New Year's performance based on Andersen's fairy tale. Snow queen in kindergarten

The scenario of the New Year's party in the senior group.

Characters: Leading, Snow Queen, Secretary Vyugovna Icicle, Ded Moroz, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga.

Child: A wonderful day is coming.

New Year is coming to us.

A holiday of laughter and inventions.

A holiday of fairy tales for children!

To the music, children enter the hall, stand around the tree.

Leading: How beautiful it is in our hall

We called our friends,

All the people are having fun

We are meeting.


The song is performed - round dance(under the piano)

Leading: We call the Snow Maiden,

We are really looking forward to our holiday

There is no time to be bored with her mischievous girl

It's a lot of fun to celebrate New Year with her

Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden:

I was born in a Russian fairy tale

From snowflakes, from ice

And magic horses

They brought me here

Hello guys!

Leading: Hello, Snow Maiden! Snegurochka, sing with us the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The guys know the song about the Christmas tree.

(Poem about the Christmas tree)

Round dance song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Leading: The children’s eyes are burning, all guests have come to our garden. The Christmas tree is here, but the question is: where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden: He asked to convey to you,

That will arrive soon on its own

He loads a cart of gifts,

Kind Grandfather Frost.

But we won't get bored

We will continue the holiday.

Dear children, I dressed up for your holiday, came in a fur coat and felt boots, look how beautiful they are, do you have felt boots?

Leading: The Snow Maiden, our girls, were also preparing for the holiday, and decided to wear Russian felt boots for our holiday, look at their perky dance.

Performed dance" Winter "(girls in felt boots)

After the dance, the phone rang at the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: The polar bear calls and the penguins from the North Pole.

Snow Maiden: (picks up the phone) Hello! What! Guys, I was warned that the Snow Queen is rushing towards us. She is very domineering and cunning. Oh, no matter how she ruined our holiday.

Leading: Guys, how can we be, can we call the penguins for help? Snow Maiden: Now penguins will come to us and will not let the Snow Queen freeze our hearts.

The "dance of the penguins" is being performed(boys)

A blizzard is howling, the Snow Queen appears with her secretary, Icicle Blizzard.

The Snow Queen: Long ago legends revived me,

And the children fell in love with Andersen's fairy tale.

I am the Snow, I am the Queen

Snowflakes to the right and to the left

I do not melt, I fly around the world,

I bring cold to my heart

I can't stand the fire of the soul.

And this is my secretary, Vyugovna Icicle. You write down ? (to the secretary).

Icicle Vyugovna nods her head, burying herself in a notebook: Uh-huh, uh-huh.

The Snow Queen: Oh, what lovely girls and boys!

I'll take the kids to my place!

I need to solve the code on the computer-

A great reward will await me.

I read on the Internet that children are smart:

They will guess any codes.

Leading: Your Royal Majesty! Do you know, you, we have a holiday today and we will not give you children!

The Snow Queen: Celebration? What is a holiday?

Snow Maiden and children: It's the new Year! "

Icicle Vgovna repeats and writes, buried in a notebook: New Year.

The Snow Queen: New Year. New Year. What is New Year?

Snow Maiden: Now the guys will tell you.


And the new year is fluffy snow,

Fragrant herringbone.

Songs, dances, jokes.

Games, jokes.

With the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus.

And a whole cart of gifts.

The Snow Queen: Dances, jokes, games, jokes. Okay, let's play! Whoever I touch now will "freeze"!

Playing with music. The Snow Queen first freezes all the children and begins to catch up with the Snow Maiden around the tree, hiding behind the tree. The Snow Maiden quickly takes out her phone and calls Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: Hello! Granddad! Santa Claus! Come to us rather here, we have trouble!

At this time, the Snow Queen slowly leaves from behind the tree, approaches the Snow Maiden and takes the phone from her.

The Snow Queen:Snegurochka, no need to call anyone. Now I will treat you to Coca-Cola. (moves away from the Snow Maiden, takes a bottle of Coca-Cola, pretends to throw something and whisper)

Maggi cube, Chitos chips, a spoonful of calve, a little ketchup. Add water, stir well. Coca-Cola - we got the highest class! Drink, honey, help yourself.

The Snow Maiden is drinking.

The Snow Queen: My dear, dear, dear baby's hands are tired, legs are tired, cute eyes are closing themselves, - a dream brings them good fairy tales! Byu-bye. Well, now I will have a granddaughter ... (rubs her hands, the snow maiden falls asleep)

Icicle Vyugovna (chatters): Your icy majesty, I want to remind you that in 30 minutes we have a press conference in the big hall of the ice palace, we have strange gatherings of joyful children and decorated Christmas trees on the agenda.

Snow Queen: we'll make it in time!

Music sounds, Santa Claus enters

Santa Claus: Here I am. This is how it is.

Not a single tree can do without me.

I guys are an old grandfather, a lot of me guys years.

In December and January, I walk on the ground and grab your nose because I am an angry, famous Santa Claus.

Well, and not evil came to you, even kind and simple!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the guys! Congratulations to all the guests!

Leading: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Santa Claus: Hello my dears, both small and large! What happened to you? What happened?

Leading: Santa Claus, we are in trouble! The Snow Queen froze our children and put the Snow Maiden to sleep!

Santa Claus: So this is what you are, the Snow Queen. Why are you spoiling our holiday for us?

The Snow Queen: Everyone has a holiday today, so I wanted to invite you all to my place in the ice kingdom, I have already prepared Olivier.

Leading: Santa Claus, don't trust her. She wanted to take our clever kids so that she could figure out the code on the computer.

