Storage of tulip bulbs in winter. When is the best time to plant

Sometimes we all want the spring flowers to please our loved ones when there is still snow outside the window. It is possible. Many bulbs are easy to distill: muscari, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths. Forcing tulips at home is, of course, troublesome, but not very difficult. And, if desired, even an inexperienced florist can handle this.

For many, these are tulips, the scattering of flowers of which is so attractive in spring. How to extend your winter companionship with tulips? How to make tulips bloom at home when it is snowing outside the window? How to prepare tulips for distillation?
The first spring joy, even crocuses have not bloomed yet.
Forcing consists in the fact that the dug out bulbs are first stored according to the general rules. For distillation, you need to choose the best specimens. Then they need to be planted in pots (denser than we plant in the front garden, but so as not to touch), taken out in the cold (in the basement or refrigerator). Depending on the date we need them, we bring them into the heated room. Planting soil is best if you make a mixture of turf, humus and sand (2: 2: 1). Tulips need to be covered completely, hyacinths up to half.
I will not describe the whole process in detail, in this area I do not have much experience, and I see no point in rewriting from the Internet. I will describe how I did it, sorry, not following the rules. You can not take as a sample, I just tell about my experience on the pages of the site.
Since I take care of this rather big garden alone, I do not have enough time to follow all the instructions. But, since the experience was a success, I consider it possible to tell you about it.
Not everyone has time to mess around, observing all the rules, and forcing tulips at home according to my method does not take time at all.
When I was planting another group of tulips in the fall, I decided to plant some of them so that they would bloom by March 8. Since this was an experiment, I naturally took for this purpose the most common, most unpretentious, red tulips, I have a lot of them. I wrote before that I always buy bags of babies. And, more often than not, it turns out after a few years, namely the red ones, rarely the more interesting ones. (Although the red peony from the previous articles on tulips, it was I got divorced from one random baby).
So, I took a transparent cake lid, cut many centimeter holes at the bottom so that the water does not stagnate, put in a small drainage, poured soil. She put how many tulip bulbs fit in (if only they did not touch), fell asleep to the top. And she buried this box in the flower garden, which is located on the south side of the house, between the house and the path. There, the snow always melts first and the soil warms up, thanks to warm air from warmed by the sun brick wall(I always have early parsley there between flowers). I have the opportunity to loosen, weed and feed this flower garden when there is still snow in the whole garden. I marked the place with pebbles.
When the snow melted here in February and the ground thawed, I dug out my box with the bulbs that had hatched, put it in the hallway, where it was a little cooler, for several days, and then brought it into the house on the southern windowsill. The garden was still completely snowy. I do not remember how long my tulips grew, but by March 8 they bloomed, even a little earlier. There was still some snow in the garden, and my tulips were on fire! I called my friend: "Come, my tulips have bloomed!" She did not know about the distillation: "It cannot be!" In the photo, my tulips are in the snow, it was for her arrival that I put them in the garden to show that I had not lied. Then, of course, I brought it into the house.
As you can see, forcing tulips at home is a completely simple matter, and if you want to decorate your house or table for the holidays in winter, or in early spring, you can experiment.

Surely one of the most beloved spring flowers of many gardeners are tulips, planting and care in open ground for which it requires knowledge of some features of the plant, but at the same time it is not particularly difficult. At the same time, in order for the flowering to be friendly and abundant, it is necessary to plant tulips in the ground in a timely manner and provide them with proper conditions for wintering and growing.

Dates of planting tulips

Most gardeners, speaking about when to plant tulips, are unanimously advised to do it in the fall, because this is the period that is optimal for planting the majority. bulbous plants... But here it is also important to choose right time for planting tulips, so that they have time to take root in the soil, but do not begin to germinate, which makes them more vulnerable to the autumn and winter cold.

The most favorable period for planting tulips in autumn is determined taking into account the climatic conditions of the region and the characteristics of the plant itself. First of all, it should be borne in mind that within 2-3 weeks after planting, the bulbs are actively increasing the root mass, after which the leaves begin to sprout slowly. In case of autumn planting the appearance of leaves above the surface of the soil should not be allowed, because this will cause the plant to not be able to properly prepare for winter.

Tulip bulbs can be planted in a garden bed when the soil temperature at the planting depth will be within 8-10 degrees. This temperature regime should be maintained for another 2-3 weeks after planting, which is necessary for normal root formation. Also, the approximate planting time can be a period of 3 weeks before the expected snow cover.

Based on the listed conditions, for different latitudes, the landing dates will be slightly different. So, planting and primary care of tulips in Ukraine is best done in the middle and second half of October, in the Moscow region it is better to do this before October 15, and planting tulips in the fall in Siberia and the Urals ends before September 30.

How to plant tulips in autumn

1. Preparing the soil and bulbs.
Fertilizers, in particular, ammonium nitrate (12 g), potassium sulfate (40 g), (50 g), wood ash (at least 200 g), are scattered over the surface of the soil in the selected area. You can also use humus, superphosphate and compost to fertilize the soil. Fresh manure should not be used, because it can cause rotting of the bulbs. Superphosphates are sometimes applied directly under the bulb during planting. The soil is dug to the depth of the shovel bayonet. If the site is low, then it is better to add it.

Store-bought bulbs must be firm and evenly colored, free from stains and mechanical damage. Immediately before planting, it is advisable to treat them with karbofos (0.2% solution for half an hour) and potassium permanganate (0.1% solution).

2. How to plant tulips.
According to general rule, the planting depth of a tulip is determined based on the size of the bulb and should be approximately three diameters. For large specimens, it reaches about 12 cm, and smaller bulbs are planted more shallowly. To properly plant tulip bulbs, you must also take into account the characteristics of the soil. So, on heavy soils, the planting depth of tulips is reduced by 2-3 cm.

The tulip planting scheme is not particularly difficult. The gaps between large bulbs are about 7-8 cm, and for small ones, 5-6 cm is enough. For better drainage, it is recommended to pour a small layer of river sand (2-3 cm) under the tulip bulbs. If the soil is not moist enough during the planting period, then after planting the bulbs, it is necessary to water the garden bed.

Read more about the secrets in a separate article "Gardener and Ogorodnik".

When to plant tulips in winter?

