Helenium autumn. Gelenium: planting, care and cultivation

Gelenium is loved by many summer residents and this is not surprising. Bright, perennial, diverse and fairly easy to care for, the plant is capable of quite long time decorate garden plot. The amazing features of the plant include the fact that it is able to change its color. In order to grow gelenium correctly and quickly, planting and plant care should be as follows.

How to properly plant and care for a plant for the first time

Helenium fission

Helenium reproduces by division easily, of course, for this you need to use adult bushes. Work can be carried out in the spring.

Further care for gelenium

Around the third year of life, geleniums should be planted, otherwise they may become entangled with roots, as a result of which they will begin to weaken. Seating and division is carried out in the spring, every three years. In May, the plants are fertilized for the first time. The second feeding should be before flowering, when the buds began to appear. The third time the plant is fed after its flowering. Geleniums practically do not get sick and are not afraid of pests. To obtain sprawling bushes at the gelenium, carefully pinch the tops. Since the plant loves light, they keep it in a sunny, brightly lit place.

The Helenium flower belongs to the extensive botanical family of Compositae.

Photos of flowers of various colors are widely presented on various pages of Internet sites.

Description and characteristics

Gelenium flowers (lat. Helenium) are ubiquitous in the North and South continents of America, as well as in Canada.

Wildflowers are often found in sunny glades of evergreen and deciduous forests. Inflorescences-baskets of heads always look at the sun and their name is from the Greek word "helios" - the sun.

According to legend, it is believed that Helenium acquired its name in honor of the beautiful Helen, the wife of King Menelaus, with whom the beginning of the Trojan War is associated. This character is familiar to us from the ancient Greek poem of Homer's "Iliad".

The genus Helenium has approximately 50 species and subspecies of annual and perennial flowering plants. The value of decorative perennials that bloom at the end of summer is that they are not demanding to care for.

The most common among them is autumn gelenium with yellowish inflorescences. All other varieties originate from it.

The originality of the plant lies in the non-wintering rhizome. The flower stems die off along with the roots, at the base of which there are numerous small rosettes already developed.

In the spring, having survived the severe cold, they all give new shoots and the curtains of gelenium plantings grow very quickly. First cultivar Helenium was bred in 1909 by the American botanist Maurice Pritchard. It was named "Riverton Beauty".

An ornamental plant was 1.2 meters tall with yellow-brown inflorescences. Very quickly, other, new varieties of various colors from yellow to orange and red began to appear.

Cultivated varieties of flowers are now cultivated almost all over the world. This is facilitated by their resistance to frost and drought, they are unpretentious to growing conditions.

Beautiful flowering perennials reach a height of 70-160 centimeters. Multiple strong erect trunks branch out in the upper parts, covered with delicate hairs and leaves. Stem leaves are oblong with small denticles of dark green color.

note: root system the plant has a developed big amount adventitious roots growing in the surface layer of the soil.

The inflorescences of the plant are large, can reach a diameter of up to 8 centimeters. Baskets consist of small tubular flowers of yellow-brown shades, forming a convex knob in the center. Around the circumference of the cone are the so-called petals of various colors. Their color scheme is quite diverse: from pale yellow to piercing red.

Geleniums are sun-loving, which justifies their name. Plants love fertile soils, with the introduction of organic and. Watering is necessary regular, but they tolerate drought calmly. Flowers are practically not exposed to infections.

Growing from seed

Adherents of growing gelenium rightly recognize the fact that the best way to divide rosettes is. But you can also sow it from seeds. It is important to consider that in the northern zones with a cold climate it is better to use seeds of released varieties.

Seeds can be sown in autumn directly into loose, fertile soil with the addition of organic and mineral fertilizers. With this method of sowing, the flowering time of the plant may be pushed back to the next year, or later.

The low germination of seeds, especially freshly harvested ones, dictates the decision to grow seedlings of helenium flowers in room conditions. Sowing of seeds is carried out in February-March in boxes with prepared moist soil, covered with glass or plastic wrap.

The temperature for germination should be + 18-22 degrees. We must not forget to regularly water and ventilate the seedlings after the emergence of seedlings.

At the age of 2-3 true leaves, the plant must dive. planted on permanent place into fertilized soil at a distance sufficient for further root formation and growth of seedlings.


