Fortune telling on the wedding on the maps. Foreign for marriage and love on maps and paper: a selection of the most accurate ways

For any girl, a very exciting and important question is considered marriage. Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity almost from childhood represent themselves in the dress of the bride, beautiful and happy, going on hand with a loved one.

That is why divination is considered fairly common and in demand, because with the help of cards or other items, you can find out the answer to one of the most important issues, Will the girl marry and how soon it happens.

In this article, we will look at the individual options for magical events that even the girl can hold, which until that moment has never resorted to magic.

Varieties of magical rites

The following types of rites are considered to be the most common:

  • on whether the girl will get married at all;
  • when this significant event happens;
  • will a wedding with a concrete young man.

As can be seen, there are rites and for those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, which have not yet met their soul mate, and for those who have a loved one.

Ritual on cards on a young man

This fortune telling is greatly suitable for girls who have a young person with whom they consist of close relationships and want to marry. To begin with, you need a deck hadal mapswhich was never played, but only a magical rituals could be held.

Now you should choose you and your sweetheart:

  • If you are not 35 years old, then you are a bubnic lady,
  • If you are more than 35 years old, then you are a worm lady;
  • If your sweetheart is not 35 years old, then he is a tambourine king;
  • If he is over 35 years old, he is a worm king.

Please note the card of your beloved should be out of the deck, and the lady is in the deck. Well shuffling them, count the first 21 card. If there is a lady among them, then during the year you are awaiting a wedding with a young man who has a rite. If the ladies do not have, then, finding it in the deck, the lady needs to be replaced with any of the first selected 21 cards.

Now the 21 card together with yours you need to decompose in five columns and see the value:

  • If it is in the first column (left) - then the wedding will be within three years;
  • If in the second, then wait for more than 2-3 years;
  • If in the third, then there will be a proposal, but before the wedding does not reach the case;
  • If in the fourth, then marriage with this man will be, but very soon;
  • If in the fifth (right), then you do not conclude a marriage with this person.

So simple I. elementary method You will be able to learn about when you get to tie yourself a marriage with your beloved man. If the result of the magic event did not suit you, it will be possible to fly only tomorrow.

Rite on marriage

This ritual can perform girls who have met their beloved, but dream of playing a wedding and build a strong and friendly family. To fulfill the ritual, you will need a deck of cards that could only be used for gudas. Select a lady in accordance with the wishes from the previous fortune telling and put it in the center of the table. She will denote you.

Now I'm well shuffled by a deck, you need to move to my mother right hand Part of the cards and remove them down.

The following five cards need to be decomposed before you and see the value:

  • All red cards - you will marry for two years;
  • 4 red and 1 black - wedding will be within five years;
  • 3 red and 2 black - marry you will come out for ten years;
  • 2 red and 3 black - magic makes it difficult to answer this question;
  • 1 red and 4 black - you will live with your loved one without marriage;
  • 5 black - most likely you will not be married.

To find out the answer to a concerning question with such a rite - quite simple, and even a person who has not used the card for fortune tells before it does not use the ritual.

However, remember that you need to contact magic only when you believe in the effectiveness of such a method for determining the future. Otherwise, all efforts will be useless, and magic does not want to quench your curiosity.

Rite - when married?

"When I get married? "It is this question that the most worries our young lady, regardless of age. And then, in essence, age is such a formality! It's just a digit in the passport, nothing more! Look around yourself, because in last years The tendency as they would say " unequal marriages"(This is when she is older than him, or it) only enhances. From which one actually can be made one of the only conclusion - everything is ephemechno and everything is conditional, only love is important, because it starts everything.

Duration When I get married pretty simple. Find an answer to this question you will help the deck of tarot cards. It is known to any terrologist that the above-mental courteous system is capable of really on a lot. The list of those questions that tarot can be consecrated very wide. Just like the question associated with the terms of marriage - no exception. After all, each card, each suit is of their value, in terms of time. Thus, the map you fell out, will be able to not only orient you in time, but also give a more detailed answer to your question.

The girls were always wondering what their future spouse would be and when they marry. Various fortune tells were used for the response. The most popular were layouts on the maps. It could be ordinary playing cards or tarot. Modernity offers to use online divorities. No need to study layouts and memorize values. It is important to correctly formulate the question and click on the button.

The system itself will give an answer. You can learn about marriage using numerology. This is a science of numbers that helps learn more about a person.

Let's start with self-signed on the maps. For divination it is necessary to take a deck of 36 cards. They need to be decomposed in three rows of three columns. At the end there should be 9 stacks of 4 cards in each. After that, it is necessary to turn each card in the stacks.

