models should not choose to shoot on a chair or lean on tables and a wall - this will create additional volume in the buttocks and make their legs larger. Also, do not lean on something sideways, with your hand or elbow, this will emphasize the bend of the tuck, and it may not be beneficial to emphasize the tummy.
  • It is better to sit on the floor or on a sofa, the main thing is that the legs are on the same level with the booty. Then they can be thrown on top of each other or placed side by side, the socks need to be stretched as much as possible - this will create a beautiful line of the hips and divert attention from the extra centimeters in the waist area. The use of objects, pillows, accessories is encouraged, as well as placing your hands so that they also draw your eyes to your feet.
  • Shooting while standing will require effort, since you need to straighten your shoulders as much as possible, stretch your neck, bend in the lumbar region and slightly unfold the body. These actions will help to highlight feminine lines, draw attention to the chest and make your figure a little slimmer.

Let's summarize

The difficulty of shooting in the studio lies only in the emphasis on the model and her posture, so more attention needs to be paid to all parts of the body and the silhouette in general. For thin girls, there are practically no restrictions on the position of the body and hands: you can shoot while standing, lying, sitting, leaning against a piece of furniture or a wall.
But girls with a size over 44 should not be upset and refuse photo shoots either. There are certain basic poses for shooting any body type and body size.

It is enough just to correctly place accents, to divert attention from shortcomings, to emphasize advantages. You can use accessories and furnishings to fill the frame.

The main thing in the photo session is the professionalism of the photographer, it is he who will prompt the desired position of the body and hands, put the best way in the frame and will process the image after shooting. Correctly placed light will make plump girls slimmer, divert attention from shortcomings, veil and hide them, and emphasize what is needed.

A photo session is a frightening process for most people, causing nervousness and excessive stress. Many are afraid that it will be difficult, stupid, uninteresting, ugly, inconvenient, and a million more "not". And it is in vain that this unknown frightens you, it is worth noting. In this article, I would like to give some tips on how to pose for a photo shoot for an ordinary person without a rich modeling background.

Thousands of times I heard from girls the phrase “I don’t know how to pose at all, will you tell me how to do it?”. Of course, I will help and tell you which posture is most beneficial for you, how best to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages, but nevertheless, I ask you not to neglect the information presented in this article, but to take it as the basic building blocks in building our fruitful cooperation with you. Today we will talk about posing for girls.
For a start, an important psychological point. No shyness and stiffness! Stop being internally afraid and worried that you can do something wrong, that you will look funny and ridiculous. Feel free to be your photographer. He is no less, and sometimes even more interested in you in an excellent result.

So, choose the main position in which you are comfortable, comfortable, you do not risk falling, losing your balance, and continue all the manipulations from it.
Begin to move constantly smoothly (this is the key moment). This does not mean that the whole body must move at once, not at all. Enough movement of the upper body, arms, head, neck.
When posing for a photo shoot, imagine that you are moving in a measured plastic dance, the movements should be unhurried, light and gliding.
Your main task is not to stop for a second. As soon as you freeze, thoughts begin to swarm in your mind about how you look, from which side what is hanging from you, what kind of chin arises and other nonsense that a sophisticated female brain is capable of.

It is imperative to keep your back (plus grace), pull in your stomach (plus to slimness) and bring your shoulder blades (plus to your chest), well, in general, it's time to remember the classics from the secretary Vera that “Everything is in yourself!”.

How to pose correctly for a photo shoot?

You can play with your hair, straighten it, throw it from side to side, wave it, shake your head, turn around sharply.
It is for this reason, by the way, that I always recommend girls not to do intricate hairstyles, not to pour bottles of fixing agents on themselves, but to leave their hair loose and natural, adding only curls for liveliness.

The hands in the photograph are incredibly important.
They shouldn't hang. They should not be in a symmetrical position and should be in motion at all times.

You can stroke yourself as your hands glide up and down the curves, following the contours of your body.
Start from the chest area, continuing to the waist, hips, going back, hug yourself, do not hesitate to show that you love yourself and your body.

