What you need to be made in September in the garden and garden. September

Armed with robbles and garden vacuum cleaners, start looking for orders in the country area.

First you need to make all weeds, collect fallen leaves, dry plants stems. Particular attention should be paid to the timely cleaning of fallen fruits: they often lighten the strongest evil - numerous pests, which will eventually go into the soil to give the beginning of the new population in the spring.

Important! The whole Opad with fruit trees, leaves and sick branches must be disposed of.

In September, the time to crop out the blurred perennials: Dolphinium, bells, Lilyniki, irises, phlox, dicentro, astrants. But the peonies, thefts and many varieties of the host retain a decorative look for quite a long time, and pruning these plants spend as it loss, and not for a clear schedule.

Do not strive to quickly "barish" the garden: Let it delight you with the violence of the paints in the last days before the onset of groaning autumn rains. So, for example, we do not need to pruning a luggage, a chamber, Zelenchuk, Iberis, Yaskolka, Carnation, Frost, Geihans, Tialla, Miscantuses, soil surcharges, cereals, Badani, Gorianki, Stakhis (purple), Pakhizandra.

Do not cut and monazh with echinoxy. Their spectacular convex sedocks will contribute a special charm in the autumn garden, and the mast-shaped decorative inflorescences of the golden plant will give the flower arrangement of refinement. We will delight gently pink and white flowers and suddenly the collixums arisen from the Earth (unscrews).

Until late autumn decorate the garden And the soil perennial chrysanthemums, as well as the Japanese anemone, Klopogon, Labaznik (Filiprendula), Gelenium, Derbennik, Ivoliste, Tipennik Cellide, Physalis, Claws prominent, Astra Novoangali and Novobelgian, Sync, Mordovnik, Annual Dried Tiles, Amaranth, Scabiosa.

If the decorative garden in the fall still retains its appeal, the garden goes to a well-deserved rest.

At the beginning of the month digging potatoes, carrots, beet; In the second half of September - cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini. Fans of natural economy can lay compost under winter. The same those who did it earlier feed the tired plants with a nutrient product - or, as they say, "black gold" - from the composter.

In the autumn period should not forget And about making fertilizers. Immediately it is necessary to abandon nitrogen, as they stimulate growth. For autumn, any organic is suitable: manure, humus, peat. Potassium will have to taste the lawn, and complex fertilizers will appreciate fruit-berry cultures.

Special attention deserves the preparation of trees to the winter period.

Last time this season You can cut a living fence, giving it the desired form. In the fruit garden cut the repairing raspberry (in conventional varieties, cut out only the fruiting trunks, and young shorts to the weird part).

To the root plant I breathed with "full breasts", you should shift the soil in the rolling circles of trees. But to the processing of the Earth under shrubs, it is necessary to approach individually: for example, the soil under currant can be digging deeply, and raspberries prefers delicate surface treatment.

Whitewashing tree trunks - Another important event, which completes a set of works on the preparation of the fruit garden by winter.

Distributed misconceptionWhat to have trees need spring. However, it is whitewashed from autumn trees less susceptible to frosts in January-March. And so that the autumn rains do not wash off the whitewash, it is necessary to add red clay and casein or bone glue into the limestral solution.

If in the future you want to change the appearance of the garden, then in September is the time for new landings. Before the middle of the month, coniferous trees and shrubs are planted, as well as the types of deciduous, which during the year do not change their colors. From fruit plants in September, you can put currants, gooseberries, blackberries and honeysuckle.

A separate point of autumn work in the garden is a preparation for the winter of lawn. Many trouble will deliver the pond.

Lawn must be cut and "combat" Fan rakes. Then hold aeration - this new-fashioned concept literally means "Piercing the soil of the lawn to improve its drainage." The main tool for aeration is a pitchfork, but on large areas it is advisable to use special techniques, effectively coping with this task.

Decorative reservoirs The size of which in diameter reaches no more than 20 m, and the depth of not more than 1 m must be dried. Do not forget to pre-turn off and remove all equipment to the warm room (backlight, pumps, filters and pipelines), as well as place in separate plant containers and transfer them to the winter storage in the basement.

Reservoir reservoir It is necessary to clean from the garbage and thoroughly wash the walls, and then fill with two-thirds with water again. Large ponds do not necessarily dry, but they need cleaning.

It will be more difficult to hold the owners of a grilled reservoir. The inhabitants of a large-scale pond better leave for wintering in the setting familiar to them. Residents of miniature reservoirs can pass frosty days at home - in aquariums and even in spacious tanks installed in the basement.