If you come across the same cards (pairs), we clean them. We do an action until the paired cards remain. In the end, we look at the table, if worms remained, then wondering will marry this year.

Online fortune telling on maps

With the advent of the computer and the Internet, it was possible to wander on marriage online. On the Internet there are various sites that offer such a service for free. There you can find a fortune telling for the future marriage. The alignment is done using tarot cards. The fortune telling will help you learn about marriage, what problems are.

How to guess:

  • Go to the site.
  • Click on the deck of cards.
  • The alignment will open.

What questions answers fortune telling:

  1. What is thinking about yourself.
  2. What the rest think about gadaying.
  3. Characteristic of gadgetting B. family relationship.
  4. What thinks gigging about the second half.
  5. How and where a fateful meeting may occur.
  6. What you need to do a gadget to a meeting with your loved one.
  7. Are there any obstacles.
  8. Tip from tarot cards.
  9. What are the opportunities for marriage.

Downstairs will be presented. You can only see the value of cards under each question.

The second version of the divination: for the defold used:

  • 10 cards that are selected from the general deck;
  • The name of the gadget.

What questions will answer cards:

To find out the answers to these questions, you need to read the value of the card on each position. To do this, it is necessary to turn it over and click on it. At the end you need to see the quintessence.

Third alignment. Before you fortunate you need to ask a clear question. For example, will I marry this year? The fifth card will answer this question.

Just below there will be a deck of cards, you can choose any deck from the list. It is necessary to pull 8 cards from it. They will answer the following questions:

  1. Man's behavior for desire.
  2. What a young man thinks about you.
  3. Are there any obstacles to the exercise of desire.
  4. Board from maps.
  5. What is waiting in the future.
  6. What character possesses the elect.
  7. Is there money from a person.
  8. Will joint children?

Divination on marriage on online numbers

Numerology is able to tell a lot of interesting things about a person. For example, when he will have a long-awaited celebration. This divination can be made independently or take advantage of a special site. There are two options:

  • Foreign - whether I will soon marry.
  • Will I marry my boyfriend.

How to take advantage of the first fortune:

  1. On the sheet paper it is necessary to write a name and surname.
  2. Calculate the number of letters and fold them.
  3. After that, write the date of fortune telling and fold the numbers.
  4. Now we fold the first number and second.

Let us give an example: waliling - Marina Kravchenko. We consider the number of letters in the name and surname: Name - 6, surname - 9. We fold and get - 15. It is necessary to bring the number to the unique value, we fold 1 + 5, we get 6. The number of extinguishing equals equal to 6. Now write down the date of fortune telling - 01/12/2018 . All digits are folded: 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 \u003d 15 \u003d 1 + 5 \u003d 6. Now we fold the first and second number, we obtain 12, we lead to a single number - 3.

Now you need to see the result:

It should be noted: during the year you can guess three times.

For the second divination required:

  1. Calculate the birth of the bride and groom.
  2. Fold two values \u200b\u200band see the result.

For example: the date of birth of the bride - 06/28/1996, the birth of the groom - 07.07.1996. Calculate the number for the bride: 2 + 8 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 \u003d 41 \u003d 4 + 1 \u003d 5. The number for the groom: 9 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 \u003d 41 \u003d 4 + 1 \u003d 5. We fold two numbers and obtain 10, we give to a unique number and get 1.

Now you need to see the result.:

  • Unit - Couple will get married very soon. Their marriage will be happy.
  • Two - the couple get married, but before that event for a long time. The guy is not ready to make his beloved offer.
  • Troika - no need to dream about marriage, you are completely different, and it will be clear soon.
  • Four - the girl will not be married to this guy, even if he wants very much.
  • Five - a girl will soon be married, but not with this guy.
  • Sixer - on life path A person will appear who will answer this question.
  • Seed - Couple has envious, which will prevent their wedding. That this does not happen, it is necessary to stop communicating with them.
  • Eight - a girl can create a family with this guy, but the marriage will bring a lot of trouble.
  • Nine - the wedding will be, but in the period not planned by the girl.

How to determine the date of the wedding

Chiromantia can also answer the question: when I marry. By the hand of a person it is possible to draw conclusions about the love, life and character of man, as well as marriage. For fortune telling an active hand takes. If a man is left-handed, then considered left palmIf right-handers - right.

To answer the question, it is necessary to find a marriage line. She is on the edge of the palm between the Mizinyz and the Lini Line. As a rule, there are two such lines. If she is alone, then a person is faithful, and he will have one partner in his entire life.

