How to embed a sink into a corner countertop. How to embed a sink into a countertop with your own hands? To install a kitchen sink, you will need

Times change, and with them, life. Modern kitchen equipment is significantly different from the stereotypes that have developed over the years, only some accessories remain unchanged. Not a single kitchen room can do without a refrigerator, sink and stove, either now or several decades ago. One of the key parts of the “work triangle” is the sink. And if earlier it was, as a rule, an enamelled overhead construction white color, but now the varieties have increased significantly. Modern kitchen sinks are made from various materials have different shapes, sizes and design features. The installation of such elements may not always be within the power of the owner. Peculiarities different models, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as tips on how to embed the sink into the countertop - further.

Appearance kitchen sink, relevant several decades ago

Do-it-yourself sink installation may include different technologies. Consider the main constructive types of kitchen sinks.

Overhead kitchen sink can have up to two bowls

Types of kitchen sinks:

  1. Overlay models. This variety considered the most common due to ease of installation. Even a beginner can handle the installation of an overhead sink. They are usually made of stainless steel and are mostly rectangular in shape. Mounted on top of a kitchen cabinet that does not have a countertop.
  2. Mortise sinks. Such accessories are installed in a prepared hole in the countertop, which must be cut clearly to the size of the structure. The sink is immersed in a hole treated with sealant and fixed with fasteners.
  3. Underframe products. Their installation method is similar to the previous one: the sink is installed in a hole cut in the countertop. The only difference is that not all countertop materials can provide an integrated installation type, and cuts of the hole must be carefully processed.

The undermount or integrated kitchen sink provides for a complex type of installation and can generally only be done in a factory setting.

One of the important criteria for choosing a sink is its depth. Sink too deep 20 cm or more) is not convenient to use, as it makes you bend over a lot. small bowl ( up to 15 cm) is bad in that water from an open tap knocking on it will spray around the entire working area.

The choice of height of the mixer to a large extent depends on the depth of the bowl. For example, for a deep sink it is better not to choose a faucet with a high location of the spout, as well as for a shallow one with a low one. All this affects usability.

A tall faucet above a deep sink is inconvenient because the water pouring out of it will spray heavily around

Of all the types of sinks listed above, today's users mostly choose the mortise type. Such sinks are affordable, have a comfortable depth and, importantly, modern appearance.

Prices for kitchen sinks

kitchen sink

Why mortise: reasons for choosing

Aesthetic component kitchen sink- far from the only criterion for choosing a mortise design. Why do modern consumers love this type of sink so much?

The mortise sink can have both a standard siphon and an enlarged hole, which was originally provided for the installation of a dispenser

Design advantages:

  1. Possibility of installation in any place. By purchasing a mortise-type product, you do not depend on the cabinet installed under it. The bowl can be embedded in any place, the main thing is to bring communications.
  2. No moisture. When using an overhead construction, it is impossible to hermetically seal the joints between the modules, the washing unit and the walls. Almost always, water flows into the cracks that form, which is fraught with the rapid destruction of furniture and dampness on the walls.
  3. The choice of mortise sinks is much wider than in the case of overhead sinks. They can have a different form of functionality, the number of bowls, the material of manufacture and sets of additional accessories.
  4. Modern appearance combined with affordability. The mortise accessory looks almost like an integrated one, but it costs much less.

Mortise sink may include removable cutting boards, nets for washing products and other accessories

Types of kitchen sinks in shape

The shape of the kitchen sink depends on the number of bowls, type and installation location.

Kitchen units are:

A complex-shaped kitchen sink is made exclusively to order and, as a rule, has a countertop or integrated type of installation.

Washing structures for the kitchen can have not only a different shape, but also the number of bowls. Standard models are usually equipped with one or two bowls, and atypical examples can have up to four.

Example round sink with four bowls, fruit washing net and cutting board

Video - Do-it-yourself installation of a sink and faucet

Types of sinks according to the material of manufacture

In the past, kitchen sink accessories were traditionally made only of iron, cast iron or stainless steel. modern choice much wider materials.

Sink made of artificial stone is the second most popular after stainless steel sinks

So, today on the market you can find shells from:

  • natural and artificial stone;
  • ceramics;
  • natural wood;
  • faience;
  • of stainless steel;
  • enamelled metal;
  • glass.

