How to cut a log yourself along with a chainsaw. How to properly saw a log on a band sawmill Wood carpentry saw along a chainsaw

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For carpenters, boards and beams are the most common blanks, of which crafts and wood products are subsequently produced. And the first thing that the material undergoes is sawing into pieces of the required length. At the same time, you should know how to cut the board evenly, because the incorrect execution of this operation can ruin the workpiece or significantly affect the appearance, and not for the better.

On large enterprises the problem of how to cut a timber or a board exactly does not arise. Any serious production has high-precision equipment that performs this type of work. At home, you have to make do with what is at hand. At the same time, you still need to be able to use the tool or equipment correctly in order to saw off the board correctly, and the cut turned out to be flawless.

Note that many companies that sell boards and beams provide cutting services. And for this they use all the same specialized equipment, so the purchased material will be cut efficiently. But it is not always possible to use such a service, and it often happens that you only need to cut one workpiece.

You can cut a board at home with tools and equipment such as:

Each of these options has its own specifics, which is important to consider before starting work, that is, you need to know how to cut a bar or board with this or that tool so that the cut quality is acceptable.

Circular saw - high productivity and ease of use

The circular saw is the best option to perform work. It has excellent performance and allows you to cut a considerable number of blanks in a relatively short time, and with high quality. In addition, such a saw allows you to cut the material longitudinally, but you need to know how to cut the board straight along.

One of critical criteria when choosing a circular, is the maximum cutting depth. There are devices on the market that cut materials with a thickness of 30 to 130 mm. That is, you can choose a machine for cutting only thin boards, and for sawing bars.

It is also worth paying attention to itself cutting tool... Discs with big amount teeth will provide a neat, high-quality cut, while the cutting speed will be low.

Sawing along the grain.

But discs with a small number of teeth will provide high productivity, but the cut quality will also be worse.

Now about how to cut straight with a circular saw. One of the conditions quality execution work is a reliable fixation of the workpiece. If the material is weakly fixed, then when cutting the board may "go" and the cut will be uneven.

If the circular saw is hand-held, then all work should be performed on a workbench equipped with stops and guides for workpieces. Such a device can be made independently, taking any table as a basis.

It is important to set the cutting depth correctly before starting to cut. Some hand saws have an adjustable side guide that can be used to rip through the material. If there is no such device, then use the same workbench.

More convenient in terms of work is the table circular, which is already equipped with everything you need - guides, clamps. Often, such equipment also allows you to cut workpieces at an angle.

During the sawing process, it is important not to exceed the force on the tool, otherwise the cut quality will be low, the increased load on the saw will lead to a rapid dullness of the cutting blade.

Do not forget about safety precautions when using such equipment. Work should be carried out only after checking the serviceability of the saw and the correct fastening of the workpiece. Also not worth neglecting protective equipment- masks, glasses.

Hacksaw - simplicity and safety

A hacksaw is a simple tool that is quite suitable for work. And although the cutting speed is low, and considerable physical effort is required, but for home conditions such a saw is the most acceptable option.

It is not difficult to cut correctly with a hacksaw on wood. The main condition for a high-quality cut of the material is to make the correct cut. To simplify the task, you can use a regular flat bar, which is used as a guide.

Often the question arises of how to smoothly saw off a board with a hacksaw at an angle. For this, a special joinery- miter box. Moreover, it will help not only to make a cut at the right angle, but also allow any beginner to cut the board exactly.

You can also cut off a bar with a hacksaw. The only problem when working with such a blank is that you have to make a lot of effort.

The last option is to use an angle grinder with an installed wheel with teeth for work. But since the "grinder" is not intended for cutting wood, this method can be used only as a last resort: attempts to cut the board can result in serious consequences. It's better to use a hacksaw - it's time consuming, but safe.

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All life will now flow in my VKontakte group, https: // here I just post the video, without discussions and comments.

Serge_msv: Well damn…

Mila Solovyova: exciting movie !!!
Myocardial infarction !!))))
(for TO)
And so - super!

abs abs: Bitch!!

