Elimination of cracks in the acrylic bathtub. How to seal a crack in an acrylic bathtub

Acrylic bathtubs are certainly comfortable, practical and hygienic. But due to violation of the rules for their use, or simply over time, their surface loses its former shine, scratches or even chips appear on it.

If it is not planned to change the plumbing in the near future, then the question arises: how to repair an acrylic bathtub and can you do it yourself?

Many citizens are in the habit of using the bath not only for its intended purpose, but also for solving various household tasks. For example, for washing or for washing the dog after a walk. In addition, "accidents" also occur if, for example, a heavy object is accidentally dropped into the bathtub.

All this can lead to the fact that a perfectly flat and smooth surface is covered with scratches and cracks, chips or even holes through it.

There are three ways to solve the problem:

  • Replace the bath with a new model.
  • Order repair of an acrylic bathtub to specialists.
  • Carry out repairs, etc.

The first option is good if the bathtub has already served enough and it is not a pity to throw it away. And if the plumbing is new? Changing it just because of scratches is not very rational.

The second option is certainly good because it doesn't pose any problems. I called a specialized company, and its workers will carry out the necessary work, returning the bath to its former appearance. But this method also has disadvantages.

If an acrylic bath is being restored, repairs are usually quite expensive. I must say that the bill for often reaches half of its value. For this reason, this seemingly reasonable enough option is not suitable for everyone.

The only solution remains is to repair the acrylic bathtub with your own hands. Let's see how this can be done.

Selection of material for bath repair

Preparation for bathroom renovation

It is extremely important to choose the right material for. The bathroom experiences significant loads during operation, since hot and cold water gets into it, which leads to various temperature transformations.

Naturally, changes in the linear dimensions of the surface layer are not noticeable to the eye, but they cannot be ignored.

It is important that the material used for the restoration has the same characteristics as the base material of the bath. Otherwise, cracks will inevitably appear soon and repair efforts will be in vain.

In addition, the repair material must have a high degree of adhesion to the bath surface so that peeling does not occur. The choice of material is influenced by the production technology of this bath model.

There are two ways to make acrylic bathtubs:

  • Vacuum forming. This is the most common way. Baths produced using this technology go on sale, covered with a protective film. In this case, you need liquid acrylic for bathroom renovation, this is a material made on the basis of polymethymethacrylate.
  • Casting or spraying. These baths have a very thin surface layer of acrylic on the surface. They are sold without a protective film and are perfectly amenable to restoration. Most often, the manufacturer includes a repair kit for the repair of acrylic bathtubs made on the basis of polyester resins.

To determine the method of manufacturing a bathtub, you should look at the cut of its side. If the thickness of the surface layer does not exceed a millimeter, then the bathroom is made by spraying.

If the thickness of the top layer is 2-5 mm, and the owner remembers that he purchased a bathtub in a protective film, then this is a bathtub obtained by the molding method.

Repair of minor scratches or minor burn-throughs

We repair minor scratches on the bathtub

In case of careless handling of the surface of the bathtub, minor damage may appear on it - scratches, and if one of the residents is a fan of smoking while lying in the bathroom, then burns are possible.

If the damage is superficial, then the acrylic bathtub can be repaired quite easily.

Would need:

  • Sandpaper of various grain sizes (from 80 to 2000).
  • Polish for acrylic bathtubs.

Surface damage is protected with sandpaper, using a larger one in the first stages, and the smallest one (2000) at the end.

Since acrylic is a homogeneous material, this light sanding will not lead to discoloration of the surface. After finishing sanding, the surface should be treated with acrylic bath polish.

If the surface burn-through is deep, then it is impossible to get rid of it with the help of grinding. In this case, the hole will have to be filled with liquid acrylic, and after it has solidified, sandpaper and polish.

Crack repair

Repair kit for repairing cracks on an acrylic bathtub

If cracks have formed on the surface, then more complex work will be required. If acrylic bathtubs are being restored, repairs can be made using a repair kit for acrylic surfaces or repair tape.

Typically, cracks on the surface of the bath are caused by dropping a heavy object or by wear and tear caused by years of use.