Kitchen sink made of faience or ceramics

The easiest to install are stainless steel sinks. Glass sinks are capricious in care, while earthenware sinks are finicky in operation. Sinks made of artificial stone require regular cleaning, and few people can afford granite sinks.

Installation of a mortise sink: step by step instructions

The process of installing a kitchen sink is divided into several stages. Let's consider the installation of a mortise sink in a countertop using the example of a stainless steel product and an MDF surface.

Step 1. Preparation.

The key to success is proper preparation materials, tools and everything you need. When purchasing a sink, do not forget to check its complete set for compliance with the description. Often, during transportation and damage to the packaging, small fasteners can be lost. Check if there are enough clips, if there is a seal, etc.

Do not rush to throw away the included sink template. This is a great help when marking the surface.

From the tool for mounting the sink, we need:

  • pencil or marker;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • sandpaper;
  • ruler;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • wrench;
  • Phillips screwdriver or a set of bits for a screwdriver.

In addition to the sink and its equipment, you will definitely need a colorless silicone sealant and hardware (there are never many of them).

Step 2. Marking.

If there is a template in the kit, the marking is done quite simply: cut out the outer contour and the inner diameter of the sink from cardboard (on which everything is drawn in full accordance with the dimensions), apply it to the countertop in the right place and circle it with a pencil. To prevent the template from sliding on the glossy tabletop, it can be attached in some places with tape, as shown in the figure below.

Marking on the tabletop using a cardboard template

In the absence of a template, the markup will be somewhat more difficult to perform. First you need to mark the edges of the sink.

Remember! The sink should not be closer to the edge of the countertop than 10-15 cm.

Next, turn the sink upside down with a bowl, lay it on the table as it will be installed, align it parallel to the edges of the table and circle the outer contour. For convenience, the sink can be fixed in some places with adhesive tape.

Outlining the contour, do not rush and fuss. The correct installation of the device will depend on the markup performed.

We measure the distance from the outer rim to the bowl, remove the sink from the markup and draw a cutting line inside the drawn contour.

Step 3. Hole in the countertop.

Using an electric drill, we make several holes in a row along the cut line. The width of the resulting gap should be such that a jigsaw can easily enter it. Next, we take a jigsaw and carefully follow the cut line, slowly and without fussing.

Prices for popular models of jigsaws

Electric jigsaw

To prevent the cut-out part of the tabletop from falling with a roar to the bottom of the module, fix it in several places with self-tapping screws.

Important! Never flip the table over. Carry out the cut only from its front side so that chips do not form on the enamel.

When the hole is completely cut out, the screws are removed, and the cut is cleaned of dust and sawdust. A “fitting” is carried out: the sink is first placed in the prepared hole, it is checked that it enters normally, does not “walk” and does not cling to anything.

If washing in some place is difficult, trim the cut with a jigsaw

Step 4. Processing the slice.

Any chipboard absorbs moisture well, so the cut point must be carefully sealed with an antifungal compound and glued with the sealing tape that comes with the sink. Before processing, all roughness must be processed sandpaper small fraction. Proper protection of the cut from getting wet will prevent the tabletop material from rotting and its early destruction.

Instead of antifungal compounds for processing the end cut, you can use PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1. After application, the glue must dry.

If chips appear on the front side of the countertop at the cut point on the plastic during the cutting process, process them silicone sealant. Only after that it is possible to glue the end cut with the foam sealant that comes with the kit. We also glue the side of the sink along the edge with sealing tape.

Step 5 Attaching the sink to the countertop.

We process the cut of the sink with silicone sealant, on the sides of the bowl with inside attach clips. Insert plumbing fixture permanent place and press well 10-15 seconds. After that, release, check the level, wipe off excess substance soft cloth and wait for the sealant to fully set, fixing the sink in the groove.

It is better to fix the sink with clips after the sealant has set. This method ensures that the sink does not slip off and, as a result, will not be attached incorrectly.

Step 6. Connecting communications.

How a chipboard tabletop is arranged

First, we install the crane, fasten it with a fixing screw. We connect the hoses leading from the tap to the water supply system. When fixing the faucet on the sink, do not forget to use rubber compressor.

On a note. It is better to assemble the mixer even before installing the sink, screwing the water hoses to it. It will also be more convenient to fix it on the bowl with a rhinestone, until it is fixed on the countertop.

For the strength of all connections when installing the pipeline, use fum-tape.

