DIY bath restoration for beginners. Ways to restore the bath at home

- a durable, wear-resistant and impact-resistant sanitary ware that has been used as a washing container for hundreds of years. In the past, bowls made from this difficult-to-machine heavy alloy have had no viable alternative. But even now, when hardware stores are full of more modern and diverse steel and acrylic models, they continue to be in demand.

The popularity of the cast-iron bath is due to the fact that despite the rather high cost, it has a long service life and maintainability. After 10-15 years of operation, when the enamel turns yellow or cracks, in order to restore the original appearance of the product with your own hands, it is enough to cover the bowl with a new layer of paint.

Features of cast iron baths

Cast iron bathtubs are considered the most popular, as they have a long service life, wear and impact resistance, and also do not require special care. These sanitary products are produced by casting.

Cast iron is a material that is very difficult to process, because for all its hardness and high weight, it has increased brittleness. The greatest difficulty is giving the alloy a rounded, curved shape, so the size and model range of bowls from it is not so diverse. The advantages of a cast iron bath are:

  • wear resistance. Cast iron wash basins can withstand more than 50 years of intensive use without compromising the strength of the product. The enamel fails a little earlier, however, if you repair the bathtub with your own in time, you can completely restore the appearance of the coating.
  • Low noise. The thickness of the walls of the cast-iron bath reaches 8 mm, so they have a low resonating ability. Therefore, when collecting water, there is no strong noise, unlike steel models.
  • Maintainability. Cast iron bath enamel, generated during operation, can be restored with your own hands. Repairs are done by enameling, pouring with acrylic or installing an acrylic liner.
  • slow cooling. Cast iron is characterized by a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, due to which the water collected in the bath of this alloy retains heat for a long time.

Important! Modern models of cast iron washing containers are enameled by electrostatic method. Under production conditions, powder paint is applied to the bath, which is melted under the influence of high temperature and then baked. High-quality factory enamel lasts for at least 10 years, if you follow the recommendations for the care and use of the product. When chips appear on the old coating, you can repair the enamel with your own hands.

Enamel damage

Enamel applied to the surface of a cast-iron bath in the factory is considered to be sufficiently wear-resistant and reliable; after 10-15 years of use, even if all the manufacturer's recommendations are followed, it will lose its original appearance.

To restore the top coating, you can repair the bowl yourself by applying new paint. Over time, the following defects appear on the inner surface of the bath:

Note! If minor defects appear on the surface of the enamel coating, then it is better to immediately perform an inexpensive but effective repair - enameling the bath at home. Timely restoration allows you to delay a more global method of restoration using an acrylic liner.

enamel technology

The technology of enameling a cast-iron bath at home differs from the factory one, since special equipment is used in production. Covering the inner surface of a sanitary bowl consists of 4 main stages: preparing the container, mixing the compound, applying paint and drying.

Each of these processes is important, the stability and durability of the result depends on the correctness of the operations. To make repairs to the bath cover with your own hands, you must:

Please note that the repair of the bowl is best done using a special enamel designed to restore bathtubs. Some painters recommend using cheaper paint for yachts and sailboats, however, it will not last as long.

Technology features

Do-it-yourself enameling repair of a cast-iron bathtub is a simple and effective way to restore the appearance of the product. With minimal financial investment, it allows you to refuse to replace the old washing container, reducing the cost of repairing the bathroom.

This operation can be successfully performed with your own hands, if you follow the technology of applying enamel. Enamel technology at home has the following features:

Experienced craftsmen claim that this method of restoring a cast-iron bath has only 1 drawback - the drying time. However, this small minus is offset by an inexpensive price, ease of application and durability of the result.

Video instruction

Despite the emergence and active use of modern materials for the manufacture of sanitary equipment, the popularity of cast-iron bathtubs still remains at a fairly high level. These heavy, unwieldy products easily bypass the more diverse acrylic and steel models in shape and color due to their performance characteristics.

In addition to low thermal conductivity, high strength and durability, they are famous for their maintainability, because of which an old cast iron bath can be easily updated with affordable materials. In this article, we will tell you how to restore a cast-iron bathtub, without any hassle, returning it to its original cleanliness, smoothness and shine.

