All about ondulin. Ondulin: arguments for and against a well-known brand

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Ondulin - known to all roofing material who came to us from Europe. Its homeland is France, from where it was distributed and reached us. Due to the low cost, in comparison with other analogues, ease of installation, it quickly gained popularity and is still in demand today. For a certain resemblance to ordinary slate, it is also called bituminous slate. After watching the photo and video of ondulin, you can get acquainted with its appearance in detail.


This material is an environmentally friendly product. It is harmless to both humans and environment because it is made only from natural ingredients. It includes:

  • cellulose;
  • resin;
  • bitumen;
  • mineral fillers;
  • pigments.

Technical characteristics of ondulin

Opportunities to operate Ondulin for a long time contribute to its specifications:

  • the ability to withstand contact with chemical components (alkalis, acids, refined products);
  • resistance to mechanical loads - per 1 m² up to 960 kg;
  • excellent water resistance.

Ondulin sheet weighs 6.5 kg, sheets of this roofing material have the following standard dimensions:

  • along the length - 2,000 mm;
  • in width - 960 mm;
  • in thickness - 3 mm;
  • wave in height - 36 mm.

Among the parameters that adversely affect the operational capabilities of the material, one can note the fire safety class - KM5. The material may catch fire at temperatures above 230 ° C, because of this, Ondulin cannot be used in medical facilities. However, do not be afraid that the roof will start to burn from the ingress of ignited objects on it. Ondulin can catch fire only from the side of the cut, the surface of the sheets does not light up.

The first thing that interests any buyer when choosing a roofing material is its durability. Because no one will cover the roof every year, manufacturers give a guarantee of 15 years, but it has actually been proven that, thanks to the technical characteristics of ondulin, it can last up to 50 years.

At very low temperatures becomes brittle, and at too high softens. However, these properties of ondulin are not a big drawback, since they are easily leveled. A crate with a more frequent step is needed and the strength of the sheets will be guaranteed. It is fastened like a regular slate with roofing nails. For aesthetic appearance nails are purchased with hats the same color as ondulin. After installation, this building material holds very tightly and calmly endures strong winds.


The weight of the ondulin sheet is not large, so transportation and installation will not cause any special problems. Due to its lightness, often, it is laid directly on top of the old coating. Also, this material is very flexible, which is another advantage of ondulin.

Big choice color palette allows you to easily select the desired color. Coloring materials impregnate ondulin in the process of manufacturing sheets, therefore, under the influence of sunlight, the paint will not fade quickly. But, even if this happens, the ondulin roof can be repainted.

In terms of fire resistance, this roofing material is not in the first place. However, this does not mean that it is highly flammable. Its ignition temperature ranges from 230 to 300 degrees. In the natural environment, such temperatures do not exist, so you should not pay close attention to this fact. The only caveat may apply to buildings that have increased requirements for fire safety(kindergarten, school, etc.).


Ondulin has practically no drawbacks, but, nevertheless, some features should be clarified. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the color fades, but this is fixable regular painting. Availability bad smell bitumen during extreme heat. There are roofing materials whose durability is much greater than that of ondulin, however, the price of such a roof will be much more expensive.

You can list and compare endlessly, but there are main indicator qualities - reviews about ondulin of the people who used it. According to numerous positive reviews, it becomes clear that this roofing material has an undeniable advantage over other similar materials. Yes, in some respects it is inferior to others, but, if taken as a whole: cost, durability, complexity of installation and other characteristics, everyone agrees that ondulin is the best option for the roof.


Many people who are far from construction are wondering what ondulin is. Since this new word is constantly being heard, he attracts a lot of attention as interested in modern technologies specialists and curious homeowners.

In fact, the term "ondulin" means modern look roofing material based on cellulose and bitumen, the coating of which reliably protects the roof from precipitation and adverse weather events for many years. In this article, we will tell you what ondulin is made of, how much it costs, what types of this material are produced, and where they are used.

Ondulin is a modern, technologically advanced roofing material that creates a stable, moisture-resistant coating. It is a product and trademark of the French company Onduline, which started its production over 70 years ago.

This roofing covering, which is made on the basis of cellulose impregnated with refined bitumen, entered the Russian market only 10-15 years ago, after which it earned the trust of professional roofers and developers. Currently, the following types of this material are distinguished:

  • Ondulin

The classic ondulin coating is a rectangular sheet with a wavy profile, the size of which is 200x950 cm. It has high moisture-proof properties, light weight and a guaranteed service life of 15 years.

