Stretch ceiling in the kitchen (65 photos). Stretch ceiling in the kitchen: design options Design solutions for the ceiling in the kitchen

To decide how you can make the ceiling in the kitchen, first, it is better to study what the modern market offers and choose what works best for your kitchen. Today you can choose from a wide variety of materials for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen. These are wood, drywall, PVC, plastic and more. To begin with, you can google a photo of the ceiling in the kitchen and decide what you want approximately. It is necessary to pay attention to the resistance to moisture, temperature fluctuations, and so that the pollution can be easily washed off.

Plaster the ceiling and don't bother

One of the most common types of kitchen finishes is plaster. She is not afraid of moisture drops, and it is not so easy to damage the coating. If you do not know which ceiling to choose for the kitchen, just plaster everything, align and forget.

Other advantages include:

  • the plaster is not afraid of the influence of temperature, it does not have a country of either frost or extreme heat;
  • easy to clean. You can wash many times and not worry about the safety of the coating;
  • inexpensive option for renovation.

Repairing the ceiling in the kitchen with the help has its drawbacks:

  • plaster absorbs grease, so the ceiling will have to be washed often;
  • also this material absorbs odors;
  • does not save neighbors from a flood. Stains will still remain on the surface, or the plaster will begin to flake off.

So that the plastered ceiling does not look completely shabby, it is best to plaster everything with decorative plaster, and not the most ordinary one. Decorative plaster will last longer than usual, and it looks much more spectacular.

Maybe drywall is better?

Plasterboard finishing makes it possible to embody even the most daring ceiling design in the kitchen. Also, the surface does not need to be leveled before installation. This significantly reduces repair costs. Of course, a plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen will be appropriate when a good one will function. If you dream of a kitchen in classic styles, then two-level ceiling in the kitchen, it will emphasize the aristocracy of the room.

The downside of this finish is that the ceiling is difficult to clean, and if the hood is still missing, then the ceiling quickly loses its appearance.

Painting the ceiling

If you have already opted for gypsum or plaster, then after finishing work, such a surface will need to be painted. The most straightforward option would be to use a water emulsion. It is easy to clean, and after a while you can freshen up with a new layer. But if you want to protect the ceiling somehow from flooding and temperature drops, then it is better to use silicone or acrylic paints.

Modern plastic

A kitchen ceiling made of PVC panels is a common option. Plastic has a number of advantages that distinguish it favorably from others:

  • low material cost;
  • it is not required to level the surface before installation;
  • ease of care;
  • flooding is not terrible.

Moreover, if damaged, such panels are easy to replace, because the damaged area is replaced, and not all the material.

The disadvantages of plastic include its flammability. Plastics give off toxic gas when ignited. Also, the material is not shock resistant. At the slightest impact of mechanical force, the panel breaks or strongly deforms.

Everything will be in metal

If you seem to like the idea of ​​plastic panels, but due to the fire hazardous material and susceptibility to damage, you want something else, then you can opt for metal panels. Metal ceilings in the kitchen are popular due to their strength and variety of choices. The following advantages should also be noted:

  • long lines of operation;
  • the relative inexpensiveness of the material;
  • not subject to fire and flooding.

Such a choice for the ceiling in the kitchen is completely practical. The ceiling will last a long time, easy to clean, it is not afraid of temperature fluctuations. However, it is a very environmentally friendly material. Yes, if you want something like that, for example, a two-level ceiling in the kitchen, and even reliable, then feel free to opt for metal panels.

Stretch ceiling

For some reason, when choosing ceilings, many people refuse such an option as stretch ceilings for the kitchen. Maybe in vain. Stretch ceiling consists of several profiles, between which either a fabric base or a film is stretched. And now the price for such streams is more than affordable. Moreover, the Internet is so replete with photos of stretch ceilings in the kitchen. The fabric for the ceiling is more durable, it is not afraid of temperature fluctuations. Also, the fabric in the "flood" allows water to pass through, but only partially. The film is afraid of sharp objects and breaks at the slightest contact with them. But at the same time, the film does not completely bake water. The film stretch ceiling can be easily removed and then fixed back (confuse with suspended ceilings in the kitchen).

Pros over other options:

  • ease of installation;
  • easy care;
  • resistance to moisture.