Features of the restoration of cast iron bathtubs

A cast-iron bathtub is a practical and durable plumbing fixture with a long service life, good strength properties and significant weight, which, depending on the size of the model, can reach up to 500-600 kg. The cast iron itself is black, while the enamel gives the white color to the product, on the surface of which minor damage, cracks, and color changes occur during operation.

Cast iron bath restoration has the following features:

  • The wall thickness of the cast iron washing container is 0.6-0.8 cm, so models made of this material are considered more maintainable in comparison with thin-walled steel products. Restoration of a cast-iron bathtub is possible even with fairly deep damage.
  • The service life of high-quality cast iron plumbing equipment exceeds 50 years, but the enamel coating on the inside of the bowl wears out much earlier. If you restore the enamel, the restored appliance will be almost like new, so do-it-yourself restoration of a cast-iron bathtub is cost-effective.

Note! High-quality cast-iron models of bathtubs are quite expensive, for a roomy product 160-170 cm long you will have to pay at least 20 thousand, and corner bowls are several times more expensive. Therefore, do not rush to throw away the old bath, it is better to restore its attractive appearance with the help of restoration.

Common Damage

Before you restore the bath, you need to figure out what damage is typical for cast-iron models, and also because of what they occur. Every experienced craftsman will say that the most vulnerable spot of cast iron products is enamel, which loses its original appearance over time. The most common damage to cast iron wash basins is:

Please note that before restoring a cast-iron bathtub, it is necessary to carefully assess its condition, note all existing defects, and then choose the best method and material with which it is best to restore. will not succeed if there are through damages on it.


When people are wondering how to restore a cast iron bath at home, the first thing that comes to mind is re-enamelling the tank from the inside. This is a rather complicated, time-consuming and painstaking process that allows you to update the product without serious costs. For re-enamelling, moisture-resistant epoxy enamel is used, which gives a stable, long-lasting result, subject to the technology of use:

Important! Complete polymerization and hardening of epoxy enamel occurs within 5-7 days, during which it is impossible to use the bath. In addition, during the restoration of the washing container in this way, a sharp, chemical smell is released, so you can only work in a respirator.

Restoration with liquid acrylic

You can quickly and effectively repair a cast-iron bath at home using liquid acrylic. Thanks to the unique texture and consistency of this advanced polymer, the restoration of the enamel layer is faster and easier than with epoxy enamel. Acrylic compounds consist of 2 components - directly acrylic and hardener. The ingredients of the mixture are combined, and then thoroughly mixed until a fluid, plastic mass is obtained. Restoration of cast iron products occurs as follows:

Important! In order for a restored cast iron plumbing fixture to last longer, it is necessary to follow the acrylic drying technology. The polymerization of this polymer lasts 36-48 hours, during which the contact of the coating with water or dust should be limited.

Repair with acrylic liner

If the surface of the cast iron washing container is in a state of neglect, if most of the enamel surface is damaged, it is problematic to repair it with epoxy enamel or liquid acrylic. To restore the appearance of heavily damaged products, a more radical method is used - the installation of an acrylic liner. In this case, the restoration proceeds as follows:

Remember that the cost of an acrylic liner for a cast iron bathtub is higher than restoring an old cast iron bowl with liquid acrylic or epoxy enamel. But the use of the tab allows you to repair products with through holes, with a badly damaged surface.

Video instruction

Ecology of knowledge. Manor: Restoration of a cast-iron bathtub can give an effect no less qualitative than it would be when replacing an old bathtub with a new one. Let's take a closer look at how to update an old bath and why you should do it.

After a long service life of plumbing, the question arises “how to update the bath so that it becomes beautiful, clean and durable again?”

The simplest solution to the problem is to purchase new equipment. Naturally, this option will save energy, but its implementation will negatively affect the budget. A worthy alternative would be to update the surface of the bathtub yourself.
To do this, it is enough to understand the basic methods of carrying out the procedure and purchase the necessary material for repair.

Choosing a restoration method

How to update an old bath with your own hands? To do this, you can use one of the methods: restoration of enamel, installation of an acrylic liner or filling with liquid acrylic.

Before giving preference to one of the restoration methods and getting to work, you should assess the condition of the product itself. The choice of repair method depends on the degree and type of damage.

