Start in science. How well to be able to read.doc - master class "How to be able to read well"

Goals : broadening the horizons of students, familiarizing with the study of the historical and cultural heritage, instilling a sensitive and careful attitude to books, love of reading, rallying the class team.

Equipment : an exhibition of books, the necessary equipment for a scene, illustrations for fairy tales, posters with the title class hour and a crossword puzzle, tape recorder, audio cassette with song recording.

Introductory speech of the teacher.

From early childhood, the whole human life is inextricably linked with books. The child has not yet learned how to speak properly, and his hearing is already catching his mother's, grandmother's tales or jokes. And fairy tales and jokes are from books. We grow up, go to school, to college, and the whole sea of ​​knowledge that we draw from books picks us up. Through books, we learn about things that we have never seen (and may never see). Through books we learn what thoughts our ancestors had. Through books, we have the opportunity to address the niches of the great-grandchildren who will live centuries after us. And all this thanks to the books.

Books play very important role in our life, and therefore they need to be treated with care, with love. To store books, mankind has invented libraries. It is about them that I will now tell you, because on October 22, the whole planet celebrates World Library Day.

About the history of the emergence of libraries in our state.

Translated from Greek, the word "library" means "book depository" (from "biblion"- a book and" teke"- storage).

The first Russian libraries appeared at the time Kievan Rus... In Kiev, Novgorod, Chernigov, Vladimir, church books were translated, copied and stored. The annals say. That in 1037, Prince Yaroslav the Wise gathered in Kiev many scribes who "copied many books." Some of these books the prince "put in the church of St. Sophia", having founded the first library. Yaroslav himself was very fond of books and literacy. Generally inXIcentury Russia was one of the most literate countries in Europe. Only during Tatar-Mongol invasion the number of schools and libraries has decreased, but they have not disappeared at all. One of the miniatures dedicated to the life of Sergius of Radonezh depicts a school class: five students with books are sitting side by side on a bench, several more people are sitting behind them and on the side, and the teacher is explaining the lesson to Sergius.

Girls usually studied at home, especially the daughters of princes or noble boyars. For example, they wrote about the daughter of the Polotsk prince George Euphrosyne that, without studying in Athens, she attained Athenian wisdom.

The daughters of the Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise were also famous for their education. One of them, Anna, married the French king HenryIwho did not know literacy. It was Anna who signed state documents, since the king put a cross instead of the signature. Anna's brother Vsevolod was also widely educated - he knew five foreign languages... Yaroslav the Wise himself "was diligent in books, and often read in the night and in the day," that is, he loved books and read often both at night and during the day. The chroniclers, when characterizing the princes, never forgot to emphasize their education.

Prince Vladimir Monomakh also highly valued books. He not only read a lot, but also wrote books himself. In the famous "Teaching to Children", he gives instructions that will be useful to modern young man: “What good do you know, do not forget, and what you don’t know how, learn that - as my father, sitting at home, knew five languages ​​...”.

Many Russian libraries did not survive the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Over time, large monasteries such as Kiev-Pechersky, Solovetsky, Kirillo-Belozersky, Trinity-Sergievsky become the main keepers of the "book wisdom" ...

The very word "library" in Ancient Rus almost never used. It is first found in the famous Gennady Bible, translated and rewritten in Novgorod at the endXvcentury. In the margins next to the word “library”, which is unknown to the reader, the translator made an explanation - “book house”. Before that, in different cities, rooms for books were called differently: "book depository", "treasury", "book crate", "book chamber".

One of the most mysterious libraries of that time is the library of Ivan the Terrible. She was brought with her from Byzantium by his grandmother - the Greek princess Sophia Palaeologus, who married IvanIII... According to the stories, the library, which was kept in secret cellars in the Kremlin, contained many priceless, now lost books. By order of Tsarevna Sophia in 1862, Clerk Vasily Makariev went through an underground passage from Taynitskaya Tower to Arsenalnaya. On the way, he saw two chambers, filled with chests to the very vaults. It is believed that it was in them that the library of Ivan the Terrible was kept. These chests were searched for by Prince Shcherbatov at the endXIXcentury. Ignatius Stelletsky at the beginningXxcenturies ... archaeologists carried out work in the Arsenal Tower in 1975 as well. Then the spring in the underground of the tower was finally cleared, but the catacombs of the Moscow Kremlin remained a mystery. Until now, scientists hope that this library has not disappeared, but is waiting for its hour in the mysterious Kremlin dungeons. Perhaps one of the klepomaniacs will be able to unravel the mystery of the royal library.

