A little fairy tale about the city of mushrooms. A fairy tale about mushrooms for children “Where did the mushrooms hide? Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

Irina Schepetinnikova
mushroom tales

Teaching children to compose according to a given beginning is one of the creative tasks in the learning process storytelling. This brings the child as close as possible to the level of monologue speech, when great opportunities are provided for the child to independently express his thoughts, consciously reflect various connections and relationships between objects and phenomena, develop verbal-logical thinking and form ideas about the environment.

inventing fairy tales- one of the most favorite children's game tasks for the development of speech. Composition training fairy tales takes place within lexical topic. Fairy tales, invented by children, are drawn up by the teacher on album sheets, where children illustrate pictures from stories. Then books are produced on the topics. Children are always happy to look at them, ask to read fairy tales emotional exchange of impressions.

Topic « Mushrooms» interesting and exciting for children, work on an essay fairy tales at a given beginning allows you to remember which mushrooms are edible, which are not, where they grow mushrooms, what time. There is an assimilation of lexical material, the formation of the skill of compiling descriptive story. For instance, story-description: “Amanita. The hat is bright red, with white spots. The leg is light, with a cape, thickened at the bottom ... "They are similarly compiled stories describing other mushrooms. descriptive stories prepare children for creative writing assignments fairy tales about mushrooms together with an adult and independently.

Start samples « mushroom tales» :

Once upon a time there was a friendly family of cheerful mushrooms. Once upon a time it happened misfortune: the smallest brother got sick, so much so that he turned green ...

Born at mushroom tsar Boletus boletus daughter, and he arranged a feast on this occasion. Invited nobles guests: Borovik with Borovikha, Mushroom with Volnushka and others mushroom dwellers...

Chanterelles, bright and orange, grew up in a clearing, and the evil sorceress White Toadstool lived nearby ...

The teacher uses riddles, proverbs and sayings on the topic to enhance speech activity and motivation « Mushrooms» , For example:

This fungus - birch son.

Whoever finds it, everyone puts it in a basket. (Boletus)

Mushroom red - dangerous to health. (Amanita)

Yellow-red chanterelles - sisters call us (chanterelles).

Near the stumps and on the lawn

We always walk in a flock.

Very friendly guys

They call you... (honey agaric)

Very pale in appearance, the most dangerous poison conceals. (Death cap)

Proverbs and sayings:

There will be rain - there will be fungi, but will fungi - there will be bodywork.

To live near the forest - not to be hungry.

Where mushroom has grown, they take it there.

Any pick up a mushroom, but not everyone is put in a box.

The rains have dragged on - do not wait for the mushrooms.

And in winter I would eat fungus yes the snow is deep.

Late fungus - late snow.

To drafting fairy tales Parents are involved along with the children. Joint compilation helps to establish contact with parents, diversify joint activities, make cooperation stronger. The work ends with the production of a book « mushroom tales» . The book includes creative work each child, which contributes to the development of imagination, abilities for artistic activity, education of aesthetic taste and love for the book.

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you need to come up with a fairy tale about the city of mushrooms


Why do people go to the forest? Of course, for mushrooms. And you can go for ... mushroom stories ... Sometimes these are delicious! I recently walked, walked through the forest ... And I came across a mushroom clearing, but not simple, but magical! In an old fly agaric, under a roof bright red with white flecks, lived a grouchy dwarf. He was all reminiscent of his house - the same ancient and hunched over. He even wore a hat that looked like a fly agaric hat. A young mother with a newborn baby, or rather a mushroom, settled in a recently ripened russula. She rolled him in a stroller, and everyone around admired how strong and handsome he was. In a thick-set white mushroom lived a peasant - a boletus. He was very industrious and industrious. Never sat idle. And so they lived together, as neighbors.

Summer has come. It rained often, and the mushrooms in the forest lifted their hats. When, if not in summer, you can stand up to your full height! And one small fungus did not want to become big. And he hid his hat. Either the sun is not enough for him, then the breeze is not warm enough, then the rain is weak. But then one day .. Mushrooms gathered in a clearing. And in the evening coolness they arranged a holiday for themselves - the Mushroom Summer Festival. Exciting waves came, overweight milk mushrooms, red chanterelles, friendly mushrooms, smooth butterflies, and even robust mushrooms came. Mushrooms at first stood akimbo, and then threw up their hats and shouted: “Hurrah! Summer! ”And then our old friend, a small fungus, could not stand it (we’ll tell you a secret that it was a boletus). He also went out into the clearing and tossed his little red hat above everyone else.

V primary school children are given many unique and interesting tasks that can identify and develop in a child Creative skills. These tasks include the fairy tale about mushrooms. own composition. Just imagine how happy the kid will be in the role of a writer and be able to get a good mark for such a simple task. However, not all children will be able to easily and immediately write a coherent story.