The main reasons for the restoration of the bath:

  • The enamel lost its luster, became dull, rough, dark spots appeared, the paint peeled off. Re-enamelling the surface will help solve this problem.
  • Rust has appeared on the product, which cannot be removed, cracks, chips have formed. An acrylic liner or restoration using the "filling bath" technique can repair the damage.
  • The steel bath began to cool quickly, a strong noise of pouring water was heard. You can update such a product only by installing an acrylic liner.
  • Strong deformations of the bath body, large chips and cracks, mismatch of new pipes with drain holes. In such a situation, there will be only one way out - the replacement of equipment.

    No restoration technique is able to restore the aesthetics and functionality of the bath.

Of course, the choice of method is also based on the material from which the product is made. Acrylic bathtubs lend themselves perfectly to repair.

With the help of a special polish, scratches and minor defects can be removed. And liquid acrylic and special repair compounds can eliminate even such serious damage as chips and through holes.

Renewal of steel and cast iron baths is carried out according to one of the above methods, depending on the extent of the damage. Repair is especially relevant for cast iron structures, as they have a long service life, while remaining very durable.

Bathtub enameling

The enameling process is a fairly simple procedure that allows you to update the appearance of the product. From a financial point of view, this method is considered the cheapest.

In addition, during restoration, you can significantly save on the services of masters, since even a person who has not done this before can even enamel a bathtub himself.

Preparation for enameling

Before directly coating the bath with a new layer of enamel, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Their goal is to create a surface that provides the best possible adhesion of the two materials.

Initially, you need to clean the bath from the old enamel. To do this, its surface should be carefully cleaned with an abrasive stone, sandpaper or grinder using a cleaning powder.

Then the abrasive crumb and soap film must be washed off with water. It is important to expand all cracks and chips with a working tool. After that, the surface must be degreased.

To remove the degreasing layer, hot water can be poured into the bath and left for 5-10 minutes, then drained and wiped with a cloth. The result of the preparatory work should be a dry, smooth and slightly matte surface.

Before you update the bath by applying enamel, you need to unscrew the drain and overflow, remove the gaskets, and clean the product from dust with a vacuum cleaner.

Enameling process

In a container, you need to dilute the enamel by mixing the base with a hardener. Apply the composition with a brush from the edges to the bottom of the bath. The first layer is a primer, it is important to carefully level it with alternating vertical and horizontal movements.

The second layer, and if necessary, subsequent ones, are applied after 10-15 minutes in a similar way.

Surface painting work must be carried out as carefully as possible. Its service life depends on the quality of enamel application.

If bubbles form on the surface during the restoration process, they must be removed with a brush. Otherwise, in this place a new layer will depart immediately after drying.

After completing the enameling procedure, you should check the condition of the product after 15 minutes. The smudges formed on the coating are easily removed with a brush moving from the bottom up. After complete drying of the new enamel, which will take at least 4 days, the product can be safely used.

An updated bathtub can last about 5 years with strict observance of the rules of operation.

Renovated bathroom care

After the restoration of the product, you should follow the recommendations for caring for it, since updating the bath is only half the battle. Neglecting the rules, the new coating will very quickly fail and lose its original appearance.

After enameling, the bathtub must not be cleaned with products containing acid, aggressive chemical compounds. For this purpose, you can use soap solutions, dishwashing detergents.

Do not wash in a bath with bleach, it is highly undesirable to soak colored laundry in it.

Bathtub restoration with liquid acrylic

Liquid acrylic is a modern restorative material that allows not only to eliminate aesthetic defects, but also serious damage. This technology has a number of significant advantages.

In order to update an old bathtub with acrylic, special skills are not required, it is enough to follow the instructions. The newly created coating is very durable, able to withstand even mechanical stress.

The water in the updated bath will cool more slowly than in the cast iron structure.

Acrylic does not change its appearance over time, the coating does not darken, remains resistant to detergents containing aggressive chemical compounds.

The service life of a refurbished product can reach 10 years or more. At the same time, aesthetic and practical qualities are fully preserved.

Preparing to create a new coating

Do-it-yourself renovation of the bathtub with acrylic should begin with its preparation. Stubborn dirt and lime deposits must be removed by thoroughly rinsing the product with cleaning agents.

To degrease the surface, you can clean it with soda.