Another king - PeterI- founded the Academy of Sciences and a library with it. For her, books were bought at home and abroad, many books were received as gifts from private individuals. M.V. has done a lot for the library of the Academy of Sciences. Lomonosov.

Ordinary people - not tsars, not academics or monarchs - could borrow books from libraries for reading at bookstores. For a small fee, books for reading were given out to everyone.

According to the highest behavior of CatherineIIon May 16, 1795, a public library was founded in St. Petersburg. A special building was built for her, in which the library is located today. The first director, A.N. Olenin, created the library almost from scratch - there were only 4 Russian books in his collection. The library opened for readers in January 1814. The famous librarians of Public Library were so active in collecting books that today it is famous for the largest collection of Russian books, including those published abroad. The Russian National Library, as it is called now, contains 32 million books.

At present, the Russian State Library is the largest library in Russia and Europe, with 43 million items in its collection.

It's interesting and unusual!

    Better late than never! Forgetful readers have been at all times. In 1975, the book "Learn to Knit and Embroider" was returned to one of the English libraries. The reader was so fond of her that she kept it for 43 years. But the record of absent-mindedness was set in the library of the University of Cambridge: the book was returned there after ... 300 years!

    Living library. It belonged to the wealthy Roman merchant Itsel. It consisted of ... slaves. He ordered each of them to be a talking book. Once, after a lavish dinner, the conversation turned to scientific subjects. “Bring the Iliad to me,” Itzel ordered the steward. “I'm sorry, sir! The Iliad has a stomach ache! He cannot get up, ”the manager admitted with horror, expecting severe punishment.

    In the service of Her Majesty. The commitment of the British to traditions is known. One of them is observed in the library of the British Museum: to protect books from mice, cats are on the staff of the staff!

    A precious prisoner. In the Middle Ages, books were very expensive. That is why especially valuable copies were chained to the wall or to special music stands so that none of the readers would take the book with them “out of absent-mindedness”.

Indeed, how many interesting things you can learn from books! How good it is to be able to read!

A student recites a poem by Valentin Berestov"How good is it to be able to read ..." :

How good it is to be able to read!

Don't bother your mom

No need to go to grandma:

"Please read, read!"

Don't beg your sister:

"Well, read another page!"

No need to call

No need to wait

And you can take

A group of students perform a scene "Nice thing - a book" :

Characters: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter.

D e d (yawns in a chair) ... Ah! Well, that's wonderful, I slept a bit, and it will be. Let's do a charge: one, two, one, two. Now you can get down to business. That's just what?(Looks around.) And the weather, the weather! Snow is pouring and pouring. White-white. Pum - puru - room - pu - room. What to do, huh? Here is the unsettled(sings) : “We lived with a grandmother two funny goose... "Their ... Oh(bends over in pain) ... Old age is not a joy. I will sit like this now(plays on his lips). "Grandpa, grandpa, eat some candy." - “No teeth! No teeth! " - "Grandpa, grandpa, here's a newspaper." - “No glasses! No glasses! " Ehe-heh! Well, boring things! A-ah-ah! I'll call my grandmother and granddaughter. Perhaps it will be more fun. Grandma! Granddaughter! Somewhere they prayed! Hey! Grandma! Hey! Granddaughter! A? I can not hear! Ah, there you are, hearts. Hey, you that are buried in the tables and are silent? A?

Granddaughter. Grandpa, don't bother me, please.

D e d. Eh?

Granddaughter. Don't bother me, please.

D e d. Come on: don't bother me! I will interfere! I'm bored. Grandma, and grandma, go, eh, clean the cast irons and the pots!

B a b c a. What are you old? It has been told you: do not interfere. Today is a day off, and you are all cast iron.

D e d. Look, tell me please! There is no time for them! Do you think I want to sharpen my fringes with you?

Granddaughter. Don't be angry, dear grandfather. Better sit with us, read something.

D e d. I have already read the newspaper "Dragonfly" ...

B a b c a. Say it too - the newspaper. Don't make the chickens laugh. Only concern from the newspaper. Then they will promise you the end of the world, then Colorado potato beetle, then locusts, then terrorists will be called ... I lived a century, but I have not seen anything like that, thank God. As the sun rises, it rises. Well, what do they write about in your "Dragonfly"?

