Hot tubs. How to choose a hot tub: what to look for

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Things to Consider When Buying a Hot Tub

In any store offering hot tubs, the seller will most likely describe the advantages of this product in a colorful manner, talk about its technical characteristics and all kinds of pluses. However, it will not be bad at all if, before talking with a consultant, you will already have information on how to choose a hot tub. This will save you from acquiring both an overly expensive and low-functional device.

When choosing a hot tub, pay attention to thermal insulation, the better it is, the longer the bath will retain heat.

Shapes, dimensions and material of manufacture

For the manufacture of a bath with a hydromassage, materials such as steel, cast iron, acrylic are usually used.

In order to choose the right container made of a particular material, you need to take into account your own financial capabilities, operating conditions, and the dimensions of the room where the bath will be installed.

  1. Steel bathtubs are inexpensive, weigh a little. The disadvantages of steel include the poor ability to retain heat for a long time and the noise that appears when the bathtub is filled with water.
  2. Cast iron as a material for a hot tub is characterized by a large specific gravity, high cost. Such a container will keep warm for a long time. However, the owners of cast-iron whirlpools should be careful about the enamel coating; in order to repair the chips, you will have to invite the master, because. special materials and tools are required.
  3. The best option when choosing a material is acrylic bathtubs with hydromassage. Acrylic retains heat for a long time, weighs a little, and scratches can be eliminated on their own.

When the material is selected, it is necessary to determine the shapes, sizes. The choice here is quite diverse: from modest sitting baths to huge containers, more like a small pool. The latter option is more suitable for SPA-salons than for home use. Therefore, in order to correctly choose the shape of a bath with a hydromassage, you need to take into account the dimensions of the room and the possibility of supplying communications (water supply, electricity, sewerage). Today the manufacturer offers 3 variants of forms.

  1. Rectangular. The most popular model that fits well into any, even the most small room. The usual standard dimensions of a rectangular whirlpool bathtub allow the average person to completely immerse themselves in water: length - 180 cm, width 80 cm. cm (the height of the sitting bath is about a meter).
  2. Corner. They are considered the most convenient for placement in small-sized housing. Corner whirlpool baths take into account the anatomical features of a person - in the corner jacuzzi, the body takes a comfortable position, which contributes to better relaxation. The usual dimensions of such a bath: from 140 to 180 cm along the length of one of the sides. You can choose a bath depth from 60 to 70 cm.
  3. Round. Less common than others, tk. Requires ample space for installation. Regular sizes start from a diameter of 1.3 m. There are models for both one person and two.

In a rectangular or corner hot tub, if you choose a container of the appropriate size, 2 people are also often placed - then a pair of headrests is included in the kit. The length of a rectangular bath in this case increases to 2 meters or more (with a width of up to 1.3 m), a corner bath - not less than 1.5 m.

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Technical, operational characteristics

Standard dimensions of a rectangular whirlpool tub.

Hydromassage baths of any type are a system that includes a pump, nozzles and nozzles, and a control panel. Each technical element has its own purpose, which is good to have an idea about.

  1. Pump. V inexpensive models one unit is used (usually with a power of up to 1 kW), which allows you to change the pressure of water jets (their strength) only within small limits. Larger hydromassage bathtubs are additionally equipped with a compressor that mixes both water and air in jets. You can choose a model where a separate back massage pump is installed.
  2. Nozzles. Usually they are installed on the side walls in an amount of at least 3 pieces on each side. If there is a compressor for back massage, then they put a couple more nozzles. Don't chase them large quantity, because in this case, the pressure will drop, and the jets will hit with less force. Sometimes micro-jets are installed in the bottom, providing aeromassage, which, although it does not give a therapeutic effect, makes the bathing procedure more enjoyable.
  3. Remote and additional elements. PU can be electronic or pneumatic. The first option is more functional, because. allows you to set multiple additional modes. For example, change in jet pressure, variable connection of nozzles, etc. Of the additional accessories, hot tubs can be equipped with music, radio, video player, TV. Chromotherapy may also be present in the form of jets that change color.

Want to know the difference between a hot tub and a jacuzzi? Then read our article! In addition, we will tell you how to choose a hot tub and enjoy your purchase for many, many years ...

