Rowan ordinary: cultivation and care.

Rowan is exceptionally decorative throughout the year, thanks to its leathery, bright green leaves. In early summer they are covered with white, cream or pink fragrant flowers. In autumn, rowan leaves take on an amazing crimson hue, passing through the stages of yellow and orange. In winter, mountain ash is adorned with chic clusters of heavy, shiny berries: scarlet, pink, cream, yellow or brown.

Rowan ( Sorbus) - a genus of deciduous frost-resistant shrubs and trees from the Rosaceae family ( Rosaceae). Mountain ash grows in forests and mountainous areas, their distribution area extends from the far north to the middle zone of the northern hemisphere. The genus Rowan includes about 200 species. This article is about Rowan ordinary (Sorbus aucuparia) - charming trees or shrubs, well known to us since childhood. The leaves of such mountain ash are complexly elongated, each leaf consists of many pointed narrow leaves.

Since pagan times, mountain ash has been part of the life and culture of the Celtic, Scandinavian and Slavic tribes. In their beliefs, the mountain ash was endowed with magical powers that could patronize soldiers during the war, protect them from the world of the dead, and also protect them from witchcraft. In order to protect against the evil eye, crosses were made from rowan twigs, which were tied with red thread and sewn to clothes. Rowan leaves lined the shoes of the bride and groom during the wedding. Staves were made from rowan wood. Rowan branches decorated the Maypole on Beltane. Mountain ash was planted next to the dwelling, and in some places it is still considered a bad omen to uproot or damage the mountain ash in your yard. If you look closely at the underside of the rowan berry, you will notice that it is equilateral in shape. five pointed star, and this is one of the most important ancient pagan symbols - a symbol of protection.

Rowan wood is hard and resilient, while it lends itself well to processing. Since ancient times, spindles and runes have been made from mountain ash. And rowan berries are used to produce red organic fabric dye. Rowan fruits are extremely rich in vitamin C and have long been used in home cooking for making wine, beer, jams, jams, jellies, jelly, desserts and sauces. They are very fond of mountain ash and birds, for which it is an important source of food in winter. They taste sour-sweet or sour-bitter, the latter are recommended to be used in ready-made with added sugar.

Choosing a place to plant rowan

Rowan is a fairly tall tree, so it is advisable to plant it along the border of the garden so that it does not obscure the site, for example, along the perimeter on the north side. Mountain ash can grow on any, even poor soils, but still prefers fertile soils - light and medium loams that hold water well.

Rowan planting

They plant it in autumn or early spring - usually until the end of April, as it starts growing early. To get a more generous harvest, it is better to purchase several varieties of mountain ash: single-grade plantings, although prone to self-fertility, are still less productive.

Trees are planted at a distance of at least 4-6 m from each other. Pits are dug 60-80 cm deep and wide. They are filled with a mixture of compost soil with a fertile surface layer of soil, where a handful of ash and superphosphate and 2-3 shovels of three-year-old manure humus are added (fresh, unripe manure burns the roots). After planting, rowan seedlings must be watered and the central conductor shortened, and the next year - young and side shoots.

rowan care

Rowan care comes down to the timely removal of shoots, which often form at the root collar, and shoots growing below the grafting site, as well as watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil, crown shaping and pest and disease control. Since mountain ash in the spring quite early and quickly start growing, pruning and top dressing of plantings should be carried out as soon as possible and as soon as possible. At the same time, weak and broken shoots are cut out from young plants, the longest ones are somewhat shortened to the outer bud.

When pruning fruit-bearing plants, the nature of fruiting should be taken into account. In species and varieties of mountain ash that bear fruit on last year's growths, the shoots are only slightly shortened, and the thickened crown is thinned out. Plants with weak growth are given a rejuvenating pruning on two to three years old wood to encourage the growth of new shoots. In mountain ash, fruiting on various types of fruit formations, semi-skeletal branches are shortened, systematically thinning and rejuvenating the rings.

Starting from the third year of life, young mountain ash must be fed with mineral fertilizers. The most effective is a triple top dressing: in the spring, before flowering, 20 g of nitrogen are added. 25 g phosphoric and 15 g potash fertilizers for every sq. m landings; in summer - 10-15 g of nitrogen and phosphorus and 10 g of potassium; in the fall, after harvesting, - 10 g of phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizers close up shallowly, slightly digging up the soil, after which the plantings are watered abundantly.

rowan breeding

Species mountain ash - by seeds, and decorative forms and varieties - by grafting onto common mountain ash or Finnish mountain ash, since the latter has a more powerful and deep root system and the plants grafted on it suffer less from dry soil. Good results can be obtained using common hawthorn as a rootstock. Rowan budding is usually carried out in July - early August with a sleeping eye. Rowan house (Sorbus domestica) fails on ordinary rootstocks, good growth has only when grafted on pear wilds.

When propagating mountain ash with seeds, sowing is carried out in autumn or spring, seeds stratified from autumn by 1 running meter sown about 150 pieces. Dried or last year's seeds are pre-soaked for 3-4 hours before stratification. Crops carried out before winter must be insulated with leaf litter. Seedlings of most types of mountain ash grow quickly and by autumn are suitable for planting in a school for growing and shaping.

The technology for growing planting material from rowan seeds is much simpler, and in some cases more convenient, than propagation by grafting - a dormant bud or cuttings. However, when seed propagation one should take into account not only the degree of variability of species, but also the later entry into the flowering and fruiting season of young plants.

A number of mountain ash, for example Finnish, elderberry. large-fruited, Moravian, sweet-fruited, Nevezhinskaya, Burka and some others, with seed reproduction, produce offspring that practically do not differ from maternal forms and are not inferior to plants obtained by grafting.

Shoots of mountain ash grow quite quickly and, as a rule, ripen. It is best to plant young plants in a permanent place in autumn, leaving 3-4 m between vigorous species, and 1.5-2 m between undersized ones.

Varieties of mountain ash

Everyone knows the common mountain ash, but many do not suspect that many varieties with tasty and healthy fruits have been bred on its basis.

  • ‘Scarlet large’- one of the most valuable varieties of this crop. For hybridization, a mixture of pollen from different pear species was used. Its fruits are very large (over 4 g), scarlet-red, reminiscent of cherries, juicy, with a slight astringency, but without bitterness. Early variety, versatile. The harvest from one adult tree reaches 150 kg.
  • 'Bead'- bears fruit in the 4-5th year after planting. On a low tree, ruby-red fruits ripen, reminiscent of cranberries in taste. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to diseases. Yields are stable.
  • ‘Vefed’- obtained from Nevezhinsky mountain ash. A low tree bears fruit steadily. The fruits are orange-pink, shiny, weighing up to 1.3 g. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness.
  • ‘Pomegranate’- a hybrid of mountain ash with large-fruited hawthorn. The height of the tree is 3–4 m. The fruits are the size of a cherry. The taste is sweet and sour, without bitterness. Winter hardiness and productivity are high. It bears fruit from the age of three.
  • 'Gorgeous'- the result of crossing mountain ash and pear. The tree forms a wide pyramidal crown, its height is 5–6 m. It bears abundantly and annually, the fruits are large, 1.8–2.2 g, saturated orange-red in color with an oblong shape uncharacteristic of mountain ash. The taste is somewhat tart.
  • 'Hope'- low growing tree. Fruits (1.8–2 g) contain a large amount of biologically active substances. The variety is characterized by early maturity and high yield.
  • ‘Ruby’- a dwarf-type plant (2–2.3 m) with a spreading crown. The fruits are dark ruby ​​(1.8 g), with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.
  • 'Titanium'- the variety was obtained as a result of crossing the mountain ash with a pear and a red-leaved apple tree. This is a medium-sized tree with a wide rounded crown. The fruits are dark red with a bluish bloom weighing up to 2 g. Very winter-hardy. Bears fruit annually.
  • ‘Sorbinka’- a medium-sized tree. The fruits are large (up to 3 g), yellow-red, with a pleasant refreshing taste. It bears fruit in the 5-6th year. Harvests are plentiful.

Diseases and pests of mountain ash

Rowan is quite well resistant to various pests and diseases. Significant damage is noted only in some years. On the mountain ash tree, pests such as sawflies, scoop caterpillars, and mites are found. Flower beetles settle on the flowers of the tree, and mountain ash moth, apple fruit sawfly and bark beetles settle on the fruits and branches. The harvest of mountain ash is significantly seriously reduced by birds.

Rowan is a welcome resident of the backyard. In addition to its attractive appearance, the plant will delight you with useful fruits. To grow in your area right amount trees, it is not at all necessary to purchase seedlings, it is enough to choose and plant the seeds correctly.

Breeders divide the process of growing mountain ash from seeds into several main stages:

  • material selection;
  • storage;
  • sprout cultivation;
  • planting seedlings.

By following simple rules at each of these stages, you can easily succeed if you want to grow this tree from a seed.

wait for maturation

A strong, hardy rowan tree can only be obtained by using good seed.

Therefore, you need to stop your choice on those berries that are distinguished by a bright saturated color and large size. In such a fruit, there is a sufficient amount of nutrients that contribute to the proper development of the seed.

At the stage of choosing berries, it is important to choose the right time to pick them up. The fruits need to fully ripen, but at the same time, they should not begin to lose their elasticity and shape. Experienced breeders advise picking berries in the fall, when they turn bright red and the leaves from the trees begin to fall off.

Harvest the fruits when they are ripe and the leaves have fallen.

Selection of rowan seeds

However, plucked fruits are a weak seed, requiring additional processing. The main problem when growing mountain ash from seeds is their poor germination and a small percentage of specimens suitable for reproduction. To increase the likelihood of obtaining healthy seedlings in the right quantities, care should be taken in advance preparation.

To identify material suitable for further cultivation, carefully crush the selected berries and pour them with a small amount of cool water. After some short time, healthy, strong seeds should sink to the bottom.

This is what rowan seeds look like

Having chosen the right amount of healthy bones, you need to take care of creating for them as close as possible to natural conditions. Such a process in botany is called stratification. Peat, sawdust, chopped straw and other similar substrate may be suitable for this. When selecting material, it must be remembered that the mountain ash is not very readily propagated by seeds, therefore, it is necessary to take fruits with a significant margin.

Still wet seeds should be mixed with the prepared substrate and placed in an open container in an even layer of small thickness. This mixture is kept at room temperature for about 25-30 days. After that, it must be removed in a cool place until the landing period in the spring. For these purposes, a cellar is perfect.

Careful preparation of this type has several goals at once:

  1. helps to increase germination;
  2. allows you to reject obviously unsuitable material;
  3. contributes to the preservation of seeds until the planting period;
  4. saturates with substances necessary for growth and development.

Properly carried out selection and harvesting of berries make it possible to confidently count on obtaining strong seedlings in sufficient quantities.


