Well, Brother One hundred grams of the People's Commissar Souvenir. Original gift for men - Naliva

75 years ago - August 22, 1941 - The State Committee for Defense of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the introduction of vodka for supplying in the current Red Army". So in history, the famous "People's One-Commissars", which left warm memories and ordinary front-line, and generals.

"Vodka is not luxury, but hygiene!"

There is no absolute trident in the war. "I have not tried this potion until the winter of 1942," writes N. Nikulin, who was in the service in the Red Army since November 1941, "until the need forced. Frosty day I fell into a frozen funnel and found my chest in ice water. It was not necessary to change clothes in any place. Save me a foreman. He gave me dry underwear (the gymnaster, the sinel and the pixel, as they dried at the fire), otter me vodka and gave a glass of vodka inside, saying: "Vodka is not luxury, but hygiene! "". In the abundance of such stories, alcohol appears precisely as "salvation", for the narrator know that not for each freezing soldier was at the critical moment "bonfire, dry underwear or a foreman with vodka" 1.

Frontoviki are solidarity in that "vodka in battle, with physical and emotional overvoltage - that medicine from the strongest stress." A.V. Poltsyn, who passed the war by the commander of the rifle platoon and the company as part of the officer's penalty battalion of the 1st Belorussian Front, noted that when issuing alcohol, the combat situation and the physical state of military personnel were taken into account. Remembering the participation of his battalion in the Operations "Bagration", he wrote that in view of the strong overwork and three sleepless nights, who had passed since the beginning of the offensive, the team composition was transferred to the Combat to clarify the fighters, why was not issued by the drug team "weaving" vodka before dinner. "The fact is that even these 100 grams of alcohol could aggravate the physical condition if they are taken on a very empty stomach and with such a degree of fatigue. Therefore, we all issued vodka just before the" Forward "team arrived again. They drank from the circles that were filled out of standard half-liters, issued at the rate of one to 5 people 2.

Who and how much - solved the order

The introduction of alcohol into the daily supply of personnel on the advanced occurred shortly after the start of the war. Resolution of the State Committee of Defense (GKO) of the USSR N 562 "On the introduction of vodka for supplying in the current Red Army" from August 22, 1941 established, starting from September 1, 1941, the issuance of 40-degree vodka in the amount of 100 grams per day per person The Red Army and the superior composition of the first line of the current army (the order of the Defense People's Commissariat (NPO) of the USSR N 0320 dated August 25, 1941). Vodka vacation criteria changed over the war. In 1942-1943 Several orders of the USSR of the USSR GKO and the orders of the NGO of the USSR, governing the more rigid procedure for issuing vodka in the current army and aimed against abuses in its distribution.

Thus, on May 11, 1942, GKo ordered from May 15 to suspend the mass daily issuance of vodka (Order of the USSR N 0373 of May 12, 1942). The daily issuance was preserved only for the servicemen of the front line parts that had success in hostilities, moreover, their norm increased to 200 grams of vodka per person per day. All other operators of the advanced line had the right to 100 grams in revolutionary and nationwide holidays. On November 12, 1942, by the decision of the State Committee of the State Committee of N 2507, 100 grams of vodka per person per day was supposed to be parts leading direct fighting (Order of the USSR N 0883 of November 13, 1942). 50 grams were supposed to be the parts of the reserve, the provision that performs responsible tasks, wounded (as directed by doctors). The issuance of 100 grams of vodka on holidays has retained. In the Transcaucasian front instead of vodka, 200 grams of fastened wine or 300 grams of table wines were ordered. Order of the NGO USSR N 0323 of May 2, 1943 determined the vodka ration of 100 grams per day per person with a serviceman only in those parts of the advanced line, which lead offensive operations. All other servicemen of the current army, the issuance of vodka in the amount of 100 grams was produced only in the days of revolutionary and public holidays 3.

"There are no non-drink here, but no and drunk ..."

In correspondence with homemade servicemen quite often spoke on the use of alcohol use, usually reporting that they are not abused. Senior Lieutenant A.V. Perstein, born in 1923, specially emphasized the parents in the letter, that on the holiday on November 7, "no more than 50 grams drank for appetite (in general, I do not think to get used to drink vodka)" 4. Private V.N. Coglin, born in 1925, wrote Mother, which does not smoke, "A 200 gr." This is another matter. " "Although I often give to the guys, but sometimes it is necessary to drink to raise the spirit. After that, something hot on the veins is running out. After that you do more and you think less. Here it is necessary" 5.

And yet, wives and mothers seriously feared, as if, because of the regular use of alcohol, a harmful habit was evolved. The fighters tried to dissuade them. Politruk D.A. Abaev called his wife: "In relation to drunkenness, your reminders turn into something bad and offensive ... If you can repeat in future letters, I will not write a word. It must be understood that there are no non-drinking, but no drinking, but if there are such , they will be ruined, planting, judge and shoot mercilessly "6.