D e e. They write about a lot. There are different about crises, decrees ...

B a b c a. Boredom, boring!

B a b c a. Like what? Book. Here she is - a friend and helper.

D e e. What kind of book? When they were born we didn't have them in our house.

Granddaughter. And now they will be found, grandfather! Just look at how many of them are here, very different, for every taste.

D e d. Yes, where, granddaughter?

Granddaughter. From the children's library, grandfather. Take what you want, read it. I'm Russians folk tales I read.

D e d. Hmm ... Fairy tales. Is it about Kolobok and about chicken legs?

B a b c a. What are you, old, what chicken legs?

D e d. Don't be angry, grandma. I'm just kidding.(Examines books.) So ... It's not my nature, these are fairy tales. Grandma, and grandma, what are you reading? Let me see. "Ku - li - na - ri - ya". Oh, what pictures, drooling. Are you really going to cook this, grandma?

Granddaughter. Grandpa, choose your little book and sit with us.

D e d. Come on, choose ... "Don't know - ka". Um, some kind of dunno. Granddaughter, and granddaughter, what kind of dunno is this?

Granddaughter. Not like that, but like that. Dunno is a boy who did not know anything, did not read books and got into the most incredible stories... Read it, grandpa, you will like it.

D e d. So this is for the little ones! A book would be more impressive to me. Look, how beautiful - "Fifteen-year-old Captain" Jules Verne. Please tell me at fifteen, and captain! So! What else is there? Do it yourself encyclopedia. Do it yourself! HM. A good book, an irreplaceable thing in the household! "How to nail a hanger." "How to fix a chair." O! This is what you need. Now there is no time to be bored. Oh yes granddaughter, oh yes clever.

Granddaughter. This is not thanks to me, but to those who write, print, design these books ...

D e d. And that's true, granddaughter, thank you and school library! Okay, I went to fix the stool!

B a b c a. And I'll go bake apple pies. Charlotte is called!

Granddaughter. And I'll take this book to my friend. She had wanted to read it for a long time.(Leaves.) Granddad! Granny! I soon!

Teacher: Guys, today we will remember fairy tales, because fairy tales are your first read books. And all of you, of course, love them. Reading fairy tales, you enter a mysterious, wonderful world. In fairy tales, the extraordinary happens: either the Serpent Gorynych takes the beauty to his possessions, then the apple tree rewards the hardworking girl with gold and silver apples, then the cunning fox deceives everyone. Now we will hold a contest dedicated to fairy tales.

Students are divided into two teams, come up with fabulous names for them, and choose team leaders. At this time the song is playing"There are many fairy tales in the world" performed by K. Rumyanova (lyrics by Y. Entin, music by V. Shainsky.)

Competition - warm-up "Who lives here?"

Teams take turns being asked questions to which they must answer. For each correct answer 1 point is awarded.

    This dwelling is made of oak wood. And the red-haired sassy fox kicked out the owner of the hut when her own ice-cold one melted. Name the unfortunate owner.(Hare.)

    One of them has a house made in a quick way from straw, the other is more durable - from branches and twigs, but the third stone house with a sturdy door. Name all three.(Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.)

    This retreat is located on the rooftop of a Stockholm house. And it has a lot to see: cherry pits, nutshells and candy wrappers on the floor. Who is the owner?(Carlson.)

    This building, on command, turns its back to the forest, to the guest in front, and its mistress smells the "Russian spirit".(Baba Yaga.)

    A very cramped and poor dwelling, however, there is a canvas on the wall, behind which is a small door, unlocked with a magic key, which was obtained from the tortoise Tortilla.(Pinocchio.)

    There are eight in the house, fraction one

At the Ilyich outpost

There lived a tall citizen

By the nickname Kalancha.(Uncle Styopa.)

Contest "Postal address"

Teams must write addresses correctly fairytale heroes... Each correct answer brings one point to the team.

    Matroskin the cat (Buttermilk.)

    Gulliver (Lilliputia.)

    Vasilisa the Wise(Far Far Away kingdom.)

    Dunno (Flower city.)

    Scattered (Basseinaya street.)

    Great Goodwin (Emerald City.)

    Captain Vrungel(Yacht "Trouble".)

    Alice (Through the looking glass.)

Contest "Let's Draw Pinocchio"

One person from each team should draw Pinocchio with his eyes closed.

