As a new year, decorate the apartment: beautiful ideas of design. Room design options for New Year holidays how to decorate the room with christmas toys

No matter how old you, New Year All makes children. And at least for the sake of this night it is worth creating around a fabulous atmosphere. May you not believe in Santa Claus and the magic of the new year, but do not break this faith before the time in children. New Year's Eve is the time to write him a letter, make general cleaning and decorate the room with the most different decorative details that the New Year's mood will give.

Very much can be made independently. If you do not know how to decorate the room for the new year 2018 with your own hands, contact the master classes in which it is described in detail about the manufacture of a given craft. Here you will find a lot of interesting, simple and original ideas.

Instructions for the manufacture of large decor elements

Sometimes I would like to bring some significant detail of the decor to the interior so that it becomes the central element, and the look immediately clung to her at the entrance to the room. We advise you to create something volumetric and bright, as no new year.

Cardboard crafts: chimney, fireplace

We offer to make a simple element of the New Year decor - chimney with branches. With it, you can decorate the table or bedside table.

From the cardboard, make a rectangle with a size of 40 × 12 cm.

Fold the workpiece into the box with the parties of 10 cm.

Fasten with glue or scotch.

Printed bottom suitable size. In order not to bond yourself with gluing the box, you can use ready, for example, from juice.

Plue a box with white paper from all sides.

Mix the black and white paint to get gray.

With the help of a sponge paint paper in grey colour. Give a box to dry.

Slide a piece of cardboard with red brick shade or use a red cardboard. Let me dry.

Cut the red cardboard on small bricks with a size of 2.5 per 4 cm, pre-making markup on the back of the cardboard.

We glue bricks to the surface of the box.

From white paper or felt, cut out "snow" and glue to the top of the chimney.

We complement the imitation of snow by cotton or syntheps. Printed on hot glue.

Tree twigs with white paint.

Insert twigs into the chimney and decorate them with balls.

Stick on the branches of the balls.

If you continue the topic of heating


Be sure to remember such a Christmas-New Year attribute as a fireplace. The heat coming from the hearth, the crackling of firewood in the present fireplace, of course, does not compare with anything, but such a luxury is only in the country house, and it is not all searched for it, so we propose to limit ourselves to visual effects. Who knows maybe you do not want to part with the craft and after the New Year holidays. And we will do from ordinary cardboard boxes.

We declare the box with the letter "P" and glue.

Use for this purpose the glue momentum crystal or such adhesive for tile ceilings.

Spread the box first two pieces, put the load on top so that the glue grabbing.

We glue the fireplace stand.

The fireplace shelf can be strengthened by gluing several sheets of cardboard.

Cut the cardboard in size and glue the sheets among themselves.

You can enclose the fireplace cardboard from all sides.

Stick the back wall and bottom.

Put the fireplace to the pedestal. It makes it from 6 sheets of cardboard glued together.

We glue a pedestal to the fireplace.

Plug joints and corners with a newspaper by putting it on PVA glue.

When this work is performed, paint the fireplace of white acrylic paint.

Take a foam sheet with a thickness of 2 cm. Think out the foam on the width of 4-5 cm. Cut first on the strips, then on bricks.

In principle, there will be enough bricks in 1 cm thick, so bricks are cut once again in half.

First next to glue thick bricks, they form a decorative side.

The following rows of bricks are laid out in a checker order.

The fireplace is ready. Install it and decorate.

Inside, a glowing garland must lie, it is she will replace the light of a real fire.

Tree products: Star, Wreath

Stars as an element of the New Year decor are not inferior in popularity to snowmen, grandparents and Snow Maiden. It affects the proximity of Christmas, and the celebration we strip at night. Let's try to make a big star from wooden plates.

For the Christmas star, it will take a wooden box, in these are selling vegetables and fruits on the market.

Remove the three plates.

Boards are quite broad, so they are cut in half. Note for the convenience of the middle.


Sand boards so that there are no burstles. Do not forget about the corners.

We will need 5 such narrow specks. In principle, if you have narrow speakers, the steps listed above, you can skip.

Color specks in bright red color from the paint spray.

We fold the spears in the star and pinch them with nails, on the reverse side of the nails bend.

There should be such a star.

Now wrap the whole star with electric garlands.

In Hollywood films, even in the same "one house", you could see that wreaths use for decoration. It is not necessary to take fir branches for this purpose, we will bypass conventional branches without leaves.

Video: Wreath of branches

Crafts from Pomponov: Cozy Wreath and Cute Snowman

In winter, when you return home from work, and on the street frost, dark, the wind will fight, I want to wrap up in a soft warm plaid, satisfying a hot tea with mint, touch something fluffy (seams fit). Fluffiness in many causes a tide of pacification. Pompona is one of those things that are nice to admire and which are delivering pleasant tactile sensations. We make several crafts from Pomponov.

The first idea is a wreath.

For the manufacture of wreath you will need two windows of threads different colors - In this case, brown and white, two cardboard blanks in the form of slingshots slightly different sized scissors.

Mix threads on stencils.

Clean the thread through the hole and roll wounded threads.

Remove the stem from the stencil and cut the threads on both sides with scissors.

Make 10 large and 5 small pompons. Do the same from brown threads. Total pumps will work 30 pcs.

Now you need a metal ring. It can be made of wire or cheap metal hanger.

Just tie pompons on a metal base.

Additionally decorate wreath christmas toys.

You can use a variety of decoration elements for wreath decorating, such as bells or bows. We have about tying bows.

Now let's make a snowman made of white threads.

Take a thread. Three fingers wrap it 170 times.

Ply out in the middle across.

Cut the threads on the collapse. Cover scissors.

Next we wake threads for 2 fingers 150 times. We do in the same way: we remove, bandage, cut.

Then we wind the threads only on the thumb 100 times.

Take a tube for cocktails and ride the pumps on it. Superior cutting off.

From thin twigs make nose, mouth, eyes, hands. Printe.

You can make a New Year's composition, putting a snowman on the cutting of the tree trunk, reagreeing it with painted cones, christmas balls, fir branches, artificial snow.