After that, you will need to twist the lining on the drain hole and on the overflow and clean the bath cover with sandpaper.

This will help remove rust and loose old enamel.

If the bath has already been restored by enameling, you will have to remove the old coating.

After that, the surface must be thoroughly rinsed. It is recommended to heat the material to be restored by pouring hot water into the bath. After 5-10 minutes, you can dry the surface, this can be done easily with a building hair dryer.

For work, you will need a small container with a volume of 1.5 liters, from which acrylic will be poured onto the bath. You also need to prepare a wooden stick, which will be needed to mix the components of the solution, rubber gloves and a spatula.

A container must be placed under the drain hole, the remains of acrylic will drain into it, and the tiles at the edges of the bath must be sealed with masking tape.

acrylic pouring process

After completion of the preparatory stage of work, it is necessary to prepare liquid acrylic by thoroughly mixing the hardener with the polymer base. It is very important to strictly follow the instructions in order to get a quality result.

It is quite possible to cover the bathroom with acrylic on your own. The process itself is a uniform pouring of the finished mixture onto the surface of the product. For convenience, you need to use a small pre-prepared container.

Having finished the first circle, you need to start the second one, starting from the middle of the sides of the bath. The result should be a thick layer on the bottom, which will need to be leveled with a spatula towards the drain hole. Excess acrylic will thus be removed.

It is highly undesirable to touch the sides of the bathtub with a spatula. If sagging has formed on the surface, they will be removed by themselves. Any impact on the new coating will lead to a violation of its integrity.

After finishing work, the bath must be left so that the surface is completely dry. This will take at least a day, the exact time is indicated on the acrylic packaging. The final stage is the installation of a drain siphon and overflow, removal of masking tape from the walls.

To get a snow-white, even and durable surface, it is enough to update the bathtub with liquid acrylic. The new coating will have excellent adhesion and a long service life.

Acrylic liner

How to update the bathroom quickly and easily? A great way is restoration with an acrylic liner. The main disadvantage of this method is its price, which will be higher than repairing equipment in another way.

First you need to take measurements from your bath and purchase a ready-made liner in a specialized store. Inserts have standard parameters, but are also made to order.

The primary characteristics of acrylic are its strength, tightness, resistance to high temperatures, and environmental friendliness.

It is easy to clean, does not lose its aesthetic properties during operation, does not turn yellow, and rust does not appear on it.

If a cast-iron bathtub is restored, the result will be an excellent design that combines the advantages of cast iron and acrylic.

Work procedure

How to update the bath yourself by installing an acrylic liner? Main stages of work:

  • Bath surface cleaning.
  • Preparing the liner, marking, determining the location of the drain holes.
  • Checking hole alignment.
  • Alignment of the liner, trimming the edges along the wall tile.
  • Applying a special adhesive composition to the surface of the bath and to the liner.
  • Installing a liner in the bath.
  • Pouring water into the product. The filled bath should be left for a day, to ensure maximum adhesion of materials.

How to update an old bath with your own hands, in order not only to eliminate defects, but also to make it beautiful? Acrylic liner will help achieve the desired result.

The insert itself has a small thickness, so the usable space will decrease very slightly. The updated bathtub is ready to serve its owner for at least 20 more years.

Thus, having decided on the method of restoration, strictly following the recommendations and performing the work with high quality, it is quite possible to update your bath on your own. published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

Over time, cast iron or steel bathtubs, even covered with durable enamel, lose their original appearance, and it becomes necessary to learn how to update the bathtub with your own hands, the enamel of which is cracked, yellowed and covered with a layer of rust and deposits.

Enamel renewal methods

There is no need to rush to get rid of the old, but strong cast-iron bath, which has served faithfully for many years. You can renew the enamel coating, putty chips and use the restored bathroom for several more years, and in the case when the bathtub is embedded in the walls, restoration of the coating is the only way to repair it, without expensive dismantling. Updating the font, as the reviews show, is affordable and the prevalence of materials, and not a very complicated technological process allows you to do the work yourself.

Renovation of a coating that does not have significant damage

If the bathtub enamel is not deeply damaged, but simply clouded and covered with deposits, the original appearance can be restored by bleaching and polishing. The thickness of the coating allows you to painlessly renew the bathroom coating two, and in some cases even three times.

