Brugmansia reproduction. Cultivation of brugmansia in the winter season

Angel pipes - this is also called brugmansia for incredibly elongated beautiful flowers... A native of tropical rainforests is quite demanding to care for. However, it still lends itself to growing at home. And the flowers that brugmansia gives in abundance make flower growers indulge her whims and little whims. How to make brugmansia your favorite pet?

Brugmansia - between an angel and a demon

Brugmansia - evergreen shrub from the subtropics South America... The plant is known under the names "Datura", "tree brugmansia", as well as "demon tree" and "trumpets of angels". She received the penultimate name because of its poisonous properties, and the last - thanks to its magnificent flowers.

In nature, this plant prefers a humid forest climate, it grows mainly in river valleys. At home, brugmansia is grown as a tub culture, cultivated in the garden in the summer, and brought indoors in the winter. The flower will not survive the cold Russian winter in the fresh air.

In the southern regions, brugmansia can be grown in open ground... In winter, the aboveground part of the plant dies off, but the roots do not freeze, and new shoots appear in the spring.

Wild brugmansia can grow up to 5 m in height, for home cultivation there are more undersized varieties. The leaves of the plant are large, oval, with wavy edges, up to half a meter in length. Flowers are funnel-shaped, bell-shaped, elongated, huge - up to 20 cm in diameter, up to 50 cm in length. Their color depends on the variety and can be green, red, yellow, orange, cream. There are also two- and three-color varieties. The aroma is pronounced, intensifies in the evening and night hours.

The plant is poisonous! In addition, its bright aroma has a psychotropic effect. This should be taken into account during care and placement.

Caring for brugmansia at home requires some hassle. For example, for growth and flowering, he needs a cold wintering. Bugmania should not be started by families with children or pets. And you can put this flower only in a room away from the bedroom. The intoxicating aroma is intensified precisely at night. So this plant cannot be called unpretentious. But its wonderful bloom is a worthy reward for a stubborn florist.

Varieties of scented wood

Brugmansia varieties differ in appearance colors - their shades, shape, length, proportions:

  • Fragrant brugmansia. The drooping flowers are white or pale yellow, up to 30 cm in length. Abundant flowering and may continue in the greenhouse all year round... The plant has a central stem and few branches.
  • Brugmansia is golden. Flowers of all shades of yellow with a wide limb, up to 30 cm in length. The leaves are narrow, dark green.
  • Brugmansia is snow-white. The plant is up to 3 m high. The leaves are velvety. Flowers are white, up to 25 cm in length.
  • Brugmansiya is bloody. Most frost-resistant look... Bright flowers of yellow, orange, red shades. The aroma is not as strong as other varieties.
  • Brugmansia is multi-colored. This species is distinguished by the longest flowers - up to about half a meter. The flowers are cream-colored; with age, the shade changes to peach.
Most often, fragrant brugmansia is grown in the garden and at home.

Photo gallery: views of brugmansia

Golden brugmansia flowers - all shades of yellow
Brugmansia bloody - the most frost-resistant species
Snow-white brugmansia looks like fragrant
Fragrant brugmansia is the most common type
Brugmansia has the most colorful big flowers

Table: home conditions for brugmansia

Home care southern guest


Brugmansia, as an inhabitant of tropical rainforests, is very fond of water. But excess moisture is bad for her. In hot weather, watering must be done daily, and in cloudy cool weather, you need to wait until upper layer the earth in the tub will dry out slightly. The water should be soft, settled. Its surplus should be drained from the pallet.

Top dressing

Fertilize brugmansia in spring-summer complex fertilizers for flowering plants. Frequency - once every 10 days. You can also use organic matter, for example, mullein infusion (1 part to 10 parts of water). From the middle of September, feeding of the brugmansia is stopped.

Flowering time

Brugmansia blooms with luxurious flowers from July to December. The life of each flower is short-lived, it fades quickly. But since there are a lot of flowers, the effect of a continuous very lush flowering is created. Withered flowers fall off. When flowering is complete, remove the flower stalks.

Blooming brugmansia emits a strong aroma that can affect a person in different ways. Do not leave brugmansia in bedrooms (the aroma intensifies at night), as well as in rooms where children play. The best place for blooming brugmansia - a garden, a cool veranda or loggia. Brugmansia blooms even at a temperature of + 10 ° C and slightly lower. True, it is not as abundant as in a warm season.