Do not forget to treat all connections with silicone sealant before installing the siphon and faucet

Prices for silicone sealant for wood

Silicone sealant

We put it in the sink, connect it to sewer pipe or drain corrugation.

At the end of the work, do not forget to check the mixer and sewer system for a leak.

Find out with your own hands correctly in a special article on our portal.

Features of working with artificial stone

As a rule, stone countertops are made to order in accordance with the preferences of the buyer, and a hole for installing a sink in them is provided in advance. But there are also exceptional cases when, for example, it was originally planned to install an overhead sink in the kitchen, and the countertop had to be solid.

A countertop made of artificial stone is quite difficult to process. It must be handled with care as the material is fragile.

For such work, it is better to invite a qualified specialist with a professional tool who will make a hole of the required diameter with a properly processed cut and install the sink in accordance with all requirements.

If you decide to make a hole for installing a sink on your own, saving on workers, instead of a jigsaw, it’s better to take a grinder and protect your eyes and respiratory tract from stone dust when cutting. The algorithm of work is not much different from installing a sink in a countertop made of MDF.

Note. To work with artificial stone on the grinder you need to install a disc on concrete with laser chips.

Features of installing sinks of various shapes and materials

In the example above, we considered a round or oval sink installation. But what about other products?

Corner washbasins

When inserting a corner sink, the main nuance is the cutout of an even corner. To do this, so that the jigsaw passes through the tabletop easily, several holes are made in a row with an electric drill in the corners, then they are combined together.

The presence of technological cuts greatly simplifies the cutout of a hole in the countertop for a sink of an atypical shape.

Also, when installing a corner sink, it is important that the corner of the sink clearly coincides with the line connecting the outer and internal corners pedestals.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Square sinks

When installing a square sink, a line is drawn on the countertop parallel to the outer edge. The width of the product recedes from it and another line is drawn. In the same way, two perpendicular lines are measured and outlined, completely drawing the contour of the sink. Opposite corners are connected by lines, at the intersection of these lines there will be a siphon.

Holes for a jigsaw when installing a square sink are made in the corners of the drawing

Granite products

The design of sinks made of natural stone does not provide technological holes for mounting a drain and a mixer. And if the mixer can be mounted on the wall or on the tabletop separately, then the sink simply cannot do without a siphon. It is very difficult to make such a cut in a stone product on your own, without experience. An electric drill with a diamond nozzle is used to make such holes.

In the case of a granite sink, it is better to entrust its installation to professionals, since, without experience, such an expensive product is quite easy to spoil

Prices for double sinks for the kitchen

Double kitchen sink


For the most part, ceramic sinks for the kitchen are made mainly in a combined variety - part of the sink is laid on, and part is mounted on the countertop, like the mortise model.

Ceramics, like a natural stone, has a rather impressive weight, so for such sinks you need a very strong pedestal and a strong countertop

Ceramic sinks are attached in a combined way - for a stronger fixation. Along with the use of sealant or adhesive, mechanical fixing parts are also used. You can also independently prepare the internal supporting structure. To secure the washing niche, a structure is assembled from wooden bars treated with antiseptic compounds.

When making a sink hole yourself, measure the sink several times before you start cutting. It is better to make sure that your actions are correct at the initial stage.

When making a hole for the sink, cut it out, a little short of the markup. Better later sanding a small notch than not knowing what to do with a large one

Experienced installers advise:

  1. Do not make the sink opening too large. If the structure will "walk" in the groove prepared for it, you can not even dream of the strength of the fasteners.
  2. Before using silicone, first check how long the substance will harden by applying it to an open surface.
  3. Do not overtighten the fixing screws when installing the stainless steel sink too tight. This approach may damage the product.
  4. If rubber seals were not included, do not rush to the store. They can be replaced with silicone sealant.
  5. When tightening hardware using a screwdriver, be as careful as possible. By pulling a little, you can bend the structure. If you are not sure that you can calculate your strength correctly, it is better to use a Phillips screwdriver.

Don't skimp on sealant when installing a sink sink. It is better to wipe the excess from the surface with a cloth than to use a leaky design

The most crucial moment when inserting a sink into a countertop is the marking of the surface, and the most difficult is the preparation of the hole. One wrong stroke with a pencil or one misstep with a jigsaw in hand can simply ruin a new countertop. Do not repeat the mistakes of inexperienced masters, but do everything wisely. Successful installation!