Just so you know, a Jacuzzi and a hot tub are synonymous. This is the name of prophylactic baths, designed for comfortable adoption of water procedures, massage and relaxation.

You relax - she does everything herself ...

For your information, the overseas word "jacuzzi" is the wrong sound of the name of the manufacturer of the miracle bath. In fact, the "father" of massage baths was Candido Jacuzzi, and he was Italian. For fun, it is worth mentioning that initially the Jacuzzi company was engaged in the development of aircraft.

Jacuzzi's slogan to this day is the phrase "Jacuzzi: water that moves you" ("Jacuzzi: Water that moves you").

Stress, chronic fatigue, insomnia… There is a way out! A few sessions of hydromassage - and you perk up. Different modes of the hot tub will help not only improve metabolism, but also improve blood flow.

If you have decided to become the proud owner of a hot tub, how to choose a hot tub that is perfect for you?

The main types of hot tubs

Jacuzzis are:

  • ordinary,
  • combined.

In conventional baths, hydromassage is carried out using air-water jets. In such baths, the nozzles are located in the sides of the bath.

In combined baths, body massage occurs due to air-bubble, as well as air-water flows. At the same time, both hydromassage and aeromassage nozzles are involved. The combination of two types of massage allows you to get the greatest effect and benefit from taking a bath.

Nozzle - the main element of the jacuzzi

When purchasing a hot tub with massage, buyers usually pay attention to the presence of basic and additional functions, since the purchase of a hydromassage is mainly due to the desire to acquire a tool to improve health and keep fit.

Therefore, the first thing potential buyers need to figure out is which type of massage is right for them. the best way, keeping in mind also the set of additional features and capabilities.

Jacuzzi - chic, shine and health benefits

But how to choose a hot tub? The main criterion for choosing a bathtub with hydromassage is its functional purpose.

Modern whirlpools can have up to ten massage modes, as well as various additional features, such as:

  • disinfection system,
  • backlight,
  • chromotherapy,
  • aromatherapy,
  • auxiliary mixers.

What are hot tubs made of and what are they used for?

The material for the manufacture of bathtubs with hydromassage can be:

  • cast iron,
  • steel,
  • acrylic.

What is the difference between one material and another?

Baths made of cast iron and steel perfectly withstand chemical and mechanical loads, and their main disadvantage is the possible chipping of the surface during accidental impacts, as well as high level the noise of these metals.

The disadvantages of steel baths can also include high thermal conductivity, which is why they retain heat poorly and cool quickly. And the flight of fancy is limited standard sizes and shapes of steel and cast iron bathtubs.

The most common hot tub material is acrylic.

The list of its advantages is endless, but here are the main ones:

  • Acrylic is perfectly cleaned and does not accumulate microbes.
  • Compared to other materials from which bathtubs are made, acrylic is the most hygienic.
  • Acrylic is the most appropriate and suitable material for the human body (in terms of our metabolism).
  • If damage or scratches accidentally appear on the surface of an acrylic bath, they can be easily repaired with sandpaper.
    Having carefully processed the damaged area with sandpaper, polish it with automotive varnish.
  • Compared to other bathtubs that lose color, acrylic will retain its luster forever, since the color pigments are distributed uniformly (homogeneously) in it.
  • Acrylic is a kind of insulating material, because it has rather low thermal conductivity properties. An empty acrylic bath has the temperature of the room in which it is located.
  • Acrylic bathtub is very light, it can easily be lifted by one man (or a strong woman). In this regard, the transportation and installation of acrylic bathtubs is not the most time-consuming process in the entire repair.
  • Acrylic is resistant to both ultraviolet and infrared rays.
  • For ten years, acrylic has perfectly retained its original appearance and properties, which cannot be said about other materials.
  • A self-respecting manufacturer sets a 10-year warranty on the body of an acrylic bathtub, and this says a lot.
  • As you can see, choosing an acrylic hot tub is the most best option.

    acrylic pleasure


    Whatever bath you prefer, remember: the complete set of massage systems does not depend on the material of the whirlpool bath.