Installation of a classic ondulin is carried out in the same way as laying a traditional slate. The wave height of this material is 36 mm and the thickness of the sheet is 3 mm. The cost of 1 m2 of such a roof will be 300-350 rubles.

The product of the collaboration of the French company "Onduline" and Italian designers. This roofing material is a symbiosis. Onduvilla is a cut strip of corrugation, the wave height of which is 36 mm, 40 cm wide, 104-106 cm long.

Onduvilla is laid in tiers with a slight overlap, its waves imitate ceramic tiles in mediterranean style. Such a coating with an area of ​​​​1 m2 weighs only 4 kg. Onduvilla costs from 410 rubles for 1 square meter.

Onduvilla - a mixture of tiles and ondulina.

By adding natural pigments, the material is dyed in the desired colors. Standard colors include black, brown, green and red.

Ondulin coating tends to fade under the action of ultraviolet rays, and the destruction of the pigment occurs unevenly. To update the color of the roof, a primer is applied to it, and then painted.

Interesting! Initially, ondulin roofing material was developed as a means for repairing a roof made of metal or tiles, which does not require the dismantling of the structure. Lightness and excellent moisture-proof properties made it possible to lay this material on top of the old roofing cake. During operation, it began to be used to cover roofs on its own.

Production process

Light weight, moisture-proof properties and simplicity are explained by the characteristics of the substances of which it is composed. He, like onduvilla, is produced from their environmentally friendly, safe for health components, which cannot be said about.

The composition includes waste from the cellulose industry, petroleum bitumen, polymer resins, natural pigments, modifiers. In the production process, ondulin coating and onduvilla successively go through 5 stages:

  1. The first stage in the manufacture of this roofing material is called wet, since during it waste paper, cleaned of impurities or debris, is mixed with water, obtaining a wet paper pulp, which is called pulp.
  2. The next phase of production is called drying. During it, the prepared pulp is fed to the conveyor, where it is given a wavy shape, and then dried.
  3. Completely dried sheets are cut according to standard sizes material, after which they are sent to the impregnation shop.
  4. Sheets of roofing material are impregnated with oil bitumen on both sides under the influence of high temperature and pressure.
  5. Onduvilla are stacked on pallets and then wrapped with shrink film to prevent mechanical and weather effects on the material during transportation or storage.

The conveyor for the production of this roofing material releases one finished sheet in 4 seconds. Ondulin from the moment the pulp is fed to the conveyor to packaging is produced within 45 minutes. During the manufacturing process, all components that make up the coating are checked for compliance with safety requirements. Thanks to strict quality control, it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly materials.


Ondulin is used to repair the roof, lay a new coating, as a lining for ceramic tiles or to create fences and water-repellent screens. The coating of this material has a guaranteed service life of 15 years, however, according to the reviews of professional roofers, it reliably serves at least 30-50 years.

Light weight, affordable cost, moisture-repellent properties and resistance to biological factors of destruction make ondulin indispensable in private housing construction. The technical characteristics of this material meet high standards:

  • The breaking load of roofs covered with ondulin is at least 960 kgf / m2, while not the sheet itself is destroyed, but the crate or truss frame.
  • The modulus of elasticity of the material is 3.940-8.160 kgf/m2, due to which the sheet has high flexibility.
  • The material can withstand temperatures up to 110 degrees without deforming, without losing elasticity, rigidity.
  • The noise reduction level of ondulin is 40 dB, which allows you to accept this material without additional sound insulation.
  • The thermal conductivity coefficient of ondulin is 0.19 kcal/mchos. The thermal conductivity of this material is much lower than that of, so that the roof does not heat up so much under the influence of the sun.
  • This roofing material without loss mechanical strength, moisture resistance withstands at least 25 cycles of freezing and thawing, this explains the long service life of roofs coated with ondulin.

Note! Ondulin and onduvilla are combustible roofing materials, since the components that make up the composition do not have fire protection. To increase fire safety, manufacturers do not recommend the use of such a coating for roofs through which chimney pipes of solid fuel stoves or fireplaces are removed. To prevent fire, it is necessary to equip the pipe passage with a fire-resistant box, as well as install a sheet metal spark arrester.

Video instruction


Most people, even those who do not know anything about construction, have general idea about ondulin: for some it is a building material, for others it is a roofing. However, knowledge of its characteristics and unique properties sometimes even experts can not boast. So, why is this material attractive to developers?