Competition "Notice board"

From the text of the ad, teams are asked to guess who wrote it. For each correct answer - 1 point.

    I offer the services of a governess. I will teach ill-mannered boys to read, count, write, and also good manners.(Malvina.)

    To all princes! For the next hundred years, do not bother with your kisses - I really want to sleep.(Sleeping Beauty.)

    An experienced carpenter will use the customer's material to shape your kids, some of them boys.(Papa Carlo.)

    I will write your memoirs for you, I will teach you how to compose puffs, nozzles, grumblers, etc.(Winnie the Pooh.)

    To the one who found the key from precious metal I guarantee a reward.(Pinocchio.)

    I sell chicken legs left after the redevelopment of the hut.(Baba Yaga.)

    I teach artistic whistle.(The nightingale is a robber.)

    The travel agency offers exceptional travel on the Gray Wolf.(Ivan Tsarevich.)

    Veterinary services with departure to any part of the world.(Dr. Aibolit.)

    The security agency needs 33 robust employees for permanent work... (Chernomor.)

    I rent a roof. Payment by confectionery... (Carlson.)

    Golden eggs. Expensive.(Ryaba Chicken.)

    I'll take the pies to your grandmother.(Little Red Riding Hood.)

    I will wash everything! (Moidodyr.)

    Entertainment for you: singing songs, gnawing nuts.(Squirrel.)

Captains competition "Romashka"

Team captains are invited to choose a chamomile petal, on the back of which are written various issues... For each correct answer, the captain receives two points.


    Where did the woman get flour for Kolobok?(I scratched the bottom of the barrel, swept it over the barns.)

    Who are we talking about? A girl appeared more often than a flower, and that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.(Thumbelina)

    What did the Fairy make a carriage for Cinderella?(From pumpkin.)

    Name three fairy tales with the main character Ivan.

    Who defeated the Cockroach from Korney Chukovsky's fairy tale "Cockroach"?(Sparrow.)

    What is the name of the girl who saved Kai's brother?(Gerda.)

    What color was Malvina's hair?(Light blue.)

    Who are we talking about? Not lying on the window, rolled along the path.(Gingerbread man.)

Competition "Fairytale Crossword"

A poster with a crossword puzzle is hung on the board. The students solve it, while in the selected cells the surname of the famous storyteller (Andersen) is obtained. The questions are read to the teams in turn. The team member who gave the correct answer goes to the board and fills in the boxes of the crossword puzzle, while the team gets one point.


    What was the name of the boy whose heart almost turned to ice?(Kai.)

    Who could make a magic jug that told. What do they say in every home?(Swineherd.)

    What was the duckling like before it became a swan?(Nasty.)

    What was the name of the girl who makes a long journey in a fairy tale?(Gerda.)

    What helped the princess become the prince's wife?(Pea.)

    Who wanted to change the tail for the legs?(Mermaid.)

    Who flew in the fall to winter in warm countries?(Swans.)

    What did the old witch in the hollow need?(Flint.)


The teacher sums up the results of the competition, presents the prizes necessary for reading books to the teams (bookmarks), thanks the students for their active work.

Guys, I see that you all read a lot, and own big amount information. I wish you never offend books and do not forget about them. Read more and learn a lot!

Education of independence in children. Mom, can I do it myself ?! Vologodskaya Olga Pavlovna

How good it is to be able to read!

Don't bother your mom

Don't shake your grandmother:

"Please read, read!"

Don't beg your sister:

"Well, read another page."

No need to call

No need to wait

V. D. Berestov

Many modern parents are in a panic: their children do not want to read for any price! And, of course, this causes anxiety mainly among those parents who themselves like to read. They are worried that a child may not go to university, grow up as a limited person, uneducated, and have communication problems. There is one more thing. We all remember how we read in childhood books by A. Dumas, A. Lindgren, L. Kassil, imagined ourselves the heroes of the described adventures. Why children deliberately deprive themselves of such pleasure, parents do not understand.

What causes such indifference or even dislike of reading in children? Why do these feelings arise?

Sometimes it comes straight from parents who do not read and believe that they can live well without it.

One more important point- the wrong approach to teaching reading. Remember how all of us were taught in childhood to read by syllables, to name the letters correctly? It was fun? Not good. More than one child went through a book thrown into a corner, irritation of parents with the "stupidity" of the child, tears of both. It is natural that a child, when he is just starting to learn to read, makes many mistakes. Do not be angry, do not scold him for them, be patient. Do not rape him if he is not located in this moment to read, but on the contrary - wants to take a walk or play. There will be no sense from such reading.