During flowering, it is useful to feed brugmansia with potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

Peace only at home

At the end of autumn, a period of rest begins for brugmansia. The plant should be left in a bright but cool room (air temperature is about 7-12 o C), while watering is reduced by 2-3 times and feeding is stopped. It is possible that at this time brugmansia will shed some, and sometimes all the leaves. This is the order of the day.

There is another way of wintering brugmansia - to save summer mode watering and dressing, provide a warm place, and compensate for the lack of light with additional lighting. Then the deceived plant can continue to bloom. However, this will knock her natural biorhythm. It is better to give brugmansia a rest and gain strength before the new season. With the onset of spring, brugmansia is taken out into the open air, but gradually accustomed to walking. They allow the plant to get used to new conditions.

Pruning for brugmansia

In early March, the plant is hygienically pruned. Remove damaged, too long or weak branches that spoil the appearance of the crown. Y-shaped shoots should be left because flower stalks are forming on them this year.

When forming a plant, it is important not to overdo it, as too much pruning will prevent abundant flowering.

Be sure to wear protective gloves when cutting brugmansia. Remember: this is a poisonous plant!

Table: Home care mistakes and how to fix them

The plant sheds its leaves.Lack of moisture.Increase watering.
Brugmansia does not bloom.Not enough light.Move the plant to a well-lit area.
Elongated shoots, fragile leaves
Brugmansiya has slowed down its growth.If the plant is mature, this is natural. The most intensive growth is observed during the first year of life (brugmansia can grow by 1.5–1.8 m in a year), then growth slows down and at a height of about 2 meters it can stop.
The buds are crumbling.A sharp drop in temperature, a change in lighting, little moisture.Adjust the watering regime, provide enough light.
Rot of the plant.Very heavy soil, no drain holes and drainage in a pot, stagnant moisture, waterlogging.Transplant by removing damaged roots. If you cannot save the root system, try to root the cuttings.

Pests of brugmansia, their signs, methods of elimination

Despite the fact that brugmansia is a poisonous plant, it is not overlooked by pests of indoor flowers.

Table: How to deal with plant pests

Photo gallery: pests

Whitefly colonies stick around the leaves
Weevil damages leaves
Spider mites entangle leaves with cobwebs
Slugs can breed on brugmansia if it grows on the street
Aphids feed on plant sap

How to propagate brugmansia at home


The simplest and efficient way breeding brugmansia - cuttings. This can be done both in late spring and early autumn.

  1. For cuttings, one-year lignified shoots with a length of 20 cm with an apical growth point are needed.
  2. Cut cuttings from the shoot (each has 2-3 buds), remove large leaves.

  3. Pour some water into an opaque container, add 2 tablets of activated carbon (this will prevent water from decaying).
  4. Place the cuttings there.
  5. Put in a warm (20 ° C) and bright place.
  6. After 2 weeks, small roots will appear.
  7. Now the cuttings can be planted in pots with loose, breathable, moist soil (option of soil elements: peat, perlite, sand 2: 1: 1).


When propagated by seeds, the characteristics of the variety may not be preserved.

Home transplant

If it is possible to plant brugmansia immediately in open ground, then you need to dig a hole 70 cm deep, 50 cm in diameter, add fertilizers to it (a bucket of manure, peat and sand, a glass of ash), mix everything thoroughly.

Subsequently, brugmansia is transplanted every spring or is limited to changing the top layer of the earth (about 1/3) in the tub.

(Brugmansia) is amazing plant which comes from the subtropical regions of Central and South America. It belongs to the Solanaceae family and is closely related to the Datura. It was previously classified as a type of datura, and is still often referred to as the datura or datura tree. The greatest pride of this plant is its funnel-shaped, fragrant and very large flowers, which become an unsurpassed decoration. garden beds... Gorgeous plants, especially in full bloom, are impressive. Placed in the garden, terrace or balcony, they will surely attract attention.

Brugmansia flower - description

Brugmansia is perennial... It can take the form of a small tree or shrub and grow up to 4 meters in height. With age, the old, thick woody stems grow rapidly, forming an expanding and branched crown. Large, up to 30 cm, ovoid leaves, often densely covered with hairs alternately along the stem. In June, the plant blooms, large, hanging funnel-shaped flowers appear on it, some varieties can have a flower up to 50 cm in length.