In fact, winter planting of tulips is often practiced when it is necessary to forcing the plants by a certain date. This is usually done in indoor or greenhouse conditions with the obligatory preliminary keeping of the bulbs in the refrigerator and subsequent careful care of them. At the same time, planting tulips in the open ground in winter is undesirable, because in this case the plants are unlikely to be able to fully root and prepare for the winter cold. This is especially true for Dutch tulips, which find it difficult to adapt to our climatic conditions.

Planting under winter in regions with a mild climate is carried out until early December, but the flowering of plants planted at this time occurs somewhat later and may be less abundant.

In the case when there is an urgent need for planting tulips at a later date (for example, if sprouts are already outlined on the bulbs), it is important to provide the plants with the most favorable conditions for growth.

Features of planting tulips in December

Speaking about how to plant tulips in winter, it is worth emphasizing once again that such planting dates are permissible only in extreme cases. Especially if the soil in the area for flowers has already begun to freeze.

What needs to be done before starting to plant tulips? First of all, the bed is cleaned of snow cover, if any, and the upper, frozen soil layer is removed. The resulting area is dug up or filled with a pre-prepared soil mixture. The bulbs are planted to a depth of about 20 cm, sprinkled with garden soil or a prepared mixture. A frozen layer of earth is laid on top, covered with spruce branches or dry leaves and covered with a film. On top of the film, the site is covered with snow. In this form, the bed stays until spring, when the sun warms the earth and it will be possible to remove the covering material.

Primary tulip care

It is worth noting that tulips, planting and caring for which in the open field is not a difficult task, in autumn time require a sufficient level of humidity for planting and shelter for the winter. Watering is carried out immediately during planting of the bulbs or after the soil above them has been carefully leveled with a rake. Closer to cold weather, the garden bed is covered with dry leaves, peat, humus or branches. A shelter will not only help keep flowers from freezing, but also prevent cracking of the soil caused by temperature extremes.

Choosing the optimal time for planting tulips and planning further care behind them, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region and the specifics of a particular variety, which is critically important for obtaining timely and abundant flowering.

Along with this article, they usually read:

Experienced florists believe that the optimal period for planting tulips is not spring at all. However, if you follow correct timing and correct technology, nothing will stop you from planting tulip bulbs in flower beds in the spring.

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Tulips are a prominent representative of the Liliaceae family. These spring flowers, which have a special scent, are often tried to be driven out by March 8th. So that from the bulbs at home, in an unusual period of the year, you need to know all the subtleties of this process: from choosing a variety to feeding.

Article outline

When is the best time to plant bulbs

The timing of forcing plants is strongly influenced by its biological features... For the success of the event, by the time of planting in the ground, all the organs of the future flower must have already been formed at the planting material. The inside of the bulbs should also contain an optimal amount of useful elements. Proceeding from this, only high-quality and large specimens, weighing at least 25 grams, should be chosen as a soil substrate.

For the convenience of calculating the exact timing of planting bulbs in a pot, there is a simple technology, where two main periods should be taken into account:

  • The first involves planting and rooting the material. The optimal temperature regime at this stage is 5-8 degrees. Depending on the varietal characteristics, the duration of this time interval can vary from 16 to 22 weeks.
  • The second assumes the content of the appeared sprouts in comfortable conditions at a temperature of 12-15 degrees. Light intensity should be in a moderate range. The duration of this period (before bud formation) varies within 3-4 weeks.

When these two stages are added together, it is possible to calculate the flowering period for indoor maintenance. So they distinguish:

  • Early, when tulips bloom in late December-early January. Forcing flowers coincides with the New Year holidays
  • Mid-early, in which flowering coincides with the Christmas holidays.
  • Medium, allows you to grow flower culture for Valentine's Day.
  • Late, makes it possible to prepare a bouquet for March 8th.

How to choose a variety for winter planting

A fairly large assortment of flowers from the Liliaceae family with different terms distillation. Among the most popular varieties are:

  • Mise Bridge, Christmas Marvel, Diamond Star These are plants with an early flowering period, the process of forming the rudiments of peduncles is 10-16 weeks. They reach a height of 30-40 cm, and the size of their buds does not exceed 8 cm. The advantage of such tulips is the formation of flowers in the form of a bowl or glass.
  • Darwin's hybrids. Flowers with medium and medium early distillation attract attention with the height of the buds - 12 cm, and the height of the plant itself is 60-80 cm.But given the large sizes of flowers, only experienced gardeners.
  • Triumph, Temple of Beauty, Negrita, Aristocrat. Late-flowering specimens of the 5th class can grow up to 75 cm. The height of the flowers is no more than 10 cm, their shape looks like a bowl.

Tulip growing process

Often, beginner growers do not dare to grow tulips at home in winter, considering this activity as something difficult. But if you adhere to a certain technology, then success will be guaranteed.

Preparatory activities

The preparation of the bulbs should be done in summer season when tulips grow on summer cottage... For subsequent distillation, exceptionally healthy and strong specimens will be needed; they are provided with proper care throughout the growing season. After harvesting, the bulbs are kept indoors at a temperature of 25 degrees for 30 days. Then these indicators are lowered by 3-5 degrees (August-September).

Planting work

The bulbs selected for planting are laid in a fertile soil substrate with a neutral acidity level. The planting date will be determined by the planned budding date. In a suitable container, the material is placed at a distance of 5-10 mm from each other, the bulbs are slightly buried and irrigated. The container with the planted tulips is placed in a room with cool air, where the temperature is at least 9 degrees. This stage of forcing flowers lasts 16-22 weeks.

The next step will be the transfer of containers with future flowers to a room where the temperature regime is maintained within 12-15 degrees. Such conditions are necessary to avoid the stress that overtakes bulbous crops with a sharp change in temperature. In this case, the lighting should not be too bright. In addition, here you should know that the earlier the tulips are warm, the faster the flowering phase will begin. The containers should be moved to a warm room when the sprouts are 5-7 cm high.

The subtleties of the selection of planting material

It is necessary to select bulbs for forcing from your own planting material. Suitable specimens must be cleaned of the husk covering them, and inspect the smooth shell. High-quality bulbs should not contain hidden cuts, any damage, signs of disease. In addition, peeled bulbs are more efficiently fixed in the soil substrate and quickly absorb moisture and nutrients.

Before planting in the prepared soil, the bulbs are recommended to be kept in a working solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. To prepare it, you will need a few dark purple crystals and 0.5 liters of water. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to save future flowers from diseases. Alternatively, you can use a container with water, the temperature of which is 40 degrees. The soaking time of the material is 5 minutes.