You can get containers with the substrate in early spring. At the same time, there is no need to rush into landing until the ground warms up at least a little. You can revise the substrate and discard seeds that you don't like, but this procedure is not necessary.

The choice of planting site is key to the growth of healthy, strong seedlings. Although mountain ash is not whimsical to soils, the best option the choice of neutral soils is considered. The place of the future nursery should be well lit by the sun and have enough moisture.

When sowing seeds, they do not need to be removed from the substrate. They are introduced into the soil along with this material, which contributes to their better germination. Do not dig too deep into the soil. It is enough to cover it with a layer of soil about 5-10 mm thick.

According to accepted good practice, the landing rate is considered to be the placement of rows at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from each other. Seeds should be densely spaced in a row. Some gardeners practice the introduction of several pieces per 1-2 centimeters. Such conditions are dictated by low germination.


Usually shoots appear quite amicably and grow intensively. With their abundant appearance, the rows should be thinned out, since the presence of a large number of seedlings negatively affects their properties.

Plant care is standard. The soil should be moderately moistened, and during the dry season, watering should be given more attention. Sprouts are not afraid of weeds, but extra competitors can slow down their development.

Selection of seedlings

According to statistical studies, this plant can have a different growth rate on different soils. However, half a meter growth of semi-annual seedlings is considered the standard. Among all the material that survived until the autumn period, you should choose the tallest and strongest plants.

Carefully, trying not to damage the delicate root system, the selected specimens should be transplanted to the place of permanent deployment. With the right process, the seedlings take root quite quickly and well.

rowan leaf

After planting the shoots, care for them can be moderated. Plants that are well rooted during autumn and winter can develop further with little or no human help. In the very near future, new trees will be able to please the owner of the site with their fruits.

​Related Articles​

In order to plant mountain ash, you must choose one-year or two-year-old seedlings. Rowan will grow equally well in both darkened and sunny areas, loves not stagnant, but moist places. It is not very demanding on soils, but does not tolerate alkaline soils, compaction of the soil around the trunk circle, and the presence of any weeds. If the soil is strongly acidic, it is recommended to carry out liming in advance. Prefers to grow on sandy and loamy soil. Grade Titan.- after planting, water periodically so that the soil does not dry out

Today, many amateur gardeners and landscape designers practice the use of mountain ash for decoration. summer cottages, park areas, alleys around residential buildings. If you decide to plant a tree or several rowan trees in your garden, you should take into account the features of its placement and planting. We bring to your attention a few practical recommendations (recommendations relate to the variety Sorbus ordinary).​

- the result of crossing mountain ash and pear. The tree forms a wide pyramidal crown, its height is 5–6 m. It bears abundantly and annually, the fruits are large, 1.8–2.2 g, saturated orange-red in color with an oblong shape uncharacteristic of mountain ash. The taste is somewhat tart.

General view of the mountain ash. © Mehmet Karatay

Rowan bushes can take on the cold north wind, protect heat-loving plants in the garden. And potatoes planted next to them do not suffer from late blight.

Next, they trample down the earth a little. Again, the soil is watered and mulched with humus, peat or other organic matter (grass, hay, straw) with a layer of 5-10 cm. The mountain ash blooms at the end of May. The fruits are bright orange-red, bitter-astringent, ripen in late September - October. Rowan fruits hanging on trees attract many insectivorous birds, so growing it in gardens helps protect fruit and berry plantations from pests. The second top dressing is carried out at the beginning of flowering. The following composition is very effective for this top dressing: 2 tablespoons of Rossa organic fertilizer and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate are taken for 10 liters of water. In this case, I spend up to 8 liters of solution on a young bush and 2 - 2.5 buckets on a fruiting one.

Hello dear blog readers A private house garden and garden "!​

Rowan can be planted both in spring and in autumn. September is considered the most suitable month for this process. For planting, they dig a fairly spacious hole about sixty centimeters by sixty centimeters in size and fill it with good humus soil. And do not forget to thoroughly spill it. Six hundred grams of superphosphates, twelve kilograms of humus and one hundred and fifty grams of potassium salt are added to the prepared pit. They also make a drainage layer of ten to twenty centimeters of gravel. If I plant several trees, then the distance between them should not be less than five meters. They also pay attention to the level of the root collar after the soil has settled, it must necessarily be the same level with the ground.

Received in 1916 by I.V. Michurin. He pollinated a hybrid rowan seedling with apple pollen different varieties and pears. The tree is tall, almost 10 m tall with a dense pyramidal crown. Fruits faceted red, juicy. The taste is sweet and sour. High-yielding winter-hardy variety.

And what, fruit trees do not grow in your area?

1. When is the best time to plant rowan?


They plant it in autumn or early spring - usually until the end of April, as it starts growing early. To get a more generous harvest, it is better to purchase several varieties: single-varietal plantings, although prone to self-fertility, are still less productive. Trees are planted at a distance of at least 4-6 m from each other. Pits are dug 60-80 cm deep and wide. They are filled with a mixture of compost soil with a fertile surface layer of soil, where a handful of ash and superphosphate and 2-3 shovels of three-year-old manure humus are added (fresh, unripe manure burns the roots). After planting, the seedlings must be watered and the central conductor shortened, and the next year - young and side shoots.

Landing is best done at the end of April or in September-October. So there is still time to look for seedlings. At least four varieties are offered by the online store of the Gardens of the Urals nursery (Pomegranate, Large Sweet, Liquor, Smolenskaya), Gardens of Russia are not far behind (Bead, Scarlet Large, Pomegranate”, “Liquor”, “Nevezhenskaya”, “Sugar Petrova”, “Titan”). Please note - sweet-fruited mountain ash is often self-fertile, so you will have to purchase at least two plants of different varieties.

In the first months after planting, the seedling takes root, the process of regeneration of the roots is underway, in other words, wound healing, the formation of callus and new roots.

Rowan is not very demanding on growing conditions and puts up with various soils. It tolerates a slight acidity of the soil, but it bears fruit better on neutral, drainage lands.

The third top dressing is carried out in the fall, after the final harvest of berries. Many gardeners forget to do autumn top dressing and it's completely wrong. Just at this time, the plants are in great need of feeding. In 10 liters of water, you need to dilute 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Consumption - a bucket of solution for a young bush and 2 buckets for a fruiting one. I will tell you today about Then they make a small mound in the very center of the pit, straighten all the roots on the seedling and cover it with earth. If you deepen the mountain ash during planting, then it will give quite a lot of root growth, which is so necessary to cut out every time, and to the very base.

Variety Ruby.

Rowan is very beautiful both during flowering and with clusters ripened on the branches. The berries on the tree keep for a long time, are not afraid of frost, are tasty in the form of juices, jellies, jams, marmalades, marshmallows, or simply ground with sugar. On their basis, you can even prepare homemade medicine. Therefore, many gardeners are interested in having at least one rowan tree on their site. It is a classic of the Russian landscape. And the ancient Slavs attributed to the mountain ash the ability to protect the courtyard from all evil spirits.

It is better to plant rowan trees on the site in spring, if they are young seedlings, and in late autumn, if they are large-sized trees. If you plant plants that have been grown in containers with capillary irrigation, then planting can be done during the entire growing season, i.e. in spring, summer and autumn. But remember - planted in summer period seedlings take root more slowly, and I require special attention.​

- a short tree. Fruits (1.8–2 g) contain a large amount of biologically active substances. The variety is characterized by early maturity and high yield.

cultivation of mountain ash |

Rowan care comes down to the timely removal of shoots, which often form at the root collar, and shoots growing below the grafting site, as well as watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil, crown shaping and pest and disease control. Since mountain ash in the spring quite early and quickly start growing, pruning and top dressing of plantings should be carried out as soon as possible and as soon as possible. At the same time, weak and broken shoots are cut out from young plants, the longest ones are somewhat shortened to the outer bud. When pruning fruit-bearing plants, the nature of fruiting should be taken into account. In species and varieties that bear fruit on last year's growths, the shoots are only slightly shortened, and the thickened crown is thinned out. Plants with weak growth are given a rejuvenating pruning on two to three years old wood to encourage the growth of new shoots. In mountain ash, fruiting on various types of fruit formations, semi-skeletal branches are shortened, systematically thinning and rejuvenating the rings. The fruits of the sweet-fruited mountain ash usually ripen in September. That's when they need to be collected. Do not wait for frosts, as when collecting rowan. You can’t roughly break the mountain ash, chop it, and it will be fruitful every year or two. Good care for mountain ash is achieved by regular feeding, pruning (control of crown thickening and systematic removal of shoots that often form at the root neck), systematic pest and disease control, correct handling soil.​

Mountain ash is photophilous (it grows in the shade, but does not bear fruit well).

​Spend In order for the soil to adhere well to the roots, it is necessary to carefully shed each layer with water at the very moment when the soil is poured into the pit. Thus, voids will not appear under the roots. The soil should not be heavily tamped around the planted mountain ash, very often this is done with the help of the legs, since it is already very compacted, which does not allow microorganisms to work actively. In addition, in very dense soil, the roots have poor air circulation, which they really need. If a very tall tree is planted, then first of all it must be tied to a stake. But it is recommended to drive three stakes, tilt to the seedling and tie them together. Planting mountain ash, thus, will be safer and more reliable for the plant itself. Received as a result of pollination of mountain ash with pear pollen of different varieties. The fruits are sweet and sour faceted, dark red. It is possible to grow mountain ash on the most ordinary soil, but on light soil the tree will grow worse and give a smaller yield than it could. It is best to plant mountain ash in the fall. A planting hole measuring 60x60 cm is filled with fertile soil, about 5 kg of peat or humus, 100 g of potassium fertilizer and 200 g of superphosphate are added to it.

2. What soil to plant mountain ash?


Choosing a place for planting mountain ash.

Starting from the third year of life, young plants must be fed with mineral fertilizers. The most effective is a triple top dressing: in the spring, before flowering, 20 g of nitrogen are added. 25 g of phosphorus and 15 g of potash fertilizers per sq. m landings; in summer - 10-15 g of nitrogen and phosphorus and 10 g of potassium; in the fall, after harvesting, - 10 g of phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizers close up shallowly, slightly digging up the soil, after which the plantings are watered abundantly.

Rowan in the garden is a symbol of happiness and peace in the family. It has long been believed that it protects from evil spirits and other misfortunes. Even in Russia, the sick were taken out in the summer under the mountain ash, as they believed that "the spirit of the mountain ash would drive away diseases."

The soil in rows and between rows should be kept loose and free from weeds. In autumn, the soil near the trees should be dug up to a depth of 10-15 cm, while preventing damage to the roots, and at the same time, organic fertilizers should be applied to the tree trunks.

