The star is five-pointed symbolism. Five pointed star

V recent times I was interested in symbolism (it was not without the lessons of "form creation"). Especially the meanings of the stars.
Of course, the most sacred figure is a circle and a three-dimensional prototype - a ball. After all, if we take space, then from the planet they have the shape of a sphere. And the stars-symbols fit in and are calculated precisely thanks to the circle and compasses - nothing else is needed for accuracy!
One of the famous stars - Star of David... A very ancient Jewish sign.

As you can see, it fits easily into the center of the circle, just like the five-pointed pentagram (more on that later). To find the rays, you need to divide the circle with a line and adjust the length of the radius of the circle from the established diameter. Now, from each lateral point, we put a compass there and make new points - six set points have come out, which we can connect to each other. Such an easy explanation (who understood) how to exactly find a star, which essentially consists of three triangles.
Star of David or Seal of Solomon, Star of Goliath, or else Hexagram means a symbol that illustrates the universal circulation of space and at the same time indicates the norms of behavior for humans.
But what this star means for men and women. Find the difference!

Of course, living in our time, I disagree with many things, but the fact remains! ;)

Okay, let’s end her, with the hexagram! Star Octagon was supposed to go next, but as I already mentioned pentagram, then we will talk about her. Who does not know the pentagram or, in another way, the pentacle. People who are somehow related to magic like to call this symbol a pentacle. A geometric symbol of harmony, health and mystical forces - this is what the pentagram is.
The wiki says that:

The first known images of the pentagram date from about 3500 BC. BC, these are five-pointed stars painted on clay, found in the ruins ancient city Uruk. Images of pentagrams are also found on Egyptian statues. As Arthur Waite reports in his New Encyclopedia of Frank-Freemasonry, the Egyptians called the pentagram "the star of the canine-headed Anubis."
The pentagram was widely known as a sign protecting from all evil; belief in its protective properties was so deep that in ancient Babylon it was depicted on the doors of shops and warehouses in order to protect goods from damage and theft. It was also a powerful sign of power for the initiates. So in the same Babylon, for example, this sign is often found on royal seals, and, according to modern scholars, she personified "the power of the ruler, extending to all four cardinal directions."
The Jews associated the pentagram with their sacred Pentateuch, which Moses received from God. The ancient Greeks called the pentagram Pentalf, which means "five letters alpha", since the symbol can be decomposed into alpha five times. For early Christians, the pentagram was a reminder of the five wounds of Christ: from the crown of thorns on the forehead, from the nails in the hands and feet.

I cannot fail to note that in ancient China this star (Pentagram Wu-Xing) meant five elements.
Includes five classes (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) that characterize the state and interconnection of all existing objects and phenomena. The sequence of the elements is defined in the canon "Shu Jing", chapter "Hong Fan"
The mutual generation consists in the following: Wood gives rise to Fire, Fire gives birth to Earth, Earth gives birth to Metal, Metal gives birth to Water, Water gives birth to Wood.
The mutual overcoming is as follows: Wood conquers Earth, Earth conquers Water, Water conquers Fire, Fire conquers Metal, Metal conquers Wood.

As for other and more familiar interpretations, the five-pointed star reads like this:

Many consider this to be a Western religion, but the Slavs, long before baptism (albeit without a star :)), also revered these five elements.

The pentagram is a symbol of a perfect man standing on two legs with his arms outstretched. We can say that a person is a living pentagram. This is true both physically and spiritually - a person has five virtues and manifests them: love, wisdom, truth, justice and kindness.
Truth belongs to the spirit, love to the soul, wisdom to the intellect, kindness to the heart, justice to the will.

Later symbolism: five senses; male and feminine expressed by five points; harmony, health and mystical powers. The pentagram is also a symbol of the victory of the spiritual over the material, a symbol of security, protection, and a safe return home.

The pentagram as a magic symbol:
The pentacle with one end up and two down is a sign of white magic known as the "druid's foot"; with one end down and two up, it represents the so-called "goat's hoof" and the devil's horns - a characteristic symbolism change of sign from positive to negative when it is turned over.

Pentagram of the White Magician - symbol magical influence and the domination of the disciplined Will over the phenomena of the world. The will of the Black Magician is directed towards destruction, towards refusal to fulfill a spiritual task, therefore the inverted pentagram is regarded as a symbol of evil.