Video - Inserting a sink into a countertop

After installing the sink, you will need an article: do-it-yourself for a sink, replacing an old faucet with a new one

Most food preparation needs to be washed. These are vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, various cereals, etc. And after eating, you need to wash dishes and cutlery, kitchen utensils. That's what the kitchen sink is for. When purchasing a kitchen sink, it is important to consider not only its aesthetic appearance, but also its practicality and functionality. And to make it convenient for the hostess to use it, it is important to know how to install a sink in the kitchen. Today we will try to figure out how to do this work on our own, without the help of outside craftsmen, thereby avoiding unnecessary costs.

How to install a sink in the kitchen: following simple recommendations will allow you to do without outside help

Types of sinks by type of installation

There are four groups of kitchen sinks depending on the type of installation and operating conditions:

Rules for installing a kitchen sink

There are a few rules to consider when installing a kitchen sink:

  1. The rule of the "golden triangle": a cabinet with a sink cannot be placed next to a refrigerator or oven (water and fire are not compatible);
  2. The sink should be located close to the working area where the preparation of products takes place - cleaning, cutting;
  3. Washing separates working area into 2 parts: one - for dirty work, the other, clean - for serving ready-made food.

In practice, sinks are connected to the sewerage and water pipes, they are usually installed in the corner or near the wall adjacent to the bathroom. But modern technologies and Construction Materials allow you to install it anywhere you want kitchen set.

Which type to prefer - it ultimately depends on the taste of the hostess, and also on the furniture set in the kitchen. If it includes individual items and soon there will be no changes here, then you can buy an invoice. If it is planned to install sectional furniture with a single table top for the entire surface, it would be right to stop at mortise sink. This will avoid the formation of dampness between the cabinets.

It's important to know! Optimal Thickness countertops under the sink - 38 cm: it is the most durable and durable.

Tools needed to install the sink

If you have to work with a set with a common worktop or with separate modules that allow mortise mounting household appliances, then you need to have the following tools with which you can install a kitchen sink with your own hands:

  • jigsaw;
  • electric drill;
  • wood drills;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • pliers;
  • pencil, ruler, square;
  • rubber compressor;
  • silicone sealant.

Installation instructions for a built-in kitchen sink

Modern sinks, as a rule, have cardboard templates complete with fasteners to facilitate their installation. But if it is missing, we use the sink itself as a template.

In the absence of a template, we draw the outline from the sink itself

  1. We place the template on an installed and already fixed countertop or on a separate module that allows the installation of mortise elements. We fix it in several places with adhesive tape, while not forgetting that the sink should not come into contact with internal elements - sidewalls and power struts.

    The template is fixed with adhesive tape on the tabletop, preventing contact with internal elements.

  2. We mark the location of the sink on the countertop. It must be carefully thought out so that the use of the sink is convenient, the back does not get tired and water splashes do not fall on the floor. The optimal distance from the edge of the table is 5-10 cm. We outline the contour of the template or an inverted sink with a pencil. Then, stepping back 1.5 cm, we apply the second (working) contour, along which we will cut a hole.
  3. We drill holes according to the marking with an electric drill. We select the drill diameter according to the width of the saw blade. It, as a rule, is standard - 10-12 mm.

    The diameter of the drill is selected according to the width of the saw blade

    A hole for washing is cut along the applied contour with a jigsaw

  4. We carefully clean the resulting cut from sawdust and dust, clean the saw cut with sandpaper.
  5. We install the sink in the resulting hole, check the accuracy of the drink. We look to see if the sides of the sink fit snugly against the countertop. We check at the same time the installation of the mixer, flexible hoses, because after installing the sink, it will not be so easy to install it.
  6. We process the edges of the countertop inside the hole with silicone sealant, protecting it from moisture penetration.

    Finishing the edge of the countertop with a sealant will protect them from excess moisture.

  7. We impose on the edge of the cut (on the front side of the countertop) double-sided tape, which comes with the sink. If it is not included in the kit, apply sealant again.
  8. We install the sink, trying to press it tightly along the edges so that all possible voids are filled with airtight material. Next, with the help of fasteners, we attract the sink from below, and we perform this operation in stages: first, we attract the corners of the sink diagonally, but not to the very end. By the same principle, we then tighten the fixing screws in the middle. Excess adhesive tape or squeezed out sealant is removed from the countertop.