How to cut a board exactly

How smart and quick-witted our people are!

Sergey Burkov: 3x meter board how to dissolve so that both the resulting halves are, for example, 10 mm in thickness

BANDIT #: you explain it to schoolchildren, with a countersunk head, etc.

Alex Lobo: Eco miracle.

COMPUTER: And if the board is 2 meters long? How will you put it on the priest?

Nikolay Sitkov: Ha, I didn't have enough mind before the hacksaw, although I faced such a problem more than once.

HOW ?: trees, take care of your fingers, bro. I wouldn't do that)))

Workshop on the balcony: Simple, cheap and cheerful :))) !!! Like

Mike VIZ: Hello, you have already had this circular in the frame several times. Is it AEG or another company? Maybe take a review, I choose a saw for myself, I would like to hear the advice of an experienced person, what is worth paying attention to.

Andrey Ivanov: Liked. Like.

Video on this topic

How to cut a board straight

Beams and planks are common materials used in house construction. In the absence of funds for finished materials, you can make them yourself using a chainsaw. Before you cut a log into planks with your own hands, you should learn more about the features of this process.

The advantage of sawing logs with a chainsaw

Sawing into planks can be done with tools such as an electric chainsaw and accessories designed to make the job easier. When choosing certain products, it is necessary to focus on the volume of the proposed work. Stationary sawmills are expensive and are purchased only if you plan to organize a business to create boards.

The most accessible tool for work is a chainsaw. Such devices have several advantages over electrical ones:

  • the chainsaw can be used anywhere, regardless of the presence of an electrical network;
  • the tool is suitable for work under conditions high humidity;
  • professional chainsaws are significantly superior to electric ones in power;
  • you can use the chainsaw continuously for an hour.

For sawing logs into boards together with a chainsaw, a special frame is used, which is fixed to the device and allows you to create boards of the same thickness. You also need a device to secure the log in one position. In addition, you will need a guide.

Since household gasoline saws are not designed for heavy loads, professional tools should be used for sawing logs. When choosing, you should pay attention to devices with a capacity of more than 7 horsepower. Before work, the fixed frame is adjusted in accordance with the selected width of the boards. To create a frame, you can use the legs from a school desk or metal corners.

Types of working attachments

The choice of attachments for work depends on the volume and type of work being done. The following devices are used with a chainsaw:

  • drum debarker, which is necessary for removing bark from logs;
  • lightweight nozzle for sawing logs;
  • a standard nozzle used for making boards.

Rip saw attachment

When using such a nozzle, the sawing occurs in the horizontal direction. It is fixed to the rail with special clamps and allows you to create boards of equal thickness. After the work, the boards are dried, and after that they can be used in construction.

Lightweight nozzle

Such devices are often used, but they should only be used when boards are being created for fences or sheds. This is due to the fact that the attachment of the nozzle on the tire occurs only on one side.


The nozzle for removing bark from logs is applied due to the wedge transmission. Attachment takes place with belts - special pulleys are used for this.

How to cut a log into planks with your own hands and not spoil the materials

It is worth noting that the performance of the nozzle can be changed, since the speed of rotation of the shaft depends on the size of the pulleys.

Features of sawing logs when using a chainsaw

Create optional equipment for sawing logs it is quite simple:

  1. To create a support, a frame is used, which can be created from the legs of a school desk. The most suitable are pipes with a square section of 20 × 20 mm.
  2. When constructing the frame, it is necessary to create 2 clamps, and fix the cross member at one end. This element must have holes for the tie bolts. A protrusion for the tire is created in the middle.
  3. In order to cut a log lengthwise, it is necessary to design support frame, the width of which must be at least 8 cm long.
  4. For ease of use, a handle should be welded to the frame.
  5. Before starting work, you must carefully check whether the frame is securely attached to the tire.

Using a homemade tool is easy enough. Before sawing, you need to install 2 trestles - they will be used as a support for the log. In addition, a metal rail or flat board is being prepared, which will serve as a guiding element.