Water inhabitants must be surrounded by attention and care: Support the water temperature usually (no higher than +15 degrees), use the pump to ensure constant oxygen access. Do not overdo it with food - in the winter season, fish from open reservoirs should relax.

Homemade green pets also need preparation for winter.

Those who spent the summer on the balcony Or the terrace, it's time to return to the warm room, because the large differences in day and night temperatures strongly weakens the immune system of indoor colors (which, of course, will affect their development in winter). Only the dowel and ripssalidopsis such temperature fluctuations are beneficial and contribute to their abundant blossom in December.

Despite the fact that this is the first month of autumn, for Dachniks it is perhaps a truly "hot season". After all, it is now you will have to make a lot of important affairs and only then you can return to the city.

Preparation of soil

In September, it is necessary to have time to prepare the soil! The fact is that it is now it's time to plant both fruit and decorative trees and shrubs and, of course, create or repair already existing flower beds. And so that all your again you are 9 seeding splendor for many years pleased you, it is necessary to prepare thoroughly.

Many of Dachnikov do not pay attention to the acidity of the soil in their garden. And sorry, because often the soil on the plots is very sour and not quite suitable for many plants. If you, of course, do not plan to break the heather garden on your possessions. In most other cases, plants still prefer the soil close to neutral. It is possible to determine the acidity with the help of a special RN meter appliance.

If you have a special device at hand, it is possible to determine the exemplary level of acidity and in a simple way, take a handful of soil and drop on it with several drops of table vinegar - if the soil starts to "boil", then on your area is close to neutral. And if there is no reaction - the soil on the area is acidic and needs lime.

To determine the acidity of the soil, take a little soil and moisten it with water. Then attach a litmus paper to it. By what color it is painted, it will be possible to determine its acidity. So, if the paper becomes red-like a strongly illuminator and needs lime, if it is pink - then the soil on the site has an average acidity, yellow color - soil is a weakness, and if the soil is neutral, then the paper will become blue. It will help to determine the acidity and weeds growing on the plot. So, if you have a lot of sorrel horse, the horsetail of the field, the sources, or the buttercupy is crying, then the soil is also acidic.


If it turned out that you really have an acidic soil, it makes sense to make. To do this, evenly make lime on the surface and redo it. Such an event will help for several years to reduce acidity, and in a couple of years everything will have to repeat again. By the way, you should not combine simultaneous logging and manure.

In September we introduce fertilizers

In September, fertilizers are introduced into the soil at its peopling - both organic (reworked manure, compost) and mineral (fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium). Fertilizers can be uniformly throughout the surface of the site, and then perekokhat the soil. And you can enter locally - when planting plants, fertilizers are entered into holes or landing pits.

In September, nitrogen fertilizers are almost not used. This is due to the fact that nitrogen leads to the active growth of young shoots that will not have time to grow to the cold and they still frozen in winter. But this is not yet refer to the lawn. After all, it will still have to regularly mow. Just in the case of the early and cool autumn, the grass will grow not so quickly, and the interval between the cat can be stretched.

Do not forget after each cat, be sure to feed the lawn grass with mineral fertilizers. Moreover, in addition to nitrogen in their composition, it must be both phosphorus and potassium. The optimal concentrations for this time of the year are usually contained in the so-called "autumn fertilizers" for lawn.

Council of Garden

Do not forget to remove from the trunks and burn the curiy belt.

Branches with dried leaves, shoots, damaged cores, you need to cut.

Remove lichens from tree trunks, moss, removable bark, remove the Padalitsa and mummified fruits.

Prevention of diseases

Despite the fact that the use of nitrogen in the fall matter is extremely risky, there is still a case when it does not do without it. Parsh is a widespread disease of fruit crops. It damages not only the leaves, but also the fruits.

This disease is not only spoils the appearance of the trees and fruits themselves, but also weakens the plants themselves. To combat it, there is a real arsenal of various chemicals, which must be used regularly in the summer. But there is a way better. After all, it is necessary to use any chemical preparation in the garden, especially at a time when the harvest is not yet assembled. About such nitrogen fertilizer, like urea, you probably have already heard. It is urea - a great option for the destruction of pathogens of the paste. As soon as the crop of fruit is removed, spray trees with 4% urea solution. And do it better before the leavefall starts.