Where to begin

Several simple rules will be able to help you prepare for the process and tune in to the creative wave:

  1. Get a draft for your story. On the draft, you can not only cross out the excess, but also draw characters to imagine what the child is talking about.
  2. Write a topic. You can write Essay. Tale of Mushrooms" in the center of your draft. This will help the child not be distracted from the main topic and not worry that he has forgotten or misunderstood it.
  3. Draw your characters, cut them out or pick up pictures. A child in the process of playing will be able to compose a fairy tale much easier than just sitting in front of a blank sheet.

How to write a fairy tale?

Remember children's fairy tales. Each of them has a good and an evil hero. Fairy tales show two sides: white and black. Therefore, a fairy tale about a mushroom should contain good and evil. A negative character can be the mushroom itself, or maybe someone who wants the mushroom of evil.

In the beginning, tell something with a calm storyline. “Once upon a time, I was walking, and one day ...” Then change the narrative with something very unexpected, sudden, which will be the beginning of interesting adventures.

If the child does not like adventure, you can make a fairy tale with detective elements or just a story with some kind of moral at the end.

The end of the tale can be left standard: "... and they began to live and live and make good." But if you decide to make a fairy tale in a modern way, then do not forget about the victory of good over evil.

Rules for compiling a fairy tale

A typical story line looks like this:

  1. The plot: who, where and when he lived.
  2. The main part: something happened that prompted a change in the life of the hero.
  3. Ending: Good triumphs over evil.

In addition, there are some tricks that will help turn an ordinary essay into a fairy tale: exaggeration, triple repetitions, contrasts that decorate definitions. Your fairy tale about the mushroom should not be serious. Use various words from fairy tales that you read at night or are still reading to your child. Do not be afraid of excessive stylization as a fairy tale, because you are writing a real magical story.

Some tips to help you write a fairy tale with your child:

  • If you are writing with your child, try to understand that a fairy tale about mushrooms for grade 1 is not always easy task. The child wants more space, but no one forbids it. Don't limit yourself to mushrooms, introduce other characters as well. Come up with something for them Interesting Facts from the biography, external data and much more, which is not necessary to write down, but which can help the child plunge into the fairy tale himself.
  • Don't forget morality. Each fairy tale has a subtext that is worth thinking about. It should be in your story too.
  • You do not need to write "The Tale of the Mushroom", try to come up with a name that reflects the essence of your story.

Examples of fairy tales

To write a good fairy tale, we offer you several options for writing kids:

“Two mushrooms lived in the forest. So people came and picked one mushroom, putting it in a basket. And these mushrooms loved each other. Separation they could not survive. But luck happened, and people noticed the second mushroom, which was covered with a leaf, and put it in the same basket. They met and were glad that they were together again. But they understood that they were plucked to be eaten. The mushrooms decided to jump out and run away. On the count of three, the lovers jumped out and settled in a new place, next to the stump.

“There lived a little mushroom. One day three ants came up to him. They began to laugh at the mushroom. They told him hurtful things that he could not even go anywhere and amuse others. The fungus became sad, all night he could not sleep from such an insult. The next day at exactly 6 o'clock in the morning the ants got up and began to work. But suddenly the wind raged, a thunderstorm began and hail began to fall. The anthill was flooded and destroyed, and the ants began to panic. But the good mushroom offered his help in time, and everyone hid under his beautiful wavy hat. When the rain stopped, all the ants began to thank the fungus. But most of all, the three ants who mocked him were glad. So an ordinary mushroom found new friends!

“Once upon a time there was a mushroom in the forest. It was called fly agaric. All the people avoided him. Once, early in the morning, a lone fly agaric woke up and suddenly hears - in the forest a hunter is shooting from a gun, hunting for someone. And then a deer, a deer and a deer ran past him. The deer were very tired, and the baby deer even wanted to eat. Here the deer came up to the mushroom and began to eat it. Amanita was very surprised, and then completely frightened. But not for himself, but for the deer. He shouted, "Don't eat me!" The deer jumped back, but listened to the story of the mushroom. So the fly agaric saved the life of himself and the deer and found a new friend.

These are just examples. Your fairy tale about a mushroom can be large, expanded, with many dialogues and plot sketches.

Story 4. Why do we need mushrooms? Who are mushrooms friends with?

Ask the child to whom and how mushrooms are useful. Yes. they are useful and necessary for people, and animals, and birds, and plants that grow next to them in the forest:

— Mushrooms are collected and eaten by people. We salt them, pickle them, cook mushroom soup from them, make mushroom caviar, bake pies with mushrooms and make many other delicious dishes from them.

- Mushrooms are also eaten by animals. They feed on them in the summer and collect them - they store them for the winter. Even mushrooms that are poisonous to humans can be useful to animals! For example, fly agaric is eaten by squirrels, slugs, magpies. And an elk can swallow a fly agaric whole, and not just one! This is how he heals himself. For him, fly agaric is medicine.