Sawing technique along

The most difficult step in the process is making the first cut. For this you need:

  • install a guide ruler, which consists of two boards, which are fastened together at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • after that, it is necessary to place the log to be sawn on the supports and fix it;
  • then it is important to check if the log is level;
  • at the next stage, it is necessary to fix the leading ruler on the supports using self-tapping screws;
  • after that you can start creating the first saw cut.

Cross cut features

Cross-cut is used only for creating firewood or interior elements. The work is carried out according to several principles:

  1. Before carrying out work, the log is placed in a horizontal position on supports. Its height should be 0.5 m.
  2. After that, it is necessary to completely clean the bark from the log.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to make marks on the entire log, located at an equal distance from each other.
  4. Then, using the created marks, you can cut.

No specialized tools are required for cross-cutting.

Safety rules during work

To avoid injury, you must follow the basic recommendations:

  1. Before using the gas powered tool, you must carefully read the instructions that come with the kit.
  2. Since a chainsaw is a dangerous tool, work should not be carried out while intoxicated or sick.
  3. Hold the saw with both hands. A secure grip will allow you to control the movement of the tool and maintain its position in the event of unexpected jerks and in the event of kickback.
  4. There should be no fuel mixture or oil on the hands during operation, as this reduces the reliability of the grip.
  5. It is not permissible to use the saw if it is damaged, not fully assembled or not adjusted.
  6. During work, there should be no children or animals on the site.
  7. In the absence of special skills, do not use the chainsaw on stairs or other unstable surfaces.
  8. Do not cut with outstretched arms and above shoulder level.

By following the described rules, the risk of injury is significantly reduced.

Planks and beams are one of the main building materials... Funds do not always allow you to buy finished boards... Many have the opportunity to take a plot in the forestry and harvest timber on their own.

Sawing of logs is carried out using a sawmill, an electric or chainsaw and additional devices. When choosing tools, focus on the amount of work.

The cheapest stationary sawmill with all the accessories will cost you no less than 150 thousand rubles. If you do not plan to be engaged in a small business, the purchase of such equipment is inappropriate.

A more affordable tool is a chainsaw. A chainsaw is more convenient than an electric one for several reasons.

  1. Electricity is not required for work - this allows you to work with a chainsaw on plots.
  2. Has a higher power than electric.
  3. Has a smooth start and convenient speed control, which reduces the risk of chain breakage.
  4. The overrun brake is faster than an electric saw.
  5. Long operating time without interruption - up to 1 hour.
  6. Allows you to work in high humidity conditions.

Devices for fixing the log, a special frame-attachment for the chainsaw and a guide will help to cut the log along the chainsaw.

When sawing with a chainsaw, the tool is exposed to a lot of stress. A household chainsaw will quickly fail. Better to use a professional tool. A good option is a Stihl MS 660 or Stihl MS 880 chainsaw. These models have more than 7 horsepower, which is enough for continuous operation under heavy loads.

A special metal frame is attached to the saw bar. The distance between the frame and the tire is adjustable, which allows you to cut the material into boards of the required thickness.

Having at hand metal corners or legs from a school desk, make a frame as feasible on your own.

The video shows how to make a frame with your own hands.

When working in stationary conditions, a rigid metal profile or a long flat board is suitable for the guide. The ends of the guide are fixed on the trestle, the log is laid from below. This method is only suitable for cutting short trunks - there is a possibility of guide deflection. This will result in uneven cutting of the trunk.

How to cut a log lengthwise

To make a smooth cut, you need a straight template - a leading ruler or guide.

The BigMill Timberjig mini sawmill (Logosol) is a good help in the work. Manufacturer Sweden. The cost of such a set is considerable - about 9,000 rubles. Calculate how profitable it is for you to purchase such a tool. The ability to cut logs at the site will help reduce transport costs.

Sawing is done with a two-stroke saw with two nuts for mounting the bar. The device allows you to fix and cut a log up to 60 cm in diameter.

In order to cut the log into planks, you will need a ripping chain. If it is impossible to buy such a chain, sharpen the usual one at an angle of 10 °. Do not forget that the chain loses its sharpness during operation and needs periodic sharpening. A well-sharpened chain will make your work easier.