Quite loosely wrote home about the "Voroshilovsky 100 grams" for the New Year, February 23, May 1 and November 7. In addition, they allocated those special holidays that came with the war. Member of the Stalingrad Battle of Guard Starshina V.V. Syrchatin wrote his wife in 1945: "Dear Sinok! Today, the second February - the day of the defeat of Nechurchura in Stalingrad is our holiday - so today I am a little drunk and in this you will forgive me" 7.

"Drunk I don't even love from afar"

Not all servicemen were drinking and not everyone was loyal to the use of alcohol colleagues. The younger lieutenant adhered to pre-war habits, the company M. Lvovich Politruk, 1917, explained in the letter to a friend: "Maybe I am so configured that I still have not taught me to smoke me, not to drink, nor go to unauthorized abuse in search of" Heart girlfriends. "But if I have some kind of immanent disgust for this, then I am with such glances and die, but not retreat" 8. From the context of the letter of Lvovich, it can be seen that the categoricalness was born from the rejection of some situations with the participation of colleagues who "give a drink 50 gr. Alcohol, they usually arrange a ride" 9. Probably, based on similar experience, Military translator V. Raskin, born in 1920, complained in a letter of familiar: "There are troubles. For example, a prospect to meet on May 1 with vodka. I don't like drunk, but [Perspective] spend a day in one A tent with some full livestock (or a few) for me is simply painful "10.

Especially many complaints about drunkenness and the accompanying promiscuity is addressed to the rear services. Major General P.L. Peter, who in November 1942, was appointed a member of the Military Council of the 44rd of the Army, emphasized in his memoirs that drunkenness ran out of the rear service device, made it unsuitable for work. He confirms this with a concrete example: "I, on the way to the headquarters of the army, had to personally encounter large disorder. I arrived from the Stalingrad Front, where there was a strict discipline in the rear, tightening and a lot of physical and moral forces, unpleasantly struck by rack, criminal Indifference workers to their duties. In the village of Kalinovka, there was one native in the hospital at duty on duty, and the rest of the staff was drunk in the name of the chief of hospital "11.

Alcohol in the Army Wednesday was bought either "mined". You could buy it, for example, in the stores "Voentorga". A.Z. Lebonesev reported that the next birthday of the Red Army (February 23, 1943) was remembered by the admission of champagne from the former warehouses Abrau-Durso in the dining room "Voentorga", and on pre-war prices. The officers took advantage of the opportunity to "eat", as they sold two bottles on each. Many drank this "noble drink" for the first time in life 12. As for the extraction of alcohol, there could be short ingenuity here. According to N. Nikulina, during his stay in the Estonian city of Tartu, when the reserves of alcohol dried, "the craftsmen began to extract alcohol from university drugs, huddled rats, reptiles, solitizers" 13.

"For good and responsible work"

The alcohol often appeared as a remuneration or gifts that were received by military personnel. Commander of the fire platoon V.G. Kulnev recalled how one day he was called in the headquarters of the regiment, where he received his first order - "Red Star". "Vaccinative" Order, Commander Shelf, Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Colonel I.M. Bogushevich brought each awarded a glass of vodka. Culin, until this pore, the alcohol, who did not try and who generated his 100 gram norm between distinguished soldiers and sergeants "as a promotion", was initially confused, but then drank vodka "with Mahu" 14.

DI. Malyshev, who passed the entire War of the driver, reported in his diary, which once was awarded in a similar way for the disassembly and evacuation of the PE-2 aircraft, which was carried out under the enemy's fire in the Grodno area. "It was done by a major work, for which we received all thanks from the commander of the company. In the evening, the captain summoned me and the senior group and brought us down the glasses of vodka, saying:" For a good and responsible work "15.

The servicemen could give alcohol familiar women from the civilian population with which close relationships arose. The Malyshev's diary is mentioned "familiar Marusya-Mosogoner", for the month of connection with which he "drank Motogonki, probably the whole sea." "When Klava came," he writes about "friendship" with another woman, a storage room of a medical warehouse, "he always brought me a gift: a bottle of wine or a bottle of alcohol, or good papiot" 16.

"Cognac Three Buryak"

Most often, the alcohol was mined by exchange operations with the local population or expropriation. The Lebonesey recalled as a real "master of expropriations" of ordinary of the former ZEC, who arrived at the kitchen and especially the foam in the mining of moonshine. "Usually he suggested a trophy blanket or outfit in exchange for a" horinet ", chicken or king of milk. Old women, as always, denied the presence in the house of Moonshon, then he took out a compass from his pocket and became in such a position so that the arrow pointed to the grain bag. Or under the flats, or in the attic, and showed the arrow, saying that "the device will show the truth." The hostess usually pulled the related "potion" and made the exchange, since in any clothes the inhabitants needed so much that they took even the soldier's portions. " In the front medium, the moonshine appeared under the name "Cognac three Buryak" 17.