Rowan does not tolerate significant drying of the soil. Without enough moisture, the harvest will be poor.

growing chokeberry

Planting time for mountain ash.

or, as it is also called - chokeberry. I will start by describing this wonderful plant.

Rowan transplant tolerates very well. However, it is worth remembering that it has a deep root system, and therefore planting material must be dug very deep. If you can graft, then you need to dig a small mountain ash in the forest and transplant it to your site. After the plant will take root, this will happen next year, then in spring period you can plant several cuttings of various varieties on it at once. As a result, you can get rowan for every taste. In this case, you should always cut off the root shoots. Otherwise, otherwise, all the recently grafted cuttings will begin to die off, and one wild animal will remain.

Requirements for purchased seedlings.

Most rowan varieties are self-fertile, so for good harvest it is advisable to plant several different varieties for cross-pollination. You can negotiate with neighbors and plant trees of different varieties on both sides of the fence. If you are planting only one tree, graft a couple of other varieties into the crown.​

It is easiest and fastest to get a seedling if you graft a bud or cutting onto a seedling of any type of mountain ash. This can still be done with layering, grafting, seeds and root offspring.

Rowan is unpretentious and undemanding to the type of soil, but grows better in light, loamy, permeable soils.

- a dwarf type plant (2–2.3 m) with a spreading crown. The fruits are dark ruby ​​​​(1.8 g), with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Preparing seedlings for planting.

Rowan inflorescence. © martainn

Planting mountain ash.

A large harvest of mountain ash happens before a harsh winter. This year the branches are strewn with berries, we will wait for the cold weather.

Loosening the soil is carried out in early spring, then another 4-5 times during the summer and always immediately after harvesting. After that, the soil is mulched with manure, peat or compost.

Rowan ordinary is tolerant of the close standing of groundwater.

  • , You need to pay attention to the timely removal of shoots, which form very quickly and if nothing is done, the bush quickly overgrows, which leads to a significant decrease in yield. Root shoots need to be dug up and cut off at a depth from the mother roots. In old plants, you should try to cut out the fruiting shoots, which already give too small berries. You need to leave 20 - 25 strong shoots of different ages.
  • Chokeberry (chokeberry) is a compact shrub reaching a height of 3 meters, with a spreading crown (up to 2 meters in diameter). In one bush there can be up to 50 stems of different ages. The fruits of chokeberry are rounded, black or purple-black with a bluish bloom, sweet-sour with a tart astringent taste, quite juicy. They contain a huge amount of useful substances - ascorbic, malic, folic acids, carotene, pectin, sugar, vitamin P (citrine), trace elements - iodine, manganese, iron.
  • First of all, ask your neighbors or other gardeners by correspondence. If the neighbors refuse you a branch, then you should ask for at least a few buds, and then in August, graft with an eye. If you have not yet learned how to graft plants, then you should do this business, because it is not so difficult. Root growth wild mountain ash that grows on your site can be safely used as a stock. In order to accomplish this, she is removed from mother plant, and grafted onto cultivars. Do not forget that it is forbidden to propagate already grafted rowan trees in this way, since it has wild root shoots from the scion. Rowan is excellent, propagated by cuttings and layering.

Rowan berries on the branches are kept for a long time. It is better to harvest from bitter-fruited varieties after the first frost, so that the astringency is gone. Berries of sweet-fruited varieties are removed immediately when ripe, so that they are not pecked by birds. Hands can cut off low-growing trees, and cut brushes from high ones with loppers. If the berries are removed after frost, they can be stored all winter in brushes in a cold place or frozen. And the fruits harvested before frost must be cleaned of leaves, branches and stalks, sorted out, dried in the air and dried in the sun or in the oven. About 20 kg of fruits are usually harvested from one tree.

You can grow mountain ash from freshly picked berries, which are harvested when they begin to turn brown. They need to be freed from the pulp. Before autumn sowing seeds must remain moist. Shallow grooves are made in the soil, sealed with humus, deepening by one and a half centimeters. Plant in a well lit area. When the seedlings grow up, transplant them to a permanent place. In the process of care, form a stem up to 80 cm in height and plant a couple of cuttings in its upper part, from which you will later form a crown. According to the technique, rowan grafting is done in the same way as on an apple tree.

Caring for mountain ash.

3. Which place to choose for landing?​


Species mountain ash - by seeds, and decorative forms and varieties - by grafting onto common mountain ash or Finnish mountain ash, since the latter has a more powerful and deep root system and the plants grafted on it suffer less from dry soil. Good results can be obtained using common hawthorn as a rootstock. Budding is usually carried out in July - early August with a sleeping eye. Rowan house (​

I hope that I persuaded you to plant a couple of bushes of sweet-fruited mountain ash in my area.

In the absence of precipitation, mountain ash needs watering at the beginning of the growing season, 15-20 days before collection and at the end of summer (2-3 weeks after collection).

Top dressing mountain ash ordinary.

The chokeberry bears fruit every year and gives up to 5 - 8 kilograms of berries from a bush. The fruits on the bushes stay for a long time, almost until frost, only they need to be protected from the invasion of birds.

Chokeberry is a winter-hardy plant, undemanding to fertile soils, loves to grow in well-lit places. Aronia is resistant to diseases and pests, tolerates transplant remarkably. This is one of the fastest growing crops, since it begins to bear fruit already 1 to 2 years after planting.

Rowan is moisture-loving, so the lack of water will noticeably slow down development and growth. During the dry period, it must be watered at the following rate of ten liters of water per square meter crown projections. The root growth of this tree should be removed in due time and not even small stumps should be left in the upper layer, because they slow down the growth of the tree. To root growth it became less necessary to loosen the surface no deeper than five centimeters. Mountain ash responds well to top dressing in spring with nitrogen fertilizers, for ten liters of water one kilogram of mullein, ten grams of urea, fifteen grams of ammonium nitrate, and in autumn twenty grams of phosphorus-potassium nitroammophoska. If you are growing a tall rowan variety, then pruning will help regulate its thickening and height. As a rule, skeletal branches are formed at an angle of forty-five degrees. In early spring, you need to remove all shrunken branches. On the winter period trunk circles of this tree mulch sawdust or peat with a layer of fifteen centimeters.

Thank you Valyusha for a useful article. :) I don’t have mountain ash on my site, but I really want to plant it :))

After that, all care comes down to weeding weeds in time, removing rootstock, fertilizing, watering and loosening the soil. It would also be nice to mulch the trunk circle (cover it with straw, needles, dried grass). Before fruiting begins, a puddle should form in the near-trunk circle from watering - this is the advice of experienced summer residents.


For planting mountain ash, it is better to choose an open, well-lit, in extreme cases, slightly shaded place. - the variety was obtained as a result of crossing the mountain ash with a pear and a red-leaved apple tree. This is a medium-sized tree with a wide rounded crown. The fruits are dark red with a bluish bloom weighing up to 2 g. Very winter-hardy. Fruits annually. Sorbus domestica

Grozdna mountain ash - frosty winter | The village is my home...

Rowan trees are exceptionally ornamental throughout the year, thanks to their leathery bright green leaves. In early summer they are covered with white, cream or pink fragrant flowers. In autumn, rowan leaves take on an amazing crimson hue, passing through the stages of yellow and orange. In winter, mountain ash is adorned with chic clusters of heavy, shiny berries: scarlet, pink, cream, yellow or brown.

Useful properties of mountain ash

You can water with an overlap along the furrows or into the grooves around the trunks, 2-3 buckets per plant. Water consumption during irrigation depends on the age of the tree, the soil and the degree of its moisture.​

Rowan can be planted in spring (until the end of April, as it starts growing early) and autumn (late September - early October). The best planting time is autumn. During the autumn-winter period, the soil settles well and compacts around the seedlings. Plants in the spring begin to grow early and take root well.

Aronia reproduces well by shoots. To do this, you need to spud the root shoots with soil so that they give lateral roots, and then separate from the mother bush and plant.

Where to plant rowan

The chokeberry is widely known. It is grown in gardens as a fruit and medicinal crop. Aronia berries are useful for diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, gastritis with low acidity, and rheumatism. It has been proven that the use of aronia berries reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Chokeberry juice is drunk to reduce emotional imbalance. Chokeberries are widely used in cooking. Jam is made from fruits, jelly, jam, juice are made. All medicinal properties while being preserved.

Gather rowan berries should be in the last days of August or early September. It is better not to delay the harvest, because the mountain ash becomes very tasty and all the birds begin to peck at it.

When to plant rowan

And in front of my house, a young mountain ash grows))) It bloomed this spring, now green berries are already hanging in clusters. In general, in our area, the mountain ash settles itself - I already have several pieces of young mountain ash along the path to the house :)

When and how to collect rowan

Layering is done if the mother tree has a low-stem shape, which will allow you to easily bend the branches to the ground.

4. At what distance from each other and from other trees to plant?


) It fails on ordinary rootstocks, it has good growth only when grafted on pear wilds.

Rowan (​

The yield of mountain ash increases with systematic feeding. If the seedlings are acquired too late in the fall, they are dug in for the winter. In spring, planting begins early, as soon as the soil allows. Be sure to plant chokeberry in your area. There is little care, but there is plenty of return and joy from this beautiful tree. Is it bad to have a living pharmacy in your garden? See you, friends! Subscribe to blog updates!​ Aronia, mashed with sugar, has an anti-sclerotic and capillary-strengthening effect. You can also dry the fruits of chokeberry. To do this, they are scattered in a thin layer on a baking sheet and placed in the oven or oven. The drying temperature is maintained within 60 - 70 degrees, regularly opening the oven door, thereby ensuring the flow fresh air. Dried finished fruits are dense and crumble well. For several centuries, the rowan tree was considered magical plant, and played a very important role in various rituals and beliefs of the ancient Slavs, Celts and Scandinavians. Rowan mainly protected our ancestors from witchcraft and the evil eye. It was generally accepted that in the house where a bunch of mountain ash was hung, fires would never occur. It was considered a very bad omen to damage the tree. Red rowan will look very good along your Marina path, both in spring, when it blooms, and in autumn, when red berries delight the eye until the very frosts, and even after. I collect mountain ash already after the first frosts, and cook delicious jam with walnuts. In grafted plants, fruits will appear in 2-4 years. It is desirable to plant or graft a couple of varieties at least so that they cross-pollinate. If you plant several rowan trees in one place or plant seedlings along with other trees, then you should do it this way:- a medium-sized tree. The fruits are large (up to 3 g), yellow-red, with a pleasant refreshing taste. It bears fruit in the 5-6th year. Harvests are plentiful.

When propagating mountain ash with seeds, sowing is carried out in autumn or spring, about 150 pieces are sown with seeds stratified from autumn per 1 running meter. Dried or last year's seeds are pre-soaked for 3-4 hours before stratification. Crops carried out before winter must be insulated with leaf litter. Seedlings of most types of mountain ash grow quickly and by autumn are suitable for planting in a school for growing and shaping.