Don't think that it looks stupid (because it doesn't at all), don't get tight, relax and enjoy the process.

Playing with clothes is another item in the collection of ideas. For this reason, for example, I advise you to bring accessories with you to the shooting - shawls, scarves, gloves, hats, capes.
Therefore, I love it when girls come to photo sessions in light airy dresses.
A photo session is not a routine day in life, so why not make a small holiday out of it?

Why wear your casual jeans when you can afford something interesting that you pay attention to in the shop windows, but the thought keeps you from buying the thought "Where am I going to wear this?"

It's great if you take with you some beautiful piece of clothing that you can slightly lower on your shoulders, throw on or take off completely.

If you are not wearing heels, be sure to stand on your toes.
This trick will make the legs longer and visually tighten the butt and, in general, give the image of lightness and grace.
Do not stand firmly and confidently on both feet, try to shift your body weight from one leg to the other.

It is always a safe bet to bring your legs together at the knees, this simple action emphasizes the waist and hip line.

In seated positions, never sit frontally towards the photographer, otherwise you risk getting a “passport photo”.
Always try to be half-sided to the camera and do not forget to stretch your legs to the side, placing them on the edge of your feet.

If you are in some relatively static position (sit, lie, stand), then do not try to change it completely every second.

Enough small lungs movements from the basic pose. Change the position in one plane (for example, bend slightly to the right or left), change the rotation of the body, put your legs in a different way, shift your body weight from one leg to the other.

To emphasize the decollete area, you need to bend your upper body forward a little, because as you know, everything that is closer to the camera visually increases, and everything that is further decreases visually.
You can also help yourself slightly by pressing your elbows against your chest.

The main summary is shyness away. Trust my experience, every person is plastic.
Especially when it comes about the fair sex. But due to the incomprehensible where the fear and stiffness comes from, the resulting shots are squeezed, boring and unattractive. There is no person who would judge you for being too open when posing for a photo shoot. People passing by see you for exactly 2 seconds of their lives, after another 5 minutes they will never remember you, so is it worth bothering yourself with what others think of you?

If you are suddenly overtaken by a creative dead end, have run out of new ideas, or are just looking for a little tip for photographing a girl, then sketches can be used as a starting cheat sheet, because they are one of the critical milestones preparation for. The more carefully they are thought out, the more interesting photos you will receive as a result of photography. Many professional photographers use this technique when preparing for and during a photo shoot. Poses of girls for a photo shoot from this article should be used as a starting point, and it is best to review and discuss the suggested angles with your model, especially if she has little experience. Thus, you will be able to establish psychological contact with the model. During a photo shoot, do not hesitate to ask the model for her opinion about which positions she likes best. This helps both the model and the photographer to feel more confident, and in the end - to get worthy ones. It will be very useful if, before the photo session, the model thinks over what she wants to see in the pictures, what does she want to emphasize? Innocence? Sexuality? Maybe something romantic? Or some special character traits? What posture options will she do better? The following poses are a hint not only for the model, but also for the photographer, they can be printed or dropped onto your phone and carried with you as a cheat sheet to help you in difficult times.

In this article, a photograph has been selected for each pose presented as an illustration. All images were taken from the Internet (mainly from the site //, copyright belongs to their authors.

So, let's see: good poses of girls for a photo shoot.

2. Very often, when shooting portraits, both the model and the photographer forget about the position of the hands. However, you can get something creative if you ask the model to play with her hands, trying different head and face positions. The main thing to remember is one rule - no flat, tense palms: the hands should be soft, flexible and, preferably, not facing directly into the frame with the palm or the back of the hand.

3. You are probably familiar with such a compositional rule as.

4. Very cute pose for a seated model - with knees brought together.

5. Another open and attractive pose - the model is lying on the ground. Drop down and shoot from practically ground level.