Lukovichny landing in September

In September (usually starting from mid-September) it is time to plant the bulbs of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, clubnelluca crocuses. When landing, enter the bottom of the sand onto the bottom, such a "pillow" will be a good drainage, especially if there is heavy soil on the site. When landing all the bulbs there is one simple rule: the depth of planting the bulbs should be equal to the three sizes of the bulb itself. The larger the bully, the deeper it should be planted. But if the soil is heavy and raw, then the landing depth should be reduced. To save crocuses from mice, drop them into special containers with a lattice bottom.

Competent cropping

All perennials who have lost decorativeness, at the end of the month you can cut. Do not forget to leave "hemp", they will help to delay snow, and in the spring it will be easier to find the plants. Then it's a pretty precipitate and braid your flower beds and inspire them with humus or overworked - it will become excellent fertilizer, and good protection against frosts.

In September, the fruit trees do not stand, except in extreme cases. But it is still possible to cut a live hedge, but only slightly. About roses. In September, cut them up completely. The only thing that can be done is to discharge the tops of young shoots from plenty roses - it will allow you to better steal shoots, and thus will increase the likelihood that they successfully pevirt.

We save the crop

Before laying on the storage of such root plates as beets and potatoes, it is important to treat them with an effective means from kagatnium rot (Kagat is a bourge, a bunch of rooted roots, folded on Earth and covered for long-term storage). Preventive treatment with means based on benzoic acid will help prevent the appearance of all sorts of rotors, increase the shelf life of the crop, stop the process of further infection. Protect the harvest from dry and wet rot, fusariosis, phomose, pasta. Claim

September - not the time to rest on the laurels! This month is saturated enough for any gardener-worker! Consider the most important work to be performed in September!

Working with trees and shrubs

If on your fruit trees, the shoots continue to grow, then in September, it's time to pinch them the tips. So they raise better and pumpim.

In September it is time to check whether the chipping on the trees has passed. To do this, it is enough to touch the pet. If it falls off, and the kidney is green and elastic, then the vaccination has taken place. If this did not happen, you can try again to repent the tree.

Yellow leaves - This is a sign that it is necessary to start planting fruit trees with an open root system.

If the sheets are still hanging on the purchased seedlings, then they must be removed. It is advisable to plant seedlings in general without leaves to be as small as possible evaporation. As for the landing pit, it should be prepared at least a month before disembarking.

In September, it is good to plant coniferous plants. It is important to remember that coniferous plants should always be planted with a lore earth. Therefore, it is not necessary to acquire conifers in the natural markets, as well as with an open root system.

This month is well rooted with the weeds of berry and ornamental shrubs, such as currants, gooseberries, dend, Chubushnik, Biryuchik and others. If in the spring some branches from the bush were covered for rooting, now it's time to cut off from the parent plant and permanently permanently.

September - time for regular fantasy plants. At this time, nitrogen fertilizers, only potassium, calcium and phosphorus cannot be used. You can buy a ready-made fertilizer "Superphosphate", which contains nitrogen. But its number in this fertilizer is small, it will not cause additional growth and harm will not bring.

Disembarking strawberries and greenery, harvesting of vegetables and fruits

September - good time for landing garden strawberries. This will allow the next year to get the first crop of delicious berries. The main thing is not to land it on those beds where peppers grew, eggplants, potatoes or onions. It is better to put it in place where radish, salad or dill grew.

The beginning of autumn, this is a great time to obtain a useful harvest of vitamin greenery. You can have time to grow spinach, salad, dill or radish. They will have time to mature and bring a lot of health benefits.

For those who seek to prepare vegetables and fruits of the future, you need to remember that those rooms, where it is planned to store a crop, it is necessary to be disinfected. The basements are desirable to whitewash, and storage boxes are treated with boiling water with soda mortar. Thus, all possible pests are destroyed.

Work with flowers

Flower water this month has a lot of work. Annual flowers time to remove from boxes and pots, where they grew. The land from the boxes can be sent to a compost bunch, and the boxes themselves need to be treated with soap or soda with plenty of water, and only after that send it to storage for landing the next summer.

September - time for landing some bulbous crops. These are daffodils, hyacinths or crocuses.
The division of perennials should also be carried out in September. Such colors include Astilba, Flox, Carnations, Card and Other Flowers, except Echinacea. This flower is divided in the spring.

If at the beginning of summer, home flower plants in pots were made to the street, now the time to make them back into the house. At the beginning of autumn, the temperature drops below 15 degrees at night, and this may be destructive for many of them. But, before you bring home, it is necessary to check each plant for the presence of pests and diseases, and, if necessary, to be treated with appropriate drugs.