For your information: Bath enamel exposed to temperature changes and aggressive chemicals is covered with scratches and microcracks, in which dirt, rust and lime deposits accumulate. The color of the tub becomes yellowish or grey, and the surface loses its appearance.

  • Before cleaning the enamel of the bath, it is necessary to choose a suitable product available in the nearby distribution network. For cleaning, citric or oxalic acid, table vinegar and oxygen or chlorine bleach are often used, in a concentration slightly higher than when bleaching fabric. Good results can be obtained when using car cleaners, but they must be used very carefully.
  • Before bleaching the darkened enamel of the bath, put on gloves and wash off all possible contaminants with a cleaning powder, and then dilute the selected product and apply it to the enamel surface in strict accordance with the instructions.
  • After maintaining the required time, wash off the product with plenty of water. When using acid-containing preparations, it must be remembered that any acid can be neutralized with a weak solution of baking soda. With minor contamination, one treatment is enough to obtain a satisfactory result. If local foci of contamination remain on the surface of the enamel, the treatment can be repeated in these places.
  • When the dirt is removed, the surface must be polished. Updating the bathroom in this case requires the use of a rotary or vibratory grinder.

Reference: Grinding begins with waterproof abrasive materials with a grit of 800-1000 units. As the surface is leveled, the grit is reduced to 1500 and polished until a smooth matte surface is obtained. The final polishing is carried out with abrasive pastes used in the repair of the paintwork surface of the car.

Before renovating an old bathroom with polishing, it is necessary to try to work on a small, most contaminated area, and if after polishing a visible network of microcracks remains, then the enamel coating has worn out and its restoration or complete replacement is required.

If the enamel is worn...

If the old enamel is damaged and cracked, how to renew an enameled bathtub in order to extend its service life for several years.

Tip: Significant chips and damage can be puttied with a mixture of liquid glass (clerical glue) with the required amount of white nitro enamel, which is most suitable for the color of the main bath coating. Automotive nitrocellulose putty or epoxy-based compounds can also be used as a repair compound. The difference lies in the preparation of the working mass and application technology, which are described in detail in the instructions.

After repairing cracks and chips, several methods can be used to repair the old coating:

  • It is impossible to renovate the bathtub with enamel according to the factory technology at home, therefore, the repair consists in applying special nitrocellulose and epoxy enamels to the prepared surface, both in conventional and aerosol packaging. The application technology does not require special skills and can be easily done independently. Before updating an old bathtub, you should carefully study the instructions that come with the selected materials and try to apply the coating on any small surface that is installed vertically. If you manage to avoid streaks, you can safely get to work. But it should be noted that such a coating will last no more than five to seven years, depending on the intensity of operation.
  • How can you update an old bath for a longer period? This is where an acrylic resin-based bulk composition comes to the rescue. A special composition is applied to the cleaned, degreased and sanded surface of the bath by evenly pouring the composition onto the sides of the bath. Under the action of its own weight, the resin flows down the walls to the bottom and forms a fairly thick and durable coating that has an excellent gloss of acrylic and the strength of a metal bath. Renovating an old tub in this way gives acceptable results as long as there is no major damage to the base coat.
  • How can you update the bath when the old coating has significant damage. If it is a steel bathtub, then it is better to replace it, and if it is an old cast-iron bathtub with a large wall thickness, then using it as a basis, you can order an acrylic liner from a specialized company, made in the shape of an old bathtub and glued to the prepared surface with special glue. It is impossible to do such a renovation of the bath with your own hands, and it costs more than enamelling, but the service life of the liner without loss of appearance is about fifteen years.

How to update an acrylic bath

To update modern acrylic bathtubs, which are also subject to wear and tear, only specialized compounds are used. Renovation of old baths, where the acrylic coating has lost its luster, can be done using abrasive polishing compounds and on your own, but there is a danger of local overheating of the surface and irretrievable loss of the appearance of the product, so it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

There are many ways to update the bathtub, but the possibility of using them depends on its initial condition, the economic feasibility of repair and the possibility of obtaining the desired result.