I would like to point out that:
For many millennia, the pentagram has personified a symbol of goodness and light. And in just 500 years it has become a symbol of evil.

And a little more about Double pentagram(man and the Universe):
There is also a correspondence between the human body and the five elements (earth, water, air, fire and ether): will corresponds to earth, heart to water, intellect to air, soul to fire, spirit to ether. Thus, by his will, intellect, heart, soul, spirit, a person is connected with the five elements working in space, and he can consciously work in harmony with them. This is the meaning of the symbol of the double pentagram, in which the small is inscribed in the large: a person (microcosm) lives and acts inside the Universe (macrocosm).

Now it's turn Octagonal the most static star, consisting of two squares.

This figure is an interweaving of two squares, a symbol of the relationship between God and man. A person carrying the karma of God and freed from his personal and universal karma. To throw off karma, a person must be disinterested and not attached to his own personality.
The figure is also interpreted as a disorder in which everything disappears and a disorder of harmony.

This star is based on one of the four dominant religions - Islam. But I also met her in our churches. So, recently in the Kiev Botanical Garden I went into our Church and found there patterns of the Hexogram and Octagonal Square stars.

The square symbolizes the most practical use of space. And therefore, it is this star that symbolizes Equilibrium ...

And now about the others ... briefly;)

I also found confusion on many sites on how it looks Star of bethlehem -

Five pointed star -

The five-pointed star is interpreted in different ways, including it symbolizes joy and happiness. It is also the emblem of the Semitic goddess Ishtar in her warlike incarnation, and in addition, the Star of Bethlehem. Among the Masons, the five-pointed star symbolizes the mystical center.
Egyptians attached great value five- and six-pointed stars, as is evident from the text preserved on the wall of the burial temple of Hatshepsut.

Seven pointed star-

In the seven-pointed star are repeated specific traits five-pointed. The Gnostic star has seven rays.
Seven- and nine-pointed stars, drawn in one line, are mystical stars in astrology and magic.
The star of the magicians is read in two ways: sequentially along the course of the rays (along the line of the outline of the star) and along the circumference. In the course of the rays are the planets that control the days of the week: the Sun - Sunday, the Moon - Monday, Mars - Tuesday, Mercury - Wednesday, Jupiter - Thursday, Venus - Friday, Saturn - Saturday.

Nine pointed star-

Nine-pointed stars, like seven-pointed stars, if they are drawn in one line, are mystical stars in astrology and magic.
The nine-pointed star, made up of three triangles, symbolizes the Holy Spirit

Inglia Star (Our Slavic sign)-

The concept of the elements is very capacious. This is a powerful force of Nature, its main element, as well as a phenomenon that is not subject to the will of man.
The sign "Inglia" is a nine-pointed star made up of three equilateral triangles inscribed in a circle, and is the symbol of faith of the Aryan-Slavic Ancestors.
Each of its triangles personifies three elements of the universe: Fire, Earth and Water, and the circle, or Great Kolo, is the personification of Air.

And finally ...
Star tetrahedron-

I was forced to do such a handsome man together with the stellar quadrahedron in insta! :) It's a pity I can't show - I passed it! ;)

Stellar quadrahedron

Star tetrahedron- a figure consisting of two intersecting tetrahedrons. This figure can also be thought of as a 3D Star of David.
Tetrahedrons appear as two opposite laws: the law of the spirit (radiation, bestowal, selflessness, selflessness) and the law of matter (being pulled inward, cooling, freezing, paralysis). Only a person can consciously combine these two laws, since he is a connecting link between the world of spirit and the world of matter.
Thus, the star tetrahedron represents the two poles of creation in complete equilibrium.

Thank you for the attention! I have been writing and collecting information for a very long time, so I ask you to specify the author when copying the text,
Regards Keytalin

The five-pointed star or pentagram is a common symbol of all times and peoples. Only the meaning is different. It is believed that this sign is more than five thousand years old. For the first time, the five-pointed star was mentioned in the Sumerian written sources about 3000 years ago. What does this sign symbolize, what is the meaning? Let's consider in detail.