In the spring, annually, 5-8 kg of humus or compost and 50 grams of ammonium nitrate are added under each tree.

Choice of landing site

When buying a seedling, they pay attention not to the height of the shoots, but to the quality of the root system, which must be powerful and healthy (should have 2-3 main branches at least 25-30 cm long). The roots should be fresh and moist, if the roots are dry and weathered, the seedling can take root, but will grow slowly.

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Rowan planting

Something I missed. It's time to return to the main topic of the article and finally begin a story about

rowan care

Yes, and now it’s just good to plant. Make a deep hole, buckets

For 1 kg of mountain ash, 7.5 cups of sugar, 2 cups of coarsely chopped walnut kernels, 3 cups of water.

Pruning is done to evenly illuminate the tree, therefore, for a larger yield. Since the crown of the mountain ash is pyramidal, and the branches depart from the trunk at an acute angle - this has a bad effect on their strength. Therefore, when forming the main skeletal branches, try to bring them out at an obtuse or right angle.

rowan breeding

Leaving a distance of 3-4 m between vigorous, large-sized plants; Rowan berries. © Mary Shattock The technology of growing planting material from seeds is much simpler, and in some cases more convenient, than propagation by grafting - a dormant bud or cuttings. However, in seed propagation, one should take into account not only the degree of variability of species, but also the later entry into the flowering and fruiting season of young plants. A number of mountain ash, for example Finnish, elderberry. large-fruited, Moravian, sweet-fruited, Nevezhinskaya, Burka and some others, with seed reproduction, produce offspring that practically do not differ from maternal forms and are not inferior to plants obtained by grafting. Shoots of mountain ash grow quite quickly and, as a rule, ripen. It is best to plant young plants in a permanent place in the fall, leaving 3-4 m between vigorous species, and 1.5-2 m between undersized ones.

) - a genus of deciduous frost-resistant shrubs and trees from the Rosaceae family (​

At the beginning of summer, annually, 10 liters of fresh mullein diluted with water (1:5) or a bucket of diluted bird droppings (1:10) are poured under each tree. These top dressings can be replaced by bedding in upper layer agrolife soil.

Varieties of mountain ash

The bark on the trunk and on the branches of the seedling should not be wrinkled, otherwise the seedling was dug out a long time ago and had time to dry. By pinching off a small piece of bark, you can find out if the seedling is alive (if the green bottom is exposed, then the seedling is alive, if it is brown, then it is dead).

  • Rowan ordinary winter-hardy. It grows on a variety of moist soils, but it is better on fertile sandy and loamy soils. This is a fast-growing breed - it gives 0.5 ​growing chokeberry
  • 2 water, let it soak, sprinkle with earth, more water, I clean the mountain ash collected after the first frost from twigs, wash it in cold water and put it on a sieve. I scatter the dried mountain ash on the table and slightly crush it with a light pressure of the rolling pin. Then I put the mountain ash in an enameled bowl, douse it with boiling water and leave it for 10-15 minutes, after which I put it back on a sieve so that the water and berries dry out. Separately, I cook not very thick sugar syrup, throw mountain ash into it, and cook until the jam syrup becomes viscous. Then I add chopped walnut kernels to the mass, boil for another 10 minutes and close them in jars. I tried instead walnuts put peanuts, but the taste is completely different, although this is also an amateur.
  • Pruning is carried out in early spring before the buds swell. In young trees, the shoots are slightly shortened to the outer bud, the shoots that extend at an acute angle and the extra ones are removed. Varieties that bear fruit on last year's growths are thinned out and slightly shortened. If the growth is weak, rejuvenating pruning on two or five years old wood will help. Rowan, on which several varieties are grafted, shorten semi-skeletal branches and in the most fruitful years thin out the ringlets (the smallest branches). Rowan shoots grow quite quickly, almost all ripen by winter, leaving 1.5-2 m between young and undersized trees.
  • Rowan is quite well resistant to various pests and diseases. Significant damage is noted only in some years. Numerous types of pests are often found on the mountain ash tree. Of these, pests such as sawflies, scoop caterpillars, mites. Flower beetles settle on the flowers of the tree, and mountain ash moth, apple fruit sawfly and bark beetles settle on the fruits and branches. The harvest of mountain ash is significantly seriously reduced by birds. Everyone knows the common mountain ash, but many do not suspect that many varieties with tasty and healthy fruits have been bred on its basis.
  • Rosaceae At the end of summer, annually, 0.5 liters of wood ash (instead of potash fertilizers) and 100 g of superphosphate (after fruiting) are applied under each tree.
  • When buying a seedling in the fall, the existing leaves on the branches are carefully removed without damaging the buds on the axils of the leaves.
  • in the garden. So:​ Cut the rowan roots a little, dilute in a bucket of yellow clay,
  • So, Tatyana, be sure to plant this plant in your area. There are many varieties of red mountain ash, but at home, sweet-fruited species are more interesting for growing:
  • 5. Next to which trees to plant mountain ash? This pest is quite active. More than 20% of rowan fruits are damaged per year. Sometimes found on an apple tree. Pupae overwinter in the soil and fallen leaves, so plant debris should be destroyed. The brown-winged butterfly often appears in early summer. Approximately a week after emergence, it begins to lay eggs in several pieces on the top of the fetus. One female is able to lay up to 45 eggs. Caterpillars are pale red or gray in color. They leave the eggs after two weeks and penetrate the fruit, making narrow passages, the caterpillars get to the seeds and gnaw them out.
​‘Scarlet large’​

Diseases and pests

). Mountain ash grows in forests and mountainous areas, their distribution area extends from the far north to the middle zone of the northern hemisphere. The genus Rowan includes about 200 species. This article is about

rowan moth

Cherry slimy sawfly

During transportation, the roots of the purchased seedling are wrapped with a damp cloth, put in a plastic bag. If it is not possible to immediately plant the purchased seedling, then it is added dropwise in a shaded place in the country. Dig a shallow elongated hole with a slope to the south. The seedling is placed obliquely in the hole. They fall asleep so that both the roots and half the length of the shoots are underground. Abundantly watered. In this form, seedlings can be stored for 3-4 weeks without compromising quality. If it is found that the seedlings are very dry, they are immersed in water for 2-3 days (no more).

growth per year. It has a good shoot-producing ability and forms fast-growing shoots on stumps. It begins fruiting at 5-7 years. In the first years of life, it tolerates shading well, but it bears fruit much better in more open places. It bears fruit annually. You can plant chokeberry in spring (around the end of April), or in autumn (around mid-September). To eliminate the shading of the bushes, they need to be planted at a distance of 2 - 2.5 meters from each other.To the consistency of liquid sour cream, wet the roots and plant. For half

Can you tell me when is the best time to plant rowan? How to plant, what would take root, how to care?


I transplanted rowan from the forest three years ago. In the spring, it begins to grow beautifully, and then, for the second year, it falls ill. The leaves are covered with small brown spots, the brushes of berries dry up ... Tell me, how to deal with this?

la la la

Variety Russian or liquor
Rowan looks good and very impressive in joint plantations with bushes of viburnum, spirea, barberry, as well as with coniferous trees. It can be used as a single growing plant and placed in small groups. Several mountain ash can make a good background for planting perennial low-growing trees and shrubs.
It usually appears around the beginning of July, and by autumn the sawfly already seriously damages the leaves of the tree, much less often destroys them completely. The mid-grown insect has a shiny black color, its wings are transparent. The larva is up to 9 mm long, greenish-yellow in color, covered with black mucus. chrysalis white color in a dense oval cocoon. The female lays her egg on a tree leaf, thereby making an incision inside the leaf. One female can lay up to 70 eggs. The eggs are oval and pale green in color. About 10 eggs can be found on one leaf. The hatching of larvae occurs in about a week. The larvae feed on the leaves for 1 month, then go into the soil, where they overwinter. To destroy the pest, plants are pollinated with lime or sprayed with a solution of soda ash.

- one of the most valuable varieties of this crop. For hybridization, a mixture of pollen from different pear species was used. Its fruits are very large (over 4 g), scarlet-red, reminiscent of cherries, juicy, with a slight astringency, but without bitterness. Early variety, versatile. The harvest from one adult tree reaches 150 kg.

Rowan ordinary
Harvesting of mountain ash is carried out after its full ripening (end of September - October) or after the first frost, when the fruits acquire a sweet taste. They are removed from trees by hand, with stalks. Fruits harvested with stalks and leaves can be stored fresh for a long time. Spread out in a layer of 10-15

This work is not difficult. It is necessary to remove bruised, diseased, dried roots. The same must be done with the aerial part of the seedling. Before planting, to avoid drying, dip the roots well in a clay mash.
Rowan belongs to the apple subfamily. Rowan grows in the form of a tall tree (common) and a shrub (chokeberry). Types of mountain ash differ in the shape of the leaves, size, color and taste of the fruit.

Planting hole preparation:
Fill in the ground, compact, water more and fill it to the end.

It's hard to say without a photo.
Bred by Michurin - he crossed an ordinary forest mountain ash with an chokeberry. It has high winter hardiness and productivity. Large fruits up to 15 mm in diameter, almost black. It is mainly used for making liqueurs, tinctures and jams.​

The earth will thaw and plant She is not capricious
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Sergey Ivanov

Rowan, like a fruit tree, is best planted at a distance of 3-5 m from each other. With such a landing, a powerful tree is formed, well lit from all sides.


Rowan ordinary - tree up to 10
The best pit for mountain ash is 0.5 meters deep and 0.6 meters in diameter. For one such pit of organic fertilizers, you need to take one bucket of vegetable or manure humus and peat (to create a good soil structure). From mineral fertilizers for one pit, I usually take 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, 3 tablespoons of nitrophoska and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate. All this must be thoroughly mixed with the earth taken out of the pit, then pour the soil mixture back into the pit and pour water over it. The landing pit prepared in this way should be left alone for a week.
​(Don't be surprised by the amount of water. We haven't had rain all summer on​
Maybe it's scab. It spreads through spores. In autumn, infected leaves fall off, and already in spring, dark tubercles with spores can be seen on them. Next, infection of young leaves occurs. The situation worsens with high humidity and heat. Due to these factors, spores in the leaves germinate and form a mycelium. Symptoms appear first on the leaves. They have light yellowish spots. Sometimes they have an oily sheen. It all ends with the leaves drying up. The disease passes to buds, ovaries and formed fruits. A mandatory measure is the cleaning and destruction of fallen leaves near trees infected with scab, because it is on the fallen leaves that the spores of the pathogens of this disease hibernate. Sick fruits should also be collected and burned. The soil under them needs to be dug up. Watering in the evening or early morning (no irrigation) to give the leaves time to dry out before infection can occur. In May-June or at the end of August, spray the crown and trunk of the tree with fungicides.
Rowan house
Most importantly, do not wait for May, as soon as the soil allows - plant (usually sticks to a shovel), a mountain ash will be taken and planted in May (if cast) - but is it worth passing it through resuscitation. The root collar should not be above ground level and should not be buried - this is where the color of the bark changes.​

Anatoly Yakovlev

Rowan ordinary: cultivation and care

- bears fruit in the 4-5th year after planting. On a low tree, ruby-red fruits ripen, reminiscent of cranberries in taste. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to diseases. Harvests are stable.​

Planting and cultivation of mountain ash.