What is the best substrate for planting tulips

It is advisable to use a soil mixture with a sufficient level of moisture and air permeability for forcing flowers from the Liliaceae family, and acidity indicators in the range of 6.5-7.0. Based on the practice of Dutch florists, you can grow a crop in river sand, but also sand mixtures where peat, earth, sawdust are used. Perlite has proven itself well.

At home, it is effective to prepare a soil substrate from soil, manure and humus in a 2: 1: 1 ratio. For fertility, you can add another handful wood ash Is an excellent fertilizer for tulips. What is not recommended is to use soil from greenhouses, where there is a high probability of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, fungal spores.

In the case of using peat or sawdust need to be processed lime mortar... Sawdust is good for steamed hardwood. To grow blooming tulips, you need to monitor the seedlings, they must grow evenly, not stretch out.

Bulb planting rules

Having decided on the soil, they start planting tulips:

  • Drainage is laid at the bottom of the container; it is also necessary to provide for the presence of holes to drain excess moisture.
  • The containers are filled with soil substrate.
  • The bulbs are buried, but not too deep.
  • Pour with a solution of calcium nitrate (for 10 liters of water, 20 g of the product).
  • Top up the soil as needed after moistening.
  • The container is placed in a room where the temperature is maintained at around 10 degrees.

The rooting period lasts 22 weeks.

Potted tulips at home

In the process of growing, bulbs need correct organization irrigation systems. Special attention it should be given to humidity, it should be at least 80%. He is supported until mid-December. Then the temperature indicators are lowered by 2-4 degrees, so it is possible to prevent the sprouts from stretching. 1.5 months before the onset of the blooming phase of flowers, containers with plants must be placed in a room with a temperature of 15 degrees.

At first, in a warm place, while the flowers are undergoing a period of adaptation, a dim light should be used. If there are specimens that have grown poorly, they are covered with cardboard caps. And after 2-3 days, the temperature is increased to 18 degrees. You can prevent the stems from pulling out by installing fluorescent lamps, they are turned on every day for 5-6 hours.

When carrying out early forcing, there is no need to germinate tulips, since such plantings do not have the ability to form a full-fledged bulb. This technique is relevant only for stunted species. The bottom line is to remove both flowers and leaves from the stem, and extract them from the ground after three weeks. This makes it possible to obtain a medium-sized material.

At the end of forcing, leaf plates are left on the stems, and the flowers are cut off. They are watered for 21 days, and then dug out of the ground. Most of the bulbs respond to this method of keeping and direct all their energies to the formation of a new viable bulb. The excavated specimens are first dried for 14 days at a temperature of 24 degrees, for the next 30 days they are kept at 15-20 degrees, and until planting at 15 degrees.

The quality of the bulbs depends on the correctness of their content after forcing. They are planted in the ground as usual in time, and provide standard care. The germination rate of bulbs in the March varieties is 30%. If you use early flowering varieties for growing, then the effect will be weak: the children are small, they will begin to bloom only after 3-4 years.

Growing tulips in winter at home is quite possible even for novice gardeners. The main thing is to know how to care for tulips at all stages of their growth and development. Only maintaining the optimum temperature, humidity level, lighting will make it possible to achieve the appearance of bright buds in winter. And you should not save on planting material, because the result depends on it.

Any florist who has been breeding bulbs for more than one year knows how to store tulip bulbs before planting. The seed material of plants of this family is not very resistant to moisture, often suffers from rot and pests, as well as temperature extremes. Therefore, it is important to observe the terms of extraction, storage conditions, sorting and processing of the material before planting in open ground.

Biological feasibility of excavation

Extracting tulip bulbs from the ground is a biological need for a plant. The old bulb dies off, leaving behind a family of daughter bulbs (babies). Next year, the division process will be repeated, while the conditions for the normal development of tulips will worsen: the lack of nutrition and space will make itself felt. The flowers will grind and begin to degenerate.

The bulbs require good heating in order for the flower bud to take place. If the flowers are not dug up, next year they may lose their decorative effect due to lack of heat.

Digging for the winter allows you to prepare the soil: fertilize, add sand and peat, improve soil fertility, remove weed rhizomes without harming tulips. If the dug out bulbs are cleaned of the remnants of the scales and the dead ones removed, then the risk of infestation of flowers by pest larvae and fungal diseases can be reduced. In addition, it is useful to annually treat the planting material with a solution of potassium permanganate or "Fundazol".

Bulbs that are not harvested for the winter deepen over time. From there, it is difficult for a sprout to break through to the surface, there is a lack of heat for the formation of a bud. Therefore, digging and preserving before planting tulip bulbs is good way accelerate the multiplication of valuable varieties.

With some effort and following simple storage rules, it is quite possible to keep tulips at home before planting in the ground.

Tips on how to save planting material

  • When removing from the ground, the bulbs should be handled very carefully so as not to damage them. Violation of the upper protective layer will increase the possibility of infection with fungal diseases.
  • For storage, it is best to use a wooden box, since in cardboard boxes it is difficult to ensure good air circulation, moreover, they are damp and can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.
  • To protect against excessive moisture, it is recommended to sprinkle the planting material with sawdust.
  • It is necessary to lay the material in one layer so as not to impair ventilation.
  • If the house has a basement, then the seed can be laid out directly on a dry shelf and the air temperature can be constantly monitored.
  • When breeding bulbs in an apartment, you can place them in wooden boxes and store on the balcony, controlling the temperature inside the container with a thermometer.
  • For professional cultivation of flowers, a heat chamber is used that maintains the temperature within the required range.
  • In some cases, you can store the material in the lower compartment of the refrigerator, where the temperature ranges from 3 to 5 ° C.

The health and further development flowers after planting in the ground.

When to remove the bulbs

The bulb ripens within one month after the tulip blooms. The aboveground parts of the plant at this time begin to die off, from them there is an outflow nutrients... The scales of the bulb darken, acquiring a brownish tint.

Tulips can be removed when ⅔ of their leaves wilted, and the stem itself softens and turns yellow. For middle lane RF this period corresponds to the last decade of July. Tulips can be considered ready to be pulled out of the ground if their stem can be wrapped around a finger.

Don't dig up tulips ahead of time. In this case, the replacement bulbs will not have time to form a protective shell and fully mature, as a result of which they become smaller and are exposed to fungal diseases. Most of such inferior material will not survive to be planted in the ground, and those that have survived should not be expected to bloom well.