Video: Penguin from Pomponov

Girlands for room decoration and windows

Which of us in childhood did not make garlands at home with relatives or in labor lessons before the new year? Now, by the way, it has become much more opportunities for creativity, due to the availability of materials for needlework, well, the Internet is just shot by abundance of ideas. It is possible to decorate the children's room with garlands, waving them under the ceiling. The child will not get to them, not spawn and not confused.

Paper garlands are all sorts of flags, chains, snowflakes - can do many, do not everyone know that this purpose also use felt. Let's make from this material the garland with gingerbread people.

Especially beautiful looks garlands on the window. If you correctly pick up the material, it will turn, reflecting and day and artificial light. We offer to decorate the garland window from the usual synthetic procession, decorated with Lurex.

Move the synthet pillow, well, or purchase it in the store with handicrafts. Roll small balls.

Then the Lurex wrap each ball.

At the same lurex thread, we draw the resulting blanks.

So that the balls are not knocked into a bunch, in the right places drip on a thread on a drip of hot glue. It will not be visible due to the fact that it is drowned into the syntheps, but the balls will stay in their places.

It turns out an excellent garland on the window opening.

To make the garland on the window, you can use the Mishur. She will not need a lot, since we will cut it on small pieces.

I cut off a piece of about 1-2 cm long, twist it and fill with your fingers.

There should be such a billet.

We make a lot of details.

Then we ride the "snowflakes" on the fishing line. If you choose a thin line, then it will not be visible at all, and it will be as if the "snowflakes" soak in the air - very beautiful.

See how it looks.

An even more master classes for the manufacture of New Year's garlands can be found.

Candlesticks and lamps - create an atmosphere of comfort

The muted light will create in the room a secluded, calm atmosphere, what you need if you are going to celebrate the New Year together. Although it is not a sin to decorate the room with candles in the original candlesticks or lamps from LED garlands to relax from the bustle of long winter evenings.

When the reflections of the candles on the wall are combined with the indescribable cozy aroma of cinnamon - it is pleasantly doubly.

And also inside a glass cup or vases that are used in the role of a candlestick, recreate the winter forest in miniature. Want to try? The more interesting and the composition will be more detailed, the better. Besides decorative trees Of the paper, the figures of people, snowmen, houses are placed there. This installation is very fascinating when the candle is lit.

It will take a round vase, salt, candle, green colored paper, glue, toothpicks. In the vase, salt is salt, put the tea candle inside.

Cut from colored paper strips 1.5 * 20 cm.

Let's make a small fringe.

Toothpicks cover glue and wrap with colored paper, fringe up. Unnecessary part of the wand climb.

Fuck the fringe.

Walk Christmas tree in improvised snow.

Decorate beads.

Draw a stroke, white contour, a white marker or acrylic snowflake paints.

Decorative candle is ready.

Another candlestick version is made of a glass for whiskey, which is decorated with a finely chopped tinsel.

At the beginning, we were talking about luminaires. How to implement the easiest option, read below

Take the usual LED garland, which is sold for the New Year almost in any supermarket, and fold it into a narrow high glass.

Clay the top of a glass with a transparent scotch.

Glass Put in the jar.

Fall off the space between the glass and the can with artificial snow.

Close the can with a lid and turn on the garland. The room will be filled with mild pleasant light.

Video: Rotating Christmas Tree Lamp

Transformation of interior items

New Year's mood create not only special decorative objects, but also interior items. How can you decorate everyday things, look in master classes. For example, do you want the usual stool to turn into an original decorative product?

Now give the room New Year's flavor due to decorative pillows on the pillows. They are suitable for decorating sofa pillows in the living room and for the decor of the bed in the bedroom.

Take two pillowcases: one white, other red, rhinestones, paints on fabric, sequins, scissors, tape, sheets of paper and printing with a deer.

For the first pillowcase cut from the paper of the paper Snezhink.

Under the fabric inside the pillowcases to lay something, as the paint can be swapped the other side of the pillowcase and the surface on which the pillowcase lies.

Fix with scotchy snowflake. Then, armed with sponge and paint for the fabric, felt the holes in the stencil.

Get off the stencil and decorate the pillowcase with rhinestones, stick them.

Cut out a deer head out of paper, use a sheet as a stencil.

We crush the golden paint "Metallic".

Remove stencil.

Panel. When you want more holiday

The more New Year's details, the more interesting. Do not disregard the shelves and bedside tables, decorate their original panels.

Take the workpiece for the panel. In this case, a canvas on the subframe is used. Although you can use cardboard painted with white paint.

Turn off a piece of foil. Suitable foil, which is designed for baking.

Open slight pieces of foil, flicker them to achieve the wrong shape.

Preparing all the pieces, stir up on reverse side Double-sided tape.

Stick all fragments in place.

Other panels will produce threads. Background Let's make the most new year - red. For the manufacture of panels, prepare two identical rectangular sheets corrugated cardboard, hammer, acrylic red paint, double-sided adhesive tape, thick threads (knitting), small carnations, printed on paper silhouette of a deer head.

We glue two-way tape cards. If possible, you can take a wooden blank instead of cardboard.

Now evenly cover the entire cardboard with red paint.

About the edges, too, do not forget.

If the panel is large, you can not print the template, but to translate the silhouette from the screen to glued together paper sheets.

Wake the carnations along the lines, especially carefully where the contour line bends. Fill the middle cloves.

Carefully remove the paper.

Tie a thread to one of the nails. Fill out the silhouette of the threads are not too tight. To not be mistaken, winding threads, check with the pattern. To highlight the outline, you can walk again along the contour.

We take into every corner on the carnation and make a frame from the thread.

The result of the work looks as if you purchased this craft in the department of decorative things and gifts.

Other souvenirs

Without New Year souvenirs, literally nowhere. They can not only be decorating, you can give them. DIY, in which you have invested the part of your soul, are likely to be accepted with great delight and gratitude. It would seem a small boot with sprigs of ate, a cone-shaped Christmas tree of cardboard, and how many in these products the anticipation of the holiday is concluded.

To make such a boot, we use a plastic capsule from a chocolate egg.