Santa Claus: Oh, what a bad character. And I suppose I read the spell on the Internet. Okay, I can use the Internet too!

Oh, snow, blizzard and blizzard, help the frost, free the guys!

And to wake my granddaughter, we will lead a round dance!

Leading: Children join hands

Around the Christmas trees they twist

Chasing away the evil blizzard

Dispelling sadness and boredom

Inviting jokes, laughter,

A round dance is now for everyone!

Round dance "Icy palms" (rays)

Round dance "Merry Skates" (Fireflies)

The Snow Maiden wakes up, gets up with the children in a round dance.

The Snow Queen: You broke my spell.

Snow Maiden: Hearts of ice and cold looks are out of fashion now!

The Snow Queen: But, I must be ruthless, indifferent - to chill and freeze! Excuse me, excuse me, I won't spoil your holiday anymore. I will take the ice blizzard and go to my kingdom as fun as you celebrate the new year. I'll guess the code later! Happy New Year! goes away

Santa Claus: And now, granddaughter, I think it's time to light this wonderful Christmas tree!

Music sounds and Baba Yaga runs in.

Baba Yaga: Have you forgotten me, beauty? All about the tree, yes about the tree! And what's good about it? All prickly, feisty.

Leading: Baba Yaga, what are you doing here? You are not in our script.

Baba Yaga: Yes, my navigator in a mortar got lost, only here the road shows.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, Baba Yaga will have to present a new navigator for the New Year, otherwise this wonderful old woman will never fly away from here.

Santa Claus (pulls out a new navigator) : Well hold on Yagusya, now you won't get lost.

Baba Yaga: Oh, guys, I'm happy to see you now, I'll sing.

Song of Baba Yaga(dance with Santa Claus.)

Snow Maiden: Fly already, the hut on chicken legs is tired of waiting for you!

Baba Yaga: Thank! Happy New Year! Farewell!

Santa Claus: Now let's light the magic lights on the Christmas tree! One, two, three - burn the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: I ask you not to stand still-

Cheerful dance to dance.

Dances are more fun

Do not regret heels.

The best will receive my prize.

What will it be? Bye, my surprise!

Dance "Heel-sock" (rays)

Round dance "New Year" (Fireflies)

Santa Claus

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit

I'll look at the guys.

Yes, I'll listen to poetry.

Children recite poetry.

1.Let the New Year

we are meeting,

will come in!

It will come true, come true, come!

2. Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the blaze of radiant lights!

It seems that she is more beautiful than all,

All greener and more luxuriant.

3. A girl made of snow or ice.

She always comes to us on New Years.

With grandfather he gives gifts generously,

Leads round dances, sings songs.

We affectionately call her the Snow Maiden.

And on a magical holiday we are really looking forward to visiting.

There is no time to be bored with her mischievous woman.

It's a lot of fun to celebrate the New Year with her.

4. Christmas tree is burning with lights,

Under her shadows are blue

Spiky needles

As if in white frost.

The lights on the tree are bright

Lights up everywhere

In all houses, all over the country

The guys are smiling.

5. White trees,

White houses

Along the paths of white

Winter has come to us.

6. I'm not afraid of frost,

I'll just make friends with him.

I'll get dressed and go

Both on the snow and on the ice.

The frost will come to me

He touches his hands, touches his nose.

So, we must not yawn,

Run, jump and play.

Santa Claus: Oh, pleased grandfather! What skillful children! Guys, I'm too late, I want to play with you.

Game: "Who is faster"

(play with children's skis around the tree)


You brought us snow and winter

Tynam brought a Christmas tree.

And now we ask you-

Where are the gifts. Santa Claus?

Santa Claus:

Ah, I - strut! - a head with a hole!

I ran to you through the forest - and I lost my gifts!

Snow Maiden:

No wonder I am your granddaughter, I am a little sorceress. I have a magic flashlight. (pulls out a pointer flashlight.) This flashlight will show us the way to gifts.

The light goes out. Santa Claus directs the pointer beam to the place where the gifts are hidden. The light comes on. Santa Claus gives gifts to children.

Santa Claus: Where are they? .. One, two, three - look under the tree !!

Yes, here they are, under the tree !!! Thank you granddaughter !!

Gifts are waiting for you, kids,

Both girls and boys!

Presenting gifts, children thank Santa Claus


May the New Year thatwe are meeting,

Happy year to our liveswill come in!

And all the good things we dream about

It will come true, come true, come!

We invite everyone to our wonderful round dance.

Round dance "New Year" ( Rays)

Final song "White Snow" (Fireflies)

We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will part for a whole year,

And in a year the blizzard will start again,

And Santa Claus will come with winter.

Together: Happy New Year!

The host invites everyone to a shared photo.

Children wave their hand and leave the hall.


The Snow Queen
Santa Claus

Ole Lukkoye
Christmas trees
A princess

How good it is when guests come
There is music and laughter everywhere.
We are opening a New Year's holiday,
We invite everyone, everyone, everyone to the Christmas tree.

Children run into the hall and stop around the Christmas tree.

1st child:
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the blaze of radiant lights!
It seems she is more beautiful than everyone
All greener and more luxuriant.

Children walk in a circle looking at the tree.

2nd child:
A fairy tale hides in the green:
The white swan floats
The bunny slides on a sled
Squirrel gnaws nuts.

Only the Christmas tree stands
Doesn't burn with lights.
Clap, clap, say:
"Our Christmas tree, burn!"

Children repeat the words three times. Lights come on on the tree.