It is also undesirable to delay the extraction of the bulbs until the aerial part of the plant is completely dry. In this case, it is sometimes impossible to determine their exact location, and the nests of the bulbs are destroyed, which leads to the loss of a large amount of material.

Preparing the bulbs for storage

The removed nests of the bulbs, without removing the soil and scales, are placed in baskets or other ventilated containers and dried in a dry and warm place for a week. For these purposes, a veranda, a gazebo, a canopy, a ventilated barn will do. In this case, damage to the material by direct sunlight must be avoided.

After a week, the tulip bulbs are cleaned of roots and integumentary scales, rotten or damaged bulbs are removed, and the remaining ones are sorted by size. Minor damage is removed with a sharp knife and washed. Then the planting material is treated with a solution of sodium permanganate or contact fungicides in order to protect it from rot and fungus.

Storage conditions

The most important storage conditions for the material are stable temperature, good ventilation, low humidity and lack of light. Tulips are best stored in natural wicker baskets, wooden boxes or shelves, paper containers or nets suspended from the ceiling.

The sorted material is laid out in a container in one or two layers. During the next two months, the formation of buds and leaves takes place in the bulbs, therefore, the planting material should be provided with optimal conditions.

  • Humidity should be between 60-70%. Dry air can lead to shrinkage of the fleshy membranes of the bulbs, and excess moisture promotes early germination and reproduction of putrefactive microorganisms. If the material is wrinkled, the air in the storage should be slightly humidified.
  • Ensuring correct temperature regime is the main condition for saving material. The first three weeks of storage should be kept at a temperature of 25-30⁰ C. The rest of the time - no higher than 15-20 ⁰ С.
  • One of the main storage conditions is to provide ventilation in the storage. Bulbs should not be stored in high-sided plastic containers or plastic bags. In such conditions, the material will not survive until disembarkation.

In conditions high humidity and unstable temperatures, the bulbs should be inspected regularly. Rotted material should be discarded. The refrigerator is not the best place for storing bulbs. Low temperature inhibits bud formation. The bulb will keep well, but the plant will not flower.

Adult bulbs become smaller from year to year and degenerate, so children should be given maximum attention. They must be stored at a temperature of 20 degrees, inspected and ventilated.

If there is a risk of damage to tulip bulbs by rodents, then it is optimal to store them in nets or stockings suspended from the ceiling.

When is the best time to plant

Unlike other species ornamental plants plant tulips better in autumn. Optimal time for this event - the second and third ten days of September or the first week of November. During this period, the soil at a depth of 15 cm has a temperature of 10 to 13 ° C.

Cooling during this period stimulates the plant to sprout and bud. Bulbous plants cannot bloom without preliminary cooling. Timely planted material has time to take root and tolerates frost well. If tulips are planted in the ground after freezing the top layer of the soil, then the planting should be well covered with brushwood, peat or other insulation.

Existing ways of storing bulbs

If they do not have time to plant the material on time, then you can use one of the proposed options for storing the bulbs. The most important condition for winter storage is stratification, otherwise the plant will not give flowers after planting.

  • Wet germination

Wet sprouting of tulip bulbs is an excellent storage option. To do this, put wet sawdust or high-moor peat in a perforated plastic container. Bulbs are set on it with the bottom down and lightly sprinkled with a substrate. Store containers with tulips in the cellar. Plants sprouted in this way begin to bloom at the usual time.

  • Dry storage

If tulips are small, they can be stored in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. In this case, each onion should be wrapped in a paper sheet.

A good place to store tulip bulbs is in the basement. In order to create optimal conditions for the plant, it is necessary to sprinkle the material with dry sawdust or sand. Plants planted in spring start blooming later than usual.

  • Early distillation

If the material is unlikely to survive until spring in the usual way, you can do early forcing, then growing in the open field. Plant the bulbs in containers with ordinary soil from the garden. Until the first frost, they can be stored on the veranda or balcony, and then covered with plastic and lowered into the cellar. Ventilate once every 2 weeks, moisten the soil as needed. After sprouting, the containers are exposed to light.

Preparing for landing

Regardless of the planting time, prior to this, pre-processing of the material should be done. It is identical to preparing the bulbs for storage.

Planting material processing includes several stages:

  1. cleaning the bulbs from scales;
  2. inspection and sorting;
  3. disinfection;
  4. processing of material with minor defects.

If the process of preparing tulip bulbs for planting seems time-consuming, you can purchase in the store finished material which is processed in accordance with all norms. In this case, you need to buy quality bulbs from a reliable large supplier.

Thus, tulips need to be dug up annually and treated accordingly. Proper storage includes drying, warming and disinfecting the plant bulbs, which in turn stimulates the formation of flower buds. Planting material that has undergone proper storage and processing gives good flowering and the growth of young bulbs for propagation of the variety.

There are different views on the advisability of digging out the bulbs. Some growers recommend removing and drying tulips not every year, but periodically, but the experience of well-known breeders suggests that it is better to do this annually.

Flower lovers and lovers often search on the Internet new information on how to store tulip bulbs.

However, there are long-proven methods that never let professionals down, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful, impeccable flowering of tulips from year to year.

Storing tulip bulbs is not as difficult as it might seem, and even a novice gardener can easily handle it.

What should be the suitable storage space for the bulbs?

Many growers, digging tulip bulbs in the summer after flowering, plant them in the soil in September-October. In the ground, most tulip varieties winter well and are more likely to produce flowers next season than tulips planted in spring.

To prevent the bulbs from becoming moldy during the winter, you must choose a place that is not too humid.

First of all, after you have dug up the bulbs of yellowed, wilted tulips, sort them by size and variety (this is what experienced gardeners recommend before storing). Next, you have to find out what places in a city apartment or in a private house are suitable for winter storage of bulbs.

about storage of tulip bulbs

To prevent the bulbs from becoming moldy during the winter, you must choose a place that is not too humid. Also, when storing tulip bulbs, avoid dry and hot places, otherwise your favorite flowers will turn to dust ahead of time.

The most acceptable temperature for storage is 23-25 ​​degrees above zero and no less, otherwise, instead of flowers in spring, only green leaves will grow from the bulb or nothing at all. Closer to winter, the storage temperature should decrease: in August to 20 degrees, and in September already about 15.

Some varieties can be stored on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator, where the temperature ranges from 3 to 5 degrees, but it is still better to find the optimal temperature regime of 15 degrees.