What do the stars mean in people's lives? They have always been associated with eternity and cosmic order, they were an astral symbol. Ancient people attributed mystical qualities to them and believed that the stars rule human destinies. This is how astrology was born - the science of the stars. The Greeks generally called the stars by divine names and considered them the patrons of people. For example, Milky Way they associated with the road of the gods. According to ancient Greek myths, the Milky Way emerged from the breasts of the goddess Hera when she poured milk. Ancient goddesses were depicted wearing crowns decorated with stars.

Consider the meaning of the five-pointed star symbol in different eras. So, in the Sumerian sources, the five-pointed star denoted a hole, small room and angle. In Mesopotamia, another symbol is found - a four-pointed star. This sign carries a different meaning - the symbol of the god Shamash. In modern times, the star with four rays symbolizes right direction the chosen path, as well as a happy fate.

Among the Pythagoreans, this symbol was associated with the five refuges of Tartarus, where primitive chaos dwelt. It is noteworthy that the Pythagoreans depicted this symbol with two rays upward, like modern Satanists and black sorcerers. But the Pythagoreans did not worship Satan, but considered Darkness to be the source of wisdom and the basis of the soul.

Pythagoras generally considered this symbol to be an expression of perfection in geometry, and his contemporaries attributed the star to a symbol of health. This was due to the apple: if you cut it across, then the seed pod looks like a pentagram.

The symbol can be found in ancient science Kabbalah, where it has the meaning of the Mission and is depicted with one ray upward. In connection with the pentagram, the wisest king Solomon is also mentioned - she was depicted on his famous ring with the inscription "everything will pass." Also, the pentagram was at one time a symbol of Jerusalem. The Pentateuch is another traditional meaning associated with the five rays of the star.

In the Muslim religion, the 5 final star expresses the 5 pillars of wisdom and 5 prayers that the faithful should do.

What does a five-pointed star mean in Europe? V western Europe the meaning of the pentagram is associated with the senses (5 senses) and five fingers and toes. Also, the 5 rays of the pentagram express:

  • 5 wounds on the body of Christ;
  • 5 joys of the Mother of God;
  • The star of Bethlehem.

During the Renaissance, this symbol is associated with the great artist Leonardo do Vinci, who compared it to the perfection of the human body (Vitruvian Man). In the era of atheism, the symbol was completely humanized, it began to express the greatness of human nature.

In the era of the Great French Revolution, the star acquired a new meaning - military. From there, this symbol migrated to other countries: in particular, in Russia, the five-pointed star is still a distinctive sign of the military. The leaders of the French Revolution associated the pentagram with the god of war Mars, who was born from a lily. If you look at the petals of a lily, then they form just a five-pointed star.

Soon the pentagram became a symbol of the Freemasons, who saw in the five rays the expression of the ideas of the spiritual perfection of man as the crown of nature. From that time on, stars began to appear on the flags of those countries that were secretly ruled by Masonic lodges.

Along with the image of a star with one ray upward, its inverse image is also used - a ray downward. This symbol is closely associated with the satanic church, Mormons and black magicians. Inside the satanic star, a goat's head with horns is depicted - Befamet.

If a straight pentagram with a ray upward symbolizes the power of spirit and mind over the body, then the inverted one speaks of the power of bodily desires over mind and spirit.

Star in the USSR

In the 20th century, the five-pointed star becomes a symbol of the communist idea proclaimed The Soviet Union... In the center of the five-pointed star, a hammer and sickle were depicted - symbols of the working people, workers and peasants. The militant meaning of Mars, the god of war, here acquired a different meaning - not an attack, but the defense of the peaceful labor of citizens of the Soviet state. Also, 5 rays symbolized 5 continents, which are united by the common goal of the working people - peace and equality. The red color of the star symbolized brotherhood and blood shed for freedom.

Three ideas that the red star expressed:

  • military (Mars star);
  • protective (amulet);
  • guiding (bright future).

The peasants did not immediately accept the new symbol, since the Soviet government first approved an inverted star - two rays upward. This caused a superstitious fear of belonging to Satanism. Taking into account the interests of the majority, the star was given a direct image - one beam up.

In 1928, an October star appears with a portrait of Lenin in the center, and in 1935 a red star adorned the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower. In 1942, the pioneer badge also acquired the shape of a star, although before that it was depicted as a flag.