Seedlings can be planted in open ground when the time for night cold passes, this is the end of May - the beginning of June. Preference is given to sunny open areas, shady places are not excluded, they can also grow there.

Before planting, we remove the sod - the vegetative layer of soil. We carry out digging with compost, humus, mineral fertilizers applied to the depth of the shovel bayonet.

Holes in the ground for seedlings are made twice as wide as the size of the root ball. Then we water the holes. We lower the root system of seedlings into the composition of a special solution for root formation, or simply moisten it with water.

gardener's advice: varietal specimens cannot be propagated by seeds for the reason that when sown with seeds, parental, varietal characteristics are not preserved. For propagation of varietal specimens use vegetative way.

We plant seedlings, deepening its root system. The gaps between plants are at least 30-35 cm. Then it is necessary to carefully mulch the plantings with compost or crushed peat. As a rule, gelenium, sown in seedlings, will bloom only the next year.

Outdoor care

When planting a gelenium and caring for it, there will be no difficulties if you know some of the features of its cultivation and have some agricultural skills.

Its main feature is that it should grow mainly in a sunny place with fertile, moist soil without stagnant water. The soil must be good performance water and breathability. On hot days, watering is carried out more often and more abundantly.

The main care also consists in loosening the soil and weeding from weeds. Important! Gelenium top dressing is carried out 3 times during the summer season:

  • May - one tablespoon of potassium sulfate, and the drug Effecton in a bucket of water. After the main watering, feed at the rate of 1 liter per plant;
  • Flowering - a liter of liquid manure, a tablespoon of Agricola fantasy and Agricola7 preparations per bucket of water. Apply 1 liter per plant after watering;
  • End of October - dilute a tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate in a bucket of water. Apply 1.5 liters under the plant.

Popular types and varieties

Grade Moerheim Beauty

The most famous varieties of gelenium are hybrid and simple species, selected by professionals as a result of selection from all sorts of variations of beautifully flowering specimens.

Them hybrid varieties distinguished by the flowering period, longer than that of simple species for 1-1.5 months, and decorative large buds.

The most common varieties:

  • 'Moerheim Beauty' - blooms from July until frost, stem height 90 cm in sandy soil, 120 cm in fertile soil, inflorescences have a range of shades from red to copper and gold;
  • "Waltraud" - bred in 1947, flowering time - August, golden brown inflorescences, height 80 cm.
  • Koenigstiger - ornamental variety, blooms in August, the flowers are yellow with red reed petals, the height of the shoots is 120 cm.
  • "Baudirektor Linne" - period flowering - august, inflorescences of brown-purple shades, the height of a powerful stem is up to 130 cm.
  • "Sonnenwunder" - flowering period - September, powerful, bright plant, blooms in September with golden yellow flowers, stem height 150 cm.
  • "Septembergold" - translated as "September Gold", the plant blooms in September with inflorescences yellow color.

Diseases and pests

Gelenium is characterized by high resistance to pests, infections and diseases.

However, it can be affected by the main pest - the chrysanthemum nematode, which can quickly destroy many plants. The pest affects not only the leaves, but also the buds of the inflorescences, which dry out.

The fight against the nematode consists in pruning and destroying the affected leaves. They must be removed from the site and burned. Positive effect heat treatment water at a temperature of +50 degrees. If these measures are ineffective, a solution of thiophos is used.

Preventive measures are proper preparation plants for winter, they must be mulched with sawdust, moss or non-woven covering material such as lutrasil. The introduction of ground lime and sulfur into the soil is also an effective measure.

Reproduction methods

The division of the bush

In addition to the method of propagation by seeds, there is a simpler and more acceptable method - vegetative. It consists in dividing an adult bush, in which about 30 stems are formed after 2 years.

The division of the plant is usually carried out in the spring - in May. To do this, you need to dig a bush, while it independently begins to fall apart into sockets, they can only be planted in a prepared place.

In the spring, in the month of May, you can apply another method of reproduction of helenium - cuttings of shoots. It is produced using annual young stems 15-20 cm long. The upper part of the shoot is cut off, rooting occurs in a greenhouse, micro-greenhouse, under glass jars or plastic bottles.