If you do not have a special heat chamber with the ability to control the temperature, then any of the rooms will do in the apartment. The main thing is that the room is ventilated at any time of the year. Storing tulip bulbs can be arranged in a pantry, if there is one in your apartment. Of course, in a private house there are much more options, but one must not forget about the appropriate temperature regime.

Storage of tulip bulbs can be organized in the pantry, if there is one in your apartment.

Basic rules for storing tulip bulbs

Even if you know in theory how to preserve tulip bulbs in winter, in reality, the slightest violation of storage conditions can leave you in the end without blooming tulips... Therefore, choosing appropriate place, where all planting material will be stored in winter, carefully study the storage rules and choose the method that seems most suitable to you.

Each grower has his own secret of how to preserve tulip bulbs, which he obtains in a practical way. Here are the key secrets to successfully storing tulip bulbs:

  • when digging, bulbs should be handled very carefully, otherwise, due to damage, they will be defenseless against fungal diseases;
  • a simple box is best suited for storing tulip bulbs (do not use a cardboard box, it can get wet, and the bulbs become moldy);
  • you need to pour the bulbs in one layer so that they do not stale and deteriorate;
  • some gardeners sprinkle sawdust on the bulbs so that they take on excess moisture;
  • someone wraps each tulip bulb in newspaper to save it from damage;
  • in a private house, you can simply sprinkle the bulbs in the basement, but at the same time carefully monitor the temperature.

A simple box is best for storing tulip bulbs.

You can use a special heat chamber that is able to maintain the desired temperature, but this is an expensive pleasure. Although, you can always ask a man to build something similar for you, there is a lot of information on the Internet about this (or even better, if old DIY magazines have been preserved at home).

Suitable for storing boxes that keep the temperature well. In them, you can make a "window" for a thermometer to monitor the temperature and store such a box on the balcony. However, this is quite time consuming, so it is easier to allocate space in the apartment than on the balcony.

Advice from experienced flower growers: plant tulips in "planting baskets", then you can easily move them anywhere in the garden, and it will be easier for you to dig them out for storage without damage.

During winter storage, the bulbs should be carefully examined from time to time and all diseased bulbs should be removed.

Preparing bulbs for long-term storage

An important role in the question of how to store tulip bulbs is played by the correct preparation of planting material storage: the bulbs must be clean and dry, without excess roots and leaves.

To do this, before transferring the bulbs to the storage area, sprinkle them in a thin layer in boxes or containers so that the bulbs are well ventilated, and place them in a shaded area outdoors for a couple of days.

When the bulbs are well dried, they can be easily cleaned of soil, remnants of roots and old scales. Those nests that did not disintegrate during digging are manually divided into onions.

how to dig up and store tulips

Some growers argue that tulip bulbs should be pickled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate after the autumn digging and before planting in the spring. This will help not only to protect the planting material from pests and rotting, but in addition will give the plants the opportunity to stock up on manganese.

During winter storage, the bulbs should be carefully examined from time to time and removed all diseased, rotten and suspicious-looking specimens. By checking regularly, you can reduce the percentage of crop loss due to disease and have a healthier bulb generation in the future.


How to store tulip bulbs at home before planting

Every florist who has ever grown tulips, sooner or later faced a problem: when to dig and how to store tulip bulbs after they were dug up?

There is no single opinion on this issue among flower growers. Some recommend digging tulips every two years, others annually. But everyone agrees that the more exotic the variety, the more attention and care it will require.

When and how often to dig?

The signal to start digging tulips is the wilting and complete yellowing of the leaves, usually in late June or early July, the specific dates depend on the variety and weather conditions. Some growers recommend trying to wrap the end of the stem around your finger, if this succeeds, then you can start digging.

Important! In the case of early digging, replacement bulbs do not have time to mature and form integumentary scales. After that, tulips become smaller, they get sick much more often, most of these bulbs will not even live to see planting. Get next spring full flowering from them will no longer work.

But you should also not wait for the leaves to dry completely, when it will no longer be possible to find the place where the tulips grew. After full maturation, the nests of the bulbs fall apart, which leads to a large loss of planting material during digging.

For annual abundant flowering and in order to prevent bulbs from leaving deep in the ground, the vast majority of varieties are recommended to be dug every year. The exception is tulips belonging to the class "Darwin hybrids", "Simple early" and "Simple late". Varieties from these groups can successfully grow and bloom for several years without digging.

What to do with the bulbs after digging

It is best to start digging tulips in dry weather. After the end of harvesting, the planting material is laid out for further drying.

Dried bulbs are cleaned of soil residues and sorted by size. After sorting, it is advisable to pickle all planting material in a fungicide solution to prevent the spread of various rot.

Tulip bulbs are best stored in wooden plank boxes in one layer.

Storage of bulbs until autumn planting

When storing tulips until the time of their autumn planting, a number of requirements must be observed:

  1. At the beginning of storage, the temperature should be in the range of 23-25 ​​degrees, by August it must be lowered to 20 degrees, and before the start of disembarkation, this figure must be reduced to 15 units.
  2. During the storage period, humidity must be maintained at an optimal level. Excessive moisture can lead to fungal and bacterial diseases, and reduced can cause drying out of the bulbs.
  3. The room or place where the bulbs are stored must be well ventilated.

Important! Only by observing all necessary conditions storage, you will be able to get high-quality planting material.

With absence special premises with a suitable temperature regime at home, you can use a regular refrigerator for storage. The bulbs are placed on the bottom shelf.

But still the best solution will find a place for them with a more suitable temperature regime.

Storing bulbs in winter

If the bulbs are purchased too late or for other reasons, when their planting is already impossible at their natural time, tulips are placed in winter storage.

Depending on the specific conditions and capabilities, there are the following methods for preserving planting material in winter.

Disembarkation in the garden. If you are late in terms of time, and the autumn turned out to be warm and protracted, then you can still try to plant the bulbs in the ground.

When planted at such a late date, they will require additional shelter, and it is better to plant them deeper than usual. For shelter, you can use peat or rotted manure.

As an option for shelter, you can use dry branches on which snow will accumulate well during the winter.

Attention! With this method of preservation, the bulbs will survive the winter, but in the spring they are unlikely to be able to please with abundant flowering.

Storage in the basement of the house or cellar. If the soil is already completely frozen and planting into the garden is impossible, then in winter at home you can try to keep the bulbs in the cellar or basement of the house at temperatures close to zero degrees.