3rd child:
Christmas tree in a festive dress
She invited us to visit
You can't stand still
Next to her at this hour.

4th child:
We are not afraid of bad weather,
Mother winter cold.
A blizzard will scream outside the window
But we will not be bored!

5th child:
Let verses and songs sound
Let the childish laughter ring.
Yes, and adults with us together
Having fun is not a sin.

6th child:
Today is wonderful
Will not melt without a trace.
We are merry this holiday
Let's never forget!

7th child:
We gathered here today
We got up together in a round dance.
Brings a lot of joy
Every time we have a New Year!

A round dance song of the choice of the music director is performed.

Children sit on chairs. Decorations for a fairy tale are displayed in front of the tree: chairs, rolls, a book. Music sounds. Ole Lukkoye appears with an umbrella in his hands.

Ole Lukkoye:
I am Ole Lukkoye. I watched the guys for a whole year, saw how they worked, preparing for the holiday. And today I took the most beautiful fairy umbrella.

Twirls the umbrella.

Umbrella, umbrella, turn around
Good tale, begin.

"Magic" music sounds.

Ole Lukkoye:
New Year's Eve comes to us
A whole world of mysterious wonders.
He takes us into a fairy tale,
Into the far kingdom and into the forest.

Only on New Year's Eve can you meet
Talking fairy animals
Dwarfs and wizards notice
Meet the goblin and good fairies.
Already to our doorstep
The wizard has come - New Year!
Do you hear ?! Unknown road
The fairy tale walks with a light step.

Scene one

Herba and Kai are sitting by the tree, examining the book. There are two roses in the pot. The Snow Queen runs in, spins around the hall and knocks over the roses.

Kai (grabs his heart):
Oh, how it pricks here in the chest,
Gerda, Gerda, help.

I will save you, dear.

My dear Kai fell ill,
I'm not crying, ay-ay-ay.

A boy in a hat and scarf appears. The boy turns to Kai and Gerda.

We made a slide yesterday
Snow is spinning above her.
Rather here, kids,
Who wants to ride?

Rather, Gerda, let's hurry
We'll fly off the hill on a sled.

Kai and Gerda put on hats and scarves.
The song "Sani" is being performed. On the final loss, the Snow Queen appears with a "three" of snowflakes imitating a sleigh ride.

Kai and Gerda (together):
Well, a sleigh, like a sleigh,
What a miracle - they race themselves.

The Snow Queen (to Kai):
Well, bolder, Kai, sit down,
Take a ride in my sled.

Kai drives off with the Snow Queen in her sleigh.

Kai, where are you, come back,
My dear friend, answer me!

Gerda runs away behind the tree.

Scene two

How beautiful is the winter forest
Full of mysteries and miracles!
Christmas trees are around
The outfit is removed into the snow.

The Fir-trees dance is performed. After the dance, the girls stop in formation in front of the tree.

Gerda appears.

Oh how cold it is in the forest
Well, where am I going to go?
Here's a penny, I'll rest
And I'll take a little nap.

Gerda sits down on a tree stump and "falls asleep." Fir-trees go to chairs. A Crow comes out from behind the tree.

Girl, who are you, tell me!
Don't cry or tremble.
Dance with me
And then tell me everything.

The dance of Gerda and the Crow is performed.

Thank you, kind Raven, for the affection, kindness.
Now listen to my misfortune.
The Snow Queen, wicked and cold,
Kai contrived to take away.
Friend this New Year's Eve
I must definitely find.
Have you seen where Kai is?

Where to look for it, I know ...
Recently a boy appeared in the kingdom
And he became very friendly with our princess.
Was resourceful, cheerful,
The boy knew everything in the world.
He is not only a good friend,
But he also became our prince.
Don't waste your time
Go to the palace quickly.
Everything will become clear to you there.
Maybe this boy is Kai?

You said he was funny
You said he was smart
He was the same at school
Yes, of course, it's him!

Raven appears and bows to Gerda.

Raven (presents to Crow Gerda):
My bride, courtier Crow Clara!
She will help us enter the palace
And at the hour of the beginning of the festive ball
You will finally see your dear Friend.

Raven, Raven and Gerda go to the tree. Fanfare sounds. Enter the Prince and Princess.

Dear guests! Me and the princess
We invite everyone to the New Year's ball.
Enough for everyone and joy and light,
After all, a merry holiday has gathered us.

A princess:
From different fairy tales you came to the holiday
They brought fun, laughter and jokes with them.

Let the trees light up
For everyone in this world
May they be very happy
Both adults and children.

The courtiers perform the minuet. At the end of the dance, everyone sits on chairs, except for the Prince, Princess, Crow, Crow and Gerda.

Sorry that without permission
We came to this ball,
But doubts must be resolved
So that our prince Gerda can see.

Gerd is looking for his friend,
But nowhere can he find him.

I'm so cold, so tired
Shivering in her bare, chilled legs.
But I didn't find Kai,
After all, the Prince does not look like Kai.

Prince and Princess (together):
Oh, poor thing, oh you, baby!
We will help her a little.

A princess:
Wear a muff, boots and a warmer fur coat.

Harness the horses to the gilded carriage.

Thank you, dear friends, for your shelter,
I won't waste time - it's time for me to go.

The Prince and Princess see Gerda off.

Scene three

In front of the tree, the Robbers of Atamansh appear with a whistle. The song and dance of the Robbers is performed.

Wow, oh you,
How the earth shakes
Gilded carriage
It rushes straight to us.

The robbers run for the tree and bring Gerda.

Give me the girl
I'll play with her.
Don't you dare
To pester her more.
Turns to Gerda.
Don't be afraid, don't tremble
Come on be friends with me.
I have a menagerie
Here is the Deer, the rabbits are countless.

Let your bunnies go
They want to go to their mothers in the forest.

Not!!! Okay, let me go
I don’t want to hear your cry!

Thank you Gerda helped us out
We will dance for this now.

The Zaitsev dance is performed.

I still have a prisoner
He is my favorite!
Here he is torn, uh, bum,
Let him go with you.

I was born in Lapland
I know there all the ways
Snow Queen Castle
I will help you find.

Gerda and the Deer go to the tree.
The scenery of the Snow Queen's castle, the throne are put forward, a mosaic of pieces of ice is laid out on the floor.

Scene four

To the music of the blizzard, the Snow Queen appears, circles the hall, stops at the tree.

The Snow Queen:
The blizzards are violent and evil,
Block Gerda's path!
Storms, icy winds,
Make them turn.

Dance of snowflakes.

Kai sits under the tree, assembling a mosaic of pieces of ice. Gerda appears.

Kai, my dear, what's wrong with you?
I found you, dear.

Gerda kisses Kai - his heart "thaws".

Gerda (to the Snow Queen):
I will melt the heart of ice
And I will teach you to love people.
You won't, Queen, anymore evil.
You will be very kind, that's what!

Gerda kisses the Snow Queen, who is thawing.

Look! The magic is gone
And the New Year's miracle happened,
Love and friendship defeated evil
The evil witch turned into a fairy.

The Snow Queen:
Still managed, Gerda,
You defeat me.
Managed in my heart
Melt all the ice.
Well, well, snow and ice melted in the kingdom.
It was my turn to surprise everyone.
I became kind! And now
I want to give you a gift.
Hey, quickly open up the door!
Long-awaited guest, come to us!

Exit and program of Santa Claus.

New Year's party prep. gr (the tree is on fire, the presenter and the child enter the hall) 2013-2014
Ved .: Happy New Year! And the hosts have guests Happiness to everyone, we wish you well And fine, clear days.
Reb .: Let the music play loudly, Hurry to our elegant hall. Here, guys, we begin Our New Year's carnival!
(children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle)
Reb .: Multi-colored carousel The carnival spun All friends and all acquaintances He invited us to the holiday. Sing, play, dance, joke A rash of colored confetti There is no better carnival You can't find a more beautiful Christmas tree!
Round dance.
(children get up to their chairs, children go out one by one)
1reb .: Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are That you came to us again And in green needles Brought the freshness of the forest! On the branches are your toys And the lanterns are burning Colorful firecrackers Different beads shine! 1

2 children: You are the freshness of the forest dawn I brought a light into our room, Spread the resin needles Sparkling lights lit up!
3 children: Frequent forest, blizzard field The winter holiday is coming to us. So let's put it together:
All: Hello, Hello, New Year!
4 children: Winter brought us a merry holiday, A green tree has come to visit us, The branches are strewn with fluffy snow ... Let's sing a song about winter!
Song about winter.
(children sit in their seats)

Scene "The Snow Queen"

1 child .: White trees, White houses Along the paths of white Winter has come to us.
2 children: I'm not afraid of frost I'll just make friends with him. I'll get dressed and go And on the snow and on the ice. The frost will come to me He touches his hands, touches his nose. So you shouldn't yawn Run, jump and play.
(the light goes out. The Snow Queen flies into the hall to the sound of the wind)
The Snow Queen: In loose snows, In thorny ice, In the ice palace In a blue crown I live, maiden, The Snow Queen.So you are not afraid of the frost? Have fun? I will remind you of myself!Let the cold weather, blizzard and blizzard! Then you will feel what real cold is. And you will not have a holiday. I hid your kind, old Santa Claus in my ice palace. You won't have a New Year without him! Ha ha ha!
(flies away to the whistle of the wind)
Ved .: Guys, what should we do? Whom to call for help? Probably Kaya and Gerda. They already know how to overcome her spell. Kai! Gerda! Where are you?
Kai and Gerda:We are here!
(go to the middle of the hall)3

Gerda: Let's go to the far North, To find my grandfather.
Kai:Just not to get lost And we will not go astray. (Kai and Gerda leave. Girls - Christmas trees come out)
1 herringbone: Green Christmas trees corners The resin is a familiar smell. Christmas trees were playing snowballs - There was snow on the paws.
2 herringbone:Ah, herringbone, Klondike made of snow. Ah, herringbone, Shaggy two inches. Christmas tree dance
(Christmas trees run to places, go to the centerKai and Gerda)
Kai:Where are we going? It seems that we have lost our way. Gerda:Kai, do you hear the music Forest people are in a hurry here!

(animals with musical instruments stand in front of the tree)4

Fox:Here we have a forest school, Bear cubs are brought to us, Squirrels, funny bunnies, Red-haired little foxes. Our teacher is a gray wolf. He knows a lot about music.

Wolf:We are not immediately and not suddenly We develop hearing for children! (raises the baton) Orchestra of the teacher's choice. (Kai and Gerda come out) Gerda:Hey, beasts of the forest, help! Show us the way! Bunny: Although I am small But he is smart. I will show you the way I'm taking you to the North. (bunny, Kai and Gerda walk around the hall, the animals wave to them and return to their places) Gerda:It's snow and cold here, look. How to find a way in the white tundra? Kai:I see sledges flying towards us. Their deer rush across the tundra. 5 Dance "I'll take you to the tundra" Nenets:Reindeer will bring you north! Sit down, children, hurry up! (Kai and Gerda leave on reindeer) Deer: Here is the Queen's domain! Gerda: Thank you, cute deer! (the deer run away. The Snow Queen flies into the hall to the sound of the wind) The Snow Queen:How dare you show up here? I will freeze you with my cold. Only the warmest friendship can defeat me, and your guys quarrel very often. Kai and Gerda: Not true! The Snow Queen:But I’ll take a look now. (invites two teams (two people each) to collect a snowflake or several children to collect a snow pattern) Game "Collect the snow pattern" (puzzles) The Snow Queen: I see you know how to do everything quickly and dexterously. But you cannot defeat me. (waves her magic wand) Hey, ice flakes - snowflakes, Fly, circle, Mark a lot of snow! Snowflakes fly out, whirl. The Snow Queen:Try now to get to Santa Claus. Look how much snow has covered. Kai: And we'll call the gnomes for help. 6 Song of the Dwarfs with Shovels Gerda: And now we will show As guys, we are friendly. Get up on your feet Begin the song! Common song about friendship The Snow Queen:Ah, these friendly guys defeated me again. I'm melting! .. I'm melting! .. (The Snow Queen “melts”, the light starts to flash, goes out, the Snow Queen leaves the hall) (Solemn music sounds. Kai and Gerda take out Santa Claus) Santa Claus: Hello children! Hello guests! Thank you for freeing me And the evil Queen was defeated! Happy New Year, I wish you happiness, joy. Join the round dance! Let's meet the New Year together!

Round dance.
Santa Claus:Guys, has my granddaughter Snegurochka come to see you yet? Somewhere in the forest, she must have gotten lost. I have a magic bell, it will tell her the way to our holiday. (calls) 7 (Snow Maiden enters)

Snow Maiden is dancing or singing

Snegurochka: Hello guys! You recognized me? I came to you from a winter fairy tale. I'm all snow, silver. My friends are blizzard and blizzard I love everyone, good to everyone. It's good with you, but only The lights on the tree are not on. Santa Claus:Let's ask for a Christmas tree. (clap their hands, stomp, blow on the tree - the tree does not light up) Let's say together: “One, two, three! Burn our Christmas tree! (children repeat, the Christmas tree lights up)

Santa Claus:I love to listen to poetry Already prepared ears. Granddaughter, go quickly It's more fun to listen together! 8 Poems for Santa Claus

Santa Claus:Tell me, guys, are you having fun in winter? Reb .: (verse, invites you to dance) General dance (Santa Claus offers to play) Game "Catch the Snowball" (2 teams of three. Each in turn throws a snowball into a bucket of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. The team that throws the most snowballs wins) Santa Claus:Now get up in the circle, I'll play with you and look for the kids. Music game "Seek"

Santa Claus: Oh, tired, it's time to go Goodbye kids. Something is very hot here. Snow Maiden:Grandpa, where are the gifts? Santa Claus:I'll take my magic staff now. One, two, three, come running a bag of gifts! (a bag comes running, Baba Yaga comes out of it, she ate all the candies, there were only candy wrappers left) Santa Claus: Again she took up the old. You only do evil deeds. I'll freeze you now! (knocks three times with his staff) Baba Yaga (shouts): Oh, don't. Oh, I don't want to ... (freezes in a funny pose) 9

Ved.: Santa Claus, and maybe we will regret Baba Yaga, we will believe her. Santa Claus: Well, guys, how can we regret Baba Yaga? Children: Yes! Santa Claus: Okay, I'll unfreeze Babu Yaga and believe her for the last time. One, two, three, wither away! Baba Yaga: Oh, what happened to me? I seem to have grown kinder and want to do only good deeds.

(Baba Yaga decides to give gifts to the children, saying that she has corrected herself and wants to prove it. She brings a suitcase with different rags and begins to offer gifts to the children: 1. To make a self-assembled cloth, albeit full of holes, but sometimes useful. 2. Her own skirt, unfashionable, but fabulous 3. A frying pan to use as a mirror 4. Amanita preserves, etc. Santa Claus criticized all the gifts, forced him to close the suitcase and began to conjure: “Snow, snow, snow. Ice, ice, ice. Miracles on New Year's Eve " Help me with my staff, Turn everything into gifts! Finally, a gift hidden in advance appears in the suitcase. Baba Yaga does not want to give it up, but nothing can be done. Santa Claus gives this gift and the presenters bring in the bag and give gifts to the rest of the children) Distribution of gifts. (Santa Claus says goodbye, the host invites everyone to dance) 10

At the end, they stand around the tree.

How good it is when guests come
There is music and laughter everywhere.
We are opening a New Year's holiday,
We invite everyone, everyone, everyone to the Christmas tree.

1st child:
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the blaze of radiant lights!
It seems she is more beautiful than everyone
All greener and more luxuriant.

2nd child:
A fairy tale hides in the green:
The white swan floats
The bunny slides on a sled
Squirrel gnaws nuts.

Only the Christmas tree stands
Doesn't burn with lights.
Clap, clap, say:
"Our Christmas tree, burn!"

Children repeat the words three times. Lights come on on the tree.

3rd child:
Christmas tree in festive dress
She invited us to visit
You can't stand still
Next to her at this hour.

4th child:
We are not afraid of bad weather,
Mother winter cold.
A blizzard will scream outside the window
But we will not be bored!

5th child:
Let verses and songs sound
Let the childish laughter ring.
Yes, and adults with us
Having fun is not a sin.

6th child:
Today is wonderful
Will not melt without a trace.
We are merry this holiday
Let's never forget!

