Turntable for desktop machines. And get blog updates! DIY turntable

This is an article with the idea that without much cost and effort, a homemade platform, or chair with adjustable legs, is available for any amateur to sit on a fishing rod with adjustable legs for fishing. The information from this video will be of interest to those anglers who fish in a modern way, that is, actively. For them, comfort while fishing is important. Those for whom going out with a fishing rod is just an excuse to drink vodka with friends in nature, or those who continue to fish old-fashioned way and antique gear, it hardly makes sense to spend time browsing.

A lot of things for fishing and cheap in this Chinese store.

What do most of us sit on when fishing? As a rule, this is either some of the cheapest folding chairs, a fishing box, or an inexpensive folding chair. And everything would be fine, but. It is uncomfortable to sit on a chair, legs swell. It is convenient to sit on a chair and a drawer only on a flat surface. You can buy a not very expensive branded chair. Adjustment of the legs there occurs in a small range. And the chair itself will not be designed for people with a lot of weight. You can buy a better chair, but the price…

For complete comfort, in addition to the platform, you can also take a footrest. Body kit to have everything at hand. And then most of us understand that the loaf is not on the snout. A lot of people want to fish comfortably. Particularly inquisitive of our time wonders if it is possible to go fishing both comfortably and inexpensively. Asked this question and the author of the video. It turned out that you can, if you try to do it yourself. Here is what the author found on the Internet. Beautiful, reliable, inexpensive.

People even make platforms with their own hands and spend time fishing comfortably. Someone will think that the author is mocking the most respectable public. Where can I get a place, a tool, welding, and so on? But he doesn’t have all this either, but he wants to sit comfortably ...

And this intrusive thoughts did not give everything last days him peace. He went the other day with his wife to Auchan. Walk between the shelves with products of pleasure is not enough, he himself went in the sense of seeing what could be done without much difficulty comfortable spot For fishing.
And I found something.

Therefore, you need the very minimum of tools for this home-made fishing furniture and you don’t have to be special man-made. After wandering through the forums, I found that not one is so smart. The people already know about this and use it with might and main, including.

Also, with the help of these and other furniture and construction bells and whistles, you can make a body kit.

Hi all!

For those who are not familiar with the project

PhotoPizza- this is open project rotary object table for photographing objects from all sides (3D-photo-360, spin-photo). The platform control unit is based on Arduino.
You can assemble yourself this device from the available components using detailed instructions, and, you do not need deep knowledge in electronics.
Official page of the project

The new platform is made of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) and weighs only 5 kg while maintaining loads up to 40 kg
For load capacities up to 100 kg the platform must be assembled from acrylic.

Advantages and disadvantages of using PVC material

Highly lightweight material and is suitable for turntables with a small load capacity (30-50 kg), the load capacity depends on the uniform distribution of the mass of the photographed object along the plane of the rotating disk. If you distribute the weight correctly, you can put an object weighing 60-70 kg. Due to its low weight, the platform is convenient to use for outdoor photography, even taking into account transportation using public transport. white material makes it easy to shoot subjects against a white background, but I don't recommend using the standard disk of any platform for streaming. The disc wears out, gets dirty, and therefore, it is necessary to put an additional circle of paper on top, and preferably of thin, matte plastic, approximately 0.7 mm thick. Unlike acrylic, pvc material much softer and can buckle after applying a point load, at the same time, it is more popular in the field of outdoor advertising, it is cheaper and it is easy to find cutoffs for turntable parts.

The new design of the clamping system has become simpler and more efficient

The new design also provides for the possibility of assembly with fixation of the upper disk.

And here is the build process of the platform

Platform Features

In this non-transparent version of the platform, the upper disc is fixed rigidly and cannot be removed without unscrewing the central axle nut.
Material - PVC 10 mm
30 kg
40 kg
Can rotate a person weighing up to 75 kg, but operation under this load is not recommended.
Circle diameter - 480 mm
Suitable for photogrammetric 3D scanning of objects - this is a way to build a 3D model based on the analysis of a sequence of frames from different angles.
Possible shooting speed - 100 frames in 15 seconds
Adjustable rotation parameters - acceleration, rotation speed, endless rotation, rotation by a certain number of steps, 4 adjustable programs
Remote control by IR remote control and buttons on the bottom of the screen
Offline operation possible

Use as a suspension system:
Rated lifting capacity - 5 kg
Maximum load capacity - 10 kg

Weight and physical size:
The weight complete set - 5 kg
Height - Depends on engine height,70-90mm
Length, engine side 565 mm
Width - 524 mm
Rotating disk diameter - 480 mm

In this article, we will consider how the author-homemade, from improvised materials, made a turntable for photographing small objects.

Tools and materials:
-Plastic pallet;
-Cutting board;
-Power cord with plug and switch;
- M4 bolt with nut and washer-4 pcs;
- Screws 3*10 mm - 3 pcs;
- Rubber plug;
- UShM-ka;
- Scissors for metal;

Step One: Microwave
The master took all the main details from a microwave oven, with a non-working magnetron. Using a screwdriver and an angle grinder, he disassembles the microwave. For further work all Bottom part. Playground, roller, motor, wire, coupler, glass plate.

Step two: turntable
For his product, the author took a round cutting board 230 mm in diameter and 10 mm thick. On the board there is a groove whose diameter coincides with the diameter of the roller.

Finds the center of the board. Drills a hole with a diameter of 3 mm. Attaches a coupler in the center and marks the places for the hooks. Screws with nuts placed under the caps will be used as hooks. Screws screws. Trying on a coupler. Installs the roller in the groove. The roller is exactly in the groove.

