Old sewer in the apartment. We make sewerage in the apartment

The sewerage scheme in the apartment is a non-pressure system in which drains move towards the riser due to the slope of the pipes. The lowest point apartment sewerage is a tee input to the common house riser.

In most houses that were built about 30 years ago, a bathroom and a bathroom were located next to the kitchen. With such a system, all sewage water is collected in a single system, starting from the kitchen, then passes through the bathroom and toilet, and finally merges into a common riser. Thanks to the exit of the upper part of the riser to the roof, the entire system is provided with good ventilation.

Sewer pipes are laid with a uniform slope, which contributes to the uninterrupted flow of effluents. If the specified angle of inclination of the pipes is violated, blockages may form at the bends.

The optimal slope of pipes with a diameter of 40-50 mm is 3%, that is, 3 cm per meter of sewer pipe, 85-100 mm - 2%.

It is with such slope parameters that the effect of pipe self-cleaning is most fully manifested. This effect consists in a combination of a certain speed of movement of wastewater and the required degree of filling of the pipes, at which the waste is washed out without stagnation in the pipes. With an increase in the angle of inclination, the speed of movement of drains will increase, and the occupancy will decrease, a decrease in the angle will cause the opposite effect. In both cases, the self-cleaning process will deteriorate.

That is why the laying of sewerage in an apartment is carried out in only two ways:

  • at a slope of 2-3%,
  • vertically.

Vertical wiring is used in cases where the optimal slope does not provide the pipe to the required height of the plumbing fixture.

How to sewer in an apartment

Due to the presence in modern apartments many plumbing fixtures, an extensive sewerage system is currently relevant, each branch of which is laid with an optimal slope.

Not all plumbing fixtures need to be connected to the sewer. Devices such as a heated towel rail and a water heater are connected only to the water supply system, since they do not form drains.

As a rule, in modern apartments, the internal sewer system is connected to the riser by inserting a cross with three outlets into it. The diameter of two branches is 50 mm, and the third - 100 mm.

Inserting additional crosses into the sewer is not possible, since the location of additional entry points above the main cross will require too high an arrangement of plumbing fixtures, and below it will affect the territory of neighbors.

The standard wiring of the sewerage in the apartment is carried out as follows:

  • a toilet bowl and a bidet are connected to the main line with a diameter of 100 mm;
  • all other toilet and bathroom appliances are connected to the first main line with a diameter of 50 mm - a shower cabin, a bathtub, sinks, a washing machine;
  • kitchen plumbing fixtures - a sink and a dishwasher are connected to the second main main pipe with a diameter of 50 mm.

Features of connecting plumbing fixtures

The height at which the plumbing fixture should be located depends on its distance from the main riser. Since all pipes are led with a uniform slope upwards, the farther the device is located from the riser, the higher the drain must be raised relative to the entry point.

In the sewer system, there are two devices that do not need to be raised above the floor to drain them:

  • washing machine,
  • Dishwasher.

They are equipped with centrifugal pumps that remove waste water with force, rather than gravity. The points of connection of these devices to the sewer system can be located even above the plane on which these devices stand. Therefore, the dishwasher and washing machine can be installed at the furthest and highest points of the sewer system.

Connection to the sink sewerage system and kitchen sink can be carried out at a height of 50-60 cm from the floor surface. At the same time, the devices themselves do not need to be lifted, since the drains from these devices can be located at a distance of 70-80 cm from the plane on which the device is installed.

Varieties of sewer pipes and features of their laying

For the installation of a sewer system in an apartment, most often, three types of polymer pipes are used:

  • polypropylene,
  • polyethylene,
  • polyvinyl chloride.

There is no fundamental difference between them when used in the conditions of intra-apartment wiring. Pipes - PVC and polypropylene - can be equipped with additional sound insulation. Cast iron sewer pipes are practically not used.

Sewerage repair in the apartment , carried out with the help of polymer pipes, simplified as much as possible. Easy assembly technology is provided by the special design of these pipes. Each segment, and its length can vary from 300 mm to 3 m, on the one hand is equipped with a coupling with sealing ring from rubber. There is a chamfer at the other end of the pipe. All connecting parts also have a coupling with a rubber ring at one end.

For laying a sewer branch, a pipe section is taken, if necessary, cut to size, inserted with the smooth side into the coupling of the next section or connecting fitting.

One small but important rule must be observed.

The pipe is first inserted into the coupling until it stops, and then slightly (by 10-15 mm) is moved back.