For this purpose, we plant the bulbs in boxes or suitable containers and lower them for further storage. With this method, the bulbs will have time to take root, and the low temperature will slow down their growth, which will make it possible to overexpose them in this state until spring.

In the spring, after the snow melts, they can be planted in the garden. When planting, you need to act carefully and try to preserve as well as possible root system, which in turn will provide an excellent opportunity for their further growth and development.

Interesting! If you use a trellis box for planting in the fall, such as plastic box from under the fruit, then in the spring it can be simply buried along with the sprouted bulbs.

After disembarking for tulips, routine care, consisting of watering, dressing and loosening.

Attention! During winter storage in the house, the bulbs should be periodically examined for fungal diseases. Sick and suspicious specimens should be destroyed to prevent further spread of the disease.

In most cases, each grower has his own proven method of storing tulips, which allows you to keep the planting material in perfect condition and achieve full flowering of tulips.

Your brownie.

(No, be the first)


How to store tulip bulbs before planting - preparation and prerequisites

Any florist who has been breeding bulbs for more than one year knows how to store tulip bulbs before planting.

The seed material of plants of this family is not very resistant to moisture, often suffers from rot and pests, as well as temperature extremes.

Therefore, it is important to observe the terms of extraction, storage conditions, sorting and processing of the material before planting in open ground.

Biological feasibility of excavation

Extracting tulip bulbs from the ground is a biological need for a plant. The old bulb dies off, leaving behind a family of daughter bulbs (babies). Next year, the division process will be repeated, while the conditions for the normal development of tulips will worsen: the lack of nutrition and space will make itself felt. The flowers will grind and begin to degenerate.

The bulbs require good heating in order for the flower bud to take place. If the flowers are not dug up, next year they may lose their decorative effect due to lack of heat.

Digging for the winter allows you to prepare the soil: fertilize, add sand and peat, improve soil fertility, remove weed rhizomes without harming tulips.

If the dug out bulbs are cleaned of the remnants of the scales and the dead ones removed, then the risk of infestation of flowers by pest larvae and fungal diseases can be reduced.

In addition, it is useful to annually treat the planting material with a solution of potassium permanganate or "Fundazol".

Bulbs that are not harvested for the winter deepen over time. From there, it is difficult for a sprout to break through to the surface, there is a lack of heat for the formation of a bud. So digging and preserving tulip bulbs before planting is a good way to speed up the multiplication of valuable varieties.

With some effort and following simple storage rules, it is quite possible to keep tulips at home before planting in the ground.

Tips on how to save planting material

  • When removing from the ground, the bulbs should be handled very carefully so as not to damage them. Violation of the upper protective layer will increase the possibility of infection with fungal diseases.
  • For storage, it is optimal to use a wooden box, since it is difficult to ensure good air circulation in cardboard boxes, moreover, they are damp and can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.
  • To protect against excessive moisture, it is recommended to sprinkle the planting material with sawdust.
  • It is necessary to lay the material in one layer so as not to impair ventilation.
  • If the house has a basement, then the seed can be laid out directly on a dry shelf and the air temperature can be constantly monitored.
  • When breeding bulbs in an apartment, you can place them in wooden boxes and store them on the balcony, controlling the temperature inside the container with a thermometer.
  • For professional cultivation of flowers, a heat chamber is used that maintains the temperature within the required range.
  • In some cases, you can store the material in the lower compartment of the refrigerator, where the temperature ranges from 3 to 5 ° C.

The health and further development of flowers after planting in the ground will depend on how accurately these recommendations are followed.

When to remove the bulbs

The bulb ripens within one month after the tulip blooms. The aboveground parts of the plant at this time begin to die off, from which there is an outflow of useful substances. The scales of the bulb darken, acquiring a brownish tint.

Tulips can be removed when ⅔ of their leaves wilted, and the stem itself softens and turns yellow. For the middle zone of the Russian Federation, this period corresponds to the last decade of July. Tulips can be considered ready to be pulled out of the ground if their stem can be wrapped around a finger.

Don't dig up tulips ahead of time. In this case, the replacement bulbs will not have time to form a protective shell and fully mature, as a result of which they become smaller and are exposed to fungal diseases. Most of such inferior material will not survive to be planted in the ground, and those that have survived should not be expected to bloom well.

It is also undesirable to delay the extraction of the bulbs until the aerial part of the plant is completely dry. In this case, it is sometimes impossible to determine their exact location, and the nests of the bulbs are destroyed, which leads to the loss of a large amount of material.

Preparing the bulbs for storage

The removed nests of the bulbs, without removing the soil and scales, are placed in baskets or other ventilated containers and dried in a dry and warm place for a week. For these purposes, a veranda, a gazebo, a canopy, a ventilated barn will do. In this case, damage to the material by direct sunlight must be avoided.

After a week, the tulip bulbs are cleaned of roots and integumentary scales, rotten or damaged bulbs are removed, and the remaining ones are sorted by size. Minor damage is removed with a sharp knife and washed. Then the planting material is treated with a solution of sodium permanganate or contact fungicides in order to protect it from rot and fungus.

Storage conditions

The most important storage conditions for the material are stable temperature, good ventilation, low humidity and no light. Tulips are best stored in natural wicker baskets, wooden boxes or shelves, paper containers or nets suspended from the ceiling.

The sorted material is laid out in a container in one or two layers. During the next two months, the formation of buds and leaves takes place in the bulbs, therefore, the planting material should be provided with optimal conditions.

  • Humidity should be between 60-70%. Dry air can lead to shrinkage of the fleshy membranes of the bulbs, and excess moisture promotes early germination and reproduction of putrefactive microorganisms. If the material is wrinkled, the air in the storage should be slightly humidified.
  • Ensuring the correct temperature is essential to conserve material. The first three weeks of storage should be kept at a temperature of 25-30⁰ C. The rest of the time - no higher than 15-20 ⁰ С.
  • One of the main storage conditions is to provide ventilation in the storage. Bulbs should not be stored in high-sided plastic containers or plastic bags. In such conditions, the material will not survive until disembarkation.

In conditions of high humidity and unstable temperatures, the bulbs should be inspected regularly. Rotted material should be discarded. The refrigerator is not the best place to store bulbs. Low temperature inhibits the formation of the kidney. The bulb will keep well, but the plant will not flower.

Adult bulbs become smaller from year to year and degenerate, so children should be given maximum attention. They must be stored at a temperature of 20 degrees, inspected and ventilated.