We cut it into two parts, cutting the jumper connecting the jumper.

A smaller part is marker.

Cut the scissors to the curved part.

The remaining parts should be in the boot.

We take a piece of paper and supply the bottom of the booze. Cut. This is a template for the manufacture of "soles".

By a pattern of a dense black felt, cut out the sole.

We glue with hot glue to the sole of a booze detail. First, the detail is more, then the detail is smaller.

Meeting the details are also sizing. The sole is cut, if there are protruding sites.

Now we glue the boot with a red felt. We apply glue to the edge of the sole and glue the segment of the felt in a circle.

At the place of the joint, cut off excess and put the joint.

Cut off the excess length of the material, but not back.

Fix the cloth on the front of the boot. Inside, we bring glue droplet around in the middle and press the fabric with your finger.

Then the two side folds are fixed with glue.

Cut off the excess on top.

With a white felt, imitate the fur edge of the boot.

We glue the decor in the folds area.

We put in your boot a few artificial twigs.

Decorating twigs.

Computer table or place where you work at home, too, you need to arrange new year. Let's make a Christmas tree in the form of Topiaria. Putting it somewhere in the corner, you will remember that the new year will come soon, which means that the New Year holidays are close and you can give yourself a long-awaited stay.

Capture a cardboard glass into wrapping paper.

We will cut the protruding sites.

Now make out of the cardboard the base of the Christmas tree in the form of a cone.

Gear cone using PVA glue. In addition to the cardboard cone, you can use a purchased cone from the foam.

Align low part Christmas trees so she stood steadily.

Circle "Ronyshko" Christmas tree on a sheet of paper. Cut it.

Insert a piece of foam into the Christmas tree.

Apply glue and glue the cut circle from the cardboard.

Tree trunk can be made of sushi sticks. If desired, re-adjust them with ribbons. To do this, secure the edge of the ribbon with a droplet of hot glue and wrap a wand. Insert the wand in the center of the Christmas tree, deepening it into the foam.

Now wrap the cone with knitted threads. Again, on hot glue, put the tip of the thread, then, tightly laying the thread, wrap the entire cone. At the end, secure the thread with glue.

Decorating the Christmas tree will be bows and beads. Make small bows from tapes.

To secure the decor, use hot glue.

From the red felt, cut out a small star and decorate her a christmas tree.

To install the Christmas tree in a glass, take the building gypsum and divorced it with water, according to the instructions. Put the Christmas tree into the glass and wait until the gypsum hardens.

Top pour artificial snow And, wrapping the edge of a glass with hot glue, glue artificial snow and there too.

The house, which we now tell you how to do, can be used as a tank for papers on the desktop, like a cloth, as a gift package for nonsense gifts, and a lot as more.

Take the A4 sheet and draw the house itself and all the items that it will be decorated. Cut it.

On the house we draw a Christmas tree.

Now take out all the details of the felt. First, cut the front and rear parts of the house, two lateral parts and bottom of the red felt.

Now cut those elements from paper that should be white and green. Translate them to the felt of the corresponding color.

Cut out the window from a green felt, as well as a Christmas tree, dividing it into several parts on tiers, snow on the roof of the house - from white felt - everything is in two copies for both sides.

Now glue the house. We glue to one of the halves bottom with hot glue.

Then side parts. Glue them with the bottom.

This house has already turned out.

On the roof and the pipe glit parts made of white felt, as well as a backing tree.

Then glue the window, the trunk of the Christmas tree made of brown felt. And green tiers with a yellow star on the painter.

Stick the handle out from the same red felt.

Video: New Year's crafts

Christmas calendar

And how great in anticipation of the holiday pamper yourself or children sweet. Let's make a sweet calendar for December. Surrender the days before the New Year will be much more pleasant. Christmas calendar is one of the attributes of European christmas. But the idea is good: eat every day on the candy and feel the approach of the holiday. Who is who, and children from this decorative subject will definitely be delighted, do not catch off behind the ears.

Take the hanger, wrapping paper, a line with a pencil, double-sided tape, scissors, scrapbook, candy.

From wrapping paper, cut out 21 rectangles, focusing on the size of the candies, which we will turn into this paper.

Pack each candy in paper, forming such "gifts".

From scrapbooks cut rectangles or asterisks, in general, any shape, and write numbers from 1 to 31 on them.

Jump holes in rectangles holes, slide on the twine and impose it candy wrapped in paper.

When everything is ready, on a hanger, using the twine, tie all candy.

Suspension toys: on the Christmas tree and for decorating

Toys that can be squealing on the Christmas tree, can be perfectly painted with a room, and not just a New Year tree, especially since they are made from a variety of well-made materials. For example, this decor use to decorate windows, christmas trees, walls.

From glue on a piece of cellophane, as a regular file that can act, draw hot glue with snowflake.

When the snowflake will freeze, take it off from cellophane.

Pour a little sequin. Apply glue by the second layer on the snowflake.

Skift the snowflake in the sequins. They stick where you put glue. You can make a multicolored snowflake, if the sequins of one color are put on some sections, and when the adhesive will dry up, losing with glue other areas and suck the snowflake into a sparkle of another color.

It is better to apply sequins with parts so as not to lock the glue.

Video: Felt Christmas Toys

Video: Gifts toys

Even more ideas new Year's toys You will find in this article.

When everything is decorated, staying and take a look at all this beauty. Appeared a feeling of the approach of the new year?

The living room can also pick up white winter jewelry, sofa pillows And capes that look like were shipped by a thin layer of snow. Such a design will be chic, surprisingly cozy and completely out of time.

For those who live in high-rise buildings, also worries the question: "How to decorate the apartment for the new year 2019?" This year, metal shades appear in all possible details - decorations, lighting, desktop items.

One of the hottest trends is copper in combination with wood and neutral, elegant colors. Wishing to create an interior in this stylist, designers put on fur. Ideal on the floor, chairs, but also unusual decoration Table.