Cracks that appear on the surface should be repaired immediately after they are noticed, since it is much more difficult to restore a bath with deep and extensive damage.

Consider how to repair cracks in acrylic bathtubs using epoxy putty.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Use 400 grit sandpaper to clean the surface around the crack. On each side of the damage, approximately one centimeter of the surface should be treated.
    Such preparation will allow the putty to be fixed more reliably.
  • Using a drill, drill 1 mm holes on each side of the crack. This operation is necessary to prevent further crack propagation.
  • Remove dust and crumbs, wash the surface with water and soap solution. Let the surface dry well.

If there is no time to wait until the surface dries naturally, you should use a construction hairdryer.

  • When an acrylic bath is being restored, the damage is repaired with two-component compounds. Therefore, before use, you need to mix the main component with a hardener.

It is necessary to work with repair compounds with properly functioning ventilation. A respirator can be used to protect the respiratory system.

Fill up the cracks in the bathrooms with putty

  • Fill the gap and drill holes with a ready-made filler. To apply the composition, use the applicator that is included in the set for repairing acrylic bathtubs.
  • The applied composition is left for 12 hours to dry well. Now you need to sand the repaired area until you get a smooth surface.

Repair tape can also be used to repair cracks. In this case, if acrylic bathtubs are being restored, the repair at the first stage follows a similar algorithm.

That is, the surface should be cleaned, holes drilled at the ends of the cracks, washed and dried.

Further actions:

  • A part of the repair tape is cut off so that its length overlaps the crack by 1 cm in each direction.
  • The protective film is removed from the tape to expose the sticky side.
  • Stick the tape to the crack, carefully removing air bubbles from under the tape.
  • The repaired area of ​​the bath should be left to dry for three hours. During this period, do not allow water to enter the bath.

Repair of chips and holes

Repairing chips on the bath

If a chip has formed on the surface of the bath or even a hole has appeared, then in this case it is possible to fix the plumbing in order.

If the defect is deep, then the repair of chipped acrylic bathtubs takes place in two stages.

  • First, a coarse putty is used, which forms a uniform layer that is not subject to shedding.
  • The dried layer of putty is sanded with sandpaper.
  • Further, it is required to carry out finishing using finely dispersed repair compounds.
  • After letting the putty dry well, the surface is again sanded with fine sandpaper.
  • After the repair of the bath with acrylic is completed, its surface is polished.

Thus, almost any damage to the bathtub can be repaired. Of course, the question of how to repair an acrylic bathtub is not an easy one. Especially when it comes to serious damage. If small scratches on the surface can be easily eliminated by ourselves, then it is better to entrust the repair of deep defects and holes to specialists, since it is extremely difficult to do this work accurately, without having the appropriate experience.

Acrylic bathtubs have long been an excellent alternative to steel and cast iron structures, and judging by the characteristics, acrylic has a lot of advantages. Such material is able to withstand mechanical damage and direct sunlight. In addition, acrylic is environmentally friendly and hygienic, as it has a non-porous structure that prevents the accumulation of dirt and the growth of harmful bacteria.

However, despite all the positive qualities, cracks can appear on acrylic bathtubs. The reasons may be different: a heavy object with sharp corners falling onto the surface, a long service life and, as a result, wear and tear of the product, or the manufacturing company simply reacted in bad faith to the manufacture of the bath. In any case, you can repair an acrylic bath on your own without a lot of money.

So what if the acrylic bathtub is cracked? There are at least three ways to solve the problem.

1. Epoxy putty for repairing cracks on an acrylic bathtub

Work algorithm:

the first step is to carefully clean the edges and walls of the crack. This can be done with sandpaper. Stripping should be done about a centimeter on both sides. The result should be a smooth surface that cannot be felt at all. Sanding is necessary so that the epoxy putty fills the crack as tightly as possible;

the next step is to work with a drill. You will need to drill small holes 1 mm deep. Such holes must be made at the ends of the crack in order to prevent its further increase;

then wash the crack with warm water and soap. This is done to degrease the surface. After washing, you will need to wait a while for the crack to dry. If there is no time to wait, then the surface can be dried using a building hair dryer - and continue working without unnecessary hesitation;

then it is necessary to mix both components of the epoxy putty and begin to gently apply it to the crack surface with a thin layer. It should be borne in mind that each layer of putty is applied in different directions in order to avoid the appearance of smudges and irregularities;