Studying the lines on the edge of the palm, you need to pay attention to their length and depth:

  1. A large amount of dishes indicates a person frivolous. In his life there will be a lot of relationships.
  2. One clear and deep line indicates a happy marriage.
  3. Several clear and deep screaks indicate a serious relationship not with one person.
  4. If there is a fork, cross or island at the end of the line, then a person in life will be parting with a loved one.
  5. A wavy or inhomogeneous line indicates complex relations. A person will constantly quarrel with his partner.
  6. If there is a fork on the line, and it continues - this indicates a rupture of relationships, but the partners will be together.
  7. The rupture of the line - the relationship will stop unexpectedly and resume with the same partner.
  8. The line ends with a development and begins the same way. Such a sign indicates a rupture of relationships due to treason, but the couple will be able to reunite. In the treason, the person will be guilty of the palm of which there is such a sign.
  9. The presence of thin screenshots with the main line. This means that the third person will appear in the relationship.

By location of the marriage line, you can approximately find out the age of marriage. For this you need:

  1. Mark the distance from the Love line to the Mizinz. That is, we put the heighter on the line of the heart and at the base of the maiden. This segment is 75 years old.
  2. Now you need to divide the segment into three equal parts. The first is 25 years old, the second - from 25 to 50, the third - from 50 to 75.

We look, in which interval is the line:

  • At the first interval, these are early relationships that cannot be considered serious. They point to hobbies and misstitution.
  • In the second sector there are lines indicating a serious relationship. It is here that marriage lines are located.
  • On the third site you can see late relationships.

You can find out the date of marriage different ways: fortune telling on the maps, on numbers, by hand. But each method has errors, and they must be considered.

ATTENTION, only today!

We love your huskies!

Every person dreams of being happy and not lonely. And what could be better and more pleasant than care and understanding of a person close to you? Find your love is the most important and exciting issue of many people. Meet your soul mate, build family life full of love and understanding. Create a happy union of two hearts. Are you lucky to find a satellite of life? If you are still on the way to your personal happiness, it will be interesting to know how close you are close to your second half and when the most cherished desire - Marriage.

Free online divination on marriage on the maps will help you answer main question: "When I get married?" With the help of this online divination You will learn how soon in your life will occur This is a fateful event when you find your happiness and mark the sign date in your life.

Of course, it is not necessary to seriously perceive this fortune telling, everything is very individual in our life, and if you wish to find out the exact date of the wedding and where to get acquainted with your spouse, you still have to apply for
. Well, those who trust more computers are free will pick you up your answer to your question and help get a question about marriage.

Will pay and find out when I get married?

To guess your favorite or favorite choose your card:

If the girl goes bubnova lady.

If a woman is guessing - lady of worms.

Young man - bubnian king.

If you are an elderly man or widower - king of worms.

Want to know if you marry soon? In this article, you will learn about the main types of fortune telling Tarot and marriage maps, learn examples of layouts applicable to this situation. Enjoy reading!

Types of layout Tarot for marriage

The phased alignment of tarot on marriage allows you to find out if marriage will be width with a loved one in the foreseeable future. Selection of fortune telling depends on the formulation of the question (for example, "When I marry", "Will I have a proposal", etc.).

The alignment of tarot on marriage and children makes it possible to analyze the readiness of partners to create a family, the birth of children, which is waiting after the marriage and the like.

Note. The above-mentioned types of divination are relevant when the issue of marriage was already announced, two people are in long-term relationships, there are prerequisites for emergency marriage / marriage

You can find out the details of the above layouts you can at the courses of the Russian Tarot school or after reading the book Sergei Savchenko "Evening tea with candlelights and tarot cards."

Tarot layouts with a concrete person

Consider popular types of tarot layouts on marriage with a man. Details below.

Collapse "Marriage"

Divination is intended for girls / women who are in long-term relationships, but not received the official proposal to marry from young man. The alignment will tell about the true intentions of the second half, his opinion on the Institute of Marriage, his desire / reluctance to become a legitimate spouse. In the scenario, all cards of tarot decks can be used. Detailed scheme is shown below.

Consider a detailed interpretation of each position.