We can find samples with colors of different colors:

  • white,
  • cream,
  • yellow,
  • orange,
  • pink,
  • red.

And various forms inflorescences, it can be single or double. Most varieties have a very intense but pleasant scent, which is most noticeable in the evening. Brugmansia blooms for a very long time, from early summer to late autumn. The fruits of the plant are round, woody boxes with a smooth surface.

In contrast to this plant, species belonging to the genus Datura (datura) are herbaceous annual plants forming a dense bush. Decorative forms the cups of the flower are directed upwards, and the fruits are prickly, thanks to these features, we can easily distinguish between dope and brugmansia.

Varietal variety of brugmansia

The following varieties are mainly grown:

Brugmansia flower - planting and care in the open field

This plant is demanding and difficult to grow. Growing technology and basic care requirements should be strictly observed.

Brugmansia in the open field

  • Brugmansia - ground... The soil for cultivation must be fertile, contain humus, which is rich in nutrients and heats up quickly. Medium moist soils are best, but they should be easily permeable, for this it is better to mix the soil with sand.
  • Location... The plant likes sunny or slightly shaded places. In full sun, flowering will be more effective, but only if you provide it with a constantly moist substrate. You should choose a protected location where the plant is not exposed to strong winds.
  • Heat and moisture requirements... Withstands high summer temperatures and strong sunshine, but we must remember about regular watering, we even have to water twice a day in extreme heat. Otherwise, the plant may lose leaves and flower buds. The plant is sensitive to low temperatures, therefore, in our climate, wintering should be provided in a room where the temperature does not drop below 0 ° C.

Brugmansia - growing and care

In cool climates, this plant does not winter outdoors in the garden. It is often grown in pots or in an earthen hole in warm time of the year. Planted in the ground, it grows beautifully, but digging it up for the winter can cause some problems.


Before winter comes, we need to move the plant to a frost-free location. Before the first frosts, no later than November, the tops of the shoots must be cut off well. The plant should be dug out of open ground. Do not be afraid of damage to the roots, we can slightly reduce the root system. The plant is placed in a container, covered with slightly damp peat and placed in a dark, cool room. It is necessary to provide it with a temperature of about 5-8 ° C, watering from time to time. The earthen lump with roots should not be allowed to completely dry out.

In late March - early April, we transfer it to a warmer and brighter room. After that, we begin to water moderately, and after two weeks, we begin feeding.

Another wintering method is to hibernate in a warm room with access to sunlight. Plants do not shed their leaves completely. However, they do require a dormant period, so we must reduce watering and fertilize every 4-5 weeks. Sometimes, however, with such a wintering in the next season, the plant blooms worse. Before planting a plant outside, it must be hardened. For at least two weeks it gets used to the conditions prevailing outside. In the evening it should be hidden back into the building. Otherwise, the plant may shed its leaves as a result of shock. Hardening should be continued until the end of May or until the middle in warmer climates, when there is no longer any risk of spring frosts.

Reproduction of brugmansia from seeds and seedlings

Breeding and planting brugmansia is very simple. New plants can be obtained by sowing seeds or planting cuttings. Seeds are sown in February or March in separate containers. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water... The substrate should be kept moist at all times, and the pots should be placed in a bright, warm place.

Pruned autumn shoots are suitable for seedlings. Enough 15-20 cm of shoot height. Can be deleted lower leaves and place the cuttings in a damp basement or place in a pot of water. They should be kept in a warm place. In a month, new plants should take root. Then you need to transplant them into large pots filled with fertile soil. When the plants get older, we prune the tops. Flowers usually appear the next year.

Growing problems

The yellowing and falling off of autumn leaves and flower buds is usually caused by a deficiency nutrients or water. Plants in greenhouses are often attacked by aphids, spider mite and whiteflies. As a result of damage, the leaf blades turn yellow and fall off. These pests in small quantities can be removed mechanically, for example, with a brush and a jet of water. If insects appear in significant numbers, it is difficult to control them, and it is necessary to use appropriate chemical agents... That is why early detection of pests is important.