Stretch ceilings also have their disadvantages, among them:

  • the inability to complete the installation yourself;
  • the material is “afraid” of sharp objects;
  • sensitivity to temperature fluctuations.

Stretch ceilings will satisfy even the most interesting design the ceiling in the kitchen, which is facilitated by their variety, as well as the lightness of the materials used.

Each of the above options has pros and cons. If you cannot decide which ceiling to choose for the kitchen, then in this case, correctly assess the possibilities of the family budget and the effect you want to get. If you are tired of constant floods, but you want to live like a person then ideal option there will be stretch ceilings. If you want to somehow update the interior and the ceilings are even, then decorative plaster is yours. If the ceilings are completely uneven, then drywall will help you. If you want this current beautiful and eternal - then metal or plastic panels will be the right choice.

50 photos of beautiful ceilings in the kitchen

Renovation is not an easy task that requires concentration on the most small details interior. And when it comes to a room with constant temperature drops, splashes of fat flying in all directions and high humidity, you have to carefully select the material for each area, even if it seems to be out of danger. Stretch ceiling in the kitchen is a popular solution, but how comfortable, stable or aesthetic they are? Let's try to figure it out together!

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen: pros and cons

Stretch ceilings mean a variety suspended structures, which are attached to the surface with a frame, completely or partially overlapping it with a layer of canvas. There are two types of fabric - PVC film and fabric. The latter is extremely rarely used in the kitchen space: it has the property of absorbing odors, vapors and moisture. But the PVC coating is resistant to specific conditions indoors, thanks to its good performance and practical properties.

- The ceiling made of tightly stretched film is not afraid of moisture. This applies to internal and external conditions. For example, if the neighbors from above accidentally flood the apartment - the canvas High Quality it is able to hold up to 100 liters of water, after the removal of which it will return to its original level position.

- The surface of the film does not collect dust, does not accumulate moisture, and therefore does not undergo the growth of fungi or unwanted microorganisms. Any dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth and with a regular alcohol-free cleaning agent.

- Another important factor is environmental friendliness. Synthetic materials have all quality certificates, which is why they are absolutely safe for human health.

- Stretch ceilings are a profitable investment not for one year, but for all ten, as most manufacturers promise. But practice proves that for proper care the coating retains a presentable appearance and 15 years later.

- Behind the stretch film, you can hide not only the imperfections of the ceiling, but also pipes, beams or electrical wiring. It is ideal for installing recessed lights that evenly illuminate every area of ​​the kitchen.

- With the help of a stretch ceiling in the kitchen, you can zoning the space, highlighting the dining room or working area... This will help different colors, patterns and textures.

- The frame and the canvas are quickly mounted without leaving the usual construction garbage on every object of the room. You can take care of their installation even at the end of the renovation, when all the furniture is in place.

But if a stretch ceiling is able to hold such an impressive volume of water, then other loads will not interfere with it? Unfortunately, this is not so. A thin canvas can be pierced with an ordinary needle, so that even rearranging tall furniture sometimes turns into a tragedy for the film.

The aesthetics of the design can also be disturbed by the seams that remain after installation, and the mood - bad smell in the early days. This option is not suitable for a room with low walls, as it will lower the upper part even more.

For those who like to do repairs with their own hands, it is better to "give" the ceiling into the hands of professionals, if you do not want to then face sagging. Calling the masters, of course, will cost a pretty penny, but the main costs will go to necessary materials... Stretch ceilings have good characteristics, for which you will have to pay a considerable amount.

Types of ceilings

PVC film has an excellent property - a variety of surfaces, which can differ not only in colors or patterns. Let's look at popular options along with their design potential.

Have classic look helping to embody cozy atmosphere on the kitchen. Due to the fact that the coating does not reflect glare and does not create a mirror effect, it makes the lamps shine softer and evenly distributes the light.

The stripes leave seam marks when pulled together, but the dullness makes them more invisible, unlike other options. A single-level stretch ceiling is ideal for a classic kitchen, scandinavian styles or provence.

The opposite property is possessed by glossy stretch ceilings, which reflect the interior, visually enlarging it and creating the illusion of a continuation of the space. They look modern, in a sense luxurious, more accurately convey the brightness of the shades.