If you really do not know how to decorate the room for the new year 2019, then with we want to pay attention to Eco trend, he conquers more and more fans. Natural materials, muffled colors, inspiration of the world of nature, also arrived in the interiors. It is worth postponing this eco trend and on New Year's decorations. Furniture and accessories are made of natural wood - wicker with a cotton supplement, not only bring the winter aura to the house, but also make it cozy. Instead of traditional balls on festive christmas tree Decorations made from ropes, paper or wood.

How beautifully decorate the house with balls?

Do not know how to decorate the house for the new year by balls? Here you have several original ideas, photo:

Ideas for home decoration for the new year 2019 outside

If you live in a private house, then probably not against, decorate your home not only inside, but also outside, then catch a few original ideas, how to decorate the house for the new year outside not only beautiful, but also original.

  • Wreaths;

The first thing for what is worth paying attention to the decoration of the house outside to the new year is the design of the door, for this there are various spruce wreaths, as well as wreaths of cones and other natural materials.

  • Garlands;

Garlands, beautiful iridescent rainbow, the most successful solution in the outdoor decoration of the house for the new year 2019.

  • Decorative beasts;

Believe me if your yard will stand in the courtyard with decorative deer charged in them, all passersby will not be able to tear the eyes. Also very beautiful and original when decorating a house for the new year, proteins or deer from garlands will look, or rather deer from metal carcass covered with electric garlands.

Ideas How to Decorate Children's Room for New Year 2019

The new year is a good time to plan changes and updates to our interiors. Interesting ideas For the design of space, the imagination may awaken, so justify yourself, especially in the child's room.

The baby sometimes gives joy even minor little things that will attract his attention and go out the imagination.

New Year's decorations can completely change the interior and create houses Christmas mood. Simply a few lanterns, a bouquet of springs of ostolist and a festive headdress so that the magic atmosphere is reigned throughout the house. What New Year's decorations choose for a children's room?

New Year's figures of the angels, sprigs of holly and candles will add glitter to any room. Can be performed with the child festive wreath. You only need to purchase a ready-made frame and decorate it with sprigs of ostolist, adding selected decorations.

Multicolored tree

Christmas tree always looks beautiful, no matter how dressed. The decoration of the Christmas tree for the new year 2019 is worth choosing in the tone of the interior. Blue - in the boy's room and golden girl's room. You can also put on the avant-garde and buy a colorful Christmas tree. Children love to dress up the Christmas tree with the decorations performed by decorations, for example, you can do with children glazed gingerbread, decorations made of paper, from pasta, or from yarn and hang them on the Christmas tree

In the children's room for registration of the Christmas tree as an original idea, stickers on the walls, pillows or bed linen with new Year's motifs. For the children's room you can buy a very small Christmas tree in pots. On the door, wall or frame of the bed hang Christmas decorations from felt, such as socks with Santa Claus, deer, snowman or rooster.

By the way, the simple design of the New Year tree for meeting the New Year 2019 in the children's child can be turned into a fascinating quest, children love this occupation.

New Year's lights

Wonderful festive decorations are all sorts of lanterns. Ideas How to decorate the house for the new year a lot, the child in the room should get the brightest and safe interior items.

You can insert small candles in them, creating beautiful decorations. It is enough to invest inward the lamp aroma candlesAnd the whole room will fill the festive fragrance! However, decorating a room for a child instead of a candle is better to use to decorate LEDs.

Glowing balls

Glowing balls of Cotton Balls are the last Creek of Fashion and ... Beautiful decoration for the holiday. Balls are perfect in the child's room, brighten it with gentle and soft light. The baby may not want to part with them after the new year. Here is another idea how to decorate the room for the new year, especially the children's

Festive table for New Year's party

White dishes are synonymous with elegance. Many stylists recommend to arrange the entire festive table in such a color, adding the service with white candlesticks, candles or wreath.

Preparing the scenery of the festive table, you should not lose the rustic style from the type, especially if the new year is planned to be found outside the city. Ornament can perform fur skins in combination with wood!

Can be used wooden boards As a stand or take a piece of raw wood to write a menu on it. In the central part of the table, create your own composition From a tree with several brilliant additions. The copper cutlery is ideal in this role, as well as decorated in a similar color scheme, dishes.

In order for the guests to feel the unique atmosphere, it is worth preparing the original vignettes for them and decompose on the plates between the branches or attach to the glass. The main thing in the festive arrangement is to create a good, friendly mood. Copper supplements will provide warm cozy atmosphere In any apartment!

In the scenery of the festive table, you can use forest cones and fir branches, and paper napkins should be replaced with cotton.

Black and white, as well as red and white are eternal duets. These colors are well suited for New Year's stylization. If you want to create an unusual festive design, modern, elegant and adequately looks like a black tablecloth in a set with white kitchenware, a Christmas tree, drawn in black toys, preferably with a matte tint and wrapped in white with gold paper, gifts.

Champagne Bottle Decoration for New Year

Of course, if you decorate champagne for the new year with your own hands, all your guests will be delighted and the festive table will be much brighter. In order to decorate the champagne bottles for the New Year with their own hands, there is a very difficult bunch of ideas on their decoration, below step-by-step photos Ideasthat will be useful to you.

If you decide to decide the bottle of champagne for the new year, you have decided not to spend yourself, then there is a bunch of options, how can I make a decoration of champagne bottles for the new year, for example, this is ready christmas Bottle Cases, such as in the photo:

How to decorate the room in the store, school and office for the new year 2019

Christmas is a magical period in which everyone wants to feel this special atmosphere, so it is worth taking care of its creation not only in the apartment. The appropriate decoration of the office, the store or the classroom will allow everyone surrounded, feel to feel the magic aura.

How to decorate the office for the new year, the workers of this office usually decide, so I gather a friendly team, do not interfere with each other to express your opinion and ideas.

The festive atmosphere in this case creates a Christmas tree. Therefore, the options for how to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year and photo ideas on the eve of the holiday Peps all the Internet. For the new year for the decoration of the Christmas tree can be used as natural materialsAnd simple plastic or glass toys. New Year's Christmas tree decoration 2019
It must be adapted to the size of the room in order not to absorb the interior. Present, fragrant tree requires care, so the purchase of artificial is recommended.