In many areas you can already dig bulbs of gladiolus. If the region is warm enough, then you can leave this work at the beginning of October.

Popular flowers - Peonies are laid in September Flower kidneys of next year. Therefore, daily watering are especially important during this period. If the weather is rainy, then their frequency can be reduced to 1 time in 2-3 days. In addition, it will be good to add fertilizer in the form of wood ash, by half a block on one large peony bush.

In order to attract birds to your garden to get rid of pests, you need to harvest the berries. Such as rowan, viburnum, hawthorn and decorative apples are suitable. All these reserves are dried to place in the garden in winter and feed feathered assistants.

If you did not have time to plant winter garlic at the end of August, then do it at the very beginning of September. To do this, prepare a garden: Make on each square meter of soil on the bucket of well-overwhelmed organic organics, half of the sand bucket (this is not necessary, if the soil you have sandy), add ash in a liter bank and carefully reappel on the spade bayonet. If it is dry autumn, then in the evening it is good to get a bed with water. In the morning, make markings under the garden, peg do the peg of deepening according to the 10 x 10 cm scheme. If you prefer a larger garlic, then the markup should be done according to the 15x15 cm scheme. The depth of the early planting of garlic should be at least 12 cm. In each recess On the tablespoon of sand, one large granule of AVA fertilizer (if you do not have it, then lower 1 h. Spoon of ash) and lower the teeth. Sprinkle with sand top and slide the soil.

With such a landing, garlic will have time to develop a powerful root system before the onset of cold weather, but it will not go. Early spring it is in growth. Garlic - Culture cold-resistant, so it is not afraid of late spring over frosts. Garlic matures around the end of July and will be ready for cleaning before the onset of the August rains. If in the spring or in the fall, the landings of garlic floods with water, it is necessary to take care of pulling out excess water. To do this, it is enough to proceed to a depth of 40-50 cm. Passages between the beds.

Until September 10-15, it is possible to plant strawberries, but it is better to plant a strawberry in the north-west or in early June. At late autumn landing, bushes do not have time to root well (it takes about three weeks without freezing and low temperatures), so in winter they drank them out of the ground and they often die. In addition, the sockets do not have time to increase sufficient leaves covering rhizome in winter, so without additional shelter it can be frozen during freezing without snow. With early autumn landing, the sockets have almost no roots and the survival rate is low. If the roots are small, it is better to cut half the leaves, then the survival rate will be better. But usually, with autumn landing of bushes, even successfully overwhelmed, chilly, weak and all summer are poorly growing, the berries will appear on them only next year.

In early September, potatoes should be removed, squinting a week before harvesting Bottva. It can not be left on the field, because when the tubers can be filled with phytoophulas with a topophtor. Therefore, it needs to be dried and burning on a fire. The ash can be used to deoxine the soil and feeding plants, the causative agent of phytoophulas in the ash, naturally, no. For the rehabilitation of the soil immediately over the removed field should be sown. In the spring it is necessary to mow and move the green mass with the soil and roots. A week later you can land potatoes. It should be borne in mind that such a procedure makes a rather large amount of nitrogen into the soil, so it is not-desirable to make an additionally azophosk during landing, it should be limited to phospho-rum and potassium, otherwise due to excess nitrogen in the early grades not to avoid the password.

In early September, it is necessary to cut the flowerons from the gladiols. After a couple of weeks, they need to dig. In order not to confuse, each grade is folded into a separate dumping stocking together with roots and children. Then washed in water, lowered into the carbofos solution, the concentration of which should be doubled higher than indicated in the instructions. After 15 minutes, the plants are removed and lowered directly in stockings into a solution of mangartanized potassium brightly pink (also for 15 minutes). After that, removed from the stocking, cut off the above-ground part, leaving the pencils for example, in 4-6 cm, and lay out in a dry place. Drying goes around 20 days at a temperature of about 22-25 ° C. After that, the roots together with the old bulb are easily separated from the new bulbs. From it should be removed all the scales. If you keep the bulbs with scales, then, incomprehensible to the treatment of carbofosomes, the eggs of the trips can be preserved under it. In winter, the larvae appeared on the bulbs juice, and they dry. The bulbs of gladiolus are easiest to store in a double black chipboard stocking. Fold them together with the children of this variety in stockings, put a note with the name of the variety, pursue the piled tablet of any antipyretic drug, tie the stocking and invest the next grade, etc. The resulting garland hangs out the windows of the window for the curtain, the bulbs perfectly stored until spring.