Sorbus aucuparia

Rowan is well preserved until spring at temperatures from 0 to +1 ° without significant loss of vitamins. In frozen form, mountain ash is also well preserved, but it should not be allowed to thaw.

The size (width and depth) of the planting hole should be such that the roots are placed in it correctly, according to their shape. A planting hole is dug with a depth of 30-50 cm, a width of 40 cm in diameter, depending on the size of the root system of the seedling.

Rowan care, crown formation and pruning.

Landing and care:

There is no dacha even now, the ground is dry one and a half meters down. And I plant roses, I bought it).

Or maybe one of the imperfect fungi of the genera Gloeosporium, Colletotrichum, Kabatiella settled on your plant. The disease they cause is called Anthracnose. It appears from the defeat of the leaves, on which brown spots form with a darker border, first along the edge, then the spots gradually merge. Depressed spots form on the branches of the stems, which disrupt the movement of nutrients through the plant. At strong development disease leaves, stems, shoots and fruits completely turn brown and dry. If the weather is dry, the affected areas crack. If damp - rotting, break. The entire aerial part of the plant dies. Anthracnose is transmitted through infected plant remains, seeds, soil.​

Very common throughout Central Asia, grows in the Crimea. Differs in very large green size with plum fruits. The tree is very tall - almost 15 m in height.​

Varieties of red rowan

​General landing principles​

) - charming trees or shrubs that are familiar to us from childhood. The leaves of such mountain ash are complexly elongated, each leaf consists of many pointed narrow leaves. Hello friends! Common mountain ash in front gardens near houses is often found with us, but interest in mountain ash as a fruit crop is just emerging. Sweet-fruited mountain ash is not bitter, there is no astringency in it. One handful of sweet and sour, fragrant berries contains the daily requirement of vitamins C, P and A. In terms of vitamin content, mountain ash can be compared with lemon and black currant. But to eat a bunch of ordinary mountain ash, unlike fruit, not everyone can ...

Add to each landing hole: Height, crown rounded, with a straight trunk. Shoots and bark of the trunk are smooth, greenish-gray. The leaves are alternate, pinnately compound. The flowers are small, white or greenish, fragrant. The inflorescence is large (8-10

After a week, you can start planting seedlings. It is done as usual. The peculiarity is that before planting, the roots of the seedling need to be shortened by about 20 - 25 centimeters. Now or in the spring

The development of the disease is facilitated by high humidity, high soil pH, lack of phosphorus and potassium. Variety Nevezhinskaya.

- damage the roots as little as possible, try to transplant with the root of the earth. If the roots are damaged, then you need to cut the crown proportionally. I think that mountain ash is so unpretentious that special care is not needed !! What about planting? I think like all trees and shrubs in spring!!!

- obtained from Nevezhinsky mountain ash. A low tree bears fruit steadily. The fruits are orange-pink, shiny, weighing up to 1.3 g. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness.


The fruits of the mountain ash. © Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz​

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

​Now in traditional medicine Rowan juice is used for hypertension and kidney diseases. A decoction and infusion of fruits are used for beriberi, diarrhea and constipation.

Irina, Bender

A bucket of compost or humus;

Irina, Bender

Care consists in watering plants and fertilizing, especially during the period of fruit ripening, and also in regular loosening of tree trunks, followed by mulching with compost, humus, peat. If at the moment there is none of this, then ordinary fertile land.

plant in spring

Thank you very much. Judging by the description, my mountain ash has a scab. Let's follow the advice...

The tree is high up to 10 m with a wide pyramidal crown, durable. It has dark gray branches and a trunk that darken with age. She has oblong-pointed large buds and elongated, red 5-sided fruits. The taste is good, there is no bitterness. Ripens in August-September.

- observe orientation because the south side is more resistant to burns.


Since pagan times, mountain ash has been part of the life and culture of the Celtic, Scandinavian and Slavic tribes. In their beliefs, the mountain ash was endowed with magical powers that could patronize soldiers during the war, protect them from the world of the dead, and also protect them from witchcraft. In order to protect against the evil eye, crosses were made from rowan twigs, which were tied with red thread and sewn to clothes. Rowan leaves lined the shoes of the bride and groom during the wedding. Staves were made from rowan wood. Rowan branches decorated the Maypole on Beltane. Mountain ash was planted next to the dwelling, and in some places it is still considered a bad omen to uproot or damage the mountain ash in your yard. If you look closely at the underside of the rowan berry, you will notice that in shape it is an equilateral five-pointed star, and this is one of the most important ancient pagan symbols - a symbol of protection.

Even the ancient Greeks and Romans noticed that the fruits of mountain ash have disinfectant properties. Our ancestors threw a rowan branch into the water so that it would remain drinkable longer and have a pleasant taste. This property of mountain ash is used in cosmetics. Fresh fruits are crushed, a little cream or sour cream is added. The resulting mixture is an excellent face mask.​

How to plant mountain ash in autumn | Good advice time

150 grams of superphosphate;

in diameter).

How to plant rowan in the fall?

During the season, it is necessary to carry out 3 feeding of chokeberry.

We planted in the spring and they have taken root well. Now they are pleasing to the eye, both with flowers and fruits.

In Russia, mountain ash was considered one of the most beloved trees. That is why she was very often affectionately called mountain ash or mountain ash. Due to the strong resemblance of the leaves of this tree to ash, its name from other languages ​​was translated as mountain ash or false ash. Mountain ash is very beautiful not only during flowering, but also with ripe clusters on the branches. Ripe berries on the branches hold on very for a long time, they are resistant to frost, and are very tasty in the form of marshmallows, jams, jams, juices, jellies, or even simply ground with sugar. On their basis, home medicine is very often prepared. Therefore, so many gardeners are interested in planting rowan trees in their area. After all, it is a traditional classic of the Russian landscape. Even the ancient Slavs attributed to this magnificent tree the ability to protect their home and yard from all evil spirits.

Grade Pomegranate.

- do not bury, plant at the same depth

Where to buy cuttings?

Home» Articles» Rowan in your garden: practical recommendations for placement and planting

How to properly care for rowan?

- a hybrid of mountain ash with large-fruited hawthorn. The height of the tree is 3–4 m. The fruits are the size of a cherry. The taste is sweet and sour, without bitterness. Winter hardiness and productivity are high. Fruits from the age of three.

When to harvest rowan?

Rowan wood is hard and resilient, while it lends itself well to processing. Since ancient times, spindles and runes have been made from mountain ash. And rowan berries are used to produce red organic fabric dye. Rowan fruits are extremely rich in vitamin C and have long been used in home cooking for making wine, beer, jams, jams, jellies, jelly, desserts and sauces. They are very fond of mountain ash and birds, for which it is an important source of food in winter. They taste sour-sweet or sour-bitter, the latter are recommended to be consumed ready-made with the addition of sugar.

The magic of mountain ash - a note to the summer resident

A decoction of dried fruits is used to rinse hair after washing, especially with severe dandruff, seborrhea.

When can rowan be planted?


300 grams of wood ash;
The life expectancy of mountain ash reaches 100-150 years. This crop is most productive at the age of 35-40 - it gives up to 100 kg of fruit per tree.
The first top dressing - it is carried out in the spring, when the leaves are just beginning to bloom. I use the Effekton fertilizer solution for this top dressing. I dilute 2 tablespoons of effecton in 10 liters of water and spend 5 liters of solution on young bushes, and 2 buckets per bush on fruit-bearing ones.
In autumn
The common mountain ash is a tree, and in the mountainous regions a shrub with a height of five to ten meters, although it was often noticed that it grew up to twenty, it has a very wide crown of about six meters. Since ancient times, it has been customary to plant rowan near the house in order to protect all household members from the evil eye. And various desserts, drinks, and medicinal infusions were prepared from its berries. The wood of this tree was used by wood carvers, turners and joiners. AT modern world mountain ash is used for landscaping areas, as it has a beautiful decorative look, with fruits in autumn and winter, attracts nomadic birds, frost-resistant and shade-tolerant, perfectly tolerate the conditions of the city. Rowan is able to decorate your site with bright fruits in autumn, in spring with beautiful flowering and openwork leaves.
Received as a result of crossing mountain ash with hawthorn. The height of the tree is up to 4 m. It has a very sparse crown. Faceted pomegranate-colored fruits have a slightly tart sweet taste and become ripe in August-September.
- do not pour mineral fertilizers and fresh manure so that there are no root burns.


Rowan is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful deciduous trees. It looks attractive almost at any time of the year: in spring, when it blooms, in summer, when red fruits are seen and poured in a thick, dark green crown, in autumn, when its foliage becomes bright orange, and in winter, when scarlet clusters flaunt on bare branches. ​

~ Troll ~


Ludmila Bragina

Rowan is a rather tall tree, so it is advisable to plant it along the border of the garden so that it does not obscure the site, for example, along the perimeter on the north side. Mountain ash can grow on any, even poor soils, but still prefers fertile soils - light and medium loams that retain water well.

Olga Shishkina

Rowan is not picky - it can grow in the sun and in the shade, on sandy and clay soils. Even where, due to groundwater, neither an apple tree nor a pear tree can grow, the mountain ash gives a harvest.

How to plant vegetables

In the article we discuss mountain ash. We tell you what the culture looks like, how to properly plant it and the necessary care. You will learn about rowan varieties and where you can buy seedlings of this plant.

Description of mountain ash

Mountain ash is a genus of low woody plants of the tribe Apple-tree family Pink. The buds of the culture are felt-fluffy. The leaves are large, with 11-23 oblong leaflets. Numerous white flowers are collected in dense inflorescences that form at the ends of the branches. The flowers have a strong specific aroma.

Rowan fruits are spherical bright red juicy apples with small seeds, rounded at the edges. Berries contain approximately 8% sugars, organic acids, vitamins C and P, glycosides and carotene.

Currently, there are more than 100 types of mountain ash, a third of which grows in Russia. The culture is widespread in Europe, Asia and North America.

The tree has high frost resistance, unpretentious to the soil. Quietly grows in areas with a close location of groundwater.