A magnificently flowering huge bush that does not require special care- this is brugmansia. The desire to get this flower on your site will haunt you constantly. How to grow it and preserve it in winter, we will tell you in this article.

General information

A delicate plant from Argentina, in natural habitats, healers and sorcerers drink its juice when they seek to overcome a disease or want to spoil their enemies.

There is a version that when a person drinks the juice of brugmansia, then after a while he begins to see the spirits of the jungle and rivers, if you put a few freshly picked leaves under his head, he will have colored dreams. And if you insist the leaves in a large cup of water, then the person who drank the infusion becomes susceptible to hypnotic suggestion.

In the natural habitats of brugmansia, this flower is called the plant of power.

For us, brugmansia is amazing beautiful plant, which is called "trumpets of the angel" or "bell". Huge bell-shaped flowers look down, this is a very large plant, when grown outdoors, it can reach heights of up to 5 meters. Brugmansia can be grown both as a pot plant and an outdoor plant.

Growing brugmansia in a pot

In the spring you purchased a brugmansia stalk. Cuttings are of two types: rooted stem cutting and a rooted apical stalk. Brugmansia loves oily, fertilized soil, so plant the cutting in the best soil possible.


As they say, it is impossible to overfeed Brugmansia, all feeding is only good for her. At the same time, the acidity of the soil does not really matter, it is good for adding a small amount of dry chicken droppings to the soil mixture.

If you decide to grow brugmansia in a pot, then as brugmansia grows, you will have to carry out several transshipments, without destroying the earthen clod, into more spacious containers, with fresh soil and adding another portion of chicken droppings.


Many people believe that this plant does not need drainage, but for prevention, all the same, make several holes for drainage and lay a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot. Brugmansia water-bread, by its large leaves evaporates a huge amount of water, in the dry air of the apartment, it needs a lot of water. Therefore, try to increase the humidity of the air, especially during the heating season.


In May, start feeding brugmansia phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, this stimulates flowering, once a month, feed with a universal flower fertilizer.


Indoors, brugmansia may suffer from a lack of light, 2-3 energy-saving 40 W bulbs are used for backlighting, and this is quite enough even for a plant to bloom.

Move to fresh air

In the summer, if you live in a private house, be sure to take the pot with a brugmansia flower out into the open air. Choose a place for a flower that is sunny, slight shading is permissible, it is better to dig a flowerpot or hide it from direct sunlight, do not forget to constantly water the flower.

Due to the huge size of the bush, it will not be possible to bring brugmansia to the dacha, in a car, it is possible to arrange brugmansia on the balcony.

To prevent the pot from tipping over, be sure to secure the flowerpot.


A well-groomed, rapidly growing brugmansia is prone to the formation of stepchildren (like tomatoes, a stepson is formed in the bosom between the trunk and the leaf), stepchildren must be removed in order to accelerate the onset of flowering brugmansia.

At the end of summer, your stalk reaches a height of 1.5 meters, and soon it will want to bloom. Flowering will begin after the bifurcation of the trunk begins in the apical bud.
Protect brugmansia from stress, if the appearance of a fork is delayed, feed the plant with manure infusion, increase mineral dressing and timely watering.


Finally your brugmansia has bloomed. Huge fragrant flower bells decorate your beauty. But the main flowering is still ahead, now brugmansia has entered the time of true maturity. The ends of the branches of a blooming brugmansia are the apical flowering stalk. When this cutting is separated, it will bloom, despite the fact that its size is much smaller an adult plant.

Return to a warm apartment

With the onset of cold weather, your brugmansia must be placed in warm apartment, since this southern flower does not withstand even a short-term drop in temperature below +4 degrees.

It is very good if you can put your brugmansia in an apartment without pruning, but often this is not possible, since it is a huge tree that takes up a lot of space.


What to do? Do not despair, feel free to cut the upper forks of your brugmansia. At home, under the illumination, they will root in an ordinary jar of water and you will have small brugmansia that retain the ability to bloom.

But if your brugmansia has not bloomed in the current season, you cannot cut it in this way. This rule applies only to flowering plants.

Growing conditions in winter

In winter, brumancia is watered less often and hardly fertilized, the backlight should be at least 12 hours a day. In the spring, start feeding brugmansia, as you grow, transfer from pot to pot and after a couple of months your brugmansia will bloom again.

