Installation for pasteurization and cooling of milk. Pasteurization and cooling plants

Automatic pasteurization and cooling plants NORMIT PASTER 3000 and 5000 l / h

Pasteurization installation is mounted on the frame and is supplied ready to operate.

For commissioning, only 1-3 days is required.
Installation is fully manufactured from steel AISI 304/316 and / or higher. Murok performance: 3000-5000 l / h. It is intended for the production of heat-treated dairy products the most gentle manner in order to obtain high-quality products without the destruction of protein, milk sugar and fat molecules.
Fully automated and equipped with flow rate control, installation changes the product consumption depending on the performance of the separator and normalizer.
Temperature sensors of the product and heating water ensure control of the value of the Delta T to prevent protein destruction at various expenditures and pasteurization temperatures.

Installation is equipped with pressure control and temperature, and tap valves according to the latest EU hygiene directives, temperature and events are also being archived.
The control is based on Siemens PLC with a touch panel. Only connecting to water supply lines, steam, electricity, to sewerage, and to the input / output of milk and sip sink is required. Installation is supplied as a complete node, which is shown in the attached technological scheme. All lamellar heat exchangers, pumps and valves of Alfa Laval. Expense sensors, Endress + Hauser production level controls, other sensors - IFM.
General management based on PLC Siemens. Heat exchanger plates - AISI316 stainless steel or

above. Maximum pressure - 10/13 bar.
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mixing an unpasteurized and pasteurized product due to the hard control of differential pressure.
The minimum differential pressure is 0.5 bar. Functions and protective systems comply with EU requirements for hygiene.
The pasteurization unit consists of the following basic elements: 1 pasteurizer with a capacity of 3,000 - 5,000 l / h, including 2 sections of regeneration, 1 section of pasteurization and 1 cooling section.
The output between the regeneration sections 1 and 2 is intended for the separator / buccafuga / homogenizer.

Pasteurization-cooling equipment is used to pasteurize and cool the dairy products. In other words, this installation is necessary for all enterprises that work with this category of goods. In addition, this unit is equipped with an automatic control system and temperature control, which makes it use even more convenient.

Installation Description

To date, there are tubular and lamellar installations. Next, the device of the second type of such devices will be described. So, the lamellar pasteurization-cooling unit consists of such main elements as:

  • plate heat exchanger;
  • the system intended for the preparation of hot water (the composition includes a pump, an injector and a convection type tank).

The main purpose of this system is that it is preheating products to the flow temperature. There is also a pump for the products themselves. Naturally, it is an automatic control system for control and control parameters, then there is also a control panel of this system. It is important to note that the pasteurization-cooling plant is compact enough and is made in a modular style. The only one is a keeper, which is a separate element of the design. Regarding the installation, it can be mounted in any accessible place. As a result, it turns out a convenient system that has everything necessary for automatic functioning, which takes up little space.

Purpose of installation

The pasteurization-cooling plant is designed to perform such actions as:

  • Heated milk product to a temperature of 55-60 degrees Celsius (separation temperature).
  • Heated to a temperature of 75-80 degrees (milk homogenization).
  • Heated to the pasteurization temperature of the dairy product - 90-95 degrees.
  • The equipment also conducts an exposure of goods at its pasteurization temperature for 300 seconds.
  • The last operation is cooling the product to the temperature of the river, that is, up to 20-50 degrees.

Purpose of elements

The plate pasteurization-cooling plant for milk is also capable of working with such liquid products such as beer, juice, wine, drinks, alkali and others. A plate heat exchanger is responsible for heating and cooling this product. All operations are carried out with a closed stream. It is also worth noting that due to the high indicator of thermal efficiency in such heat exchangers, they have compact dimensions. As for the efficiency of the efficiency, then all installations performed on the basis of this model, it is more than 90%. All the details of the pasteurization-cooled installation, which in the process of operation contact with food products, are made of steel allowed for use in the food industry.

The coolant in such systems is either water or brine. The heat carrier can also be water or steam. The device has which consists of plates, beds and pressure plates. All these details are closed with fixing studs.

Technical characteristics of the installation

The pasteurization-cooling plant for milk has a certain number of technical parameters, which varies depending on the model. Next, the PBC-1 product parameters will be described.