Unfortunately, on a glossy ceiling, it is easier to see the seams between the stripes. In the kitchen small size with a cold scale, the “unfriendly” atmosphere typical of public spaces can arise. To avoid this, you need to properly balance the design.

This type can be considered an intermediate option between the two previous ones. It has a mother-of-pearl effect, providing a soft, diffuse reflection of light. Satin stretch ceiling can change its shade depending on the type of lighting.

Such material is more durable and has a better density. Its coating resembles satin fabric, which makes it look expensive. Ideal for creating multi-level structures.

PVC film is considered the ideal "canvas" for drawings and realistic photo printing. Typically, a special eco-solvent ink printer is used to print the image.

You can choose solid or fragmentary printing, depending on the size of the picture or panel. Such services are more expensive than traditional tensile structures... We do not recommend using such a ceiling design for a kitchen with a small footage.

Lighting and illumination

The lighting system needs to be thought out before installing the stretch ceiling in the kitchen, since it can be problematic to bring in additional bulbs afterwards. PVC film is a very delicate material that does not like high temperatures, therefore, it is better to focus on LED and energy-saving types.

Stretch ceilings offer three main lighting options: central, linear and spot. They can be combined to provide light to all areas of the kitchen.

In this choice, you will have to focus not only on your needs, but also on the features of the film coating and color. For example, glossy ceilings reflect light, enhancing the overall brightness. For matte finishes, it is worth purchasing more fixtures as the lighting can look a little dim.

A small kitchen can suffer from any rash design step. To pick up perfect ceiling for your space, follow these guidelines:

- The color of the stretch ceiling in the kitchen should be several tones lighter than walls or at least not darker. A white neutral coating is ideal for our mission, but from bright shades worth giving up.

- Gloss, like a mirror, reflects the interior and allows you to slightly raise the upper border. But, as already mentioned, such matter can look uncomfortable in confined spaces.

- Avoid any decorative elements: images, multilevel designs or shaped products. They will not only visually reduce the area, but will also look out of place in a small kitchen.

- If possible, it is better not to buy bulky chandeliers, but to limit yourself to built-in spotlights.

Thus, a smooth white stretch ceiling with a satin texture, softly lit by built-in lamps, would be an ideal option for a small kitchen.

Better than any words about the advantages and aesthetics of stretch ceilings in the kitchen, completed projects will tell. We have selected colorful photos for you that can push you to the right decision... Happy viewing!

Many owners, planning a renovation, are thinking: the ceiling in the kitchen - which one is better? They look at the photos, consult with friends, not daring to give preference to one or another option. The design of the kitchen space must be approached with all responsibility, because it is for this room that the greatest functional loads are characteristic. To do right choice, you should carefully study the information for each type ceiling decoration and identify the merits and demerits of each.

What to consider when choosing a ceiling for the kitchen

So that the ceiling in the kitchen can long time serve faithfully, it is recommended to give preference to high-quality materials. High humidity, soot stains that occur during cooking, food odor that eats into walls and ceilings - all this negatively affects kitchen surfaces.

Therefore, when choosing a material, it is important to consider the following characteristics:

  • Structures should be fireproof;
  • The ceiling must be adapted to easily tolerate high humidity;
  • The ceiling surface should be resistant to sudden temperature changes;
  • The surface should be easy to clean.

The external data of the structures are also of great importance. Modern products are distinguished by a variety of designs and textures.

Types of ceiling finishes in the kitchen

What kind of ceiling to make in the kitchen, everyone decides depending on household habits and characteristics of the kitchen room. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, you need to carefully read all types from the point of view of practicality and durability.

Painted ceiling

At first glance, this finishing option will seem the simplest. However, this is not entirely true: it takes a lot of preparation to get a flawless finish.

All the work can be done independently. It is recommended to choose paint with water-based characteristics so that later the surface can be easily cleaned with liquid products.

Before painting, the ceiling must be thoroughly cleaned with a special trowel or spatula. For surfaces with uneven relief, it is recommended to use a primer or putty. These funds should be applied in several layers, but each next one is distributed only after the previous layer dries. This prepares the base for the paint application.

A painted ceiling has several advantages:

  • easy to use;
  • requires minimal financial investment;
  • long service life;
  • with the help of paint, the ceiling can be given any shade;

The main disadvantage of this type of design is the duration of the work, which can take several days.