7th child:
We gathered here today
We got up together in a round dance.
Brings a lot of joy
Every time we have a New Year!

Round dance song "New Year" (the field of performance all sit down)

New Year's Eve comes to us
A whole world of mysterious wonders.
He takes us into a fairy tale,
To the far-off kingdom and to the forest.

Only on New Year's Eve can you meet
Talking fairy animals
Dwarfs and wizards notice
Meet the goblin and good fairies.
Already to our doorstep
The wizard has come - New Year!
Do you hear ?! Unknown road
The tale is walking with a light step.

Song "Winter Forest" (Individual)

Blizzard music sounds. The Snow Queen enters. The light goes out.

Snow Queen: Did I frighten you?

Host: Children, are you scared?

Children: No!

Snow Queen: Very good!

Host: Welcome to our New Year's holiday! Would you like some tea?

Snow Queen: Here's another one! I can't have hot tea. I'm the Snow Queen!

Host: What do you want?

The Snow Queen: I'm dying of boredom in my ice palace and I need a little friend. He will add pieces of ice, and I will give him the whole world.

Host: But we do not have such boys who will fold pieces of ice for you in your ice kingdom.

Snow Queen: Better not make me angry, otherwise I will freeze you all.

(girls of ice-blizzard run out)

I conjure you shards of ice, I conjure you with magical power. Fly away in the wild sound of the wind. Fly over the earth and glare into the eyes, into the hearts of these stupid people. And the one to whom the splinter will pierce the eye, let him see only one bad thing around, and the one to whom the glass cries in the heart, let him become evil and only meet evil in the world. Fly.

(leaves with the girls for the Christmas tree)

Music sounds, Kai, Gerda and Grandma enter the hall.

Kai and Gerda are planting flowers.

Gerda: Kai, let's transplant them into one pot and let them be inseparable.

Kai: Like us.

Gerda: And let them be friends.

Kai: Like us.

Gerda: And let them love each other.

Kai: And let them love each other as we do.

(transplanted roses into one pot and sit on a bench next to grandmother)

Bab: How nice it is to sit by the fireplace in the cold. Look, it's snowing again, and each snowflake looks like a little bee.

Gerda: Grandma, where do the snowflakes come from?

Bab: From the far north and they are all servants of the Snow Queen.

Kai: Is she beautiful?

Bab: She's all made of ice, her eyes sparkle like stars, but not warm in them. Often she flies through the streets and looks through the windows.

Gerda: (scared) And she, the Snow Queen, can burst in here.

Kai: Just let it try, I'll put it in a hot stove and it will melt. (Laughs)

Gerda: Oh, what a blizzard

Kai: Let's see?

Gerda: Come on!

Dance "Snowstorm"

Ky: Oh, a sharp piece of ice stung my eye and heart

G: May I take a look?

K: Nothing, it's all gone. Must have jumped out. Ha ha ha! Look, our roses have become ugly and disgusting!

Gerda: Kai, what are you, these are our favorite roses.

K: Throw them away! (Gerda cries). And if you cry, I'll pull your braid. How tired of you all. (Runs away)

G: Kai, come back, wait!

Dance "Winter"

(children play snowballs, make a snowman, sled)

The music of the blizzard sounds, everyone scatter, the Snow Queen enters.

S.K. Did you want to put me on a hot stove? (takes Kai's hand). You are completely frozen, come to me (kisses). Are you still freezing?

Kai: I'm cold and in pain.

S.K. I won't kiss you anymore. Trust me boy, we will rush with you into an amazing kingdom. Once there, you will forget about everything. The heart will become a cold piece of ice - there will be neither joy nor sorrow in it, but only peace and cold - this is happiness! (Leave)

Gerda: (sitting, crying) Kai, dear, Kai, where are you, answer me !?

Raven: Hello, my name is Karl.

H: Hello.

Q: why are you walking alone so late, you are not afraid?

K: I'm very scared, but I'm looking for Kai, Mr. Karl, maybe you know where Kai is?

Q: Kai is probably a boy.

H: Yes, yes, good, kind, brave.

Q: Kind, brave? Recently we have one such. Appeared and really liked our princess.

K: Kai can't help but like it.

Q: And now she doesn't let him go anywhere. They became inseparable kar-kar friends.

K: Mr. Karl, tell me how can I find him?

Q: It couldn't be easier, I will take you to the palace. Kar-kar!

The crow appears

Q-a: Kar-Kar!

Q: This is my bride - Klarra!

H: Hello.

Q: She serves in the palace. And this is our prince's sister

Q: Hello. You very well got to us, today there is a ball in the palace. Aren't you afraid to sneak into the palace?

H: No, no.

V. Va: Then go ahead!

Dance "Minuet"

Sorry that without permission
We came to this ball,
But doubts must be resolved
So that our prince Gerda can see.

Gerd is looking for his brother,
But nowhere can he find him.

Prince: Girl, why are you crying?

Gerda: I cried because you are not Kai at all.

Prince: Yes, my name is Klaus.

Princess: And me - Elsa.

Gerda: And I am Gerda. I so wanted you to be Kai.

Prince: Oh, are you Gerda? We know your story. Elsa, we have to help the girl.

Princess: I will give Gerda a muff and a golden carriage.

Gerda: Don't need gold.

Princess: Definitely gold.

Prince: Goodbye Gerda, bon voyage!

The Prince and Princess see Gerda off.

The music sounds the robbers enter

Dance "Robbers"

Wow, oh you,
How the earth shakes
Gilded carriage
It rushes straight to us.