After the first frost, killing all the above-ground part of Georgin, cut the tops, dig up the tubers, rinse them with water, hold for 15-20 minutes in a payroll solution and put in the barn to form dense peel. A week later, tubers can be stored, but pre-divide them into parts. Keep in mind that every tuber must have a piece of stem (neck), because the kidney is laid at the very base of the neck. If dahlias have to dry, then dividing a piece of stem will be difficult. Letter the name of the variety right along the tubers.

They are well preserved if every tuber in order to avoid moisture loss during storage twice with a whipped squirrel from fresh eggs using a petition for shaving. You can store them right in the cardboard box on the windowsill or fold the tubers in the tarp bag and hang it near the water pipe with cold water in the toilet.

You should not store all the nest of tubers and the roots from the dug up bush, even in the cellar. The nest must necessarily share annually, otherwise the variety will begin to degenerate.

At the end of the month, it is necessary to cut out the above-ground part of the peonies, Floxes, Astilb, Irisov needs to be done so that the fan of leaves leaves about 15 cm left. Immediately after cutting, polish all these landings by 1% burgundy liquid solution (1 h. Spoon without top on half liters of water). In the spring, when rushing a new above-ground part, watering the bordeaux should be repeated. This simple procedure will eliminate plants from the illness. Bordeason can be replaced with "phytosporin" and soil powder ash around plants.

After the first freeze, you need to remove the sea for winter storage. If it was time to remove the roots, and the weather is warm, then be sure to hold the carrot in the refrigerator day or two - the carrot before storage must necessarily go through the cooling stage, otherwise it will begin to grow greens during storage.

You can remove beets. It is cut off with her tops so that a few above-ground part remains. Cold cabbage can also be removed, but together with roots, make it in the box without soil and put in the cellar for the rearing. Heads will significantly increase in the amount of approximately within a month due to nutrients accumulated in the leaves. Or leave cabbage on the garden, but then it should be covered with double loyal from possible freezers.

All September can be planted berry shrubs: raspberry, currants, gooseberries, honeysuckle and nuts. If you bought the planting material of cherries, drain, pears and apples, as well as sea buckthorn, then they are better to shop to spring, rather than planting under the winter.

If there are no lichens on the bark, you can whiten the trunks and skeletal branches of water-level paint for outdoor work. But if it will be rained in the next couple of days and make paint, then work will be useless. The same thing happens when packed with chalk. Such whitewashing will not protect the trees from the Solvavy Spring Burns, which usually happen in February-March, when after cloudy winter weather, a very bright sun appears, reinforced with snow.

Late spring blots - the case is generally completely meaningless, since the train has already left and the sun has done his job. Spring bark burns in the future lead to its rotting and dying, and you will see it only 2-3 years after the burn. Therefore, it is best to wind out the trunks of polypropylene fiber from under sugar bags in the fall, pulling out a polyethylene liner (if there is such) and bags. Any other similar bags are suitable. In the spring you can not rush to shoot this strapping. It does not heat up in the sun, passes the air, and therefore the bark does not exceed it.

Lawns must be mowing under the winter, otherwise the grass in the spring with difficulty (and therefore unevenly) breaks through the dried turf.

Usually it is recommended to overcast all the beds and the rich circles under the trees and bushes. You can simply sketch all the fallen leaves below them. In winter, they will cover the roots, and in the spring, during the overion, organic feeding will be given. In the spring, do not remove the autumn leaves from the lawns, nor from under bushes, trees, perennial colors. The site looks unprenetored only in May. Try to keep the order on it. By the end of the month, the leaves will no longer be visible. But feeding for native microorganisms and rainwoods for the whole season you are provided, and the grateful inhabitants of the Earth will generously supply your plants with fresh food - Gumus - all summer.

If there are weeds under planting, then they need to shave and immediately, in place, leave. In flower beds and on the beds, weeds can be smeared with a roundup. If you do not use it, then simply take these places with newspapers folded in 3-4 layers. So that the wind does not break, plump the winds of the soil slightly and do not rush to clean them in the spring - they gradually move away, and weeds under them in one season will die. In the spring, it is not particularly sewed to shoot this shelter before flowering - undergoing wounded pests, who will not be able to get to the surface. But at the time of flowering, useful insects are coming to the surface, and therefore, as soon as the plant begins to bloom, the shelter immediately remove.