When the first young leaves appear on the stem, the cover from the shoots can be removed and planted in a prepared place. Important! You need to water them, mulch and provide appropriate care.

Seed collection and wintering

Despite the fact that gelenium seeds are easy to find in modern shopping malls, they can also be assembled by hand.

If you decide to collect seeds from your flowers for the purpose of propagation, you need to do this immediately, since during the autumn rains they will simply rot. The degree of readiness of seed material for collection is signaled by dried and darkened to black inflorescences.

The storage area for seeds must be dry. You need to store them in a linen bag or cardboard box.

It is important to know: most of the professional breeders and amateur flower growers still prefer the vegetative method of reproduction due to the low germination of seeds and the loss of "parental" properties by the plant.

Competent preparation of plants for winter is a guarantee that next season the bushes will delight you with the beauty and splendor of flowering. You need to make a minimum of effort - mulch the beds with plantings of helenium with peat, humus, sawdust about 5 cm thick or lutrasil. It is first necessary to cut the stems, leaving stumps 10-15 cm high.

At the end of summer, when most ornamental plants and the flowers have already faded, the gelenium explodes with fireworks of spectacular, colorful inflorescences that can delight even on the gloomiest day. Its undeniable advantage is long flowering and unpretentiousness.

How to grow gelenium, see the tips in the following video:

Simple but interesting flower- gelenium - often used to decorate the garden. That is why the landing of helenium in open field and subsequent care for him is a sore point of many gardeners. Multi-colored flowers, similar to daisies, attract attention not only with bright appearance but also a pleasant smell.

A rather voluminous shrub, reaching a height of up to one and a half meters, is actually not a perennial, as many believe. Just on the lower section of the stem, located underground, a leaf bud with a root is formed, from which a new bush grows in the spring. This feature allows you to quickly and easily grow beautiful plant at the cottage or in the garden.

Planting a crop

An ornamental plant can adapt to any conditions, although in more prefers direct sunlight than partial shade. It also imposes certain requirements on climatic conditions, so caring for it has some features. Despite this, growing gelenium is quite simple.

Planting gelenium in open ground can be done in several ways.

  • Planting seeds directly into the ground is the most easy way recommended for use in warm regions. You can do this in the spring or late autumn. At the same time, the probability of emergence of seedlings is lower than when growing seedlings.
  • Planting seeds for seedlings. For the appearance of better sprouts, it is necessary to subject the seeds to a simple stratification procedure before sowing: one and a half to two months before planting in open ground, sow the seed in a container with earth, cover with polyethylene and put in a dark cool place cellar, basement, refrigerator. After a month, move the boxes to a room with the optimum temperature until sprouts appear. 3 weeks after germination, the seedlings are transplanted to a prepared place in the open field. Seedling care is quite simple: timely watering, as well as providing the optimal amount of light and heat.

Seedlings will appear faster if, when growing seedlings, use additional lighting fixtures, because gelenium is a light-loving culture that needs a large number of light for better development.

  • Planting rosettes formed by dividing the bush is done in the spring. This the best option, since there is no need to suffer with seedlings or worry about seed germination. From one bush, more than 20 independent sprouts with a developed root system can be obtained. You just need to plant them. You should not carry out this procedure in late autumn, as the new bush will not prepare for winter conditions and may die.

You need to thin out the gelenium in two to three years. Do not leave the plant thickened for more than three years, as it will age faster, interfering with the development of young growth.

Soil preparation

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil: acidic soils definitely notify. The earth should be well fertilized with humus and minerals. You can add organic and mineral fertilizers in the spring when digging up the soil, or you can prepare the soil from the fall. It is necessary to remove all weeds from the garden and dig the ground well. From above, you can place a layer of humus about 5 cm, and then proceed to planting the culture.

It is important to observe optimal scheme planting in open ground, providing for a distance between sprouts of at least half a meter. This will not only facilitate the care of the flower, but will also contribute to better development bush. In addition, due to the long “non-repotting”, the root rosettes rise, increasing the likelihood of freezing during the onset of winter frosts.


Proper care of gelenium in the open field is the main source of plant health and beauty. Planting in soil with an insufficient amount nutrients, involves regular complex mineral supplements and the introduction of humus or peat. So that the plant does not disappoint with small and dull flowers, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules of cultivation. Care decorative flower is as follows.