    For every taste and budget

    In the modern market of hydromassage equipment, the Italian company Jacuzzi occupies a leading position, and this is understandable. Elite jacuzzis of this mega-company are designed according to the recommendations of reputable world-famous doctors, for the production of such baths only the best materials and the highest quality components.

    Jacuzzi vip-class Jacuzzi will become an exquisite decoration of any exquisite bathroom.

    Massage "throne" at your service

    However, do not think that the hot tub is the privilege of only very wealthy people. For buyers with an average level of income, an economy class jacuzzi is perfect.

    What's inside?

    The jacuzzi is based on a hydromassage system consisting of a pump, compressor, jets, a control panel and a pipe system. There is a direct relationship between the number of jets and the power of the hot tub.

    With a large volume of the bath, a more powerful pump is needed, and if there are also spinal nozzles in the kit, then it is advisable to purchase the bath and pump separately. A compressor is used to mix the jets of water and air.

    Using the electronic and pneumatic remote control, you can easily control the intensity and types of massages. Like any other technique, hot tubs need proper management and careful maintenance.

    Hot tub for feet - Jacuzzi in mini format

    Forget tired legs

    Today, on the market and in plumbing stores, electronics supermarkets and household appliances presented a huge number of useful devices like a hot tub for feet: how to choose the best option for yourself?
    Let's first understand the purpose of foot whirlpools.

    Foot baths with hydromassage combine the healing effects of water and the benefits of massage, combining relaxation and wellness into one whole.

    The foot jacuzzi has a beneficial effect on tired legs, and massaging the reflexogenic areas of the foot with the bumpy surface of the bottom of the bath improves the functions of all systems of the human body. When added to water aromatic oils, salts and herbal infusions, all of the above effects only increase.

    Legs - the health of the whole body

    In almost every modern model hot tubs glasses have a water heating function.

    More expensive foot hot tubs can please their owners with useful modes such as

    • bubble massage,
    • jet massage,
    • turbo massage,
    • wet massage,
    • dry massage,
    • bubbling water effect
    • splash protection, etc.

    As additional features, magnets can be built into the foot bath and infrared lamps. Magnets create a small magnetic field that has a general healing effect on the entire body, and infrared lamps are useful for improving blood circulation and increasing muscle firmness and elasticity.

    If you are already in the mood for desired purchase and even searched on the Internet useful information on the topic "hot tubs for legs: how to choose", then do not hesitate to purchase. The choice is yours!

    Prices for baths range from 1000 to 10 thousand rubles. Below are specifications the most popular models of foot whirlpools.

    Table 1. Comparison of the functions of hydromassage foot baths from different manufacturers

    However, even such a harmless, at first glance, device has whole line contraindications, namely:

    • thrombophlebitis,
    • phlebeurysm,
    • dermatitis,
    • inflammatory processes of the legs,
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems,
    • injury,
    • pregnancy.

    Cleanliness is the key to health...

    In the care of a jacuzzi of any size, it is necessary to follow the basic hygiene requirements. It is advisable to disinfect the bath after every seventh or eighth massage session. With non-abrasive detergent, as well as common food acids, it is necessary to clean the bath from lime deposits and fatty deposits.

    Do you want to buy a bathtub with hydromassage, but do not know which option will be the best? There are different models on the market that differ in type, shape, material of manufacture and price: from inexpensive Chinese-made baths to luxury baths from well-known American brands - the latter can cost as much as a good executive class car.

    The main thing in the bath is not the country of origin, although this also affects the price, but the technical component. Paying attention to the build quality of bathrooms, you should not forget about such things as warranty and post-warranty service.

    Although the country of manufacture is not so important, it is worth paying attention to Chinese-made bathrooms. If you decide to opt for such a bath, be prepared for surprises. Naturally, there are exceptions.

    Production technology different countries similar. It is worth noting that whirlpool baths began to be produced in Germany, where they initially received the greatest distribution and development.

    The rest of the manufacturers took German technologies as a basis in order to follow their own path further, introducing their own know-how.

    Production materials ^

    The quality index is affected by the material from which the bath is made. The body of your bathroom is its “face”, it is the appearance of the bathroom that the buyer looks at first of all when he mentally puts a tick in the “like or dislike” box and makes a purchase decision.