The robbers run for the tree and bring Gerda.

Give me the girl
I'll play with her.
And you do not dare to pester her anymore.

Gerda: Let me go, dear robber.

Robber Daughter: You are not going anywhere. We just became friends.

(Gerda is crying.)

The robber daughter: And don't cry. I have a whole menagerie: pigeons, dogs, even a rare reindeer.

Gerda: North? Ask him if he saw Kai?

The Robber Daughter: Okay. Deer! Come here!

The Robber Daughter (asks the Deer): Have you seen the Snow Queen?

Deer: Yes.

Gerda: Was there a boy with her?

Deer: Yes.

Robber Daughter: Tell us how it was.

Deer: I was jumping in the snow, along with other deer, my friends. Suddenly the Snow Queen flies. Large birds carried her sleigh. She talked to the boy and called him Kai.

Gerda: Dear girl, let me go.

Deer: Let go. I'll take her to the Snow Queen's domain. There is my homeland.

Atamansha: Well, okay, ride, Deer, ride, before I change my mind.

Gerda: Goodbye, you have a good heart. Thank!

(The deer and Gerda "ride" around the tree. The light goes out.)

Gerda: Thank you! Goodbye!

(The noise of the wind, blizzards is heard. Deer and Gerda leave. Santa Claus comes out.)

Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, ay!

Snegurochka: I'm here, grandpa!

Santa Claus:
Come on blizzards and blizzards,
Don't spin the carousel!
Don't walk at the gate
New Year is coming!

(The noise of the wind fades, the lights turn on.)

Santa Claus:
Hello! I am very glad that in this hall
Frost still recognized
They did not forget to invite to the tree,
And they dressed up a wonderful tree.
Good holiday - New Year,
Congratulations to all the people!
You for a thousand years - health, happiness, live without troubles!

Child: Grandpa, your holiday is New Year! And we give you a song.

♫ (Children perform the song "Russian Santa Claus", music by A. Varlamov, lyrics by R. Panin.
After the end of the song, Santa Claus approaches Gerda.)

Santa Claus: One girl is sad, sad, not having fun at all. What's the matter?

Gerda: I am Gerda. I am looking for Kai in the Ice Kingdom of the Snow Queen.

Santa Claus: The guys and I will definitely help you, today is the New Year, and on the New Year, the most cherished wishes come true.

(The lights go out and the Snow Queen enters.)

Santa Claus: And here the Snow Queen herself has come to us. Why did you take Kai?

Snow Queen: So that I do not get bored in my ice palace. My Kai! And I won't give it up!

Santa Claus: How can you not give it up? Let's be honest. Give us any task and if we do not complete it, then Kai is yours, and if we do, Kai is ours. Agree?

Snow Queen: Agree.

(Children participate in competition games of the teacher's choice.)

The Snow Queen: You have completed my assignments, but you will never be able to disenchant him.

♫ (The Snow Queen leaves. "Snow Waltz" sounds, music by A. Morsin.
Near the tree, Kai is sorting through the pieces of ice on the floor, Gerda comes up to him.)

Gerda: Kai, dear, it's you!

Ky: Don't bother me. I have to make a word out of pieces of ice.

Gerda: Why?

Kai: The Snow Queen said so.

Gerda: Kai, I've been looking for you for so long, and you didn't even say hello to me.

Santa Claus: Gerda, the Snow Queen enchanted Kai with an icy kiss.

♫ (Gerda kisses Kai, waltz sounds
at the choice of the music director. The light comes on.)

Kai: Gerda! Why are you crying? How cold it is here.

Snow Maiden:
They say on New Year's Eve -
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!

New snow in the new century flew over the beautiful land. For the planet of people, let him bring the desired peace.

May kindness reign, conquering deceit and evil,
On New Years, on New Years, let the Christmas tree give us warmth.

Santa Claus:
Kindness will always help, kindness will melt the ice
Come out all to dance, soon, soon New Year!

♫ (Children lead the New Year's round dance at the choice of the musical director,
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are handing out gifts.)

Santa Claus:
We'll say goodbye to each other
And again we will part for a whole long year.
And a year later - the blizzard will howl again,
And Grandfather Frost will come again.

Snow Maiden:
Just don't forget us at all,
You wait for us - grandpa and I will come.
And again meet us with songs and dances,
And we will bring you the best gifts!

Children enter the hall to the music and face the audience.

Leading: Winter will cover with white snow

Houses, trees and bushes

And then the holiday comes after -

You and I know this.

The holiday is called New Year,

He's no more wonderful in the world,

He is very dear to all of us since childhood,

He gives light to people of happiness!

1st child:He's on a frosty winter night

Knocked at the door.

New Year wants to come to us.

We will meet the guest soon!

2nd child: Hello, New Year's holiday!

The winds sing about you

And cheers today

There are children near the tree.

3rd child:Let's stand in a friendly round dance

Will dance a round dance.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

May the year be good!

4th child: Let him give the guys

Sledges, skis and skates,

And on the New Year tree

Let him light the lights!

New Year's round dance

And again the tale begins.
After all, winter has come to us again.
Everyone dresses with white snow,
And in the caps of the snow houses.

Dimmed light, the Snow Queen enters to the sound of a blizzard. After she has gone in, the light comes on brighter.

The Snow Queen: Hello children! Did I scare you?

Children: Not!

The Snow Queen: Very well! You recognized me? I am the Snow Queen!

Leading: Welcome to our New Year's holiday!

The Snow Queen: Thanks for the invitation, but I don't like the hustle and bustle.