  • Watering

Since the culture is moisture-loving, you need to water at least twice a week, and if there is a drought or hot weather, you need to moisten the soil every day.

  • loosening

It is advisable to loosen the soil after each moistening to a shallow depth.

  • pruning

Doing it to form more lush bush twice: in the spring they pinch the tops, and around the middle of June they cut some side shoots. For greater aesthetics and increased splendor, it is necessary to periodically remove wilted flowers.

  • Garter

Need to tie up tall plants when they reach more than half of their full length. To do this, you need to drive a peg near the sprout, to which the stem is attached with a rope or thin tape.

  • Pest control

Gelenium is practically not affected by diseases or harmful insects. You can see only a nematode on it. You can save the sprouts from its invasion by cutting out the affected areas. As a preventive measure, you need to mix a small amount of slaked lime into the ground before planting. To reduce the likelihood of damage by the fungus, you should try to prevent waterlogging of the soil.

top dressing

Care includes the timely application of fertilizers. Most of all, gelenium needs potassium-phosphorus top dressing. All fertilizers are dissolved in a bucket of water and applied during a certain growing season of the plant.

  • The first time they feed the gelenium at the end of spring. You can use the composition, for which they take a tablespoon of urea, potassium sulfate and Effekton fertilizer. The composition is enough to process 2.5-3 m 2 of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.
  • Then the plant is fed when tying the buds. Here you can apply the following composition: a liter of manure liquid is dissolved in water and a tablespoon of Agricola-Fantasy and Agricola-7. The mixture is distributed over 3 m 2 plot. You can also use foliar top dressing any growth stimulant.
  • After flowering in autumn, the culture is fertilized with a solution of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, taken in a tablespoon. This solution should be enough for 2 m 2.

In general, planting and caring for a crop does not require any complex skills and knowledge. It is important to observe some enough simple conditions, and a good result will not be long in coming: the gelenium will delight with lush and large inflorescences from mid-summer to the end of September. Preparation for wintering is also simple: before frost, you need to cut the stems at ground level (they die off anyway) and sprinkle the bed with a thick layer of covering material - sawdust, moss, foliage.

It is believed that the gelenium owes its name to Helen, the wife of Menelaus. It was because of her that the war broke out between Troy and Greece, which we learned about from Homer's Iliad. Further discussion will be about what varieties of gelenium are, about planting and caring for this flower in the open field, about methods of reproduction and cultivation.

Gelenium: varieties and varieties

Gelenium has more than 30 species, but only five of them have been cultivated.

The most popular varieties of gelenium are:

Numerous photos of this plant will help you choose a variety of gelenium for your garden.

Planting a plant

Gelenium prefers sunny areas, although some varieties can be grown in partial shade. Also make sure that the soil is fertile, for this, dig up the future bed with humus and mineral fertilizers.

Planting gelenium seeds - common and enough effective method. AT northern regions it is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings, while in the southern regions, gelenium can be sown immediately in open ground.

Helenium is planted for seedlings in February. Seeds are sown in boxes with prepared soil, and when the first three leaves appear, the seedlings dive. Planted in open ground should be no more than 4-5 bushes per square meter. m., because the gelenium has a fairly large root system, requiring considerable space for full development.

Choose a sunny place in the garden for gelenium

The recess for seedlings of gelenium should be twice the size of the root ball. First, the root must be held in water for 5-7 minutes so that it is saturated with moisture. The planting depth should be the same as the plant was in the pot or seedling box. After all the seedlings are planted, mulch the soil with peat or humus.

Already in the second year, plants grown in this way will begin to bloom.

Helenium is sown in open ground in March or early April. The land under the flower bed should be well fertilized organic fertilizers. After sowing the seeds, the flower bed must be covered with a film or glass.

Attention. Do not forget to ventilate the bed with gelenium.

You can also sow seeds in open ground for the winter.

Gelenium Care

Growing and caring for gelenium is simple if you follow just a few rules:

Watering. The first and basic rule of care is sufficient and timely watering. Gelenium does not tolerate overdried soils. You need to water the gelenium often, especially during the dry season.

It is very important to water the gelenium in a timely manner

Advice. For gelenium, it is best to use drip irrigation.