If there is a risk of damage to tulip bulbs by rodents, then it is optimal to store them in nets or stockings suspended from the ceiling.

When is the best time to plant

Unlike other types of ornamental plants, tulips are best planted in autumn. The optimal time for this event is the second and third ten days of September or the first week of November. During this period, the soil at a depth of 15 cm has a temperature of 10 to 13 ° C.

Cooling during this period stimulates the plant to sprout and bud. Bulbous plants cannot bloom without preliminary cooling.

Timely planted material has time to take root and tolerates frost well.

If tulips are planted in the ground after freezing the top layer of the soil, then the planting should be well covered with brushwood, peat or other insulation.

Existing ways of storing bulbs

If they do not have time to plant the material on time, then you can use one of the proposed options for storing the bulbs. The most important condition for winter storage is stratification, otherwise the plant will not give flowers after planting.

Wet sprouting of tulip bulbs is an excellent storage option. To do this, put wet sawdust or high-moor peat in a perforated plastic container. Bulbs are set on it with the bottom down and lightly sprinkled with a substrate. Store containers with tulips in the cellar. Plants sprouted in this way begin to bloom at the usual time.

If tulips are small, they can be stored in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. In this case, each onion should be wrapped in a paper sheet.

A good place to store tulip bulbs is in the basement. In order to create optimal conditions for the plant, it is necessary to sprinkle the material with dry sawdust or sand. Plants planted in spring start blooming later than usual.

If the material is unlikely to survive until spring in the usual way, you can do early forcing, then growing in the open field. Plant the bulbs in containers with ordinary soil from the garden.

Until the first frost, they can be stored on the veranda or balcony, and then covered with plastic and lowered into the cellar. Ventilate once every 2 weeks, moisten the soil as needed.

After sprouting, the containers are exposed to light.

Preparing for landing

Regardless of the planting time, prior to this, pre-processing of the material should be done. It is identical to preparing the bulbs for storage.

Planting material processing includes several stages:

  1. cleaning the bulbs from scales;
  2. inspection and sorting;
  3. disinfection;
  4. processing of material with minor defects.

If the process of preparing tulip bulbs for planting is time-consuming, you can purchase ready-made material in the store that is processed in accordance with all standards. In this case, you need to buy quality bulbs from a reliable large supplier.

Thus, tulips need to be dug up annually and treated accordingly. Proper storage includes drying, warming and disinfecting the plant bulbs, which in turn stimulates the formation of flower buds. Planting material, which has undergone proper storage and processing, gives good flowering and the growth of young bulbs for breeding the variety.

There are different views on the advisability of digging out the bulbs. Some growers recommend removing and drying tulips not every year, but periodically, but the experience of well-known breeders suggests that it is better to do this annually.


How to keep tulip bulbs until spring at home

Tulip bulbs are recommended to be dug up annually after flowering in order to plant them late autumn or early spring. This procedure is necessary for sorting and dressing bulbs, which over time are affected by pests or infections. They can be kept at home until spring.

Digging out planting material helps to preserve the varietal characteristics of tulips, which is especially important for rare and hybrid varieties... In addition, replacement bulbs may become so deep after a few years that it will be difficult to remove them or they will be completely “lost”.

Preparing tulip bulbs for storage at home

The storage preparation procedure takes a certain amount of time:

  • Dug tubers cleared of earth, sorted by grades and sizes, putting them in different containers. The varieties are signed.
  • Large specimens are laid separately, which can be used for forcing.
  • Unbreakable nests split manually.
  • Small children with a diameter of less than 1 cm are discarded - it will take at least 2-3 years to grow them.
  • Dispose of sick and injured.
  • The planting material is etched with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes.
  • Bulbs dry for several days in a well-ventilated room or outdoors under a canopy - they should not be exposed to precipitation and sunlight. When drying, the planting material is laid out in one layer.
  • Once dried, they are sorted out again, the covering scales, the remnants of roots and stems are removed.

At this, the preparation is considered complete, and the tulips are determined for storage until spring.

Preparing for storage after digging

Storage methods until spring

Gardeners use several methods of storing bulbs, depending on living conditions and personal preference. Of course, it is best to plant flowers before winter and cover them with spruce branches, straw, tops or snow, where and leave them until spring.

At winter landing flowers take root better and bloom earlier. But if it is not possible to plant the bulbs in the garden in late autumn, you need to create special conditions so that they remain viable until spring.

Shelter of tulips with spruce branches for the winter

No matter the way a certain temperature regime is required.

In July, the temperature should be + 23 + 25 ° С - this is necessary for laying a flower bud for next year. In the following months, the temperature should drop: in August to + 20 ° С, in September-October to + 15 ° С, in winter, a decrease to + 10 ° С is permissible.

The key to the safety of tulips until spring is dry air. Any dampness will lead to the appearance of mold, the development of fungal infections and rotting of the planting material.

Most often used for storing bulbous plants wooden or plastic boxes... Containers with a lattice bottom or walls are especially good - they will provide good ventilation and will prevent the decay process.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend using: cardboard quickly absorbs moisture from the air and becomes covered with mold, which is dangerous for the bulbs.

The planting material is laid in boxes in two ways:

  1. Pour into prepared boxes sawdust layer, a layer of onions is placed on top. With a large amount of planting material, a layer of sawdust and tulips alternate. The sawdust will act as a hygroscopic material and will pick up excess moisture from the surrounding air.
  2. Every wrapped in newsprint or tissue paper and put in a box.

Preparing the bulbs for wrapping with paper Filling with sawdust

The boxes are installed in a dry, cool, well-ventilated place. Instead of wood or plastic containers some summer residents use fabric bags or nylon tights: tulips are folded in a rag container in small batches and hung from the crossbar.

In a cellar or basement

  • Light neutralized soil is poured into a wooden or plastic box, obtained by mixing garden soil with peat and vermiculite and steamed for an hour in a water bath.
  • Bulbs are planted in the prepared soil, which take root, but do not start growing until spring due to the cool temperature.

Storage in boxes with earth

When storing tulips in a cellar or basement, they need to be protected from rodents - mice will not refuse to eat juicy bulbs.

In an apartment, the most difficult thing is to find a suitable storage space. Some varieties of tulips can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 5 ° С... However, it is more advisable to find a warmer and drier place of detention - it can be an unheated storage room or a glazed loggia.

In any case, the storage location should be away from heating appliances and be protected from drafts.