- And yet - the mycelium is needed for life forest trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers. Mushrooms are true friends of trees! The mushroom picker grows together with thin tree roots in the ground. As a result, mushrooms get the food they need from trees and useful material, and trees also receive nutrients from mushrooms for their nutrition. Thanks to mushrooms, trees better absorb all the useful things from their “food” and grow faster. So mushrooms and trees help each other all their lives! They best friends And they can't live without each other!

For example, fly agaric helps pines, spruces, birches and other trees grow, and it also decorates the forest!

Mushrooms help to process the remains of plants in the forest: they destroy stumps, fallen tree trunks, fallen branches. These are the orderlies of the forest who clean it.

Story 5. How do new mushrooms appear in the forest?

New mushrooms grow from mycelium. But mushrooms have another growth secret. Growing up, the fungus forms spores.

controversy- these are very - very small particles like dust - dust particles. The wind carries them very, very far. There they fall to the ground, germinate and give rise to a new mycelium, and new mushrooms will soon appear from it.

Here's how interesting it is said in fairy tale - forest dialogue by Eduard Shim "Mushroom smoke":

My fathers, fire!! My fathers, we are on fire!.. A terrible smoke is pouring from somewhere!

Vaughn, from mushrooms. Only and everything.

Ay, and right! Smoke poured out of the bubble mushrooms! What is going on, my dears?

But nothing. The elk jumped. Mushrooms-raincoats trampled.

Why are they smoking?

Pah you! Yes, because they are ripe! It's not smoke coming down, it's mushroom spores, mushroom seeds, flying in the wind!

Well, then come on, smoke, thicker, mushrooms will be thicker!

Story 6. How long do mushrooms live?

Mushroom life is very, very short! The mushroom is young for five days, on the sixth day the mushroom is usually already fully ripe, and on the seventh day it has already .. grown old :(. What a small life they have!

In order for the child to realize this time period, show him Monday on the calendar. This is the day the mushroom appeared. Remember what you did with your child on Monday. Remember what you did on the other days of the week and on Saturday. And at this time, the mushroom has already fully matured - in these few days it has already become quite an adult! Remember what you did on Sunday. How little time has passed! And the mushroom became an old man in just a week!

Story 7. Are there harmful mushrooms?

Some mushrooms are edible and some are poisonous. Therefore, in the forest, children should definitely ask adults if it is possible to pick up a mushroom found in the forest or in the park. If you do not know the mushroom, then it is better to leave it in the forest and not take it.

How to tell children about poisonous mushrooms? It is very clearly explained to the kids what poisonous mushrooms are and what they are like in the Shishka School program on the topic “Poisonous Mushrooms”. Watch it with kids.

Poisonous mushrooms: video for children

In this video, the child will see poisonous mushrooms: he will learn what a pale grebe, fly agaric, real and false chanterelles are (learn how to distinguish an edible chanterelle from a poisonous mushroom), what are false mushrooms and how they differ from real mushrooms. And also learns the rules of the mushroom picker.

Story 8. What are "deciduous mushrooms" and why are they called that?

Why are mushrooms called "deciduous" mushrooms? "Leaf-fall" - from the word "leaf-fall". What is a "leaf pad"? Yes, the leaves are falling = leaf fall. This means that such mushrooms grow during leaf fall. It happens in October. These are boletus, boletus, mushrooms, milk mushrooms, volnushki and others.

Discuss with your child where to look for mushrooms in autumn during leaf fall - in dark cold forests in the shade or in the sun? Yes, they must be sought where it is warm, where the sun warms. They hide under fallen leaves. They are not to be found in the cold forest.

Cognitive fairy tales and stories about mushrooms for children

We all know that boletus grows under birches, and boletus grows under aspens. And why? From N. Pavlova's fairy tale, children will learn why each mushroom has its own plants - friends and its own “mushroom address” in the forest.

Tales of N. Pavlova are amazing. She is a doctor of biological sciences and knows the life of plants and animals very well. And her second profession is a children's writer. Therefore, her fairy tales turn out to be both interesting, and very informative, and loved by children!

N. Pavlova "Two fairy tales about mushrooms"

The little girl went to the forest for mushrooms. I went to the edge and let's brag:

You, Les, better not hide the mushrooms from me! I'll still get a full basket. I know everything, all your secrets!

Don't brag! - rustled - Les. - Don't brag! Where is everything!

But you'll see, - said the girl and went to look for mushrooms.

In the small grass, between the birches, boletus mushrooms grew: gray, soft hats, legs with black shag.

In a young aspen forest, fat, strong little aspen mushrooms in tightly pulled orange caps gathered.

And in the twilight, under the fir-trees, among the rotten needles, the girl found short little mushrooms: red-haired, greenish, striped, and in the middle of the hat there was a dimple, as if the little animal had pressed its paw.

The girl picked up a full basket of mushrooms, and even with a top! Went to the edge and said:

You see, Les, how many different mushrooms I got? So I know where to look for them. Not in vain did I boast that I know all your secrets.