"Guys, here's a fortress!"

At the final stage of war, the use of alcohol in the army increased, as confirmed by both official documents 18 and personal evidence of participants in events.

The centuries-old history of military battles testifies that the citys taken by the "big blood" in the enemy often surrendered to the commander of the "mercy of the winners", served as a kind of compensation of the human victims incurred. This kind of remuneration included permission to alcohol unimpresses that allowed to remove stress and free themselves from the experience of fear. The fact that the soldiers of the Red Army in a particularly difficult combat situation were expected to have similar compensation from their commanders, says a fragment of the memories of N. Nikulin, where he interprets the text of the leaflets "from Rokossovsky" according to the early spring of 1945 at the Danziga walls: " And yet the resistance of the Germans was strong, our losses, as always, Great and the siege of the city were delayed. One beautiful morning on our heads, as well as Danzig sprinkled from the sky of the leaflets. They said about the following: "I, Marshal Rokossovsky, I order Danzig's garrison to fold the weapons within twenty-four hours. Otherwise, the city will be stormed, and all the responsibility for victims among civilians and destruction will fall on the head of the German command ... "The text of the leaflets was in Russian and German. He was clearly intended for both warring parties. Rokossovsky acted in the best Suvorov traditions : "Guys, here is the fortress! In it wine and women! Take - Goulai three days! And the Turks will answer! "19.

"Seli" Katyusha ", in Russian and Magyarsky"

The joint use of alcohol facilitated the establishment of mutual understanding with the local population. The famous writer Sergey Bajadin recalled that Hungary, "fought against us," was a wary of the attitude, but subsequently it softened. "In the evening we were present in the same house on a drink. Sang" Katyusha ", in Russian and in Magyarsky, and the owners danced" 20.

Countries were remembered, including national drinks: Hungary - Fruit Vodka "Palinka", Czech Republic - "Wonderful" beer, Poland - "Bimber". In memoirs A.V. Poltsna "Bimber" was described as a Polish moonshine, filled on calcium carbide with its burning effect ("Lesnostic"). Poltsyn also told how in one Polish city at dinner, "Live Xendza" was able to learn him with comrades to learn the taste of the real branded Polish vodka "Selection" (selected). In the memoirs of "officer banquets" in the final of the war quite often appeared champagne. Describing the banquet in the headquarters of the army, A.Z. Lebonesev stressed that "only French champagne poured" 21.

Alcohol helped "survive" and the joy of the long-awaited day of victory. "There was not a single sober soldier," says a record from the front-line diary of Captain E.I. Genkin, made on May 9, 1945 in the city of Lobau 22. Recalling the midday of this holiday, when a solemn lunch began for the entire battalion at the local stadium in the suburbs of Berlin, A.V. Pultsyn especially noted that there were not glasses and mugs on the table, and in a peaceful - winery (and where they only scored them?). " "And each speech ends to the toast, and it was considered a good sign every toast to accompany the full charm" 23.

The war is over, people began to return to a peaceful life with her everyday problems, concerns and small joys. And the miracle mined pre-war glasses were forever remained a symbol of the long-awaited victory.

1. Nikulin N.N. Memories of war. St. Petersburg., 2008. P. 177.
2. Pylzin A.V. Pantry strike, or as an officer's finalbat reached Berlin. St. Petersburg, 2003. P. 94, 88, 129.
3. Russian archive. The Great Patriotic War. Orders of the People's Commissar Defense of the USSR June 22, 1941-1942 T. 13 (2-2). From 73, 228, 252-253, 365-366; Orders of the People's Commissar Defense of the USSR 1943-1945. T. 13 (2-3). P. 145.
4. Save my letters ...: Collection of letters and diaries of the Jews of the Great Patriotic War. Vol. 2. M., 2010. P. 251.
5. Archive of the Scientific and Education Center "Holocaust". F. 9. OP. 2. D. 160. L. 10.
6. RGASPI. F. M-33. Op. 1. D. 1454. L. 28-28B.
7. The heroes of patience. Great Patriotic War in sources of personal origin. Sat dock. Krasnodar, 2010. P. 117.
8. Archive of the NPC "Holocaust". F. 9. OP. 2. D. 118. L. 7.
9. Ibid.
10. RGASPI. F. M-33. Op. 1. D. 1400. L. 102.
11. The heroes of patience. P. 228.
12. Lebonesev A.Z., Mukhin Yu.I. Fathers-commanders. M., 2006. P. 142.
13. Nikulin N.N. Decree. cit. Pp. 143.
14. From the soldier to the general. Memories of war. T. 9. M., 2008. P. 207.
15. The memory of the Great Patriotic War in the sociocultural space of modern Russia: materials and research. St. Petersburg., 2008. P. 206-207.
16. Ibid. P. 195, 198, 200.
17. Lebonesev A.Z. Mukhin Yu.I. Decree. cit. P. 162, 180.
18. SENYANKSKAYA E.S. 1941-1945: Front generation. Historical and psychological study. M., 1995. P. 199-201, 210-211.
19. Nikulin N.N. Decree. cit. P. 176.
20. Ragali. F. 2855. OP. 1. D. 38. L. 37B.
21. Lebonesev A.Z., Mukhin Yu.I. Decree. cit. P. 242.
22. Save my letters ... Vol. 1. M., 2007. P. 283.
23. Dustsyn A.V. Decree. cit. Pp. 243.