    • In most cases, the law is the same - how better material, the higher the price.
    • The material also affects durability. The service life depends on the material itself and on its quality.
    • Depends on the material and appearance your bath, and tactile sensations, whether the bath will be pleasant to the touch or the sensations will be neutral.

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    The cheapest options ^

    • Inexpensive hot tubs are made from banal plastic. Plastic can be affected by an aggressive environment - hard water, salt, exposure to light and heat.

      So that This material is not particularly durable.. The “gloss” is quickly lost, the bathtub fades and loses its presentable appearance, scratches appear on the plastic, if handled carelessly - chips, the body quickly becomes dirty and difficult to clean. That is why bathtubs made of plastic the cheapest.

    • Not expensive models, created from fiberglass, is another option. The quality of such baths is better, they are harder to scratch, easier to clean.

    Highest quality options: ^

    Such baths benefit from their configuration and additional options. Although it is not so common, the material is quite expensive. The main drawback is their weight.

    It is difficult to deliver a bathtub, mount it, make additional holes in it. But cast iron bathtubs have excellent quality characteristics, so they are a popular item in the sanitary ware market.

    proshigh heat capacity and low level noise, these baths are called "classic". Bathtubs compete well with both steel and acrylic options. Such bathtubs are very fashionable in Europe.

    Acrylic whirlpool tub ^

    This is the most popular option. After all, professional hot tubs, which are used in medicine, performed exactly acrylic.

    In order to increase the service life of such bathtubs with outside they are reinforced with fiberglass.

    • Acrylic bathtubs have good durability. Some companies, such as Unbescheiden, offer a frame warranty on their bathtubs. up to 20 years old.
    • Acrylic bathtubs are quite difficult to scratch and cause other damage.
    • Acrylic bathtubs easy to wash, clean and disinfect.
    • Acrylic baths are not exposed to aggressive environments - sunlight, heat, salts, hard water, etc. Nothing will happen to them.
    • Acrylic bathtubs are durable and to temperature fluctuations.

    One of the varieties of hydromassage, which is very beneficial for health, is Charcot's douche. What it is, and indications for use, about the cost of this procedure, read our article.

    Steel bathtub with hydromassage ^

    This type of bath is quite rare. The pliability of the acrylic coating has led to the fact that today the hydromassage equipment is installed more often on acrylic bathtubs.

    Much less often, steel baths are used for this, even more rarely cast-iron baths, which weigh very heavily, especially complete with hydromassage.

    Steel bathtubs are inferior to cast-iron options in terms of heat capacity. Water will cool faster in steel containers.

    Although this does not interfere with the hydromassage process at all. They can be enjoyed indefinitely. Voice level- an important indicator of steel baths.

    It is important to take care of the availability rubber lining so that the metal does not ring under a stream of beating water. Steel bathtubs of the latest generation are manufactured using new technologies using noise-absorbing material.

    Bath size ^

    Not everyone thinks about the dimensions of the bath in advance, and in vain. Then you can run into a number of problems, if the bath does not fit into the room or does not fit in the elevator, then you will have to cut through the door, push it on the tap through the window, simply return it to the seller.

    Choose a hot tub. Step-by-step instruction. ^

    1. We start by determining the dimensions of the room where the hot tub will be installed.
    2. It is important to find out the maximum allowable area for installing a hot tub. For small room better fit rectangular version.
    3. The shape of the bath can be any - rectangular, round, corner, oval. It is better to place an oval against a wall, a corner bath, which is a quarter of a circle, should be placed in a corner. A round bath looks great in the center.
    4. Decide exactly how much money you are willing to spend on a bath, whether you need a budget option or are you willing to shell out for luxury bath luxury class.
    5. Choose the option based on your taste preferences, the size and interior of the bathroom and the design of your home.