6. And again the option for the prone position: you can ask the model to play with his hands - fold them or calmly lower them to the ground. An excellent angle for shooting outdoors, among flowers and grasses.

7. The most elementary pose, but it looks just stunning. You need to shoot from the lower level, go around the model in a circle, taking pictures from different angles. The model should be relaxed, you can change the position of the arms, hands, head.

8. And this amazing pose works well for girls with any shape. Try different positions of the legs and arms, focus on the subject's eyes.

9. Nice and playful pose. Great for almost any decor: on the bed, in the grass or on the beach. Photograph the model from a low position with the eyes in focus.

10. A wonderful way to showcase the beautiful figure of the model. Perfectly emphasizes the silhouette against a bright background.

11. Another friendly pose for a seated model. Place the model with one knee on the chest and the other leg, also bent at the knee, on the ground. The gaze is directed into the lens. Try to use different angles shooting for the best result.

12. A great way to demonstrate all the beauty and plasticity of the model's body. Can be used as a silhouette pose against a bright background.

13. Simple and natural position with large quantity possible options... Let the model experiment with the position of the hips, arms, and head.

14. Simple yet elegant pose. The model is turned a little to the side, hands are in the back pockets.

15. A slight forward bend can subtly emphasize the shape of the model. It looks very attractive and sexy.

16. A sensual pose with arms raised favorably emphasizes smooth curves body. Well suited for slim and fit models.

17. The options for posing in full growth are simply endless, this position can be taken as a starting point. Ask the model to easily rotate the body, change the position of the arms, head, gaze direction, etc.

18. This position looks rather relaxed. Do not forget that you can lean against the wall not only with your back, but also with your shoulder, arm or hip.

19. Full-length shots are quite specific and are better suited for tall, slender models. Here's a little secret: the body of the model should resemble the English letter S, the weight is transferred to one leg, the arms are in a relaxed state.

20. One of the best poses for slim models with a huge number of options. To get the most advantageous position, have the model slowly change the position of the arms and bend the body continuously.

21. Romantic, gentle pose. Use a variety of fabrics and draperies. With their help, you can get sensual pictures. It is not necessary to expose the entire back: often, even a slightly bare shoulder creates a flirtatious mood.

22. A good pose for a photo shoot and an excellent angle from which the model looks slimmer. The model stands sideways, the chin is slightly down, and the shoulder is slightly raised. Please note that there should be a small distance between the chin and shoulder.

23. Often, the usual poses are the most successful. The model should transfer the weight of the body to one leg, and at the same time bend the body into an S-shape.

24. The model touches slightly a vertical surface with both hands, such as a wall or a tree. The pose is suitable for a portrait shot.

25. If the model is endowed with beautiful long hair- be sure to show them in motion. Ask her to turn her head quickly to let her hair develop. Experiment with shutter speeds to get crisp or blurry footage that emphasizes motion.

26. In the next pose, the model is sitting on a sofa or bed. If you give the girl a cup of coffee, you can get a thematic shot (for example, the girl is cold, and now she is resting and warming up).

27. Excellent and comfortable pose, which is suitable for a photo shoot in the house, studio on the couch and more ...

28. Beautiful pose for a model sitting on the couch.

29. Excellent option for photographing a model sitting on the ground. The photographer can shoot from different angles.

30. In a sitting position, you can experiment, do not limit yourself to only certain plot poses.

31. It is believed that crossing the legs and arms between people creates a kind of psychological barrier, and this is not recommended for photography. However, this is not always the case. A photographer should try to take a photo where the model's arms are crossed over her chest. This is a great pose for a female photo shoot.

Anton Rostovskiy

32. It is not always necessary to come up with a certain position of the hands. It's perfectly okay to leave them in a natural position, relaxed. The same can be said for the legs. The only thing to remember is that while standing, the model must transfer body weight on one leg.

33. Another example of a full body pose that is perfect for a photo shoot. The girl's hands, in whole or in part, are in her pockets.