Thus, a damping gap will be formed in the connection, which will compensate for the thermal expansion of the pipe. When exposed hot water polymer pipe, which has a significant coefficient of linear expansion, will increase by several millimeters. If the pipe has nowhere to extend, then it will be skewed, which will lead to a violation of the tightness of the coverage of the segment by the sealing ring. The connection will leak.

When laying the sewer network, it is better to avoid right angle turns.

It is advisable to use instead of one corner fitting 90 0 two - 135 each 0 is:

The role of a water seal in the sewer system

Sewer water has bad smell. However, in the apartment we do not feel them thanks to a simple, but very important device- a water seal.

A water seal is a water plug, which is formed when two pipes drop in height. At the same time, a certain amount of water is constantly in the pipe, completely blocking it in cross section, even when the sewer is not used. Sewer gases do not penetrate from the pipes into the room precisely because of this water barrier. At the time of draining, the water plug is replaced with a new one.

If the bathroom is not used for a long time, then the rooms may appear bad smell. This is due to the evaporation of the liquid, which leads to the drying of the water seal.

To fix the problem, it is enough to turn on the taps for a few minutes and drain the water in the toilet.

You can prevent the water seal from drying out with a little trick.

Before leaving the apartment, a small amount is poured into the drain holes. vegetable oil. The oil forms a film that prevents the liquid from evaporating.

The toilet and bidet initially have water seals in their design.

Kitchen sinks, sinks, bathtubs, showers are connected to the system using siphons, which play a dual role:

  • connecting element between the device and the pipe,
  • water seal.

Restoration of the sewerage system in the house is an important part of the repair work inside the apartment. And therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand the principle of operation of the sewer system, which will avoid gross errors in the installation of pipes and plumbing fixtures.

The quality of the home sewer system should not be inferior in reliability to the water supply or electrical network. If the sewerage in the apartment is installed with high quality with your own hands, it will last for more than a dozen years, subject to the installation standards and the use of high-quality Supplies.

Doubt your abilities and afraid to make mistakes? We will help you competently design and install a sewer system. The main thing is to take into account all the basic requirements, choose the right pipes and adhere to the installation technology described in the article.

Before picking up pipes and everything you need, before starting work, you need to understand the principles of the functioning of the sewer system, including observing the angles of inclination so that the pressure in the riser is slightly above atmospheric.

Otherwise, atmospheric air will squeeze out unpleasant sewer gases directly into the apartment. If the internal pressure is too high, then the waste gases can throw out effluents from the siphons.

Let's take a closer look at all the nuances of the sewerage device in the apartment.

Pipe slope is an important condition for the functioning of the system

When laying the highway, it is necessary to observe the horizontal angle, which must be within certain limits. Insufficient will not allow drains to drain normally into the riser. If the slope is too high, the water will drain quickly, leaving dirt on the pipe walls.

Keep an eye on the slope to achieve optimal fluid flow in the sewer and the correct pressure in the pipes. Pipe slope standards must comply with SNiP (+)

The paradox is that with a high "fluidity" the sewer will become clogged.

The dependence of the pipeline laying slope on the section of the pipeline:

  • 30 mm/m at 50 mm;
  • 20 mm/m at 110 mm;
  • 8 mm/m at 160 mm;
  • 7 mm/m at 200 mm.

Thus, the maximum slope should be within 150 mm/m. Exceptions are bends up to 1.5 m long for some plumbing fixtures, such as a toilet.

It is possible to connect sewer pipes at a right angle only in a vertical orientation according to the principle of a waterfall.

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The composition should be neutral - it is better to use polyurethane or silicone. Sealant must be applied to each plastic gasket. You don't need to apply anything to the rubber seals.

You need to lubricate the outer part of the pipe, which will be in contact when connected, as well as the inside of the pipe. We connect each section separately. After the sealant has hardened, you need to check the entire system for leaks by running water into the drain from all plumbing, including the bathroom. In this case, there should not be a drop of water on the floor.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Installing a sewer in an apartment is a laborious process, but knowing the intricacies will help you complete competent installation. Use video tips to expand your knowledge and watch the professionals at work.

Now you know how to plan and conduct sewerage in an apartment. The process of dismantling and installation of equipment is accompanied by many professional nuances Therefore, if necessary, it is better to contact specialists.

Do you have experience in solving such problems? Or have questions about the arrangement of sewerage in the apartment? Please share your opinion and leave comments. The contact block is located below.