    • For ordinary apartment the best choice will be a small hot tub if you have large areas and there is where to roam - you can buy a bath of any shape and size. Look beautiful round models , which can be elegantly placed in the center of the room.
    • Large models should be purchased taking into account the maximum allowable room size and human anthropology. The bath should be comfortable.
    • A person should not slip in the bath, and should not feel discomfort in the constant search for a fulcrum.
    • The bath should be deep, but there should be no risk of drowning in it.
    • The bath should be wide and long so that a person feels good while sitting or reclining in it.
    • Depth 42-43 cm with capacity up to 200 l- optimal. If the cubic capacity of water is greater, then the weight of your bathroom will also be greater, wooden floors may not be able to withstand this load.
    • Best Hot Tub Length in Most Standard Apartments 1.5-1.7 meters.
    • The compressor is one of the main parts of the bath. The power of the air jets depends on it. If you want to enjoy a quality massage, give preference to powerful compressors. Naturally than more powerful compressor the more expensive the bath.
    • The pump is responsible for the hydromassage. For a bath with a volume of 250 liters, a power of 1 kW is needed. But the more nozzles, the more powerful the pump must be.
    • The number of injectors matters. The quality of the massage, the power of the pump and compressor, and, ultimately, the price of the bath will depend on this. When choosing, pay attention to models with jets for massaging the main parts of the body.
    • If you are counting on original design, then keep in mind that you will also have to pay a tidy sum for the work of professionals.
    • For all additional gadgets: the presence of a radio, remote control, heating, lighting and other additional bonuses to the bath - a separate surcharge. Decide if you need such a bath or if you want a simple budget option.

    Clean water is a guarantee of health, but if you have a country house or cottage, water purification becomes an urgent need. Find out how to choose, by what parameters?

    Everything about radon baths in the city of Pyatigorsk, healing properties of this procedure you will learn, save and increase our health!

    Returning to the topic of choosing baths. For bathing newborns, special baths are used and it is not so easy to choose them, since there are many nuances. About how to do right choice baths read here:, find the best option for you in terms of price and quality!

    Foot bath with hydromassage ^

    A hot tub is a container, most often plastic, equipped with roller nozzles for massage, it is quite simple to manage them. To prevent puddles, the bath is equipped with a splash guard.

    If the appliance is filled with water and operates in vibration mode, the water will not splash. Using foot massage incredibly helpful.

    The beneficial effect of water on the nerve endings and important points of the legs restores the tone of the body. When choosing a bath, pay attention to the size, because you will have to store it somewhere.

    It should be compact for storage conditions in modern apartment. There is a wide range of hot tub models on the market. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the presence guarantees.

    Hot tub prices ^

    On average, a good hot tub can be purchased in the area 1000 dollars or 32,000 - 35,000 rubles.

    Acrylic bathtubs– the most popular in the plumbing market, the price range for them varies on average in the area from 15,000 to 35,000 rubles.

    Cast iron bathtubs are more expensive, average prices from 25,000 to 50,000.

    Steel bathtubs are on average from 10,000 to 30,000.

    Hot tub prices vary. from 1000 to 10 000 rubles, depending on the functions and number of attachments.

    If you're aiming for a hot tub spa, you'll have to fork out. Asking price starts from 350,000 rubles.

    What you should pay attention to when choosing a bath with hydromassage using the Radomir baths as an example:

    Even 10 years ago, a hot tub was considered a real luxury, available only to wealthy people. But times have changed. Now representatives of the middle class can also buy a bathtub with a hydromassage function. A wide range of types and models of such bathtubs cannot but please customers. But how to choose a hot tub? What should be considered first, and what should be considered second? Let's try to figure it all out together.

    Forms, types, modifications of hot tubs

    Manufacturing companies offer a variety of style and color solutions baths. On sale there are models made of different materials. Which hot tub to choose - acrylic, steel or cast iron? Each of them has its own characteristics. For example, cast-iron bathtubs retain heat for a long time and do not require special care. Acrylic products are easy to lift and durable. Bathtubs from steel differ in reliability and stability.

    Types of hot tubs:

    • With air system. At the bottom of such a bath are nozzles. They introduce air into the water, causing bubbles to form. Thanks to these bubbles, a light massage of the skin is provided.
    • With hydraulic system. On the walls and bottom of the bath there are special jets that supply jets of water. The direction of the water jets is easily adjustable. Thus, it is possible to massage problem areas of the body.

    • with a mixed system. This is a "hybrid" of the two previous species. Such a bath model is more expensive than others, but it is it that provides an effective effect on individual areas of the body and the body as a whole.