In the above described way, it is necessary to putty all the cracks and cracks on the acrylic bath. It is very convenient to use special kits for repairs, since they include convenient applicators for holes made with a drill;

the putty dries for about 12 hours. After that, be sure to sand the area where the repair was carried out. Sanding is done with fine sandpaper until the surface is perfectly smooth. It is important to know that the use of epoxy glue is relevant for cracks, the size of which does not exceed 1 mm. Repairs should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, avoiding contact of the putty with the skin.

2. Repair tape for sealing cracks on an acrylic bath


  • repair tape is used to eliminate cracks, the width of which is more than 1mm. As with the above described method, first a thorough cleaning of the damage is carried out;
  • holes are drilled along the edges of the crack, then the area to be repaired is washed with soap and warm water. After the surface is completely dry, you can continue to work;
  • cut off a piece of repair tape. It should be of such a size that it covers the entire crack and has a small margin of 1 cm on each side. The protective layer is removed from the tape, and the sticky side is tightly applied to the crack;
  • The repair tape should be carefully flattened, trying to remove all air bubbles from under it if possible. After that, it remains only to wait for the final gluing of the repair tape. It is important to remember that after the completion of the repair work, it is necessary to exclude any contact of the surface with water for 3 hours.
  • 3. Liquid acrylic with hardener for repairing cracks in acrylic bathtubs

    Step by step guide:

  • holes are drilled at the ends of the crack with a depth of 2 - 3 mm. Shallow lesions are washed and dried. This is followed by the surface joining by approximately half the bath wall thickness. Then the crack is degreased with alcohol, and liquid acrylic is poured into the embroidered area, to which a special hardener is added. The seam obtained later should protrude slightly above the common surface. For the time that is required for the final hardening of the material, it is advisable to paste over the working area with masking tape;
  • after the acrylic has completely hardened, the protruding seam is cleaned off with sandpaper. Moreover, first coarse-grained sandpaper is used, and then fine-grained;
  • the final stage will be a thorough polishing of the repaired surface.
  • Instead of an afterword

    In conclusion, a few words must be said about the difficulties that can arise when repairing acrylic bathtubs. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the right color for the repair materials. Of course, it is desirable that it fully matches the shade of the bath. If you cannot do this, then the best solution to the problem will be to contact a specialist.

    In some very difficult cases, it is necessary to apply an acrylic liner that covers the entire surface of the bath. This technology is used when carrying out restoration work for cast iron products.

    Acrylic bathtubs have long been a leader in the domestic market, since they are affordable, presented in a wide variety of shapes and colors, easy to install and unpretentious in operation. However, even the highest quality product can crack. It is not at all necessary to part with it right away, repairing an acrylic bathtub at home is quite possible.

    The restoration of an acrylic bathtub is not necessary if it is properly looked after.

    Polymer bathtubs enjoy well-deserved popularity not only due to the fact that they are able to embody any design fantasy. They are lightweight, for a long time, like cast iron, they maintain the temperature of the water. This is convenient, if you are using it, it will help you save on utility bills. They are pleasant to the touch and beautiful - snow-white or colored gloss always looks very advantageous.

    Of course, a lot depends on the quality of the product itself. Acrylic is available in different thicknesses, the composition of the polymer may vary slightly. Cast acrylic is considered the strongest and most durable, but such bathtubs are more expensive. It is clear that, no matter how much the purchase costs, you will have to take care of the bathroom in any case, preferably from the first days. To avoid minor and major troubles, it is best to do it right. Otherwise, the color will fade, the gloss will be replaced by an unattractive cobweb of small flaws. But the restoration of an acrylic bathtub will become difficult. Let's start with what you definitely shouldn't do:

    • wash heavy objects with sharp corners or surfaces that can scratch acrylic in the bath,
    • wash animals, whose claws will inevitably leave marks,
    • drop heavy objects,
    • pour out coloring agents, for example, hair dye; it is undesirable for the means for fixing the hairstyle - varnishes and mousses to fall on the surface,
    • clean a dry bath, especially with hard sponges and brushes.