The first and most important parameter is, of course, productivity. This equipment is located from 1000 to 10,000 l / h. The following parameter is the temperature of both the coolant and the coolant in the system. The difference between exiting products and these carriers is from 2 to 4 degrees Celsius with multiplicity 1/3. All models also differ in their dimensions, but not too much, and the parameter itself is not very important. The material used for the manufacture of the plate is the steel brand 12x18n10t. The thickness of the plates is 0.6 mm. The maximum temperature for PBC-1 is 150 degrees.

Principle of operation of pasteurization-cooling installation

In the automatic system of the plate-type workflow runs as follows.

In production there is a milk collector, which is connected to the equalizing tank of the device. From the collection to this module, the products come either with the help of a pump or gravity. It is important to ensure that the milk level does not fall lower than 300 ml, otherwise the air seats will begin in the milk pump. After that, the pump pumped products into the first section of the heat exchanger. Here, the milk product is heated, as heat exchange is happening with hot milk, which is followed from the pasteurization site, through the keeper. Here the temperature of the object rises to about 47-50 degrees Celsius, after which the milk is pumped through the cleaner in the second section. Here the product is heated again. The heat exchange occurs with the same pasteurized milk that passed the pre-type heat exchange in the number 1. Section 1. After the completion of this procedure, the milk falls into the pasteurization section, which is considered to be the third. Here, the coolant is already ordinary water. The heat exchange lasts until the dairy product is heated to 76 degrees Celsius.

Further, as described above, pasteurized milk returns through section 1 and 2, where it gives the heat, thereby coolant to 20-25 degrees. After that, the products are pumped into the cooler, where the temperature decreases to 5-8 degrees. Fully chilled milk results in storage tanks. On this, the operation of the pasteurization-cooling plant for milk ends.

Installation of tubular type

The description above concerned the device of a plate type, however, there is also the second - tubular. Such devices consist of a tubular device, two centrifugal pump pumps, a return valve, condensate removal installations, as well as a control panel intended for controlling automatic control and control devices.

Description of the elements of the aggregate

The tubular pasteurization-cooling unit includes in its composition it consists of two cylinders, the upper and lower, which are connected using the pipe system. In ends of these cylinders welded tube lattices, each of which is located 24 pipes with a diameter of 30 mm. Lattices are performed from stainless steel, and also have short channels. All 24 pipes are connected by these channels. As a result, a continuous type coil is obtained with a total length of about 30 m. The cylinders, in turn, are closed with covers that are equipped with rubber seals. This is done not only in order to create a fully sealed design, but also to separate the short channels from each other.

The device contains pairs, which, when entering, enters the space between the cylinders. After it worked, it is excreted from the device in the form of condensate with the help of thermodynamic condensers.

The essence of the work of the aggregate

Milk, which must be heated, moves in turn through the top, and then the lower cylinder. It moves on the in-pipe space. The installation also has a valve that adjusts the steam supply. It is located immediately at the entrance of this substance. At the outlet from the device there is another valve, but already a return type. It works in automatic mode, and its main goal is the return of missed milk on the re-passing of the operation. To perform this function, the mechanism is connected to a thermal sensor through such a device as a temperature controller, which is also located at the outlet of the milk. Since there is a pressure of steam and milk in the device, the unit has several pressure gauges.

It is worth noting that the treatment begins with a lower cylinder, where there are pairs that heats the milk to 50-60 degrees. In the lower part, milk falls under the influence of the first centrifugal pump. For pumping to the top, the second pump is used. In the upper part, pasteurization of the substance is carried out to a temperature of 80-90 degrees Celsius.

Main advantages of installation

This equipment has been widespread, as it is distinguished by a number of significant advantages, important for this industry. First, the device fully complies with thermal modes in both pasteurization and cooling. This preserves the specified performance. Secondly, the execution of the modular type will maximally reduce the dimensions of the device, which makes it compact, and hence, and convenient for accommodation and use.

Milk and dairy products pasteurize in special tanks, tubular pasteurization installations, as well as in plate pasteurization-cooling plants.

First include long-term pasteurization baths and universal baths.

The tubular pasteurization unit (Fig. 5.24) consists of two centrifugal pumps, a tubular apparatus, a return valve, condensate trap and control panel with control and control of the technological process.