    We fix the sink with fasteners (view from below) so that it fits snugly against the edges of the countertop

  9. We connect the installed sink to the sewer. Be sure to use a siphon that will protect against unpleasant odors. Double-turn siphons are considered the best - they clog much less than their bottle counterparts. We connect the mixer to the water supply.
  10. We check the tightness of all nodes.

Overhead sink installation

There are three options for installing an overhead sink:

  1. Adhesive mount- the easiest option. The overhead sink is installed on a special cabinet. In this case, the sink should be wider than the underframe and its sides will completely cover the ribs of the cabinet. The ends of the underframe must be pre-treated with silicone sealant, put the sink and press down. The sink will fix well after the sealant dries. Silicone glue will protect the end of the underframe from water ingress.
  2. Mounting with mounting brackets. In regular situations, the overhead sink is fixed special mounts which can be bundled with it or sold separately. First you need to screw the screws on the inside of the cabinet walls and then screw the brackets on them. Next, tighten the screws a little. The sink is installed and the mounting angle is displaced along the screw, ensuring that the self-tapping screw is fixed in the recess of the angle, and the sink is completely pressed against the underframe. Then finally tighten the fastening screws.
  3. Fixing the sink with wooden blocks. In cases where the standard mount does not fit (there are defects in the table top), or there are no mounts at all, you can safely choose suitable furniture corners and wooden blocks and make your own mounting platform. The bars must be placed in the sink box. Then it is necessary to fasten four metal corners to the rails (along the perimeter of the sink). Now the design can be put on the cabinet. After that, the second part of the corner is screwed from the inside of the walls of the underframe. The height of the bars can, if necessary, be adjusted so that the top of the sink is at the same level as the rest of the cabinets.

How to fix the sink in the kitchen directly to the wall, without a pedestal? To do this, we use special brackets (they can be purchased at plumbing stores). We carry out the first marking at the selected height from the floor (about 80 cm). Then we make the second markup just below the first. The distance between the markings corresponds to the thickness rear wall sinks. We get the line of attachment of the brackets.

Next, we measure the distance between the intended installation sites for special brackets on the sink. We note an equal distance on the line of attachment of the brackets. We drill holes in the wall, fasten the brackets and fix the sink.

By following simple rules, you can do a good job of installing a kitchen sink with your own hands so that it works without problems. Right installed sink will serve for a long time and ensure the safety and hygiene of the countertop.

The type of sink and its location largely determine the convenience of cooking and the comfort of the entire kitchen. This is not only a functional item, but also part of the design of the room. Therefore, the choice of a kitchen sink must be approached with all responsibility.

We will help you decide on optimal model and we will tell you where it is best to place it. We will also describe how to install a sink in the kitchen without the help of specialists. The installation technology is quite simple, the main thing is to adhere to the rules and requirements outlined in the article.

One of the key aspects in installation is the type of sink, which implies a certain design and fastening device:

  • mortise- installed in a specially prepared slot in the countertop, cut to the size of the sink;
  • invoices- inexpensive and easy-to-install models, superimposed on a free-standing cabinet.

According to the type of location relative to the countertop, kitchen sinks are divided into desktop, undercounter and mounted.

The first is mounted below the level working surface. The latter are mounted on hinged brackets, rarely used due to low aesthetics.

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Mounting on mounting brackets. In some cases, together with the sink is sold special fasteners. First, self-tapping screws are baited into the inner walls of the cabinet, on which brackets are hung. Then the screws are screwed in ¾. After that, the sink is installed in the opening with mixing on the mounting bracket.

In the process of maneuvering, it is necessary to ensure that the sink is completely pressed against the pedestal, and the self-tapping screw is fixed in the place where the corner is deepened. Then the screws are screwed in until they stop.

Mounting separately standing sink somewhat easier, because implies in its design the presence of special holes and brackets for fixing

mount on wooden bars X. This method is used when the previous two are not suitable, for example, due to a countertop defect or the lack of appropriate connectors on the sink. In this case, you will need 4 wooden bars and furniture corners. Using these materials, you can make an installation site.

The height of the bars is selected so that the sink is at the same level as the rest kitchen furniture. The bars are cut to the size of the cabinet and fastened with outside with furniture corners. Homemade construction is installed on the cabinet and screwed to the walls of the underframe with corners with self-tapping screws on the inside.

In the last two ways, you need to take care of tightness. To do this, apply a layer of sealant to the contact points of the pedestal / wooden platform with the sink.