During the repair, you want to restore order everywhere, including in the bathroom. A new wall covering, a beautiful ceiling, fresh plumbing… There is only one important nuance - an old bathtub with a terrible yellowed and cracked coating, on the surface of which there can be quite terrible black chips. This element of convenience in an apartment is not so easy to change as it seems, and it is an expensive pleasure. But there is a way out. A coating that has lost its appearance can be restored, and quite quickly and cheaply. In this case, it will be easy to cope without the help of professionals. Restoring the enamel coating of a bathroom with your own hands is quite realistic and does not require a huge amount of money.

Why "save" the bath?

Before you know how to revive the old bathroom flooring without completely replacing it, you need to figure out why restore it at all. Why not just buy and install a new one?

A new bathroom costs a lot of money, and especially a high-quality, cast-iron one. Of course, you can buy an ordinary metal one, but it gives a certain discomfort to the residents living in the apartment: filling with water is accompanied by a loud sound that even neighbors hear in thin-walled houses.

You still need to manage to install a new bath, while dismantling the old one. And it's not as easy as it seems. Such work will entail a large amount of garbage, besides heavy. At the same time, women will not be able to cope with it - in any case, strong male hands are needed and those who dismantle everything will endure. And just apply a new enamel coating can, probably, everyone.

Fortunately, the factory enamel in the bathtub is quite durable, and some apartment owners do not even have to deal with such a procedure as its restoration. This can be achieved thanks to a special technology by which the application takes place. The blank of the bath is subjected to strong heating and only then is covered with a protective coating, that is, enamel. In theory, it can last for centuries, but due to the constant cleaning and treatment of the bath, this does not happen. On the contrary, the bath slowly but surely loses its appearance, the enamel turns yellow and becomes not smooth to the touch, but rough.

Yes, enamel is needed not only for beauty - it also protects the bath from the effects of various aggressive factors (for example, cleaning products, water of different temperatures). Without enamel, the metal loses some of its qualities - for example, at the site of damage, the cast iron will begin to rust, and the rust will spread further and further, destroying the product.

Attention! If damage to the enamel is not repaired in a timely manner, then rust can destroy the entire product or drastically change the appearance of the bath.

Of course, it is impossible to create factory conditions in an apartment and ideally restore the enamel, too. But it can still be reapplied, which will help return the bath to a beautiful and neat appearance. And this is without unnecessary financial and physical costs.

Note! , applied at home on its own, will not be able to serve as long as the factory one, but it is still capable of turning your old bath into a new one for quite a long time. But you need to handle it with care - it is less resistant to mechanical / chemical influences and can even change color due to contact with certain substances.

In general, now there are the following methods for restoring the appearance of the bathroom.

  1. acrylic coating- the so-called bulk bath. The inner part of the structure is filled with liquid acrylic.
  2. Acrylic liner- sold in hardware stores or made to order. Placed in the bath.
  3. Replacing an old bathtub with a new one.
  4. enamel coating- simply put, applying special paint to the inner surface of the bowl.

What will be needed?

In order to carry out restoration work, you will need certain materials and tools:

  • respirator;
  • brush, roller for applying enamel;
  • old clothes or apron;
  • rubber gloves;
  • grinder or sandpaper;
  • old rags;
  • primer;
  • acetone;
  • bath restoration kit - in other words, bath enamel.

Now on the construction market there is a large selection of different enamels for bathtubs, aimed at both professionals and home craftsmen. At the same time, if you are a beginner, then it is better to purchase the simplest option - it does not require special skills to use. Such enamels are sold both in aerosol cans and in cans (applied with a brush or a small roller).

Note! It is best to use the composition that is intended for application with a brush - it perfectly covers the old coating, it is easy to work with. Aerosol products are chosen when it is necessary to restore a small chip - the enamel in this case lies unevenly.

A bathtub restoration kit usually consists of two components - a hardener and the enamel itself. There should also be a preparation that will help prepare the bath itself for painting. By the way, replacing the enamel is a great option for choosing a new bath color. The latter can be painted in blue, red, green and other colors using special colors.

Table. Bath restoration kits.



This set is aimed at professionals, it is very liquid, so it will be difficult for a beginner to work with it. To close the old coating, you will need to apply the composition several times. Restoration of the bath will take at least a week, as each layer must be thoroughly dried. But the coverage is excellent.

"Svetlana and Fantasy"

These are enamels of medium density, they are easy to apply, without much spreading, which is optimal for an inexperienced restorer. Easy to apply with a brush. The kit also includes a preparation that treats the surface of the bath before starting work. You can use special colors.