The dismantling of the old sewer system in an apartment is in many ways a more responsible procedure than in a private house. Indeed, in case of errors, not only your home, but also the apartments of your neighbors can suffer. For this reason, many owners hire a professional team to work with sewers, whose services are not the cheapest. But if you want to save money and are a happy owner skillful hands, you can replace the apartment sewer yourself.

The first thing you should do on the way to new system intra-apartment sewerage is to draw a future network. This is important to do even if you plan to replace pipes and some plumbing equipment, and not redo sewer scheme, changing the position of sanitary appliances and the places where pipes pass.

It is not necessary to draw up a drawing, as is done in design organizations, but the diagram should be as detailed as possible.

The plan should show:

  • lengths of all pipes to scale;
  • be sure to indicate the diameters of pipelines, their number, as well as the number and location of all connecting elements and hydraulic seals;
  • sketch the sanitary facilities and their location;
  • the location of the riser;
  • the number of pipes and the distance from them to the walls;
  • location of inspection hatches;
  • pipeline slope.

In order to correctly draw up a plan for arranging the drainage system, as well as to implement it, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of installing an internal sewer network.

Rules for arranging sewerage in an apartment

Since the replacement of the sewer will take place in apartment building, in which the apartments located one above the other have a common riser, then do not forget to notify the neighbors about the upcoming work. After all, you will cause them a number of inconveniences, which is better to warn about.

In addition, you will have to agree with the organization involved in home maintenance to turn off the water supply. So, at least you will protect yourself from the activities of forgetful neighbors associated with the bathroom.

From a purely technical point of view, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances.

  1. Many experts do not recommend replacing cast iron riser without special need, since this material is really durable, and the dismantling of a cast iron pipe is a complex process, which, if necessary, is best left to professionals.

  2. The modern material most suitable for self-assembly are pipes and fittings made of plastic.

  3. An important condition for the installation of wiring is compliance with the slope for each running meter pipeline. The amount of inclination depends on the diameter of the pipe. If the pipe cross section is 5 cm, then the slope should be about 3 cm, with a diameter of 11 cm - 2 cm. A change in the slope should not be allowed both up and down, because this will eventually lead to blockage.

  4. The diameter of the pipes depends on their purpose. The riser, which will take over the drains in large portions, should have a cross section of 100-110 mm. This applies, for example, vertical pipe, collecting sewage toilets, washing machines and dishwashers.
    If the installation of the latter is not planned, and the bathroom has a separate riser, then the vertical pipeline that receives water from the kitchen may have a diameter of 5 cm. For sewerage, it is better to use pipes with a diameter of 4-5 cm.
  5. It is important to consider that the sewer system is subject to dynamics during operation. For this reason, when socket connection it is necessary to insert the smooth end of one pipe into the socket of the other not completely, leaving a gap of 10 cm.
    This compensates for the increase in pipe length as the temperature rises. Another dynamic is associated with the creation of internal stress in the pipeline, which is regulated by two types of fastening the riser with clamps, which will be discussed below.
  6. On pipes that drain water from kitchen sinks and dishwashers, it is recommended to install grease traps.

  7. Of all plumbing fixtures, a toilet must be located at the lowest point of the intra-apartment sewer network.
  8. It is mandatory to have water seals after plumbing, in which there is a liquid that prevents the penetration of fetid odors into the room.

    Water seal for sewerage

  9. If during the operation of the old network a characteristic smell emanated from the plumbing drains, and during the descent of water from the toilet or washing machine a loud squelching sound was heard from the pipes, this indicates poor ventilation of the riser. Possibly got stuck fan pipe. Then you need to call a locksmith from the organization serving your home. However, in some cases, simply cleaning the ventilation is not enough. Then the riser is equipped with a check valve.

After all measurements are made, a scheme is drawn up, taking into account all the nuances, and selected and purchased necessary materials, you can proceed with the dismantling process, if we are talking about replacing the old network.

Dismantling the old network

It is possible to remove used pipes only when the water supply is turned off.

Start by dismantling the riser. It is easier if the replacement of this vertical pipe occurs simultaneously for all neighbors. However, this option is rare.

Much more often they change the system in only one apartment. Let's consider this option.

The work associated with the dismantling of the riser is dangerous and requires a certain skill, so it is better to invite a specialist to carry it out. In any case, you can not do without a partner.