Additional information on the installation of an overhead sink is presented in.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video visualizes the process of installing the sink and will help you see some of the subtleties of the wizard.

Mounting the mortise model:

The installation of a sink is a responsible task, on which the functionality of the workspace and reliability depend. Improper installation can lead to the rapid destruction of the countertop if water begins to penetrate under the sink.

The main thing in installation is high-quality sealing of the joint between the sink and the ends of kitchen furniture.

If you have experience installing a sink, please share the information with our readers. Leave comments on the article and ask questions. The feedback form is located below.

Gone are the days when the sink in the kitchen was a metal sink screwed to the wall and equipped with two taps. Today, design features allow you to place it directly on the countertop. However, it can be overhead or built-in. In the latter case, its parts will not be visible from above on the countertop. Today we will consider the first option, since it is most suitable for self-installation.

More about installation methods

As we have already said, installing a kitchen sink involves two options:

  1. The method is simple, suitable for independent use.
  2. Installation is much faster than the mortise version.
  3. Would need minimum set tools and materials.
  4. After installation, a cabinet or a pedestal is obtained, depending on the sink model and the depth of the cutting area into the countertop.

The disadvantage is the humidity that is constantly formed between the block with a sink and a number of installed cabinets.

mortise Installation is much more complicated and it will be very difficult to do it yourself. In favor this method various shapes and types of sinks stand out. For example, you can install models made of stone, plastic, stainless steel, copper, bronze, as well as round, rectangular, angular, asymmetric sinks.

You can embed the sink into the countertop in different ways, in this case not only your desire plays a role, but also the design capabilities of the kit.

Therefore, it can be relative to the surface:

  • flush with her;
  • slightly above or below it.

Tip: when buying a model you like, we recommend that you immediately clarify the location, as well as which fasteners you need to use for it.
Please refer to the last point Special attention, since often the quality of the bowl significantly exceeds the proposed fasteners, so you should choose the appropriate ones.

Preparing for installation

Installing a sink is the last or final stage in assembling a water use unit in the kitchen.

Therefore, you should prepare thoroughly for it:

  1. Water must first be supplied to the installation site.

  1. You should also take care of the tools, where the jigsaw plays the main role. You can buy it or rent it for a few days, while purchasing new files for it so as not to experience discomfort during work.

Tip: the price of even the most expensive from the most famous brands, for example, Bosh, will not hit your budget, but the process of cutting out a place under the sink will go “like clockwork”.

  1. Do not forget to also buy transparent silicone sealant, and it is better not to pin hopes on the self-adhesive foam rubber offered in the kit. It is bad because moisture will gradually accumulate in it, which will soon begin to exude bad smell, while simultaneously destroying the countertop under the overhead sink. We recommend that you simply do not use it in your work.
  2. When buying a kitchen sink, find out if it comes with a template or stencil that will help you cut it into the countertop. Usually it comes as a package, so do not rush to tear it, see if there is a picture on the cardboard. If not, then we will tell below how to mark a place on the surface by attaching a sink to it.

How to cut a sink in a countertop so as not to damage its edges - secure the cut from below with tape

  1. The siphon, water inlet and outlet pipes are not included in the sink kit or very rarely, so do not forget to purchase them additionally.

Tip: do not fix the countertop on the cabinet of the kitchen set, if possible, in this case it will be easier to work with the overhead sink, and in the case of a mortise sink, this is a prerequisite.

We make a place for an overhead sink

It doesn't matter what configuration the sink will be, the instructions will be exactly the same:

  1. Before you cut out the sink in the countertop, choose a place for it.
    In doing so, make sure that:
    • it had a free access to water and sewer pipes;
    • there was an indent of at least 60 mm from the edge, otherwise the thin layer can be broken;
    • were not located under the tabletop bearing structures pedestals, they cannot be cut during operation, otherwise the reliability of the headset will decrease.

Tip: secure the cut with masking tape from the bottom so that when approaching the end of the saw, the material does not fall and damage the countertop, or use the “help of a friend” to support it from below at this moment.

Take an electric drill with a Ø 10 mm drill and drill a hole in the countertop at the inner mark to insert a jigsaw file into it. Then slowly and carefully cut along the line.

To install a sink in a countertop, you need to spend a lot of time and work. But if you cut a hole in the furniture block correctly and install it, washing dishes will not seem like such a burdensome task. Next, we will talk about how to cut a countertop for a sink.