Loosening. Despite all his love for watering, gelenium does not like too wet soil. Make sure the soil is well-drained, and also carry out shallow loosening of the soil and mulching.

Shelter for the winter. With the approach of winter, the plant must be protected from frost. To do this, the stems are cut, leaving only 10 cm from the ground and covered with sawdust, spruce branches or special material. So in the case of a snowless or frosty winter, your plant will be able to easily endure bad weather.

Advice. In order for the gelenium to bloom long and magnificently, remove those inflorescences that have already faded. And pinching the top will make your bush branchier and thicker.

Fertilizer and top dressing

For summer season gelenium needs to be fed and applied organic and mineral fertilizers three times:

Helenium reproduction

A gelenium bush is actually a bunch of individual self-sufficient plants. Like most perennials gelenium stems live only one season. The main feature of the gelenium is that, unlike other perennials, its root neck also dies off by the end of the season. But by this time, the renewal buds are already forming small rosettes at the stem, which continue to grow in the new season.

The easiest way to propagate gelenium is to divide the bush

Due to this growth pattern, the best way Helenium reproduction is considered vegetative. The bush itself is divided into sockets, which you just need to seat in the place you need. It is necessary to divide the bush at least once every three years, because by that time it forms up to 30 new plants.

In addition, in the summer it is possible to propagate by rooting cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Gelenium is disease resistant

Gelenium in combination with other plants

Gelenium in the beds coexists well with almost all perennials that love sunny places and abundant watering. However, it should be remembered that gelenium is enough tall flower, therefore, for some light-loving plants, it can create an unwanted shadow.

Helenium combined with daylily

AT landscape design gelenium is often used to mask unaesthetic fences and buildings, as high two-meter bushes can easily hide flaws.

Most often, geleniums are planted on background flower beds along with other autumn flowers such as delphinium, rudbeckia.

Monochromatic flower beds look good in which marigolds are combined with gelenium, garden views yarrow, goldenrods, geyher. Low-growing varieties of gelenium are used to frame borders. But in this case, the bushes need to be divided more often and give them the necessary shape. Do not be afraid to experiment, look at the photos that will help you determine the place for the gelenium in your garden.

Gelenium in landscape design

These flowers are good not only in landscape design, but also in the cut. But it must be remembered that already blossoming geleniums are cut off, because the buds do not open in water. Surprise your teacher by giving her a bouquet of bright geleniums instead of the usual asters and gladioli.

Many novice, and sometimes experienced, gardeners do not take up planting gelenium, mistakenly believing that this beautiful flower is complex and very whimsical to care for. And thus deprive their garden of wonderful warm colors keeping a sunny island blooming summer until the deepest autumn.

Gelenium in the garden: video

Varieties of gelenium: photo

Planting and caring for gelenium in the open field does not cause any particular difficulties for most gardeners. unpretentious plant does not require special attention. Flowers are planted in multi-tiered flower beds and as tapeworms. They look great against a green lawn. The stems of some types of gelenium can reach 2 meters in height. Behind them you can hide an unsightly fence or a small building. To create for a plant optimal conditions you need to know his preferences.

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    plant description

    There is an opinion that the bright Helenium (Helenium) is named after the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta - Elena the Beautiful. Her abduction was the cause of the long Trojan War. Probably, the yellow color of the petals of the plant evoked associations with the golden curls of the mythical beauty. But the version about the name of the flower in honor of ancient greek god the sun of Helios. Red-yellow daisies in shape and color resemble a daylight.

    An unusual flower belongs to the aster family. To date, more than 32 of its species are known. In the wild, geleniums are found on the North American continent. Detailed description plants helps to understand the specifics of caring for him.

    Flowers do not have perennial rhizomes. At the end of autumn, the roots of the plant die off along with the peduncles and stems. Only the buds remain in the underground part of the annual shoot. By winter, small bushes with roots grow out of them. From each such outlet, a new plant is formed the next year. Independent flowers growing close to each other look like a single bush.

    Depending on the type of gelenium, the height of its stems ranges from 80 cm to 180 cm. The inflorescences are baskets, the diameter of which can exceed 9 cm. They can be single or collected in corymbose inflorescences. In the middle of the flower are brown, black or yellow tubular flowers. They are framed by marginal reed flowers. The plant will decorate the site with rich yellow, red, purple, bronze and black colors.