Thick, rather viscous enamel, which is applied with a brush - in the density lies the whole complexity of the work. At the same time, the enamel spreads perfectly, leaving no streaks. Does not require pre-spackling. Dry for at least 2 days.

A group of drugs that are not inherently enamel. They cover the surface well, are applied easily - just pour the bath with this product.

Preparing the bath for the procedure

Before proceeding with the coating of the bathtub with new enamel, it is imperative to prepare the surface to be treated. It should become smooth and as light as possible.

Step 1. The bath is cleaned of rust. This will help special preparations based on acids. Many of them are quite effective. For example, a preparation based on hydrochloric acid will remove red spots in just 10 minutes, but it will also destroy all the remaining enamel in whole pieces. It is also important to rinse this product well from the surface of the bath and be sure to follow the instructions for use. There are also more gentle preparations that are not so fast, but still effectively cope with rust. Oxalic acid-based products work well, acting more accurately than hydrochloric acid-based preparations. Preparations of the latter type are washed off with water after 30-40 minutes.

Step 2 Next, you need to make the surface of the bath rough from the inside - either sandpaper or a grinder is used for this. The latter will greatly speed up the work. It is important to clean all chips and cracks well.

Step 3 After working with a grinder, it is necessary to wash off all dust and dirt from the surface of the bath. After that, the surface is degreased with acetone.

Step 4 The next stage is the application of a primer, for example, GF-020. The layer of this substance should be well dried for about two days.

Advice! A reflector will help speed up the drying process. And by the way, it is not necessary to apply a primer.

Step 5 Now you should warm up the bath well - hot water is drawn into it. But you can also use a building hair dryer - in this case, you do not need to additionally dry the bath.

The bathtub is now ready for resurfacing.

Enamel bath

We continue restoration work. Now we move on to coating the bathtub with enamel from the inside.

Step 1. The restoration kit is prepared for use in accordance with the instructions. The enamel should be well mixed to a homogeneous mass.

Step 2 Using a brush, the enamel is applied in long or short strokes. Long top down and bottom up, and then right-left or short bottom-up-right-left. Corners, areas near drain holes are carefully stained.

Step 3 Thus, the enamel is applied several times. Each of the layers must be thoroughly dried in accordance with the instructions.

Bath enamel prices

bath enamel

Video - Enamel bath

Chips and scratches

To restore the former beauty of the enamel, it is not always necessary to resort to drastic measures and paint the entire bath. Sometimes it's enough just to repair chips and scratches. To do this is not so difficult.

For example, a mixture of dry white with BF-2 glue will help get rid of small scratches. It is simply applied to those places where there is little damage. At the same time, it should be applied in several layers so that the latter does not protrude above the surface of the main enamel coating. It is convenient to apply the substance with a regular brush.

For deeper chips, a preparation based on nitro enamel is suitable, to which "Supercement" is added - a special construction adhesive. The mixture is prepared in a ratio of 1:1. The resulting substance is also applied in layers, each of which is given time to dry (approximately 24 hours).

Also, a mixture of zinc white with epoxy (1: 2) will help to cope with severe damage. After mixing the epoxy according to the rules, the remaining components are added to it. Zinc white can be easily replaced with fragments of porcelain. Such a mixture applied to the cleavage site will dry for at least 5 days, but it will serve for many years.

When carrying out these works, it is worth making sure that the color of the enamel and paint with which the scratch will be restored match. Otherwise, the bath will be spotty.

And finally - a few valuable and useful tips.

Attention! All chemicals used in restoration work are poisonous and hazardous to health, so personal safety measures cannot be neglected. If the work is done incorrectly, there is a high risk of getting to the hospital.

Restoration of a bathtub with the replacement of old enamel with a new one is a completely independently feasible way to restore the product to its former beauty. At the same time, the new coating will serve for at least 5 years with a careful attitude towards itself. Of course, later you will have to paint the bath again, but considering how much cheaper this type of work is than all the others, it is definitely worth it. By the way, an important factor affecting the long service life of enamel is the chemical composition of water. It is also desirable to take this into account when choosing a method for restoring a bathtub.

Restoration is a great chance to change the color of the bath