Where is everything! Les murmured. - I have more secrets than leaves on trees. And what do you know? You don’t even know why boletus grows only under birch trees, aspen mushrooms - under aspens, mushrooms - under fir trees and pines.

And here it is, - the girl answered. But she said it just like that, out of stubbornness.

You don’t know this, you don’t know, - Les rustled, - to tell it - it will be a fairy tale!

I know what a fairy tale, - the girl was stubborn. - Wait a little, I'll remember it and tell you myself.

She sat on a stump, thought, and then began to tell.

There used to be such a time that mushrooms did not stand in one place, but ran all over the forest, danced, stood upside down, and played naughty. Everyone in the forest used to know how to dance. One Bear could not. And he was the biggest boss.

Once in the forest they were celebrating the birthday of a hundred-year-old tree. Everyone was dancing, and the Bear - the most important one - was sitting like a stump. It was a shame to him, and he decided to learn to dance. I chose a clearing for myself and began to practice there. But he, of course, did not want to be seen, he was shy, and therefore he gave the order:

No one will ever appear in my clearing.

And this glade was very fond of mushrooms. And they disobeyed the order. They waited when the Bear lay down to rest, left the Grebe to guard him, and they themselves ran into the clearing to play.

The bear woke up, saw a Toadstool in front of his nose and shouted:

What are you doing here?

And she replies:

All the mushrooms fled to your clearing, and they left me on guard.

The bear roared, jumped up, slapped Toadstool and rushed to the clearing.

And the mushrooms played magic there. Hiding somewhere. A fungus with a red cap hid under the Aspen, a red-haired one - under the Christmas tree, and a long-legged one with black shag - under the Birch.

And the Bear will jump out, and how he will yell - Ry-yyy! Come on, mushrooms! Gotcha!

Mushrooms out of fear, so everything has grown to the place.

Then Birch lowered the leaves and covered her fungus with them. The aspen dropped a round leaf directly onto the cap of its fungus. And the fir-tree raked dry needles to Ryzhik with its paw.

The Bear looked for mushrooms, but he did not find any.

Since then, those mushrooms that were hiding under the trees have been growing each under their own tree. Remember how it saved him. And now these mushrooms are called Boletus and Boletus. And Ryzhik remained Ryzhik, for being red. That's the whole story!

It's hard for you to figure it out! Les murmured. - A good fairy tale, but only the truth in it - not a bit. And you listen to my fairy tale-true.

The roots of the forest also lived under the ground. Not alone - they lived in families: Birch - at the Birch, Aspen - at Aspen, Spruce - at the Christmas tree.

And now, come on, out of nowhere, homeless Roots appeared nearby. Miracle Roots! The thinnest web is thinner. They rummage in rotten leaves, in forest garbage, and what they find edible there, they eat and put aside in reserve.

And the Birch Roots stretched out side by side, looking and envying.

We, - they say, - can't get anything out of decay, out of rot. And Divo-Koreshki replied: - You envy us, but they themselves have more good than ours.

And they guessed it! For nothing that a cobweb is a cobweb. Birch Roots received a lot of help from their own Birch Leaves. The leaves sent food down the trunk to them. And from what they prepared this food, you need to ask them yourself. Divo-Koreshki is rich in one. Birch Roots - to others.

And they decided to be friends.

Divo-Koreshki clung to the Berezovs and entwined them around. And Birch Roots do not remain in debt: what they get, they will share with their comrades.

Since then, they have lived inseparably. And both are beneficial. Divo-Koreshki are growing wider, all stocks are being accumulated. And Birch is growing and getting stronger.

Summer is in the middle, Birch Roots boast:

Our Birch's earrings are ruffled, the seeds are flying!

And Divo-Roots answer:

That's how! Seeds! So it's time for us to get down to business.

No sooner said than done: the gums jumped up on Divo-Koreshki. At first, they are small. But how did they start to grow! The Birch Roots did not have time to say anything, but they had already made their way through the ground. And they turned around in the wild, under Berezka, like young fungi. Legs with black shag. Hats are brown. And from under the caps, mushroom spore seeds are pouring. The wind mixed them with birch seeds and scattered them through the forest.

So the mushroom was related to the Birch. And since then, he has been inseparable from her. For this, they call him the boletus.

That's my whole fairy tale! She is about Boletus, but she is also about Ginger and Boletus. Only Ryzhik chose two trees: a Christmas tree and a Pine.

This is not a funny, but a very amazing tale, - said the girl. - Just think, some kind of baby fungus - and suddenly a giant tree feeds!

The story of A. Lopatina - for junior schoolchildren. Can mushrooms really be grown in the garden? Should I give up forest mushrooms? Why have so many beneficial mushrooms now become harmful? These questions are discussed in the story by a grandfather with his granddaughters.