    Abundant flowering is observed from June to the first frost. Some species bloom as early as May. The color of the petals becomes brighter with the advent of autumn, when other plants lose their colors.

    A characteristic feature of gelenium is a strong pleasant aroma. The flower spreads its fragrance throughout the garden, attracting bees and other insects.

    Gelenium loves well-lit areas, but can successfully develop in partial shade.

    Common types

    Flower growers grow several types of plants, which are divided into many varieties.

    Helenium Gupes (Hupa) at home grows in the mountainous regions of North America on rocks, therefore it is distinguished by a developed rhizome. The height of the plant rarely exceeds 80 cm, but the baskets reach a diameter of 10 cm. They are collected in umbellate inflorescences and have a rich Orange color. Heleniums of Gupes bloom already in late June - early July.

    Helenium Bigelow is rare. It grows up to 80-90 cm and has whole sharp leaves. It has straight and strong stems branching at the top. Baskets reach 5-7 cm in diameter. Disc flowers are burgundy with a black-brown or dark yellow tint. Marginal reed petals have a golden yellow surface. They are tilted down. Flowering Helenium Bigelow begins in August and ends in September. It is able to withstand frosts up to 20 degrees. The plant loves open sunny areas.

    Helenium spring does not grow above 1 meter. This is an unpretentious and winter-hardy species that can successfully develop in Siberian conditions. The plant has shiny dark green leaves and large baskets. Their diameter is 7 cm. Geleniums adorn the garden with orange reed and dark brown tubular flowers. The plant blooms at the end of May and blooms profusely until July. At this time, other bright and large flowers are just getting ready to bloom.

    Helenium autumn is the most popular in ornamental gardening. It reaches a height of 160 cm and blooms in August. The leaves of the plant sometimes have a hairy surface. The straight and strong stem literally becomes stiff by autumn. In the upper part it branches, forming corymbose inflorescences. On one stem, 15-20 flowers can develop, the diameter of which is 6 cm. The marginal petals of the plant resemble a tutu. The middle part of the basket has a convex spherical shape. Gelenium flowers are simple, semi-double and double. They are painted in velvety warm shades of yellow, dark red and brown.

    The largest number of varieties and hybrids gave gardeners hybrid gelenium. The height of the plant ranges from 80-130 cm. The variety of shapes and colors of the hybrid type baskets is amazing. They have a diameter of 4.5 cm to 8.5 cm. Flowering different varieties starts at different times.

    Popular varieties

    Unusual variety Lowder Vic bred from autumn look geleniums. Plants grow up to 1 meter and bloom from July to October. The petals of the baskets rolled into a tube allow you to admire their outer pink-red side and the inner yellow side at the same time.

    In the variety Rubinzwerg (Ruby Gnome), the petals have a ruby ​​​​hue. The central part of the basket is convex and painted black. The diameter of the flowers is 3-6 cm. The height of the stems does not exceed 70 cm. Helenium Rubinswerg blooms from August to October.

    The plant of the Fiesta variety has red rings on the baskets. The inner part of the petals is yellow, and the middle is dark brown, almost black. Helenium Fiesta grows up to 1 meter.

    Helenium Chelsea has purple-red flowers. There are small yellow spots on the tips of the petals. The middle of the basket is convex, spherical. It has a yellow-brown tint. The plant blooms from July to September.

    In July, large orange-red baskets of Helenium Moerheim Beauty bloom. Their diameter is 6.5 cm. Flowering continues until October. Plant height exceeds 1.2 meters.

    The variety Gartenzonne belongs to the hybrid species. On its stems, reaching a height of 130 cm, red-yellow baskets with a yellow-brown center bloom in July.

    In the same period, the flowering of the Goldlakzwerg variety begins. The marginal petals of the baskets are colored brown-yellow. Their center has a yellow-brown tint. The plant rarely grows above 1 meter.

    Simultaneously with the varieties Gartensonne and Goldlakzwerg, the perennial Helenium Granatshtern blooms. Its stems rise above the brethren, reaching a mark of 150 cm. The petals of the baskets are painted red-brown pomegranate. Their diameter is 5 cm. The middle of the flowers is yellow interspersed with brown. Flowering ends in mid-September.