Growing a flower in the open field

The second way to grow plants in the open field. In the summer, a plant planted in the ground necessarily requires good soil, abundant watering, good feeding... As a result, by autumn, the plant blooms, reaching enormous sizes.

Flower storage in winter

It is necessary to take care of the wintering of the plant. Good condition for wintering, serves as a winter garden, where there is enough light and an appropriate winter mode temperature.

Brugmansia is dug out of the ground, if the bush is very large, has several trunks, it is good to divide this bush into several parts with a shovel, in accordance with the number of trunks. Each shrub is placed in a large pot and brought indoors.

In winter, watering is very rare, feeding is practically stopped. Closer to spring, they begin to feed and water more often. At the end of the frost, they are planted in the ground. Sometimes adult plant they are also stored in the basement, but they can withstand this too, the main thing is not to bring the earthen lump to complete dryness, but watering should be moderate.

In general, brugmansia, the flower is very tenacious, you must try very hard to dry it, h
so that he does not endure the winter. Good luck, don't be afraid to breed brugmansia.

Brugmansiya breeds seeds, cuttings, air layers. But the easiest way is to propagate by cuttings. They are cut in autumn, before the threat of frost, when preparing the brugmansia for wintering. The strongest and most viable cuttings are obtained from the semi-lignified middle parts of the shoot or trunk. But you should know that it is practically impossible to get a new plant from the top of the shoot. The length of the cutting should be 15-20 cm, but the number of internodes does not matter. Cuttings of brugmansia do not like crampedness, therefore, only 3 cuttings are placed in a jar with a capacity of 0.7-1 liter. They take root in a bright place.

But personally, it seems to me that spring rooting is the most productive, and cuttings are more viable than autumn-winter cuttings. Since the spring cuttings are well ripe, and easily take root, because the plant wakes up and begins to grow actively.

Rooting of brugmansia at a temperature of + 20 degrees takes about a week. When the bumps (roots) appear on the handle, it is planted in a separate pot with a prepared substrate and covered with a glass jar. The glass jar serves as a greenhouse for the cutting. You should periodically air the cutting by opening the jar for a few minutes. When it is seen that the plant has taken root and started to grow, you need to gradually accustom young plant To environment, temper, and modern, remove the greenhouses altogether.

To get hurt flowering plant, should be grafted back in February, planted separately, and in spring, after the threat of frost, planted in open ground, or in pots in the fresh air.

Brugmansia reproduces easily by layering. If you need to get an adult plant right away, then this method is the most optimal.

We choose a shoot with a diameter of at least 1-1.5 cm. remove the top layer of the peel in a circle, 1-2 cm wide, but so as not to damage the light green layer of wood. We process it with a rootstock and apply sphagnum moss over the cut bark, and tie it with a plastic bag. After a month, roots are formed, and when they fill the space under the bag, you can separate the young plant from the mother and plant it yourself. It is ready to live on its own.

Seed propagation of brugmansia is mainly used for breeding work... And if there is such a desire, you can try to grow brugmansia from seeds on your own. To do this, it is necessary to soak the seeds in a root solution to improve and speed up the germination process. Then they are sown into a container to a depth of 0.5 cm and covered with a transparent lid or glass. After 2-3 weeks, seedlings will appear, and we gradually accustom the seedlings to conditions without a cover. And when they grow up and release real 2-3 leaves, we transplant them separately. The course is normal, the soil mixture, as for an adult plant, is light, permeable to water and air.

The Devil's Tree, Angel's Trumpets are all names of the same plant. Brugmansia, being at the same time a healing and poisonous plant, attracts the attention of many flower growers. This rather large flower is a combination of modest-looking leaves and amazing tubular flowers, thanks to which the bush looks very exotic.

Cultivation of brugmansia is difficult and fascinating process... The plant can be used as a decoration for the home, a flower is also suitable for growing in the open field. The versatility of culture practically knows no boundaries, but at the same time the grower will need to spend a lot of effort on caring for the plant.

Description of brugmansia

Indeed, for growth and flowering, it requires a lot of nutrients, which only a large volume of soil can provide it. Its height reaches two meters, but when grown at home, the plant reaches an average of one and a half meters.