Star of bethlehem

The Gospel of Matthew speaks of a certain star that showed the way for the Magi to the newborn Jesus. These were Persian astrologers who came to worship the Savior of the world. According to legend, an unusual star led them to the birthplace of Jesus and stopped above him.

The symbol of the Star of Bethlehem came to Orthodoxy from Byzantium. She carried a certain meaning - the Mother of God and the baby born to her. The image of a five-pointed star can be found in various churches in Russia and in Israel:

  • decorates the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem;
  • decorates the icon case in the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem;
  • personifies the virginity of the Mother of God in icon painting;
  • decorates the Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg.

The star is also depicted in the famous painting by Andrei Rublev "The Transfiguration of the Lord", where it is drawn with the upper ray downward.

Pentagram in magic

In magic, this symbol has, first of all, a protective meaning. Belief in the protective properties of the pentagram came from ancient times. So, even in the days of the Sumerian kingdom, she was portrayed above the doors of shops and trade shops as a talisman against theft. In Babylon, they believed that she was a symbol of perfection and power. Enlightened men saw in her a symbol of the perfection and harmony of human nature.

In order for the pentagram to acquire protective properties, it must be drawn as an unbroken line.

The Pythagoreans saw in the rays of the star the symbols of the four elements and the Spirit. The Spirit expressed the idea, and the elements were the building blocks of this absolute Idea. It was in the school of the Pythagoreans that the pentagram acquired a symbol of the dominion and dominion of the Spirit over matter, expressed by the elements.

What does the five-pointed star mean:

  • lower left ray - element earth;
  • the lower right ray is the element of fire;
  • upper left ray - element air;
  • the upper right ray is the element water;
  • the upper ray is the spiritual Self of a person, an idea.

In modern magic, two images of the pentagram are used - upright and inverted. The straight pentagram has a protective meaning, the inverted one is the image of the goat Mendes. In the inverted form, the five-pointed star takes on a different meaning and expresses the worldview of black magic. In the rays of the inverted pentagram depict the head of a goat. The pentagram of the devil is widely used in the occult directions of modern magic, and since 1983 it has been the official symbol of the Church of Satan in the United States.

The pentagram is embroidered on magical robes, worn as a pendant on a chain, and depicted on a magical altar. A pentagram in a circle is considered a talisman - this amulet can be purchased in esoteric stores.

What does the five-pointed star mean and where did it come from in Soviet symbols? Who suggested and why to use the five-pointed star

The five-pointed star, or "pentacle", has been known since ancient times - it was used as a symbol of protection, safety and security in their totems and ritual drawings by primitive people, as well as representatives of the earliest civilizations in the territories of modern Turkey, Greece, Iran and Iraq. It was also a revered emblem among the Japanese and American Indians. Among the Sami of Russian Lapland, the five-pointed star was considered a universal amulet that protected reindeer - the basis of the way of life for most northerners. In North Karelia, in the middle of the 19th century, the fact of veneration of the five-pointed star by Karelian hunters was attested. Having stumbled upon a connecting rod bear in the winter forest, the hunter quickly drew three five-pointed stars in a row in the snow and retreated behind them. It was believed that the bear would not be able to cross this line.
Archaeologists suggest that at the dawn of civilization, they tried to symbolically depict the heraldic figure of the Big Bird, allegedly creating the world with spit from its beak. The pentacle seemed to our ancestors to consist of five triangles - signs of the Eternal Heaven, where the Gods dwell. The number five is generally symbolic: after all, there are five fingers on our hands and feet. Five branches "stick out" from our body - two arms, two legs and a head. In the drawing of the genius Leonardo da Vinci, the “ideal” person, spreading them wide apart, himself resembles a five-pointed star. And later people learned that the planet itself consists of five main continents.
The ancients noticed this phenomenon and were so shocked that Venus and her pentacle became symbols of love and beauty. That is why the ancient Greeks organized the Olympic Games every eight years, and centuries later, with the revival of the Olympic movement, the five-pointed star almost became their main symbol - at the very last moment, under pressure from the Church, it was replaced by five rings, since the priests considered the five-pointed star a symbol paganism and, to put it mildly, "did not favor".
In the Middle Ages, the inverted five-pointed star acquired a different meaning: evil and ominous - it resembled the face of a horned goat used in the rituals of witches and sorcerers, or even the guise of Satan himself. Moreover, such "witch" stars were red - since ancient times, red has symbolized not only beauty, but also rebellion, revolution, independence - willingly to shed blood for all this. Psychologists note that red is the most aggressive color. It is always striking, it seems visually closer. Red color in clothes is also a kind of indicator of "energy expenditure": they say that a woman in red is easier to seduce. As a result, a five-pointed red star became a symbol of the elements, in which one was to be born or one that challenges the old world " new order", Or complete chaos - depending on where its rays are looking.
However, in Russia, until 1917, five-pointed stars as a symbol were used infrequently - as a top on Christmas trees or decorations on wrapping paper for gifts, occasionally on the embroidery of peasant towels. Even at the turn of the 20th century, small five-pointed stars appeared on the shoulder straps of Russian officers. But the Bolsheviks who came to power, "to the ground" were destroying the old world, urgently needed new symbols - and here the red pentacle came in handy as never before!
According to some reports, in the first spring of 1918, the military commissar of the Moscow military district Nikolai Polyansky proposed to introduce a five-pointed star as a distinctive sign of the Red Army. According to others, the "father" of our five-pointed star was Konstantin Eremeev, the first Soviet commander of the troops of the Petrograd military district, chairman of the Commission on the formation of the workers 'and peasants' Red Army. And finally she was "adopted" by one of the Bolshevik leaders of the Bolsheviks - Leon Trotsky.