    What products should not be used to wash an acrylic bath:

    • containing abrasive substances,
    • "hard" chemical preparations containing ammonia, other industrial alcohols, acetone, acids and alkalis, formaldehydes.

    How, then, to wash the bathtub? It is best to use a soft cloth or sponge with a special or mild detergent. For example, you can use a common dishwashing detergent that dissolves grease and dirt well. It is better to apply the product for 5-10 minutes, letting it act, and then you can simply rinse it off with running water. Particularly soiled areas can be rubbed with the same cloth.

    If rust has formed near the drain or under the tap, you can remove it by dampening a cloth with regular vinegar or lemon juice. These products, by the way, are good at eliminating unpleasant odors, which is also important for bathrooms. Timely will also affect the state of the bathroom.

    We study the damage to update the bath with our own hands

    In fact, these bathtubs are as practical to use as cast iron or steel, do not be intimidated. Nevertheless, the troubles that can occur are worth knowing by sight. This will save you the time and money it takes to fix them. Traditionally, damage is divided into two groups:

    • mechanical origin.
    • as a result of chemical exposure.

    Chemical "burns" are caused by improper care and use. Ugly marks on a snow-white surface can leave not only dyes and caustic substances, but also low-quality washing powders or bleaches, if you decide to soak your laundry in them right in the bathtub.

    Mechanical damage is much more common. The most common defect can be minor scratches. But deep damage to the surface layer, cracks of various sizes and even through holes also occur. But even a hole of about 100x100 mm can be safely repaired by yourself, without having much experience in this type of repair. This is the main advantage of acrylic bathtubs, because it is much more difficult to restore enamel on metal cases, and it is almost impossible to imagine repairing a hole in a steel bathtub.

    How to repair an acrylic bathtub with a special kit

    Before heading to the store, do a good job of researching the problem you are about to fix. For each case, you will need its own repair kit, why spend too much or run after the missing several times?

    The main thing is to know exactly how your bathtub is made. Most often there are two types on sale:

    • vacuum or injection molding,
    • extruded with a thin spray.

    It's pretty simple to define. If the new product was protected by a special film, and on the edge cut the acrylic layer (it differs in color and density) reaches several millimeters, you have a bathtub made using vacuum technology. In this case, the repair will require liquid acrylic made from PMMA.

    The extruded coating is not protected with a film, and on the cut it will be seen that the layer is very thin, up to one millimeter. With such baths, the repair kit is often sold together, if not, you need to buy a polyester resin cleaner. Give preference to quality products from trusted manufacturers. These will have high adhesion and the repair will go like clockwork. Otherwise, the acrylic applied to the repair site will peel off pretty soon.

    By the way, for small scratches or subtle chips, you only need sandpaper and felt for polishing. You just need to mechanically wipe them and restore the gloss again.

    For deeper scratches, it is enough to purchase

    .In the case of a major repair of cracks in an acrylic bathtub, you will need:

    • suitable acrylic of the right shade,
    • a special degreaser for treating the damaged area.
    • sandpaper of different numbers.
    • acrylic hardener (without it, you cannot make repairs).
    • polishing paper for finishing the repair site or grinding wheel for an electric drill with a special paste.

    Ideally, it is better to purchase a set of materials for repairs from the same manufacturer that made the bath itself. This will make it easier to get into the desired acrylic shade.

    Pay attention to your own safety. The polymer is often sold as a powder and dilution liquid. To protect your eyes and respiratory tract, use a respirator and plastic goggles. Hands will be protected by rubber gloves. Provide room ventilation.

    How to update a bath when scratches and chips appear

    Small defects in the surface layer appear as a result of careless use. For example, from a regularly falling shower head. It happens that unattractive cigarette stains remain inside the bathtub over time. Eliminating such troubles, as a rule, is not difficult:

    1. 1. Take a few numbers of sandpaper.
    2. 2. Start sanding the damaged area with the coarsest emery cloth, trying to level the surface.
    3. 3. Move to smaller numbers.
    4. 4. Having eliminated the defect, polish the place of repair with felt or a grinding wheel using grinding mastic.
    5. 5. Wash the bath and you can safely use it.