Step 1. The riser is fixed from above with the help of two half-brackets connected to each other with studs built into the wall. Between the half brackets and the pipe itself, you need to lay a rubber gasket. This measure will allow, when removing part of the riser, not only to avoid the fall of its section coming from the higher living neighbors, but also to compensate for the vibration that will appear during the dismantling process.

Step 2. First, all plumbing fixtures are separated from the sewer network. Make the most of the bathroom.

Step 3. Cut off the pipe going to the tee, leaving small plot pipeline. This measure will facilitate the further dismantling of the tee.

Note! Cutting old pipes must be done carefully, not only if you plan to keep the riser or at least the tee. The reason for caution is the brittleness of cast iron. During dismantling, vibration is created, from which the riser itself may suffer, and the fragment may clog the pipe.

Step 4. 2 oblique cuts are made in the center of the riser so that maximum distance between them was 12 cm.

Step 5. Inserting the wedges first into the lower and then into the upper cut, with a chisel and a hammer, carefully remove the pipe section between the cuts.

Step 6. While one person holds the old pipe on top, the other cleans the top joint of the old pipes. If the seal is made with sulfur, then the junction can be heated with a burner. The sulfur will melt and can be removed with a knife.

Step 7. Swing the pipe along with the cross, so that later they can be pulled out of the socket of the pipe going to the neighbors from below. This joint can also be fixed with gray.

Step 8 Clean the socket of the pipe going to the neighbors from the old sealant.

The old riser is removed, you can proceed with the installation of a new one.

Installation of a new riser

If you removed not only part of the riser, but also the tee, the installation of a vertical pipe can be done according to the following scheme.

Step 1.

Step 2. Now a tee is installed in the socket.

Note! In some cases, the connection of the cross with the socket may not seem strong enough. This is corrected by using special silicone or plumbing tow.

Step 3 On the wall, mark the axis of the riser with a pencil.

Step 4. Assemble the riser without rubber seals and install it in place for the purpose of verification. At this point, you can mark the places for mounting fasteners on the wall. AT standard apartments 3-4 clamps are enough. If there are any errors in the assembly of the riser, then they are corrected.

Note! Do not forget about the inspection hatches on the riser. They will help in inspecting the vertical pipe for blockage and cleaning it.

Step 5 Mount brackets on the wall.

Note! Brackets are desirable to use, since it is not recommended to install the pipe close to the wall.

Step 6. Assemble the riser for finishing, this time using rubber seals and hermetic grease. Connect it to the top cast iron pipe cuff, and the lower part is inserted into the tee. Fix the riser to the wall with clamps.

There are 2 types of fixation.

  1. Near the sockets, a rigid fastening is used, carried out with the help of tightly tightened clamps with rubber gaskets.
  2. Additional fixation can be carried out with a floating connection, which is produced by the same clamps. In this case, a rubber gasket is not used, and the fasteners are not tightened much.

Riser installation completed. You can start distributing.

Video - Replacing the sewer riser

It makes no sense to dwell on the dismantling of old horizontal sewer pipes. The main thing is to free the pipes from concrete and carefully disconnect from the tee. Since the pipeline is old and it is not necessary to maintain its integrity, it is much easier to dismantle it.

The principle of installing a new wiring is not much different from installing a riser.

Step 1. First, an axis for the passage of future pipes is drawn on the wall with a pencil, observing the slope. Often a strobe is made in the wall, in which the wiring fixed with clamps is laid.

Note! The width of the strobe should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pipeline laid in it.

Step 2 Produce a rough assembly of the pipeline without gaskets and apply it to the wall.

Note! The bells must face the movement of water.

Step 3 Collect the pipeline from the place where it enters the tee to plumbing fixtures. All connections are made using rubber seal and sealant. The ends of the pipes must be chamfered and free from unevenness.

Concealed plumbing and sewerage

Step 4 Fix the pipe to the wall with clamps, which should be located at a distance of no more than half a meter from each other.

Note! Part of the clamps must rigidly fix the pipe, while in others the pipeline must have a floating stroke to compensate for the vibration of the pipes during the movement of water.

Step 5. The toilet is connected to the riser using corrugated pipe at least 10 cm in diameter.

Step 6. Connect the rest of the sanitary equipment to the wiring.

After installation, first carry out a visual inspection for leaks. Then you can turn on the water and use it to accurately check the strength of the joints.

Video - How to connect metal-plastic pipes

Checking pipe joints

To make sure that the pipes are hermetically connected to each other in a divorce and a riser, you must proceed as follows.