The homeland of brugmansia is the tropics of the American continent, but it belongs to the family of nightshades, familiar to all Russian gardeners. In nature, it occurs in the form of shrubs up to 5 meters high, and sometimes in the form large trees, the crown of which grows up to 9 meters.

Brugmansia stems, when grown for several years, can lignify. By the end of the first year of cultivation, a dense grayish bark is formed on them, and on young shoots it remains greenish, slightly light. The brugmansia leaf is elongated, lanceolate, with a pronounced central vein and smaller veins.

The value of a plant is in the flowers. They are very large drooping bell funnels. It is because of their shape that brugmansia got its second name - the trumpets of the angel. Flowers grow very quickly: they increase their size by 3-7 cm per day! When fully opened, brugmansia flowers reach 60 cm in length and 20 cm in diameter. They exude a sweet intoxicating aroma that intensifies at night. For this, the flower is often called dope, although it has nothing to do with the plant of the same name.

In culture, many varieties of brugmansia are widespread, which differ only in the color of the buds. A terry variety was also bred, as well as variegatedly colored petals. The following types of brugmansia are considered the most popular for growing at home:

Official name


Woody brugmansia

A shrub up to three meters high, has become the basis for many hybrids. Differs in large flowers, the length of which reaches 30 cm

Golden brugmansia

A shrub plant that varies in height from 2 to 4 meters. The flowers are slightly curved, very large and fragrant, yellow in color. Leaves are dark, without a formed petiole

Notable brugmansia

Shrub, at good care growing up to 4 meters in height. Very large flowers, which can be up to half a meter in length, are pale yellow or pale pink. Leaves are slightly wavy along the edge

Brugmansia fragrant

An evergreen plant, the height of which, under favorable growing conditions, can reach five meters. The leaves are large, green, oval. The flowers are very beautiful, with a curved corolla, light yellow color

Brugmansiya bloody

A small compact shrub with very bright flowers - yellow-orange, red or yellow, exudes a very weak aroma. The plant is frost-resistant

Brugmansia multicolored

A four-meter shrub with very long flowers - up to 50 cm, painted in White color... If the plant is old enough, the flowers, when blooming, change color to a peach or apricot color.

Brugmansia volcanic

The rarest shrub in culture with salmon, orange and pink flowers... The plant is very capricious about temperature and light, and therefore it is rarely possible to make it bloom at home.

Almost all plant species, except for Volcanic, grow and reproduce well in the conditions of Russia. True, for this, the florist will have to delve into the intricacies of caring for the culture.

Growing brugmansia: highlights

The Angel Trumpet plant is a tub plant that requires a lot of space. The cultivation of brugmansia becomes especially successful if you place it in winter garden or on a frost-proof balcony or loggia.

Especially lush growth and flowering are observed if a tub with a flower for the summer is moved to open ground, and for the winter it is placed in a basement or other cool, but not freezing place. To grow it at home, you need a very spacious room with large windows facing the sunny side. Only in this way can the shrub receive enough light.

How to care for brugmansia (video)

Choosing a place for brugmansia

Planting a plant in suitable soil and placing it in an optimally comfortable place is the main condition for the well-being of the shrub. The most suitable soil for it is loam, mixed with humus in such a proportion that the soil firmly holds the large crown of the plant, and at the same time contains a lot of loosening components. Root system the culture is very massive, and therefore the container for it needs to be selected spacious - brugmansia will not fatten, on the contrary, it will respond to such care with active growth and massive flowering. Expanded clay should be placed in the tub at the bottom so that water does not stagnate in it.

Despite the fact that the branches of brugmansia are not fragile, it should not be grown in places where gusty winds "walk". He can knock down the plant or bend its crown, as a result of which it will lose its decorative effect.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting. Brugmansia does not tolerate strong shading, and does not bloom if it lacks the sun. The same applies to fresh air. When grown indoors, constant ventilation is required at least twice a day.

After wintering, the flower needs hardening or getting used to the abundance of the sun and fresh air... To do this, young or adult overwintered shrubs are first taken out for several hours, preferably in cloudy weather. The residence time of the tub bush should be increased daily by an hour, gradually bringing it up to round the clock.

Brugmansia is planted in open ground together with a pot, since permanent transplants from place to place can adversely affect the ability of a shrub to bloom.