I remember teaching my four-year-old son to read. He did not want to master this science in any way. Since he was (and remains) a fidget, it was more interesting for him to play or run, but not to sit over a primer, mastering the wisdom of reading. And then I decided to postpone the training. After a while, the teacher in kindergarten she said to me: "And you know, he can read with you!" To say that I was surprised is to say nothing, but the fact remains. The little knowledge that we mastered with such difficulty did not disappear from his head, but firmly settled there, so that in one wonderful moment go outside in an orderly way. I must say that everyone in our family reads a lot, they read a lot to him. Therefore, the initial knowledge that he received while mastering the primer lay on the prepared ground.

The choice of books is also of great importance. What are you reading to your child? Do not chase after the newfangled children's literature, as a rule, it is of very little use, and there are often many mistakes there. Refer to already recognized examples of classical literature - Russian, Soviet, foreign. If you were brought up on "Carlson" and "Winnie the Pooh", then why not introduce your child to these books?

For a child who is beginning to read, choose books with large letters, bright beautiful pictures... For many years now, books with illustrations by V. Suteev have been enjoying the well-deserved success. If you decide to turn to modern children's literature, do not be too lazy to read it yourself, at least the beginning, and pay attention to the narration, the heroes, whether the book will be difficult for your child's perception.

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When using materials from this site - and placing a banner - MANDATORY !!!

    Materials sent: Daria Romanova

(V. Berestov)

What is the beauty of reading? You read a lot - you know a lot.

It's no secret: now the book is overshadowed by television, the computer. Of course, see the fairy tale in color; find the answer to the right question on the Internet it is much easier than finding it in a book yourself, going into the reading room in the library, leafing through the encyclopedia. Ready-made answers and solutions do not provide solid knowledge. After all, for a long time, what the person himself did, did, remains in the memory. Better you remember what you found and read by yourself.

Through reading, the internal and external culture of a person is instilled. He becomes the standard of politeness, good manners, education. Such a person himself will not do bad, and will teach another good.

Here over the totality of these personal qualities man and works teaching staff GOU SOSH №1371 with in-depth study of English language in close collaboration with the central children's library No. 17 "Smena".

Each new school year the teacher primary grades begin with the introduction of 1st grade students to the library. The head of the children's library, Alexandrova Marianna Vladimirovna, does not just talk with children, but conducts an excursion to all departments of the library, introduces the contents of stands and shelves, advises first graders on how to make reading a favorite pastime. The employees of the subscription hall give out library cards to children, which open the way for live communication with the book.

The school organizes contests, reading conferences and olympiads in the Russian language - "The Word about Words"; mathematics - " Magic numbers"; on history -" Streets of Krylatskoye "," Heroic defenders of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War ", etc. The library provides students necessary materials to prepare for participation in creative and intellectual activities.

For a long time, the children remembered the meetings with the writers E. Uspensky, G. Osterman.

For example, in September 2007, the children met with the young writer Dina Krupskaya, with the editor of the Yeralash newsreel, Sergei Georgievich Georgiev.

And how many meetings were there in absentia with classic writers: Boris Zhitkov, Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky, Vitaly Bianki, V. Berestov, where children learn about an interesting and sometimes difficult writing path, but love for the people around them, for nature, for books, for history writers as donors of goodness, nobility, joy to many generations of people. By imbuing with respect and trust in the writer, students take a greater interest in the works they write.

Excursions to Peredelkino, and then conversations with children at school or library help them to understand a lot, to learn the main thing - a real person is born through knowledge true values, developed by mankind and most often clothed in the form of a book.

Skillful summing up and vivid exchange of impressions from visits to the historical museum "Borodino", the museum "Borodino panorama" and the many things that have been read, heard about the events of 1812, puts students in the place of the heroes of this war and makes them more sublime and patriotic. Children write reviews about the excursion and conversations, create their own panorama of what they saw.

And how many were read by students on the topic "Great Patriotic War": about the blockade of Leningrad, the Battle of Stalingrad, heroic battles near Moscow, about the Oryol-Kursk Bulge.

Children write essays, decorate stands on these topics, get used to the images of heroes, become accomplices in battles and victories, feel a sense of patriotism and pride for our country, our people.