Rowan ordinary is among the low-value fruit crops due to its prevalence and low quality of berries. Typically, it is used as decorative tree, fruits are used for food, and wood - for joinery.

Reproduction of the plant occurs from the vegetative and generative method. As a rule, species mountain ash is grown from seeds. Sowing seeds takes place in the fall.

The benefits and harms of mountain ash

Rowan fruits have many useful properties. Red rowan berries contain a lot of ascorbic acid, even more than in citrus fruits. Also in it are:

  • vitamins K and E;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • routine;
  • riboflavin;
  • provitamin, A;
  • glycosides;
  • pectins;
  • bitterness;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil, etc.

Thanks to such a rich chemical composition, the following beneficial properties are observed:

  • hemostatic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic.

Berries are used to improve well-being with:

  • diabetes
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • anemia;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • ulcers;
  • gastritis and colitis.

Rowan juice improves appetite, for this reason, doctors advise drinking it for exhaustion, rheumatism, bladder and kidney stones. Such a drink helps eliminate swelling, normalizes metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels, stops bleeding and has an antimicrobial effect. It is also useful to drink juice for gout, atherosclerosis, asthenia, hypertension, arrhythmia, oncology, etc.

Medicinal properties are possessed not only by rowan berries, but by flowers, bark, leaf plates. A decoction of the bark will help cure hypertension, preparations from berries and flowers are used for diseases of the digestive tract, colds and metabolic disorders.


Rowan berries are forbidden to be taken by people who have had a stroke or heart attack, with ischemia and increased blood clotting. It is also not recommended to use fruits for people with high acidity of the stomach.

The maximum height of a mountain ash is 12 m. Therefore, when choosing a seat for a crop, consider this feature. We recommend planting a tree at the edge of the plot so that it does not obscure other plants.

It is advisable to plant in the spring before the start of sap flow or in the fall during leaf fall. To get the maximum yield, it is recommended to plant several mountain ash of different varieties on the site.

When buying seedlings, pay attention to the condition of the root system - it must be completely healthy and without damage. A developed root system has 2-3 branches that are more than 20 cm long. Do not purchase seedlings that have dry, damaged roots. The bark of the seedling should be smooth, not wrinkled.

Before planting, prepare the plant by cutting out injured and dry stems and roots. When planting in autumn, tear off all leaf plates from branches, but try not to injure the buds that are in the axils.

The distance between the mountain ash and other trees should be at least 4-6 m. The depth and diameter of the seat should be within 60-80 cm.

Before planting, prepare a soil mixture (5 kg of topsoil and peat compost, 0.2 kg of superphosphate, 3 shovels of rotted manure and 0.1 kg of wood ash). Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, then fill the pit by ⅓ with this composition. Then fill up to half with ordinary soil and pour in a bucket of water. Wait until the liquid is completely absorbed into the soil.

Dip the roots of the plant in a clay mash, then place the seedling in the middle of the pit and begin to fill it with the top layer of soil or the remains of the soil mixture. After planting, thoroughly tamp the surface of the soil and pour a bucket of water.

An important rule: the seedling should be planted 2-3 cm deeper into the soil than it was grown in the nursery. After watering and absorbing the liquid, treat the surface of the near-stem circle with a layer of mulch, the thickness of which should be within 5-10 cm.

rowan care

Rowan care consists of timely watering, weeding and loosening the soil surface, pruning and removing dry and damaged branches, as well as fertilizing and treating the crop from pests and diseases.

It is necessary to water the mountain ash in case of:

  • prolonged drought;
  • at the beginning of the growing season;
  • after planting in open ground;
  • 20 days before harvest;
  • 3 weeks after harvest.

Before watering, make a small depression in the near-stem circle, then pour a bucket of water into it. For 1 mountain ash, 20-30 liters of water will be required.

At the beginning of spring, loosen the surface of the tree circle, during the summer repeat the procedure 2-3 times. After harvesting, be sure to loosen the top layer of soil in the trunk circle.

It is best to loosen the soil the next day after watering or rain. In the process of loosening, remove all weeds, as they interfere with the development of the crop. After loosening the near-stem circle, cover this area with a layer of mulch.

To increase the yield of mountain ash, carry out its systematic top dressing. From the 3rd year of the plant's life, add compost (5-8 kg) and ammonium nitrate (50 g) to the soil. In early June, pour a bucket of bird droppings or mullein solution under the tree. If desired, replace the organic fertilizer with Agrolife solution. At the end of summer, add 0.1 kg of superphosphate and 0.5 kg of wood ash to the trunk circle.

rowan pruning

Prune the crop in the spring before the buds awaken. Remove all dried, diseased and growing shoots inside the crown and those that depart at a right angle. Thinning is necessary for those branches that bear fruit on last year's stems.

The main purpose of pruning is to improve the uniformity of the illumination of the crown, thereby increasing the yield. When forming skeletal branches, try to make sure that they are brought out at a right or obtuse angle.

With a weak increase, anti-aging pruning is necessary. It is performed on a 2-3 year old culture, as a result of which the growth of new shoots is activated on it.

If you are wondering where to buy rowan seedlings, then the answer is simple! You can do it in our online store. We offer healthy and high-quality seedlings of mountain ash and other fruit, ornamental crops and shrubs at affordable prices and with delivery by Russian post throughout the country.

Can't decide which rowan variety is right for your garden? We offer to get acquainted with the most popular varieties of culture.

Chokeberry (chokeberry)

This rowan variety was bred by I. V. Michurin. Aronia reaches a height of 2.5-3 m. It is distinguished by high frost resistance, it grows best in spacious and not shaded areas. It is cultivated as a fruit, medicinal and ornamental shrub.

Chokeberry is prone to the following diseases:

  • peripheral wood rot;
  • fruit rot;
  • septoria spotting;
  • comber.


  • red apple and brown fruit mites;
  • green apple aphid;
  • hawthorn;
  • rowan moth;
  • cherry slimy sawfly.

Rowan Nevezhinskaya (Nezhinskaya)

In height, the culture can reach 10 m. If the mountain ash grows in the shade, it acquires a pyramidal crown, with sufficient illumination - into a spherical one. Life expectancy is 30 years or more.

The first harvest of berries can be harvested 4 years after planting. From one tree you can collect up to 40 kg of fruit. Mountain ash is self-sterile, so plant other varieties next to it, such as Kubova or Yellow.

Our ancestors tried not to plant oaks and thuja in the yard, these trees favor only physically strong people, they simply suppress everyone else. Therefore, if you dream of living in a house for many years, that is, until old age, do not plant them next to it, as they will suck strength out of you when you become infirm.

Poplar is also mentioned in the list of which trees should not be planted near the house, but this is no longer connected with energy, but with the fact that its powerful root system can negatively affect the building, destroying it. However, modern foundations already fully withstand such a negative impact, so if you wish, you can neglect this rule.

What to plant near the house?

Signs and superstitions about trees: how to attract good luck

Since ancient times, trees have been attributed magical properties who were able to cure diseases, attract financial well-being, love and good luck. There are many folk signs and superstitions that are associated with trees. We have already forgotten most of them, but it is never too late to remember folk wisdom and apply it in everyday life.

A large number of legends and beliefs have developed among the people about this white-trunked tree. It is believed that birch has a protective power.

By touching it, you can get rid of negative energy and restore strength. In ancient times, they believed that if you pour water in which a sick person bathed under the roots of a birch, then the disease will go into the ground. Some attributed sinister properties to birch trees. You can not touch a tree with growths.

It is believed that growths on a birch are the result of black magic. It is not recommended to plant a birch close to the house. According to popular belief, this tree can cause female diseases and even infertility. Our ancestors tried to avoid birches growing alone.

This helped to overcome the disease.

Oak is a symbol of power and stability. According to ancient signs and superstitions, an oak planted near the house helps to achieve success in work and attract money to the house. The oak was also used as a way to attract family well-being.

On the day of the wedding, the young people had to walk around the oak tree holding hands three times. This, according to tradition, was to make the marriage strong, happy and long.

It was impossible to beat cattle with lime rods, otherwise they would die.


A large number of signs and superstitions have developed about this shrub. It is believed that rosehip attracts love and family well-being. If you plant a wild rose bush near the house, then peace and harmony will reign in the family.

Also, with the help of rose hips, you can attract a successful marriage. To do this, a girl needs to cut a flower from a shrub during its flowering period, dry it and store it under her pillow. Following these folk signs and superstitions, you can protect yourself from all troubles and bring good luck into your life.

be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and 20.04.2014 12:18

Now it remains to figure out what tree to plant in the cemetery in memory of relatives. Most often, needles are grown near the graves. It shaded the graves well and required little or no watering.

Birch, turf, elm, and Robinia are often found in cemeteries. With increased humidity in the area, you can try to plant willow plants - they will absorb moisture abundantly. Before deciding which tree to plant on the grave, consult with the cemetery administration.

For example, bring fertile soil if there is sand in the graveyard. Remember, there is always a way out of the situation! Let us remind you that to prepare for planting, as well as land the young and provide proper care our professional gardeners can. We will be happy to take care of your plants.)

If the construction of economic facilities has already been completed, then now is the time to start landscaping the site. It will be nice, looking out the window, to see not only neighboring buildings, but also trees growing around the house and nearby.

Planting fruit trees

This tree will delight with its beauty all year round. Therefore, it is worth planting a mountain ash near the house for decoration. Its fruits can be stored until spring.

Planting coniferous trees

Landscaping with coniferous trees will be a great way to decorate your site. Conifers are best planted at a distance of 10 meters from your country house in order to avoid damage to the foundation of the building by their powerful root system.

Spruces and pines love to grow in sandy soil. In addition, it is better to plant young shoots. Planting seedlings requires compliance with certain rules. Conifers are sensitive to light.

Try to bury them in a more lighted area at a distance of at least 3 meters from the house or other buildings. Pines and spruces are best planted along the fence. This will save you the hassle of collecting fallen needles and cones.

Planting fruit trees

Should be done in spring or autumn. Gardeners recommend planting cherries, apricots or plums near the house, as they are less whimsical to light. The depth of the pits during landing should not be more than 100 meters.

The soil before this is strongly advised to moisten and fertilize well. When planting trees around the house, remember that you should not get too carried away and clutter up the territory adjacent to the house with them. A moderate amount of trees will not drown out plantings and will create a pleasant atmosphere around your family nest.

What trees to plant near the house: the energy of trees and its impact on humans

For example, a common misconception is that a birch planted next to a house brings bad luck. This is nothing more than a bad omen. In fact, each person has his own tree.

Donor Trees and Biovampire Trees

The most common of them are birch, oak, acacia, mountain ash, cedar, maple and pine. Communication with these trees will give you a boost of strength and vigor. But you should not be afraid of biovampire trees either.