  1. Dial the bathroom by closing the overflow hole.
  2. Release the drains and at the same time open the hot and cold water at full power.
  3. Plug the drain hole on the toilet. It is convenient to use a plunger for this.
  4. Fill the toilet with a bucket of water to the brim and open the drain.
  5. Ask the neighbors from above to drain the water to check the tightness of the riser.

If the work is done qualitatively, then there should be no water at all at the joints.

Such hard work to be done to replace the sewer network inside the apartment. If you doubt that you can do it efficiently and in a short time, then contact the experts. After all, the neighbors also do not come to wait while you deal with the nuances of dismantling the old and installing a new network on the spot.

Video - Laying plastic sewer

Repair and replacement of sewerage in the apartment - complex technological processes. They should be started after completion. preparatory activities. Work is carried out in a limited time. in hostels with a large number blocking access to the common riser is not permissible. All materials are purchased in advance.

Determination of the angle of inclination of pipes

The peculiarity of the apartment sewer system is that it has a non-pressure character. Drains move to the riser due to their own weight and the slope of the pipes. The bottom mark is the tee of the entrance to the common riser. AT standard apartment sewer water goes from the kitchen through the bath and the bathroom and merges at the entrance to the riser. The order of the pipes and the places of their connection, even in one entrance, may vary. The sewerage scheme in the apartment is individual. Without its detailed study, it is unproductive to carry out any work. Installation errors are inevitable.

The main questions that should be answered are related to the angle of inclination of pipes, the number and shape of their bends and joints. The slope must maintain its value throughout the drainage system. It is calculated for a specific pipe diameter. When replacing old drains, taking into account the cross-section of new products is mandatory. The formula for calculating the angle of inclination is complex and only qualified engineering staff can do it. Therefore, you should use ready-made tabular data that is available in the public domain.

In an apartment, determining the angle of flow has considerable difficulties. The limited space makes it necessary to take measurements in short sections. Operating with small numbers is fraught with unacceptable discrepancies in the final results. This will affect the effect of self-cleaning the pipe. It is achievable if the speed of movement of wastewater and the filling of the water supply system have optimal values. In this case, the organic matter is completely washed out. Blockages in the sewer are practically not formed. For angles above the limit allowable norms, the velocity of liquid fractions increases. The filling of the pipe is reduced. Solid elements remain in it and eventually clog the conduit. At a low slope, the opposite effect occurs. Silting most often occurs in places of bends and joints. For pipes with a rough inner surface (cast iron, polyethylene) this process carried out faster.

Some values ​​​​of the angles of inclination of the sewer pipe are given in table 1.

In practical terms self-assembly sewerage in the apartment provides for laying pipes in two ways: at a slope of 0.02 - 0.03 and vertically.

Vertical installation is used if the normal slope does not contribute to the discharge of the drain to the required height of the plumbing unit.

Sewerage device in the apartment

In residential areas, as a rule, a stable set plumbing devices. This is a sink in the kitchen, a bathtub, a sink, a toilet bowl, a washing machine. Sometimes a dishwasher, a shower, a bidet are added to them. There are two bathrooms, two toilets. The general wiring of the sewerage system in the apartment is typical.

The installation of the drain is carried out taking into account the fact that the structure in the final part cuts into the riser through the tee. Two outlets have a diameter of 50 mm, and one has a diameter of 100 mm. Additional connections are not possible. The angle of inclination of the pipe will be violated. To correct the situation, the sewerage in the apartment must undergo reconstruction. Plumbing products will have to be raised a few centimeters. For the convenience of using them - to build podiums.

The tee in the riser occupies the lowest point in the apartment. Under it, additional connecting elements cannot be inserted. A toilet bowl and a bidet are connected to the main 100 mm pipe. With combined bathrooms, a bathtub or a washing machine is added. The next highway includes all the appliances and units of the bathroom, and the third - the kitchen.

When deciding how to conduct sewerage in an apartment, big problems with the connection of plumbing fixtures does not arise. Usually they are installed at a sufficiently high height from the sewer pipes and connected to them by vertical drains. In large dwellings, when the distance from the riser to the devices is large, it may be necessary to lift them. But great difficulty this moment does not cause, as the owners arrange multi-tiered rooms. Some difficulties are caused by connections with the sewerage of dishwashers and washing machines. But with the help of hoses, they remove wastewater through other sanitary equipment.