You can meet many references to the use of alcoholic beverages by soldiers to achieve one or another effect in battle. But where did this habit come from in the Russian army, who approved it and how alcohol affected the combat capability of warriors? And what is the "People's Commissar 100 grams"? It should be understood, because the fact that vodka in the Red Army was from the very beginning - the fact is not subject to doubt.

The history of the emergence of the alcohol norm

It is known that the first alcohol soldiers ordered to give out the emperor then it was called the essence that during the campaigning warriors periodically drank wine, officers, as desired, could replace him with cognac. Depending on the severity of the campaign, this rate could increase or decrease. With this, everything was pretty strictly. So, the internant, which timely did not take care of the supply of part alcohol, could even deprive the heads. It was believed that this undermines the morale of troops.

The tradition picked up by many Russian kings and emperors, while she changed many times and supplemented. For example, wine was issued by the guard parts in the fortresses and cities. At the same time, the injury ranks were obtained three servings per week, unroyed - two. Vodka was diluted in the campaigns, which was pre-diluted with water and shied with breadcrumbs. The officers were made to give tea with Rom. In winter, shot suites and wine were more relevant.

A little different was on the fleet - here the sailor necessarily issued a charm, that is, 125 grams of vodka per day, but for misconduct the sailor was deprived of this opportunity. For merit - on the contrary, they gave a double or triple dose.

How did the "People's Commissaries" appeared

The history of the emergence of an alcohol norm in the Soviet army, which was called "People's 100 grams" originated from the People's Commissar (People's Commissar) of the USSR military and maritime affairs - during the Finnish war, he asked Stalin to resolve the issuance of alcohol troops in order to warming the personnel in Lukey Frost. Indeed, then temperatures on the Karelian Isthmus reached 40 degrees of frost. Also, the People's Commissar argued that this could be raised by the morale of the army. And Stalin agreed. Since 1940, alcohol began to enter the troops. Before the fight, the soldiers drank 100 grams of vodka and drove it with 50 grams of Sala. Tankers then relying doubled norm, and the pilots were generally given a cognac. Since it caused approval among the soldiers, the Norm began to call "Voroshilovskaya". Since the introduction (January 10) to March 1940, the soldiers drank about 10 tons of vodka and about 8 tons of brandy.

In the Great Patriotic War

The official "birthday" of the Narkovsky - June 22, 1941. Then the terrible war came to our land of 1941-1945 - the Great Patriotic War. It was on its first day that Stalin signed an order at number 562, which allowed the issuance to the soldiers of the alcohol to the battle - according to a half pack of vodka per person (fortress - 40 degrees). It concerned those who were directly on the front line. The same thing was supposed to be the pilots performing combat departures, as well as the flight service of airfields and engineers with technicians. Responsible for the fulfillment of the order of the supreme was the drug industry by A. I. Mikoyan. Then for the first time and sounded the name "People's 100 grams". Among the mandatory conditions was the distribution of the beverage of the front commands. The regulation provided for the supply of alcohol in tanks, after that vodka was poured into the bidones or barrels and delivered to the troops. It was, of course, a restriction: no more than 46 tanks per month were allowed to transport. Naturally, in summer, such a need disappeared, and in winter, in the spring and autumn the rule was relevant.

It is possible that the psychological attacks of Germans came to the thought of pumping the vodka: drunk soldiers went to the machine guns in full growth, without being. This produced a strong effect on and so the Soviet troops found in a disadvantage.

Further application of the norm in the troops

In connection with the defeat of the Red Army under Kharkov, adjustments were made to the order now it was decided to issue vodka to differentiate. Since June 1942, the alcohol was planned to be issued only in those parts that succeed in battles with German-fascist invaders. At the same time, the "People's Commissar" the rate should have been increased to 200 grams. But Stalin decided that it is possible to produce vodka only parts leading offensive actions. The rest could see her except for the holidays.

In connection with the battles near Stalingrad, GKO decided to restore the old standard - from now on, 100 grams were issued to everyone who went to the attack on the front line. But there were innovations: the dose also received artilleryrs with mortars, which provided infantry support at the occurrence. A little less than 50 grams - poured with rear service, namely reserves, construction troops and wounded. The Transcaucasian front, for example, used, by virtue of its placement, wine or port (200 and 300 grams, respectively). For the last month of fighting in 1942, a lot was discarded. The West Front, for example, "destroyed" about a million liters of vodka, Transcaucasian - 1.2 million liters of wine, Stalingrad - 407 thousand liters.

Since 1943.

Already in 1943 (April), the norms of issuing alcohol changed again. RESOLUTION OF GKO № 3272 said that the mass extradition of vodka in parts would be discontinued, and the norm would be laid only by those units that lead offensive operations on the advanced. All others received "People's Commissaries" only on holidays. The issuance of alcohol was now on the conscience of the Tips of the fronts or armies. By the way, such troops as NKVD and Railway, as the consumption of alcohol, were very large for the limit.

Many veterans, indulging in memories, said that this rate did not exist everywhere. In some parts, for example, it was issued only on paper, in fact, there was no alcohol distribution. Others, on the contrary, testify that it was practiced, and massively. So the true state of things is not known.

Finally, the issuance of the norm was abolished in connection with the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945. However, Soviet troops were so loved by this kind of norms that the tradition was preserved until the collapse of the USSR. In particular, so did military personnel of the Afghan contingent. Of course, such things were done secretly, as the command would not stroke the head of soldiers for the use of alcohol during hostilities.

I mention about such an alcohol norm in the Red Army, it should also be said that the Wehrmacht, against which she fought, was also not distinguished by a special sobriety. The soldier's composition of the most popular alcohol was a Schnaps, and officers drank champagne, which was supplied from France. Yes, and if you do not take into account alcohol, other substances did not disappear. So, to maintain vigor during hostilities, the soldiers accepted medical preparations - "Pervitin", for example, or "Isofan". The first was called "Penzeroschocolate" - "Tank Chocolate". He was sold openly, while the soldiers often asked their parents to send them "Pervint".

Results and consequences

Why did they give alcohol in the war? On this question, with attentive consideration, you can give dozens of different answers. What of them will be closest to the truth?

As stated in the ruling, alcohol was given in winter in order to warm the frozen fighters. However, any medic confirms that alcohol only creates the visibility of warming, actually the situation does not change.

Also, knowing what an impact has alcohol on the human brain, it can be argued that he was taken to raise the combat spirit. After all, in many situations, when the initiative or the recklessness of the soldiers was needed, they fused the instinct of self-preservation. People's Commissar Vodka effectively suppressed together with the main fears. But she also dulted reflexes, perception, and to participate drunk in battle - not the best idea. That is why many experienced fighters in front of the battle deliberately refused to drink. And, as it turned out later, they came correctly.

Effect of alcohol on psyche and physical condition

Among other things, vodka has an effective impact in the event that the human psyche has undergone heavy loads, as it often happens in war. Many fighters of alcohol saved from strong nervous shocks or even madness. However, it is impossible to confidently say, a positive or negative impact has alcohol in the war on the army.

Yes, vodka, let it possess all the above positive qualities, nevertheless carried harm. One can only imagine the scale of the army's losses, because alcohol intoxication in battle almost always meant faithful death. In addition, it is impossible to release the very fact of the constant use of alcohol, which can cause alcoholism, and in some cases death. Also do not write off with accounts. So "People's 100 grams" have both positive and negative sides.

In the USSR never supported drunkenness. Especially surprisingly, it, let and in a limited form, were practiced in the troops. After all, since 1938, large campaigns against drunkenness in the army were held several times. Many of the highest teams or party ranks passed the investigative cases just on the fact of the excessive use of alcohol. Accordingly, the issuance and drinking was kept under strict control. For drunkenness, in the wrong time could easily be sent to the Standarbat, or even to shoot without trial without trial, especially at such a time as the war of 1941-1945.

Post-war application in the army

In addition to illegal cases, there was still an official alcoholic norm - on a fleet. Combat crews of submarine atomic boats relied on a daily rate of dry wine (also 100 grams). But, as under Stalin, they gave it only during a combat hike.

Reflection of the term in art

For some reason, the "People's 100 grams" was very firmly entrenched in art. Already at that time it was possible to hear songs with reference to the alcohol norm. Yes, and the cinema did not bypassed this phenomenon - in many films you can see how the soldiers tumble over the glass before the fight and with screams "for their homeland! For Stalin!" Go to the offensive.

In conversations about the Great Patriotic War, on a par with tank T-34 and an IL-2 attack aircraft regularly pop up the so-called "People's 100 grams".

Some call the alcohol contentment of the fighters of the Red Army in one of the attributes of the Great Victory, others believe that it has become the cause of the destruction of even one, but several generations of Soviet men.

But how was the case in reality? Where did the notorious "People's 100 grams come from, and what role did they play war?

Chard from Peter the Great

The history of the supply of soldiers alcohol began long before the Bolsheviks. More Peter I. The issuance of the soldiers of the Bread Wine portions was introduced.

The tradition was very sustainable: since the end of the 18th century until 1908, 3 chairs of the "Bread Wine" a week, unfortunate - 2 charmings, were supposed to be built by the lower ranks of the Russian army in wartime. The volume of one charm was 160 grams. In peacetime, vodka was issued to soldiers on holidays, but at least 15 chances per year. Plus, each commander had the right to "pour" his subordinate "to maintain health": as a rule, it was understood by classes and parades in the cold season or in the conditions of bad weather.

A similar situation was in the Russian fleet. With the only difference that they drank there anymore. The Marine Charter of Peter I prescribed a sailor of 4 charm vodka a week, and since 1761, the dose has increased to one charm daily.

Time "Sukho Law"

In the last quarter of the XIX century, the riot raised Russian doctors. In the face of changing the set in the army from the recruit on the universal military service, they found that young people from peasant families, who did not use alcohol at the "Citizer", were returned home with a harmful habit.

The recommendation of the physicians was unambiguous: the issuance of vodka in the army to stop. But the Russian general studies did not agree with this, believing that the dose of vodka is insignificant and cannot lead to severe consequences.

But in 1908, summing up the defeat in the Russian-Japanese war, one of the reasons for which the abuse of alcohol was called among soldiers and officers, the Russian military department decided to stop issuing alcohol in the army. In addition, the sale of strong alcoholic beverages in soldiers buffets was prohibited.

People's Commissar asked for Sugrev

The pause in the relationship of alcohol and the army stretched for 32 years. They remembered vodka in the midst of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939/1940. The Red Army carried heavy losses not only from the actions of Finnish saboteurs, but also from colds, supercooling and frostbite. People's Commissar Defense of the USSR Clement Voroshilov, breaking his head over how to solve the problem, remembered the tradition of "drinking for Sugrev".

In January 1940, Voroshilov rolled to Stalina request to give out to the fighters and the Commanders of the Red Army, 100 grams of vodka and 50 grams of Sala per day due to heavy weather conditions. The leader's proposal approved, and the extradition of the alcohol began. At the same time, the norm for tankers was increased twice, and the pilots were allowed to produce 100 grams of brandy.

It was then that the issued fat got the name "Voroshilovsky Paew", and vodka - "People's Commissar 100 grams". The issuance of alcohol in the RKKK was discontinued along with the end of the fighting.

Front grams

The experience of the Finnish campaign decided to repeat in the summer of 1941. Now instead of frosts, there was a hardest situation on the fronts, when soldiers had to withstand the most powerful onslaught of the German military car.

On August 22, 1941, Joseph Stalin signs the Secret Resolution of the State Defense Committee (GKO):

"No. GKO-562C" On the introduction of vodka for supplying in the existing Red Army. "

To establish, starting from September 1, 1941, the issuance of 40 ° vodka in the amount of 100 grams per day per person of the Red Army and the head of the army of the first line of the army.

Chairman of the State Committee of Defense I. Stalin. "

August 25, 1941 Deputy Commissar Defense General Lieutenant Andrey Chrulev Signs Order No. 0320 "On issuing a serviceman of the advanced line of the active army of vodka 100 grams per day." Along with fighters that fight on advanced, vodka should receive pilots that perform combat missions, as well as the engineering and technical composition of the airfields of the army.

The issuance of 100 grams resumed for everyone who was on the front and led the fighting. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Kapustyansky

The rules of use: who and how much was allowed

Nobody was going to discourage the army. The Soviet leadership for the situation was watchfully carefully and several times during the war returned to this topic.

From June 6, 1942, the new ruling of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Mass issuance of vodka in the Red Army was discontinued. Stalin himself undertakes to the draft resolution, prepared as early as May 11th. Now vodka received only those servicemen who participated in offensive operations. The rest of the vodka relied only on holidays. The number of those who were revolutionary and public solemn days: the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (November 7 and 8), the Day of Constitution (December 5), the Day of the New Year (January 1), the Day of the Red Army (February 23), the Days of the International Holiday Workers ( May 1 and 2), the All-Union Day of Physical Center (July 19), the All-Union Day of Aviation (August 16), the day of the regimental holiday (parting part).

On November 12, 1942, the conditions for issuing alcohol changed again. The issuance of 100 grams resumed for everyone who was on the front and led the fighting. Those who served in the reserve - the divisional and regimental reserves, a buildingbat, who worked under the enemy's fire, as well as wounded (to resolve doctors) - 50 grams of vodka per day were supposed. In the Transcaucasian Front, it was decided instead of 100 grams of vodka to produce 200 grams of port or 300 grams of dry wine.

On April 30, 1943, Resolution of GKO No. 3272 "On the procedure for issuing vodka for the troops of the current army":

"one. To stop from May 3, 1943, the mass daily issuance of vodka personnel of the troops of the current army.

2. The issuance of vodka 100 grams per day per person to produce only those parts of the advanced line, which lead offensive operations, and the definition of how precisely the armies and compounds to produce vodka, assigned to military advice of fronts and individual armies.

3. All the remaining military personnel of the army will issue vodka in the amount of 100 grams per person per day to produce in the days of revolutionary and public holidays. "

This Norma existed until 1945. After the victory over Germany and Militarist Japan, the issuance of alcohol in the Soviet army was discontinued.

In the "privileged" situation, only the crews of nuclear submarines were left, which, during combat trips, alcohol was issued in the form of dry wine in the amount of 100 grams per day.

Good or to harm - no clarity

Among the veterans who have passed the war, the attitude of the Narkomovsky 100 gram is different. Some believed that such a dose really helped to relieve stress and fucked the feeling of fear, others believed that nothing good vodka brought. To drink, by the way, no one forced. The number of those who during the war did not add to the tobacco, nor to vodka, quite significantly.

Hard control and repeated change in the rules for issuing alcohol towards tightening show that the Kremlin did not believe in the success of the "drunk army".

Like the royal generals, the Soviet commander believed that the main problem was not in the "People's 100 grams", but in attempts to some soldiers and officers to achieve "continuing a banquet".

At the beginning of the war, in the period of heavy losses of the Red Army, the servicemen received alcohol to the list of divisions, dividing between alcohol portions, intended for those who died. And in the final phase of war, the headache for the command was the large volumes of the "trophy" alcohol captured by the Germans, as well as a gift alcohol, which was presented with Soviet soldiers with grateful residents of liberated cities and villages.

Alcohol abuse caught ruthlessly: an officer, represented in drunkenness, risked a decrease in the rank, and even at all the end of his career. Another question is that even such strict measures stopped not all. Doctors still can not come together in the opinion of whether the "People's 100 grams" rescued from stress and overloads or formed alcohol addiction.

But with all certainty we can say that stories about "100 grams" as a factor of victory is no more truthful than the claims that the Wehrmacht smashed not Zhukov from Rokossovsky, and "General Moroz".

In the life of a man there is always at least three holidays that belong only to him. First of all, it is February 23, when it is noted.

This holiday appeared almost a hundred years ago, as the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army. On this day, men thank to serve in the army. And it does not matter at all, whether a person served, or he is still to give the duty to his homeland.

The second such holiday is the Victory Day - May 9. Although this holiday is considered nationally, special honors go to veterans of war and just those who served in the army - and this is usually men.

Well, finally, this is a birthday - one of the most personal holidays for every person. In this article we will tell you how to choose and hand one of the most original gifts for men - Nalivaika.

What it is?

Most people have the word Nailivaki causes association only with cheap illegal feathers.

However, in fact, this is a special device designed to make the process of pouring alcoholic beverages cheerful and interactive.

Who to give?

Such a gift can be safely presented to almost anyone. However, since the cost of such a present can hurt the budget, buy this thing better for truly significant people - her husband, brother, better friend, etc.

Such an exclusive surprise will necessarily cause a storm of emotions and will become one of the main sources of entertainment during the holiday. And of course, such a thing can be bought for yourself - if you are a fan of strong drinks.

How to choose?

The simplest models of pillows are ordinary machines with a control panel that pour the desired beverage volume automatically, after pressing the button on the remote control.

Special interactivity such models do not differ, but their presence will significantly simplify the process of floating beverages. There are such nailivaki not too expensive, so you can easily afford them - especially if the gift is bought by exploit.

However, there are more interesting piping options - thematic.

  1. An excellent gift for the Victory Day is pierced in the form of a barrel with the "alcohol", which, according to special buckets, distinguishes the soldiers of the Red Army. The soldier's doll is activated by one press of the console - independently unscrewed the cray, commenting on its actions with funny soldier booms. The set is complemented by small stacks in the form of buckets - especially for those who drink buckets!
  2. Another, no less original option - for those who have always dreamed of a secret agent career. This model also has a doll that pours alcohol from an old radio. All attributes of the real secret agent in place are raincoat, hat, gloves and a mysterious suitcase. When the doll receiver is pressed, turns on the lever on the remote control and pours a stack. From the receiver, the winning music sounds. Instead of music, you can burn your own track or even a congratulatory toast - in the side of the receiver there is a USB connector for a flash drive.
  3. Finally, you can order a cool nailivaki in the form of a director - in this case, you will pour a doll with a mouthpiece and a chairs. This car also plays music and can congratulate the owner.

August 22, 1941 entered the story as the birthday of famous drug addicts. On this day, the Chairman of the State Committee of Defense (GKO) of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin, signed Resolution No. 562 on the daily issuance of the fighters of the Flavor ". We will tell about 5 alcoholic traditions of the Russian army.

Commissar 100 grams

The idea to supply the army not only with projectiles and ports, but also with strong drinks came to the head of the mission of Voroshilov's mission in January 1940. The reason was simple: the Red Army was bogged down in the snow of Finland and frozen. Voroshilov decided to raise the morale of fighters and commanders, issuing 100 grams of vodka per day (cognac pilots). So the drug addicts appeared, or Voroshilovsky, 100 grams.
By July 1941, the position of Soviet troops was catastrophic. In such conditions, decided to take advantage of a potent means again. On July 20, the chief supplier of the USSR Anastas Mikoyan sent a letter to Stalin. In it, he said that the work on issuing vodka troops had already begun. Stalin well understood the importance of this issue. In the project of Mikoyan, he personally made edits. For example, after the words "composition" fitted the "first line troops". This meant that the sovereign orders ordered not to pour.
For the bottling vodka responded personally commanders fronts. Their obligations included to provide "the strictest order in the issuance of vodka so that it is really issued by the current parts, and strictly observe the norm, not allowing abuse."
On November 12, 1942, the GCO established a liberal order of vacation of a hottest. 100 grams now drank everything who was on the front and led the fighting. In addition, the norm extended to artillery and mortar parts supporting the infantry. Not bypassed this time. The regimental and divisional reserves, Stroybat, who worked "under the fire of the opponent", and wounded (to resolve doctors) were allowed to pour 50 grams per day. The Transcaucasian Front was allowed instead of 100 grams of vodka to issue 200 grams of fastened wine or 300 tables. On November 23, 1943, the NKVD troops and railway troops added to the Limit List.

Fleet Charca

Since the sailing fleet in Russia, there was a tradition - to give out the lower ranks during the swim daily charm of vodka (1/100 part of the bucket, 0.123 liters, i.e. 120 grams). At the time when, on sailing ships, abstruct works were especially difficult, especially in storms, alcohol was an exciting tool. During the downtime of the courts, in the dummy Winter Baltic, alcohol saved the sailors from inflammation of light and heavy cold.
The usual charca was given in two receptions - two thirds before lunch, one third before dinner. The process of issuing a charm was furnished on ships with a certain solemnity. Bottham Dudka gave a signal - "To the guilt". The batter endowed the container with vodka and the name was laid out the name of the lower ranks. There was no climb of the charm something. Neptelli received money on the article (for not drinking wine) in the amount of 2 p. 40 cop. per month.
This tradition had opponents and adherents. The latter considered it the established maritime custom, not subject to cancellation. Opponents indicated the negative sides of this phenomenon. In this "charm" and the root of that incorrect drunkenness, which sailors suffer, falling after swimming in the port cities. On the eve of the First World War, when the sailing or paro-sailing vessels in the fleet finally moved to the area of \u200b\u200blegends, the newspapers had an active discussion of advanced naval doctors on the topic of the abolition of the charm. It was proposed to cancel it, retaining money content, but to give it to hand only at the end of the service so that the sailor on returning to the village had 140-150 rubles. (huge money for the conditions of the village of the beginning of the XX century).

Tsarist Charca

Before the revolution in the royal army, the "bread wine" (that is, vodka) was issued not only in the military, but also in peacetime. There was even a statutory team "To Charke". In wartime, he was supposed to let it be released by the Lower ranks on one charm (160 g) three times a week, unfortunately - two charm per week. In peacetime - only on holidays (15 chapters per year) and "at the discretion of the commander to maintain health, in bad weather, after prolonged marches, teachings and parades." And for special merits it was possible to get a double dosage, and the ceremony of "presentation to the charm" was officially, solemnly, before the rank.
Until 1900, there was even an item "about the benefits of the moderate use of vodka" in the army articula. It is not surprising that part of the soldiers in the army pulled into drinks, especially since the vodka was often used as a reward for something. True, it was possible to abandon the charm and get compensation - 6 kopecks.


In Russian literature with the light hand of the poet Denis Davydov (Gusar Lieutenant Colonel), a frivolous image of the hussar as drunks, vocabulars and womanists was established. In the Russian army, the hussar parts belonged to light cavalry, they were armed with no shields and peaks, but sabers and pistols (carbines) and were used for flanking coverages, actions in the rear of the enemy and various raids.
Hussars - especially officers - supported and secured a literary myth with their own actions, enchanting bats, astronomical losses and sophisticated duels. "Drink in Gusarsky" means to open champagne, having chucking the sabers of the neck of the bottle, and then pour the whole hip mixture in a throat (or pour into glasses, fuels).
However, famous hussars in their memoirs do not write about such a way of spending alcohol. Moreover, the champagne hussars could only drink onto the cities, or on maneuvers in the royal village. In battles and campaigns, they preferred vodka. So that they soaked in her hay for their horses - drunk and lost because of this reason, the animal was in trouble on the attack on the peaks of the infantry or machine-gun points, which is a normal horse, even well learned, will not do.


The beings of the "diried" charm is perhaps the most longtime custom of the Russian army. Ancient Russian warriors, going to the campaign, put on the challenge and other means of protection, climbed to the horse. At the same time, the stirrup warrior supported the stirred. At the last minute, the farewell is brought by a stirred charca (bowl, cup) with wine. As a rule, the charm brings his beloved spouse. And after the wine is drunk, the warrior gives her (charm) as strong.