Every person on the planet knows this figure. The beginning of its use goes back to ancient times. In the history of many peoples, he has a certain semantic and religious load. Five-pointed star the meaning of the symbol is different. Let's try to figure out all the intricacies together.

The five-pointed figure was one of the most important elements religions among many peoples of the world

The five-pointed figure was one of the most important elements of religion and worship among many peoples of the world. The meaning of the symbol among the Slavs, Muslims and Catholics has common features, but still there are some significant differences.

The first known use of the symbol occurred around three millennia BC. NS. In Sumerian writing, they meant a small room, small pit as well as the angle.

Among the Pythagoreans, the figure was personified with a refuge, into which the original chaos was concluded at the time when our world was created. Then the repository of dark forces was sent to Tartarus - the afterlife. According to legend, the darkness, which was placed in a figure with five rays, was the soul of the world, as well as a real treasure of wisdom. This symbol had two beams at the top.

The meaning of the Slavic symbol

In Slavic culture, wearing a star, which has 5 rays, helped the owner in his affairs. Such a talisman attracted well-being, health and happiness. But how could it be interpreted differently, if each ray denoted concepts that were very important for the Slavs. In this figure, the elements of Fire, Earth, Water and Air merged. The Spirit joined them. Therefore, the meaning of the symbol among the Slavs acquired a religious character rather than magical or protective.

The five-pointed figure in Slavic culture - such a talisman attracted well-being, health and happiness

The elders of the clan wore such a distinctive sign in the form of pendants, rings or embroidery on clothes. They interpreted it even more broadly - they argued that the star personified infinity, the relationship between the end and the beginning, since the pentagram is easy to draw without breaking the lines. This is the endless cycle that exists in the cycle of nature. The pentagram was pointed upward. In Russia, it was believed that the inverted sign is used by witches in their witchcraft rituals to induce damage and evil spells.

The meaning of the five-pointed star in various religions of the world

This sign is widely used in religious movements. Thus, the teaching of Kabbalah interprets it as the image of the Messiah if the figure is positioned so that one of its rays is directed vertically upward. The pentagram designated the sacred seal of the wisest of kings - Solomon. Also in one of the historical periods it was used as the official seal of Jerusalem.

In Muslim teachings, this sign is important. It is associated with the 5 pillars of true faith, as well as the number of prayers that must be said every day.

Christian teaching in the European powers has endowed the pentagonal figure with a number of meanings. We list only a few ׃

  • five fingers of the hand;
  • health;
  • the senses;
  • the number of wounds of Christ.

The sign was identified with the Star of Bethlehem. In Russia, the night star, which indicated the place of Christ's birth, had 7 rays.

The pentagonal star at the very beginning indicated that Christ was a man living among people.

The Renaissance is characterized by an interest in the essence of man, in his personality. The symbol with 5 faces was associated with a person whose limbs are spread wide apart, as shown in the drawing of the great Leonardo.

An important social symbol

The meaning of the five-pointed star also has a social and humanistic dimension. The most wide use this symbol was received during the period when the Great French Revolution "ruled" in Paris. With the advent of atheism, man was elevated to the main place in the new gradation of values. And the star becomes an important symbol. Especially its importance increased in military symbols, first in revolutionary France, and then this phenomenon spread to other countries.

Over time, the star becomes one of the key signs in Masonic symbolism. At first it was ancient meaning occult sense. Gradually, the star acquired a broader meaning and began to be used to express the ideas of the Masonic movement. The star began to be used as a state symbol of those countries that were built according to Masonic drawings - it can be seen on the flag of the United States and the European Union. The five-pointed symbol is found on the state flags of many powers. Here are just a few of them ׃

  • China;
  • Vietnam;
  • Cameroon;
  • Liberia;
  • Cuba;
  • Congo-Kinshasa;
  • Panama;
  • Myanmar;
  • Puerto Rico;
  • New Zealand, etc.

The five-pointed symbol is found on state flags of many powers.

The meaning of the five-pointed star also has some symbolism in the civilian direction. It is often used as an insignia in many public organizations and movements.

Negative meaning

A figure with two rays directed upward is considered almost the main symbol of Satanists. The inverted pentagram in this case means Tartarus. This is the name in their teaching of the place where the fallen angels are.

The goat head of Baphomet is often located inside the inverted sign. The main symbolism of this figure is anti-humanity, animal passion. Three rays directed downward for those who profess Satanic teachings mean rejection of the Holy Trinity.

In Russia

After the victory of the socialist revolution, the new state needed a completely different symbolism.

Initially, a hammer and a plow were depicted on the red star. It was the emblem adopted as a mark of distinction among the soldiers of the Red Army, which badly needed its symbols.

Opposing sides in civil war, which flared up after the October Revolution, were as alike as two drops of water. They wore the same clothes, spoke the same language, looked alike.

So for the first time among the symbols of the Land of the Soviets, the five-pointed red communist star, which then became famous all over the world, appeared.

For the first time among the symbols of the Land of the Soviets, the five-pointed red communist star, which then became famous throughout the world, appeared.

Magical meaning

The five-pointed star is used as a very powerful witch sign in witchcraft. In magical rituals, texts and formulas, it is called a pentagram.

A pentacle is used for rituals. It is a special round disc made of wax, fired clay, or other materials. The sign of the pentagram is applied to it. It can be engraved alone or in combination with other magical symbols.

The pentacle is used to attract the energy of the elements, earth, stars or people to it. Sometimes during magic rituals high priestesses themselves take the pose of the pentagram. They stand in a circle and spread their arms and legs apart, symbolizing a five-pointed star. In some teachings, this posture means rebirth.

Today, many modern magicians wear a pendant or a ring on their fingers with a five-pointed symbol on their chests. This is a sign of their teachings, as well as a protective talisman and amulet. It is made of silver, less often of gold. Metal gives a figure special strength and energy, which is enhanced by special spells. The magic sign is used by practicing magicians and sorcerers in order to cope with elemental forces and entities from underworld they are calling.

The pentagram as protection and help

The sign of a star with five rays is used by adepts of esoteric teachings for meditation. They associate each ray of the figure with a certain quality or name of the deity. In other situations, emotions or feelings are "attached" to the rays. Very often, the pentagram is used to denote any concepts in encrypted witchcraft formulas.

In addition to being used in jewelry, a star is embroidered on clothing, it is drawn inside a circle, into which participants in witchcraft rituals then become.

The star is used in jewelry, embroidered on clothes, drawn inside a circle, into which participants in witchcraft rituals then become.

The five-sided star is a very powerful amulet. She not only protects from evil demons, but also gives power over them and allows you to subdue the summoned spirits.

The symbol of a star with five rays was a rather powerful amulet even in the days of paganism. It was believed that the owner of such a talisman would be able to quickly achieve wealth and happiness.

In the same period, in witchcraft, such talismans were ritual and were often used for revenge, damage, witchcraft spells. In this case, an inverted pentagram was used, which was associated with hell and the rule of powerful evil forces.

Five-pointed star (pentagram)

A symbol always contains more than its obvious and immediately meaningful meaning.