Connection of drainage devices is carried out in convenient conditions. Serious, difficulties arise with strengthening the riser, without which sewerage in an apartment with your own hands is impossible. Be sure to strengthen the top of the riser. Old fasteners, if they have already served for several years, must be replaced with new ones. From constant vibration in the house, they loosen. It is pointless to tighten bolts on them, they rust, form large gaps. It is better to strengthen the risers with more modern screeds. They prevent vibration vibrations of products and endow them with anti-noise properties. Bottom part the riser is strengthened as close as possible to the ceiling and even with some entry into it. In this case, the section of the riser associated with the apartment will be less dependent on the flaws of the downstairs neighbor, who may not strengthen his node. Properly executed fastening of the riser will minimize the risk of a sewer accident.

It is best to strengthen the risers outside the joints of the section near your apartment. This will ensure that the foreign section will not be a hindrance in the future.

When working with a riser, it should be borne in mind that made of cast iron, it is very fragile. Subject to corrosion. It is impossible to replace it yourself. This would be against the laws of the country. Preventive maintenance will prolong its life. But in case of damage to the riser - payment for repairs at the expense of the culprit.

The arrangement of sewerage in the apartment is not regulated by any documents. The owner of the object is free to choose materials. The repair carried out is not controlled by anyone, if the neighbor from below is not flooded. But the responsibility for all the shortcomings also lies with him.

With this in mind, a responsible approach to the selection of material for sewerage is required. It appears that financial savings are undesirable in this case. They are not so large in comparison with a private house. The best option is plastic pipes, especially polymeric ones. Anti-noise products are preferred, They not only create comfortable conditions for living, but also have high strength qualities. Constructed of two pipes, the product has a long service life. Deadlines have not yet been determined. Properly mounted, it will not cause trouble with sewage for a long time.

The main requirement is to use regular fasteners.

and complex in design, difficult to assemble. But the resulting effect compensates for all financial and labor costs. Drainage systems made of polymer composite materials are easily installed and dismantled. They have a smooth inner surface. Almost no blockage. Easily matched to any sewer scheme in the apartment. Steel pipes Difficult to connect with plumbing fixtures. AT polymer products branches for connections are easily mounted. Couplings are used for this. They are made from the same polymer composites.

An important point in repairing sewers is to check for leaks. To do this, the sewer must be tested in maximum load mode. The bathtub is filled completely (up to the overflow mode). All cold and hot water taps open. All water, including from the toilet bowl, descends. Check to see if it's all gone. Special attention given to junctions. If deficiencies are identified, they are eliminated. Joints are re-processed by special means. After they dry, testing activities continue. If an error occurred with the choice of slope, then all work is redone.

When deciding how to properly make a sewer in an apartment, the owners should proceed from the possibility of difficulties with the implementation of the plan. You need to consider your strengths and abilities. It is desirable to consult a specialist when choosing the slope of the conduit. This is the most vulnerable point of the whole structure. Errors must be excluded here.

If the sewer in the apartment has leaked, this problem must be addressed immediately. But not everyone can afford the challenge. good master, and someone wants to try to cope on their own. It happens that constant cleaning of pipes does not work due to their advanced age or the wrong angle of inclination. Problems may be different, but there is only one way to solve - enumeration of the entire system.

If you do not have the required experience, installing a sewer in an apartment will be a serious test. The slightest oversight can end badly, so you should think carefully before you get to work yourself. If you still decide, carefully follow all the instructions to achieve the expected result.

Stages of installation of sewerage in the apartment


Before going to the store and starting work, be sure to draw a diagram of the installation of all equipment. If the sewer system is working properly, it is enough to simply redraw what is already there. If the arrangement of elements, material or diameter change, ask a specialist to check the circuit, it will cost less than correcting errors in an already mounted system.

The wrong angle of inclination of the pipes leads to a rapid clogging of the sewer. Many people mistakenly think that the larger this parameter, the better all waste flows. But for correct operation systems, it is necessary to create a self-cleaning effect so that liquid sewage is washed away by more solid ones. The thinner the diameter, the greater the angle of inclination should be. To create the desired angle, make a vertical pipe segment to the desired level. A few specific values:

There are a few details to consider:

  • The angle in the horizontal plane should not exceed 120 degrees.
  • The rigid supply for the siphon should not be more than 1.5 m, and the corrugated 0.8 m.
  • Mandatory elements on the diagram: the location of the central riser, all fittings and bends, indications of dimensions and location relative to the walls.
  • If the pipes pass through rooms other than the bathroom and kitchen, draw them too.
  • For connecting a washing machine dishwasher no need to observe the angle of inclination, since water is removed from these devices with additional effort.
  • It is better to avoid right angles, because of them blockages will occur more often.