The kit includes accessories and parts with which you can install a wooden rail. The frame fixed on the chainsaw slides along the guide and does not allow the tire to go to the side.

Operating procedure:

How to cut a log across

If you plan to cut the trunk across and then dissolve the logs into planks, this is impractical. Usually a log intended for harvesting firewood is cut across.

A log that has been sawn across is often used for making garden benches, tables. Look nice garden paths, decorated with sawn wood .. In this case, sawing is performed into discs with a thickness of 10-15 cm.

  1. Place the log on a sturdy, stable trestle with a height of 60-80 cm.
  2. If you plan to remove the bark of the tree, do it before starting the cut.
  3. Make a shallow cut to serve as a guide groove.
  4. Rotate the log 90º so that the saw bar follows the groove.
  5. When cutting a log into logs, first make notches with an ax.
  6. Cut the log. Further processing of the material depends on the area of ​​its application.

Safety rules for sawing wood

  1. Wear headphones, goggles, a respirator, gloves, and heavy clothing.
  2. Keep children out of the work area.
  3. Have a first aid kit on hand - circular saws and chain saws are hazardous tools.
  4. Do not use a circular saw without a protective cover.
  5. Do not put fuel into the hot tank of the chainsaw, wait until it cools down a little.
  6. Start the chain saw on the ground with the chain brake applied. Only release the chain brakes before starting to cut.
  7. While working, hold the saw by the handle of the arc, pushing it forward along the guide. Do not push hard on the saw - it should move freely.
  8. When pruning trees with a chain saw, take care of the ladders - the saw must not be lifted above shoulder level during operation.
  9. If you are not left-handed, place the log on your right side.

How to cut a log correctly. Video lessons.

Working with the Timberjig sawing system.

Centuries and millennia pass, new materials and technologies appear, and wood, stone and metal, as they were, remain the main materials used by mankind in their needs. Products made from them surround us wherever we are, wherever we go.

Especially noteworthy is the tree, which creates an atmosphere of coziness and comfort everywhere. Metal and stone are colder and laconic, but wood is even warm to the touch. Therefore, the first two materials are used more often in the form load-bearing structures, and wood in the interior decoration, however, after bringing to the appropriate form.

Before properly sawing a log, you need to inspect it. If on outside Since there are no significant flaws in the wood, the processing can be done quickly and practically without loss of wood.

Logs must be sawn in such a way that the resulting materials have an equal density. And for this you need to remember that the wood on the north side of the trunk has a higher density than on the south. Sawing a log lengthwise begins with removing the slab, this part is removed from both sides of the tree to get a bar that will not roll.

We put the resulting timber on one cut side, and the other looks up, from which the sawing will begin. Now you can cut the remaining log into appropriate sawn timber or boards of equal thickness. As a result, we get a set of unedged boards, in which the raw edge (sometimes even with the bark of the tree) must then be cut off with a hand saw. Now the work can be considered completed.

How to cut a log lengthwise - disappointing realities

All of these recommendations are good for ideal logs, but as you know, the ideal is rare. Basically, almost all logs have various flaws, and you have to adjust and invent ways of cutting in order to avoid wood loss and get as much as possible. quality material.

As in the previous case, before you cut the log lengthwise, you need to remove the croaker from it. For those who do not know, a slab is a board that has one sawn surface, and the other either gets partially processed or does not touch at all.

After removing the slab, the next step is unedged board, it was already written about it above. Longitudinal cut logs gives boards, but with raw edges. In the process, because the log is not ideal, it is necessary to periodically turn it over and reveal best options further use. Sometimes, for cutting one log, it has to be turned over 180 degrees several times in order to minimize defective boards.

If there is a possibility of obtaining good quality material from the other side of the log, you need to continue the process from it and so on until the wood is fully used.

Very often, after cutting, a bar remains, it can also be put on slats, boards or used in its original form.