Storing tulip bulbs in the refrigerator

Examine tulips once a month for signs of disease during the winter. Throw away rotten specimens so that they do not infect healthy bulbs.

Proper preparation of planting material for storage and compliance with the basic requirements will allow you to preserve the bulbs before planting with virtually no loss. All efforts will be rewarded in spring, when bright, cheerful tulips bloom in the flowerbed or garden bed.


Storage of tulip bulbs until autumn, spring

Some growers believe that it is not necessary to dig up flower bulbs, but most of them are inclined to believe that it is necessary to do this. Thanks to this procedure, plants will reproduce better.

Almost all growers are looking for new information on how and under what conditions to save tulip bulbs, how to prepare them for this. Lovers of these plants are ready to share all the innovations with like-minded people, but there are time-tested methods that have not ceased to be used to this day.

This stage is one of the preparatory ones. It is important to choose the right time for him. You can save tulip bulbs after they bloom if you know how and when to dig up the kernels.

Tulips need proper care when they are finished blooming. First, you need to remove the remnants of the color itself when the petals fall off.

This is to prevent the formation of seeds, which, in fact, are not suitable for reproduction, and at the same time take away the strength from the bulbs.

Even if the green leaves of the plant have withered a little, they must be left after flowering, because they feed future planting material. When the yellowness covers 2/3 of the length of the entire leaf, it's time to dig up the kernels.

The exact date of when this will happen is almost impossible to predict, because it depends on the variety, climate, area where tulips grow.

In this regard, it is necessary to be guided only by the state of the plant itself.

If the flowers are bred for sale, and the soil needs to be cleared quickly, future planting material can be removed immediately, but in this case there is a risk that the next harvests will be weaker and more painful.

To avoid infection and rotting of the kernels, you should not expect the plant to completely die out after flowering. This is fraught with chipping off parts of the onion, and it will be much more difficult to collect the kernels themselves during the digging process.

As a rule, the latter falls on June or July.

This is one of important milestones storage. It is important to consider keeping the bulbs clean. They must be freed from excess roots, removed the leaves and be sure to dry.

Before moving the planting material to the place where it will be located, it must be decomposed, preferably in one layer, in a container. It is necessary to provide him with ventilation and shade. Move the container to air.

Dry bulbs can be easily cleaned from scales, earth residues, roots. Sticky kernels must be separated on their own.

Many growers believe that the planting material should be etched using a manganese solution after digging. In their opinion, this procedure must be carried out if it is necessary to preserve the tulip bulbs until spring, because the manganese solution will protect them from decay, various diseases and pests. In addition, future flowers need manganese.

With prolonged winter storage planting material can rot, so it is important to regularly examine it. If you find sick or damaged specimens, you do not need to store them until spring. Dispose of them immediately before they have infected the rest of the bulbs.

This approach will allow you to achieve high yields of healthy tulips.

Disruption of the process can lead to the fact that you will not achieve desired result from planting flowers.

  • You need to dig out the kernels very carefully so as not to damage them. Otherwise, they may be too vulnerable to fungal and other diseases;
  • It is necessary to place the kernels in a regular box. It is not worth using cardboard containers, because it can get wet, which will lead to mold or decay of the planting material;
  • So that the kernels do not absorb too much moisture, they should be shifted with sawdust;
  • The planting material will be preserved intact by wrapping it in paper (for example, in a newspaper);
  • If you live in a private house, you can choose a basement as a place where he will stay. In this case, be careful about the temperature in it.

If you have the financial ability, you can purchase a heat chamber that is designed for these needs.

In the container where the kernels will be at home, a special hole should be made for a thermometer in order to be able to control the temperature. In the apartment, you can send a container with planting material to the balcony. Experienced growers recommend planting bulbs in special baskets.

This will make it easy to place them anywhere in your garden. Dug kernels from tulips that have already wilted, sort and group them by varieties, sizes. It is better to discard the diseased and weak nuclei immediately.

This is very important criterion because it's not just preparation that's important during storage.

When choosing, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  • The place should not be too humid so that the kernels do not grow moldy;
  • You should not choose rooms in which it is too warm - until autumn or spring (depending on which season you are going to plant them), the bulbs can dry out and become unsuitable for planting;
  • The optimum temperature for the place where the container with the planting material will be located is about 25 degrees. If this condition is not met, instead of flowers, only leaves may sprout, or there will be no flower harvest at all.

In the second half of summer, especially in August, the temperature must be lowered, and it should be about 20 degrees. To properly store the kernels, you need to provide a temperature of 15 degrees in September. A number of tulip varieties are kept by plant breeders in the refrigerator at a temperature of 3-5 degrees. However the best option for all bulbs, the temperature conditions indicated above are used.

Even if you do not have a special thermal camera, you can pick up any of the premises of your apartment or house. It may even be a pantry, but it is important that this room is ventilated, then you can grow healthy and beautiful flowers in the future.

There are two main ways to do this.

It consists in the fact that the flowers are wrapped in wet paper and sent to the refrigerator. They need to be folded so that the tulip buds do not touch. In this case, the temperature in the refrigerator should not be higher than 3 degrees, and the humidity should be high.

Try to isolate flowers from vegetables, fruits, which can contribute to the fact that cut flowers will fade.

The best storage option involves placing flowers in a box, the inner surfaces of which are covered with paraffin. It will allow plants to retain moisture for a long time. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to preserve them for 2 weeks, while their aesthetic properties will not be lost.

This method uses water. Flowers are stored in a vase or other vessel, if one is not at hand.

Usually, having received tulips as a gift, many simply put them in the water, but there are secrets that will help prolong their stay in your home:

  • If you notice that the cut in plants is not oblique, make it yourself with a knife or scissors. Scratch the bottom of the leg so that through the resulting hole the plants are enriched with water all the time;
  • Add a few drops of manganese solution to the vase. You can replace it with a piece of regular coal;
  • Feed the plants with sugar solution (3%);
  • Add a tablet "Aspirin" or vinegar (1 tbsp. L / 1 l of water) to the water;
  • Another tip with which you can keep cut tulips at home for as long as possible.

Remember to change the water every day. It should be cold to the point of containing ice pieces. Even cut flowers continue to grow, so prune the stems periodically. Place the vase in a bright spot. Make sure that there are no drafts in the place where it is located.

If you want tulips to last longer in water, do not put roses, daffodils, lilies of the valley, lilies, orchids, poppies, carnations in the same vase with them, no matter how you like such an ensemble.