And we owe all this to the book, school, library.

The great wisdom of the people says:

  • "Reading is the best teaching"
  • "To be friends with a book is not to grieve for a century"
  • "A good book is a best friend."

Additional education teacher

A.A. Romanova

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Alfiya Kadyrova
Synopsis of the lesson on memorizing the poem "How well to be able to read"

1) Introductory part 3 min.

Organizing time

Creating a motive for children's activities

2) Main part 23 min.

Conversation on the topic "School".

Reading poems by educator B... Berestova "How good to be able to

The game "What's superfluous?".

Chatting with children about school supplies.

Inventing riddles with children according to the scheme.

Memorizing a poem.

The game "Question answer".

Storytelling poems by children.

Fizminutka "Change".

Chatting with children about the first grader's first book.

Productive activity, application.

The final part is 3 min.

3) Assessment of the activities of children

Summing up the GCD

The duration of the GCD is 30 minutes.

Theme: « Memorizing a poem B... Berestova "How good to be able to

Target: memorizing a poem children by heart and expressive



Systematize children's knowledge about school.

Continue teaching children to listen poetic work, understand it.

Achieve good memorization of a poem using various


Develop poetic ear.

Development of thinking, memory.


Cultivate an interest in poetry.

Nurture desire memorize poetry.

Equipment: portrait of V. Berestov; scheme of riddles; primer; bookmark;

colored stripes; geometric figures; glue; oilcloth; napkins.

Preliminary work: learning poems composing riddles

according to the scheme.

The course of educational activities

Hello children!

Invented by someone wisely and simply

When meeting, say hello: "Good morning"

Good morning to the sun and the birds

Good morning to smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind, trusting!

Let be good morning- last until evening!

Let's smile at each other so that you and I have good mood.

Sit on the chairs.

Tell me guys what do you like to do?

Play, dance, sing, paint.

You said that you like to play, I suggest you play the game "What

1) ABC book - rubber band - machine Why?

2) Notebook - violet - pen - briefcase

3) Pen - album - ruler - swallow

4) Diary - book - apple

That's right guys, I have listed school supplies. Who needs

school supplies?


What is the ABC book for?

Alina, what is the notebook for?

To write in it, study.

Guys, why do you need a briefcase?

To fold and carry school supplies.

Volodya, do the students need the album?

To paint in it.

Guys, why do you need a diary?

To record homework to give marks.

Well done! We can do it with you OK guess riddles and still know how and

compose them. I will now ask you riddles according to the scheme.

For example:

It can be multi-colored in color, BUT not a rainbow;

It is square or rectangular in shape, BUT not a table;

It is worn to school, BUT not a book;

It is leather BUT not shoes. What is it? "Briefcase"

Well done, guys, and now you try to make a riddle according to the scheme, and we

we'll guess with the guys. (Children make up riddles about school


There is very little time left and you will go to school. What is it for

go to school?

To learn, gain knowledge, be smart.

Well done, at school you will learn a lot of interesting things. What have you learned

kids in kindergarten?

Correctly you learned a lot and of course READ! No wonder

they say: Reading is the best teaching. I will you now read a poem

Valentina Berestova "How be good at reading» .

Don't bother your mom

No need to shake grandma:

“Please read it! Read it! "

No need to beg your sister:

"Well, read another page» .

No need to call

No need to wait

Who wrote poem?

Valentin Berestov

What is the name of poem?

About what poem?

Well done, now we'll play a game "Question answer"... I ask you

questions, and you answer me with suggestions poems.

Need to pester your mom? (no need to pester mom)

Should I shake my grandmother? (no need to shake your grandmother, read it, please!

Should I beg my sister? (no need to beg your sister, well, read more


Should I call? (no need to call)

Must wait? (no need to wait)

Well done. I will you again read a poem and you try

remember it. V. Berestov "How be good at reading» .

will finish. (2 times)

Well done! 2 - 3 people read in full.

Thanks. Guys, what is the name of the time when students are engaged in

And what about the time when the students are resting?


That's right, and we have a break now.

Change! Change! - go in a circle dr for dr

Relax good: - perform hops

You can run and make noise, - run in a circle

Dance and sing songs - dance moves

You can sit down and be silent - squat

Only - mind you! You can't get bored! - perform jumping on toes.

Guys, when you go to first grade, you will have your first book there.

Primer. Do you know that you need to use books carefully, not to get dirty,

do not crush them, for this use the bookmark.

I am a beautiful bookmark.

You need me for order.

Don't turn the page in vain.

Where is the bookmark, there read.

And today you and I will bookmark our first book.

To bookmark we need will: take long strips and

decorate them with a pattern from geometric shapes... Tell me, which ones

do you see geometric shapes on tables?

Triangles, ovals, circles, rectangles.

(Children do the applique - bookmark).

Well done, what beautiful bookmarks we all have today. Take a look

which interesting combination colors, how neatly the work is done. Everything

guys are great. And what did we do with you today?

They talked about school; bookmarked, taught poem.

Valentin Berestov

What's the name poem?

The book is a great teacher and friend, without it the harmonious development of a person is unthinkable, because it forms not only memory, intellect, but also the imagination, moral and spiritual face of each of us. "Tell me what you are reading and I will tell you who you are" - this is how you can paraphrase a wise saying.

Reading is the engine of knowledge of life, without it it loses something very important, dims, dies and is filled with emptiness. The book, especially smart and kind, adds optimism and teaches reflection, changes life and transforms space.

But how can you explain all this to your child, who, instead of reading, wants to scoff in the yard with a soccer ball or sit in front of the TV screen and computer?

I have nothing against soccer balls, racquets, jump ropes, sneakers and tracksuits. Fresh air, healthy sleep after a good walk, outdoor games are great! But if the only way for your child to learn about the world is action movies, TV series and computer games perhaps it's time to sound the alarm.


Play is the main way of mastering the surrounding world and the existence of a child until about 9-10 years of age. Play is the main way of mastering the surrounding world and the existence of a child until about 9-10 years of age. Games shape habits, interests, and morals. There is no compulsion in the game, on the contrary, there is a very high motivation and emotional richness of information. Therefore, what is learned in the game is securely fixed in the mind and is included in your child's gold reserve.

Most simple games with a book:

"Scoring"- this is considering the pictures with the smallest and their sound accompaniment... The child really likes to bellow, like a cow, meow, bark, hiss. It is very important to play with all your soul in order to be emotionally involved in the process. Then contact and pleasure will be complete.

"Peekaboo"- another one interesting shape play activities developing mindfulness. The donkey got lost, walked, walked through the forest and got lost, let's find him. You will see with what delight your child will find this donkey on the very last page of the book. Only if you, too, will participate in this process and comment on your long and persistent search. Hide and seek options can be very diverse. It all depends on your imagination. You can search for something of a specific color, size, shape. Thus, expanding the horizons of the child, later, when you begin to study letters, you can play hide and seek with the letter "A", etc.

"Copying a picture" is very interesting game that makes your little one take a close look at the picture. Together with him, you depict in faces and with the help of objects what is shown in the pictures. You are not just commenting on what is happening, but as if you are constantly referring to the text of the book: “Let's see what is written there next about the Bear, it says that he was very cheerful. How do you think our bear is laughing? Well done! Very good! And then he sat down on a stump. "Etc. You need to provoke the kid all the time so that he looks into the book. She should become his friend, and not just a friend, but the most beloved and interesting. Very often, in the process of such a game, the child learns create a book on his own, he comes up with a script. Encourage such manifestations. This is an invaluable experience of his independent creative involvement in the reading process. The picture does not always show exactly what is written in the book. Therefore, you have the opportunity to reproduce most of the pictures on your own with your child, relying on to the text.

"Illustrating a book"- this game is suitable for older children who still cannot read, but already know how to draw. Read an episode and have your child draw it. The younger your illustrator is, the more help he will need. But don't get carried away. It would be a mistake to grab brushes and paints yourself and start painting for a little artist. You, of course, will do much better. But the benefit of such a drawing is minimal.

Complex games begin when the simple ones have already been mastered and become uninteresting. As your baby grows older, you can complicate his communication with the book.

"The game of Carlson" or in Little Red Riding Hood, Gray wolf, Matroskin's cat, etc. is a joint fantasizing and playing in everyday life the episodes from the life of your favorite heroes invented by you. Your child can become Pinocchio's wooden boy for a while and will clean up toys in a striped cap after him. He will have to learn to move like Pinocchio, as if it were wooden. Everything must be extremely reliable, otherwise the game loses its meaning. By the way, these games give you the opportunity to use the interest of the child and teach him how to dress, clean up after himself, eat carefully, brush his teeth, etc. you can play your favorite characters in the tram, in the country, and in the store. Do not forget to “consult” your favorite book all the time. It should be at hand. You continue to read it with your child. to break away from reality and forget that he really is Petya Ivanov, so sometimes you will have to be Buratino too.

"Composing a fairy tale"- a game that you like, but will require certain creativity... Writing fairy tales is not easy, but extremely interesting. If you have a computer, you can print a fairy tale, provide it with illustrations. And let your child actively participate in this process. But it's better to create the book by hand. Every day on a page. Safely store these diamonds of your child's creativity. In the process of creating a book, an increasing share of participation should fall on him. When he learns to write, try to participate as little as possible.

If you failed to interest the kid, never force him to play forcibly. Such actions can only harm him and will not bring either pleasure or benefit.

And all this time, read smart and beautiful books to your child!


Remember the formation of an impatient desire in the child to finally learn how to independently penetrate into the fascinating world of the book: "How good it is to be able to read, no need to pester my mother, no need to ask my grandmother ..."

But the first unsuccessful experiments can completely discourage the hunt. He understands that learning to read is not so easy and has difficulty repeating attempts. Learn more letters back and forth. But to combine them into words and read, and then understand what you have read is quite difficult. But gradually you will overcome this difficulty too.

Learn to read in the game. There are many techniques for teaching reading. But the main thing that you should remember is, do not force yourself and your baby. Do not turn it into an unpleasant duty, do not compare your child with a neighbor's boy who has been reading for a long time, in no case do not scold if something does not work out. This will only slow down the process. Here patience, love, consistency, imagination will come in handy. You can beat the learning process, turn it into a holiday, into an exciting game. Keep it short, but daily and effective.

"Friendly guys"- this game can have many modifications. In it, the letters are animated. They are friends and make a word together. One letter seems to be running towards the other. And we say, pull on the "D" sound until it reaches a new "A" sound. And together they will speak and tell us a short word "yes".

You can try to connect scattered friends at any free moment. For example, we did this in the kitchen, on the trolleybus, drawing letters on the glass, sitting on the couch. A few minutes of fatigue-free exercise. And the child gradually begins to get used to associating letters into syllables, and then into words.

"Find the twins"- the game consists in the fact that the child is looking for a syllable already read in printed text... It is more interesting when it is a favorite book or just a text of a newspaper, magazine, or sign that has just turned up on hand. The kid understands that books are different, not only with beautiful illustrations. All this should always be accompanied by your comments and praised for successes achieved, then playing this game is interesting. Be sure to pronounce the found syllables so that they are associated not with two different sounds pronounced separately, but with one. Gradually, visual adaptation to the appearance of the syllables will lead to automatic connection letters to syllables.

"Abracadabra"- try to make a word out of gibberish, which is obtained when you spell a word, in order to understand the meaning of an encrypted note. The Elephant Scout who cannot read must understand the mission of the center in order to complete the secret mission. You will see how funny it will be for a child to hear the words distorted by an inept scout. And how proud he will be of his ability to help him. Sometimes abracadabras are so funny that you laugh heartily together with your "baby elephant".


After your child has learned how to independently fold letters into syllables and words, it will take a lot of time until he masters fluent reading. And this will not cause him negative experiences associated with slow playback and reading comprehension. Therefore, during this period, in addition to his independent experiments, the child should feel your support.

Continue reading aloud to him and discussing what you read. Deliberately read to the most interesting place and suddenly suddenly remember the need to urgently go to the store, cook dinner, wash, etc. Leave the book in the most conspicuous place, of course. Sooner or later, the child himself will reach for her to find out what's next. You can provoke him to this if he does not know. Show interest in the fate of the heroes of the book and be surprised that he still has not finished reading it himself. And if you have read it, be sure to praise and ask to retell the episode that interests you. Just be genuinely interested. He must understand that this is not a duty, that he is not forced, that it is himself. And so well done!

I read to my children under the age of 8. Together we came up with the continuation of fairy tales and composed our own. Sometimes before going to bed they laughed until they fell. Because they loved humorous endings or unexpected plot twists.

The truth that I learned after going through the period of learning to read for both my son and my daughter is never to force! On the contrary, the suggested motivation was: "If you clear the table, I will allow you to read a little before bed."

Reading is cognition, pleasure, development. When you yourself understand this, you do not need to read on this topic of morality to your son or daughter. Because your example turns out to be very contagious!