If you instructed you to decorate the office for the new year with your own hands and hands of employees, please note that the color shades of Christmas toys and other jewelry can be chosen in accordance with the company's logo. In the decoration of any official premises, it is better to adhere to minimalism. An inhomogeneous group of snowflakes, snowmen, angels and roasting figures will give the office a frivolous appearance.

It is necessary to comply with the balance and withstand style. For example, a small artificial Christmas tree and original souvenirs In the style of High Tech or Avangard.

Employees will feel the full festival when they drink their favorite coffee or tea from a cup with a festive topics. What is usually decorated with an office for the new year, you can see in the photo below:

On the eve of the teacher's holiday, they begin to invent, how to decorate the class for the new year. Often, schoolchildren can also hear, we decorate the class at school for the new year - this is one of best decisionsSince children always have many original and beautiful ideas.

Also in each preschool institution It is necessary to decorate a group in kindergarten in the new year. Most common decorations for class in school and groups in kindergarten will be garlands and coniferous wreathswhich are great for use in small offices due to the fact that they can be hung almost anywhere. This is how the decoration of the class and group can look like a kindergarten for the new year, photo:

So, what kind of store decorations for the new year are most accessible and simple, but also beautiful and original?

The most simple will be all sorts of garlands, both glowing and just beautiful balls and pumps. Do not forget to decorate the windows, ideas as you can decorate can look just below.

If the space of your store allows you to put a small Christmas tree and decorate it, and you should not neglect the balls and decorating the entrance door to your store. Here are some more ideas how to decorate the store for the new year, photo:

How to decorate the windows on the New Year holidays

Before proceeding with the window decoration for the new year, it is necessary to determine the style that it corresponds to the rest of the room. If the ideas for the house for the new year do not climb into your head, we will help you.

If the living room is decorated in the classic style, traditional decorations will be more appropriate. On the window sills are snowmen, christmas trees or angels. Glasses decorate winter landscapes, made, for example, artificial snow. Drawings or accessories in white, silver or gold colors will bring light and warmth to the house.

Trendy add-ons are also jewelry from pearls, they can be hung on the Christmas tree, but no less beautiful they will look like fixed on the curtains or put on the windowsill.

Windows can be decorated pine wreaths, feather garlands, nuts and pearls. Festive mood will create stickers or stencils with Santa Claus, angels and carved snowflakes. To decorate windows, artificial snow can be used in the form of a spray or special easily washable paints.

Beautiful photo ideas of design of the new year meeting 2019

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Designers annually come up with the original ideas of how to decorate the room to the new year 2019 with their own hands so that the decor looks not only appropriate and beautiful, but also stylish. However, for the first time, engaged in creating festive decorationsIt is difficult to find the border in front of which it is worth stopping in order not to overdo it with the Mishur, garlands and toys.

That is why it is important to listen to the opinions of professionals who know how to arrange everything so that the photo with gorgeous design did not differ from reality.

In what style to decorate at home for the new year 2019

Before proceeding to the most interesting, it is necessary to deal with the variety of modern trends and the ideas of the New Year's decor. First of all, it is necessary to decorate on whom the scenery is calculated. And pushing out from it, think over the options of how and in what style to decorate the room to do it yourself.

Annually changing trends

Teenagers starting independent life, young people and follow-up for fashion adults need to pay attention to stylish, replacing every 1-2 festive decoration seasons.

How to decorate the room for the new year 2019

Christmas tree in white

What you should pay attention to:

  • geometric broken lines;
  • watercolor divorces;
  • calligraphic fonts;
  • holographic effects;
  • rainbow Unicorn and other characters from popular cartoons;
  • silver and golden prints in the decor;
  • decorated in New Year's style cacti;
  • pink flamingos;
  • neon backlights.

Decorations made with your own hands

Decoration of the fireplace

Bright and original scenery will be appropriate if there will be modern youth in the house, seeking to spend the evening in a comfortable setting.

Elder generation will not always be understood by such a decor, since the new year for them is an abundance of garlands, tinsel, snowflakes and similar classic decorations.

Minimalism for Little Square

Minimalism has long been a classic, which is always relevant for students and newlyweds. In it, the main thing is to create a coziness in a modern style without the begging of the residential premises with a large decor. It can be:

  • non-standard versions of christmas trees and wreaths on the walls;
  • creation of compositions from branches on the doors and vertical planes;
  • window decorations in the minimum volume without excesses;
  • celtic, scandinavian style;
  • eco-minimalism with natural decorations and restrained colors.

Little Room Decoration

Christmas tree in Kadke

In such a situation, a holiday is very cozy and comfortable, paying the creation of a festive atmosphere at least time and strength. But at the same time, you can not stop on standard solutions, coming up and implementing modern ideas.

Strict Compliance with Classics and Traditions

Suitable for young people and adults, for whom the new year is associated with fairy tale, magic and gifts from Santa Claus. Therefore, the abundance of shining garlands and scenery occupies the first place, and on the second is a meeting with friends and relatives behind a huge table and creating a real holiday.

What color is better to decorate the room

Modern classic

Thinking on how to decorate the room to the new year 2019, it is worth considering and more modern option Interior design. It is less bright in color scheme and discreet in choosing a decor.

Paper stars

Christmas trees from cardboard

Paper Christmas trees in the form of cones

It has notes of minimalism and a combination of trend styles, namely:

  • christmas trees are replaced by individual branches placed on festive table, in vases and as decorations on fireplaces, windows and walls;
  • mini-trees painted with white paint or other shades acrylic are settled in the rooms;
  • the decorations in the form of tinsel and the rain are at a minimum or completely absent.

Instead of the standard classics with a bright range of shades and brilliant jewelry on the windows and walls, color extensions and snowflakes are placed, and artificial snow hangs from the ceiling and there is a restraint in everything.

Use garlands as decoration

Luxury and modern chic

Suitable for people of various ages that love tender shades in pastel tones. And also prefer scenery with a supplement in the form:

  • glossy and pearl surfaces with splashes of sewers, highlights, witters and similar materials;
  • marble patterns in decorations for the Christmas tree and at home;
  • watercolor divorce and lines with the addition of silver or golden glitter.