Making and applying a template

The process of installing a sink in a countertop consists of several stages. To properly perform this time-consuming work, you must carefully cut a hole in the countertop, while it is advisable to follow the instructions below.

  • First you need to purchase a blank sheet of cardboard required size, from which the template will be cut. This work step will be simplified if the manufacturer, as is often the case, makes the template himself and puts it in the product packaging. It remains only to cut the template along the traced contour with scissors. If there is no template, you need to take the sink, turn it upside down, attach it to the cardboard, then use a pencil to draw the necessary outline and cut the template along the finished contour. If there is no packaging with a picture, and there is no necessary sheet of cardboard, the outline of the inverted sanitary ware is carried out directly on the countertop.
  • Next, you need to evaluate the future location of the furniture block. It is necessary to know in advance where the mixer will be installed, how to make the piping, whether it is expected to cut the countertop before the final installation. It is also necessary to look at the design of the furniture from the inside. This will allow you to determine which elements, if necessary, can still be cut, and which cannot be touched - the supporting fragments of the countertop must remain intact and intact.

  • Once the template is ready, it's time to use it. To mark the tabletop, you need to attach a template to its surface, while it must be motionless. After this operation, a contour is drawn. The same work is carried out if a factory template is available. On the circled line, it will be possible to cut immediately. If cardboard is used or an inverted sink was outlined in pencil on the countertop, there is additional work to be done. The fact is that the drawn line will repeat the edges of the sink, and its bowl will be inserted into the future hole. Therefore, you need to draw one more contour - the inner one. When drawing it, you need to take into account the distance from the edge of the sink to the fastening elements of the plumbing fixture. The result is new template, which is focused on the dimensions of the bowl. It is applied to the surface of the countertop and a new contour is applied along which it will be possible to cut a hole.
  • There is an option in which a cardboard template is attached to the surface of the countertop and a hole is sawn along its edges. If you look at such work with practical side- this is inconvenient - it is better to draw a contour with a pencil. When cutting along a drawn line, there is a real possibility of chipping on the inside edges of the countertop. To avoid marriage, it is recommended to stick masking tape on the surface in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intended contour, which can be easily removed in the future. In order to start sawing, it is necessary to make a hole with a drill in the body of the countertop from the inside of the drawn line. V drilled hole the jigsaw file is pulled out, after which it is fixed in the tool. You need to saw carefully and without haste, since when pressed, the canvas can go away from the intended contour.
  • The resulting cut is cleaned with sandpaper, blown and thoroughly lubricated with silicone. Thanks to this composition, the harmful effects of moisture on the cut surface will be minimized. If any fragments of the furniture block interfere with the installation of the sink bowl, they must be carefully trimmed. Measurements for trimming must be done accurately - it is not recommended to perform such work “by eye”. You need to know that when using the manufacturer's template, cutting out internal elements is much easier and easier, since such nuances are also provided for in its manufacture.

Installing a sink in a countertop

  • To get started final assembly washing, it is necessary to do some compulsory work. First you need to try on the pipes and assemble the siphon, then in the internal structure of the countertop you need to make holes for sewerage and water supply. All these works are performed with a jigsaw or a crown. After that, the installation of the mixer is carried out, if a place has been prepared for it on the countertop. In addition, if necessary, cut the hoses. If the mixer will be installed on the sink itself, a place for the equipment is determined on the plumbing fixture and a hole of the desired diameter is drilled.
  • Before installing the sink, a sealing tape is put on the sanitary ware - it, as a rule, comes with the appliance. The tape is fixed near the edge, while leaving a special groove free, into which silicone will be poured. Then fasteners are installed in their places, which, when tightened, are not tightened - they will be fixed tightly after the entire structure is finally aligned. If the faucet is to be fixed to the sink, it is time to mount it. The hole is abundantly smeared with silicone, after which the sanitary ware is installed in the hole for the sink. Before installation, the fasteners must be bent. In order for the sink to sit in its place and fit well into the contour of the opening, you need to move the plumbing fixture a little. After that, you need to climb under the sink and finally tighten the fasteners. While the sealant is in liquid state, it is wiped off - after a while the composition will seize and harden. If gaps remain somewhere, they also need to be sealed with sealant.

The sink is installed on the countertop. Plumbing fixtures can be used.


The correct preparation of the hole in the countertop and the installation technology of the sink are shown in the following video:
