How to properly paint the lining inside the house with paint. We paint the lining in the country: types of coatings, interesting ideas, technology

An increasing number of homeowners are choosing a natural material - wood when choosing a finishing coating for interior walls. This choice is not surprising, because wood combines many useful properties: environmental friendliness, health benefits, beautiful appearance. Added to these qualities are excellent performance characteristics: low weight, good sound and heat insulation. The simplest and most affordable wood finishing material is considered to be a lining, a thin sheathing panel with a spike-groove connection. Painting the lining inside the house is a necessary stage in the finishing of housing, which allows you to give the interior a complete look and solve several additional tasks.

Lining in the interior: stylish living room of a country house

About the need to process the lining

Many people sincerely believe that the walls, sheathed with wood panels, are beautiful in their natural appearance and do not need additional processing. Knowledgeable people have several well-founded objections to this; they indicate the need to protect cladded walls from the following factors:

    Ultraviolet actions... If sunlight regularly falls on a wall covered with clapboard, over time the wood darkens, and the walls in the room begin to look different.

    Color changes... If the ventilation system in the house is unimportant, the air begins to stagnate. In places of high humidity, microorganisms develop and the wooden lining may turn blue.

    Damage to the structure... In a room with excess moisture in the wood, insect pests can easily start, mold settles; this causes rotting and destruction of the finishing layer.

    Mechanical damage... A layer of paintwork will absorb scratches and bumps and will not spoil the beauty of the walls.

    From the fire... It is considered reasonable and prudent to protect wooden surfaces from the rapid spread of flame.

Unprotected lining is an easy target for destructive factors

Sometimes the owners plan to change the interior. The lining is easy to update - there are dozens of coating options and hundreds of shades that allow you to make familiar rooms unrecognizable.

There is no definite answer to the question of how to paint wooden panels inside a country house. The choice is determined by the goals - whether the owners want only to protect wooden walls, refresh tarnished surfaces or radically change the color. Materials suitable for processing the lining can be conditionally divided into two types: protective and decorative.

Protective compounds

There are many ways to protect a wooden surface from the destructive effects of external factors. Among the means that can protect the panel covering are the following substances:

    Fire retardants... This group of formulations is recommended for use in rooms with wooden walls or coatings. Fire retardant impregnation is not capable of stopping combustion, but it can significantly delay the spread of fire. This time will be enough to leave the premises and call the firefighters, and, perhaps, independently cope with the source of fire.

Painted lining is protected from exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation

Fire retardants practically do not change the appearance of the wooden surface, and during operation they do not emit harmful substances.

    Antiseptics... Drugs with bactericidal properties are used in the fight against biohazards - they are used as a preventive measure, but they are also effective if the fungus infection has already begun. The disadvantage of antiseptic treatment is that it must be repeated periodically, since the compositions tend to evaporate. Recently, complex impregnations have appeared, which not only cope with mold and wood-boring beetles, but also perform the functions of varnish and stain. Such antiseptics "three in one" create a film on the surface, are more expensive, but additionally protect the lining from moisture and give it a spectacular look.

Processing lining with stain

    Linseed oil... It is used both for the manufacture of quick-drying varnishes and varnishes, and as an independent impregnation with valuable qualities. Oil is a natural agent that makes the wall paneling water-repellent and insensitive to microorganisms. Oil penetrates deep into the material without creating a film on the surface and allowing the wood to breathe. A surface impregnated with linseed oil brings out texture more clearly and takes on a light shade. Linseed oil impregnation, although relatively inexpensive, will cost more than stain or varnish.

    Drying oil... There are natural, synthetic and combined drying oils. Every year they are used less and less - not the most attractive set of qualities affects: over time, the surface impregnated with linseed oil turns yellow and becomes sticky.

    Primer... Before using varnish or paint, the wooden surface is treated with a primer. Such a base protects wood from moisture and reduces the consumption of paints and varnishes. The decorative layer is smoother and more attractive in appearance.

The use of a primer improves the quality of the base coat

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of finishing and insulation of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

    Bleaches... A group of products that allow you to get rid of stains of various nature that appear on a wooden surface. Bleach is applied to the problem area and then washed off with water.

    Lucky... The varnish has not only protective, but also decorative functions, which is why it is often chosen for processing walls and ceilings from lining. One of the best options for indoor use is acrylic varnish. Usually it is applied in two layers - the first is transparent, and the second can be tinted. Water-based varnish (aqualac) can create different effects - after its application, the walls become glossy, matte or semi-matte. Aqualak creates a vapor-permeable film on the lining, often with protection from ultraviolet radiation and microorganisms.

    Wax... Wax mixtures are a classic remedy with effective protection. They give wood a semi-matt sheen and are a good alternative to varnishes. Manufacturers offer hard wax (warmed up before work), as well as liquid and water-based (ready-to-use). The wax composition is difficult to distribute evenly, but the preliminary application of the primer makes this process much easier.

Wax-polished lining is always in fashion

Decorative (covering) means

The means that make the color and texture of the wood finish invisible are considered decorative. Sometimes they are used to hide a wooden surface that has darkened with time. Decorative options for painting the lining inside the house are pleasantly diverse; these include the following types of paints and varnishes:

    Oil paint... An old, tried and tested way to protect and refresh a wall is to coat it with oil paint, which creates a dense moisture barrier. The downside is the long drying time of the paint and its pungent smell. Because of this, it is recommended that the work be performed in the warm season, when the walls are dry and the smell disappears as quickly as possible.

    Acrylic (acrylate) paint... In many ways, it is a better quality, easy-to-work material than oil based paint. It does not lose color and shine, creates a waterproof elastic film on the surface, which does not violate its integrity during temperature fluctuations. The paint is easy to use - it dries quickly and wears out.

Lining, covered with acrylic paint, in the interior of the living room

Having stopped your choice on painting the lining inside the house with acrylic paint, it will be correct to use it to decorate the walls in the bedroom and the nursery - it is absolutely harmless. The only thing that spoils the impression of acrylic paint is its high price.

    Acrylic scuba... An eco-friendly product that is gaining popularity can simultaneously decorate and protect walls made of lining. The product has a high degree of protection against microorganisms, does not have an unpleasant odor after drying, when applied, lays down evenly, without traces and streaks. Painting the lining inside the house with acrylic aqualak has its own separate plus - a wide palette of colors that allows you to create an original interior.

    Alkyd varnish... This type of paints and varnishes is used mainly in rooms that need regular wet cleaning (kitchen, hallway, living room). The colored varnish is abrasion resistant, the colorless varnish is also resistant to water. Minus: alkyd varnishes take a long time to dry and are expensive.

    Decorative glaze... It is used as an independent decorative composition. Can be transparent or colored; in both cases, it favorably emphasizes the texture of the wood panels and protects them from moisture.

Video description

On the protection of wood panels in the following video:

    Opaque enamel... It is beneficial to use it if it is necessary to hide defects on the lining; the layer turns out to be dense and solid.

Painting: features and nuances

Having chosen how to paint the wooden lining inside the house, they begin the painting process. In order for the result to be of high quality and to please the owners for many years, the following preparatory work must be performed:

    Stock up on a tool... You will need paint brushes and a tray, your chosen paint material, a roller with replaceable nozzles, a bucket, fine sandpaper and protective gloves.

    Clean the surface... The lining is cleaned of dust, dirt, old coating with a stiff brush or pumice stone, then treated with sandpaper.

    Degrease wood... Treating the surface with an alkaline detergent will improve the adhesion (adhesion) of the paint to the wood.

    Carry out grinding... You can level the surface using pumice stone, sandpaper or a sanding mesh. Defects are pre-filled with putty, the resin is removed with a solvent.

Minimum set for painting wood panels

    Pre-process the lining... A primer is applied, after it dries - an antiseptic impregnation. The process can be accelerated by purchasing a combined composition that combines both funds.

    Paint the walls... After waiting for the primer and antiseptic to dry, start painting. The paint for the lining inside the house is applied in two or three layers. The number of layers depends on the selected material and is indicated in the instructions. It is possible to paint wooden panels with high quality before they are installed on the walls, but this is not always possible (a large awning or canopy is required for the procedure).

Video description

About painting the lining in different colors in the following video:

Some of the subtleties of the workflow will help make the painting better. When processing wood panels, the following points are taken into account:

    Reduce the cost of painting the use of paints and varnishes with a complex action will help. Tinted varnish or oil-wax is more expensive, but the effect of its use will be higher.

    Pre-impregnation lining should be produced from all sides, this will greatly enhance the protective effect.

    When working with oil paint its tendency to discoloration (fading) should be taken into account. So that over time the color change does not catch the eye and does not spoil the interior, it is worth choose darker, more saturated shades.

    It is better not to paint on a hot day., as the coating will dry too quickly and lay down unevenly (stains of different saturation may remain).

    To make the cover work uniform in color, the mixture during operation is necessary stir periodically.

The coating is applied along the fibers of the lining

    To the color of the walls was uniform, the color of the finishing material (paint) can be added to the primer.

    When choosing a paint composition take into account the total costs: not only its cost, but also the recommended number of coats, as well as paint consumption per 1 m².

The choice of color for painting the lining

The clapboard walls are the background for creating the interior of a country house, so the choice of a suitable shade is no less important than the choice of the optimal paint and varnish composition. So that the choice of color for wood panels does not violate the harmony of design, they are guided by the following rules:

    For the walls, choose a shade that is different no more than a few tones from the color of the ceiling and floor. Contrasting transitions will harm the overall style (only if the interior is not sustained in any of the avant-garde styles).

    White color - the classic way to expand the space and make it brighter. It adds elegance to the interior, goes well with other shades and hides surface defects well.

Warm colors are welcome in the bedroom design

    In the design living room and kitchen on walls finished with clapboard, they look best light and warm shades: cream, peach, brown.

    Nursery interior allows the use bright colors (for which high-quality and safe acrylate paints are ideal). AT bedroom walls, sheathed with wood panels, try to cover with varnish in natural shades or calm colors - lilac, beige, honey. For wall decoration cabinet gray-blue or brown-green colors are suitable.


Walls lined with clapboard are an effective and practical way of interior decoration of a country house. For the coating to be durable, careful preliminary preparation of the wood panels is necessary. Qualitatively processed and painted lining will emphasize the interior design and save you from too frequent repairs.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

What and why is the lining painted?

The lining may need to be painted, varnished or other compounds for several reasons, which determine the choice of a particular tool:

  • The tree needs protection, which can be different. For example, for a lining on a balcony, you need to think about enhanced protection against UV rays that cause photoaging (graying of the tree). Some compounds make the lining more fire and moisture resistant, protect from pests.

Pine is often used as a material for interior decoration. If left untreated, the wood may darken over time.

  • It is necessary to preserve the color of the wood and make the drawing more expressive.
  • It is required to change the color of the lining, but at the same time preserve the structure of the wood.
  • The interior of the room does not imply the use of natural wood color.

For painting or other processing of the lining, you can use the following tools:

  • Protective compounds. They can be designed for different purposes. For processing lining on a balcony, especially located on the sunny side, it is better to use a compound for outdoor work. For the ceiling and walls in the room, a tool for interior work is suitable.

Important! When choosing a protective product, carefully study the information on the packaging. Some formulations paint the wood pink and green, which can only be painted over with very dark tint or opaque paint.

  • Stains (compositions for toning). They give the lining a certain shade, while maintaining the woody texture. By applying a different number of layers, you can adjust the color intensity.
  • Lucky. For the lining, scuba diving is best suited - water-based compositions that allow you to maintain the vapor permeability of the material and protect the surface from absorbing dirt. Varnishes can be glossy, matte, semi-matte, contain bactericidal additives and UV filters, color can be added to them to change the shade of wood.
  • Paints. They can have a very different composition, they are intended for complete painting of wood by creating a dense film on the surface.
  • Wax compositions. They can be solid, liquid, water, provide excellent protection, preserve the pronounced structure of the tree.

Important! In order for the wax to lay down evenly, the surface of the lining must first be primed.

  • Special oils. They can be transparent and pigmented, protect wood from dirt and abrasion, emphasize the structure of wood. They do not create a film on the surface, like varnishes, but penetrate into the top layer of wood. Creates a matte finish or a silky shine.

Depending on the purpose of application, these funds can be used both independently and in combination with each other. For example, impregnation and paint can be used to protect and obtain a uniform painted surface.

Choosing paint

If we are talking directly about painting, you will need one of the following types of paint for the lining:

  1. Oil paint. Penetrates deeply, protects against external influences, suitable for painting lining on the balcony. Disadvantages: dries for a long time, fade over time.
  2. Alkyd enamel. A universal paint that creates a dense, usually glossy finish, resistant to external influences and durable. The disadvantage is the poor choice of shades.
  3. Acrylic water-based paint. It is used more often than others, creates a matte, translucent coating. When applied in a thin layer, it preserves the structure of the wood.

Choosing the color of the lining

How to paint the lining, we found out, it's time to decide on the shade of paint. Many room imperfections can be favorably reversed if you play with color a little. Need to expand your space? Choose paint in white or light beige shades. But remember that they are susceptible to quick contamination. A dark tone, on the other hand, will visually reduce the size of the room.

You can not make the ceiling, walls and floor contrasting in color. In the bedroom, it is best to leave natural wood, and to decorate the office, choose a paint of restrained tones.

Painting the lining involves a certain sequence of actions that must be followed.

  1. Cleaning from dirt and dust.
  2. Surface sanding.
  3. Antiseptic and primer application.
  4. Coating the lining with paint or another selected composition.

Ideally, the lining should be painted before it, painting over each plank separately, it is extremely difficult to apply high-quality paint to the ceiling or walls already covered with lining. Painting the finished surface is allowed only when the paint is renewed.

Preparing lining for painting

If the lining is painted for the first time, the front side of the individual planks is sanded to smoothness using a sanding machine or sandpaper attached to the bar.

It is better to take a plastic spatula, unlike metal counterparts, it does not leave scratches on the surface.

  • We apply a layer of drying oil, which will perform a protective function.
  • At the end, a primer is applied. It will protect the lining from temperature extremes (if we are talking about an unheated balcony) and fix the already applied putty, in addition, it allows you to achieve a more even distribution of paint.

We paint according to all the rules

After finishing the surface preparation, it's time to figure out how to paint the lining.

  • Depending on the area, you can use either a brush or a roller.
  • Painting the lining with paint or a pigmented agent involves applying the composition in small portions. You can only wet the brush abundantly when using transparent impregnations and primers.

It is important to mix the paint thoroughly, both before and during painting, so that the color lies evenly.

  • Movements must be made along the boards, applying the composition with strokes, and then rubbing and shading until a uniform coating is obtained.
  • It is better to apply several thin coats than one thick one.
  • When working with opaque paint or varnish, after the first coat has dried, sand the surface again.
  • Do not start painting a second time before the first coat is dry.

In order not to be mistaken with the final result, you can first paint a small section of the board to check what color you get in the end.

Painting with preservation of structure

How to paint the lining to change the color, but retain the pronounced wood pattern? You can use the brushing technique, which in this case involves processing the lining in several stages:

  1. First, a pigmented oil, wax or glaze is applied to the surface.
  2. Then, in a small amount, the selected varnish or paint for the lining is taken, applied along the entire length of the board and gently shaded.
  3. After 10 minutes, use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove most of the oil.

The result of such manipulations will be a bright and expressive wood pattern, emphasized by the pigment remaining in the grooves and recesses. This method is great when using lining in different interiors: country, Provence and many others.

Wooden lining is a beautiful, natural material. It is not surprising that so many users around the world prefer it as a finishing and cladding material.

Environmental friendliness and natural beauty of wood not only decorates the room, but also creates a certain microclimate in it. A lining covered with a dense coating (paint, varnish) allows you to create any decor.

But, the tree has a significant disadvantage that affects the performance of the lining - it is subject to rotting, various damage, and also tends to darken.

This article is intended for those who want to protect and at the same time keep the lining in its natural form. Let's consider step by step how and what is better to cover (soak, process, paint).

I must say that the "take a brush, paint and paint" method is good, precisely because of its simplicity. But how long will wood painted in this way last? Wouldn't it be better to take a more solid and correct approach?

Correct painting of a wooden lining consists of 4 stages:

Stage 1 - preparing the lining for painting

For euro lining, such a stage will be superfluous, since manufacturers are guided by the European standard, which provides for the mandatory primary processing of wood with protective compounds.

Those who have bought a standard domestically produced lining or are dealing with an already painted surface, you must first of all perform the primary processing of the panels.

Preparing a new lining

The preparation of new lamellas includes:

  • sorting... It is known that up to 10% overlap is allowed. That is, the batch of the first grade lining may contain up to 10% of the second grade lamellas. In order not to disturb the surface, they need to be sorted;
  • drying... The purchased lamellas must be dry prior to installation;
  • holding at room temperaturein which it is planned. Naturally, it makes no sense to heat the sauna so that the boards "warm up". But to lie for 2-3 days in the room where they will be installed boards are necessary;
  • removal of defects... Defects in the lining surface include chips, roughness, the appearance of blue, white spots, dead (falling out) knots. On some panels, defects can be left alone. This is due to the fact that in the process of work you will need a short lining. For example, for finishing under a window or above a door. However, in order to start installation on an open surface, the boards need to be cleaned of defects by bleaching (for this purpose, it is recommended to use SenezhNeo or Hoarfrost). You can remove grease stains with the help of demineralization - wiping with a 25% acetone solution. Roughness is removed with sandpaper (emery paper) or a metal brush.

Preparation of the operated (old) lining

Unfortunately, painting a wooden lining is not an action that can be performed once for its entire life. Painting the lining is a process that needs to be repeated periodically.

In the event that it is necessary to paint previously painted, varnished surfaces, it is also necessary to pre-treat the panels.

When you need to paint the lining:

  • peeling of the lower layer of paint;
  • loss of color of lamellas;
  • loss of gloss of paint or varnish;
  • the appearance of a significant defect, for example, the ingress of fat, oil, solvent, other dye, the manifestation of fungi on the surface of the lining;
  • new style, thirst for change and fashion. For example, the existing color of the lining does not fit into the updated interior of the house and other factors.

How to clean the lining of varnish, paint and dirt

There are two ways to remove old paint or varnish from the lining:

  • Mechanical... In this case, the existing coating is removed with a scraper, wire brush or a hot air gun and trowel. To completely remove the paint, you need to treat the boards with a solution of soda (for 1 liter of water - 100 grams of soda). A significant disadvantage of this method is the likelihood of damage to the lamellas with a scraper. Tip: This method is suitable for cleaning the lining from oil paint.
  • Chemical... It involves the use of various synthetic solutions and compounds (removers, softeners), which contribute to the peeling of paint from the base. It should be noted that the chemical method is quite aggressive. It is necessary to work with solutions in a well-ventilated area with the necessary personal protective equipment. After removing the surface layer, the lamellas must be washed with water or rubbed with white spirit.

Painting the lining is a simple task. If you have complete information about all the details of the selection and paint and its application, the process will be as simple as possible.

When painting external wooden walls, the type of finishing material must be taken into account. Lining, imitation timber, wooden siding are one and the same material. These finishing boards differ only in thickness and profile. The same paints will work for all these types of cladding and any suitable technique can be used.

If the wall is erected from a bar or rounded log, a different approach to the choice of paint and the method of its application is required. You need to know about this before deciding how and how to paint the walls of a wooden house.

Do not be afraid that after 2-3 years you will need to renovate or repaint the facade. If you know all the rules and secrets of the staining process, the facing layer will not lose its properties after 10 years. Many manufacturers of paints and varnishes (LKM) give a guarantee for a longer period.

Important points to be aware of

Most homeowners who are not familiar with the nuances of choosing and applying paint complain that the facade loses its attractiveness the next year after painting. The finishing layer begins to peel off and crack. All these troubles can be prevented.

But even among specialists, few know that in order to get an excellent result, you need to change the very approach to painting wood. This job requires as much attention as painting a car. To obtain a durable cladding, you need to perform several steps:

  • carefully prepare the tree;
  • prime the surface;
  • apply as many layers of paint as recommended by the manufacturer.

Let's consider each of these processes in as much detail as possible.

How to properly prepare wood for painting

Drying the lining

Thorough preparation of wood includes several stages. The first of them is high-quality drying of the finishing material. If the lining is damp, the paint will not last more than 1-2 years. The next season, its peeling and fading will become noticeable. The owner may decide that the quality of the paint or the inept hands of the workers are to blame, but in fact the reason is the improper preparation of the wood or ignoring this important stage.

The board must be dry before painting. The admissible degree of humidity is 15-20%. But it is not always possible to achieve such indicators, especially for those facades that are already tiled. Craftsmen recommend using this method: build a canopy over the walls to protect them from rain, and dismantle it after 3-4 weeks. During this time, the tree will lose a sufficient amount of moisture and it will be possible to start finishing work.

There is an opinion that the process of drying wood accelerates the application of a high-quality deep penetration antiseptic. These include Neomid 46 Bio.

Penetrating into the pores, the composition replaces moisture and the process of its evaporation is accelerated. For these purposes, you can use any preservative that protects the tree during the construction period of the house. On average, these compounds act for 6-7 months, after which they spontaneously decompose into biologically safe substances.

How to check the moisture content of the lining

  1. Cut out a 40/40 cm piece of plastic wrap.
  2. With the help of adhesive tape, they attach it to the lining so that there are no gaps.
  3. Leave for 24 hours.
  4. Evaluate the moisture content of the inside of the plastic film.

If the surface of the polyethylene is wet to the touch, it means that the lining is not dry. Such wood must not be painted.

Lining processing

An important point in preparing for painting is sanding the boards. All materials of average quality (grade B and below) need this procedure. Often on such wood you can see "fleecy" areas, irregularities in the profile, height differences in the area of \u200b\u200bknots. All of the above are problem areas, without eliminating which, it is impossible to obtain a high-quality painted surface.

The easiest way is to process the cladding material before it is laid on the walls. In this case, you can use various tools: a milling cutter with a milling cutter of the corresponding profile, angle grinder with an abrasive disc, thickness gauge. However, the use of mechanical processing does not eliminate the need for manual labor. All grooves and protrusions of the profile will have to be sanded with sandpaper.

If the lining is already attached to the facade, a nylon abrasive brush and sander are used to process the wood. The sanding process is not fast, but it will allow you not to think about finishing the facade for 8-10 years.

Prices for popular models of grinders


Wood priming

After the lining gets a flat and smooth surface, the wood must be primed. This process should not be postponed for long. Therefore, it is recommended to decide in advance on the type of primer and purchase the required amount. There is an important point in this matter: it is not recommended to choose the most inexpensive composition. It will not be able to provide high-quality adhesion and will not adequately protect the wood from moisture.

A quality primer is often more expensive than paint. This situation is observed in different lines of products of the Tikurilla company. A competent manufacturer knows that the most important part of painting is priming. It is its quality that determines the durability of the paintwork.

For external work, the following types of primers are suitable:

  • acrylic;
  • based on acrylic and silicone;
  • based on epoxy resins.

Regardless of the chemical composition of the primer, you need to choose those products, the packaging of which indicates that they are intended for facade work. Another important property that you need to pay attention to is the degree of penetration of the solution deep into the wood. On the primer it should be indicated: "deep penetration".

Valtti Pohjuste - Valtti Pohjuste

It is not recommended to use alkyd compounds for facade work. They form a thin film on the surface of materials. It simultaneously protects the lining from pests and mold formation, and prevents moisture from escaping from deep layers of wood. Therefore, the best choice is water-soluble primers, which include acrylic and / or silicone.

When priming and painting the facade, special attention is paid to the southern side of the house. She is more exposed to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, on the north side of the house, the paint fades less and cracks less often.

Prices for wood preservatives

Impregnation for wood

The choice of paint for a wooden facade

Many homeowners make one mistake: they don't read carefully, or don't read at all, what is written on the paint can. This information contains instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer, following which, you can achieve the desired result. But before it comes to them, you need to decide on the type of paint. After that, you can begin to familiarize yourself with the nuances of its application.

It is noticed that oil paints lose their color saturation most quickly. They also crack faster than others. The reason is in the composition of these paintwork materials and their viscosity. The latter property provides a high covering ability, but does not guarantee the quality of the coating. Therefore, oil compositions are rarely used for facade decoration.

The best choice for outdoor use is a fast drying, water-borne acrylate paint. You can pay attention to the products of the Tikurilla company. This manufacturer has a wide range of paintwork materials for facade work. Excellent reviews about Ultra and Pica Techo paints.

"Pica-Techo" acrylate paint

For regions with unstable climatic conditions, characterized by temperature extremes and cold winters, silicone-based facade paints are suitable. These compositions successfully withstand low and high temperatures, have a high degree of moisture resistance, and at the same time remain vapor permeable. Silicone facade paint combines the best properties of acrylate and silicate compounds to form a durable, uniform coating.

Prices for different types of building paints

Building paint

Characteristics of facade paintwork

The lining can be painted with wood stain, tinting impregnations and oils. Wax or varnish is used as a topcoat.

Methods for painting lining

Before choosing a painting method, you need to find out about those rules for performing work, without which it will not be possible to achieve high quality surface finishing. The main point is the timing of the work. The lining is painted no earlier than 3 days after the last rain. During this time, the wood will be able to dry completely.

The air temperature should be positive. The boundaries recommended by manufacturers of paintwork materials - + 5 ° С - + 20 ° С. It is also important to consider the time of day. It is best to start painting at 10-11 am. By this time, the lining will be completely dry from the morning dew.

Lining painting techniques

The easiest way is to paint the lining before installing it on the facade. In this case, you can get an even layer, without smudges. The paint is applied with a brush, roller or spray gun. Since the boards are long enough, the work is done in a spacious room or outdoors. In any case, a little preparation is required.

If you decide to work indoors, you need to provide for the possibility of high-quality ventilation. The floor, furniture and household items are covered with plastic wrap. This is especially important if you plan to use a spray gun. Do not forget about your protection. First of all, you need cotton gloves. If the paint will be sprayed on, wear protective goggles.

Painting the lining with a paint brush

The process of applying paint is easiest if you use a quality paint brush. The best choice is semi-rigid bristles, with a fairly soft and even edge. The choice of tool also depends on the amount of work. Synthetic bristle brushes are more durable.

The staining technique consists of a few simple steps.

Step 1. Open a container with paint and mix the composition thoroughly using any convenient device. A wooden batten of sufficient length can be used.

Step 2. Dip the brush into the paint 1/3 of the bristle length.

Step 4. Squeeze the bristles lightly against the edge of the can.

Step 5. Apply paint to wood with light strokes.

Step 6. Repeat the process until all boards are colored.

Painting lining with a roller

Choose a narrow roller equipped with a medium-pile fur coat. You will need a paint tray, which is also called a "paint bath" or "building ditch".

Step 1... Open the container and mix the paint.

Step 2. Pour paint into a special tray.

Step 3. Immerse the roller in the paint 1/2 of the roller height.

Step 4. The roller is rolled over the corrugated beveled part of the cuvette. Thus, the paint is evenly distributed over the coat and the excess is squeezed out. One set of paint should be enough to paint 1-1.5 m 2 of lining.

step 5. Apply paint by pressing the roller against the wood with even pressure.

Step 6. Distribute the paint so that the surface is painted over with high quality, and there are no smudges on it.

Step 7. The process is repeated.

The lining has a rather complex profile, so the edges of the boards will have to be painted with a brush.

Painting the lining with a spray gun

An airless spray can be used to apply paint. This is the most successful way to carry out finishing work with an already installed facade. The spray method can be used to paint all hard-to-reach areas. But the areas near window and door openings need to be finalized with a paint brush.

Apparatuses such as low pressure spray guns can also be used to apply paint. When working with these tools, it must be taken into account that some of the drops will settle on objects located near the workplace. This is because the paint exit from the nozzle of the apparatus is fan-shaped. Therefore, not all particles reach the façade surface.

Working with a spray gun is more convenient than with a brush and roller. In addition, the dyeing process will be much faster.

Prices for paint sprayers

Spray gun

Video - How to paint a wooden wall so that it will last for 10-15 years?

Wood is an excellent finishing material, but over time, the appearance of the unprotected lining surface deteriorates. In this article, we will consider how the lining is painted so that it retains its qualities for a long time.

Why should the lining be painted?

Proper wall treatment will protect the surface from the appearance of mold, damage by insects, damage to the appearance from exposure to high humidity.

Unpainted wood darkens and loses its attractiveness. With temperature and humidity changes, the tree tends to swell or dry out when exposed to dry air. The surface protection of the lining is made to preserve its appearance for a long time. It is better to initially process the wood, since it will then be difficult or almost impossible to restore the original shade of the untreated material.

Wood coloring agents

There are many paints and mixtures for treating wood surfaces. To determine the best way to paint the lining inside the house, consider the properties of various types of coatings.

Means for processing lining inside the house are divided into two types:

  • to protect against the ingress and reproduction of microorganisms, mold, insects, various atmospheric influences, decay processes;
  • protective and decorative coatings.


  • antiseptics, primers, impregnations;

Protective and decorative:

  • different paints, varnishes, enamels.

Types of protective and decorative paints

You can cover the lining inside the house to give an aesthetic appearance with oil, acrylic, alkyd paint compositions. The better to paint the lining - it is necessary to decide individually, depending on personal preferences.

Oil paints

It is necessary to carry out painting work in dry weather so that it is possible to ventilate the room well.


  • has a service life without loss of gloss up to five years;
  • well protects against moisture;
  • dries up within 24 hours;
  • perfectly absorbed into the surface of the wood;
  • low cost.


  • pungent toxic odor;
  • when staining, it is necessary to protect the respiratory organs with a respirator;
  • the surface covered with oil-based paint does not "breathe", which can lead to cracking of the material;
  • after prolonged use, the surface loses its shine;
  • no other coating is taken on top of the oil paint.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic paint is the most popular for painting lining. It is made from a mixture of water and acrylates.


  • ecological cleanliness;
  • protects the material from moisture;
  • the surface "breathes";
  • short drying time, does not create drips;
  • does not have a pungent odor;
  • the solvents are water and alcohol;
  • frost-resistant;
  • throughout the entire period of use, it retains its original appearance.


  • cheap paints can change color after drying;
  • long duration of the surface treatment process - you need to carefully apply a thin layer, wait until it dries, and only then apply the next one.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd compounds are suitable for covering not only walls, but also floors. It is recommended to apply only to a dry surface, otherwise the coloring composition will go in bubbles and will peel off after drying.


  • low cost;
  • moisture resistance.

Other types of compositions

A transparent decorative glaze can enhance the texture of the wood. To give it any shade, an appropriate pigment is added - color scheme.

To give the lining a noble shine, a wax composition that is absorbed into the wood is used. To fix the layer on top, you can varnish it.

Opaque enamels completely paint over the structure of the material - they are applied in three layers on a dry surface.

How to paint the lining inside the house must be chosen from personal preferences, the desire to preserve the natural color of the wood, to partially or completely repaint it to match the interior of the room.

Decorative varnishes

How to cover the lining inside the room to preserve the structure of the tree? To preserve its magnificent original appearance, the lining is varnished.

There are many types of varnishes:

  • polyurethane varnishes protect the lining from various influences, for example, from yellowing and ultraviolet radiation;
  • acrylic-polyurethane, suitable for rooms located on the sunny side, are not subject to fading, are used in saunas, bathrooms, have excellent water-repellent properties;
  • water-based - environmentally friendly varnishes;
  • alkyd varnishes used for covering floors, walls, resistant to abrasion, used for indoor and outdoor use;
  • restoring varnish with chlorine and oxygen based bleach - it will look beautiful, but the restored appearance of the board surface may partially collapse due to the effect of aggressive bleach;
  • water-based acrylics - they are matte and glossy, used to cover walls indoors, are completely safe for human health, and will not harm allergy sufferers;
  • aqualak is well suited for floor and ceiling covering, it is colorless, strong and durable;
  • lining stains are used on surfaces without defects, discolor wood.

The lining is painted manually or using a spray gun. In order to paint the surface by hand, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • primer, antiseptic, paint or varnish;
  • bucket, tray, molar brush, short-haired roller, fine sandpaper;
  • apron;
  • stairs.

Stages of work:

  1. We clean the lining from dust, dirt, old coating, degrease it with an alkaline detergent solution.
  2. We rub the wood with fine sandpaper.
  3. We cover with a stain for clarification.
  4. We treat it with an antiseptic and a primer to protect it from fungi, mold, insects and to protect it from darkening and the appearance of black spots. The antiseptic penetrates deep into the wood. It is recommended to cover the surface with a transparent primer to emphasize the structure of the wood. To, on the contrary, hide the texture of the wood, while maintaining the relief, you need to use a transparent composition.
  5. It is necessary to process the surface from the inside with paint or varnish in three layers. We apply the next layer only after the inner one is completely dry. The last layer is applied from top to bottom.

When painting, it is necessary to carefully treat the ends of the lining with a primer and topcoat.

How to choose the right coating?

How to cover the lining inside the house so that it fits into the overall design of the room? We select the appropriate color of the coating that matches the interior and furniture in the house.

How to process the lining inside the house so that mold does not start in it? Various antiseptics are used to protect against mold.

How to paint the lining inside the house to visually expand the space? Light colors are suitable, painting in shades of white, milky, peach shades expand the space. Painting in a dark color visually reduces the room.

A few important tips:

  • color shades on the floor, ceiling, walls should be combined, you should not choose contrasting colors;
  • on light walls, dirt is more noticeable;
  • for bedrooms, the color of natural wood is better;
  • strict classic tones are chosen for the walls of the office;
  • a country house with varnished wooden walls will look very natural;
  • in order for the color and gloss of the painted surface to be uniform, it is necessary to mix the paint well;
  • if the walls are painted in the heat, the coating will dry out quickly and may crack;
  • when covering walls with oil paint, it is recommended to use a coating that is darker than desired, since the paint may acquire a lighter shade over time;
  • the lining must be impregnated on both sides;
  • it is not recommended to use drying oil indoors, as it contains toxic substances;
  • before applying the aqualac, the surface of the lining is treated with impregnation, antiseptic, water-repellent, anti-slip solutions;
  • it is recommended to cover the lining with polyurethane varnish, it will emphasize the texture and naturalness of the wood.

What is the best way to cover the lining to prevent rotting and the appearance of fungus?

  • to cover the lining in rooms with high humidity, for protection from fungus and decay processes, it is recommended to use polyurethane-alkyd varnish or antiseptic paint;
  • the lining can be cleaned from the fungus with wood bleach.

It is important to use a good varnish to cover expensive types of lining.

The question of how and how to paint the lining is not relevant in our time, since the choice of materials is great. The lining inside the house in the country can be covered with the most suitable composition for it. The walls are covered with a darker shade than the ceiling.

Most often, coniferous lining is used indoors. To protect the wood from aging, swelling, cracking, mold and changes in appearance, it is covered with an antiseptic, and varnish on top.