Carl Gustav Jung

Since ancient times, symbols have been the quintessence of human knowledge, the absolute of information, the expression of the highest idea that reveals the nature of things. Present in the architectural design of buildings, in the image of logos and names famous brands, on state emblems and the emblems of various organizations and societies - ancient signs and symbols bring their hidden meaning, their idea of ​​the world order and world order into our life. Being deep in our subconsciousness, they affect our life and psycho-emotional state.

Amiens Cathedral, France

Here are the meanings of some of them:

Five-pointed star (pentagram)

Contrary to popular stereotype, the five-pointed star (pentagram) is not a symbol of the devil or Satan. His "Negative" meaning, the five-pointed star owes to the demonologists of the times of the Inquisition. It was during the witch hunt that the popular symbol begins to be identified with the devil and baphomet, associated with witchcraft and the forces of evil. Echoes from those times form the core of today's stereotype of the five-pointed star as a symbol of Satan.

In astronomy- the pentagram is the trajectory of the planet Venus.

The oldest documentary evidence of the use of a five-pointed star was found at the site of the ancient city of Ur in Mesopatamia and dated back to 3500 BC.

The pentagram is ubiquitous in the design of buildings, structures and household items in the Ancient East, Egypt, India, China and Japan.

In Ancient Babylon, they believed that the image of a five-pointed star on the doors of shops and warehouses would protect goods from damage and theft.

Evangelical church

V ancient greece, a five-pointed star (pentagram) or pentalpha (since it can be decomposed into five letters "alpha"), with light hand Pythagoras and his followers symbolized the harmony of the sacred union of heaven and earth. She was a symbol of the goddess of health Hygieia and served as a sign of the five human senses. For the Pythagoreans, such a star was a symbol of mathematical perfection, since it hides in itself golden ratio(φ ≈ 1.618).

In the years 300-150. BC NS. the pentagram was the emblem of Jerusalem.

Seal of the City of Jerusalem - 300 by 150 BC

The early Christians used the five-pointed star as a reminder of the five wounds of Jesus, inscribed in a circle symbolizing the beginning and end in Christ.

Under various names (the Star of the Microcosm, the star of the magicians, the pentacle of Will), the drawing of Agrippa of Nettesheim, representing a figure of a man, with outstretched limbs, inscribed in a five-pointed star, is widely known. This image is seen as an image of an integral personality (Man-Microcosm), whose spirit and will dominate over the materiality of the four elements and their own passions (finiteness).

In his desire to embrace the whole world (quadrangle) and, thanks to the knowledge of the laws governing it, such a person seeks to go beyond its limits (upper ray) to a new happy being.

The overturned pentagram represents the figure of a person facing downward - a symbol of a will conquered by passions or a passive person who allows evil spirits subjugate his will

The pentagram is present on one of the sides of the seal (and / or amulet) of Emperor Constantine; on the other - the Constantine cross is depicted

The center of the Order of the Knights Templar (Rennes du Chartres, France) is surrounded by mountain peaks several miles distant from it, forming an almost regular pentagon. In the monuments preserved from the Order, traces of the use of the pentagram as a symbol / matrix of the golden section are found.

Eliphas Levi wrote: "The flaming (flaming) star" as a symbol of initiation has been known since 1735. This sign is received by the Mason, having reached the degree of Apprentice. It symbolizes a person who has reached the Illumination (the quintessence, the release of the essence of I) as a result of painstaking work on oneself, as well as a thought free (purified) of all prejudices and superstitions. Usually such a star carries the image of the letter "G" in its focus, and flames or beams of rays diverge from its corners. This radiance "reminds us of the sun, which illuminates the earth with its rays and allows its blessings to become the property of the human race, giving light and life to everyone on earth." Literature is interpreted in various ways, referring to the concepts of knowledge and teaching - Greek. gnosis; geometry, God is dumb. Gott; glory - fr. la gloire; etc. “The pentagram, which in the Gnostic schools is called the fiery star, is a sign of omnipotence and spiritual self-control ... The letter G, which free masons inscribe in the center of the fiery star, recalls two sacred words of the ancient Kabbalah:“ gnosis ”and“ generation ”. The pentagram also means “great architect” - after all, from whatever side we look at it, we see a large letter A. ”