At the end of the month, the liberated beds, including in greenhouses, phytosporin mortar, are well. The bacteria-predator living in it will still have a long time to destroy the pathogens of mushrooms and bacterial diseases, for it dies only at 20 degrees of frost.

Under the snow cover, it is perfectly preserved and continues to live and work in the soil for many years. If "phytoosporin" remains a lot, then the soil is under all landings (especially under long-term colors) also pour.

Calendar of work in the garden and in the garden in September. Work at the cottage in September. What needs to be done in the garden and in the garden in September. All you need to do at the cottage in September.

List of work in the garden and in the garden for September

1. If you did not have time to plant winter garlic at the end of August, then do it at the very beginning of September. To do this, prepare a garden: Make on each square meter of soil on the bucket of well-overwhelmed organic organics, half of the sand bucket (this is not necessary, if the soil you have sandy), add ash in a liter bank and carefully reappel on the spade bayonet. If it is dry autumn, then in the evening it is good to get a bed with water. In the morning, make markings on the landing, peg do deepening according to the 10 x 10 cm scheme. If you prefer larger garlic, then the markup should be made according to the scheme 15 x 15 cm. The depth of the early planting of garlic must be at least 1 2 cm. In each recess Make on 1 tablespoon of sand, 1 large granule fertilizer AVA and lower the teeth (if this fertilizer is not, then replace it with 1 teaspoon of ash). Sprinkle with sand top and slide the soil.

With such a landing, garlic will have time to develop a powerful root system before the onset of cold weather, but it will not go. Early spring it is in growth. Garlic - Culture cold-resistant, so it is not afraid of late spring frosts. Garlic matures around the end of July and ready for cleaning before the onset of the August rains. If in the spring or in the fall, the landings of garlic floods with water, it is necessary to take care of pulling out excess water. To do this, it is enough to proceed to a depth of 40 - 50 cm passes between the beds.

2. Frequently asking: why yellow the tips in garlic (and onions)? There may be several reasons: a lack of nitrogen, usually under the bright spring sun when there is a powerful photosynthesis; The lack of copper in the soil is most often on peatlands. In this case, the tips of the leaves are not so yellow as white. With a lack of potassium, the leaves are not only yellow, but also twist. If the plants fell under heavy freezing, then they shine not only tips, but also the whole leaves. If the ends of the leaves are yellow and it brightens and even yellowes the stem, then usually such a plant is damaged by pests (more often it happens at the onion - onion damage to the onion flies). But it can occur on too acidic soil, or when the roots are lack of air (choking) in the rejuvenated soil.

3. Until September 10-15, it is possible to plant strawberries, although my experience shows that in the north-west strawberries it is better to plant in spring, at the end of May and even early July. To do this, in August, it is necessary to give up 4-5 rosettes in the royal bush (usually, the bush who has not been a big harvest in summer is simply selected as a royal bush of gardens in summer). Contrary to the fact that they write, only the rosettes closest to the bush should be left, everyone else needs to be discarded. Outlets must be allowed to fall along with the parent plant and only in the spring cut off them from it and transplant. First, on the prepared garden, it should be deepened by a shovel according to a 30 x 30 cm scheme, to make one-third of the teaspoon of the granules of fertilizer AVA and transplant young bushes right on the shovel along with a lore earth. This method is called transshipment. It does not damage the root system and bushes are good.

After transshipment, strawberries watered well. They bloom at the end of July and give the first small crop of large berries. At late autumn landing, bushes do not have time to root well (it takes about three weeks without freezing and low temperatures), so in winter they drank them out of the ground and they often die. In addition, the sockets do not have time to increase sufficient leaves covering rhizome in winter, so without additional shelter, the rhizome can be frozen during freezing without snow. With early autumn landing, the sockets have almost no roots, and their accessibility is low. Kostics even successfully overwhelmed chilly, weak and all summer are poorly growing, the berries will appear on them only next year.

4. In early September, potatoes should be removed, squinting a week before harvesting Bottva. It can not be left on the field, because when cleaning tubers, phytoophulas can enter with topophtor. The tops need to be dried and burned at the fire. The ash can be used to deoxine the soil and feeding plants, the causative agent of phytoophulas in the ash, naturally, no.

For the rehabilitation of the soil immediately at the removed field it is recommended to sow winter rye. In the spring it should be mounted and overheat the green mass with the soil and roots. A week later you can land potatoes. Keep in mind that such a procedure makes a rather large amount of nitrogen into the soil, so additionally to make a novophosk when landing is undesirable. It is enough to limit ourselves to only the introduction of phosphorus and potassium, otherwise due to excess nitrogen in the early grades, not avoiding the password.