34. This pose is beneficial for summer photo session... Ask the model to take off her shoes and walk slowly.

35. The model's hands behind her back, an unusual, but very open and sincere pose. The model can also lean against the wall.

36. For decent official portraits, a very simple and at the same time spectacular position is suitable. The model stands slightly sideways, and her face is turned towards the photographer, her head is slightly tilted to the side.

37. The model will look very harmonious in the frame if both hands are placed on the waist. The pose is suitable for half-length and full-length portraits.

38. If there is any tall piece of furniture nearby that you can lean on with one hand, be sure to use it. This will help create a formal yet relaxed and relaxed pose.

39. Another good position is to sit down on something. Well suited for both indoor and outdoor photography.

40. An example of a feminine and winning pose for a full-length model shot.

41. Quite a difficult pose, due to the fact that you need to convey the movement of the model. However, if done right, the reward is a great, elegant fashion shot.

42. An excellent pose, however, certain camera settings are required: the girl is leaning on the fence or the railing of the bridge. A large aperture will provide a shallow depth of field and a blurry background.

43. Great pose if everything is done with its peculiarities in mind. Correct location arms and legs play a decisive role here. Ideal for all body types. Please note that the survey must be taken from a slightly raised position.

44. Perfect pose for intimate photography. Well applied in different conditions, on the bed, beach, etc.

45. Another interesting pose. We take the angle from the bottom point. The upper body of the model is slightly raised and the head is slightly tilted downward. The legs are bent at the knees up, the feet are crossed.

46. ​​This position is not the easiest one. There are a few things to pay attention to: the hand on which the model rests should be turned with the palm away from the body, the abdominal muscles should be under control, the legs should be extended. The pose is ideal for an athletic body type.

47. The next difficult pose requires professionalism from the photographer. For a successful end result, he must take into account the position of all parts of the body - head, arms, waist (there should be no folds in the skin!), Hips and legs.

1. Secrets of a successful photo shoot at the bar

Never tuck your legs under you: you get two plump sausages two times shorter than in reality. The second mistake is pinching the neck or covering it with your hands. Your head doesn't grow straight out of your collar! Finally, keep your back: the straighter you sit, the slimmer you look!

2. Growth portrait in the interior

How to take pictures correctly? I sank on one thigh - I got O-shaped legs, as if I was born in the saddle. Effectively dropping one hip is a science that fashion models have been mastering for months! So straighten up and move your feet, you're pretty! The second life hack is a hand on the waist. If this is your favorite pose, keep in mind that, according to the rules of photography, you need to turn to the camera half-way: this will “eat” your stomach and make you waist.

3. Poses for photography while sitting in a chair

As much as you want to create the effect of a relaxed pose, do not lean on your back or lean back. This will make the legs thick, and the body will turn into an ugly rectangle. Remember about your hands: there should be no "stumps" in the frame. Do you have fingers? Well, show them!

4. Successful photo poses for girls on the couch

By spreading your arms, you add 10 kilograms of weight to yourself, eat 10 centimeters in height and give the whole figure an awkward, ridiculous look. Fold your legs in the English manner, move your feet slightly away from the edge of the sofa and - yes, that's right! - straighten your back.

5. Portrait in the interior

Only very skinny girls can prop their cheeks with their hands. If you have even a hint of cheeks, forget about bringing your hands to your face. Moonface is not the best compliment. And most likely, in general, Marfushenka will remind someone. Not the best pose for a girl's photo shoot.

6. As if for Vogue

And I walk so all - and in a passive-aggressive position I got up, as if on the cover! Nope. You look crooked, with a short neck, no waist, and your legs appear crooked. Throw your shoulders back, lower one arm, put your feet a small step-width apart - and the effect will be completely different!

7. How to properly take pictures of girls on the street

If no one is trying to drive you off the bench, do not grab onto it with your hands. And even more so, do not aggravate the situation by tilting your head forward. What are you grouping like before the jump? You're a countess on a walk! Relax your legs, position them so that both feet (or both beautiful shoes) are visible, slightly tilt your head to the side - another matter!