    This method works for both shallow scratches and chemical damage to the bath. But a large, well-visible chip is eliminated differently, using acrylic:

    1. 1. The place is sanded as described above.
    2. 2. Then washed with soap and left to dry completely.
    3. 3. It is processed with a degreaser.
    4. 4. The acrylic diluted according to the instructions should be applied with a rubber spatula (usually included). Level the surface, eliminate the chip.
    5. 5. Make sure that the patch does not form a bump, it will be difficult to remove it.
    6. 6. After drying, polish the repaired area with felt or a polishing wheel with mastic.

    How to repair a crack in an acrylic bathtub - there is a way out

    Cracks are also mechanical damage, and the stronger the impact, the more significant the damage. At the same time, they have an unpleasant feature - to grow and let water pass. So if you notice even a small crack, it is best to stop using the bathroom until it is repaired. The load - more than one hundred kilograms of water, plus your weight, can lead to irreversible consequences. Repair will not take much time, but then the bathroom can be safely used for many years.

    So let's get started:

    1. 1.Using a drill and a thin drill, we expand the crack to one or two millimeters and deepen it to half a millimeter. Otherwise, even after the repair, she will do it herself, without our participation, under the influence of the load.
    2. 2. Grind the crack and the place around it with sandpaper, going from coarser to finest.
    3. 3. We treat the place of repair with soap, wash it off, let it dry.
    4. 4. Next, we repeat all the chips:
    • degrease
    • dilute acrylic according to the instructions (usually 50 parts of acrylic and 1 part of hardener),
    • apply with a rubber spatula, observing the surface geometry. There should be no bump, but leave some stock of material for subsequent grinding, otherwise there will be a dent,
    • leave for about 6-12 hours to dry. You can cover the place with polyethylene, protecting it from dust and debris,
    • polish.

    After you have managed to update the bath with acrylic, you can use it in a day. By the way, high-quality grinding at the first stage provides not only optimal adhesion of the surface of the renewed bathtub to the patch, but also avoids loss of whiteness at the place of repair.

    Some experts recommend airbrushing the acrylic, citing that it makes the layer smoother. But for the sake of a one-time repair, it makes no sense to buy expensive equipment. With a rubber spatula, with a certain amount of effort, you can achieve not the worst effect.

    Another point, if the bathtub is of poor quality or is installed incorrectly - with distortions and the formation of cracks, then acrylic peeling may begin around the crack. Then you need to buy a special glue, drill the exfoliated area, pour glue into the hole and fix it. Once dry, the repair can be carried out as usual by taking in the glue hole as well.

    Overhaul - a hole is not a hole

    We have already said above, at home and on your own you can even close up a through hole in the bathroom 100x100 mm in size. How it was formed, we will leave it on the conscience of the owners, but it should be eliminated like this:

    1. 1. We buy enough acrylic.
    2. 2. We clean the place of repair with sandpaper, going from coarse to fine.
    3. 3. With my soap, removing fine dust, let it dry.
    4. 4. Degrease.
    5. 5. We dilute acrylic in the required amount - one layer will require about 50 milliliters. There is no need to do the surplus, they will have to be thrown away.
    6. 6. Close the hole with fiberglass and carefully, without haste, saturate with acrylic on both sides with a brush or spatula, going into intact areas.
    7. 7. Leave to dry for several hours, protect with cellophane.
    8. 8. Repeat the process of creating the patch at least two more times.
    9. 9. Be sure to let each layer dry well.
    10. 10. Grind the place of repair with a grinding wheel with mastic.

    Of course, there is a risk that, doing this for the first time, you will not be able to achieve ideal coverage and the update will be noticeable. But it’s better than buying a new bathtub, especially if this one hasn’t been used for that long.

    Along with cast iron and metal models, polymer plumbing is in rather high demand. Acrylic models are quite practical, but they can get serious damage to the coating due to mechanical stress. You can repair products if an acrylic bathtub is cracked, chips, cracks, and sometimes even through holes appear on it. Consider how to repair defects in acrylic plumbing on your own.

