Emotional balance roy martin. Exercises to Correct Emotional Imbalance

1. Point of insecurity (danger).
2. Point of disappointment (frustration).
3. Point of alarm (anxiety).
4. Point of stress (shocks).
5. Point of repressed emotions (regret)
6. Points of fear.
7. Point of low self-esteem (self-esteem).
8. Point of anger (anger).
9. Point of sadness (sadness).
10. Point of stubbornness (cruelty).
11. Point of repressed sexuality.
12. Point of resentment, pain (forgiveness).
13. Point of emotional balance
14. Point of neurological balance.

Dot Tapping Affirmations.

1. I love and accept myself, along with my insecurities, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my insecurity and replace it with confidence. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I
2. I love and accept myself, along with my disappointment, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my frustration and replace it with trust. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I
I accept my emotions completely.
3. I love and accept myself, along with my anxiety, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I
I let go of my anxiety and replace it with peace. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept mine
emotions completely.
4. I love and accept myself, along with my stress, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I release my stress and replace it with inner peace. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
5. I love and accept myself, along with my regret, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my regret and replace it with gratitude. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
6. I love and accept myself, along with my fear, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my fear and replace it with confidence and calmness. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I
I accept my emotions completely.
7. I love and accept myself, along with my low self-esteem, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my low self-esteem and replace it with self-love. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
8. I love and accept myself, along with my anger, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I release my anger and replace it with inner peace. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
9. I love and accept myself, along with my sadness, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my sadness and replace it with joy. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept mine
emotions completely.
10. I love and accept myself, along with my stubbornness, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my stubbornness and replace it with relaxation. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
11. I love and accept myself, along with my repressed sexuality, at the deepest level, from the very first time,
when he tested it. I let my sexuality come out. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I
I accept my emotions completely.
12. I love and accept myself, along with my resentment, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my resentment and replace it with joy. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
13. I love and accept myself even when I don't love myself.
14. I love and accept myself even when I don't love myself.

neurological balance.

A) Focus on the desired state.
B) Stimulate points 6 with the left hand, points 14 with the right.
B) "I accept and allow harmony into my life, I let go of the past now and forever."
- close eyes,
- open eyes,
- look down to the left, then down to the right,
- make a big circle with your eyes clockwise and back.
- quickly move your eyes 10 times from left to right and back,
- slowly raise your eyes from the bottom up,
- count backwards from 53 to 41
- purr a song
- count backwards from 53 to 41
- breathing: inhale deeply, then inhale even more, exhale half (quickly), exhale completely, exhale again
more. Breathe normally (3 inhale-exhale cycles).

All emotions originate in the mind. The main, extremely important function of the mind is not just to think, but to experience various emotions. Emotions are much more important than thoughts. It is because of unbalanced emotions that various ailments, internal conflicts, mental and physical illnesses appear. Your health - both physical and mental - directly depends on your emotions.
The greatest shortcoming of modern doctors and healers is that they do not always know how to consistently activate the mental and spiritual powers of their patients. Through internal restructuring of the mind, one can not only achieve exceptional health, but also achieve significant success in various areas of life.
The Art of Emotional Balance is written by one of the world's foremost experts in emotional healing. the founder of a new direction - emotional fitness, MD Roy Martina.
Roy Martina is the author of 32 bestsellers published in various languages ​​of the world. He is a qualified specialist in the field of acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine.
manual therapy, qigong, immunotherapy, iridology and reflexology. He is also a sixth dan black belt in karate and remains an undefeated seven-time European karate champion.
Roy Martina has dedicated his entire life to the development of promising alternative medicine in the treatment of chronic diseases and has achieved outstanding results in this. Thanks to him, tens of thousands of people got rid of a wide variety of ailments that are difficult to treat, from practically incurable diseases.
This book is one of the best books ever published in the field of emotional healing.

Three levels of happiness.
In order to achieve and maintain a state of higher consciousness, emotional balance or bliss, it is necessary to distinguish between the three levels of happiness associated with the three levels of individual consciousness. "Emotional Balance" is a method by which you can gently, skillfully, step by step train and discipline your mind to reach and hold the highest levels of consciousness. It took more than twenty years of clinical practice and observation to develop such a subtle approach.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download book The Art of Emotional Balance, Martina R., 2009 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Big Book of Women's Influence, There is always a woman behind a successful man, Chernozem A., 2016
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The following tutorials and books:

  • 101 tips for adapting to a new job, or How to survive, survive and succeed among the sharks in the office, Valinurov I., Maslennikov R., 2017

The swarm of martin was born in Curacao in the first half of the 50s of the XX century. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a doctor and in the second half of the 70s of the twentieth century he graduated with honors from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, receiving a doctorate in medicine.

So Roy Martin became a therapist.

While practicing as a doctor, he discovered that medicine was powerless in preventing and treating chronic diseases. The question quickly arose before him as to why some people get sick and others don't. Roy Martin decided to leave classical medicine. He studied acupuncture, ear acupuncture, burdiol manual therapy, homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine, moermann therapy, some biofeedback methods, immunotherapy, flower essence therapy, herbal medicine, hemotherapy and laser therapy in france, germany, taiwan, switzerland, england, china and America.