The strongest trees that take away waste energy are willow, aspen and poplar. Bird cherry, chestnut and spruce are also in this category, but they are slightly weaker.


Birch is a favorite tree of any Russian person, which personifies Russia. This is a very strong and kind tree, otherwise it is also called the tree of life. She is gentle, affectionate and compassionate. Birch is always ready to give a boost of energy to sick and infirm people.


A strong tree with powerful healing energy. The aura of pine can help a person in the most difficult situations. For example, when some important changes take place in your life, and you do not know what to do.

Turning to this tree with an open soul and heart, you will receive a charge of creative energy, insight and will be able to make right choice. Pine also perfectly relieves stress and fatigue, cleanses of extraneous bad energy and even helps to remove damage. A pine planted next to the house will give you peace, stability and confidence in the future.


This tree is for real strong-willed men. For men with a weak spirit who consider themselves losers, this tree will not help. But strong men will be supported in all endeavors, giving them a powerful boost of energy, which can be enough for more than one year.



Chestnut is only capable of cleansing.


Poplar is indifferent to man and his problems. But he, like a sponge, is able to absorb everything negative from the environment. Therefore, poplars are so often planted in cities.


Maple is a pretty good benevolent tree. It helps people find peace, self-confidence and inner peace of mind. If you feel that you are simply overwhelmed with emotions, then it will be useful for you to communicate with this tree.

It will gladly take over all your passions, worries and doubts, cleanse you and help you avoid a nervous breakdown. These are the interesting characters and abilities that the trees that you see every day have. Knowing them, you yourself can determine which tree you need to plant next to the house so that you feel good, calm and comfortable in it.

For example, it is useless to plant fruit trees in the northern regions, and those that love low temperatures in the south. It is also worth immediately highlighting the category of trees that are highly discouraged from planting near a residential building, outbuildings and garden paths. One of these is the walnut, which has a root system that grows with such force that it is likely to damage the foundation of the house. As for popular beliefs, it is undesirable to plant coniferous plants (pine and spruce) near the dwelling, as they are considered harbingers of trouble.

What trees to plant near the house?

Spruce, which remains green throughout the year, can reach a height of up to 50 meters, and live up to 300 years. Thanks to its landing, you can get a magnificent, almost impassable hedge, which will be reliable protection from gusts of wind. You can make an excellent hedge near the house from fir trees. Single trees are planted, as a rule, next to a recreation area, a gate or front parts of a garden plot.

Linden is considered one of the most shade-tolerant plants, which can only be compared with spruce, fir, hornbeam and oak. Does well in soils with good drainage.

Rowan is a tree that was once considered a symbol of fertility, prosperity and well-being, considered sacred by the Slavic peoples. Thanks to bright fruits and crimson leaves, it does not lose its decorative effect even in the winter season.

For its development, no special soil conditions are required, but the soil should not be waterlogged or too wet. Ideally, rowan is best planted in a small shade or in a sunny area.

How to remove a tree near the house?

elimination dangerous tree they begin, first of all, with cutting down the largest branches, which are thrown down. After that, gradually, step by step, the tree is sawn from top to bottom and transported by trucks.

Is it worth planting mountain ash on the site?

The elegant beauty of mountain ash is sung in literature and poetry for good reason. The decorative appeal of the curly tree is backed up by the beneficial properties of the fruit. Since ancient times, our ancestors served dainties from mountain ash to the table: candied fruits, in honey, jam or spicy soaked berries. The medicinal properties of the plant are also noteworthy. Among the people, berries and tree bark are used with a lack of vitality- beriberi, fruit tincture has a hemostatic property, has a diuretic effect. Well, and, probably, there is no such Russian who would not have tasted the noble rowan liqueur prepared at home.

In Russia, mountain ash is a tree-amulet, magical properties were attributed to it, planted at the entrance to a house or courtyard. Modern gardeners also favorably treat this tree, which releases phytoncides, they want to decorate the landscape of their backyard with it. Before planting rowan in your yard, it is advisable to choose the most suitable grade tree. In total, more than a hundred of them are known, about 40 winter-hardy species freely grow in our strip. They differ in height, crown shape, fruit color. Depending on the design tasks, large-sized or undersized species, shrub varieties or with a spreading crown are chosen.

Second: mountain ash is an excellent neighbor for shrubs, flowers and herbs. A deep tap root absorbs moisture at depth, does not take away nutrient moisture and plants with roots located close to the surface. Plants do not compete in relation to sunlight, on the contrary, light foliage obscures, protects from scorching rays.

Pruning is not needed for the tree - it looks great with the natural formation of the crown. In some cases, it may be necessary to treat with insecticides from pests.

What tree to plant near the house

It was believed that under such a birch lies the soul of an innocently killed person. They tried not to drink birch sap from the trunk of such a birch, because instead of it, according to legend, the blood of the deceased flows.

Cherry is considered a symbol of fertility and abundance. If you kindle a fire near this tree during its flowering period, you can attract money. With the help of cherries, you could get rid of diseases. The patient was stuffed with a pillow of cherry leaves, collected before sunset.

Linden was considered the lightest tree. With its help, they got rid of diseases. All human ailments remained on this tree in the form of growths.


Juniper was considered the most powerful amulet against damage and the evil eye. If you plant him near the house, then he will protect from unkind people and dark forces. Also, this tree can bring health and well-being to the house.

For this, juniper was planted behind the house, and not in front of the house.

Blackthorn bushes were considered sacred. If you put a blackthorn branch at home, then all troubles and troubles will be bypassed. If the blackthorn bloomed early, then this is a bad omen - expect a lean summer.

Rose hip

Memory of relatives

They are well aware of which plants are well accepted in the area. If your loved one has been associated with a particular plant, try planting the associative tree. If the soil is not conducive to such a planting, carry out preparatory work.

What trees are best to plant near the house?

Fruit trees that are planted near the house are treated first. Planting fruit trees in the vicinity of the hearth will not be laborious if organized wisely.

This fruit tree grows well in conditions of heat and moisture. Walnut is bad for strong winds, because its leaves and crown deteriorate, so it is best to plant it near the house. Having once planted a nut, it is better not to replant it, since it does not tolerate such interventions well due to its weak root system.

Rowan is unpretentious in cultivation, however, it is desirable to plant it in a slightly shaded place, having previously fertilized the soil. Make sure the soil is moderately moist - not too wet and not too dry.

Hello my dear readers! Today I want to invite you to discuss a very interesting topic - the energy of trees and its impact on us. Surely, many of you have heard that some trees can be planted near the house, and some cannot.

From this article, you will learn what trees to plant near the house. so that they bring you good luck and give you energy.

Each tree has its own special aura, that is, energy. You may have heard that there are donor trees and biovampire trees. Donors are those trees that give a person their positive energy.

The fact is that they take away bad, waste energy, making room for fresh. So, communication with them is also sometimes useful for a person. Of course, in moderation.

Of course, it is not worth planting them directly next to the house, but such a tree must grow somewhere at the end of the site. You can also tell which tree you are dealing with by feeling. Just bring your palm to the tree trunk and hold for a while.

If the tree is a donor, then you will feel pleasant warmth and a surge of strength, as if something fills you. If the tree is a vampire, then you will feel a slight pleasant coolness, your palm will seem to be attracted to the trunk by an unknown force.

Try to communicate with trees, and you will see that this is the way it is. And now I will tell you about the properties and energy of the most common trees. Knowing them, you can choose a tree that will really bring you good luck.

If such a person communicates with a birch, then he will recover faster. Birch also helps those who are often in a state of depression. It comforts, calms the nerves and bestows inner harmony.

If you plant a birch tree near the house, then it will protect your sleep, ward off nightmares and constantly have a healing effect. That is why I completely do not understand the sign, judging by which the birch growing next to the house prophesies misfortune.


This is a tree with a very strong energy. Despite the fact that oak is a donor, you need to be more careful with it. With direct contact with a tree, you can get a powerful charge of vital energy from it.

However, the oak is located only to healthy strong people and is inclined to help only them. If you have serious illnesses, then it is better for you not to contact the oak tree. This tree loves warriors, strong people. So for war veterans, oak can be of great benefit.

This is an excellent and merciful donor. Larch has a powerful calming power. This tree is recommended to be planted next to the house for people who are constantly overcome by fears, doubts, and anxiety.

It helps a person to overcome the most severe nervous ailments, overcome depression and take a more optimistic view of life. If you plant this tree, then the lost harmony, comfort and tranquility will return to your life.


But the mountain ash is a female tree. This tree supports the beauty and youth of already mature women, gives them strength to maintain love and peace in the family, patronizes all their endeavors. Rowan can be planted not near the house itself, but at the gate, for example.

Chestnut is a strong but selfish tree. Its energy can purify you, relieve fatigue, wash away your anxieties and ailments. But he will not give a charge of energy.

bird cherry

Bird cherry is a very sensitive tree that helps heal spiritual wounds. She loves young people and their first tender feelings. She gladly helps them to find happiness in love, feeds them with the highest feelings, avoiding base passions.

In short, it is a tree of the soul, not of the body. It is not famous for its healing properties, so if you plant it near the house, then nothing will happen - neither good nor bad.

Near the house, he will not bring much benefit, not having the ability to heal diseases, calm and return vital energy.

Planting trees near the house

People who are happy owners of suburban housing have a great opportunity to grow a luxurious garden next to their house, which will become wonderful place for a family holiday on a warm summer evening. At the same time, many homeowners are often faced with the question of which trees can be planted on the site and which cannot, because each plant needs its own specific conditions for growing, and planting some other species is even accompanied by various superstitions.

Planting trees near the house should be carried out depending on the climatic conditions and the area in which they will grow. The issue of climate is very important, since in unsuitable conditions the tree will not be able to develop normally.

There is an opinion that if such a tree grows taller than a house, trouble will soon overtake its owners. Residents of the taiga regions, in turn, are not inclined to believe such statements. Coniferous trees they are found there in almost every house, bringing their owners nothing but pleasant emotions.

Birch will become just an indispensable decoration for your garden, if you consider yourself among nature lovers. This plant loves the sun's rays very much and pleases with a noticeable growth rate. Birch easily tolerates frosts, not very favorable soil conditions, but at the same time categorically does not like transplants.

In order for the tree to take root in a new place as successfully as possible, you should choose those seedlings whose age does not exceed 5-7 years. Early spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed, is the ideal time to plant birch trees.

When planting a birch, it is worth considering the amount of water that it manages to absorb in one day (about 250 liters). Therefore, you will need to either equip a tree watering system or plant it away from other plants. For decorating small gardens, it is best to choose low species, for example, Karelian birch. This tree goes well with willow, rowan, linden, beech, oak, bird cherry, maple and coniferous plants.