Step Three: Playground
He attaches a plastic plate to the site and draws around the contour. Cuts with scissors according to the markup. Drills along the edge of the platform, cross to cross, four holes with a diameter of 4.5 mm.

Step Four: Assembly
Places a plate on the platform. Makes holes in the plate, as on the site. In the side surface drills a hole for the wire. Installs a plug in the hole and pulls the wire. Attaches the electric motor. Connects wire and motor terminals. Screws the plastic plate to the platform.

Attaches the coupler to the motor shaft. Installs roller and plate.

The turntable is ready. You can use a regular glass plate, but a wooden one is better.

You can also install another table on the platform. The tables are centered with an awl.

Hello dear readers. We continue the story of the solar collector.

Start . In this article we will talk about my design of the rotary device. In the army, I served as a telephone operator and there was plenty of free time for radio amateurism. Knowing this, the foreman of the company in an order affectionately asked to make a device for rotating the Christmas tree for him at home. Where can I get a gearbox in the army, or at least gears? It was then that the idea was born of converting translational motion into rotational motion with the help of a screw and a cable. True, the tree was spinning in different sides- circle clockwise, circle - against. But it was not necessary to make current collectors for garlands. Well, in general, he liked everything.

Schematically, the device is shown in Figure 1. It resembles a worm gear and even retains its parameters and at the same time looks like a vernier. When the engine 5 rotates the screw 1 clockwise, if there is a right-hand thread on the screw, the threaded carriage 2 will move to the right, towards the engine, dragging the cable 3, which in turn will make the pulley 4 rotate. End contacts 6 are installed near the ends of the screw , which are used in the control unit to limit the movement of the threaded carriage. But for our rotary system it is necessary to do the opposite. The pulley will be fixed, and in this case the platform on which the screw device with engine and solar collector. This will give us the opportunity to place the whole thing on top of the rotating platform.

I thought for a long time about what could be adapted as a platform rotation node. The problem resolved itself when he suddenly ordered to live long rear axle my favorite goat. The rear wheel hub is what you need. We look at figure 2. Two tapered bearings 2 are installed on the trunnion 4, on which the hub 1 itself rotates directly, which has a flange for fastening rim. I tried to remove the excess and that's what happened - Fig 3. Here the axle shaft, rim and brake shield with all personal belongings are removed.

Of course, it is best to purchase half of the bridge at the flea market, which includes the axle shaft casing, then, if the solar collector (SC) is planned to be installed directly on the ground, part of the casing and part of the main gear housing (differential) can simply be walled up in concrete base. If the SC will be located above the ground, then for fixing the fixed part of the rotation unit, you can come up with removable option device, using the flange for attaching the brake shield. There are many options, you just have to think. In my drawing, a plate is drawn, in which stiffeners from steel corners are subsequently welded. A wooden shield is attached to them. You can do it easier - just attach the platform directly to the rim. And there are many options here. It all depends on the invention of the author and on his capabilities. And so, instead of the semi-axis inside the trunnion 4 Fig. 2, the axis is rigidly attached (Fig. 3), on which the pulley is tightly fixed. It is with respect to this pulley that the SC will rotate. If the remainder of the axle shaft casing is short, then the axle can be welded inside (see Fig. 3). The length of the axis also depends on your invention about the method of attaching the rotating platform. You can, of course, weld it at the exit, but here you have to be careful not to ruin the thread.

Purchased studs can be used as a screw, the diameter of which depends on the magnitude of the load. If possible, make screws with threads smaller than metric. In couplings 7 (see Fig. 1) under heavy loads, if you want, for example, to make an SC for heating water in a pool, it is better to use cone bearings. With a screw thread diameter of 22 mm or more, the front wheel hubs from, say, a “penny”, in short from the Zhiguli classics, are very well suited. We look at photo A. The hub can be cut off (see photo B) and a flange can be used for attaching to the platform, or you can leave only the part where the outer bearing of the hub is located by welding it to the corner. At the same time, grooves must be made at the ends of the screw for a diameter equal to the inner diameter of the inner ring of the bearing of the outer hub support. It is equal to 19.050mm.

With light loads, the screw can be installed in sleeves with plain bearings and thrust washers. See figure 4. With these propeller supports, the torque must be transmitted to it with the help of additional gears or a belt drive using pulleys. In this case, depending on the transmission coefficient, it is possible to use engines with less power and the rotation of the SC will be smoother. You can refuse thrust washers and make couplings of a different design (see Fig. 5). Here the end of the screw rests on the ball from the bearing. Bronze bushings in the bracket must be firmly fixed. It is better if the hole in the bracket for the bushing will have a side against which the end of the bushing or the side of the groove on the bushing will rest.

Many portable machines, such as drum grinding machine , it is convenient to store in one position, and for work it has to be rotated. And the combined tape-disk machine has two working positions.

To solve the problem, I made a desktop platform mounted on a swivel base.

To make it, you need the following:

Saw the platform out of 20mm plywood. Drill in it through holes for bolts and insert flange nuts from the underside. Temporarily secure the machine to the platform.

Make sure that the ends of the bolts protrude no more than 6 mm from the bottom, otherwise they will scrape the workbench. If necessary, replace the bolts with shorter ones or saw off the excess.

Remove the machine and fix the swivel support from the underside of the platform with screws. Drill a 25 mm hole in the platform for a screwdriver and attach the assembled platform to the workbench.

Source: metro-office.ru

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