More than 25 years of study, research and experimentation have led him to the conclusion that the prevention and cure of chronic diseases will only become possible when the human body is considered as a whole. Roy Martin found that in a large number of cases, people fell ill due to unsanctioned conflict situations, unexpressed feelings, blocked emotions and subconscious sabotage. He also found that people who applied his methods had significantly improved living comfort.

As a result, the martin swarm defined its own mission: to convey to people that they themselves can manage the quality of their lives (energy, health, happiness and success) and teach them to do it. By following the “chain of success” of a martin swarm, people become strong: they feel very good physically and emotionally, treat other people with respect, care about personal growth, attach importance to their own lives, and are in balance with themselves and the environment. This contributes to the improvement of the world in the broadest sense of the word.
In his own laboratory, he has developed over a thousand formulas of natural medicines, which are internationally recognized by experts in the field of medicine as excellent in the field of homeopathy and detoxification.

Roy Martin founded an organization called "roy martina experience" (RME), whose slogan is "be the best you can be." It is based on the principles of wholeness, friendliness and improvement of the world in which we live.

During the treatment of diseases, RME uses a whole approach, while classical medicine focuses on problems (suppression of manifestations) and diseases (strict differentiation of specializations).

Every year RME organizes a variety of readings, symposiums, seminars and trainings in various countries. Members of the RME think that only their own experience in the configuration with exercises leads to a spectacular result.

Roy Martin is the author of over 60 books. Some of them have been translated and published in foreign languages. Roy Martina's book "The Art of Emotional Balance" has become one of the bestsellers of popular science literature not only in the Netherlands, but all over the world, including Russia.

He also developed a revolutionary program that, in a primitive and accessible way, helps people improve the quality of their lives.
He has trained more than a thousand doctors from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy in his own ways: neuro-emotional integration (NEI), emotional balance (EE), mind & body coaching, health training with the help of neuro - emotional integration (NEI health coaching), "INTEGRA" (INTEGRA) and "?" (omega).

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Roy Martina is the author of many bestsellers published in various languages ​​of the world. He is a specialist in acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine, manual therapy, qigong, immunotherapy, iridology and reflexology. He is also a sixth dan black belt in karate and remains a seven-time European karate champion.
All emotions originate in the mind. The main, most important function of the mind is not just to think, but to experience various emotions. It is because of unbalanced emotions that various ailments, internal conflicts, mental and physical illnesses appear. Your health - both physical and mental - directly depends on your emotions, their balance.

Daily program by Roy Martin.
1. Point of insecurity (danger).
2. Point of disappointment (frustration).
3. Point of alarm (anxiety).
4. Point of stress (shocks).
5. Point of repressed emotions (regret)
6. Points of fear.
7. Point of low self-esteem (self-esteem).
8. Point of anger (anger).
9. Point of sadness (sadness).
10. Point of stubbornness (cruelty).
11. Point of repressed sexuality.
12. Point of resentment, pain (forgiveness).
13. Point of emotional balance
14. Point of neurological balance.

Affirmations with tapping on the dots.
1. I love and accept myself, along with my insecurities, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my insecurity and replace it with confidence. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
2. I love and accept myself, along with my disappointment, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my frustration and replace it with trust. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I
3. I love and accept myself, along with my anxiety, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I
I let go of my anxiety and replace it with peace. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept mine
emotions completely.
4. I love and accept myself, along with my stress, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I release my stress and replace it with inner peace. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
5. I love and accept myself, along with my regret, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my regret and replace it with gratitude. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
6. I love and accept myself, along with my fear, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my fear and replace it with confidence and calmness. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I
I accept my emotions completely.
7. I love and accept myself, along with my low self-esteem, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my low self-esteem and replace it with self-love. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
8. I love and accept myself, along with my anger, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I release my anger and replace it with inner peace. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
9. I love and accept myself, along with my sadness, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my sadness and replace it with joy. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept mine
emotions completely.
10. I love and accept myself, along with my stubbornness, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my stubbornness and replace it with relaxation. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
11. I love and accept myself, along with my repressed sexuality, at the deepest level, from the very first time,
when he tested it. I let my sexuality come out. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I
I accept my emotions completely.
12. I love and accept myself, along with my resentment, at the deepest level, from the very first time I experienced it. I let go of my resentment and replace it with joy. I let go of the need to suppress my emotions, I accept my emotions completely.
13. I love and accept myself even when I don't love myself.
14. I love and accept myself even when I don't love myself.

neurological balance.
A) Focus on the desired state.
B) Stimulate points 6 with the left hand, points 14 with the right.
B) "I accept and allow harmony into my life, I let go of the past now and forever."
- close eyes,
- open eyes,
- look down to the left, then down to the right,
- make a big circle with your eyes clockwise and back.
- quickly move your eyes 10 times from left to right and back,
- slowly raise your eyes from the bottom up,
- count backwards from 53 to 41
- purr a song
- count backwards from 53 to 41
- breathing: inhale deeply, then inhale even more, exhale half (quickly), exhale completely, exhale again
more. Breathe normally (3 inhale-exhale cycles).

Roy Martin "The Art of Emotional Balance"
http://www.e-puzzle.ru/page.php?al=roj_martinaiskusstvo_e and others.