Room decoration in style modern chic

Decoration of minimalism

This style can be decorated in pastel monophonic colors, with an emphasis on white, pink or berry. Or possible with the addition of contrasts in the form of splits of black and dark shades. Flocated ate and wreaths fit perfectly into it, attracting attention to the original down on the branches.

Boho style or ethnic

You can also decorate the apartment with your own hands in the trend style that occupies high positions in the European fashion. Although he has not yet gained great popularity in the territory of the CIS countries, but already understanding modern people. Bocho and Bocho-Chic will not leave indifferent innovators.

Pine cones

In the new direction of style are present:

  • natural materials in the form of a rough and gently treated tree;
  • the abundance of feathers of various birds, which can also be painted in warm shades of brown, green, blue;
  • jewelry made of rods and thin branches, straw, woven in interesting toys and crafts;
  • macrame and knitted decorative elements;
  • leaves, flowers with various textures.

You can create such interesting decorations with your own hands, choosing the most beautiful and photos from the photo. original products. Looking boho will be delightful both in the studio apartment and in a huge house.

Using lit candles

Paper Christmas trees on the windows

How to decorate the room for the new year 2019, if there is no Christmas tree

In return, spruce or pine in the room can be installed scenery from modern classic style. It can be:

  • separate branches, fruit or other trees, assembled with a wire in the form of a tree and painted in white, blue or other in the winter;
  • the New Year area can be framed on a wall of flask flap, garlands or from wire fixed on nails or buttons;
  • tree is often collected from boards and different materials, Caught at hand.

How to decorate the room if there is no Christmas tree in the house

Fir-tree made with your own hands

How to make the original Christmas tree on the wall

Paper garlands on the wall

In this case, it is important to afford to think no standard and not be afraid to realize the trend ideas that have long been applied in the design abroad. In addition, it is interesting to look at the scenery in the form of a fireplace made with your own hands and the decoration of the chest, which can act as furniture under gifts or mini-bar in the New Year style.

How to decorate the doors and windows to the arrival of the new year

The leading place as decorative elements to create a New Year's mood is originated. Light photos and video lessons will allow not only beautiful balls and snowflakes, but also others interesting crafts. It is very interesting to look like decorations in the form of Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, deer, yellow pig and other characters from the winter pantheon made in modern technique origami.

Door decoration with paper garlands

Outstands on the windows

Snowflake window decor

If you want to give a tribute to classics, you can do volumetric snowflakes and lanterns, garlands of paper or dense cardboard. But the most interesting option will be the painting of windows and doors with acrylic paints on ready-made stencils or cutting and creating on glass of paintings with dolenok.

Options for decoration windows

Snowflakes on the windows

No less effectively wreaths of sweets, ribbons, corrugated paper on the doors and windows, as well as the design of the windowsill neon or paraffin candles. Additional festive decor You can cut out of paper with bulk trees, fabulous characters and cone-shaped Christmas trees, placed on the windowsill or floors.

New Year's decor walls in the room

Stylish and modern will look like garlands in one color scheme, fixed in the form of a symbol of the year or winter birds on the walls. In another part of the wall, you can fix the garland and rave pictures and photos on it winter style On ordinary or decorated clothespins.

Decor walls Snowflakes

Paper garlands

Interesting and effectively look like decorations in the form of balls for decoration of the Christmas tree, stretched in a vertical position on a fishing line or a thin ribbon. In the same way, you can arrange other types of decor and decorate the room in the selected style.

Accessories do it yourself

Very festive, transparent vases, bulk glasses with decorative snow and beautiful scenery in winter style are looking. To make such an accessory, do not make a lot of effort.

Christmas decorations

Decor made with your own hands


  • purchased artificial snow or mixed in equal proportions of shaving and soda foam;
  • beautiful tank;
  • artificial scenery.


  1. I fall asleep in a beautiful vase so that it is filled with half.
  2. Place a bear on a snowdrift or another interesting souvenir.
  3. Add fir branches, bumps and berries that will create winter contrasts on white snow.

Near the beautiful decor, you can place a candle or aroma, adding a few drops of essential oil: citrus or coniferous wood.

Girlands from Christmas toys

If the snow was not completely consumed, unnecessary cans or boring glasses can be reeded. For this:

  1. Lubricate the outer surface of the glass of PVA glue.
  2. Snow scatter on a flat surface and collapse in a glass in it.
  3. Fix with adhesive pistol or polymer glue decorative elements.
  4. Add twine at the neck or beautiful tape with a bow.

Home decoration garland

Toys from thread

Cone-shaped christmas

How to make beautiful garlands in the house

If you buy or make snow it does not work, it can be replaced by soda or salt. Inside such beautiful accessory It will be beautiful to look a candle tablet.

The ideas of how to decorate the room to the new year 2019 with their own hands are inexhaustible. You can create a festive mood by making yourself a donkey with gifts folded from wooden sticks with snowflakes and other interesting figures. And also, focusing in the photo, make crafts in the selected style, arranged apartment or house in trend.

Preparation of the house for the new year already the tradition that people love so of different ages. They decorate in different ways: cut off snowflakes, they make little snowmen from the wool, get Mishur and balls on the Christmas tree - who loves what and who is accustomed to.

Usually suitable for this case with originality, combining and combining not only the cute decorations, but also gamma, and styles. So it creates its special festive world of joy and new Year's Miracle. But how can you decorate the room with your own hands on the coming? Let's look at this question and the answers to it carefully.

The size of the decorated room actually does not matter. If there is no possibility to put the Christmas tree, then you should not make it from this catastrophe - the Christmas tree can be suspended on the lamp or ceiling, or even lay out the garland or tinsel right on the wall.

Also suitable balls or large glued. You can put miniature Christmas trees on the desktop or windowsill, so no one will be left without a New Year's miracle.

Windows and window sills

On the windows in the winter, the nature of nature itself appears in the winter: frost, charmingly twisted in the invisible stream of whirlwinds - so why don't you and disintegrate with you and windows?