5. In early September, cutting flowerons in gladiolus. After a couple of weeks, they need to dig. In order not to confuse, each grade lay out in a separate categorous stocking together with roots and children. Then flush in water, lower to the carbofos solution, the concentration of which will be twice as high as indicated in the instructions. After 15 minutes, the plants should be removed from the carbofos solution and omitted directly in stockings into a solution of manganese-solid potassium bright pink (also for 15 minutes). After that, the plants should be removed from the stockhing, cut off the above-ground part, leaving the pasteers of about 4-6 cm, and decompose in a dry room. Drying should occur at a temperature of about 22 - 25 degrees about 20 days.

After that, the roots together with the old bulb are easily separated from the new bulbs. From it should be removed all the scales. If you store bulbs with scales, then, despite the treatment of carbofosue under scales, the eggs of the trips can be preserved. In winter, the larvae diluted from them will be covered by juice from the bulbs, and they are dried.

The bulbs of gladiolus are easiest to store in a double black chipboard stocking. Fold the bulbs along with the children of this variety in stocking, put a note with the name of the variety, pushing the pushed tablet of any antipyretic drug, tie the stocking and invest the next grade, and so on. The resulting garlands hang sistened to the tailoring windows behind the curtain. The bulbs will be perfectly preserved until spring.

6. After the first frost, killing all the above-ground part of Georgin, cut the tops, dig tubers, rinse them with water, hold in a solution of manganesey 15 - 20 minutes, immediately divide into parts. Keep in mind that every tuber must have a piece of cervix, for the kidney is laid at the very base of the neck. If dahlias have to dry, then dividing a piece of stem will be difficult. Expand the felt-tipset of the name of the variety right through the tubers and put them in the barn for the formation of a dense peel. A week later, tubers can be stored. They are well preserved if every tuber in order to avoid moisture loss during storage twice with a whipped squirrel from fresh eggs using a petition for shaving. You can store them right in the cardboard box on the windowsill, either fold the tubers in the tarpaulin bag and hang it in the toilet, near the water pipe with cold water.

You should not store all the nest of tubers and the roots from the dug-up bush even in the cellar. The nest must necessarily share annually, otherwise the variety will begin to degenerate.

7. At the end of the month, it is necessary to cut off the above-ground part of the peonies, phloxes, thefts, the irises should cut the leaves so that the leaf fan remains with a height of approximately 15 cm. Immediately after cutting, Pour all these landings 1% Bordeaux liquid top on floor-liter water). In the spring, when rushing a new above-ground part, watering a burglar fluid should be repeated. This simple procedure will relieve your plants from the disease of the rot. Instead of Bordoska, you can use "phytoosporin".

8. After the first frost it is necessary to remove carrots for winter storage. If it was time to remove the roots, and the weather is warm, then be sure to hold the carrot in the refrigerator day or two - the carrot before storage must necessarily go through the cooling stage, otherwise it will begin to grow greens during storage.

9. You can remove beets. The tops of it cuts off so that there remains a bit of the above-ground part.

10. Cauliflower can also be removed, but together with roots to make it in the box and put into the cellar for rearing. Heads will significantly increase in the amount of about a month. Or leave cabbage on the garden, but then it should be covered with a double loaf, to protect against possible freezers.

11. All September can be planted berry shrubs: raspberry, currants, gooseberries, honeysuckle and nuts.

12. If you bought the planting material cherries, drain, pears, apple trees and sea buckthorn, then it is better to go to spring, rather than planting under the winter.

13. If there are no lichens on the crust on your site, you can whiten the trunks and skeletal branches of water-level paint for outdoor work. She will not wash off with autumn protracted rains until spring and protect trees from sunny spring burns, which usually occur in March, when after cloudy winter weather appears very bright sun, reinforced with snow. But even better wrap the trunks by polypropylene fiber from bags of sugar or other products. Late spring whitewings - the matter is completely meaningless. Tempets chalk - too, because it is completely mad. Spring bore burns in the future lead to its rotting and dying.

14. If you did not have time to plant winter garlic at the end of August, then do it at the very beginning of September. To do this, prepare a garden: Make on each square meter of soil on the bucket of well-overwhelmed organic organics, half of the sand bucket (this is not necessary, if the soil you have sandy), add ash in a liter bank and carefully reappel on the spade bayonet. If it is dry autumn, then in the evening it is good to get a bed with water. In the morning, make markings on the landing, peg do deepening according to the 10x10 cm scheme.