Brief description of ondulin

Ondulin is modern material used for laying roofing, which combines properties such as lightness and strength at the same time. With a manufacturing guarantee of 15 years, it has been in excellent use for about 50 years. Ondulin sheets are made without the addition of asbestos, which is part of ordinary slate and adversely affects people's health.

In addition, developers who do not have an idea of ​​what ondulin is made of are amazed at its ability to withstand any climatic conditions, for example, when used in regions where there is extreme heat or, conversely, severe frosts.

The correct installation of the lathing is of great importance, since such a design gives the roofing additional properties - it copes well with snow load, as well as with a hurricane wind speed of 53 m / s. All the above data are confirmed by scientists from America and the UK.

Advantages of ondulin roof installation

Among undeniable advantages material is distinguished:

  • The ability of low water absorption, due to which the necessary microclimate is always maintained in the under-roof space, and the sheets, in case of temperature drop to 0 degrees, remain in the same form.
  • The presence of good resistance to weather changes in the form of rain, snow, wind and other climatic influences.
  • An obstacle to the formation of fungus and bacteria.
  • The presence of protective properties against the effects of acids, alkalis, industrial gases and other chemical reactions.
  • Use in production of harmless components. The ondulin composition includes environmentally friendly raw materials, so the output is a product that is safe for surrounding creatures.

With long-term operation (7-10 years), the coating may lose its brightness and attractiveness, then it is enough to paint it in desired color. However, before applying acrylic, vinyl or epoxy-vinyl paint, surface preparation is carried out - priming the coating.

To install the roof, any analogue of ondulin can also be used, for example, transparent ondulin, which is also called. Installation and repair of ondulin, as well as its analogue materials, in general, is carried out in the same way as working with slate, the difference is possible only in the characteristics source materials and their composition.

Features of the composition of ondulin, its production technology

For many developers, the question of what ondulin is made of is important, and what properties other components have. Waste paper, bitumen and a large number of mineral components are used in the production of roofing material. On the preliminary stage All of the above are carefully checked for compliance with quality requirements.

During the first “wet” stage, waste paper is cleaned of debris and converted into paper pulp, which will become the basis of the future coating. The second stage consists in processing the resulting pulp - it is lowered onto the conveyor, where, under the action of machines, it is given a wavy shape and thoroughly dried.

Dry blanks are cut into sheets of the required length and impregnated with bitumen in a special workshop and formed into pallets that take into account.

After staining, the material is again impregnated with a layer of bitumen - the presence of this stage makes the ondulin manufacturing technology unique, unlike the manufacture of its analogues. Upper layer bitumen protects against paint fading.

At the final stage, ondulin sheets are packed, ondulin films are wound on top of them to prevent mechanical damage during transportation.

In 4 seconds, the conveyor processes 1 sheet, and the material goes through all stages in about 45 minutes.

The main components that make up ondulin

With a detailed examination of the components of which ondulin consists, the following list can be presented:

  • processed cellulose fiber;
  • deeply refined bitumen;
  • mineral filler;
  • resins.

Concerning technical parameters, then:

  • ondulin length 2 m;
  • sheet width 0.95 m;
  • total thickness about 3 mm;
  • wave height - 36 mm.

Due to its low weight (only 6.5 kg), this roofing is easy to transport and install.

The special physical and mechanical properties in general create a high-quality material that has no analogues on the market:

  • The level of destruction of the onduline roof is 960 kgf/sq. m., despite the fact that it is not the sheet itself that is destroyed, but its base ().
  • With maximum thermal resistance, the material completely retains its qualities and shape.
  • When the ambient temperature changes, only a slight change in the thermal conductivity of the coating is observed, for example, with jumps in the thermometer mark from 35 degrees to 40 degrees and then to 50 degrees, it will be 0.19 Kcal/mhoS, 0.20 Kcal/mhoS and 0.195 Kcal/mhoS, respectively.
  • Sound insulation is 40 dB.
  • The appearance and structure of the material does not change even after 25 freeze and thaw cycles.

Where can ondulin be used

Ondulin is used in the installation of the roof of private houses and cottages. Lightweight material can be laid directly on top of the old flooring. Since the load is minimal, you do not have to worry about additional reinforcement truss system. This technology allows you to work without opening the roof, thereby protecting interior spaces from atmospheric influence.