IN aM no longer have to be painfully wondering how to decorate his room to the new year 2019, because the simplest, but from this no less elegant, the ideas of the decor we will look at.

Cutting a variety of snowflakes, green christmas trees, silhouettes of animals and birds, even letters to write congratulations to others - perfectly suitable for family evening. You can stick them on the glass or just a pinch to the curtains, thereby creating a festive atmosphere.

You can come up with these decorations yourself, showing imagination at the maximum, and you can buy by stencils. Houses, Sani, and Snow Maiden, sitting in it, supreme deers, snowmen and proteins - the range is so huge that it is impossible to list everything.

T. ak that everyone can find a picture of yourself in the soul, and with due interest also a whole picture with details and details! For the most sophisticated, there are also adhesive options!

Stickers The case is not limited to: wreaths, garlands, painted little birds, tinsel and "rain" - you can use what only wants. Wreaths are the most different, they can even be easily gossipped, to the joy of themselves and relatives. All this will create a completely special atmosphere, on which we miss so much.

Look up

If the places are not particularly much or in the family there are squid pets or small children - the option is perfect, which will not touch the floor and thereby provoke on the attack.

Food sprockets and planets will help to decorate the room for the new year 2019, they fit well at this time of the year, moreover, after the holidays, they can be left and on an ongoing basis - who will not want to consider stars before bedtime? Usually, there are a lot in stores, so everyone will find what he was looking for. Also use colored lamps.

Under the ceiling can comfortably get a garland, whether with color lanterns or made with their own hands. Walls can also be decorated with figures and snowflakes.

The most noticeable thing on the ceiling is chandelier. She also extremely needed decoration. Here you can use a rain or christmas balls, falling snowflakes, gently pegs from any breeze, or spruce branches that exacer the gentle smell of the forest.

Furniture and fireplaces

Decorate the table for the new year 2019 simply. It will become especially solemn if you decorate a special tablecloth, a vase with gingerbread (why not try to make it with your own hands?), Sweets or completely inedible things - cones or Christmas bright balls.

Even christmas twigs and wreaths, various candles and candlesticks, figurines and crafts can be used. All that may have a connection with this wonderful holiday.

Each at least once in life dreamed of being "as in that film" and send New Year and Christmas warm fireplace, crackling fire and soft light. Those who are lucky to have a fireplace home can decorate it.

But be careful! Fire is cunning, it is not necessary to have flammable decorations, it can end badly.

Water branches will look great - beautiful and cozy. In addition, fresh twigs exude essential oilswhich favorably affects a person. You can cook artificial snow and arrange a small gentle scene about a tireless snowman and his gifts under the Christmas tree.

The fireplace is decorated with flags and wreaths, you can put a soft toy in the New Year's red cap, put a couple of candlesticks, decompose the bumps ... and Mishuur! You can buy toy sleeves or christmas socks where you can easily put small gifts in size.

Decorative pillows

There is another way to decorate the room to the new year 2019, only this time you do not have to cut and glue. This is an elegant I. useful way Bring the festive atmosphere even there, where other decorations will be inappropriate.

Little sofa pillows with New Year's drawing will look profitable anywhere. There are several ways to make these decorations manually:

  1. Use old sweaters and shirts. After all, each of you have "that very" t-shirt with deer, which can not be worn, but the print is cool? There is an excellent reason to give her a second life.
  2. Just sew.Can be from any soft fabric or felt. It does not take much time, and the fabric goes less than you can assume.
  3. You can embroider smooth or cross on anything.Many schemes on various sites or in stores, but remember! Immediately the cross is not embroider in the fabric! Before it is imposed by a special fabric, - canvas, - and after only embroider. So the drawing is clearer and more correctly.

In case there is no time for creativity at all, you can buy pillowcases with the desired pattern.


As you already, probably noticed, it is possible to decorate with garlands, even the usual home palm trees with them seems special and New Year.

Of course, there are unlawful rules that should be observed that the elegant decoration does not turn into a bright misery:

  1. Moderate lighting. Surplus the bright truce light from the garland is as bad as a complete darkness. You can make a tricky thing - put the garland only in one place, and not throughout the room, then it turns out a cozy island of light.
  2. Think about the outlets in advance. It will be very ugly if the extension cords have to pull across the room.

Remember that more pleasant and pacifying are garlands of monochrome and non-moving.

Ordinary garlands make from:

  1. Paper glued in different ways.
  2. From felt, cutting out the figures by pattern.
  3. From the wool - roll out small lumps and put them on a thread.
  4. From the cones on the thread.
  5. From the threads - pompons, intertwined apricots, bright and intertwined with each other.
  6. From the Christmas branches collected in the forest or remaining from the old Christmas tree.

Cheap decorations do it yourself

It is not always possible to spend a lot on the decorations in the New Year, and some people do not want it, preferring more budget options or at all "as before." New Year in itself is associated with serious trips, but what to do? After all, a variety is necessary that such a bright event is not spent from year to year.

It turns out, decorations can be made with their own hands and quite budget:

  • Cut from paper figures on the window.
  • Various crafts from paper.
  • Crafts out fir branches And cones - an eco-friendly decoration that can even replace the Christmas tree.
  • Felt toys.
  • Gingerbread Cookie. In 2019, this is a pig, so you can make charming cookies in the form of pyatchekov.
  • Cakes and salads in the form of a symbol for decorating a table for the new year 2019.

In addition to low-cost such decorations are very easy to do, how to do some of them we can consider right now. Let's start, perhaps, with delicious decoration.

Gingerbread gingerbreads

Gingerbread gingerbread is a great treat for both children and adults. They, spicy and tart, are associated with the holiday, joy and gifts. Unfortunately, not everyone likes classic recipe, After all, spices are still a subtle and requiring special relationship.

Why don't these giggits hang on the Christmas tree? And delicious, and nice to see!

There are so many options for recipes, one of which is softer than the original version is presented below.

We will need:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter creamy - 150 g;
  • flour - 300-400 g;
  • soda, jumped in vinegar - 0.5 h.;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • nutmeg, salt;
  • cinnamon hammer - 1-2 h.;
  • crumpled orange squeeze - 1-2 h.;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • vanillin.