Fig. 5.24. Tubular Pasteurization Installation: 1 - Centrifugal pumps

for milk; 2 - condensate; 3, 4 - condensate removal nozzles;

5, 6, 7, 8 - milk pipelines; 9 - return valve; 10 - regulating valve

steam supply; 11 - Safety valves; 12 - steam pipe; 13 -Nometers

for steam; 14 - nozzle for the exit of pasteurized milk; 15 - Manometer

for milk; 16 - control panel; 17 - upper drum; 18 - Lower drum;

19 - Rama

The main element of the installation is a two-cylinder heat exchange unit consisting of upper and lower cylinders interconnected by pipelines. In the ends of the cylinders welded tube lattices, in which 24 mm with a diameter of 30 mm collapsed. Stainless steel pipe grids have energized short channels connecting the sequential ends of pipes, thus forming a continuous coil with a total length of about 30 meters. The end cylinders are closed with rubber seal covers to ensure the tightness of the apparatus and isolating short channels from each other.

Steam is fed into the intercoupled space of each cylinder. The exhaust pairs in the form of condensate is displayed using thermodynamic condensate traps.

Heated milk moves in the in-pipe space, passing the lower and upper cylinder. At the inlet of the steam, the steam supply valve is installed, and at the outlet of the milk from the device - the return valve, with which the misconptasterized milk is automatically sent to repeated pasteurization. The return valve is associated through a temperature controller with a thermal sensor, located also at the outlet of the milk from the machine. Installation is equipped with pressure gauges for monitoring the pressure of steam and milk.

The processed product from the storage tank using the first centrifugal pump is supplied to the lower cylinder of the heat exchange apparatus, where it is heated by steam to a temperature of 50 ... 60 ° C and goes into the upper cylinder. Here it is passerizing at 80 ... 90 ° C.

The second pump is designed to supply milk from the first cylinder into the second. It should be noted that in tubular pasteurization installations the speed of movement of various products of non-etinakov. In the installation for pasteurization of cream, the speed of their movement in the pipes of the heat exchange unit 1.2 m / s. In the process of the heat exchange, the cream is entered into the cylinders of the pasteurizer with the help of one centrifugal pump. The movement rate of milk as a result of the use of two pumps above and is 2.4 m / s.

The advantages of tubular pasteurization plants compared to the plases are significantly smaller and size of sealing gaskets, and disadvantages - large dimensions and high metal consumption; In addition, when cleaning and washing of these installations, free space is required from the ends of the cylinder cylinders of the heat exchanger.

Tubular installations are effective if the subsequent processing process of milk is carried out at a temperature that is slightly different from the pasteurization temperature.

Pasteurization and cooling plants Apply for thermal processing of milk, cream and ice cream mixture. The design of each such installations has its own characteristics that are reflected in the description of the equipment for the production of various dairy products (Fig. 5.25).

Pasteurization-cooling plants operate in short-term pasteurization mode at 75 ... 76 ° C with a heated milk exposure about 20 s in a flow tube withstanding.

Raw milk comes from a tank to the equalization tank, where its permanent level is supported by a float regulator. The pump serves milk through the flow stabilizer to the section of the plate apparatus, along which the milk, heated to 60 ... 62 ° C, goes into one of the centrifugal cleaners. Cleaning milk before pasteurization increases the efficiency of the pasteurizer and is one of the conditions for reliable pasteurization. It protects the plates of the pasteurization section from the premature formation of the prigar, lowering heat transfer and the performance of the device.

Fig. 5.25. OPF-1 installation scheme: 1 - plate apparatus;

2 - Dairy separator; 3 - centrifugal pump; 4 - equalizing tank; 5 - bypass valve; 6 - keeper; 7 - hot water pump;

8 - boiler; 9 - injector; 10 - control panel; I - Section of the first regeneration;

II - Section of the second regeneration; III - the pasteurization section; IV - Water section

cooling; V - brine cooling.

Semi-hermetic purifiers have a glorifying action. They delay and destroy milk foam, so it does not fall into the pasteurization section. Foam contributes to the formation of a prigar and makes it difficult to heal all the particles of milk to the pasteurization temperature. The cleaner has a pressure disc playing the role of a centrifugal pump. Under its action, milk passes through the pasteurization section, in which heats up to 74 ... 76 ° with hot water coming from the boiler. Cooling of pasteurized milk occurs in regenerative, water and brine sections.

In the pasteurization-cooling unit, UI-IK-1, except for the sections of the keeper and a plate heat exchange unit, there is a section of infrared electrical heating. It consists of u-shaped quartz glass tubes with reflectors of anodized aluminum. In section 16 tubes (10 main, 4 regulating heating mode and 2 optional), which spiral spiral from nichrome. Tubes are included in the network in parallel.

Fig. 5.26. Scheme of pasteurization-cooling installation UI-IK-1.