    Before the forthcoming work on the repair of the acrylic bathtub, if a crack or chip occurs, it is necessary to understand the causes of the malfunction.

    The main types of damage are divided into two types:

    1. Damage resulting from mechanical stress: heavy objects falling onto the surface, burning through the coating. Cracks and crevices on the surface of an acrylic bathtub can be made due to the heavy load on it.
    2. Chemical attack. An acrylic bathtub cracks after being treated with detergents, which contain chlorine and oxalic acid.

    Due to improper use, the walls and bottom of the acrylic bathtub are covered with scratches, chips and cracks. These defects usually only spoil the appearance, but in no way affect its functionality for washing. To return the bath to its original appearance, you can make repairs at home.

    To repair plastic bathtubs yourself, you need a lot of patience and a little knowledge. The whole theory of polymer troubleshooting is in front of you. You just need to get down to business.

    What to do to repair a crack in an acrylic bathtub? Before repairing a cracked coating, you need to buy the repair materials separately or buy a special repair kit.

    Bath restoration tools and materials

    The standard set of materials for the restoration of polymer plumbing includes:

    • respirator and rubber gloves;
    • a set of sandpaper;
    • liquid acrylic;
    • adhesive for polymer coatings;
    • polish.

    Tip: Adhesive is necessary when there are holes through the coating. Therefore, in order to be able to glue the acrylic bathtub on hand, you must have a special composition. The very method of restoration of plumbing directly depends not only on the types of damage, but also on their extent.

    There is no need to rush to quickly get rid of the plumbing if there is just a crack in the acrylic bathtub. Most often, such damage can be easily repaired. If an acrylic bathtub bursts or small defects appear on its surface, the instructions for restoring plumbing will help to fix them; in case of more serious damage, a slightly different approach will be required.

    Repair of minor defects. First, you need to understand how to seal up an acrylic bathtub that has chips and small scratches on its surface. This will require the following materials:

    • two-component acrylic;
    • epoxy adhesive;
    • sandpaper;
    • special tape.

    Epoxy glue can be used to repair the surface if it has a crack up to 3 mm in size. For large defects, tape should be used. In this case, the repair will begin with degreasing the surface of the plumbing. After that, a special tape is glued to the crack, from which you first need to remove the film.

    An acrylic bathtub with minor defects that does not exceed 5 mm in length can be repaired using only the specified materials.

    Recovery instructions:

    • in order to improve the adhesion of the surface of the plumbing with glue, it is necessary to slightly expand the boundaries of the cracks with a knife;
    • the surface is degreased;
    • acrylic paint must be diluted with a hardener;
    • the area that needs to be repaired must be treated with a small amount of the resulting composition;
    • we glue the treated areas with tape for five to six hours;
    • after which it is necessary to remove the film, after which the plumbing must be treated with alcohol and sanded;
    • the restored area is covered with polish in order to obtain a shiny finish.

    Acrylic flakes off. Most people who come to plumbing from acrylic are faced with such a problem as a swollen bathtub. Sometimes acrylic leaves the fiberglass, i.e. swells. This happens for a number of reasons:

    1. The acrylic bath is staggering and the load on the surface is not evenly distributed, because of this, there is a high probability that acrylic can lag behind the walls of the plumbing.
    2. The reason may lie in low-quality products that were made from cheap materials.

    In order to glue polymer materials, you need a special glue. In the place of the swelling, holes need to be made in order to introduce glue there, after the layers are glued together, you can start work to eliminate the usual crack. This work process has been described above.

    Large defects are cleaned with a special tool, after which a new protective layer of enamel is applied to them. Details in the article -. If the acrylic bathtub leaks, it means that it has serious through damage. In this case, the usual cosmetic elimination of defects will not help; it will be necessary to make reinforcement. If the acrylic bathtub is not even, it is better to reinstall it, otherwise it will flow sooner or later.

    How to prevent breakage of polymer plumbing?