8. Who is on top

The general and unshakable rule of a successful photo shoot: the photographer is from below, you are from above. Just compare the head size and leg length in both shots. Everything is clear, right?

We thank the photographer

Have you ever had this - you look great, you are being photographed, but in the photograph ... what a nightmare? Is it really me? This happens not only because of a bad photographer, a lot depends on you. You just need to remember a few secrets for a successful photo shoot. And remember that every little thing matters!

Maybe you just turned the wrong side to the photographer, or took pictures, turned straight, or just frowned and pulled your neck into your shoulders?

  • The fact is that one half of a person's face is always different from the other, and you have to turn to the camera with your best side.
  • A tip from professional photographers - never take your passport photo while standing upright. This is the worst case scenario. Especially if your face is full. It is not for nothing that photographers associate the phrase “passport photo” with an unsuccessful portrait photo. Therefore, try to use a half-turn position. And even better, if you first turn away to the side, and as soon as the photographer gives a command, turn to him. The picture will most likely turn out to be simply gorgeous!

Pay attention to the face and neck - these are important details.

  • The muscles of the face should be relaxed and the forehead smoothed.
  • The neck should look beautiful and long, try to be visible in the photo. To do this, keep your chin slightly raised, but not too much, otherwise it will appear square.
  • If you think your lips are too thin, then slightly open your mouth, but do not pull them out like a duck.
  • Don't look directly into the camera - pick a point and look at it.
  • To make the photo positive, forget all the bad things during the shooting, try to be in high spirits, for this, remember the most pleasant moments in your life. Or let your loved one or your child or pet stand in front of you, behind the photographer's back. Your gaze will inevitably become warmer.

Makeup for a photo shoot.

  • Use a face enlargement mirror to apply makeup. Since modern cameras will capture all the little things, and flaws will be much more noticeable than in real life
  • And do not be lazy to do test makeup and test photos before the photo session.
  • Remember, your makeup needs to be flawless and brighter than usual. But at the same time, do not overdo it so as not to look vulgar.
  • Upper eyelashes can be made up stronger, but lower ones should not be - circles under the eyes may form in the photo.
  • Pearlescent shadows can also ruin a photo if the light isn't right.
  • Blend all makeup lines thoroughly.
  • The foundation should not be too light, otherwise you will get a sick look. And being too dark will make you seem older. Choose it exactly to your skin tone. Or he can do face contouring, details here!
  • Be sure to bring a powder box with you to keep your face shiny. You've probably seen how a shiny face spoils the photo.

If you do not know where to put your hands, then the most important thing is not to hold them like unnecessary whips.

  • You should have a perfect manicure on your hands - after all, unkempt hands can ruin any successful photo.
  • Keep them loose, do not clench them into fists. You can simply put them on yourself freely, if you cannot relieve tension, then shake them with your hands.
  • Take a flower or a kitten, for example.
  • Place your hands in your hair

How to be slimmer in photography

  • Taking pictures in a group - try to be on the side, not in the center, and you will get much sleeker.
  • Place one or both hands on your waist so it looks thinner. Use this technique if you are being filmed while sitting.
  • If you want to look slimmer, choose a pose where the shoulders will be slightly forward, and the back, on the contrary, will be slightly farther. This will make the chest appear larger and the hips smaller.

How to dress for a photo session.

  • The most important rule is that you should like clothes - and you should wear them!
  • It is better to choose plain clothes, without large patterns, inscriptions and logos. The color of the clothes should not blend in with the background.
  • Light upper part and darker lower part will add lightness and airiness to your image.
  • Choose noble colors, acid colors will distract attention from your look.

How to find the right pose for your photo

  • For a winning pose, watch professional models pose. Roll around in front of the mirror to music in a variety of poses. Choose the most suitable for you.
  • Maintain a royal posture.

Here are tips from a professional photographer

The rest depends on how professional your photographer is. Successful photo sessions.

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