Attractive appearance, ease of installation, flexibility of the material - this is just a small list of the advantages of this roofing, in addition to which ondulin can be painted in any color. All this makes it possible to use the material not only in the construction of residential buildings, but also in trade facilities, cafes, entertainment clubs and other buildings of a similar purpose. Note that all commercial prefabricated buildings can be light onduline roofing.

High level plasticity coating sheets are successfully used in construction. Any curved plane with a radius of curvature greater than 5 m can be coated with this material.

For those who prefer tiles when laying the roof, ondulin is offered. soft tiles, obtained using a special technology for mounting the material, outwardly quite similar to a tiled coating.

Environmental friendliness and quality of the components that make up ondulin, the possibility of using in different areas construction - all this serves as a kind of guarantee of the reliability of the material presented. For most developers with experience with different roofing, ondulin is unique (read: "").

The first sales of Ondulin roofing material occurred in the early 2000s. Now is the time to evaluate how the service life declared by the manufacturer corresponds to reality.

Roofing sheets, which are known to everyone as "Euroslate", have become widely used in Russia in the last decade. But under this name, buyers combine products different manufacturers. In particular, Korrubit is produced by the Turkish company VTM.

Euroslate Ondura has been successfully used on rooftops around the world for over 40 years. Ondura corrugated sheets have quite a few advantages over other roofing materials.

The Belgian company ATAB is subsidiary concern IKO and for more than a century has been producing construction waterproofing materials. Among other items at ASBO ATAB plants, Aqualine corrugated roofing material is produced.

The question, in fact, is not an idle one, since at first glance it is difficult to understand how the Euroslate of different brands, which are presented on the modern market of roofing materials, differs.

Material deficiencies identified by homeowners

House covered by Ondulin

When talking about any material, they always begin with its merits, and we will begin with its shortcomings. And first of all, with consumer properties, which can be noticed even by a person not connected with construction.

We conclude this section with the opinion of roofing experts who believe that the cost of the material is not only the price per sheet, but takes into account all the total costs, including lathing, installation, and the life of the roofing. If you make a full recalculation, then the same roof, covered with Ondulin and a metal seam with a Pural coating, will cost a quarter more than a seam roof.
Since the disadvantages of a material are always a continuation of its advantages, in the following sections we will see how these advantages are actually determined.

Some technical data about the production process

All properties of the material are determined by the method of its manufacture. If you understand in detail, then ondulin - what is it? The base is cellulose or cardboard, as it is contemptuously called on construction forums. During the production process, the cellulose base is impregnated complex composition from bitumen, resin and mineral additives.

Briefly, the production process is as follows:

  • Waste paper is cleaned of debris, crushed and poured with a special solution to make the mixture homogeneous.
  • The mixture or pulp goes through a molding process, when a wavy web is formed from it by pressing, and then dried.
  • After drying, the canvas is dyed with mineral dyes and then impregnated with bitumen under pressure.
  • Next, the canvases are cut into sheets and sent for another drying, after which the sheets are ready for work.

A report on the production process can be viewed on the video:

Russian-made Ondulin has been produced since July 2008 at a factory in Nizhny Novgorod. The cost of Ondulin per square meter is significantly higher than the cost of asbestos-cement slate, slightly lower than metal tiles and significantly lower than bituminous tiles.

How much Ondulin costs in retail prices depends on the cost of oil as a raw material for the production of bitumen, transport and storage costs of the manufacturer and the market situation in the region of sale.

But, regardless of the price of the material, there is one subtlety that was noticed by those who have been involved in roofs for a long time: earlier, the manufacturer declared a useful life of 30 years, and now it is half as much. Considerations were expressed that this was due to the lower quality of domestic material, as well as the fact that buildings covered with ondulin did not stand in Europe for 30 years, but in our country - easily. And to protect themselves from claims, the manufacturer has reduced the warranty period. But representatives of the Russian factory claim that the production of Ondulin is the same at all enterprises of the company: in Russia, and in France, and in Poland. Regarding the 15-year warranty period, the manufacturer's explanations were as follows: 15 years is a guarantee of the material's water resistance, and Ondulin's service life is up to 50 years. It is difficult to say how to respond to such answers, since a roof that has lost its water tightness is considered to have lost its technical characteristics. Those who wish to clarify this statement are sent for an answer to the manufacturer.

But, in what, of course, it makes sense to agree with the representatives of the factory, this is that installation errors significantly reduce useful life material use. The most common of them are presented in the next section.

Common installation errors