Buying the necessary parts

Pay attention to the type of plastic from which the pipes are made. Three types are especially popular now.

  • Polyethylene. Cheap, but it's not completely sealed and doesn't carry well high temperatures. We do not recommend using it.
  • PVC. Withstands temperatures up to 80 degrees. It can be cleaned only with ultrasound and a plunger, but it is inexpensive and has low hydraulic resistance.
  • Polyisopropylene. Durable and heat resistant. Can be cleaned with a cable and any chemicals, except for alkali and acid concentrates.

When working, plastic pipes are noisy, so think about insulation in advance. For polyisopropylene, any neutral sealant is suitable, and for PVC, only silicone is used.

Choose pipes of the right length so that you do not cut them later. Sometimes it is even worth changing the scheme to save time and materials.

Preparing for installation

To avoid trouble during the dismantling and installation of the sewer system, do all of the following.

  • Warn upstairs and downstairs neighbors not to use the toilet and water.
  • Arrange to turn off the riser taps in the basement.
  • Cover the walls and floor of the toilet or bath with polyethylene.
  • Choose clothes that you don't mind throwing away.
  • Fix the riser at the top. It is recommended to mount 2 half-clamps on anchors with a diameter of more than 12 mm.
  • When working with plumbing, there is always a lot of dirt, so stock up on garbage bags.

First try on the pipes, pay attention to any difficult places to install, draw up a work plan. Mark the pipe connections and anchors on the walls to make it easier to mount the system.

Try to assemble the entire pipeline by simply joining its parts together. Cut the pipes to the desired length, leaving 10-15 mm to spare on the free side. Use a miter box and a hacksaw, keep a 90 degree angle, otherwise you will not achieve complete tightness.


When replacing plastic pipes with new ones made of the same material, they can simply be removed. If you need to dismantle cast iron, you will have to use a diamond-coated grinder. Professionals sometimes use a hammer, but with a large amount of work, you will spend a lot of time with such a tool. First, the pipes are disconnected from the walls and the plumbing is removed, while indicating the location of the bathtub, sink and other items with a pencil. Before starting work, do not forget to turn off the water and warn the neighbors.

If you are dismantling with a hammer, you need to apply strong blows to the protruding parts in order to split and loosen them. Use safety goggles or cover your eyes as pieces of cast iron can damage your eyes.

When cutting cast iron, be sure to wear a respirator, as the resulting dust is very harmful to health.

It is necessary to start disassembling the pipeline from the “tee”, the junction of the apartment sewer with the riser.

  • Disconnect the pipes leading to the "tee".
  • Make a neat cut 10 cm from the riser. Be sure to use a grinder or a hacksaw, as you can damage important parts of the riser with a hammer. Sometimes it is not possible to remove the "tee" the first time. If it does not give in, make a second cut. Insert wedge, chisel or flathead screwdriver. Then strike gently and accurately. Gradually loosen the pipe. In especially difficult cases, it will be necessary to heat the junction with the riser.
  • Clear the bell of all excess. This will allow you to install a new adjustable pipe with high quality.
  • Disassemble the remaining pipeline.
  • Plug all holes with rags. If everything is done carefully, you can turn on the water in the house.


It is customary to start work from the riser and connect the pipes to the toilet, bathroom and other plumbing at the end.

  • Install the cast iron to plastic adapter. The principle of installation depends on the design of the cuff.
  • Insert the first section into the cuff and check if everything is in place.
  • Apply a thin layer of sealant to the inside of the fitting and outside of the pipe to be connected. Unlike rubber gaskets, plastic ones also need to be processed. Wrap the joint with polyethylene. Then level the sealant layer with a brush or piece of cloth. To keep the pipes well, you first need to insert them to the full stop, and then push them back 10-15 mm.
  • Assemble the entire system, the toilet is installed last.
  • Check for leaks.


Do-it-yourself sewerage in an apartment is not as simple as it might seem to someone. Try to start by just drawing up a diagram. If you are not confident in your abilities, do not get down to business. Correcting mistakes will cost more than calling a professional. If you decide to do all the work yourself, we hope that the above tips will be useful to you.