    When using acrylic products, certain conditions must be observed, ignoring which you may subsequently face the need for repairs:

    1. The melting point of acrylic is 150 ° C, because of this, it is highly discouraged to pour boiling water into a bath from this material in order to avoid deformation.
    2. It is not recommended to put basins in baths made of acrylic, in order to avoid the formation of chips and cracks.
    3. To prevent the formation of cracks and other mechanical damage in the bathroom, you should avoid dropping heavy objects into it.

    Unfortunately, many users ignore the plumbing "signals" about the approach of an accident:

    1. The creak of the acrylic bathtub indicates that the plumbing was originally mounted incorrectly, or the bottom and walls of the device are rather thin. But there are ways to eliminate this nuisance.
    2. In the case when the acrylic bathtub bends, bricks or blocks can be placed under its base. This method is suitable for those whose bathtub is covered with a plastic screen. This solution will reduce the stress on the inner surface of the bath and prevent cracking.
    3. Look at the light if the acrylic bathtub shows through it is bad. But if you still purchased such a product, do not be upset, it can be enhanced with latex paint, which is applied to the surface in bulk. This will strengthen the surface of the bathtub and prevent the appearance of various defects.

    Many people ask themselves how long the restored plumbing can last? If the restoration is done with high quality, then such products can last from 2 to 5 years. Considering the rather low price for this work, it is quite profitable.

    An acrylic bathtub can be refurbished with almost any type of damage, so don't ditch your old equipment as soon as possible. Almost any person whose hands grow from the right place is capable of restoring the former integrity and original appearance of an acrylic bath with his own hands. The most important thing is to read the instructions, have the necessary materials and tools at hand, and of course they are not afraid of physical work.

    Affordable prices, good consumer properties, light weight and ease of installation explain the growing popularity of acrylic bathtubs in recent years.

    Plastic products can be used actively and for a long time, subject to the precautions that you need to familiarize yourself with before purchasing.

    If the trouble does happen, you should be aware of the possibility of restoring an acrylic bathtub, which is actually feasible at home.

    Rules for the operation of an acrylic bathtub

    There are several types of models made of polyacrylic materials, which differ in the characteristics of the top layer, its mechanical and chemical resistance.

    A coating with a thickness of more than 5 mm is intended for use for a quarter of a century. Bathtubs with a thinner inner layer can last from 10 to 15 years without repair if handled with care.

    The main thing is not to damage the polymers by mechanical action, processing with chemically active reagents. Hygienic care can be carried out with mild detergents without the use of strong oxidants.

    Wipe the surface gently with brushes or sponges that do not have hard lint. Do not place heavy objects near the bathroom, do not place metal containers in it.

    Compliance with simple rules increases the chances of long-term safe use of the bath without repair. However, troubles do happen, as a result of which damage of varying degrees may appear:

    • rough areas and small scratches;
    • chips and slight scratches;
    • cracks;
    • through holes;
    • stratification of plastic.

    At home, you can repair acrylic bathtubs, using the recommendations of experienced craftsmen, a set of unpretentious devices and tools.

    Elimination of minor scratches

    With prolonged use, the washing surface sometimes loses its original shine, which is due to the appearance of multiple small scratches. In this case, the restoration of acrylic bathtubs is done by hand in a certain sequence using polishing agents.

    First, the area with small scratches should be rubbed with an emery cloth with the finest grains. The procedure must be done carefully, not too zealous, so as not to aggravate the damage to the surface.

    After leveling the scratches, apply a polish containing fine grains of abrasive action to the prepared area.

    Rubbing the product with felt will allow you to get an absolutely smooth surface, which you need to bring to full shine with a wax composition of a polishing nature. Both types of polishes are often on sale in one set, which allows you to qualitatively repair a scratched acrylic bathtub.

    After applying the wax, the surface is rubbed with a soft cloth, which is included in the kit with the treatment products. At the end of the repair, the bath is washed, rinsed and allowed to dry.

    You can independently restore the shine of a surface that does not have noticeable scratches only with wax polish, without using products with fine abrasive particles.

    Repair with liquid acrylic

    Chips and large scratches are somewhat more difficult to repair; this will require liquid acrylic preparations. It makes sense to buy a repair kit right away, which includes:

    • composition for layer restoration;
    • an applicator that allows you to apply the product gently;
    • polishes for glossing the surface;
    • pieces of emery cloth with the required grain size;
    • napkins.