    Gelenium Goldfux blooms profusely from late July to mid-September. The stems reach a height of 105 cm. Small baskets with a diameter of 4 cm are painted red-orange with splashes of yellow.

    In baskets of the Altgold variety, the petals have a golden yellow color on inside and orange-red - on the outside. In the middle are tubular flowers of brown and yellow. The diameter of the baskets is 4 cm. Geleniums bloom in early July and finish flowering in 40-45 days. The height of the stems does not exceed 90 cm.

    Question of reproduction

    The easiest way to propagate the plant is by dividing the bush. This method is preferred by many gardeners. In May, the bush is dug up, divided into independent plants and planted in prepared soil.

    You can divide the bush into leaf rosettes in the fall, when the stems and flower stalks die. They are planted in open ground. If the sockets are transplanted too late, they may not have time to adapt to new conditions and die after the arrival of frost.

    To grow gelenium from seeds, they must be collected before the prolonged autumn rains. Otherwise they will rot. A sign of seed maturity are darkened baskets. If there is any doubt about the timeliness of collecting seeds, it is better to buy them in a store.

    Seeds can be planted directly in open ground or in seedling containers. The grains are lowered into the open ground in the fall, immediately after harvest. The seedless planting method is best used in warm regions. In mid-latitudes, it is more reliable to grow seedlings.

    Seeds should be planted in boxes in February-March. Before planting, stratification is carried out. Stratification refers to keeping seeds at a certain temperature. The procedure allows you to accelerate germination.

    For stratification, the seeds are placed on the surface of moistened soil poured into a box. You can use wet sawdust instead of soil. Then cover the container with a piece of polyethylene and place it in lower part refrigerator. After 3-4 weeks, the container is placed in a warm, well-lit place. Optimum temperature for successful germination - 18-22 degrees. When the seeds sprout, the film is removed. After the appearance of the first 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings dive. It is planted in late May - early June.

    Reproduction of gelenium by seeds is not always successful due to their poor germination. In this way it is impossible to obtain a varietal plant. A flower grown from a seed will bloom only for 2-3 years.

    Sometimes geleniums are propagated by cuttings. The cuttings are cut in June and rooted in nutrient soil, having previously been treated with Kornevin. You can put the cuttings in water and wait for the roots to appear.

    For the plant, you need to choose a well-lit place or an area in partial shade. It is desirable that the sun's rays fall on the gelenium in the morning. In the place where the yellow chamomile will grow, water should not accumulate. moisture loving plant does not tolerate excess moisture.

    Although the plant is unpretentious, it is better to choose a site with fertile, well-drained soil with neutral acidity. Before planting, it is necessary to dig the ground to the depth of a spade bayonet and remove all weeds from it.

    The hole for the plant should be 2 times the size of the earthy coma. It is necessary to transplant gelenium very carefully, trying not to damage the root system. Before dipping into the hole, the roots should be dipped in water for a few minutes so that they are saturated with moisture.

    Plants are planted at a distance of at least 30-35 cm. It is not recommended to plant flowers more densely, since their root system grows rapidly. It is desirable that for 1 square meter there were no more than 4-5 copies.

    After planting, the soil must be mulched with peat or humus. The recommended thickness of the fertilizer layer is 4-5 cm.

    Care rules

    The plant needs to be watered regularly, not allowing the earth to dry out. In the heat under the flower, you need to pour a bucket of water 1 time in 3 days. It is especially important to moisten the soil of a separate bush in a timely manner. Do not flood the plant. Its roots can rot with excess moisture.

    To provide air access to the root system, the soil around the bush must be periodically loosened.

    Every 3-4 years you need to seat sockets.

    Tall stems must be tied to a support so that they do not lie down or break in windy weather.

    Fertilize the plant three times a year. Nitrogen top dressing carried out during the melting of snow. At the end of spring, humus or urea is added to the soil. During flowering, it is better to fertilize the earth with liquid mullein and add "Agricola-7" (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

    Before the first frosts, it is necessary to cover the plant with sawdust or moss.

    The probability of freezing is higher in bushes that have not been planted for a long time. In a dense bush, buds from which stems grow in spring form every year closer to the surface.