What do we have to do:

  1. We rub a little frozen butter On a coarse grater and rub it with sugar.
  2. We add eggs and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Add spices and vanilla sugar.
  4. I fall asleep the flour and knead the dough.
  5. Roll over it with a thickness of less than in half acetimeter. We form cookies, cutting out the figures with special molds. Thus, you can make gingerbread men.
  6. Pencil make holes in every workpiece for future ribbons, for which we will hang sweets on the twigs.
  7. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees 20 minutes.
  8. Preparing the glaze. Take egg white, sugar powder and a little lemon juice. Whip the ingredients with a mixer, gradually introducing powder. To make an inscription color, you can use food dyes.
  9. As soon as the cookie cools, we decorate the icing.

Salty dough

Salted dough is another good foundation for making crafts, in cases where there is no possibility or desire to buy figurines and decorations. For example, you can cut the decoration or a small cute statuette, which will decorate the shelf with books. If there are children in the family, then you can take them, it greatly develops a small motorcy.

For an example of a Christmas decoration, lambs are perfectly suitable for its creation, in addition to salt dough, we will need acrylic paint, a stationery knife and toothpick. In fact, everything is very simple you can make sure of it. Baister!

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Making medium sizes of a cake and a small ball.
  2. Twit the sausage and divide into 4 parts (2 of them less), it will be legs.
  3. After imitate wool with toothpicks or wooden stick And we make notches for the eyes, we fix the blind in advance.
  4. Attach the remaining details and flattened decorations.
  5. We remember about the need for a hole where we will overstry the tape in order to hang the toy on the Christmas tree. It's time for a lamb dryed.
  6. When the lambs are ready - deactivate it.
  7. In fact, you can make a completely any animal.

A few more examples on decoration

Unusually and very beautiful will look decorations from beads and beads, so you can safely use and woven toys and balls, it will attract the attention of guests, and overflowing the light in the edges of the bead ... it's worth seeing!

Porponov piglets - Soft and simple version of jewelry that do not require any skills. It can even make a small child if you ask him to help you, besides this is a fun family lesson!

    Do you like to make New Year's decorations with your own hands?

You need to cut two circles from the cardboard with a hole in the center, take a whole ball of thick threads of the color that was at hand or chosen by you. It should be wound through the center, carefully and a lot to completely hid a cardboard. Then you should cut the junctions of the threads along the edge of the circle, and remove the cardboard.

Do not forget to tie the thread, and after to smooth, otherwise the pompon will not work. It remains for small - to draw eyes on paper or cardboard and patch and stick it to the resulting magnificent ball. You can decorate such a pig as you like.

Of the old socks that have long lost their pair, but for some reason it is not thrown, and the cereals can be made very charming little snowmen. Best is suitable for fig. Make such a toy is very simple: fill in a sock of a cereal, and after towering the ribbon, thereby forming the head and torso.

You can decorate it with bows glued from paper or cardboard bucket, bright New Year's cap, eye-butchers, as well as all that wish.

Another very common decoration - sweets on the ribbon. The above has already appeared to the cookie, but if it is used, it is still infrequent, preferring cookies in vases, then lollipops and chocolate candies Distribute for every new year. Take the candy and wrap the beautiful gift paper each to hide the name, thereby add the effect of surprises, and tie to them ribbons.

If there is no wrapping paper, it is allowed to hang sweets just like that, in the candy, but this option is not as interesting and festive, although the same delicious.

Felt toys do it yourself. Felt is considered one of best Materials For needlework, and therefore for our toys. It perfectly gives up cutting and sewing, working with a cloth is simple and convenient, because the fabric is dense, and the edges are not scattered.

The holiday should always be a holiday, this is his essence. The new year is a little special because it requires preparation and planning, purchase or manufacture of jewelry, cooking a lot of food and necessarily collecting the whole family. This holiday allows you to express yourself, remember that there is creative in each.

Making decorations - very important momentHe undoubtedly brings together people who are shaved from a salt dough or cut out snowflakes, or are engaged in any other handicraft. It is a chance to talk, be heard and understood. Home decoration for the new year 2019 can be the starting point for you in many things.

Talk to loved ones, give them warmth, divider in hobbies and look for yourself exactly the pre-holiday business, which is the soul. Jewelements that can be made with your own hands are infinitely a lot - you will definitely find something for yourself.

New Year is the most mysterious and mysterious holiday. Its in our country is celebrated massively. Each family begins to prepare for the celebration of the New Year since the end of November and the first numbers of December. Everyone is thinking about gifts for loved ones, make up a festive menu. The sale of green beauties begins, because without this symbol it is difficult to imagine a holiday. Also, pre-holiday preparation applies to housing: decorated, and then in every home reigns a truly festive atmosphere!

Ideas of accommodation housing

We suggest to consider several all sorts of options for decorating rooms for giving a fairytale housing.

Rustic style room decoration

In the case when you have in the house, you can easily transform it. To do this, you will need a bright tape of the blue color, which you can decorate staircase railing and crossbars, and in the crossbar places to attach candlesticks and christmas decorations. The dull casual staircase will turn into a festive fabulous!

Tip! Not necessarily chop living tree. Showing a little fantasy and prags-spruce, you decorate your home with an original Christmas tree made of garlands, or ordinary wooden boards.

Using natural elements and materials

If you are planned for a romantic celebration of the new year, you can easily create festive composition for decorating tablewith the help of natural natural materials and a candle.

  1. Collect all the candles available in the house, and if they are different in size and diameter, it will not spoil the decor, rather, on the contrary.
  2. Candles place on a metal tray, flames will be blown up in its reflection.
  3. In the intervals between the candles, place nuts, alternating them with small toys for the Christmas tree.
  4. If the color gamut is chosen harmoniously, the decoration will leave an unforgettable impression.

Tip! Also use edible decor, for example, instead of a Christmas tree toy, especially if it is suitable for tone used materials and subjects. It can be a mandarin who will probably have in every home on New Year's Eve.