Features of mechanisms for processing logs

Many private developers have a question: how to cut a log along a chainsaw? Experts recommend, for this operation, first of all, to fix the log and only after that carry out the processing. In addition, in order for the cut to be as smooth as possible, a good sharpening of the chain of this saw is necessary so that it does not go to the side, or buy a special chain designed for ripping.

In addition, it is desirable that the logs are not long, because it is very difficult to do something manually from a long workpiece with high quality. Also in hardware stores, special nozzles for logs and a saw are sold, which are called a mini-sawmill, they allow you to work at home quickly and efficiently. The only drawback of such equipment is its high cost.

Act when used hand saw it is necessary in the same way as when processing with a sawmill. The slab is cut off and the remaining log is cut into longitudinal boards, from which the lateral raw edges are then separated. Only the main difference when working with a saw is the increased complexity, because you need to maintain a uniform thickness of the board when working with a saw that constantly tends to wobble, it is also just physically difficult to hold it in your hands all the time.

All experts agree that if there is a possibility, it is better to take the material to the sawmill, where they will be processed using professional equipment with the least loss and extremely smooth edges.

Sawing logs into planks with a chainsaw is quite convenient and simple method work with wood. Thanks to the presence of various attachments, the master obtains materials that have a smooth and even surface. It is easy to make boards yourself, you do not have to go to specialized stores.

The advantage of sawing logs with a chainsaw

The method of sawing logs with a chainsaw has several advantages.

The ability to work under any conditions - the chainsaw is not afraid of moisture, therefore, specialists can cut logs in the rain, the equipment in this case will not deteriorate.

High productivity - it is allowed to carry out work on wood throughout the day, but it must be borne in mind that the power of the device must be at least 7 horsepower.

Autonomous device - the equipment runs on gasoline, does not depend on electricity, workplace mounted on any site where it will be more convenient to carry out the process.

Convenience in work - the chainsaw is equipped with a smooth start and regulation of the chain rotation speed, these conditions ensure a high-quality result for beginners in this business.

The undoubted advantage is that the equipment is much cheaper than a small sawmill. During a breakdown, repair is inexpensive and does not take much time.

Types of working attachments

Sawing logs with a chainsaw is carried out different ways, the craftsmen work with wood along the grain, as well as across it. It all depends on which attachments are used in the chainsaw.

Rip saw attachment

It is used for sawing a log lengthwise, the process takes place in a horizontal position. After work, the master gets the same thickness for the product. Finished materials exposed, then the boards are used in construction.

By appearance the device is a small frame, it is attached to the tire on each side.

Sawing with a lightweight nozzle

The method is not very efficient, but it is used quite often. The element is fastened on one side, but the workpieces are slightly uneven. Such materials are needed to build barns or fences.

Drum debarker - gummer

With the help of such a nozzle, it is easy to dissolve the log, it works due to the V-belt transmission. Attaches to belts on both sides using special pulleys. The speed of rotation of the shaft depends on the size of the pulleys, so the performance of the nozzle is easy to change.

This technology forces the master to carefully monitor each stage of the process; some specialists use an assistant during this cut. But this option requires increased security measures.

Features of a homemade sawing option

Sawing a log into boards is easy with a do-it-yourself tool. Equipment manufacturing is simple:

  • As a support, it is necessary to use a frame from a school desk or a pipe with a cross-section in the form of a square, its optimal size is 20 × 20, and more is allowed.
  • Make two clamps, at one end mount a cross-member with two holes for tie bolts, make a projection for the tire in the middle.
  • For longitudinal sawing of logs into boards, it is important to make a support frame, its width must be 7–8 cm less than its length.
  • Then two elements 10 cm long are welded to both sides, holes are made for bolts, a handle is attached in the middle for ease of use.
  • After that, insert the clamps into the grooves, the tire is installed, everything is carefully fixed.

To Work with homemade tool it is not difficult, this will require two goats, they will serve as a support, and it is also necessary to prepare a metal rail or board, the element will be a guiding element. A log is laid from below, the required height for work is regulated.