Pasting the ceiling surface with wallpaper is the traditional way clearance. You don't need to have special skills and buy here expensive materials... It is enough to buy wallpaper suitable for the general interior of the room. It is better to choose moisture-resistant coatings; if they are heavily soiled, they are easy and convenient to clean.

Small defects of the ceiling in the form small cracks or stains will mask the canvases well modern wallpaper... But if the irregularities are large, then it is better to treat the surface with putty and primer before gluing.

Rack and cassette ceilings

Rack and cassette designs are growing in popularity today. Their beauty, strength and other virtues are impressive. However, not everyone can afford such pleasure. In addition, such ceilings are suspended, that is, the height of the room will decrease, and not everyone will like it.

Rack (and cassette) ceiling is not afraid of leaks. Made of steel and aluminum, it is not only able to withstand large amounts of water, but also long-term exposure.

Ceiling tiles

Styrofoam ceiling tiles are a very common way to decorate a ceiling. This option has a number of advantages, among which are the following:

  • Relatively low cost of the material;
  • The ability to hide some ceiling defects due to the fact that these plates can be slightly bent;
  • Installation of plates does not require any special skills, since everyone can easily attach them;
  • This material is not afraid of water vapor and is easy to clean.

However, in addition to the advantages, it is necessary to take into account the significant disadvantages. The popularity of this type of finish in recent times fell sharply. People often try to choose other ways to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen. If the tiles are white, they will get dirty quickly. And if you choose a material of a different color, then you will have to pay much more for it.

Plastic ceilings in the kitchen

Plastic is an ideal material for decorating the surface of a room where a lot of moisture accumulates. Such ceilings are available in various sizes and are suitable for any room due to their characteristics.

This type of ceiling is made of PVC panels with different shades and textures. The advantages of such surfaces are undeniable:

  • plastic ceilings are inexpensive;
  • resistant to moisture accumulation;
  • easy to clean;
  • durable;
  • installing them yourself will not be difficult.

Important! When fixing plastic ceilings caution should be exercised. You can deform the surface with strong pressure.

Plasterboard ceiling

Plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen is a very popular trend lately. This type is in many ways similar to the plastic version. It also does not require special surface preparation; communications can be carried out over it. When installed, it will take a few centimeters of the height of the room.

This type of ceiling differs from other structures in the fact that its installation should be completed with putty and painting. Base material, - drywall sheets- are mounted on a special frame.

Making a plasterboard ceiling surface is not cheap. But the result is worth it. Not only will the ceiling turn out to be flat - anything can be made of such material, in accordance with the design ideas of the hostess of the kitchen. Wish curved lines - please! Will want to make multi-level surfaces or unusual niches for lighting fixtures- not a problem! But it is still better to consult a professional designer.

Of the minuses: you cannot wash such a surface. If there is no electric hood, then the original color of the ceiling will quickly lose.

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen

In the interior of the kitchen of a modern hostess, you can increasingly find stretch ceilings. Specialists are engaged in their installation. The size of the kitchen and the wishes of the owners about the design are taken into account.

Not knowing which ceiling in the kitchen is better to install, you should first have a clear idea of ​​what exactly you want to see in the end. So, stretch ceilings can be glossy or matte, have a uniform shade or photo printing, this can be clearly seen in the photo.

The main advantages of such a ceiling are:

  • resistance to leaks and moisture fluctuations;
  • strength;
  • comfortable operation;

When starting to carry out repairs, many ask the question: which ceiling is better for the kitchen? In the interior of any room, everything should be in harmony - ceiling, floor, walls. This problem is not raised by chance, because the kitchen is a room in which high humidity, soot, drops of water and fat are often formed. To avoid such problems, you need to take time, choose quality material which is resistant to moisture, temperature drops and easy to clean.

Material selection

Modern building materials suitable for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen are provided in a large assortment: panel, stretch, also rack structures... You can paint the ceiling or paste over it with wallpaper.

The classic option is a ceiling that is perfectly plastered and subsequently painted. What are its advantages? The result is a flat and white surface that is refreshing and always practical regardless of taste and preference. Plaster is an environmentally friendly material. White color visually expands the space, which is beneficial for a small room.