    In the form of hot tubs can be:

    • round

    • rectangular

    • corner

    • oval

    Which hot tub to choose? It all depends on the taste preferences of the buyer, his budget and design features bathroom. If the room is modest in size, then a corner model would be a suitable option.

    We figured out the forms, types, modifications of hot tubs. But there are other factors to consider before making a final decision.

    Benefits of hot tubs

    Not all Russians understand why they need to pay so much money for a bath with special functions, when an ordinary bath is several times cheaper.

    Hydromassage is useful for people of any age category. He is shown to be experiencing serious physical and psychological stress. It is enough to lie down in the hot tub for only 15-20 minutes - and there will be no trace of fatigue. You can add aroma oils to the water, sea ​​salt and medicinal herbs in the form of decoctions.

    Water massage is considered an excellent remedy in the fight against cellulite. Visible results should be expected after 7-10 procedures. People who regularly take hot tubs are less irritated and feel great. They are always in a great mood.

    TO hot tub benefits also include:

    • Attractive look;
    • Large selection of shapes and modifications;
    • Reliability and durability;
    • Availability of additional functions;
    • Long service life.

    Disadvantages of hot tubs

    Before you install a bathtub with a hydromassage function at home, you need to study not only its pros, but also its cons. This will avoid wasting money and problems in the future. Disadvantages of hot tubs few, but they are still there. This is due to the materials from which the structure is made. Cast iron bath is very bulky and dangerous. On the acrylic surface scratches and cracks may appear. And the walls steel bath do not retain heat well.

    Hot tub pipes are a separate topic of conversation. They cannot be treated chemically, which creates a suitable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.

    A common disadvantage for all hot tubs (regardless of the material of manufacture) is their high cost. Although many buyers are willing to pay any money to improve their health.

    Basic dimensions of hot tubs

    Answering the question " how to choose hot tubs”, it is worth noting that its size plays an important role. This takes into account the size and configuration of the room. Oval, angular, round - these are hot tubs. How to choose suitable option? Experts advise choosing a bath so that after its installation, the room remains free place while maintaining the same level of comfort.

    Let's talk about the main hot tub sizes:

    1. Rectangular model(you can lie in such a bath). Its length is 1.7-1.8 m, and its width reaches 800 mm.

    Whirlpool Bathtub AT-918 APOLLO Dimensions: 170 x 90 x 63 mm

    2. Sitting bath with hydromassage function. The length is 1.3-1.5 m, and the width is 700-800 mm.

    3. corner model. It can have dimensions of 1500x1500 mm or 1800x1800 mm. The height of such baths is 600-700 mm.


    How to choose whirlpool tubs and not guess? Many buyers are chasing cheapness. But a truly high-quality product cannot cost a penny. Some companies that produce hot tubs are going to meet their consumers. They release budget models excellent quality, as well as with a full range of functions.

    Let's list manufacturers who you can trust:

    • Bellrado Company. All products undergo numerous tests and quality checks. Huge selection of bathtubs various forms and colours.
    • Niagara Company. The production of hot tubs is carried out according to the latest South Korean technologies.
    • Radomir company. One of many Russian manufacturers. Bathtubs produced under this brand are distinguished by their structural strength and ease of installation.

    The cost of hot tubs

    Everyone knows that whirlpool tubs are much more expensive than conventional models. Here, too, you can choose a profitable option for yourself. Sometimes in hot tub cost includes the costs associated with their delivery and subsequent installation. In general, the price of such a bath depends on several factors: the manufacturer, the availability of additional functions, shape and size.

    The cost of hot tubs varies widely. The cheapest is the BAS Tessa model (from 6,360 rubles). And expensive models can cost from 300 to 550 thousand rubles. These include products from Teuco, Victory Spa and Jacuzzi.

    Now you know how to choose a hot tub. First you need to decide on suitable sizes, type and shape of the bath. Then study the technical characteristics of the presented models. The final step will be the selection of a bath by price and manufacturer.

    After a hard day at work, a whirlpool bath is the perfect solution to relieve both physical and psychological stress. There are several options, so it is important to know the features regarding the choice and use of such baths.