A. Lopatina. Introduction to mushrooms

In early July, it rained for a whole week. Anyuta and Mashenka became despondent. They missed the forest. Grandmother let them go for a walk in the yard, but as soon as the girls got wet, she immediately called them home.

Cat Porfiry said when the girls called him for a walk:

What is it like to get wet in the rain? I'd rather sit at home, compose a fairy tale.

I also think that soft sofa more appropriate place for cats than raw grass, - Andreika agreed.

Grandfather, returning from the forest in a wet raincoat, laughingly said:

July rains nourish the earth, help her grow crops. Do not worry, soon we will go to the forest for mushrooms.

Alice, shaking herself so that wet dust flew in all directions, said:

Russula has already climbed, and in the aspen tree two small aspen mushrooms jumped out in red caps, but I left them, let them grow up.

Anyuta and Mashenka were impatiently waiting for grandfather to take them with him to pick mushrooms. Especially after he once brought a whole basket of young mushrooms. Taking strong mushrooms with gray legs and smooth brown caps out of the basket, he said to the girls:

Come on, guess the riddle: In the grove near the birch, the namesakes met.

I know, - Anyuta exclaimed, - these are boletus, they grow under birches, and boletus grows under aspens. They look like boletus, but their hats are red. There are also mushrooms, they grow in pine forests, and multi-colored russula grow everywhere.

Yes, you know our mushroom diploma! - grandfather was surprised and, taking out a whole heap of yellow-red lamellar mushrooms from the basket, he said:

Since all the mushrooms are familiar to you, help me find the right word: Golden ... Very friendly sisters, Walk in red-haired berets, Bring autumn to the forest in the summer.

The girls were embarrassedly silent.

This poem is about chanterelles: they grow up in a huge family and in the grass, like autumn leaves, they turn golden, - explained the all-knowing Porfiry.

Anyuta said offendedly:

Grandpa, we only studied some mushrooms at school. The teacher told us that there are a lot of poisonous mushrooms among them, they should not be eaten. She also said that now even good mushrooms can be poisoned, and it is better not to collect them at all.

The teacher correctly told you that poisonous mushrooms cannot be eaten and that many good mushrooms are now becoming harmful to humans. Factories emit all sorts of waste into the atmosphere, and so various harmful substances in forests, especially near large cities, and mushrooms absorb them. But there are many good mushrooms! You just need to make friends with them, then they themselves will run out to meet you when you come to the forest.

Oh, what a wonderful fungus, strong, plump, in a light brown velvet cap! exclaimed Mashenka, sticking her nose into the basket.

This, Masha, white jumped out ahead of time. They usually appear in July. They say about him: A strong boletus of barrels crawled out, Whoever sees him, everyone will bow.

Grandpa, why is a boletus called white if it has a brown hat? - asked Mashenka.

It has white flesh, tasty and fragrant. In boletus, for example, the flesh turns blue if you cut it, while in whites the flesh does not darken either when cut, or when boiled, or when dried. This mushroom has long been considered one of the most nutritious among the people. I have a professor friend, he studies mushrooms. So he told me that in mushrooms, scientists found the twenty most important amino acids for humans, as well as many vitamins and minerals. No wonder these mushrooms are called forest meat, because they contain even more proteins than meat.

“Grandfather, the teacher told us that in the future people will grow all the mushrooms in the gardens and buy them in the store,” Anyuta said, and Mishenka added:

Mom bought us mushrooms in the store - white champignons and gray oyster mushrooms, very tasty. Oyster mushrooms have hats that look like ears, and they have grown together with each other, as if one mushroom turned out.

Your teacher is right, but only forest mushrooms are given to people healing properties forests and its best flavors. A person cannot grow many mushrooms in the garden: they cannot live without trees and without a forest. A mushroom picker with trees, like inseparable brothers intertwined with roots and feed each other. Yes, and there are not so many poisonous mushrooms, it’s just that people don’t really understand mushrooms. Every mushroom is useful in some way. However, go to the forest, the mushrooms will tell you everything about themselves.

I love the story "Amanita". How vividly and expressively this mushroom is described in it: it is compared with a gnome in a red cap and lace pantaloons! And it is told that even a mushroom poisonous to humans is useful to the inhabitants of the forest as a medicine!

N. Sladkov fly agaric

The handsome fly agaric looks kinder than Little Red Riding Hood, harmless ladybug. He also looks like a cheerful dwarf in a red beaded cap and lace knickers: he is about to stir, bow in his belt and say something good. And in fact, although it is poisonous and inedible, it is not entirely bad: many inhabitants of the forest even eat it and do not get sick. Moose, sometimes, chew, magpies peck, even squirrels, what they really understand about mushrooms, and even those, it happens, dry fly agarics for the winter. In small proportions, fly agaric, like snake venom, does not poison, but heals. And the birds and animals know this. Know now you too. But only themselves never - never! - do not try to be treated with fly agaric. Fly agaric, he is still a fly agaric - he can kill him!