The disadvantages of plaster include the complexity of the process. To make a flat and smooth surface, it is necessary to resort to careful leveling and cleaning of the ceiling, which takes a lot of time.

Other options

To do not easy task the choice of material requires options that will not negatively affect the functionality and aesthetics of the room. Some of them:

  • suspended plasterboard ceiling;
  • plastic panels;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • painted surface;
  • pasting with wallpaper.

When choosing one of the options, it is necessary to consider the positive and negative characteristics. Do not forget about the peculiarities of the premises itself.

Plasterboard ceiling

Exists various ideas use of this surface. Drywall is a material thanks to which you can qualitatively hide all irregularities, as well as hide under it engineering Communication... Many designers like such ideas, there are a huge number of solutions. Place the original built-in lamps between the ceiling and the drywall sheets, visually increasing the vertical of the walls that decorate the room.

There are many options for hinged, multi-level structures. But, when choosing this material, you should pay attention to its properties. A moisture resistant material is required. It washes better, does not change color when moisture gets on it. The multi-level solution is suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Plastic panels

If it is necessary to decide the question of which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen with poor ventilation, then better option can not found. The material does not require a lot of time for maintenance, it tolerates well wet cleaning... Installation of PVC panels is not difficult, even for a beginner. If the question for novice craftsmen is being solved, what material to use in the kitchen, plastic panels are an excellent option.

Common material is produced in different colors... The room can be equipped in any style. It is possible to make a structure of several levels, if the height of the room allows. For one tier, a gap of 7-10 centimeters will be enough.

If the decision is made to finish the shelf surface PVC panels, then you need to know that it is better to purchase a material that is resistant to high temperatures. Raw materials must be accompanied necessary documents which confirm that heating is provided and no toxic gases are emitted.

Paintable ceiling

For the ceiling, it is better to purchase a detergent type paint. Algorithm for preparing for staining:

  • leveling the surface, cleaning from defects;
  • all irregularities and cracks must be eliminated with putty;
  • fine-grained sandpaper grind the treated surface;
  • apply several layers of primer with a paint roller;
  • paint the ceiling with purchased paint.

So that speakers do not spoil the appearance in the kitchen yellow spots, before painting, they should be treated with an alkyd matte paint.

Ceiling tiles

What is the easiest material to mount? Ceiling tiles... Laying polystyrene tiles does not require special tool, great skills. To decorate the ceiling, you need to have:

  • set of tiles;
  • measuring tape;
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • special glue.

Under the tiles, you can perfectly hide minor defects, but if the base has large drops, plaster should be done. It is better if the surface of the tiles is laminated. In case of severe contamination, individual fragments can be replaced if it is not possible to wash or paint. This material is flammable and absorbs moisture. It is better to use it in small kitchens which are equipped with a good exhaust system.

When using this material, incandescent lamps should be positioned at a distance of about 20 centimeters from the base.


This method of finishing the ceiling has certain advantages over others:

  • inexpensive material;
  • if there are minor cracks on the surface, then they are invisible under the wallpaper;
  • moisture resistant material lends itself easily to wet cleaning;
  • special wallpapers can withstand up to 10 colors, which makes it possible to embody various design ideas;
  • color, texture, pattern - all this has a huge assortment;
  • the work is done quickly.

It is not difficult to make a room cozy with wallpaper, and a pre-drawn design of the ceiling in the kitchen will help to bring ideas to life.

Important! When buying glue, you need to pay attention to the type of wallpaper, choose the most suitable one. This will have a positive effect on the quality of the gluing.

Stretch ceiling

This type of finish is very popular. When assessing which ceilings are best used for the kitchen, many choose this option. This design tends to solve several problems at once:

  • perfectly masks irregularities, surface defects;
  • there is no need to prepare the base for installation, ideally;
  • various communications will be hidden behind the film;
  • the material is not picky about care;
  • moisture resistance;
  • long operational life;
  • presentable appearance;
  • the ability to embody a variety of design ideas;
  • the material can withstand a large amount of water.

There are several options for installing a stretch ceiling. One does not require special equipment and you can do it yourself.

How to choose a ceiling for the kitchen? (2 videos)

Ceiling design options in the kitchen (40 photos)