Technique for sawing logs along

Longitudinal sawing is carried out using a horizontal nozzle. To get the boards even, it is important to use a specially prepared guide; a metal rail or a high-strength board plays its role.

The difficult thing in this process is to make the first saw cut, for this you need:

  • Mount the leading ruler, it consists of two boards, fastened together at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Place the log on supports, firmly fix its position.
  • Check if the log is level with a spirit level.
  • Using self-tapping screws, fix the guide ruler to the supports.
  • In a horizontal position, fix another guide, the element will abut against the ground, but at the same time fix the log.
  • Saw a log.

During the second cut, specialists may not use the leading ruler, the resulting board will serve as a guide. The second cut is made perpendicular to the first.

Cross-cut secrets

The cross saw is used to obtain firewood or decorative elements interior. Sawing is carried out according to the following principles:

  • Place the log in a horizontal position on wooden supports, the height should be 0.5 m.
  • Clean it from the bark.
  • Using an ax or a saw, make small marks along the entire length, they should be located at the same distance from each other.
  • Make a cut along the cuts.

Cross cut does not require application special devices or attachments. An ordinary chain is perfect for such work, but its rings must be strong.

Safety engineering

When working with a chainsaw, you must follow the safety rules, they will help to avoid injuries and unpleasant situations:

  • People, especially children, must not be allowed into the work site.
  • When working with circular saw be sure to put on a special protective cover on it.
  • During the process of sawing a log, you should use protective equipment against sawdust and noise.
  • It is necessary to have a first aid kit with medications to treat the wound during cuts.
  • Do not pour gasoline into the heated tank of the chainsaw.
  • It is necessary to use the chainsaw only for its intended purpose; it is forbidden to turn it on at full power if it is not in operation.
  • The installation of logs is carried out only on the right side.
  • When working with the equipment, it is strictly forbidden to press on it with force.

Subject to safety precautions, the work will be simple, and the result will be high quality material without harm to health.

The chainsaw is universal equipment that is easy to use. Its masters can use it on personal plot, in a private house. In addition to receiving boards, it is used for renovation works outbuildings and wooden elements decor. Big number In this case, you do not need boards, it is enough to take a couple of logs.

Video: Sawing wood into planks with a chainsaw

All photos from the article

In the process various works often there is a need for longitudinal cutting of logs or timber. For this, the most Various types equipment - from stationary sawmills to small installations, but these options cost a lot, and if you need to perform a small amount of work, then sawing logs with a chainsaw will be the simplest and most rational solution.

Benefits of using this option

First of all, let's figure out what advantages this sawing method has:

Ability to work in any conditions Unlike electrical equipment, which is afraid of high humidity, the chainsaw is capable of working in the most unfavorable conditions, at the same time, there will be no damage to the structure, because all the units in the chainsaw are adapted to work outdoors and even under precipitation
Operability If you are going to work for a long time, then you will need equipment with a capacity of about 7 horsepower or more, it is able to withstand significant loads, while the quality of work will be consistently high
Autonomy Since the device runs on gasoline, you do not depend on electricity and can build a structure for sawing in any convenient place... This is especially convenient when working in areas where there are no power lines
Convenience The inertial brake in chainsaws works faster than in electrical systems, and smooth start-up and regulation of the chain rotation speed provide high quality work, even if you have no such experience

In addition to all of the above factors, one should not forget the low cost of the structure, the purchase of a stationary sawmill will cost several times more.

Overview of some options

Here are two of the most popular designs that provide best quality at work, and you yourself will determine what is more convenient and preferable in your case.

Homemade option

First, let's look at how to make a device for sawing logs with a chainsaw with your own hands.

The instructions for carrying out the work are as follows:

  • It is best to use a frame from an old school desk or a square tube with a side of 20x20 or slightly larger.
  • First of all, two clamps are made, these are elements 50-60 cm long, on one end of which a cross member with two holes for tie bolts and a small protrusion in the middle for clamping the tire is welded, an element of the same configuration is attached on top, the photo below shows ready-made elements, as you can see, everything is quite simple, and having at hand welding machine, you can make them very quickly.