After reading the story, once again look at the picture of the fly agaric (you will find it in the set of pictures about mushrooms at the link above) and discuss with the child:
- how does the fly agaric look like a gnome? where is his red cap? Why is the cap in the story called "beaded"? (decorated with white beads - show the child large white beads and find the beads on the fly agaric hat) And where are the fly agaric's white pants - knickers with lace?
- what is fly agaric useful for?
Is it possible for people to pick fly agaric? why?

And one more story about mushrooms - fly agarics by N. Sladkov “Mushroom Dance”. Read a fragment of the story to the child and discuss with him:

- what do fly agarics look like? what does their leg look like? their hat?
- how it is "standing akimbo" (show this pose),
- what are the fly agarics waiting for?
- how do fly agarics dance on their white legs? (come up with a few movements together to a dance or round dance melody)
Do they dance fast?
- “White legs are flashing” - what does this mean? When they say so: “only the heels sparkled”, “only the legs flashed”? Has it ever happened to you that you moved so fast that only your legs flashed? When? Share your life stories as well.

N. Sladkov. Mushroom round dance

The mushroom picker does not take fly agaric, but he is happy with the fly agaric: send the fly agaric - the white one will go too. Yes, and fly agaric delights the eye, although inedible and poisonous. They stand akimbo on white legs, in lace knickers, in red clown caps - you don’t want to, but you admire. And if you come across a fly agaric round dance, it’s time to be dumbfounded: a dozen red fellows stood in a circle and prepared for the dance!
Now, one, two! - someone will clap their hands and - three, four! - a round dance will spin! Faster and faster - a motley festive carousel. White legs flash, dry leaves rustle. You stand and wait.
And fly agarics stand and wait. Waiting for you to finally guess and leave. In order to start leading your mushroom round dance without interference and someone else's eye. Stamping mushroom white legs, waving mushroom red hats. As in the old days…”

In the next fairy tale, kids will get acquainted with an interesting mushroom growing on stumps and trees - honey agarics.

V. Zotov. Honey agaric Autumn

“Mommy, look, there is not enough land for mushrooms,” the Little Fox was surprised. They even climbed trees!
“You still don’t know much,” the Fox smiled. - Autumn mushroom often grows on tree trunks. Sometimes in autumn, yellow-brown hats, which are the size of a small saucer, hang in clusters so high that they cannot be reached.
- And that family settled right on a rotten stump. - The kid showed on a stump near a tree. - Mom, are all these mushrooms edible?
— Of course, Autumn Mushroom is very tasty. No one passes by him. Everyone puts it in the basket, everyone wants to try this mushroom. And in order to distinguish it from a poisonous false foam, you need to look at the plates from below. In edible mushrooms, they are always light - white, cream or yellowish.

Signs and sayings about mushrooms

  • Late mushroom - late snow.
  • Where one oil dish was born, there others fled side by side.
  • Panicles of oats are ripe - mushrooms have grown in the forest.
  • If there are few mushrooms, then the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • Whoever loves to bow to the earth will not be left without mushrooms.
  • Whoever gets up early puts mushrooms in the back.
  • When it rains in the evening, wait for the mushrooms in the morning.
  • When it's hot and windy, mushrooms gather under the trees, when it's damp and windy, they scatter to the clearings.
  • Rain in the evening - wait for mushrooms in the morning.
  • How many rains - so many mushrooms.
  • Kohl went steamy fog over the forest - go for mushrooms.
  • Strong dews - to fertility, and frequent fogs - to the harvest of mushrooms.
  • If there are waves in the forest, then wait for the mushrooms to appear soon.
  • If the rye is eared, whites with boletus begin to come across
  • Where there is a red fly agaric, there is a white mushroom sitting nearby.
  • If the night at Christmas is starry, the same at Epiphany, then in the summer there will be a lot of berries and mushrooms.

How to use the materials in this article in the classroom with children:

Dear readers of the site! The materials in this article are intended for a whole cycle of conversations and games about mushrooms. It is impossible to give the child all the tasks from this page in one day. Do not rush, let him play enough, enjoy the knowledge of the natural world!

You may need a whole week to memorize the names of mushrooms, their features, their "mushroom addresses", write letters and get "answers" from mushrooms. This is fine! Go from the interests of the child and his characteristics and preferences.

Remember that the main thing is not the amount of knowledge, but the activity of the child, the development of his ability to answer questions, reason, invent, prove his opinion, compare, draw independent conclusions.

An example of an individual approach in applying the materials of this article in a family

A child of 5 years old does not like to sculpt and plasticine. But he loves riddles.

What to do: Such a baby does not need to make a riddle - modeling with mushroom caps, given above. You need to do this job differently. Take pictures of mushrooms (you can print them from the site "Native Path" at the link below), close the leg of the mushroom in the picture with your palm or a sheet of paper. Only the hat will be visible. After that, ask them to guess by the hat what kind of mushroom it is.