Watering and feeding

Brugmansia, due to its large size and tropical origin, requires a lot of moisture, especially if grown outdoors. Even a short-term lack of moisture leads to the fact that the leaves and buds turn yellow and crumble. In summer, it is recommended to pour at least 10 liters of water under each shrub at a time. Watering in hot weather should be done daily, and on cloudy - once every 2-3 days.

For the winter, watering is reduced, but not stopped. It is recommended to moisten the soil in a tub transferred to the room 2-3 times a month, and in such quantities that the soil does not dry out, but remains moist.

With the onset of spring, watering is recommended to be combined with subcrustals, which are applied every 7-10 days. Important alternate organic and mineral fertilizing, then the shrub will respond very good growth and abundant, lush bloom... Additionally, heteroauxin or another drug that stimulates root growth can be added to the nutrient solution.

Bush formation and pruning

For giving to shrubs decorative look, brugmansia must be cut off during the entire growing season. The first thing you should pay attention to is the removal of shoots located in the lower part of the bush. They take away a lot of nutrients, but do not form inflorescences. Pruning this way will promote more abundant flowering.

Branches on which the leaf turns yellow or shrinks are also subject to removal. They tend to be nutritionally deficient and still won't flower.

Before wintering, brugmansia is cut off almost completely, leaving only small stumps. In this state, they are easier to store, and if you leave the shoots longer, next year it will be possible to grow a flower on a trunk.

How to crop brugmansia (video)

Possible growing problems

Indoor brugmans can also be damaged by whiteflies. You can protect yourself from them by thoroughly ventilating the premises and periodically spraying the bush with water. When pests appear, treatment with special preparations is recommended - acaricides and insecticides, allowed for use at home.

In addition, plants can suffer from errors in agricultural technology:

  • irregular watering leads to shedding of inflorescences and already blossoming flowers;
  • changing lighting also causes the plant not to bloom or shedding leaves and flowers;
  • fluctuations in daily temperature are the main reason for shedding flowers closer to autumn;
  • growth retardation and wilting of the plant can occur due to stagnant water in the pot.

You can restore the plant by placing it in suitable conditions, and in case of decay of the roots, it is recommended to transplant it into fresh soil, after cutting off the damaged parts.

Reproduction of brugmansia

For breeding brugmansia at home, use classical methods: seed reproduction and grafting. The division of the bush is not applicable for this culture. Growing a young flower from a cutting is considered easier and less expensive in relation to physical strength. At the same time, seedlings bloom after a year, while plants obtained from seeds. Why things are so and not otherwise, it is worth understanding in more detail.

Propagation by cuttings

To get seedlings from brugmansia cuttings, harvest planting material recommended in summer or autumn. For this, you should choose not lignified, but rather dense and strong cuttings about 15-20 cm long. They are immediately placed in a container with water.

Tip: cuttings form roots faster if they are tied in bundles, the diameter of which coincides with the dishes in which they will get wet.

If the planting material is prepared in the fall from branches obtained by total pruning, it is allowed to store them in water until the onset of spring. If the harvesting takes place in the summer, then leaving them in the water is worth no more than two weeks. During this time, callus is formed on their lower part (the rudiment of the root system). After that, the cuttings can be planted in separate pots filled with peat and covered with jars or plastic caps.

After rooting, young brugmansia seedlings can be placed on the windowsill, where they will gain strength until next spring. Plants obtained in this way bloom in the same year. They are no different from their parent instances.

Seed propagation

Self-collected or purchased seeds of brugmansia are sown in February-March. For sowing, a soil made up of equal parts of loam, humus, humus earth and peat is suitable. It is recommended to cover the seeds to a depth of about a centimeter. After moistening the soil, cover the container with crops with foil and place it in a warm enough place. After the emergence of seedlings (after about a month and a half), the covering material can be removed, and after the growth of real leaves, young brugmans should be transplanted into individual pots.

How to prepare brugmansiya for winter (video)

Plants grown by sowing seeds do not always retain traits mother plant, and begin to bloom after a few years.

Brugmansia is a very beautiful and unusual plant for Russian gardens, which can be grown even in middle lane... With proper wintering and good care, the shrub can bloom for a very long time, exuding a heady aroma and attracting butterflies to the garden.