1 - Section of infrared electric heating; 2 - withstanding;

3, 15 - thermometers; 4 - viewing plot; 5, 6 - three-way cranes; 7 - cooling section with ice water (brine); 8 - water cooling section; 9 - Section

regeneration; 10 -Mometer; 11 - plate heat exchanger; 12, 13 - valves; 14 - Introduction valve; 16 - resistance thermometer; 17 - Crane;

18 - equalizing tank; 19 - pump; 20 - a washing tank; 21 - Capacity for the storage of milk.

The kept consists of two sequentially connected stainless steel pipes.

In the plate heat exchange apparatus there are a regeneration section and two cooling sections.

Milk enters the equalization tank and from it the pump is consistently fed into the regeneration section, infrared heating and keeper. After the withsteruer, pasteurized milk passes the regeneration section, transmitting cold milk heat, and the cooling section with water and brine passes consistently.

Plastic pasteurization-cooling plants compared with other types of thermal vehicles have a number of advantages:

· Small working capacity, which allows automatic devices to more accurately monitor the process of the technological process (in the lamellar installation, working capacity is 3 times less than that of the same performance);

· The ability to work is quite effective with minimal heat pressure;

· The minimum heat transfer and the loss of heat and cold (thermal insulation is usually not required);

· Significant savings (80-90%) of heat in the regeneration sections (specific steam consumption in plate installations 2-3 times less than in tubular, and 4-5 times, than in capacitive heat exchangers);

· Small installation area (plate installation occupies about 4 times a smaller surface than the tubular similar performance);

· The ability to change the number of plates in each section, which allows you to adapt the heat exchange device to a specific technological process;

· The possibility of an impact circulation washing of equipment.

The highest technological indicators among domestic installations have modular automated pasteurization and cooling plants with electric heating type "Stream term 500/1000/3000".

The feature of these installations is the high heat regeneration coefficient (0.9), the hot water preparation system with an electric heating and a four-piece plate heat exchanger (two sections of the regeneration, the pasteurization section and the cooling section). In the latter, rubber gaskets are made of patented material and are connected to plates with special clamps, i.e. without the help of glue.

Fig. 5. 14. Technological scheme OKU-3M

1 - heat exchange device; 2 - Pump for hot water; 3 - boiler;

4 - injector; 5 - tubular handler; 6 - control shield;

7 - the valve of the automatic return of the fallen milk;

8 - tank; 9 - milk pump; 10 - intermediate tank;

11 - flow stabilizer; 12 - pump; 13 - section of pasteurization;

14 - Regeneration Section; 15 - water cooling section;

16 - section of brine cooling; 17 - Dairy

Coolingly - the pasteurization unit of the OKU - 3U is intended for centrifugal purification, thin-layer pasteurization of milk in a closed stream and subsequent capture.

Each installation includes: a plate pasteurizer-cooler, an equalization tank with a float, pumps for milk, flow uniform regulator, separators - dairy chucks, an automatic valve for removing the fallen milk, a boiler for heating water, steam injector, a hot water pump, a control panel with keeper and pair and brine pipes with pressure and flow regulators.

The installation sections are distinguished by different layout of the plates, their type and location. The installation has five sections: pasteurization, regeneration (I and II levels), cooling water and cooling with brine. The operation of a plate automated pasteurization-coolant installation is carried out so. Raw milk from the tank is served by a pump in an intermediate tank. The milk level in the tank is supported by a float device. From the tank of milk, the pump 12 is directed through the flow stabilizer 11 into the regeneration section of the plate apparatus, where it is heated with pasteurized milk. The milk goes into alternately working dairy applicants 17. The purified milk under pressure is fed to the pasteurization section of the plate apparatus, in which heats up with hot water to a temperature of 76 ± 2 0 s and then goes to the tubular handler 5 and then to the regeneration section 14. At the pasteurization temperature below the predetermined milk, the automatic valve is returned to the tank 10 for re-thermal processing. At a given pasteurization temperature, milk from the keeper 5 sequentially passes section 15 and 16 of water and brine cooling of the plate apparatus, coolant to 4 ± 2 ° C. Water for the pasteurization section is heated in the injector 4 and is supplied with water pump 2.

Technical specifications:

Performance, l / h 3000

Temperature, 0 s:

Pasteurization 76 ± 2

Chilled milk 4 ± 2

Steam consumption, kg / h 72

Cooling consumption 9000.

Operating pressure 1.5

couple, MPa

Installed power

electric motors, kW 16.5

Overall dimensions, mm:

Length 2015.

Width 700.