  1. Indicates a man's attitude to marriage as a whole, he considers him a serious / responsible step
  2. Attitude towards official painting, demonstrated by the people around. The first and second cards can be diametrically opposed. Only the first position indicates the truth
  3. Thoughts of the second half relative to the alleged marriage with the Queen
  4. Disadvantages of / merits to which your young man is ready to "close the eyes" after marriage
  5. Expectations from " perfect marriage", His ideas about him, what awaits him
  6. Tip from the map on how to improve existing relationships, their future prospects

Note. If senior arcanes fell in the defold, turn special attention On the interpretation of their arthipov, characteristics of the life position of each character

Calculation "Marriage"

It is suitable for women consisting in long-term relationships with a man who are thinking over to legalize the Union. The fortune telling is simplicity and accessibility, so it can be used by novice pepologists. All arcanes of the decks can be used. The defold scheme is shown below.

Interpretation of card positions as follows:

  1. Does it make sense to legalize existing relationships
  2. Is there a desire for a man to enter into legitimate marriage
  3. Characterizes the "foundation" of relations, on what they are built. Bowls / Cups - sincere feelings, Sources / Wands - common interests, hobbies, swords - the availability of joint problems uniting you, Pentakly / Dinarium - Materialism
  4. Will your hands and heart suggestions expect from your man
  5. General Wedding Perspect Desperation Forecast
  6. Will / will not be honeymoon how it will
  7. Characteristics of the nearest future of your couple

Laying "Will I marry?"

The fortune telling predetermines the probability of marriage as a whole. Before holding the scenario, it is clearly indicating the desired period of marriage. Recommended deadlines - 1-5 years. Details of the interpretation and scheme are shown below.

Interpretation of the positions as follows:

  1. Crew-Women's attitude to own person
  2. Opinion of the surrounding people with regard to gadget (impression, attitude, etc.)
  3. What will a woman in family relationship (family position, her behavior)
  4. Representations of a discrepancy between the future partner (what should it be)
  5. Places, the circumstances in which the future spouse will meet the Cver. Maps will show not only the surrounding environment, but also specify the right place.
  6. What you need to make gadgetting to the descent of the welcome meeting
  7. The presence / lack of karmic circumstances that interfere with marriage (the seal of loneliness, the crown of celibacy, etc.). If one of this position fell next maps: Death, Moon, Higher Court, Devil, Tower, Magician, Priestess, Priest - It should be alerted
  8. Tip card regarding the current situation
  9. The probability of marriage in a mysterious period of time

Tarot layouts on the perspective of marriage for lonely

Below is some options for the outlook on the perspective of marriage for single ladies.

Singling "Wedding Ring"

Fortune telling on tarot " Wedding ring»It will be useful for women who have a second half, but events are not moving towards the legitimate design of relations. Maps will help to identify the root cause of such a turn of events, learn the intentions of a partner regarding legalizing your relationship, the prospect of imprisonment with him marriage. Senior and younger arcans are involved. The defold scheme is shown below.

Interpretation of positions occurs as follows:

  1. Personifies the attitude of your man to official marriage
  2. Description of his " perfect spouse"What he sees it
  3. Compliance of your image of his ideas about the standard, whether he sees you as his wife
  4. Tip on how to change your behavior to become the official wife of the current partner
  5. The presence / absence of circumstances interfering with the marriage ceremony. Pay close attention to the value of this card.
  6. Favorable circumstances working in favor of the mystery
  7. Will a wedding with your beloved man

The alignment "I want to marry"

The fortune telling will be useful for those who have not yet met his beloved person. Spends the prospects for the development of future relations, whether they will lead to official marriage. Swim a deck and decompose the cards according to the scheme below.

Interpretation of positions occurs as follows:

  1. The prospect of marriage in general
  2. What person will be an ideal husband for you
  3. Availability / lack of mutual understanding in future relationships
  4. Desire to legitimize relations with the alleged guy
  5. Availability / lack of common interests, hobbies, classes
  6. Family attitude Men to you
  7. Under what circumstances you will get to know your loved ones
  8. Characteristics of the family budget, the distribution of future income - jointly or separately
  9. Board card - the better to take time to speed up the appearance of the desired object
  10. The general forecast for the future, how your relationship will be advanced in the future

The value of the cards in the Slads of Tarot on Marriage

We give examples of positive interpretations of arcanes for personal relationships.


  • Ace: the appearance of new love
  • C - feelings will be mutual
  • Two + Knight and / or Empress: Mutual Love
  • Troika: Freshly Date Groceries, Passion Adventure
  • Sixer: karmic relationships are coming - when you meet you, it will seem that it lasts not the first year. Is direct proof of relationships in the past
  • Nine: Success, approaching the cherished dream
  • Ten: Happiness and harmony

Arcanes pointing to long-term relationships

  • (Priest): Expect hands and hearts soon
  • World: long, good relationship
  • Four of the wands: the likelihood of joint residence
  • Dozen Pentacles: Strong, Friendly Family

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