    Before covering up a large scratch, it needs to be widened a little so that the paste to restore the polymer fits into the cavity. You will have to work with the assembly knife carefully, since the bath can burst from the effort. After that, wipe the gap with an emery piece, clean, degrease and apply a mass of liquid acrylic into the recess with an applicator.

    Note! The repair tool should completely occupy the cavity, the procedure for the execution technique resembles filling the walls.

    When the mass hardens, the polymerization process is completed, the area must be rubbed on top with a polish until shine appears. It is possible that the shade of the restored fragment of the bathroom will be slightly different; this can only be noticed with close examination and good lighting, directed precisely at the place of the former defect.

    Elimination of cracks and holes

    Damage that leaks through is more difficult to repair, but you can also do it yourself. Such cracks should be glued in the same way as deep scratches. The difference is that not far from the damage on both sides, it is advisable to drill small holes, into which then also place liquid acrylic. Such holes will prevent further expansion of the gap and further strengthen the repair area. As a result, a tightening fastener is formed, the presence of which will increase the strength of the seam.

    Then a patch of fiberglass is applied to the area to be repaired, which is larger than the size of the hole. The linen is sold separately in building supplies stores or as a kit for repairing acrylic bathtubs. The reinforcing flap is fixed on the defect area by means of epoxy resin so that the hole is closed with an overlap. After gluing the fiberglass, you need to wait until the glue is completely dry, then return the bath to its original position. During this time, you need to turn on the exhaust ventilation in the bathroom.

    Elimination of cracks and holes

    Damage that leaks through is more difficult to repair, but you can also do it yourself.

    Such cracks should be glued in the same way as deep scratches. The difference is that not far from the damage on both sides, it is advisable to drill small holes, into which then also place liquid acrylic.

    Such holes will prevent further expansion of the gap and further strengthen the repair area. As a result, a tightening fastener is formed, the presence of which will increase the strength of the seam.

    It is much more difficult to repair an acrylic bathtub that has a hole in it. You can make a quality restoration only by removing the structure and turning it over with its back side. Such a prospect will please very few people, it will urge users to take good care of plumbing. Nevertheless, anything happens.

    To repair holes on the back, the area around them at a distance of at least 20 cm must be completely cleaned and degreased. Cleaning is carried out with sandpaper, the layer of oily dirt is removed with organic solvents or special detergents.

    Then a patch of fiberglass is applied to the area to be repaired, which is larger than the size of the hole. The linen is sold separately in building supplies stores or as a kit for repairing acrylic bathtubs.

    The reinforcing flap is fixed on the defect area by means of epoxy resin so that the hole is closed with an overlap. After gluing the fiberglass, you need to wait until the glue is completely dry, then return the bath to its original position. During this time, you need to turn on the exhaust ventilation in the bathroom.

    The rest of the repair steps are carried out from the inside of the washing container, which must be prepared in the same way as it is done when restoring ordinary cracks. The site is sanded with fine sandpaper, poured with liquid acrylic agent, wait for it to dry, polished with a wax mass until shine appears.

    Fighting acrylic tub delamination

    With prolonged use of an acrylic bathtub, swellings that resemble bubbles sometimes appear on the surface. The defect is caused by the separation of the polymer layer from the structural glass cloth, which performs the function of reinforcement.

    Repair of exfoliated areas is carried out differently from previous types of restoration. The swelling must be carefully punctured in the center so that the tip of the syringe enters the resulting hole. A special glue is introduced under the swollen layer, capable of fixing the acrylic layer on the fiberglass, pressing the polymer coating, waiting for the complete drying, setting of the composition.

    At the end of the procedure, the hole is sealed with liquid acrylic and polished with a wax composition so that the area does not differ in appearance from the adjacent area.

    An acrylic bathtub made with good polymer technology can serve for a long time, usually without requiring repair. Under extreme circumstances, defects may appear on it, which can be dealt with independently, having the information and means for restoration. This procedure can be performed without any problems by an ordinary home craftsman on his own.