If you prefer larger garlic, the markup should be made according to the 15x15cm scheme. The depth of the early planting of garlic should be at least 12 cm. In each recess, enter 1 tablespoon of sand, 1 large granule fertilizer AVA and lower the teeth. Sprinkle with sand top and slide the soil.

With such a landing, garlic will have time to develop a powerful root system before the onset of cold weather, but it will not go. Early spring it is in growth. Garlic - Culture cold-resistant, so it is not afraid of late spring frosts. Garlic matures around the end of July and ready for cleaning before the onset of the August rains. If in the spring or in the fall, the piece of garlic floods is poured with water, then you must take care of pulling out excess water. To do this, it is enough to proceed to a depth of 40-50 cm. Passages between the beds.

Often asked: why yellow the tips in garlic (and onions)? There may be several reasons: lack of nitrogen, usually under the bright spring sun when there is a powerful photosynthesis, lack of copper in the soil, most often on peatlands. In this case, the tips of the leaves are not so yellow as white.

With a lack of potassium, the leaves are not only yellow, but also twist.

If the plants fell under heavy freezing, then they shine not only tips, but also the whole leaves.

If the ends of the leaves are yellow and it brightens and even yellowes the stem, then usually such a plant is damaged by pests (more often it happens at the onion - onion damage to the onion flies). But it can occur on too acidic soil, or when the roots are lack of air (choking) in the rejuvenated soil.

15. By September 10-15, you can plant strawberries, although my experience shows that in the northwest strawberries it is better to plant in spring, at the end of May and even early July. To do this, in August, it is necessary to give up 4-5 rosettes in the royal bush (usually, the bush, on which there was a big harvest in summer, is simply chosen as a royal bush. Contrary to the fact that they write, only the rosettes closest to the bush should be left, everyone else needs to be discarded. Outlets must be allowed to fall along with the parent plant and only in the spring cut off them from it and transplant.

First, on the prepared garden, it should be deepened by a shovel according to a 30 x 30 cm scheme, to make one-third of the teaspoon of the granules of fertilizer AVA and transplant young bushes right on the shovel along with a lore earth. This method is called transshipment. It does not damage the root system, and bushes are good. After transshipment, strawberries need to be well. Blooming bushes at the end of July and give the first small crop of large berries.

At late autumn landing, bushes do not have time to root well (it takes about three weeks without freezing and low temperatures), so in winter they drank them out of the ground and they often die. In addition, the sockets do not have time to increase sufficient leaves covering rhizome in winter, so without additional shelter, the rhizome can be frozen during freezing without snow.

With early autumn landing, the sockets have almost no roots, and their accessibility is low. Kostiki (even successfully overlooking), weak, weak and all summer are poorly growing, berries will appear on them only next year.

16. At the beginning of September, potatoes should be removed, squinting a week before harvesting Bottva. It can not be left on the field, because when cleaning tubers, phytoophulas can enter with topophtor. The tops should be dried and burned at the fire.

The ash can be used to deoxine the soil and feeding plants, the causative agent of phytoophulas in the ash, naturally, no. For the rehabilitation of the soil immediately at the removed field, winter rye should be sowed, but I prefer to settle the field with a white mustard.

In the spring, rye should be mounted and sinking the green mass with the soil and roots. A week later you can land potatoes. It should be borne in mind that such a procedure makes a rather large amount of nitrogen into the soil, so it is undesirable to make an additionally azophosk during landing, it should be limited to the introduction of phosphorus and potassium, otherwise due to excess nitrogen in the early grades.

The work is very laborious. Therefore, I prefer to sow white mustard. Frosts will kill it themselves, and in the spring it will significantly overload. It will only be left slightly to evaporate the remains in the upper layer of the soil.

Folk Weather Tags for September

❧ If at the beginning of the month of the horn, the sickle of the moon is directed up, then in September there will be warm and sunny weather, and if the horns are directed down, then - rainy.

Weather for tomorrow

❧ If the flowers of the wet closes in the morning, it will rain in the afternoon.

❧ If spiders weave the web in the southern direction, the warming will come, and if in the north, then cooling. Spiders are hiding in the slot before bad weather. A spider is sitting in the center of the web before the rain. The spider is weeping a new web before the onset of good weather, even if it rains at this time.