    Pros and cons of a hot tub

    Before buying any expensive equipment or machinery, it is recommended to analyze the existing advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to this, it will be possible to decide whether you need a hydromassage in the bathroom or you can save on it. Existing benefits:

    1. Promotes healing of the body, improving blood circulation and refusing tonic and relaxing effect. There are also benefits from a cosmetic point of view, since hydromassage eliminates.
    2. Some models are multifunctional, combining hydro and air massage, chromotherapy and so on.

    A hot tub also has disadvantages:

    1. If compared with conventional baths, then you will have to pay more for the additional "hydromassage" function.
    2. The equipment needs to be connected to electrical network which means additional energy costs.
    3. For many, a significant drawback is the features of the installation and the need to regularly flush the pipes.

    How to use the hot tub?

    All models come with their own instructions, which describe how to properly use the bathroom. There are a number general recommendations that should be taken into account:

    1. Although a massage bath is relaxing, hydromassage sessions should not be too long. You should start with short procedures of 10-15 minutes. gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes.
    2. It is not recommended to dial too much hot water, so the ideal indicators are 36-39 ° С. For a tonic bath, it is better to use cool water up to 30 ° C.
    3. If you experience any problems while taking a whirlpool bath discomfort, then the session should be terminated. For your own safety, it is recommended that you first consult a doctor.

    Best hot tub

    The stores offer a wide range of models, so it is important to know what to look for so that the purchase does not disappoint in the future:

    1. Consider the size of the equipment first, as not only is the installation location important, but also the ability to deliver it to the site, since hot tubs are shipped assembled with all pipes and jets.
    2. The most popular are acrylic hot tubs, which are not as noisy as steel and not as heavy as cast iron. Due to the plasticity of the material, you can create original shapes.
    3. In addition to hydromassage, additional functions can be used in the bathroom, for example, air massage. There are models that use swirling jets that create whirlpools. Used in bathtubs and light nozzles for original color effects. Useful additions include a headrest, side rails, ionization, disinfection, automatic cleaning, voice control, and so on.

    Corner bathtub with hydromassage

    If the area of ​​​​the bathroom is small, this is not a reason to refuse to install a bathtub, since you can save space by using corner baths. Traditionally, they are performed in the form of a fan opened at 90 °. In addition, you can find an acrylic whirlpool bath in the shape of a petal or in the form of a truncated drop. You can install it in any corner of the room, since manufacturers duplicate models in two versions, that is, making left-hand and right-hand baths.

    Round whirlpool tub

    If the area of ​​​​the bathroom allows, then you can install a round bath. In most cases, models are made of acrylic, as this is a very convenient material and is necessary to obtain the desired shape. If you are interested, it should be borne in mind that for some options the volume of the bowl is small and it will not work to take a horizontal position in it. The diameter of comfortable baths can vary between 150-200 cm. It is worth pointing out that there are built-in and floor round options.

    Double bathtub with hydromassage

    V modern interiors you can often see large tubs that can fit two people. This perfect solution for lovers of romance. Large bath with hydromassage can have a rectangular and curly shape. Due to the large dimensions, manufacturers can install many additional functions in such devices. In most cases, there are several hydromassage programs and jets to relax the muscles. It is possible to install a hydromassage bathtub with a side waterfall.

    Hot tub maintenance

    To for a long time to be able to enjoy hydromassage, it is necessary to clean regularly. There are a number of tips on how to care for a hot tub:

    1. To acrylic bath shiny, use a soft sponge to clean it and special means, which should not contain abrasive particles, ammonia, acetone and other solvents.
    2. To carry out disinfection, fill the bath with water at a temperature of 20 ° C so that its level is above the nozzles. Add 1.5 liters of 5% bleach solution or special disinfectant. Turn on the hydromassage for 10 minutes. After that, turn it off, drain the water and refill the tub. Turn on the hydromassage for a few seconds to remove the remaining product, drain the water and rinse the surface from the shower. Carry out the procedure once a month.
    3. To clean the nozzles from scale deposits, fill the tub with water as in the previous method and add 1.5 liters of a 10% solution citric acid or vinegar. Turn on for a few seconds to mix everything, and leave for 12 hours. The end of this procedure is identical to the cleaning option discussed above. Run it once a year.