Spruce is notable for the fact that its aroma contains phytoncide, which is a stimulant for the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. only in well-drained loamy, sandy or acidic soil. Prolonged droughts and stagnant water have an extremely negative effect on the development of spruce.

Spruce seedlings cannot stand the drying of the roots, which can die in the open air in just 15 minutes. To avoid this, wrap the roots with a piece of damp cloth during transport, then place them in a box or bucket of water.

One of the most common planting options is the alley way, but Linden can look beautiful even as a solitary plant. This tree has one remarkable quality - it can be molded, sheared or bent at any age, which makes it easy to get not only hedges, but also arches, balls, green arbors, pyramids, etc. Linden is one of those tree species which can significantly improve the condition of the soil.

Linden coexists perfectly next to mountain ash, oak, ash and maple.

This tree harmonizes well with spruce, pine, fir and hardwoods, especially linden, black poplar, ash and white willow. Among the shrubs, rose hips, barberries and honeysuckle will make an excellent pair with mountain ash. This tree is planted, as a rule, in September-October or early spring.

Willow is known for the fact that its landing is not accompanied by special difficulties, it is enough just to stick chopped shoots into the previously prepared loose earth. Her cuttings take root surprisingly easily and quickly. It is recommended to plant it in early spring, before the buds open.

This tree will be an excellent decoration for your garden - a weeping willow planted in two rows will create a magnificent shady alley, and a single silver or globular one will complement a pond or garden path. Great solution there will be an openwork arch formed by woven willow branches from two trees. If you dream of a hedge, choose a shrubby willow that can not only decorate, but also slightly shade the necessary area of ​​\u200b\u200byour garden.

old and large trees are a real decoration of any garden, but, unfortunately, they are fraught with a certain danger - with a strong gust of wind, such a tree can easily fall right on the roof of the house. In such cases, trees are usually removed, and it is advisable to entrust these works to those people who have all the necessary equipment and experience. The tree is never completely cut down, since this method of removing it can cause a lot of trouble for nearby residential buildings.

The elegant beauty of mountain ash is sung in literature and poetry for good reason. The decorative appeal of the curly tree is backed up by the beneficial properties of the fruit.

Designers recommend compatriots to plant mountain ash cultivars: "Bead", "Burka", "Black-fruited", "Ruby", "Pomegranate", "Sorbinka", "Titan". This choice is supported by the unpretentiousness of these species, early fruiting, high taste qualities of fruits. The fruiting of the ignorant mountain ash varieties "Yellow", "Kubovaya", "Red" comes late. The astringent tannins of raw berries give the fruits a bitter taste. Some of them acquire a pleasant aftertaste only after the first frost, the rest only after processing.

The picturesque tender beauty rowan belongs to the category of long-livers trees, the duration of its life can reach hundreds of years. The question of how to plant a mountain ash correctly so that it pleases several generations is appropriate.

The first thing to know: the place should be chosen unshaded, the soil should be nutritious, with good drainage.

What trees can be planted near the house - signs about landscape design

What trees can not be planted on the site - bad omens

Are you going to take up the landscaping of your land share and are thinking about what types of tree plants to fill the space with? Surely the first options that come to mind will be well-known: oak, birch, poplar, willow, mountain ash, spruce and various fruit trees.

Skip the first three right away. Now you will understand why.

At oak strong energy, it is considered a symbol of longevity and health, however, plant it next to its native abode, according to folk beliefs, extremely dangerous. This giant poses a mortal threat to the head of the family, prophesying his quick death.

And if you are weak in health and emotionally susceptible, then it will reduce your chances of strengthening the body, since it is able to take energy from unprotected individuals.

To the question - is it possible to plant birch near the house? - signs answer unequivocally: no!

There is a belief that spirits live in the crown of a white-barreled beauty, not necessarily good ones. And the symbol of Russian nature was covered with growths a long time ago as a result of black magic influence, and if you touch them, you can get an irremovable curse.

For women who have such a tree growing under the window of the hut, omens generally promise infertility and problems with the organs responsible for childbearing.

Ancestors tried to bypass the lonely growing birch, believing that it is the haven of a restless soul, and the sweet liquid that enters the structure of its trunk is the blood of a dead man.

If you really really want to drink birch sap extracted from a tree grown by yourself, plant a birch away from your home, at the gate, but rather behind them. According to an old belief about birch. a spirit that lives among the leaves? will protect the entrance to your territory from the penetration of evil spirits.

Poplar a sane person will definitely not grow on a personal plot, since it is famous for its root system harmful to the foundations of buildings and its hollow trunk. You have heard the news more than once about trees felled in a hurricane, causing property damage or death. Most of them are poplars.

And remember the fluff that breaks off the crown of a slender giant during flowering, which irritates the mucous membrane and is dangerous for allergy sufferers. Even the belief that populus(lat. name) takes off negative energy from the surrounding space will not convince an amateur gardener to acquire this miracle of nature.

Give a definite answer, is it possible to plant decorative thuja in the yard, omens cannot. According to legend, a relative of the New Year's favorite, which, by the way, many homeowners, contrary to signs about the Christmas tree. planted in the center of the courtyard to dress up a living symbol of the holiday, drives away demons, ghosts, evil spirits.

Another sign frightens with a bad omen of a family in which there are female children - supposedly a girl, when she grows up, will remain lonely and will “wear” a crown of celibacy. For someone, a coniferous plant is associated with death, because thuja can often be found in cemeteries.

Perhaps it is worth stopping at a compromise and dropping cypress representatives around the perimeter of the site behind the fence, or not taking risks and choosing instead of thuja juniper- you decide.

Many well-known outdoor interior designers offer customers to form a shady arch through a two-row planting. weeping willow or use the plant as a hedge, especially since planting is especially difficult willows(lat. salix) does not represent - they stuck the shoot into the loose earth and that's it. However, not all of them can confirm their decision by submitting to the client for consideration - whether it is possible to plant willow on the site - signs as arguments. There are also interesting signs about flowers in the house.

willow, as well as willow and aspen, are considered trees that bring grief to the family. Belief says:

"Weeping willow under the window - preparing a spade for the funeral"

Allegedly, a shovel for the deceased will be made from the trunk of the willow (willow). Even the adjective itself, used with the name of the bush, testifies to the tears that he predicts:

“You can cry your eyes out - since a vine grows under the window!”

If you prefer the sign that the willow is able to soothe in moments of grief and heal from mental illness, plant the beauty away from the windows, somewhere in the middle of the garden, near a decorative pond. The option with a willow hedge is also good.

What trees to plant near the house - signs for good luck

Having dealt with the negative signs about trees, you can begin to form a list of those types of plants that you want to see in your possessions. And signs will help you choose not only beautiful, but also possessing magical properties(attract good luck, wealth, luck, etc.) breeds.

Apple tree. It is of value to young girls as a symbol of love, beauty, longevity and family happiness. Be sure to locate the biblical beauty opposite the windows of the young lady's room.

Cherry. The color of this fruit tree symbolizes wealth and fertility. The fire kindled during the cherry blossom period under its branches enhances the magical properties - feel free to place the barbecue nearby.

Pear. It harmonizes relations between spouses, awakens the maternal instinct, strengthens friendship and love.

Rose hip. Responsible for the stability and well-being of the inhabitants of the house, establishes a connection between the household, activates the sexual chakra of the spouses, eliminates the accumulated negativity.

viburnum. Helps to heal from ailments, calms the nervous system, stabilizes the emotional background of the owners.

Juniper. This shrub claims to be the talisman of the house - planted at the porch, it is able to protect the people living here from evil spirits and any magical negativity. Some magicians use cut juniper paws as an exterminator of the negative energy accumulated during sessions in the working room - just burn them inside the building.

Larch. Good antidepressant and mood regulator. Plant it next to the building - you will look at the world with a positive and constantly feel a surge of strength.

Maple. At the house, the owner is simply obliged to plant a tree. Maple will smooth out any conflict, relieve negativity and tension, provide material prosperity and longevity to all members of the family living under its protection.

Acacia. This fragrant plant, belonging to the legume family, gives parental happiness to couples who are desperate to have children. As a symbol of fertility, acacia cures infertility (male and female), and simply improves the emotional background of the inhabitants of the home.

Rowan. Do not even hesitate - is it possible to plant mountain ash near the house - signs say - it is necessary! Here's how it's useful:

  • mountain ash protects the surrounding space and the people in it from the attacks of dark forces, magical attacks;
  • mountain ash develops the gift of foresight, extrasensory abilities;
  • rowan contributes to the development of self-control in children and emotionally unstable adults;
  • mountain ash stimulates the production of hormones and enhances the libido of adult family members;
  • mountain ash prevents aging, gives women a second youth.
  • Fern. Although this representative of the flora does not belong to trees, pay attention to the question - is it possible to plant a fern near the house, what do the signs say? - costs. After all, the plant is shrouded in a train of magical legends and both gardeners and flower growers dream of seeing it in their greenhouse. What is attractive fern, according to popular beliefs:

  • prevents conflicts, reduces emotional stress;
  • brings power and wealth;
  • protects from demons, larvae, mermaids, goblin and other evil spirits.
  • And here are the scientific arguments that show the harm from a plant located in a confined space:

  • causes allergic reactions;
  • absorbs a large amount of oxygen;
  • Some species of fern are poisonous.

As you can see, there are special contraindications for growing ferns on adjoining territory no, but, if you believe the signs, then this magical flower will make its owners happy.

What secrets do long-growing trees keep - signs

The problem of old trees, which take up a lot of space on the site, and are an obstacle to the growth of young seedlings and plants, periodically overtakes every owner of a land plot with a house. Someone entrusts the work to professionals, someone on their own is trying to destroy the objectionable giant.

However, it is not worth rushing to uproot long-growing plantations, because there is a belief among the people that a tall tree hanging over a house serves as a living amulet for its owners.

There is another reason why a tree should be left untouched. This principle applies to cases when you buy a plot that already had owners, with old buildings that have been standing for more than a dozen years. If you do not plan to demolish everything and completely clean up the territory, but want to save the building, carefully examine everything that grows around. Feel free to invite a magician or a witch to help.

Old trees, like houses, can become a haven for the ordeal soul of an innocently killed or committed person, disturbing which, you will incur its wrath.

Or the tree will turn out to be a protective talisman of the house, planted by the former owners specifically to protect the house from damage and the evil eye. avoid the penetration of otherworldly entities.

Long-lived tree-like plants are able to tell a lot about the events that they were unspoken witnesses to. By inviting a specialist in the field of clairvoyance, you can get a chance to uncover the secrets contained in the land you have acquired. Who knows, maybe you will find treasures hidden under a tree, or help an innocent soul find freedom and get rid of the ghostly existence between the worlds!