I came to you because I am very bored alone in my ice palace and I need a little friend. He will add pieces of ice, and I will give him the whole world.

Leading: But we do not have such boys who will fold ice for you in your ice kingdom.

The Snow Queen: Better not to make me angry, otherwise I will freeze you all. Threatening music sounds.

(He walks along the children and chooses a boy for himself.)

The Snow Queen: I liked this boy. He's so quiet and calm. It is immediately evident that he has an icy heart.

Leading: You are wrong, Madame Queen. We don't have children with cold hearts.

The Snow Queen: Well, let it be your way. Only I will give him a snowflake as a keepsake.

Gives him a snowflake.

The Snow Queen: Farewell! The lights go out, the Snow Queen leaves.

The light turns on. Kai and Gerda come out to the music for the Christmas tree. Kai admires the snowflake, looks at it through the light, then brings it to the roses.

Kai: Haha ha! Look, our roses have withered!



Gerda:{!LANG-469775e418c1f1ee2153f308540f7284!} {!LANG-8e099ebcff34b31e9158ed7db3d8af0d!}.

Kai:{!LANG-c9c4c86da79ecaffc2b75e4a71093eeb!} {!LANG-bb3f8aac63b839b0fd0feaccdda23e55!}

Gerda:{!LANG-2ed713b245dd2b7f425964a926671ee2!} {!LANG-35b06afe327bdf34f4c393e83ccd70ba!}



The Snow Queen:{!LANG-0eeda54f68db4912ddf2e97b2bd76ad5!}


The Snow Queen:{!LANG-0a85035c32a7aeb87e93d67b4ce3c481!}




Gerda:{!LANG-692e2b0d1188a2f00cb4bbfeaab267bd!} {!LANG-50cbcee9fbd78bd248a26fe3de244304!}{!LANG-19235107c5224e773302145b15ce8cb4!}


























1st child:{!LANG-bf78bc7fc35843fa5589ecf11e8aa668!}

2nd child:{!LANG-acc9fd8600b33ced124966a61764a060!}









A princess:{!LANG-a54f85386c7e6d467a983671906108ee!}



A princess:{!LANG-ddc916d8d68f1b9439039f407179f02b!}



A princess:{!LANG-a253f0209c60fe090dab76c35f58ad9e!}








{!LANG-07de639972d850dcdc2a812feacc58de!}{!LANG-8b8dd6bdc6e82aee77560d8781630e66!} {!LANG-fba01138822cc84fb909f80db1f19536!}



































Rogues:{!LANG-e874b9f9f5bc27ed71ce4149ecdc48de!} {!LANG-c263c50a0c17bf616f86bff548ff7b77!}


























Kai:{!LANG-76ec7724731585f67a22c287d1d90a74!} {!LANG-d3f2686d40dc330b60f52279f8419606!}).


The Snow Queen:{!LANG-c8d665b1abc77e6c1ecb0f391da13eae!}







The Snow Queen:{!LANG-c5512a99ca0f810260de099e43b26e6b!}



































{!LANG-4a4ba1400e846a242a74b07e12d002c9!}.: {!LANG-26f390637a3d95bbff7d3a715b6e27ec!}




{!LANG-93e9dd91b7a6b827a2daed5fc29bbe18!}{!LANG-d846642890d06cd78408a4a5d2b8c01d!} {!LANG-a4113f22d94a4ee416c1f03b6fee803f!}




























{!LANG-3adeb71af734872b0044e1f0ca3b792a!} {!LANG-1d781cafb4ec73a6df75c5ce00468749!}.






Santa Claus:{!LANG-11de260e7f6bd2ceba8d6a2fc857c8f9!}










{!LANG-9cb5625873739e1ab2f64b2e4e342052!}{!LANG-68620f754e43dacd10cdb94e84751351!} : {!LANG-bc45d4ca564a3b27e6f7854c968f5077!}

Santa Claus:{!LANG-b31840e4e7efcc1112399467c5addf0b!}


{!LANG-8e40c1acd9a5b632ce430249dcd4f6a8!} {!LANG-d568bd8d8cfad8c1b7374330fdf988c1!}.

Santa Claus:{!LANG-7b8ef4fe6dd92898f1dfbca204f02426!}




Santa Claus:{!LANG-93af1dd71595221539e82c58f8b1c78e!}




Santa Claus:{!LANG-87f6ae28e3278c3c7a22ebae8a7a4cb0!}




Santa Claus:{!LANG-fdd0c8fc8ff6552effc26e473fb1b5bc!}



Santa Claus:{!LANG-b1d6568b60087d1933b4b15c6d08ac25!}




Santa Claus:{!LANG-11168256edc373665fda072cc4c369cb!}



{!LANG-efdc127ac022952906ca1cfe79e9f19b!} {!LANG-a662fec1ae64790f2f3a3f227aa9d830!}{!LANG-621732b87ef0518110081323886d9bcb!}






Santa Claus:{!LANG-fb016722520c7d5e83cee8bf2d521a09!}














Santa Claus:{!LANG-95f5323cc38ccbbfab38301fd4e4764e!}




Santa Claus:{!LANG-bd6aabdb4e2d6062fc327b9955bf914a!}




Santa Claus:{!LANG-2e0b394f9d68c3625fdbfdac1e503f1f!}




Santa Claus{!LANG-9ce1fa8a8bbe296d6395934e37d84593!} : {!LANG-87f18cbf48b34f46d74b88e76af2a12b!}



Santa Claus:{!LANG-f29fc11301e3905edb3d28cb651da2ce!}