It is better if you have separate pictures, as children very quickly remember the location of the pictures in the book and no longer analyze the image, but answer mechanically, from memory. If in this task you constantly change the pictures and their location, then the child will have to think, compare and draw an independent conclusion.

If a child likes to draw, then perhaps he will not want to mold a mushroom cap, but draw it. Then, when drawing, we will discuss both the size of the hat and its shape (where it is convex, where it is concave, even or rough, stretched up like a clown's cap or flat or bent down) and how it is better to depict it in the picture, what color it is.

Listen to your heart and watch your baby - the children themselves tell us what they are interested in and what is not yet, and then it is better to wait a while with this material. And introduce the child to him in a year, when he grows up.

The article provides materials and tasks for different age children and different level development, so that each parent and teacher can choose what is right for his children / child.

More games, exercises, pictures, puzzles on the topic "Mushrooms" for children

More materials for games and activities with children on the topic "Mushrooms" can be found in the articles of the site:

- Riddles about mushrooms: educational tasks for children, 95 riddles about mushrooms with pictures and answers, how to choose the right riddle for the age of the child, how to come up with a riddle about a mushroom with children.

- Pictures "Mushrooms": for games and classes on the development of speech and familiarization with the outside world.

- Theme "Mushrooms": speech games and exercises for children.

Presentation with tasks on the topic "Mushrooms" for children from this article for download

You can download all the pictures from this article in high resolution and quality for demonstration in a presentation and printout:

  • - see the presentation for children "Mushrooms" here,
  • - or in our Vkontakte group “Child Development from Birth to School” (see the “Documents” section on the right under the community videos, the presentation file is called “Theme Mushrooms”: tema-gribi)

I wish you all success! I will be glad to see you in the section of the site "The world around us", in which you will find a lot of amazing interesting games, educational tales in pictures and exciting videos about the world around for children.

See you soon!

Fairy tale about the city of mushrooms: fantasies of a little hedgehog

Once upon a time, mushrooms grew separately from each other and were scattered all over the world. But they lived so badly. There was no one to talk to, no one came to visit them. Mushrooms were very lonely, because they were not accepted into their company by flowers and other plants. Ants and other insects also shunned them, and mushrooms were generally afraid of forest animals and birds.

And somehow they came up with the idea to unite in a single kingdom and live together. Representatives different types mushrooms from all over the world went to a meeting in a distant dense forest. There they chose their king and built for him a palace with a high throne. This important planting went to the eternally serious white fungus. Climbing up to the royal throne, he issued his first decree: “The mushrooms of the whole world prepare for a great migration. From now on, we will all live together in this dense forest.

Not all subordinates were happy with this decision, because many mushrooms loved their native forests very much and did not want to leave them. An uprising was planned in the mushroom ranks. But the newly elected king was very smart and resourceful. Hearing the displeasure of his subjects, he quickly made some changes to his decree. Now it read: “From now on, mushrooms will become a single kingdom. Our kingdom is the most powerful in the world, so it will be located in the forests of the whole world. In this regard, I order the mushrooms to unite and build cities in every forest.
This decision was considered by all to be very wise. There is no need to leave your home, but at the same time, life will become much more interesting, because mushrooms will no longer be scattered around different places forests, and build a beautiful fairy-tale city.
From that moment in every forest you can find a city of mushrooms. Therefore, if you caught the eye of one mushroom, take a closer look, somewhere nearby its brothers are sure to be.
Buhl read the fairy tale about the city of mushrooms to his friends, and everyone liked it very much. The happy hedgehog was getting ready to go to bed after a hard day. He changed his mind about becoming a storyteller, because reading fairy tales is much easier than inventing them. See for yourself.


Hedgehog Bull was very fond of adventure. He was attracted by everything interesting and exciting. But one day life seemed boring to him, and he decided to come up with a fairy tale about the city of mushrooms.
He really liked the prospect of change, and from the very morning he began to master the profession of a storyteller. But in practice, everything turned out to be not as rosy as it was dreamed of. The hedgehog thought that inventing fairy tales and funny stories very easy: sit and write. But for some reason nothing came to mind.
“We grew up in the forest ... Oh, it’s boring somehow. They lived and beat ... No, how did they live? - this is how the hedgehog suffered all day. When evening came, the sad Bull went out into the street. He felt very bad. And so the fairy tale about mushrooms would have ended if the hedgehog had not met Inspiration. It whispered only a few words in his ear, but Buhl managed to turn them into a funny story. Let's see what he did?

Fairy tale about the city of mushrooms: fantasies of a little hedgehog

Once upon a time, mushrooms grew separately from each other and were scattered all over the world. But they lived so badly. There was no one to talk to, no one came to visit them. Mushrooms were very lonely, because they were not accepted into their company by flowers and other plants. Ants and other insects also shunned them, and mushrooms were generally afraid of forest animals and birds.

And somehow they came up with the idea to unite in a single kingdom and live together. Representatives of different types of mushrooms from all over the world went to a meeting in a distant dense forest. There they chose their king and built for him a palace with a high throne. This important planting went to the eternally serious white fungus. Climbing up to the royal throne, he issued his first decree: “The mushrooms of the whole world prepare for a great migration. From now on, we will all live together in this dense forest.

Not all subordinates were happy with this decision, because many mushrooms loved their native forests very much and did not want to leave them. An uprising was planned in the mushroom ranks. But the newly elected king was very smart and resourceful. Hearing the displeasure of his subjects, he quickly made some changes to his decree. Now it read: “From now on, mushrooms will become a single kingdom. Our kingdom is the most powerful in the world, so it will be located in the forests of the whole world. In this regard, I order the mushrooms to unite and build cities in every forest.
This decision was considered by all to be very wise. There is no need to leave your home, but at the same time, life will become much more interesting, because the mushrooms will no longer be scattered in different parts of the forest, but will build a beautiful fairy-tale city.
From that moment in every forest you can find a city of mushrooms. Therefore, if you caught the eye of one mushroom, take a closer look, somewhere nearby its brothers are sure to be.
Buhl read the fairy tale about the city of mushrooms to his friends, and everyone liked it very much. The happy hedgehog was getting ready to go to bed after a hard day. He changed his mind about becoming a storyteller, because reading fairy tales is much easier than inventing them. See for yourself.

We have created more than 300 costless fairy tales on the Dobranich website. It is pragmatic to remake the splendid contribution to sleep at the homeland ritual, the recurrence of turbot and warmth.Would you like to support our project? Let's get drunk, s new strength we continue to write for you!

Dear Guys! Your favorite library is holding a competition for the best fairy tale about mushrooms! Please read three beautiful fairy tales, which our readers have written and choose, in your opinion, the best of them! Voting will last until 18:00 November 6.

How poisonous mushrooms appeared.

Once upon a time, only mushrooms lived on the planet. They did not grow up in one place as they do now, but they knew how to walk, since they had two legs. And the mushrooms were talking. Mushrooms lived in large families. One day a special mushroom was born in one family. For a nasty, and harmful character, he was nicknamed Toadstool. Toadstool did not listen to anyone, neither mom nor dad, and did not want to go to the mushroom school.

As time passed, the mushroom nicknamed Toadstool grew up and decided to take over the mushroom world. He did evil and those mushrooms that were with bad temper began to help him. Soon, all the mushrooms were divided into two camps: harmful and evil, like their leader, Toadstool, and mushrooms, which were kind and friendly. The mushroom war has begun.

The planet really did not like the way mushrooms behave.

She thought: “They will destroy each other.”

And then one morning, waking up, the mushrooms found that they had one leg left. The mushrooms wanted to scream that they couldn't walk anymore, but they couldn't talk either. Mushrooms lived silently in one place, but the evil mushrooms accumulated and accumulated hatred in themselves, it began to turn into poison. The evil mushrooms have become very poisonous.

Time passed, people appeared on the planet and evil mushrooms began to harm people. People began to pass on from generation to generation the knowledge of which mushrooms can be eaten and which should be avoided.

This is what anger and hostility can lead to.


Once upon a time there was a white mushroom, his name was Borovik. It was a solid mushroom with a thick leg and a brown hat. They lived in the kingdom of the White Mushroom, and his other relatives differed from each other in the color of their hats, or some of them had a pattern on the leg. Porcini was the most respected among the milestones of mushroom kings.

Among all the mushrooms, the most famous was the red fly agaric. He considered himself the most beautiful mushroom, although he was poisonous, the mushroom tried to appear in all mushroom kingdoms. And Amanita really wanted to intermarry with the porcini mushroom, to marry his daughter. He dreamed that our children would be beautiful like me and not poisonous. If everything works out as he planned, then their children will be the best and most famous mushrooms.

A mushroom named Truffle found out about the plan of the Red Fly Agaric. He was a foreigner from a very ancient family, so he could not allow such injustice. Truffle told Borovik about his plans. The two kingdoms united in the fight against the Red Fly Agaric and won.

It is a pity that Truffle did not marry Borovik's daughter. Maybe then a new kingdom of very good mushrooms would have appeared.

Smart mushroom.

The kingdom of edible mushrooms was ruled by the king of mushrooms - Borovik. The kingdom of the poisonous - Amanita with his sister Toadstool.

In both kingdoms, a large family of Champignons lived, they had many relatives. In the kingdom where Amanita ruled, only two families lived. It was them who ordered the destruction of Amanita. False mushrooms and pepper mushrooms got down to business.

The family of poisonous champignons was, though not numerous, but very smart. They sent their representative to convince Amanita not to harass them.

By secret paths he made his way to Amanita. And finally, he managed to meet, but with Toadstool. Toadstool has a large family and they are aware of all mushroom affairs.